BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF
                          HILLENBRAND INDUSTRIES, INC.
                     APPROVED AT DECEMBER 2004 BOARD MEETING

POSITION OVERVIEW:      Directors are responsible for the overall supervision of
                        the management of the affairs of the corporation in
                        accordance with the requirements of Indiana and other
                        applicable law.

CRITERIA FOR SELECTION: A candidate for director of the corporation should
                        exhibit the following characteristics and should not
                        ever (i) have been the subject of a Securities and
                        Exchange Commission enforcement action in which he or
                        she consented to the entry of injunctive relief, a cease
                        and desist order, or a suspension or other limitation on
                        the ability to serve as a corporate officer or
                        supervisor, (ii) had any license suspended or revoked
                        due to misconduct of any type or (iii) violated any
                        fiduciary duty to the Company or its Code of Ethical
                        Business Conduct.:

                        1.    Reputation for industry, integrity, honesty,
                              candor, fairness and discretion;

                        2.    Acknowledged expert in his or her chosen field(s)
                              of endeavor, which area of expertise should have
                              some relevance to the corporation's businesses or
                              operations, such as accounting and finance,
                              organic business development, strategic oversight,
                              healthcare, death care or other low growth
                              industry, manufacturing, service businesses,
                              international operations, merger and acquisition
                              related business development, leadership
                              development, sales and marketing, compensation
                              design and processes, public company governance
                              and international governance;

                        3. Knowledgeable, and or willing and able to become so
                           quickly, in the critical aspects of the corporation's
                           businesses and operations in order to make
                           comprehensive and decisive decisions.;


                        4. New directors, excluding existing directors who are
                           reelected should meet the NYSE independence standards
                           then in effect; and

                        5. Experienced and skillful in serving as a competent
                           overseer of, and trusted advisor to, senior
                           management of a substantial publicly held

RESPONSIBILITIES:       Responsibilities of directors include discharging the
                        following tasks, with the objective of creating short
                        and long term value for shareholders. Additionally,
                        directors must be willing to commit substantial amounts
                        of time to learning the Company and its risks and to
                        participate actively on the Board. They must be good
                        listeners, willing to ask probing questions, disagree
                        with management if necessary, speak their mind and
                        exercise independent judgment on behalf of all

1.    Proceedings of the Board and its committees;

2.    Oversight responsibility for ensuring that the corporation is effectively
      managed in the interests of all shareholders;

3.    Selecting, monitoring, evaluating, compensating, and-if necessary,
      replacing the President and Chief Executive Officer and other senior
      executives, and ensuring adequate management succession;

4.    Reviewing and analyzing, in order to approve, policies designed to ensure
      that the corporation and its employees act ethically, and compliance with
      applicable laws and regulations, auditing and accounting principles, and
      the corporation's own governing documents;

5.    Selecting director nominees, establishment of the structure and
      composition of the Board and its committees, and determination of the
      functions of such committees;

6.    Reviewing and analyzing, in order to approve, management's strategic and
      business plans, including developing a depth of knowledge of the
      businesses being served, understanding and questioning the assumptions
      upon which such plans are based, and reaching a fully informed and
      independent judgment as to the probability that the plans can be realized;
      although directors may rely on management and other professional advisors
      for the integrity of the information they receive, it is incumbent on them
      to satisfy themselves that they are fully informed as to all factors they
      consider relevant;


7.    Reviewing and analyzing, in order to approve, the corporation's financial
      objectives, plans, and actions, including significant capital allocations
      and expenditures;

8.    Reviewing and analyzing, in order to approve, material transactions not in
      the ordinary course of business;

Monitoring corporate performance against the strategic and business plans,
including overseeing the operating results on a regular basis to evaluate
whether the businesses are being properly managed;;

9.    Reviewing, analyzing, in order to approve, and periodically revising, as
      appropriate, the corporation's mission statement and the charters of the
      Board's various committees; and

10.   Performing such other functions as are prescribed by law, or assigned to
      the Board in the corporation's governing documents.

PERFORMANCE METRICS:    Performance meets expectations when a director
                        discharges the foregoing responsibilities with
                        dedication, candor, fairness, integrity, honesty and



POSITION:               President and Chief Executive Officer

REPORTS TO:             Hillenbrand Industries' Board of Directors

POSITION OVERVIEW:      Subject to the control of the Board of Directors,
                        including the Chairman, the President and Chief
                        Executive Officer shall be responsible for the active
                        overall direction and administration of the affairs of
                        the corporation and management of the day-to-day
                        operations of the company, including the achievement of
                        financial performance objectives, development and
                        implementation of growth and value creation strategies,
                        governance, compliance and communications initiatives,
                        leadership development for Hillenbrand Industries, and
                        the creation of short and long term value for

RESPONSIBILITIES:       It is the President and Chief Executive Officer's
                        responsibility to ethically discharge the following with
                        dedication, candor, fairness, integrity, honesty and


            -     Assure senior management consistently demonstrates high
                  standards of ethical conduct

            -     Assure senior management clearly communicates their
                  expectations as to acceptable business behavior to company
                  personnel and regularly confirms employees' understanding and
                  compliance with Hillenbrand's standards of business conduct,
                  and policies regarding acceptable conduct, auditing and
                  accounting principles, and applicable laws and regulations


            -     Employees understand and demonstrate their personal commitment
                  to high standards of ethical conduct

            -     A confidential and independent process is maintained to
                  facilitate and encourage reporting of
                  violations of the standards of conduct

            -     Senior management responds quickly and effectively to
                  unacceptable behavior



            -     Responsible for value creation through the growth of net
                  income and cash flow

            -     Assure that the capital structure of the organization is
                  optimal to achieve shareholder value objectives

            -     Assure that revenue growth goals are achieved and that
                  acquisition processes operate effectively


            -     Targets for shareholder value, cash flow, earnings per share
                  and revenue growth are established and achieved on a
                  consistent basis

            -     Optimal capital structure for organization is established and

            -     Acquisitions are properly evaluated, implemented, integrated
                  and meet financial targets


            -     Responsible for the maintenance and execution of the strategy
                  management process for Hillenbrand Industries to assure that
                  the short and long term strategies of the operating companies
                  and the corporation are created, agreed upon and achieved

            -     Responsible for formulating and presenting to the Board for
                  its consideration and approval the corporation's strategic and
                  business plans, including financial objectives, major
                  initiatives and capital allocations and expenditures

            -     Responsible for formulating and presenting to the Board for
                  its consideration an appropriate portfolio strategy addressing
                  the expansion or reconfiguration of the corporation's

            -     Establish clear performance standards and expectations for the
                  execution of the strategy and the achievement of business

            -     Supervise the implementation of the strategic and business
                  plans adopted by the Board


            -     Sufficient information regarding proposed and existing
                  business strategies, and their short and long term
                  implications, is provided to the Board, key executives and the

            -     Business plans are developed, approved by the Board of
                  Directors and executed by the operating companies

            -     Acquisitions are completed and integrated into the company


            -     Coordinate with the Chairman in the development and
                  preparation of agenda and related materials and information
                  for board meetings, and perform such other functions as may be
                  assigned to him or her by the Board. Information provided to
                  the Board shall include timely disclosure of material and
                  significant events and circumstances related to, involving or
                  impacting Hillenbrand Industries.


            -     Serve as the corporation's principal spokesperson to
                  articulate the strategic direction of the organization to
                  appropriate selected audiences and to address other matters of
                  interest to the investment community and the public generally

            -     Communicate business plans and performance achievements on a
                  consistent and effective basis


            -     Board meetings are effectively supported by information
                  required for Board decisions and the Board is timely informed
                  of material and significant events and circumstances related
                  to, involving or impacting Hillenbrand Industries

            -     Communication to appropriate audiences and messages are
                  defined and completed

            -     Simplified and effective methods of communicating performance
                  results are in place and operating effectively


            -     Acquire, develop and retain effective leaders to assure the
                  achievement of business strategies

            -     Supervise senior management's administration of the
                  corporation's operations on a day-to-day basis and assess the
                  effectiveness of senior management in discharging this task

            -     Select, monitor, evaluate, and recommend to the Board
                  compensation levels, and-if necessary-replacement of the
                  corporation's senior executives, and coordinating with the
                  Board on the development and implementation of management
                  succession strategies

            -     Develop, in conjunction with the Board, a specific set of both
                  annual and longer-term performance criteria for the office of
                  President and Chief Executive Officer that will require a high
                  standard of performance accountability and ethical behavior
                  and address the legitimate concerns of the corporation's
                  shareholders, other investors, employees, customers and
                  neighbors in the communities where the corporation has
                  manufacturing facilities


            -     Key positions are filled with "A" players and ready backups
                  exist for all key positions

            -     Acquired companies can be staffed, as appropriate, from
                  current pool of Hillenbrand Industries' executives

            -     Succession plans exist for the company and are followed to
                  achieve the development of required talent

            -     An annual set of clear expectations and performance criteria
                  for the CEO are agreed upon by the Board
