ANIXTER INTERNATIONAL INC.

                        1998 MID-LEVEL STOCK OPTION PLAN

         1. PURPOSE AND EFFECTIVE DATE. Anixter International Inc. (the
"Company") has established this 1998 Mid-Level Stock Option Plan (the "Plan") to
facilitate the retention and continued motivation of key mid-level employees and
to align more closely their interests with those of the Company and its
stockholders. The effective date of the Plan shall be February 18, 1998.

         2. ADMINISTRATION. The Plan shall be administered by the Board of
Directors, or the Compensation Committee of the Company's Board of Directors or
such other Board committee as the Board may designate (the "Committee"). The
Committee has the authority and responsibility for the interpretation,
administration and application of the provisions of the Plan, and the
Committee's interpretations of the Plan, and all actions taken by it and
determinations made by it shall be binding on all persons. No Board or Committee
member shall be liable for any determination, decision or action made in good
faith with respect to the Plan.

         3. SHARES SUBJECT TO PLAN. A total of 360,500 shares of Common Stock of
the Company ("Shares") may be issued pursuant to the Plan. The Shares may be
authorized but unissued Shares or Shares reacquired by the Company and held in
its treasury. Grants of incentive awards under the Plan will reduce the number
of Shares available thereunder by the maximum number of Shares obtainable under
such grants. The number of Shares covered by or specified in the Plan and the
number of Shares and the purchase price for Shares under any outstanding awards,
may be adjusted proportionately by the Committee for any increase or decrease in
the number of issued Shares or any change in the value of the Shares resulting
from a subdivision or consolidation of Shares, reorganization, recapitalization,
spin-off, payment of stock dividends on the Shares any other increase or
decrease in the number of issued Shares made without receipt of consideration by
the Company, or the payment of an extraordinary cash dividend.

         4. ELIGIBILITY. All mid-level employees, of the Company and its
subsidiaries are eligible to be selected to receive a grant under the Plan by
the Committee. The Committee may condition eligibility under the Plan or
participation under the Plan, and any grant or exercise of an incentive award
under the Plan on such conditions, limitations or restrictions as the Committee
determines to be appropriate for any reason.

         5. AWARDS. The Committee may grant awards under the Plan to eligible
persons in the form of stock options, and shall establish the number of Shares
subject to each such grant and the terms thereof, including any adjustments for
reorganizations and dividends, subject to the following:

         (a)      All awards granted under the Plan shall be evidenced by
                  agreements in such form and containing such terms and
                  conditions not inconsistent with the Plan as the Committee
                  shall prescribe.

         (b)      The exercise price of any option shall not be less than 85% of
                  the fair market value of a corresponding number of Shares as
                  of the date of grant.

         (c)      No person may be granted awards under the Plan for more than

         (d)      No stock options may be granted under the Plan after December
                  31, 1998.

         6. ADMINISTRATION OF THE PLAN. The Board of Directors or the Committee
may from time to time suspend, terminate, revise or amend the Plan or the terms
of any grant in any respect whatsoever.
