[SCHAWK LOGO]

AT SCHAWK, INC.:                            AT DRESNER CORPORATE SERVICES:
JAMES J. PATTERSON                          KRISTINE WALCZAK
SR. VP AND CFO                              312-726-3600
847-827-9494                                KWALCZAK@DRESNERCO.COM

                     SCHAWK, INC. TO ACQUIRE PIXXON, INC --

                Acquisition will expand Schawk's market coverage

CHICAGO, ILLINOIS, OCTOBER 31, 2003 -- SCHAWK, INC. -- (NYSE: SGK), has signed a
letter of intent to purchase Pixxon, Inc., a provider of graphic services to
retailers and consumer products companies in the Northern California marketplace
with approximately $11 million in sales.

"With the purchase of Pixxon, we are adding a highly skilled workforce and
premier client list to the Schawk organization," said David Schawk, president
and chief executive officer. "The Northern California market is an area that we
had strategically identified as essential to complete our geographic coverage
and to bring our extensive global service offerings to consumer products
companies, retailers and advertising agencies on the west coast.

Mr. Schawk continued, "We have previously indicated that we would actively seek
to acquire quality companies to expand our global coverage. Our planned
acquisition of Pixxon is consistent with our strategy and is an initial step to
meeting our goal of 20 percent growth in 2004."

The acquisition is expected to close effective November 30, 2003.

Schawk, Inc., headquartered in suburban Chicago, is a leading supplier of
digitized high resolution color graphic services, brand consulting and design,
and an array of digitally based workflow solutions all aimed at bringing
enhanced value to its clients. Schawk provides these advanced services for the
food, beverage, and consumer products packaging, point of sale, and advertising

Certain statements in this press release are forward-looking statements within
the meaning of Section 21E of the Securities and Exchange Act of 1934, as
amended, and are subject to the safe harbor created thereby. These statements
are made based upon current expectations and beliefs that are subject to risk
and uncertainty. Actual results might differ materially from those contained in
the forward-looking statements because of factors such as, among other things,
the strength of the United States economy in general and specifically market
conditions for the


consumer products industry, the level of demand for Schawk's services, loss of
key management and operational personnel, our ability to implement our growth
strategy, the stability of state, federal and foreign tax laws, our ability to
identify and exploit industry trends and to exploit technological advances in
the imaging industry, our ability to continue to implement restructuring plans,
the stability of political conditions in Asia and other foreign countries in
which we have production capabilities, terrorist attacks and the U.S. response
to such attacks, as well as other factors detailed in Schawk, Inc.'s filings
with the Securities and Exchange Commission.
