Exhibit 3.40

                            ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION



                                    ARTICLE I

The name of this corporation is Emmis Television License Corporation of Topeka.

                                   ARTICLE II

The purpose of the corporation is to engage in any lawful act or activity for
which a corporation may be organized under the GENERAL CORPORATION LAW of
California other than the banking business, the trust company business or the
practice of a profession permitted to be incorporated by the California
Corporations Code.

                                   ARTICLE III

The name in the State of California of this corporation's initial agent for
service of process is:

            CT Corporation System

                                   ARTICLE IV

This corporation is authorized to issue only one class of shares of stock; and
the total number of shares which this corporation is authorized to issue is One
Thousand (1,000) shares of common stock with no par value each.

                                       /s/ David L. Wills
                                    David L. Wills, Incorporator
                                    Bose McKinney & Evans
                                    2700 First Indiana Plaza
                                    135 North Pennsylvania Street
                                    Indianapolis, Indiana 46204