Exhibit 10(gg)


         This Amended and Restated Employment Agreement ("Agreement") is made as
of the 1st day of February 2001, by and between WMS GAMING INC., a Delaware
corporation, with offices at 800 South Northpoint Blvd., Waukegan, Illinois
60085 (hereinafter called the "Corporation") and SEAMUS MCGILL, an individual
residing at 9921 Laurel Springs, Las Vegas, Nevada 89134 (hereinafter called

                              W I T N E S S E T H:

         WHEREAS, Employee and the Corporation are parties to that certain
Employment Agreement dated as of May 1, 2000 (the "Original Agreement");

         WHEREAS, Employee and the Corporation desire to amend and restate the
Original Agreement in its entirety as hereafter set forth; and

         WHEREAS, the Corporation desires to employ Employee and Employee is
willing to accept such employment on the terms and subject to the conditions
hereinafter set forth;

         NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants hereinafter
set forth, the parties hereto agree that the Original Agreement shall be
superceded and amended and restated in its entirety as follows:

         1. Employment by Corporation. The Corporation hereby agrees to employ
Employee to perform such duties on behalf of the Corporation and its affiliates
as the Chief Executive Officer, President, or such officer as may subsequently
be designated by the Board of Directors of the Corporation ("Management"), may
from time to time determine, including without limitation, duties with respect
to sales and marketing of gaming devices to be manufactured and sold by the
Corporation or by one or more of the other corporations under common control
with the Corporation (its "Affiliates"). The primary assignment of Employee
shall be Vice President - Worldwide Sales.

         2. Employee's Acceptance of Employment. Employee hereby accepts such
employment and agrees that throughout the period of his employment hereunder he
will devote his full time, attention, knowledge and skills, faithfully,
diligently and to the best of his ability, in furtherance of the business of the
Corporation and its Affiliates, he will perform the duties assigned to him
pursuant to Paragraph 1 hereof, subject, at all times, to the direction and
control of Management and he will do such reasonable traveling as may be
required of him in the performance thereof.

         Employee shall at all times be subject to, observe and carry out such
rules, regulations, policies, directions and restrictions as the Corporation
shall from time to time establish. During the period of his employment by the
Corporation, Employee agrees to be bound by the Corporation's Ethics and
Conflicts of Interest Policy and any amendments adopted thereto, a copy of which
Employee hereby acknowledges he has received and read, and Employee agrees that
he shall not, without the prior written approval of Management, directly or
indirectly, accept employment or compensation from or perform services of any
nature for, any business enterprise


other than the Corporation and its Affiliates and such enterprises previously
disclosed to the Corporation in writing.

         3. Term. Employee shall be employed for a term ("Term") of two (2)
years commencing on the date hereof; provided, however, that during Employee's
employment hereunder, such term shall be deemed to be automatically extended
from time to time for an additional two (2) year period such that the term of
Employee's employment shall not be less than two (2) years nor greater than two
(2) years, unless his employment is terminated voluntarily by Employee or by the
Corporation for cause in accordance with Paragraph 6 hereof, in which case such
term shall terminate immediately. If Employee's employment is terminated by the
Corporation other than for cause, Employee shall be entitled to receive as
liquidated damages in consideration of a complete release of any claims against
the Corporation the base salary compensation to which Employee would otherwise
be entitled during the Term, which amounts will be paid in regular payroll
intervals. Each year of the Term is hereafter referred to as an "Employment

         4. Compensation/Benefits.

            4.1 The Corporation will pay to Employee as compensation for his
services hereunder a salary of Two Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($250,000).
Such salary may be increased from time to time as determined by Management and
is to be payable in equal installments no less frequently than semimonthly.

            4.2 Employee shall also be entitled to receive an annual
discretionary bonus in an amount of up to fifty percent (50%) of Employee's then
current base salary. Such bonus shall be within the sole discretion of
Management and will be based upon the extent to which the Corporation and
Employee achieve corporate and personal performance criteria and objectives
established by Management of the Corporation for such fiscal year. Employee may
be included, in the sole discretion of Management, in such other profit sharing,
incentive or other bonus arrangements which may be in effect from time to time.

            4.3 Employee shall be entitled to receive an additional bonus
payment in the amount of $125,000 in the event Employee remains employed by the
Corporation through April 15, 2001. Such payment shall be due Employee on the
date referenced above.

            4.4 Employee shall be entitled to participate during the Term, to
the extent he is eligible under the terms and conditions thereof, in any
pension, retirement, disability, hospitalization, insurance, medical service, or
other employee benefit plan which is generally available to all employees of the
Corporation (including Execu-Care supplemental medical and life insurance
benefits) and which may be in effect from time to time during the period of his
employment. The Corporation shall be under no obligation to institute or
continue the existence of any such employee benefit plan.


         5. Business Expenses. The Corporation shall reimburse Employee for all
authorized expenses reasonably incurred by him in accordance with the
Corporation's "Travel and Entertainment Policy and Procedure" and any amendment
thereof that the Corporation may adopt during his employment.

         6. Termination. In addition to all other rights and remedies which the
parties may have under applicable law, Employee and the Corporation hereby
agree: that the Corporation may terminate this Agreement and the services of
Employee, effective upon the occurrence of any of the following events: (i) a
material failure by Employee to perform his obligations under this Agreement,
provided, however that the financial or sales performance of the Corporation
shall not be a consideration in making such determination; (ii) the death of
Employee or his disability due to physical or mental illness for a period of
three (3) consecutive months; (iii) Employee fails to follow the Corporation's
"Ethics and Conflicts of Interest Policy," and any amendment thereof that the
Corporation may adopt during his employment; or (iv) in the event that Employee
shall act, whether with respect to his employment or otherwise, in a manner
which is in violation of the criminal laws of the United States or any State or
subdivision thereof (excluding minor violations) or which is reasonably likely
to result in the loss of a gaming license held by the Corporation or by any
Affiliate or in such entity's inability to become so licensed.

         7. Non-Competition. In consideration of the Corporation's entering into
this Agreement:

            7.1 Employee agrees that during the Term hereof and, (i) in the
event Employee voluntarily terminates his employment or the Corporation
terminates Employee's employment for cause, prior to the expiration of one (1)
year following such termination of Employee's employment, or (ii) in the event
Employee is terminated for reasons other than for cause, then for such period
(not to exceed one (1) year) as the Corporation continues to pay Employee's base
salary to him, he will not without the Corporation's prior written consent,
directly or indirectly own, manage, operate, join, control, participate in,
perform any services for, invest in, or otherwise be connected with, in any
manner, whether as an officer, director, employee, consultant, partner, investor
or otherwise, any business entity which is engaged in the design, manufacture
and/or sale of any gaming devices or any business entity which is engaged in any
other business in which the Corporation or any of its Affiliates is engaged.
Nothing herein contained shall be deemed to prohibit Employee from investing his
funds in securities of a company if the securities of such company are listed
for trading on a national stock exchange or traded in the over-the-counter
market and Employee's holdings therein represent less than five (5) percent of
the total number of shares or principal amount of other securities of such
company outstanding.

            7.2 Employee agrees that Employee will not, during the Term hereof
or prior to the expiration of one (1) year following the termination of the
Employee's employment for any reason, without the written consent of the
Corporation, directly or indirectly, by action alone or in concert with others,
induce or influence, or seek to induce or influence any person who is engaged by
the Corporation or any of its Affiliates as an employee, agent, independent
contractor or otherwise, to terminate his employment or engagement, nor shall
Employee, directly or indirectly, through any other person, firm or corporation,
employ or engage, or solicit for employment or engagement, or advise or
recommend to any other person or entity that such


person or entity employ or engage or solicit for employment or engagement, any
person or entity employed or engaged by the Corporation.

         8. Confidentiality Agreement.

            8.1 As used herein, the term "Confidential Information" shall mean
the terms of this Employment Agreement and any and all information of the
Corporation and of its Affiliates (for purposes of Paragraphs 8, 9 and 10 of
this Agreement, the Corporation's Affiliates shall be deemed included within the
meaning of "Corporation"), including, but not limited to, all data,
compilations, programs, devices, strategies, or methods concerning or related to
(i) the Corporation's finances, financial condition, results of operations,
employee relations, amounts of compensation paid to officers and employees and
any other data or information relating to the internal affairs of the
Corporation and its operations; (ii) the terms and conditions (including prices)
of sales and offers of sales of the Corporation's products and services; (iii)
the terms, conditions and current status of the Corporation's agreements and
relationship with any customer or supplier; (iv) the customer and supplier lists
and the identities and business preferences of the Corporation's actual and
prospective customers and suppliers or any employee or agent thereof with whom
the Corporation communicates; (v) the trade secrets, manufacturing and operating
techniques, price data, costs, methods, systems, plans, procedures, formulas,
processes, hardware, software, machines, inventions, designs, drawings, artwork,
blueprints, specifications, tools, skills, ideas, and strategic plans possessed,
developed, accumulated or acquired by the Corporation; (vi) any communications
between the Corporation, its officers, directors, shareholders, or employees,
and any attorney retained by the Corporation for any purpose, or any person
retained or employed by such attorney for the purpose of assisting such attorney
in his or her representation of the Corporation; (vii) any other information and
knowledge with respect to all gaming developed or in any stage of development by
the Corporation; (viii) the abilities and specialized training or experience of
others who as employees or consultants of the Corporation during the Employee's
employment have engaged in the design or development of any such products; and
(ix) any other matter or thing, whether or not recorded on any medium, (a) by
which the Corporation derives actual or potential economic value from such
matter or thing being not generally known to other persons or entities who might
obtain economic value from its disclosure or use, or (b) which gives the
Corporation an opportunity to obtain an advantage over its competitors who do
not know or use the same.

            8.2 Employee acknowledges and agrees that the Corporation is engaged
in the highly competitive gaming device business and has expended, or will
expend, significant sums of money and has invested, or will invest, a
substantial amount of time to develop and maintain the secrecy of the
Confidential Information. The Corporation has thus obtained, or will obtain, a
valuable economic asset which has enabled, or will enable, it to develop an
extensive reputation and to establish long-term business relationships with its
suppliers and customers. If such Confidential Information were disclosed to
another person or entity or used for the benefit of anyone other than the
Corporation, the Corporation would suffer irreparable harm, loss and damage.
Accordingly, Employee acknowledges and agrees that, unless the Confidential
Information becomes publicly known through legitimate origins not involving an
act or omission by Employee:


            (i) the Confidential Information is, and at all times hereafter
            shall remain, the sole property of the Corporation;

            (ii) Employee shall use his best efforts and the utmost diligence to
            guard and protect the Confidential Information from disclosure to
            any competitor, customer or supplier of the Corporation or any other
            person, firm, corporation or other entity;

            (iii) unless the Corporation gives Employee prior express written
            permission, during his employment and thereafter, Employee shall not
            use for his own benefit, or divulge to any competitor or customer or
            any other person, firm, corporation, or other entity, any of the
            Confidential Information which Employee may obtain, learn about,
            develop or be entrusted with as a result of Employee's employment by
            the Corporation; and (iv) except in the ordinary course of the
            Corporation's business, Employee shall not seek or accept any
            Confidential Information from any former, present or future employee
            of the Corporation.

            8.3 Employee also acknowledges and agrees that all documentary and
tangible Confidential Information including, without limitation, such
Confidential Information as Employee has committed to memory, is supplied or
made available by the Corporation to the Employee solely to assist him in
performing his services under this Agreement. Employee further agrees that after
his employment with the Corporation is terminated for any reason:

            (i) Employee shall not remove from the property of the Corporation
            and shall immediately return to the Corporation, all documentary or
            tangible Confidential Information in his possession, custody, or
            control and not make or keep any copies, notes, abstracts,
            summaries, tapes or other record of any type of Confidential
            Information; and

            (ii) Employee shall immediately return to the Corporation any and
            all other property of the Corporation in his possession, custody or
            control, including, without limitation, any and all keys, security
            cards, passes, credit cards and marketing literature.

         9. Invention Disclosure. Employee agrees to disclose to the Corporation
promptly and fully all ideas, inventions, discoveries, developments or
improvements ("Inventions") that may be made or conceived by him and all
"Intellectual Material" (as defined below) that may be created or developed by
him (whether such Inventions or "Intellectual Material" are developed solely by
him or jointly with others) either during his employment by the Corporation or
during a period of one (1) year after the termination of his employment with the
Corporation which either (i) in any way is connected with or related to the
actual or contemplated business, work, research or undertakings of the
Corporation or (ii) results from or is suggested by any task, project or work
that he may do for, in connection with, or on behalf of the Corporation.
Employee agrees that such Inventions and "Intellectual Material" shall become
the sole and exclusive property of the Corporation and Employee hereby assigns
to the Corporation all of his rights to any such


Inventions and "Intellectual Material." As used herein, "Intellectual Material"
shall include, but shall not be limited to, ideas, titles, themes, production
ideas, methods of presentation, artistic renderings, sketches, plots, music,
lyrics, dialogue, phrases, slogans, catch words, characters, names and similar
literary, dramatic and musical material, trade names, trademarks and service
marks and all copyrightable expressions in audio visual works, computer
software, electronic circuitry and all mask works for integrated circuits. With
respect to Inventions and Intellectual Material, Employee shall during the
period of his employment hereunder and at any time and from time to time
hereafter (a) execute all documents requested by the Corporation for vesting in
the Corporation the entire right, title and interest in and to the same, (b)
execute all documents requested by the Corporation for filing and prosecuting
such applications for patents, trademarks and/or copyrights as the Corporation,
in its sole discretion, may desire to prosecute, and (c) give the Corporation
all assistance it reasonably requires, including the giving of testimony in any
suit, action or proceeding, in order to obtain, maintain and protect the
Corporation's right therein and thereto. If any such assistance is required
following the termination of Employee's employment with the Corporation, the
Corporation shall reimburse Employee for his lost wages or salary and the
reasonable expenses incurred by him in rendering such assistance. Anything
contained in this paragraph to the contrary notwithstanding, this paragraph does
not apply to an Invention or Intellectual Material for which no equipment,
supplies, facilities, or trade secret information of the Corporation was used
and which was developed entirely on the Employee's own time, unless the
Invention or Intellectual Material relates: (i) to the business of the
Corporation, (ii) to the Corporation's actual or demonstrably anticipated
research or development, or (iii) the Invention or Intellectual Material results
from any work performed by the Employee for the Corporation.

         10. Remedies. Employee acknowledges and agrees that the business of the
Corporation is highly competitive and that the provisions of Paragraphs 7, 8 and
9 are reasonable and necessary for the protection of the Corporation and its
Affiliates and that any violation of such covenants would cause immediate,
immeasurable and irreparable harm, loss and damage to the Corporation not
adequately compensable by a monetary award. Accordingly, the Employee agrees,
without limiting any of the other remedies available to the Corporation, that
any violation of said covenants, or any one of them, may be enjoined or
restrained by any court of competent jurisdiction, and that any temporary
restraining order or emergency, preliminary or final injunctions may be issued
by any court of competent jurisdiction, without notice and without bond. In the
event any proceedings are commenced by the Corporation against Employee for any
actual or threatened violation of any of said covenants and if the Corporation
prevails in such litigation, then, Employee shall be liable to the Corporation
for, and shall pay to the Corporation, all costs and expenses of any kind,
including reasonable attorneys' fees, which the Corporation may incur in
connection with such proceedings.

         11. Change of Control. If at any time during the term of this Agreement
(a) any individuals who presently constitute the Board of Directors of the
Corporation, or who have been recommended for election to the Board of the
Corporation by two-thirds of the Board of the Corporation consisting of
individuals who are either presently on such Board or such recommended
successors cease for any reason to constitute at least a majority of such Board
(such event being hereafter referred to as a "Change of Control"), and (b)
thereafter, the Corporation breaches its obligations to Executive under this
Agreement, and (c) Executive gives written notice to the Corporation within 60
days after such breach of his election to terminate his


employment hereunder, the Corporation shall pay to Executive within 15 days
after Executive's delivery of such notice, as severance pay and liquidated
damages, in lieu of any other rights or remedies which might otherwise be
available to him under this Agreement, and without mitigation of any kind or
amount, whether or not Executive shall seek other employment, a lump sum equal
in amount to the lesser of (i) two times the annual base salary payable to
Executive pursuant to subsection 4.1 of this Agreement, or (ii) the maximum
amount which could be payable to Executive without any portion of such amount
being subject to the excise tax imposed by Section 4999 of the Internal Revenue
Code of 1986, as amended. In addition, in such event all unexpired options to
purchase securities of the Corporation granted to Executive before the Change of
Control shall, if unvested, vest fully on the date of the Change of Control,
notwithstanding any vesting provisions of such options.

         If after a Change in Control Executive remains employed by the
Corporation through the first anniversary of the date of such Change of Control
or in the event Executive's employment is terminated by the Corporation without
cause after such Change in Control, but prior to such anniversary thereof,
Executive shall be entitled to receive a lump sum bonus payment on such
anniversary date equal to the annual base salary payable to Executive pursuant
to subsection 4.1 hereof in addition to any amounts due Employee under Paragraph
3 hereof. The payments provided for this Section 11 shall be paid in full,
without discount to present value.

         12. Entire Agreement. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement
of the parties hereto with respect to the matters set forth herein and no
amendment or modification hereof shall be valid or binding unless made in
writing and signed by both parties hereto.

         13. Notices. Any notice, required, permitted or desired to be given
pursuant to any of the provisions of this Agreement shall be deemed to have been
sufficiently given or served for all purposes if delivered in person or sent by
certified mail, return receipt requested, postage and fees prepaid as follows:

         if to the Corporation at:
             its address set forth above,
             Attention:  Brian R. Gamache, President

         and, if to Employee, at his address set forth above.

         Either of the parties hereto may at any time and from time to time
change the address to which notice shall be sent hereunder by notice to the
other party given as provided herein. The date of the giving of any notice
hereunder shall be the date delivered or if sent by mail, shall be the date of
the posting of the mail.

         14. Non-Assignability. Neither this Agreement nor the right to receive
any payments hereunder may be assigned by Employee. This Agreement shall be
binding upon Employee and inure to the benefit of his heirs, executors and
administrators and be binding upon the Corporation and inure to the benefit of
its successors and assigns.

         15. Choice of Law And Forum. This Agreement shall be governed,
interpreted and construed under the laws of the State of Illinois without regard
to its conflict of law principles.


The parties agree that any dispute or litigation arising in whole or in part
hereunder shall, at the option of the Corporation, be litigated in any state or
Federal court of competent subject matter jurisdiction sitting in Cook County,
Illinois, to the jurisdiction of which and venue in which Employee irrevocably

         16. Waiver. No course of dealing nor any delay on the part of any party
in exercising any rights hereunder shall operate as a waiver of any such rights.
No waiver of any default or breach of this Agreement shall be deemed a
continuing waiver or a waiver of any other breach or default.

         17. Severability. If any provision of this Agreement including any
paragraph, sentence, clause or part thereof, shall be deemed contrary to law or
invalid or unenforceable in any respect by a court of competent jurisdiction,
the remaining provisions of such paragraph, sentence, clause or part thereof
shall not be affected, but shall, subject to the discretion of such court,
remain in full force and effect and any invalid and unenforceable provisions
shall be deemed, without further action on the part of the parties hereto,
modified, amended and limited to the extent necessary to render the same valid
and enforceable.

         18. Survival at Termination. The termination of Employee's employment
hereunder shall not affect his obligations to the Corporation hereunder which by
the nature thereof are intended to survive any such termination including,
without limitation, Employee's obligations under Paragraphs 7, 8 and 9.

         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be
duly executed as of the date first above set forth.

                                        WMS GAMING INC.

                                        By: /s/ Brian R. Gamache
                                              Brian R. Gamache


                                        /s/ Seamus McGill
                                        Seamus McGill
