The Belden CDT Inc. Annual Cash Incentive Plan provides for an annual bonus, and
is part of the cash component of management's total compensation (the other cash
component being base salary, another cash component, effective starting January
1, 2003, is associated with the Long-Term Cash Performance Plan). The bonus
criteria for the CEO are based solely on the attainment of Company-based
financial objectives. For members of Belden CDT management other than the CEO,
the annual incentive bonus is based upon individual performance and the
attainment of Company-based financial objectives.

The Compensation Committee establishes the performance goals at the beginning of
the year. The Company's overall financial performance determines the size of the
bonus pool to be distributed to the members of management participating in the
program. The annual incentive bonuses are calculated by the Committee as a
percentage of the management members' base salary.

In September 2004 and in February 2005, the following named executive officers
of the Company received bonus payments pertaining to 2004. The combined amounts
of such bonuses for each such individual were as follows:

C. Baker Cunningham:   $  781,100
Richard K. Reece:      $  230,700
Robert Matz:           $  208,900
D. Larrie Rose:        $  208,900
Kevin L. Bloomfield:   $  178,800