Level 10
100 George Street


This is to certify that



did on the twenty-sixth day of March 2002 change its name to



The company is a proprietary company.

The company is limited by shares.

The company is taken to be registered under the Corporations Act 2001 in New
South Wales and the date of commencement of registration is the tenth day of
October, 1935.

                    Issued by the
                    Australian Securities and Investments Commission
                    on this twenty-sixth day of March, 2002.

                    /s/ David Knott

                    David Knott

                                                                        FORM 245




Corporations Law Sub-section 171 (12)

This is to certify that



did on the nineteenth day of May 1995 change its name to



The company is a  proprietary company.

The company is limited by shares.

The company is taken to be registered as a company
under the Corporations Law of New South Wales.

                    Given under the seal of the
                    Australian Securities Commission
                    on this nineteenth day of May, 1995.

                    /s/ Alan Cameron

                    Alan Cameron


                               Companies Act 1899


                               Companies Act 1961

                           A Company Limited by Shares




                             ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION


                       J. I. CASE (AUSTRALIA) PTY. LIMITED


                          Parish, Patience & McIntyre,
                                115 Pitt Street,

             Bonn Copying Service, 28 Martin Place, Sydney. 28-7114.

                               Companies Act 1899


                               Companies Act 1961

                           A Company Limited by Shares

                            MEMORANDUM OF ASSOCIATION


                       J. I. CASE (AUSTRALIA) PTY. LIMITED

1.    The name of the Company is "J. I. CASE (AUSTRALIA) PTY. LIMITED."

2.    The registered office of the Company will be situate in Sydney in the
      State of New South Wales.

3.    The objects for which the Company is established are:-

      (l)   To carry on the business of importers vendors manufacturers agents
            for and repairers of and dealers in tractors of all kinds motor
            agricultural implements motor cars motor cycles and sidecars and
            motor tricycles motor boats motor engines oil engines machinery of
            all kinds and vehicles of any kind so constructed as to progress by
            means of automatic power whether by means of electricity steam gas
            oil petroleum kerosene benzine or otherwise and aeroplanes seaplanes
            and flying machines of every description and motor


            bodies motor carriages and cycles bicycles and tricycles and rubber
            tyres of all kinds and of all articles and things used in the
            manufacture maintenance and repair and working thereof and also all
            apparatus and implements and things for use in sports and games.

      (2)   To carry on the business of motor body builders and upholsterers and
            of purchasing hiring or otherwise acquiring and making or
            manufacturing railway carriages and waggons and other carriages
            waggons carts trucks vehicles and conveyances of all kinds.

      (3)   To carry on business as a motor garage proprietor and to let on hire
            motors motor cars motor cycles sidecars motor carriages and
            carriages of all kinds cycles bicycles tricycles and velocipedes and
            any other businesses which can conveniently be carried on in
            connection with the above.

      (4)   To carry on the business of electrical engineers and contractors
            motor mechanical and general engineers machinists fitters
            millwrights founders wiredrawers tube makers metallurgists saddlers
            galvanisers japanners annealers enamellers electroplaters painters
            woodworkers rubber merchants and packing case makers.

      (5)   To buy sell repair and deal both wholesale and retail in
            manufacture manipulate import and export all apparatus implements
            machinery materials substances articles and things of all kinds
            which shall be capable of being used in or for the purposes of any
            business herein mentioned or for the time being carried on by the
            Company or likely to be required by any customers of or persons
            having any dealings with any such business of the Company.


      (6)   To carry on the business of merchants and dealers in and importers
            and exporters of all kinds of agronomic products and/or agronomic
            requisites and/or the business of exporting and/or importing and/or
            buying and selling as principals or agents of all kinds of
            agronomic products and/or agronomic requisites.

      (7)   To carry on the business of manufacturing and/or preparing for sale
            in the most advantageous form or of applying any process in the
            nature of manufacturing to agronomic products and/or agronomic
            requisites which is or are capable of being manufactured or prepared
            for sale or to which any process in the nature of manufacturing is
            or can be applied.

      (8)   To carry on all kinds of insurance business and all kinds of
            guarantee and indemnity business and in particular with out
            prejudice to the generality of the foregoing words to carry on life
            fire marine accident employers' liability workmen's compensation
            disease sickness survivorship burglary and robbery theft fidelity
            and transit insurance.

      (9)   To carry on and undertake any business undertaking transaction or
            operation commonly carried on or undertaken by bankers capitalists
            promoters financiers concessionaires and contractors for public
            works and without in any manner limiting such objects but in
            addition thereto to lend money and negotiate loans to draw accept
            endorse discount buy sell and deal in bills of exchange promissory
            notes bonds debentures coupons and other negotiable instruments and
            securities; to issue on commission subscribe for take acquire and
            hold sell exchange and deal in shares stocks bonds obligations or
            securities of any Government authority or company; to form promote
            subsidise and


            assist companies syndicates and partnerships of all kinds; and to
            give any guarantee for the payment of money or the performance of
            any obligation or undertaking.

      (10)  And without in any manner limiting the objects aforesaid but in
            addition thereto to carry on all or any one or more of the following
            businesses in any one or more of their or its branches and either
            wholesale or retail:-

                  The business of wholesale and retail importers of and
                  merchants and dealers in all classes of goods wares and
                  merchandise of every kind and nature including agronomic
                  products and requisites.

                  The business of stock and station agents house land and estate
                  agents auctioneers shipping agents commission agents machinery
                  agents indent agents financial agents mortgage and insurance
                  brokers and every other description of agency or brokerage.

                  The business of butchers and importers and exporters of and
                  dealers in meat (wholesale and retail) and the business of
                  slaughterers and keepers of abattoirs.

                  The business of buying and selling importing and exporting and
                  dealers in all kinds of stock.

                  The business of fellmongers and/or dealers in wool skins and

                  The business of boiling down works soap lard and candle

                  The business of cold storage and refrigerating works.


                  The business of general carriers railway and forwarding agents
                  and warehousemen (bonded and free).

                  The business of shearing sheep chaff cutting threshing putting
                  in and taking off crops clearing land erecting fences houses
                  and buildings and sinking wells and dams and effecting other
                  improvements and generally to carry on business as contractors
                  for every work and operation needed on a farm orchard or sheep
                  station in connection with the development improvement or
                  working thereof.

                  The business of chaff mills and flour mills and of dealers in
                  chaff flour and other produce.

                  The business of grain stores and elevators and the storage of
                  all kinds of agronomic products and requisites.

                  The business of produce merchants and seedsmen.

                  The business of jute merchants agents or brokers and importers
                  of and dealers in all jute goods and twine.

                  To buy take on lease or otherwise acquire clear plant fence
                  and work let on lease or otherwise and sell timber estate and
                  agricultural lands either in Australia or elsewhere and to
                  carry on the business of farmers graziers meat and fruit
                  preservers fruit growers wine growers merchants hotelkeepers
                  brewers planters miners metallurgists timber merchants sawmill
                  proprietors and timber growers quarry owners brickmakers and
                  coal merchants builders lime makers woollen mills
                  manufacturers of woollen goods pearling pearl buyers
                  manufacturers of and dealers in


                  letters to hire repairers cleaners storers and warehousers
                  lubricants cements solutions enamels and all things capable of
                  being used therewith contractors for the construction of works
                  both public and private.

      (11)  To carry on any other business whether manufacturing or otherwise
            which may seem to the Company capable of being conveniently carried
            on in connection with any of the above businesses or calculated
            directly or indirectly to enhance the value of or render profitable
            any of the Company's property rights or undertakings for the time

      (12)  To acquire and undertake the whole or any part of the business
            property and liabilities of any persons or company carrying on any
            business which this Company is authorised to carry on or possessed
            of property suitable for the purposes of this Company and to
            undertake all or any part of the liabilities of such persons or

      (13)  To enter into partnership or into any agreement or arrangement for
            sharing profits union of interests co-operation joint adventure
            regulation of prices reciprocal concessions or the like or
            amalgamate with any person association or company carrying on or
            engaged in or about to carry on or engage in any business or
            transaction which this Company is authorised to carry on or engage
            in or any business or transactions capable of being conducted so as
            directly or indirectly to benefit this Company and to lend money to
            guarantee the contracts of or otherwise assist any such person
            association or company.

      (I4}  To purchase acquire options over take on lease or on hire or on
            charter or in


            exchange apply for from the Crown or otherwise to acquire and hold
            any real or personal property leases claims licenses rights and
            privileges which the Company may think necessary for the purposes of
            its business and in particular for any land buildings easements
            minerals machinery plant appliances stock in trade locomotives
            rolling stock ships and vessels or any shares or interest in the

      (15)  To pay for any real or personal property acquired or to be acquired
            by the Company either wholly in cash or wholly in shares or partly
            in one method and partly in the other or for any other consideration
            whatsoever; and any such shares may be issued as fully or partly
            paid up or which such amount credited as paid up thereon and with
            such special rights privileges and advantages as may be agreed upon.

      (16)  To erect buildings of all descriptions mills refineries furnaces
            machinery and appliances construct tramways roads and all other
            works and conveniences which may seem conducive to the objects and
            purposes of the Company and to improve maintain repair manage
            develop and turn to account all or any part of the property of the

      (17)  To grant sell convey assign transfer exchange mortgage lease or
            grant rights of manufacturing options to purchase or licenses in
            respect of let hire or dispose of in any manner howsoever and either
            absolutely or for any term the undertaking and all or any part of
            the real or personal property of the Company or any estate or
            interest therein for such royalties or considerations and upon and
            subject to such terms conditions and stipulations and restrictions
            (if any) as may seem expedient.


      (18)  To receive and take by way of consideration either wholly or in part
            for the undertaking or any property of the Company which may be sold
            or otherwise alienated or disposed of whether permanently or for a
            limited time or upon any amalgamation any royalties or interests or
            shares whether wholly or partially paid up or otherwise (and in the
            case of shares not fully paid up all such calls or other moneys as
            shall be payable in respect thereof) or debentures debenture stock
            or other securities of or in any company having objects wholly or in
            part similar to the objects for which the Company is formed or any
            other consideration whatsoever as may seem expedient.

      (19)  To buy up or absorb any other company or partnership formed or to be
            formed for any one or more of the purposes for which this Company is
            formed and to unite or amalgamate with any other company or
            partnership in carrying out all or any of such purposes upon such
            terms and conditions as shall seem expedient.

      (20)  To promote any company or companies for the purposes of acquiring
            all or any of the property and liabilities of this Company or for
            any other purpose which may seem directly or indirectly calculated
            to benefit this Company.

      (21)  To distribute any of the property of the Company and in particular
            any shares of any other company among any of the members in specie
            either before or during the winding up of the Company.

      (22)  To increase the capital of the Company by the issue of preferential
            or fully or partly paid up shares or otherwise as may be deemed
            expedient and to consolidate and divide such capital into shares of
            larger or smaller amounts.


      (23)  To reduce the capital of the Company by the cancellation of any
            unissued shares or otherwise as may be deemed expedient.

      (24}  To relinquish abandon surrender or give up with or without any
            consideration therefor any rights concessions or other property of
            the Company.

      (25)  To remunerate either by with or in cash or other assets (and in
            particular any shares belonging to the Company in any other company)
            or otherwise any person or company for services rendered or to be
            rendered in placing or assisting to place or guaranteeing the
            placing of or underwriting any of the shares in the Company's
            capital or the capital of any other company promoted by the Company
            or any debentures debenture stock or other securities of the Company
            or such other company or in or about the formation or promotion of
            the Company or any such other company or the conduct of the business
            of the Company.

      (26)  To invest and deal with the moneys of the Company not immediately
            required upon such investments and in such manner as may from time
            to time be determined.

      (27)  To lend moneys to such persons or Companies and on such terms as may
            seem expedient and particularly to customers and others having
            dealings with this Company and to guarantee the performance of
            contracts and/or payment of moneys by any such persons or companies.

      (28)  To borrow or raise money and secure the payment thereof in such
            manner as the Company shall think fit and in particular by the
            creation and issue of debentures or debenture stock perpetual or
            otherwise charged upon all or any of the Company's


            property real and personal present and future including its uncalled
            capital or by mortgage bill of sale pledge lien or charge on any of
            the property of the Company or on the bonds promissory notes
            acceptances or endorsements or credit of the Company or by the issue
            of preferential shares or in such other manner and upon such terms
            as shall seem fit.

      (29)  To apply for purchase or otherwise acquire any patents licenses
            trade marks concessions options or privileges which may seem capable
            of being used for any of the purposes of the Company.

      (30)  To establish and support or aid in the establishment and support of
            associations institutions funds trusts and conveniences calculated
            to benefit employees or ex-employees of the Company or the
            dependents or connections of such persons and to grant pensions and
            allowances and to make payments towards insurance and to subscribe
            or guarantee money for charitable or benevolent objects or for any
            exhibition or for any public general or useful objects.

      (31)  To enter into any arrangements with any Government or authorities
            municipal local or otherwise and to obtain from any such Government
            or authority any rights privileges and concessions which the
            Company may think it desirable to obtain.

      (32)  To make draw accept endorse discount and negotiate bills of exchange
            promissory notes debentures and other negotiable instruments.

      (33)  To take or otherwise acquire or hold shares in any other company
            having objects altogether or in part similar to those of this
            Company or carrying on any business capable of being conducted so as
            to directly


            or indirectly benefit this Company and to sell or otherwise dispose
            of or deal with the same.

      (34)  To sign and execute all such liens assignments conveyances transfers
            mortgages leases contracts powers of attorney and all other deeds
            and instruments of every nature for carrying out the purposes
            aforesaid and to establish regulate and control in any State city or
            town of the Commonwealth of Australia or the Dominion of New Zealand
            or in London or elsewhere any branch offices depots places of
            business showrooms or agencies of the Company with or without local
            directors branch registers of shares and debentures and local seals.

      (35)  To adopt such means of making known the products of the Company as
            may seem expedient and in particular by advertising in the Press by
            circulars by purchase and exhibition of works of art or interest by
            publication of books and periodicals and by granting prizes rewards
            and donations.

      (36)  To do all or any of the above things in any of the Australian States
            or the Dominion of New Zealand Great Britain or elsewhere and either
            alone or in conjunction with others.

      (37)  To do all such other acts and things as the Company or the Directors
            may deem to be incidental or conducive to the attainment of the
            above objects.

4.    The liability of members is limited.

5.    The share capital of the Company is One million pounds


((pound)1,000,000) divided into Two million (2,000,000) shares of Ten shillings
(10/-) each provided that upon the adoption of the dollar as the unit of
currency in Australia the capital of the Company shall become and be expressed
as Two million dollars Australian ($A2,000,000) divided into Two million
(2,000,000) shares of One dollar Australian ($A1) each.



                                   No. of Shares
  Names, Addresses and             taken by each      Witness to all
  Description of Subscribers.      Subscriber.          Signatures.
- --------------------------------   -------------      --------------
JAMES REID GEMMELL,                      One            R. Hough
"The Gairs,"                                            52 Hay St.
Hollowforth Avenue,                                      Croydon.
Neutral Bay.
  Business Manager.

LESLIE BOWMER,                           One            R. Hough.
47 Tambourine Bay Rd.
Lane Cove.
  Chartered Secretary.

FRANK ALFRED METTERS,                    One            R. Hough.
2 The Crescent,

WILLIAM EWART GLADSTON   ODS,            One            R. Hough.
30 Portview Road,

HAROLD JACK CORDEROY,                    One            R. Hough.
74 Rawson Avenue,

ZATIE THELMA MINNIE HOWLETT,             One            R. Hough.
6l Rosehill Street,

ROBERT MOORE LOWE,                       One            R. Hough.
65 Hampton Court Rd.

DATED the Eighth day of October, One thousand nine hundred and thirty-five.



PRESENT:-              Mr. H.D. Boyanovsky - Managing Director
                       Representing Tenneco International Inc.
                       Mr. K.A. Smith - Director/Company

CHAIRMAN:,             Mr. H.D. Boyanovsky occupied the Chair.

NOTICE OF MEETING:     The Secretary tabled a Notice of Meeting dated October
                       30, 1987 advising that this had been duly circulated in
                       accordance with the Articles of Association.

APPOINTMENT OF         The Secretary tabled the Appointment
REPRESENTATIVE:        of Representative from Tenneco International
                       Inc. appointing Mr. H.D. Boyanovsky or
                       Mr. K.A. Smith as their representative.

SPECIAL RESOLUTION:    It was resolved that the following
                       Resolutions be passed as Special
                       Resolutions of the Company:

                       1.    That the nominal share capital of the company be
                             increased from One Hundred Million Australian
                             Dollars ($A100,000,000-00) to One Hundred and
                             Fifty Million Australian Dollars

                       2.    That Clause 5 of the Memorandum of Association of
                             the Company be deleted and that in its place the
                             following clause be inserted:

                             "The Share Capital of the Company is One
                             Hundred and Fifty Million Australian Dollars
                             ($A150,000,000-00) divided into One Hundred
                             and Fifty Million (150,000,000) shares of One
                             Australian Dollar ($A1-00) each."

                       3.    That Article 5 of the Articles of Association of
                             the Company be deleted and that in its place the
                             following Article be inserted:-


                              "The Original Capital of the Company is One
                              Hundred and Fifty Million Australian Dollars
                              ($A150,000,000-00) divided into One Hundred
                              and Fifty Million (150,000,000) shares of One
                              Australian Dollar ($A1-00) each.

                       The meeting closed at 10.30 a.m.

Signed as a True and Correct Record

                             /s/ H. D. Boyanovsky
                             Chairman November 20, 1987


PRESENT:               Mr. H.D. Boyanovsky - Managing Director
                       Representing Tenneco International Inc.
                       Mr. K,A. Smith - Director/Company Secretary

CHAIRMAN:              Mr. H.D. Boyanovsky occupied the Chair.

NOTICE OF MEETING:     The Secretary tabled a Notice of Meeting dated April 9,
                       1987 advising that this had been duly circulated in
                       accordance with the Articles of Association.

APPOINTMENT OF         The Secretary tabled the Appointment of
REPRESENTATIVE:        Representative from Tenneco International Inc.
                       appointing Mr. H.D. Boyanovsky or Mr. K.A.
                       Smith as their representative.

SPECIAL RESOLUTION:    It was resolved that the following Resolutions
                       be passed as Special Resolutions of the

                       1.    That the nominal share capital of the company be
                             increased from Seventy Million Australian Dollars
                             ($A70,000,000-00) to One Hundred Million
                             Australian Dollars ($A100,000,000-00).

                       2.    That Clause 5 of the Memorandum of Association of
                             the Company be deleted and that in its place the
                             following be inserted:

                             "The Share Capital of the Company is One
                             Hundred Million Australian Dollars
                             ($A100,000,000-00) divided into One Hundred
                             Million (100,000,000) shares of One Australian
                             Dollar ($A1-00) each."

                       3.    That Article 5 of the Articles of Association of
                             the Company be deleted and that in its place the
                             following Article be inserted:

                             "The Capital of the Company is One Hundred Million
                             Australian Dollars ($A100,000,000-00) divided into
                             One Hundred Million (100,000,000) shares of One
                             Australian Dollar ($A1-00) each."

                       The meeting closed at 10.30 a.m.

Signed as a True and Correct Record

                             [Illegible Signature]

            WINDSOR ROAD, NORTHMEAD ON DECEMBER 8, 1986 AT 8.00 A.M.

 PRESENT:              Mr. H.D. Boyanovsky - Managing Director
                       Representing Tenneco International Inc.
                       Mr. K.A. Smith - Director/Company Secretary

 CHAIRMAN:             Mr. H.D. Boyanovsky occupied the Chair.

 NOTICE OF MEETING:    The Secretary tabled the Notice of Meeting
                       dated November 18, 1986 advising that this had
                       been duly circulated in accordance with the
                       Articles of Association.

APPOINTMENT OF         The Secretary tabled the Appointment of
REPRESENTATIVE:        Representative from Tenneco International Inc.
                       appointing Mr. H.D. Boyanovsky or Mr. K.A.
                       Smith as their representative.

SPECIAL RESOLUTION:    It was resolved that the following Resolutions
                       be passed as Special Resolutions of the

                       1.    That the nominal share capital of the company be
                             increased from Fifty Million Australian Dollars
                             ($A50,000,000-00) to Seventy Million Australian
                             Dollars ($A70,000,000-00).

                       2.    That Clause 5 of the Memorandum of Association of
                             the Company be deleted and that in its place the
                             following be inserted:

                             "The Share Capital of the Company is Seventy
                             Million Australian Dollars ($A70,000,000-00)
                             divided into Seventy Million (70,000,000)
                             shares of One Australian Dollar ($A1-00)

                       3.    That Article 5 of the Articles of Association of
                             the Company be deleted and that in its place the
                             following Article be inserted:

                             "The Capital of the Company is Seventy Million
                             Australian Dollars ($A70,000,000-00) divided
                             into Seventy Million (70,000,000) shares of
                             One Australian Dollar ($A1-00) each."

                       The meeting closed at 8.30 a.m.

Signed as a True and Correct Record

            10.00 A.M.

PRESENT:               Mr. K.A. Smith - Director/Company Secretary
                       Representing Tenneco International Inc.
                       Mr. B.D. Thomasson - Director Mr. D.J. Ward
                       - Director

CHAIRMAN:              Mr. K.A. Smith occupied the Chair.

NOTICE OF MEETING:     The Secretary tabled the Notice of Meeting dated
                       October 14, 1985 advising that this had been duly
                       circulated in accordance with the Articles of

APPOINTMENT OF         The Secretary tabled the Appointment of Representative
REPRESENTATIVE:        from Tenneco International Inc. appointing Mr. K.A.
                       Smith as representative.

SPECIAL                It was resolved that the following Resolutions be passed
RESOLUTION:            as Special Resolutions of the Company:-

                       1.    That the nominal share capital of the company be
                             increased from Twenty-Seven Million Australian
                             Dollars ($A27,000,000-00) to Fifty Million
                             Australian Dollars ($A50,000,000-00).

                       2.    That Clause 5 of the Memorandum of Association of
                             the Company be deleted and that in its place the
                             following be inserted:-

                             "The Share Capital of the Company is Fifty
                             Million Australian Dollars ($A50,000,000-00)
                             divided into Fifty Million (50,000,000) shares
                             of One Australian Dollar (SA1-00) each".

                       3.    That Article 5 of the Articles of Association of
                             the company be deleted and that in its place the
                             following Article be inserted:-

                             "The Capital of the Company is Fifty Million
                             Australian Dollars (SA50,000,000-00) divided
                             into Fifty Million (50,000,000) shares of One
                             Australian Dollar (SA1-00) each".

                       The meeting closed at 11.00 a.m.

            10.30 a.m.

PRESENT:               Mr. I.N. Nicolson - Managing Director Representing
                       Tenneco International Inc.

                       Mr. T.A. Harris - Director
                       Mr. J.J. Hinde - Director
                       Mr. K.A. Smith - Director/Company Secretary

CHAIRMAN:              Mr. I.N. Nicolson occupied the Chair.

NOTICE OF              The Secretary tabled the Notice of Meeting dated
MEETING:               June 4, 1985 advising that this had been duly
                       circulated in accordance with the Articles of

APPOINTMENT OF         The Secretary tabled the Appointment of
REPRESENTATIVE:        Representative from Tenneco International Inc.
                       appointing Mr. I.N. Nicolson as representative.

SPECIAL                It was resolved that the following Resolutions be
RESOLUTION:            passed as Special Resolutions of the Company:-

                       1.    That the nominal share capital of the Company be
                             increased from Seven Million Australian Dollars
                             (A$7,000,000) to Twenty-Seven Million Australian
                             Dollars (A$27,000,000).

                       2.    That Clause 5 of the Memorandum of Association of
                             the Company be deleted and that in its place the
                             following Clause be inserted:-

                             "The Share Capital of the Company is Twenty-Seven
                             Million Australian Dollars (A$27,000,000) divided
                             into Twenty-Seven Million (27,000,000) shares of
                             One Australian Dollar (A$1-00) each."

                       3.    That Article 5 of the Articles of Association of
                             the Company be deleted and that in its place the
                             following Article be inserted:-

                              "The Capital of the Company is Twenty-Seven
                             Million Australian Dollars (A$27,000,000) divided
                             into Twenty-seven Million (27,000,000) shares of
                             One Australian Dollar (A$1-00) each."

                       The meeting closed at 11.30 a.m.

Signed as a True and Correct Record

          /s/ Illegible

                               Companies Act 1899


                               Companies Act 1961

                          A Company Limited by Shares

                            ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION


                       J. I. CASE (AUSTRALIA) PTY. LIMITED

                                1. INTRODUCTION


1.    The regulations contained in Table 'A' in the Second Schedule to the
      Companies Act 1899 shall not apply to the Company except so far as
      repeated or contained in these Articles.


2.    The marginal notes shall not affect the construction of these Articles.


3.    In the construction of these Articles unless the subject
      matter or context otherwise requires -

            "The Act" and "The Companies Act" mean the Act or Acts relating to .
            companies in force for the time being in the place of incorporation
            or any modification amendment consolidation or replacement thereof.


            "Articles" and "Articles of Association" mean the Articles of
            Association of the Company for the time being in force.

            "Auditors" "Managers" "Secretaries" and "Assistant Secretaries" mean
            and include those respective officers from time to time of the
            Company or any person appointed to act temporarily as such.

            "Board" and "Board of Directors" means a meeting of the Directors or
            the Directors assembled as a Board as the case may be.

            "Capital" means the capital from time to time of the Company.

            "The Company" means the abovenamed Company.

            "Directors" means the Directors from time to time of the Company and
            includes alternate Directors when acting as Directors.

            "Dividend" includes Bonus Dividend.

            "Meeting" means a meeting of the members duly called and constituted
            in accordance with these Articles and includes any adjourned

            "Members" means and includes the registered holders from time to
            time of shares or stock in the Company.

            "Month" means calendar month.

            "The Office" means the Registered Office for the time being of the

            "Paid up" includes credited as paid up.


            "The Register" means the Register of Members kept by the Company in
            accordance with the Act and "Branch Register" means any branch
            register authorised and established in accordance with these

            "The Seal" means the Common Seal of the Company.

            "The Local Seal" means any official seal authorised and adopted in
            accordance with these Articles.

            "Shares" means the shares into which the capital is from time to
            time divided.

            "Shareholder" means a member.

            "In writing" or "Written" shall be construed as including references
            to typing, printing, lithography, photography and other modes of
            representing or reproducing words in a visible form.

            "Year" means calendar year.

            Words importing the singular number only include the plural number
            and vice versa.

            Words importing the masculine gender only include the feminine and
            neuter genders and vice versa.

            Words importing persons include corporations.

            Subject to this Article, words or expressions contained in these
            Articles shall bear the same meaning as in the Act.


                   11. PROPRIETARY PROVISIONS


4.    (a)   The right of transfer of shares is restricted as hereinafter

      (b)   The number of members for the time being of the Company shall not
            exceed fifty but where two or more persons hold one or more shares
            in the Company jointly they shall for the purposes of this paragraph
            be treated as a single member.

      (c)   Any invitation to the public to subscribe for any shares or
            debentures of the Company or to deposit money with the Company for
            fixed periods or payable at call whether bearing or not bearing
            interest is hereby prohibited.

                            111. CAPITAL AND SHARES


5.    The original capital of the Company is One million pounds
      ((pounds)1,000,000) divided into Two million (2,000,000) shares of Ten
      shillings (10/-) each provided that upon the adoption of the dollar as the
      unit of currency in Australia the capital of the Company shall become and
      be expressed as Two million dollars Australian ($A2,000,000) divided into
      Two million (2,000,000) shares of One dollar Australian ($A1) each.


6.    The Company or any of its subsidiaries shall not except as is expressly
      authorised by the Act, whether directly or indirectly, and whether by
      means of a loan guarantee or provision of security or otherwise, give any
      financial assistance for the purpose of or in connection with a purchase
      or subscription made or to be made by any person of or for any shares in
      the Company or in any way purchase or deal in or lend money on its own



7.    Shares shall be under the control of the Directors who may grant calls or
      options thereon or allot or otherwise dispose of them to such persons and
      on such terms and conditions and at such times as the Directors think fit.


8.    Without prejudice to any special rights previously conferred upon the
      holders of existing shares any share or class of share may be issued with
      such preferred deferred or other special rights or such restrictions
      whether in regard to dividend voting return of share capital or otherwise
      as the Directors may determine.


9.    (i)   The Company shall have power to issue any of its shares as
            and to convert any of its issued shares into Preference Shares.

      (ii)  The following rights shall be attached to such Preference Shares,
            namely -

            (a)   The holders of the said Preference Shares shall be entitled
                  in a winding up to repayment of the capital paid up thereon
                  and all arrears of dividend down to the commencement of the
                  winding up whether earned or declared or not over all other
                  shares in the capital for the time being of the Company but
                  shall not have any further right to participate in surplus

            (b)   The holders of the said Preference Shares shall be entitled
                  out of the profits of the Company recommended by the Directors
                  as available in respect of any financial year to be
                  distributed by way of dividend to a fixed cumulative
                  Preference Dividend at such rate as may be fixed by the
                  Directors prior to


                  the issue of or conversion to such shares upon the capital for
                  the time being paid up on the said Preference Shares held by
                  them respectively.

            (c)   Such Preference Shares shall not confer on the holders thereof
                  any right to vote at Meetings of the Company except -

                  (i)   upon a Resolution for the winding up of the Company or
                        to sanction the sale of its major undertaking.

                  (ii)  upon a Resolution affecting the rights and privileges of
                        Preference Shareholders as such.

                  (iii) upon a Resolution for the reduction of capital.

                  (iv)  whenever the Preference Dividend shall at the time of
                        the Meeting be in arrears more than six months after the
                        close of the Company's financial period.

            (d)   Upon any Resolution on which the Preference Shareholders are
                  entitled to vote each Preference Shareholder shall be entitled
                  to such number of votes as he would have been entitled to had
                  his Preference Shares been Ordinary Shares.

      (iii) The Company may upon the issue of any such Preference Shares reserve
            the right to issue thereafter a stipulated number of further
            Preference Shares ranking equally with the Preference Shares about
            to be issued.


      (iv)  Notwithstanding the previous paragraphs in this Article Preference
            Shares shall not be issued and Ordinary Shares shall not be
            converted into Preference Shares if after such issue or conversion
            the total nominal value of the Preference Shares then issued would
            exceed the total nominal value of the Ordinary Shares then issued.


10.   Subject to the Act the Company may issue Preference Shares which are or
      at the option of the Company are liable to be redeemed.


11.   Shares may be issued at a premium and this shall not prejudice the right
      of the Company at any time to issue any unissued shares at a lower rate of
      premium or without a premium or at a discount subject to the Act. The
      Company may pay a commission to any person in consideration of his
      subscribing or agreeing to subscribe whether absolutely or conditionally
      for any shares in the Company or procuring or agreeing to procure
      subscriptions whether absolute or conditional for any shares in the
      Company to any amount not exceeding ten per centum of the price at which
      the shares are issued. Such commission may be paid in cash or in shares
      debentures or debenture stock of the Company or otherwise. The Company may
      in addition to or in lieu of such commission pay such brokerage as is
      permitted by law.


12.   The shares and the names of the holders for the time being shall be
      entered in the Register and no person shall be recognised as a member
      unless his name appears as such in the Register. Except as required by law
      no person shall be recognised by the Company as holding any share upon any
      trust and the Company shall not be bound by or be compelled in any way to
      recognise (even when having notice thereof) any equitable contingent
      future or partial interest in any share or unit of a share or (except only


      as by these Articles or by law otherwise provided) any other rights in
      respect of any share except an absolute right to the entirety thereof in
      the registered holder or holders thereof.


13.   If by the conditions of allotment of any share the whole or part of the
      amount or the issue price shall be payable in one amount or by instalments
      such amount and every instalment shall when due be paid to the Company by
      the holder of the share.


14.   If two or more persons are registered as joint holders of any shares the
      person first named on the Register in respect of such shares shall as
      regards receipt of dividends service of notices and all or any other
      matters connected with the Company (except the transfer of shares and
      voting) be deemed the sole owner and shall be entitled to give receipts
      for any dividends payable in respect of such shares and upon the death of
      one of several holders of a share the survivors or survivor of the persons
      registered as holders shall be deemed to be absolutely entitled.


15.   An application for shares in the Company signed by or on behalf of the
      applicant and followed by an allotment of any shares to the applicant
      shall entitle the Company to place the name of the applicant on the
      Register whereupon the shares so allotted shall be deemed duly accepted by
      the applicant.

                             IV. SHARE CERTIFICATES


16.   Every member shall be entitled to receive free of charge for the shares
      registered in his name one certificate or, if he so desires and his
      holding reasonably so warrants, several certificates. The Company shall
      complete certificates within one month after allotment or


      within one month after the date on which an appropriate transfer has been
      duly approved by the Directors.


17.   Every Share Certificate shall specify the number of shares in
      respect of which it is issued and the amount paid up or agreed to be
      considered as paid up thereon.


18.   Share Certificates shall be issued under the Seal. The Directors may
      authorise the affixing of signatures to Share Certificates by mechanical
      means. Any Share Certificate on which appears an engraved lithographed or
      other facsimile reproduction of the authorised signatures shall be deemed
      to have been manually signed.


19.   If any Share Certificate issued by the Company shall be worn out defaced
      destroyed or lost and has not been pledged sold or otherwise disposed of
      the Company shall issue a duplicate certificate on production of such
      evidence and on delivery to the Company of such indemnities and
      undertakings duly executed and on payment of such fee for each duplicate
      certificate not exceeding Five shillings (5/-) as the Directors may
      require. In case of destruction or loss the member by whom such duplicate
      certificate is applied for shall also bear and pay to the Company all
      expenses of and incidental to any enquiry and indemnity required by the


20.   The Company shall not be bound except pursuant to Article 16 to issue more
      than one certificate for shares registered in the names of two or more
      persons and the delivery of a certificate to any one of such persons shall
      be sufficient delivery to all.


                               V. CALLS ON SHARES


21.   (a)   The Directors may subject to these Articles and to any conditions of
            allotment from time to time make such calls upon the members in
            respect of all moneys unpaid in respect of their shares (whether on
            account of the nominal value of the shares or by way of premium) as
            they think fit provided that fourteen (14) days' notice at least
            is given of each call and each member shall be liable to pay the
            amount of every call so made upon him to the persons and at the
            times and places appointed by the Directors. A call may be made
            payable by instalments. A call shall be deemed to have been made as
            soon as the Resolution of the Directors authorising such call shall
            have been passed. The Directors may by notice in writing to the
            members on whom such call has been made revoke the call or extend
            the time for payment.

      (b)   On the trial or hearing of any action for the recovery of any money
            due for any call it shall be sufficient to prove that the name of
            the member sued is entered in the Register as the holder or one of
            the holders of the shares in respect of which such debt accrued that
            the Resolution making the call is duly recorded in the Minute Book
            and that notice of such call was duly served on the member sued and
            the proof of these matters shall be conclusive evidence of the debt
            and it shall not be necessary to prove the appointment of the
            Directors who made such call or any other matters whatsoever.

      (c)   The non-receipt of a notice of any call by or the accidental
            omission to give notice of a call to any of the members shall not
            invalidate the call.



22.   Any sum which by the terms of allotment of a share is made payable upon
      allotment or at any fixed date shall be deemed to be a call duly made and
      payable on the date of allotment or the date so fixed for payment as the
      case may be and the provisions of these Articles as to non-payment of
      calls shall mutatis mutandis apply to the non-payment of any such sum.


23.   The joint holders of a share shall be jointly and severally liable for the
      payment of all calls and instalments.


24.   The Directors may from time to time make arrangements on the issue of
      shares for a difference between the holders of such shares in the amount
      of calls to be paid and in the time of payment of such calls.


25.   If before or on the day appointed for payment a call or instalment is not
      paid the holder or allottee of the share shall pay interest on the amount
      of the call or instalment at such rate (not exceeding ten per centum per
      annum) as the Directors shall fix from the day appointed for payment to
      the time of actual payment; but the Directors may waive payment of
      interest in whole or in part.


26.   The Directors may if they think fit receive from and repay to any member
      willing to advance the same all or any of the moneys due upon his shares
      beyond the sums actually called up and upon all or any of the moneys so
      advanced the Directors may (until the same would but for such advance
      become presently payable) pay or allow such interest (not exceeding,
      without the consent of an Ordinary Resolution of the Company, ten per
      centum per annum) as may be agreed upon between them and such member. Any
      amount for the time being paid in advance of calls shall not be taken into
      account in calculation of dividends on such shares.


                            VI. FORFEITURE OF SHARES


27.   If any member fails to pay the whole of any call or instalment on or
      before the day appointed for payment the Directors may at any time while
      the call or instalment or any part remains unpaid serve a notice on him
      requiring him to pay such call or instalment or such part as remains
      unpaid together with any interest at such rate (not exceeding ten per
      centum per annum) as the Directors shall determine and any expenses which
      may have been incurred by the Company by reason of such non-payment.


28.   The Notice shall appoint a person a day (not being less than seven (7)
      days from the date of the notice) and a place to on and at which such call
      or instalment together with such interest and expenses are to be paid. The
      notice shall also state that in the event of non-payment at or before the
      time and at the place appointed the shares in respect of which the call
      was made or the instalment is payable will be liable to be forfeited.


29.   If the requirements of any such notice are not complied with any share in
      respect of which such notice has been given may at any time thereafter,
      before the payment required by the notice has been made be forfeited by a
      Resolution of the Directors. Such forfeiture shall include all dividends
      declared but not actually paid before the forfeiture. The Directors may at
      any time before any share so forfeited shall have been sold re-allotted or
      otherwise disposed of annul the forfeiture thereof upon such conditions as
      they think fit.


30.   Every share which shall be forfeited shall thereupon become the property
      of the Company and may be cancelled sold re-allotted or otherwise disposed
      of upon such terms and in such manner as the Directors think fit PROVIDED


      THAT in the event of any shares being forfeited and sold within twelve
      (12) months after forfeiture any residue after the satisfaction of the
      unpaid calls accrued interest and expenses shall be paid to the person
      forfeiting or to his executors administrators or assigns.


31.   A person whose shares have been forfeited shall cease to be a member in
      respect of the forfeited shares but shall notwithstanding remain liable to
      pay to the Company all calls instalments interest and expenses owing upon
      or in respect of such shares at the time of forfeiture together with
      interest from the time of forfeiture until payment at such rate (not
      exceeding ten per centum per annum) as the Directors shall determine. The
      liability of such a person shall cease if and when the Company receives
      payment in full of all such money, including interest (unless waived in
      whole or in part), in respect of the shares. The Directors may enforce the
      payment as they think fit but shall not be under any obligation to do so.


32.   A statutory declaration in writing that the declarant is a Director or the
      Secretary of the Company and that a share has been duly forfeited in
      pursuance of these Articles and stating the date upon which it was
      forfeited shall as against all persons claiming to be entitled to the
      share be conclusive evidence of the facts therein stated and such
      declaration together with the receipt of the Company for the consideration
      (if any) given for the share or its sale re-allotment or other disposition
      and a Share Certificate delivered to the person to whom the same is sold
      re-allotted or otherwise disposed of shall constitute a good title to the
      share and such person shall be registered as the holder of the share and
      shall be discharged from all calls made prior to such sale re-allotment or
      disposition and shall not be bound to see to the application of the
      purchase money (if any) nor shall his title to the share be affected by
      any act omission or irregularity


      relating to the proceedings in reference to the forfeiture sale
      re-allotment or disposal of the share.


33.   When any share shall have been forfeited in accordance with these Articles
      notice of the Resolution shall be given to the member in whose name that
      share stood immediately prior to the forfeiture and an entry of the
      forfeiture with the date thereof shall forthwith be made in the Register.

                               VII. LIEN ON SHARES


34.   (a)   The Company shall have a first and paramount lien on every share
            (whether fully paid or not) for all moneys whether presently payable
            or not or payable at a fixed time with interest and expenses owing
            to the Company in respect of that share but the Directors may at any
            time declare any share to be wholly or in part exempt from the
            provisions of this Article.

      (b)   The Company shall have a first and paramount lien for unpaid calls
            and instalments upon the specific shares in respect of which such
            moneys are due and unpaid. Such lien shall extend to all dividends
            from time to time declared in respect of such shares. If the Company
            shall register a transfer of any share upon which it has a claim
            without first giving to the transferee a notice of the claim that
            share shall be freed and discharged from the lien.


35.   Whenever any law for the time being of any country state or place imposes
      or purports to impose any immediate or future or possible liability upon
      the Company to make any payment


      or empowers any Government or taxing authority or Government Official to
      require the Company to make any payment in respect of any shares
      registered in any of the Company's Registers as held either jointly or
      solely by any member or in respect of any dividends bonuses or other
      moneys due or payable or accruing due or which may become due or payable
      to such member by the Company on or in respect of any shares registered as
      aforesaid or for or on account of any member and whether in consequence
      of -

      (a)   the death of such member

      (b)   the non-payment of any income tax or other tax by such member

      (c)   the non-payment of any estate probate succession death stamp or
            other duty by the executor or administrator of such member or by or
            out of his estate

      (d)   any assessment of or demand for payment in respect of income tax
            against the Company in respect of interest dividends or other money
            payable to such member

      (e)   any other act or thing

      the Company in every such case -

      (i)   Shall be fully indemnified by such member or his executor or
            administrator from all liability.

      (ii)  Shall have a lien upon all dividends bonuses and other moneys
            payable in respect of the shares registered in any of the Company's
            Registers whether held either jointly or solely by such member in
            respect of the same shares or in respect of any dividend bonus or
            other money as aforesaid thereon or for or on account or in respect
            of such member for all moneys and liabilities due or chargeable
            under or in consequence or


            in respect of such law together with interest at the rate of eight
            per centum per annum thereon from date of payment to date of
            repayment and may deduct or set off against any such dividend bonus
            or other money payable as aforesaid any moneys paid or payable by
            the Company as aforesaid together with interest as aforesaid.

      (iii) May recover as a debt due from such member or his executor or
            administrator wherever constituted any moneys paid by the Company
            under or in consequence of any such law and interest thereon at the
            rate and for the period aforesaid in excess of any dividend bonus or
            other money as aforesaid then due or payable by the Company to such

      (iv)  May if any such money is paid or payable by the Company under any
            such law as aforesaid refuse to register a transfer of any share by
            any such member or his executor or administrator until such money
            and interest as aforesaid is set off or deducted as aforesaid or in
            case the same exceeds the amount of any such dividend bonus or other
            money as aforesaid then due or payable by the Company to such member
            until such excess is paid to the Company. Nothing herein contained
            shall prejudice or affect any right or remedy which any such law may
            confer or purport to confer on the Company and as between the
            Company and every such member as aforesaid his executors
            administrators and estate wheresoever constituted or situate any
            right or remedy which such law shall confer on or purport to confer
            on the Company shall be enforceable by the Company.



36.   The Directors may sell the shares of any per- son subject to any such lien
      at such time or times and in such manner as they think fit but no sale
      shall be made until such time as the moneys in respect of which such lien
      exists are presently payable or the liability or en- gagement in respect
      of which such lien exists is liable to be presently fulfilled or dis-
      charged and until a demand and notice in writ- ing stating the amount due
      or specifying the liability or engagement and demanding payment or
      fulfilment or discharge and giving notice of intention to sell in default
      shall have been served on such member and default in payment fulfilment or
      discharge shall have been made by him for seven (7) days after such


37.   The net proceeds of such sale shall be applied in or towards satisfaction
      of the moneys owing to the Company accrued interest and expenses and the
      residue (if any) shall toe paid to the member his executors administrators
      or assigns.


38.   A statutory declaration in writing that the declarant is a Director or the
      Secretary of the Company, and that a share has been duly forfeited in
      pursuance of these Articles, and stating the date upon which it was
      forfeited, shall, as against all persons claiming to be entitled to the
      share adversely to the forfeit- ure thereof, be conclusive evidence of the
      facts therein stated, and such declaration, together with the receipt of
      the Company for the consideration (if any) given for the share on the sale
      or disposition thereof, and a certificate of proprietorship of the share
      under the Seal delivered to the person to whom the same is sold or
      disposed of, shall con- stitute a good title to the share and such person
      shall be registered as the holder of the share and shall be discharged
      from all calls made prior to such sale or disposition, and shall not be
      bound to see to the applicat- ion of the purchase money (if any) nor shall
      his title to the share be affected by any act, omission, or irregularity
      relating to or


      connected with the proceedings in reference to the forfeiture, sale,
      re-allotment or dis- posal of the share.

                            VIII. TRANSFER OF SHARES


39.   Except as provided in the Act or by these Articles no transfer shall be
      registered un- less a proper instrument of transfer has been delivered to
      the Company. The instru- ment of transfer of any share in the Company
      shall be in writing and shall be signed both by the transferor and the
      transferee and shall contain the name and address of the transferor and
      the transferee and the transferor shall be deemed to remain the holder of
      such share un- til the name of the transferee is entered in the Register.


40.   The instrument of transfer of any shares shall be in such usual or common
      form as the Directors shall approve.


41.   (a)   The Directors may in their absolute and uncontrolled discretion
            refuse to register any proposed transfer of shares without assigning
            any reason therefore.

      (b)   If the Directors refuse to register a transfer of any shares they
            shall within one month after the date on which the transfer was
            lodged with the Company send to the transferee notice of the


42.   Every instrument of transfer shall be left at the office (or at such other
      place as the Directors may from time to time determine) for registration
      and shall (if liable to stamp duty) be duly stamped and shall be
      accompanied . by the certificate of the shares to be trans- ferred and
      such other evidence as the Directors


      may require to prove the title of the transferor or his rights to transfer
      the shares. The Directors may waive the production of any certificate
      upon evidence satisfactory to them of its loss or destruction. All
      instruments of transfer which are registered may be retained by the
      Company and thereafter dealt with as the Directors think fit.


43.   The Register may upon notice being given by advertisement in manner
      prescribed by the Act be closed during such time as the Directors may
      think fit not exceeding in the whole thirty (30) days in each year.


44.   The Company shall not be required to register any infant as a member or to
      recognise the transfer of any shares to an infant but the Directors may if
      they think fit, recognise any such transfer and register any infant trans-
      feree as a member.


45.   (a)   In the case of the death of a member the survivors or survivor where
            the deceased was a joint holder and the executors and administrators
            of the deceased where he was the sole holder shall be the only
            persons recognised by the Company as having any title to any shares
            registered in the name of such member but nothing herein contained
            shall release the estate of a deceased joint holder from any liab-
            ility in respect of any share jointly held by him.

      (b)   Any person becoming entitled to any share or shares in consequence
            of the death or bankruptcy of any member or pursuant to the order of
            any competent Court in respect of such share or shares upon
            producing such evidence that he sustains the character in respect
            of which he proposes to act under


            this Article or of his title as the Directors think sufficient may
            with the consent of the Directors be registered as a member in
            respect of such shares or may subject to the Articles as to
            transfers hereinbefore contained transfer such shares.

      (c)   A person who shall have satisfied the Directors that he is entitled
            to a share in consequence of the death or bankruptcy of a member
            shall be entitled to receive and may give a discharge for
            dividends, bonuses or other moneys payable in respect of the shares
            but he shall not be entitled to receive notice of or to attend or
            vote at Meetings of the Company nor be entitled to any rights or
            privileges of a member unless and until he shall have been entered
            in the Register as a member in respect of the share.

      (d)   The Company shall be entitled to with- hold payment of dividends in
            respect of any shares to which a person shall claim to be entitled
            in consequence of the death or bankruptcy of a member until the
            Directors shall have been satisfied as to that person's entitle-

                            IX, ALTERATION OF CAPITAL


46.   The Company in General Meeting in accordance with the Act may from time to
      time whether all shares for the time being authorised shall have been
      issued or not and whether all shares for the time being issued shall have
      been fully called up or not, increase its share capital by the creation of
      new shares.


47.   New shares shall be under the control of the Directors and shall be dealt
      with as provided in these Articles.



48.   All share capital whether or not at the date of adoption of these Articles
      authorised or issued shall be subject to the provision of these Articles.


49.   The Company may from time to time in accord- ance with the Act -

      (a)   Consolidate and divide all or any of its share capital into shares
            of larger amount than its existing shares.

      (b)   Convert all or any of its paid-up shares into stock and re-convert
            any stock into paid-up shares of any denomination.

      (c)   Subdivide its shares or any of them into shares of smaller amount
            than is fixed by the Memorandum so however that in the subdivision
            the proportion between the amount paid and the amount if any not
            paid on each reduced share shall be the same as it was in the case
            of the share from which the re- duced share is derived.

      (d)   Cancel shares which at the date of the passing of the Resolution in
            that behalf have not been taken or agreed to be taken by any person
            or which have been forfeited and diminish the amount of its share
            capital by the amount of the shares so cancelled.


50.   (a)   Holders of stock may transfer the same or any part in the same
            manner as the shares from which the stock arose might prior to
            conversion have been transferred, or as nearly as circumstances
            permit, but the Direct- ors may from time to time fix the minimum
            amount of stock transferable or forbid the transfer of fractions of
            such minimum amount. The minimum


            amount shall not exceed the nominal value of the shares from which
            the stock arose.

      (b)   All Articles of Association applic- able to paid-up shares shall
            apply to stock and the words "share" "shareholder" and "member"
            shall inc- lude "stock" and "stockholder."


51.   The Company may from time to time in accord- ance with the Act reduce its
      capital in any way and in particular without prejudice to the generality
      of this Article may -

      (a)   Extinguish or reduce the liability on any of its shares in respect
            of share capital not paid up or -

      (b)   Either with or without extinguishing or reducing liability on any of
            its shares cancel any paid up share capital which is lost or
            unrepresented by available assets or -

      (c)   Either with or without extinguishing or reducing liability on any of
            its shares pay off any paid up share capital which is in excess of
            the wants of the Company and may if and so far as is necessary alter
            its Memorandum by reducing the amount of its share capital and of
            its shares accordingly.


52.   If at any time the share capital is divided into different classes of
      shares, the rights attached to any class (unless otherwise pro- vided by
      the terms of issue of the shares of that class) may whether or not the
      Company is being wound up, be varied with the consent in writing of the
      holders of three- fourths of the issued shares of that class, or with the
      sanction of a Special Resolution passed


at a separate General Meeting of the holders of the shares of that class. To
every such separate General Meeting the provisions of these Articles relating to
General Meetings shall mutatis mutandis apply but so that the necessary quorum
shall be two persons at least holding or representing by proxy one-third of the
issued shares of the class and that any holder of shares of the class present in
person or by proxy may demand a poll.

                               X. BORROWING POWERS

Directors' Power To Borrow and give Security

53.   (a)   The Directors may from time to time at their absolute discretion
            raise or borrow any sum or sums of money for the purposes of the
            Company and from any persons banks firms or companies (expressly
            including any person holding the office of Director or being a
            member) and secure the payment or repayment of such moneys or of any
            debts liabilities contracts or obligations undertaken or incurred by
            the Company in such manner and upon such terms and conditions in all
            respects as they think fit and in particular by the issue or
            re-issue of bonds debentures or debenture stock of the Company
            perpetual or redeemable or by giving or issuing any other security
            of the Company or by Mortgage or charge upon all or any of the
            property of the Company both present and future including uncalled

      (b)   Any bonds .debentures or other securities may be issued at a
            discount premium or. otherwise and with or without the right or
            obligation to the holders thereof to exchange the same in whole or
            part for shares in the Company at a certain or uncertain time or
            with any special privileges


            as to redemption surrender drawings allotment of shares attending
            and voting at General Meetings of the Company appointment of
            Directors and otherwise and generally with such rights and upon such
            conditions and options in all respects as the Directors shall think

Assignment of Conveyance of Property To Trustees

54.   The Directors may for the purpose of securing the payment with interest of
      any money so borrowed or payable under any contract or other obligation
      whatsoever or otherwise or of any bonds debentures debenture stock or
      other securities make and carry into effect any arrangement which they may
      deem expedient by assigning or conveying any property of the Company to

Securities May Be Assignable Free From Equities

55.   Bonds debentures debenture stock and other securities may be so framed
      that they shall be assignable free from any equities between the Company
      and the original or any intermed- iate holders.

Duties Of Directors Concerning Mortgages and Charges

56.   The Company shall duly comply with the require- ments of the Act in regard
      to the registration of mortgages and charges the keeping of cop- ies of
      instruments of charge and of a Register of Charges at the office and the
      opening of such Register to the inspection of creditors members and other

Directors May Authorise Mortgagees To Make Calls on Members

57.   If any uncalled capital of the Company is included in or charged by any
      mortgage or other security the Directors may by instrument under the
      Company's Seal authorise the person in whose favour such mortgage or
      security is executed or any other person in trust for him to make calls on
      the members in respect of such uncalled capital and the provisions
      hereinbefore contained in regard to calls shall mutatis mutandis apply to
      calls made under such authority and such authority may be made


      exercisable either conditionally or unconditionally and either presently
      or contingently and either to the exclusion of the Directors' power or
      otherwise and shall be assignable if expressed so to be

Priority Of Charges

58.   Where any uncalled capital of the Company is charged all persons taking
      any subsequent charge shall take the same subject to such prior charge and
      shall not be entitled by notice to the members or otherwise to obtain
      priority over such prior charge.

Indemnity To Directors And Other Persons

59.   If the Directors or any of them or any other person shall become
      personally liable for the payment of any sum primarily due from the
      Company the Directors may execute or cause to be executed any mortgage
      charge or security over or affecting the whole or any part of the assets
      of the Company by way of indemnity to secure the Directors or persons so
      becoming liable from any loss in respect of such liabilities.

                              XI. GENERAL MEETINGS

Annual General Meeting

60.   An Annual General Meeting shall be held at least once in every year and
      not more than fifteen (15) months after the holding of the last preceding
      Annual General Meeting at such time and place as the Directors may from
      time to time determine.

Types Of General Meetings

61.   All Meetings of the Company other than the Annual General Meeting shall be
      called "Extraordinary General Meetings."

Convening Of Extraordinary General Meetings

62.   The Directors may whenever they think fit convene an Extraordinary General
      Meeting and they shall on the requisition of the holders entitled to vote
      on the business for which the Meeting is to be convened of not less


      than one-tenth of the paid up capital of the Company at the date of the
      deposit of the requisition forthwith proceed to convene an Extraordinary
      General Meeting of the Company and in the case of such requisition the
      following provisions shall have effect -

      (a)   The requisition must state the objects of the Meeting and must be
            signed by the requisitionists and deposited at the office and may
            consist of several documents in like form each signed by one or more
            of the requisitionists.

      (b)   The Directors shall cause the Meeting to be held as soon as
            practicable, but in any case not later than two (2) months after the
            receipt by the Company of the requisition.

      (c)   If the Directors do not proceed to cause a Meeting to be held within
            twenty-one (21) days from the date of the requisition being
            deposited the requisitionists or a majority of them in value may
            themselves convene the Meeting but any Meeting so convened shall
            not be held after three (3) months from the date of such deposit.

      (d)   In the case of a Meeting at which a Resolution is to be proposed as
            a Special Resolution the Directors shall be deemed not to have duly
            convened the Meeting if they do not give such notice as is required
            by the Act.

      (e)   Any Meeting convened under this clause by the requisitionists shall
            be convened in the same manner as nearly as possible as that in
            which Meetings are to be convened by the Directors.


      (f)   Any reasonable expenses incurred by the requisitionists by reason of
            the failure of the Directors to convene a meeting shall be paid to
            the requisitionists by the Company and any sum so paid shall be
            retained by the Company out of any sums due or to become due from
            the Company by way of fees or other remuneration in respect of their
            services to such of the Directors as were in default.

      (g)   A requisition by joint holders of shares must be signed by all such

      (h)   If at any time there are not available sufficient Directors capable
            of acting to form a quorum any Director or any two members of the
            Company may convene an Extraordinary General Meeting.

                         XII. NOTICE OF GENERAL MEETINGS

Notice Of General Meetings

63.   A Meeting called for the passing of a Special Resolution shall be called
      by Twenty-one (21) days' notice in writing at least and a Meeting of the
      Company other than a Meeting for the passing of a Special Resolution shall
      be called by Seven (7) days' notice in writing at least. The notice shall
      be exclusive of the day on which it is served or deemed to be served and
      of the day for which it is given and shall specify the place and day and
      the hour of the Meeting and in case of special business the general nature
      of that business and shall be given as herein prescribed or as prescribed
      by the Company in General Meeting to all registered holders of shares and
      such other persons as may be entitled to receive such notices from the


Calling Of Meetings On Shorter Notice

64.   Subject to the Act a Meeting of the Company shall notwithstanding that it
      is called by shorter notice than that specified in the foregoing Article
      be deemed to have been duly called if it is so agreed by all members
      entitled to attend and to vote.

Omission To Give Notice

65.   The accidental omission to give any notice of any Meeting to or the
      non-receipt of any such notice by any member shall not invalidate the
      proceedings at any Meeting or any Resolution.

Waiver Of Notice

66.   Subject to the Act, any member or members either before or after any
      Meeting may waive in writing notice of such Meeting and such waiver shall
      as far as the giving of notice is concerned render such Meetings and all
      proceedings as valid as if prior due notice had been given to that member
      or those members.


Business Of Meetings

67.   The business to be transacted at each Annual General Meeting shall be as

      (a)   To consider a Profit and Loss Account, Balance Sheet and Reports of
            Directors and Auditors and any other documents laid before the
            Meeting and to consider any Resolution thereon submitted at the

      (b)   To elect Directors in the place of any retiring.

      (c)   To fix the remuneration of Directors.

      (d)   To elect Auditors and to fix their remuneration.

      (e)   To declare any dividends recommended by the Directors.


      (f)   To transact any other business which under these presents or the Act
            ought to be transacted at an Annual General Meeting.

Special Business

68.   All business that is transacted at an Extra- ordinary General Meeting or
      at any Annual General Meeting with the exception of the business mentioned
      in the preceding Article shall be deemed special business. Such special
      business shall be considered and decided as may be brought forward by the
      Directors or by any member who shall have given to the Directors previous
      notice in writing of his intention to bring forward the same and which in
      either case shall have been stated in the notice convening the Meeting.

Business To Be Transacted At Meetings

69.   No special business shall be transacted at any Meeting unless stated in
      the notice con- vening the Meeting and no Resolution shall be passed or
      other business transacted at any Meeting which is not included within the
      objects and purposes for which the Meeting is convened and no amendment
      shall be allowed upon any Resolution contained in the notice convening any
      Meeting not directly pertinent thereto.

No Business To Be Done Unless Quorum Is Present

70.   No business shall be transacted at any General Meeting unless the quorum
      requisite is present at the commencement of that business.


71.   The members personally present or present by attorney proxy or
      representative shall con- stitute a quorum for a General Meeting.

Dissolution Or Adjournment for Want 0f Quorum

72.   If within fifteen (15) minutes from the time appointed for the Meeting a
      quorum be not present the Meeting if convened upon the re- quisition of
      members or called pursuant to the provisions of the Act shall be
      dissolved. In any other case it shall stand adjourned to


      the same day in the next week at the same time and place or to such other
      day time and place as the Directors may by notice to the shareholders
      entitled to notice of General Meetings appoint. If at such adjourned
      Meeting a quorum is not present those members who are present shall be a
      quorum and may transact the business for which the Meeting was called.

Chairman Of General Meeting

73.   The Chairman of Directors shall preside as Chairman at every General
      Meeting of the Company. If at any General Meeting he is not present within
      ten (10) minutes after the time appointed for holding the Meeting or is
      unwilling to act as Chairman the members present shall choose another
      Director as Chairman, and if no Director be present or if all the
      Directors present decline to take the Chair then the members present shall
      choose one of their number to be Chairman.

Secretary Of General Meeting

74.   The Secretary or in his absence any Assistant or Acting Secretary of the
      Company shall act as Secretary of all Meetings of the members. In the
      absence of these officers the Chairman of the Meeting may appoint any
      person to act as Secretary of the Meeting.

Adjournment Of Meeting

75.   The Chairman may with the consent of any Meet- ing at which a quorum is
      present and shall if so directed by the Meeting adjourn any Meeting from
      time to time and from place to place as the Meeting shall determine but no
      business shall be transacted at any adjourned Meeting other than the
      business left unfinished at the Meeting from which the adjournment took
      place. It shall not be necessary to give any notice of an adjournment or
      of the business to be transacted at an adjourned Meeting.

How Questions To Be Decided At Meetings

76.   (1)   At any General Meeting a Resolution put to the vote of the Meeting
            shall be decided on a show of hands unless a poll is (before or on
            the declaration


            of the result of the show of hands)
            demanded -

            (a)   by the Chairman - or

            (b)   by at least two (2) members pre sent in person or by Attorney
                  Proxy or Representative - or

            (c)   by any member or members present in person or by Attorney
                  Proxy or Representative and representing not less than
                  one-tenth of the total voting rights of all the shareholders
                  having the right to vote at the Meeting - or

            (d)   by a member or members holding shares in the Company
                  conferring a right to vote at the Meeting being shares on
                  which an aggreg ate sum has been paid up equal to not less
                  than one-tenth of the total sum paid up on all the shares
                  conferring that right.

      (2)   The instrument appointing an Attorney Proxy or Representative to
            vote at a Meeting of the Company shall be deemed also to confer
            authority to demand or join in demanding a poll and for the purpose
            of the present Article a demand by a person as Attorney Proxy or
            Representative for a member shall be the same as a demand by the

Evidence Of Passing A Resolution On A Show Of Hands

      77.   At any General Meeting unless a poll be demanded in accordance with
            the preceding Article a declaration by the Chairman that a
            Resolution has on a show of hands been carried or carried
            unanimously or by a particular majority or lost and an entry to that
            effect in the book containing the Minutes of the proceedings of the
            Company shall be conclusive evidence of the fact without proof of
            the number


      or proportion of the votes recorded in favour of or against such


78.   A demand for a poll may be withdrawn.


79.   If a poll is duly demanded it shall be taken within fourteen (l4) days of
      the date of demand in such manner and at such time and place as the
      Chairman of the Meeting directs and the result of the poll shall be deemed
      to be the Resolution of the Meeting at which the poll was demanded.


80.   No poll may be demanded on the election of a Chairman of a General Meeting
      or upon a question of adjournment of a General Meeting. A poll demanded on
      any other question shall be taken at such time as the Chairman of the
      Meeting directs and either at once or after an interval or adjournment or
      otherwise and any business other than that upon which a poll has been
      demanded shall unless the Meeting otherwise resolves be proceeded with
      pending the taking of the poll.


81.   In the case of an equality of votes whether on a show of hands or on a
      poll the Chairman shall have a second or casting vote.

                              XIV. VOTES OF MEMBERS


82.   Subject to the Articles and to any restrictions from time to time
      affecting any shares or class of shares:-

      (a)   On a show of hands every member present in person or by Attorney or
            Proxy or, in the case of a company being a member, by its
            Representative shall have one (1) vote; and

      (b)   in case of a poll, every member present


            in person or by Attorney or Proxy, or, in the case of company being
            a member, by its Representative, shall have one (1) vote for every
            share held by him.


83.   Where there are joint registered holders of any share any one of such
      persons may vote at any Meeting either in person or by Attorney or Proxy,
      or, in the case of a company by its Representative, in respect of such
      shares as if he were solely entitled thereto and if more than one (1) of
      such joint holders be present at any Meeting in person or by Attorney
      Proxy or Representative, then that one (1) of the said persons so present
      whose name stands first in order in the Register in respect of such share
      shall if desirous of voting alone be entitled to vote in respect thereof.


84.   An Attorney Proxy or Representative need not be a member. Whether on a
      show of hands or on a poll, votes may be given either personally or by
      Attorney or Proxy or, in the case of a company being a member, by its
      Representative; but on a show of hands, if a member present in person
      represents also by Proxy or otherwise another member, or if a person other
      than a member represents two or more members, neither the said member
      present nor the said person shall have more than one (1) vote.


85.   A member shall be entitled to be present and to vote on any question
      either personally or by Attorney or Proxy or as Attorney or Proxy for
      another member or, in the case of a company being a member, by its
      Representative, at any General Meeting or upon a poll and to be counted in
      a quorum in respect of any fully paid up share or shares and of any share
      or shares upon which all calls due and payable to the Company shall have
      been paid but shall not be entitled to vote in respect of any shares on
      which all calls or other sums presently payable by him have not been duly



86.   A member who is of unsound mind or whose person or estate is liable to be
      dealt with in any way under the law relating to mental health may vote,
      whether on a show of hands or on a poll, by his committee or by his
      trustee or by such other person as properly has the management of his
      estate, and any such committee trustee or other person may vote by Proxy
      or Attorney.


87.   A corporation (including a foreign corporation) which is a member may, by
      Resolution of its Directors or other governing body, authorise any person
      to act as its representative at any Meeting of the Company or of any class
      of members, and the person so authorised shall be entitled to exercise the
      same powers on behalf of the corporation which he represents as that
      corporation could exercise if it were an individual member, including the
      power to appoint a Proxy. Any such authority may be either general, unless
      or until revoked, or special for a particular Meeting.


88.   The instrument appointing a Proxy shall be in writing under the hand of
      the appointor or of his Attorney duly authorised in writing or if the
      appointor is a corporation either under Seal or under the hand of an
      officer or Attorney duly authorised.


89.   The instrument appointing a Proxy or Representative and the Power of
      Attorney or other authority, if any, under which it is signed or a
      notarially certified copy -

      (a)   Shall be deposited at the office not less than twenty-four (24)
            hours before the time for holding the Meeting or adjourned Meeting
            at which the person named in the instrument proposes to vote.

      (b)   In the case of a poll (if not deposited


            as aforesaid) shall be deposited at the office not less than
            twenty-four (24) hours before the time appointed for taking the

      and in default the instrument of appointment shall not be treated as


90.   (a)   Any instrument appointing a Proxy shall be in such form as the
            Directors may from time to time prescribe or accept or in a common

      (b)   If any form appointing a Proxy does not include the name of the
            person or persons in whose favour it is given or other details
            required to be filled in by the member it may be completed by the
            Secretary on authority from the Directors and the Directors may
            authorise completion of such form by the insertion of the name or
            names of one (1) or more of their number.


91.   A vote given in accordance with the terms of an instrument of Proxy or
      Attorney shall be valid notwithstanding the previous death or unsoundness
      of mind of the principal or revocation of the instrument or the authority
      under which the instrument was executed, or the transfer of the shares in
      respect of which the instrument is given, if no intimation in writing of
      such death, unsoundness of mind, revocation or transfer as aforesaid has
      been received by the Company at the registered office before the
      commencement of the Meeting or adjourned Meeting at which the instrument
      is used.


92.   No objection shall be taken to the validity of any vote except at the
      Meeting at which such vote shall be tendered and every vote not disallowed
      at such Meeting whether given personally or by Attorney, Proxy,


      or otherwise shall be deemed valid for all purposes.

                                 XV. DIRECTORS


93.   (a)   Notwithstanding any provision of any other Article but only during
            the period of subsidiary management -

            (i)   The Directors shall be such persons as are from time to time
                  appointed Directors of the Company by J.I. Case Company of
                  Racine Wisconsin in the United States of America in writing
                  under its Common Seal.

            (ii)  Any Director so appointed shall, subject to the Act, hold
                  office until removed by notice in writing under the Common
                  Seal of J.I. Case Company or until he shall resign by Notice
                  in writing to the Company.

      (b)   The period of subsidiary management shall terminate upon the passing
            by the Company in General Meeting of a Resolution terminating the
            period of subsidiary management.

      (c)   Upon the termination of the period of subsidiary management this
            Article shall cease to have effect and the provisions of Articles 94
            to 98 inclusive shall apply.

                               GENERAL PROVISIONS


94.   Until otherwise determined by the Company in General Meeting the number of
      Directors shall not be less than three (3) nor more than eight (8).



95.   The Directors shall have power at any time and from time to time to
      appoint any person as a Director either to fill a casual vacancy or as an
      addition to the Board but so that the total number of Directors shall not
      at any time exceed the maximum number fixed by or pursuant to the last
      preceding Article. Any Director so appointed shall hold office only until
      the next following Annual General Meeting of the Company and shall then be
      eligible for re-election.


96.   The continuing Directors may act notwithstanding any vacancy in their body
      but so that if the number falls below the minimum above fixed the
      continuing Directors shall not except for the purpose of filling vacancies
      or for summoning a General Meeting act so long as the number is below the


97.   Save as is otherwise provided in the Articles or the following provisions
      shall apply:-

      (a)   At every Annual General Meeting the whole of the Directors shall
            retire from office.

      (b)   Retiring Directors shall retain office until the dissolution or
            adjournment of the Meeting at which their successors are elected and
            shall be eligible for re-election.

      (c)   The Company at the Meeting at which the Directors retire in manner
            aforesaid shall elect Directors to fill the vacated offices. No
            person not being a retiring Director shall be eligible for election
            to the office of Director at any General Meeting unless he or some
            other member intending to propose him has at least fourteen (l4)
            clear days before the Meeting left at the office of


            the Company a notice in writing duly signed signifying his
            candidature for the office or the intention of such member to
            propose him. Provided that in the case of a person recommended for
            election by the Directors ten (10) days' notice only shall be

      (d)   If at any Meeting at which an election of a Director ought to take
            place the place of the retiring Director be not filled up the
            retiring Director shall if willing to act and otherwise eligible
            continue in office until the Annual General Meeting in the following
            year and so on from year to year until his place is filled up unless
            it shall be determined at such Meeting on due notice to reduce the
            number of Directors.


98.   The Company may in General Meeting by Ordinary Resolution remove any
      Director before expiration of his period of office and may appoint another
      person in his stead for the balance of that period provided that where any
      Director so removed was appointed to represent the interests of any
      particular class of shareholders or debenture holders the Resolution to
      remove him shall not take effect until his successor has been appointed.
      Twenty eight (28) days' notice at least shall be required of any
      Resolution to remove a Director and upon receipt of such notice the
      Company shall forthwith send a copy to the Director concerned. Such
      Director may subject to the Act make representations in writing to the
      Company relating to the intended Resolution and the Company shall unless
      the representations are received by it too late for it so to do -

      (i)   in any Notice of Meeting given to members of the Company state the
            fact of the representations having been made; and


      (ii)  send a copy of the representations to every member or if such
            representations are not so sent such Director may require that the
            representations shall be read at the Meeting called to consider the
            intended Resolution.


99.   A Director shall not be required to hold any shares.


100.  A Director may serve the Company in any other capacity or hold any other
      office or place of profit under the Company except that he shall not nor
      shall any officer of the Company or a partner in any business with or an
      employer or employee of a Director or Officer of the Company be capable of
      being appointed or of acting as Auditor of the Company or of any
      subsidiary of the Company as may be defined by the Act from time to time.


101.  Notwithstanding the provisions of any other Article, the office of a
      Director shall ipso facto be vacated -

      (a)   if he becomes bankrupt or suspends payment or compounds with his
            creditors or be convicted of a felony;

      (b)   if he becomes of unsound mind or a person whose person or estate is
            liable to be dealt with in any way under the law relating to mental

      (c)   if by notice in writing to the Company he resigns his office;

      (d)   if he becomes prohibited from being a Director by reason of any
            order made under the Act;

      (e)   if he ceases to be a Director by virtue of the Act.


      Any Director whose office becomes so vacated shall, subject to the Act, be
      eligible for immediate re-election or re-appointment.


102. (a) Notwithstanding any rule of law or equity to the contrary no Director
         shall be disqualified by his office from holding any office or place of
         profit under the Company or under any Company in which this Company
         shall be member or otherwise interested except that of Auditor or from
         contracting with the Company either as vendor purchaser or otherwise
         nor shall any such contract or any contract or arrangement entered into
         by or on behalf of the Company in which any Director shall be in any
         way interested be avoided nor shall any Director be liable to account
         to the Company for any profit arising from any such office or place of
         profit or realised by any such contract or arrangement by reason only
         of such Director holding that office or of the fiduciary relations
         thereby established but it is declared that the nature of his interest
         must be disclosed by him at the Meeting of the Directors at which the
         contract or arrangement is first taken into consideration if his
         interest then exists or in any other case at the first Meeting of the
         Directors after the acquisition of his interest. If a Director becomes
         interested in a contract or arrangement after it is made or entered
         into the disclosure of his interest shall be made at the first Meeting
         of the Directors held after he becomes so interested. A Director may as
         a Director vote in respect of any contract or arrangement in which he
         is so interested as aforesaid and


            if he do so vote his vote shall be counted. Any Director so
            interested shall be counted in determining a quorum.

      (b)   A general notice that a Director is a member or a Director of any
            company or a member of any partnership and is to be regarded as
            interested in all transactions with that company or partnership
            shall be sufficient disclosure under this clause as regards such
            Director and the said transactions and after such general notice it
            shall not be necessary for such Director to give a special notice
            relating to any particular transaction with that company or
            partnership provided that nothing herein shall be deemed to limit
            the duties imposed on Directors by the Act.


103.  A Director of this Company may be or become a Director of any other
      company promoted by this Company any subsidiary company or any company
      having dealings with this Company and no such Director shall merely
      because he be a Director of this Company be accountable for any benefits
      received as Director or member of or holder of any office or place of
      profit under such Company. The Directors may exercise the voting power
      conferred by the shares in any company held or owned by the Company in
      such manner in all respects as the Directors think fit (including the
      exercise thereof in favour of any Resolution appointing the Directors or
      any of them to be Directors of such company or voting or providing for the
      payment of remuneration to the Directors of such company) and any such
      Director of the Company may vote in favour of the exercise of such voting
      rights in manner aforesaid notwithstanding that he may be or be about to
      be appointed a Director of such other company.



104.  Any act done in good faith by a Director whose office is vacated by the
      operation of any provision of the Act or of these Articles shall be valid
      unless prior to the doing of such act written notice has been served upon
      the Director or an entry has been made in the Directors' Minute Book
      stating that such Director has ceased to be a Director of the Company.

                         XVI. REMUNERATION OF DIRECTORS


105.  The Company shall from time to time fix in General Meeting the
      remuneration of Directors to be paid out of the funds of the Company to
      the Directors and such remuneration shall be divided among them in such
      proportions and manner as the Company may by Resolution direct and failing
      any such Resolution as the Directors may for the time being and from time
      to time agree and failing agreement then equally between them.


106.  Each Director shall in addition to any remuneration receivable by him be
      reimbursed his reasonable travelling hotel and other expenses incurred in
      attending and returning from Meetings of the Directors of the Company or
      otherwise while employed in the business of the Company.


107.  If any Director being willing shall be called upon to perform extra
      services or to make any special exertions in going abroad or otherwise for
      any of the purposes of the Company the Company may remunerate the Director
      for so doing by a fixed sum, as may be determined by the Directors and
      such remuneration may be either in addition to or substitution for his or
      their share in the remuneration above provided.



108.  Subject to the Act for the purpose of any scheme instituted by the Company
      for providing pensions life assurances or other benefits for its employees
      and/or any employees of any of its subsidiary companies any Director
      holding any salaried employment or office in the Company shall be deemed
      an employee of the Company and may accordingly (if otherwise qualified
      under the provisions of the Scheme) become a member thereof and receive
      and retain all benefits to which he may become entitled. The Directors may
      pay out of the Company's moneys any premiums or contributions becoming
      payable by the Company under the provisions of any such Scheme in respect
      of any Directors holding any salaried employment or office in the Company
      who are members.


109.  A Director shall not vote at Meetings of Directors upon any Resolution or
      matter relating to any scheme referred to in the preceding Article
      (including Resolution for the payment by the Company of contributions) in
      which he is personally interested and if he does so vote his vote shall
      not be counted.


110.  The Company shall not except as permitted by the Act make to any Director
      any payment by way of compensation for loss of office as a Director of the
      Company or of a subsidiary of the Company or in consideration for or in
      connection with his retirement from any such office nor shall the Company
      make any payment to any Director of the Company in connection with the
      transfer of the whole or any part of the undertaking or property of the
      Company unless particulars with respect to the proposed payment (including
      the amount) have been disclosed to the members of the Company and the
      proposal has been approved by the Company in General Meeting.


                            XVII. ALTERNATE DIRECTORS


111.  (a)   Each Director shall have power from time to time to nominate any
            person approved by the Board to act as an Alternate Director in his
            place during his inability for any reason to act as such Director
            and on such appointment being made the Alternate Director shall for
            all purposes be deemed to be a Director of the Company during the
            continuance of the appointment and shall have the same powers and
            rights other than to remuneration and be subject in all respects to
            the terms and conditions as exist with reference to other Directors
            and each Alternate Director whilst so acting shall observe and
            discharge all the duties of the Director for whom he is acting as
            an alternate.

      (b)   A Director may at any time revoke the appointment of an Alternate
            Director appointed by him and appoint any person in his place.

      (c)   Subject to the particular terms of his appointment the appointment
            of an Alternate Director shall be merely suspended by the resumption
            by the Director in right of whom he has been appointed of the duties
            of a Director.

      (d)   Any appointment or removal under this Article shall be effected by
            notice delivered to the office in writing under the hand of the
            Director making the same.

      (e)   An Alternate Director shall be paid such remuneration for his
            services as the Directors may determine provided the amount of such


            shall not exceed the amount of Directors' fees being paid the
            Director making the appointment.

      (f)   An Alternate Director may as such resign by notice in writing under
            his hand delivered to the office.

      (g)   Every person acting as an Alternate Director shall be responsible to
            the Company for his acts and defaults (if any) and shall not be or
            be deemed to be the Agent of the Director by whom he was appointed.

      (h)   If a Director making an appointment under this Article shall cease
            to be a Director the person appointed by him shall thereupon cease
            to have any power or authority as an Alternate Director.


112.  A Director may with the approval of the Board by writing appoint any
      co-director as his proxy and in the absence of the appointor from the
      Board such proxy shall carry a vote and shall have the same rights and
      powers as the appointor but shall only count as one Director for the
      purposes of a quorum.

                         XVIII. PROCEEDINGS OF DIRECTORS


113.  The quorum necessary for the transaction of the business of the Directors
      shall be two (2).


114.  Questions arising at any Meeting of the Directors shall be decided by a
      majority of votes each Director present having one (1) vote.



115.  The Chairman in the case of an equality of votes shall have a second or
      casting vote.


116.  The Directors may meet together for the despatch of business adjourn and
      otherwise regulate their Meetings as they think fit and determine the
      quorum necessary for any Committee for the transaction of business. A
      Director may at any time and the Secretary upon the request of a Director
      shall summon a Meeting of the Directors.


117.  The Directors may elect a Chairman of their Meetings and determine the
      period for which he is to hold office but if no Chairman is elected or if
      at any Meeting the Chairman is not present at the time appointed the
      Directors present shall choose one (l) of their number to be Chairman of
      such Meeting.


118.  A Meeting of the Directors for the time being at which a quorum is present
      shall be competent to exercise all or any of the authorities powers and
      discretions by or under the Articles of Association of the Company for the
      time being vested in or exercisable by the Board,


119.  A Resolution in writing signed by all the Directors for the time being
      shall have the same force and effect as a Resolution passed at a Meeting
      of Directors duly called and constituted notwithstanding that such
      Resolution shall not have been passed at a Meeting of Directors.


120.  All acts done at any Meeting of the Directors or by a Committee of
      Directors or by any person acting as a Director shall not withstanding
      that it shall afterwards be discovered that there was some defect in the
      appointment of such Directors or person acting as aforesaid or that they
      or any of them


      were disqualified be as valid as if every such person had been duly
      appointed and was qualified to be a Director.

                                  XIX. DIRECTOR


121.  The Directors may by Resolution, Power of Attorney or writing delegate any
      of their powers to committees consisting of such of the Directors as they
      think fit to act either in Australia or elsewhere throughout the world.
      Any committee so formed shall in exercise of the powers delegated conform
      to any regulations which may from time to time be imposed on it by the


122. (a)    Without limiting the powers conferred by the preceding Article
            there may be created an Executive Committee which shall consist of
            such of the Directors as may be designated from time to time by the

      (b)   The Executive Committee shall possess and may exercise and perform
            each and all of the powers and duties as the Board entrusts to it
            including the power to cause the Seal of the Company to be affixed
            to any instrument which may be required to be executed to give
            effect to the powers and duties conferred by the Board.

      (c)   The Executive Committee shall conform to such rules and regulations
            for the calling and holding of its Meetings as the Board shall

      (d)   The quorum necessary for a Meeting of the Executive Committee shall
            be such quorum as the Board shall determine.


      (e)   Questions arising at any Meeting of the Executive Committee shall be
            decided in the manner determined by the Board.


123.  All committees including the Executive Committee shall cause the Directors
      to be informed of the Resolutions and recommendations of the Committee.

                       XX. MINUTES OF MEETINGS OF MEMBERS
                            DIRECTORS AND COMMITTEES


124.  The Directors shall cause Minutes to be duly entered in the books provided
      for the purpose of all appointments of officers made by the Directors of
      the names of the Directors present at each Meeting and all Resolutions and
      proceedings at General Meetings and at Meetings of Directors and
      Committees. All such Minutes shall be signed by the Chairman of the
      Meeting at which such proceedings were had or by the Chairman of the next
      succeeding Meeting.


125.  Any such Minutes of any Meeting of the Directors or of any committee or of
      the Company if purporting to be signed by the Chairman of such Meeting or
      of the next succeeding Meeting shall be receivable as prima facie evidence
      of the matters stated in such Minutes. The provisions of the Act as to the
      inspection and copies of Minutes of General Meetings shall be observed.

                            XXI. POWERS OF DIRECTORS


126.  The business of the Company shall be managed by the Directors who may
      exercise all such powers of the Company and do on behalf of the Company
      all such acts as may be exercised


      and done by the Company and as are not by the Act or by these Articles
      required to be exercised or done by the Company in General Meeting subject
      nevertheless to these Articles and to the Act. The general powers given by
      this Article shall not be limited or restricted by any special authority
      or power given to the Directors by any other Article. The Directors may
      arrange that the Company's business or any part or branch may be managed
      by any other company (including any company of which the Directors or any
      of them may be Directors) and that any branch of the business carried on
      by the Company or any other business in which the Company may be
      interested shall be carried on as or through one (1) or more subsidiary or
      associated companies and they may on behalf of the Company make such
      arrangements as they think advisable for taking the profits or bearing the
      losses of any branch or business so carried on or for financing assisting
      or subsidising any such subsidiary or associated company or guaranteeing
      its contracts obligations or liabilities.

                            XXII. MANAGING DIRECTORS


127.  The Directors may from time to time appoint one (1) or more of their body
      to be Managing Director or Managing Directors of the Company for a fixed
      term not exceeding five (5) years and may from time to time subject to the
      provisions of any contract between him or them and the Company remove or
      dismiss him or them from office and appoint another or others in his or
      their place or places.


128.  Unless otherwise provided by any contract between him and the company a
      Managing Director shall be subject to the same provisions as to retirement
      resignation and removal as the other Directors of the Company and he shall
      immediately cease to be a Managing


      Director if he cease to hold the office of Director from any cause.


129.  The remuneration of a Managing Director for his services as such shall
      from time to time be fixed by the Directors but shall not be or include a
      commission on or percentage of turnover.


130.  The Directors may from time to time entrust to and confer upon a Managing
      Director for the time being such of the powers exercisable under these
      Articles by the Directors as they may think fit and may confer such powers
      for such time and to be exercised for such objects and purposes and upon
      such terms and conditions and with such restrictions as they think
      expedient and they may confer such powers either collaterally with or to
      the exclusion of and in substitution for all or any of the powers of the
      Directors in that behalf and may from time to time revoke withdraw alter
      or vary all or any of such powers.



131.  The Directors shall from time to time by Resolution and on any terms they
      think proper appoint a Secretary who shall attend the Meetings of the
      members and of the Directors and may be entrusted with the keeping of the
      Minutes of such Meetings. The Secretary shall perform all the usual duties
      incident to the office of Secretary and shall in addition perform such
      duties as shall be assigned to him from time to time by the Directors. The
      Directors may also appoint from time to time by Resolution and on any term
      they think proper one (l) or more Assistant or Acting Secretaries any of
      whom may in the absence or disability of the Secretary perform his duties.
      The Assistant Secretaries if any shall perform such other duties as may be
      assigned to them by the Directors or by the Secretary.



132.  Without prejudice to the general powers conferred by these Articles it is
      hereby expressly declared that the Directors shall have the power to
      appoint and at their discretion remove or suspend such managers
      secretaries treasurers and other officers clerks agents and servants for
      permanent or special services as they may from time to time think fit to
      determine their powers and duties and fix their salaries or emoluments and
      to require security in such instances and in such amount as they think

                             XXIV. LOCAL MANAGEMENT


133.  The Directors may from time to time provide for the management and
      transaction of the affairs of the Company in any specified locality
      whether in Australia or abroad in such manner as they think fit and the
      provisions contained in the three (3) next following Articles shall be
      without prejudice to the general powers conferred by this Article.


134.  The Directors from time to time and at any time may establish any local
      boards or agencies for managing any of the affairs of the Company in any
      such specified locality and may appont any persons to be members of such
      local board or any managers or agents and may fix their remuneration and
      the Directors from time to time and at any time may delegate to any person
      so appointed any of the powers authorities and discretions for the time
      being vested in the Directors other than the power of making calls and may
      authorise the members for the time being of any such local board or any of
      them to fill up any vacancies therein and to act notwithstanding vacancies
      and any such appointment or delegation may be made on such terms and
      subject to such conditions as the Directors may think fit and the
      Directors may at any time remove any person so appointed and may annul or
      vary any such delegation.



135.  The Directors may at any time and from time to time by Power of Attorney
      under the Seal appoint any person or persons to be the Attorney or
      Attorneys of the Company for such purposes and with such powers
      authorities and discretions (not exceeding those vested in or exercisable
      by the Directors under these Articles) and for such period and subject to
      such conditions as the Directors may from time to time think fit and any
      such appointment may (if the Directors think fit) be made in favour of the
      members or any of the members of any local board or in favour of any
      company or of the members directors nominees or managers of any company or
      firm or in favour of any fluctuating body of persons whether nominated
      directly or indirectly by the Directors and any such Power of Attorney may
      contain such provisions for the protection or convenience or persons
      dealing with such Attorney or Attorneys as the Directors may think fit.


136.  Any such delegates or attorneys as aforesaid may be authorised by the
      Directors to subdelegate all or any of the powers authorities and
      discretions for the time being vested in them.

                              XXV. BRANCH REGISTERS


137. (a)    The Directors may from time to time establish and cause to be kept
            in any place outside the State or Territory of Incorporation a
            Branch Register of Members and an Official Seal and may discontinue
            any such Register and transfer the entries therein to some other
            Register. The Directors may empower any person or persons to keep
            the Branch Register and to approve of or reject transfers in that
            Register and every such person or persons may in respect of
            transfers or other entries


            in such Register for which they are appointed exercise all powers of
            the Directors in the same manner and to the same extent and effect
            as if the Directors were actually present in such place and
            exercised the same. The Directors may from time to time make such
            provisions as they may think fit respecting the use of such Official

      (b)   Shares registered on a Branch Register shall be distinguished from
            shares registered in the Principal Register and no transaction with
            respect to any shares registered in a Branch Register shall during
            continuance of that Registration be registered in any other

      (c)   In any instrument of application for or transfer or transmission of
            shares of the Company the party purporting to become entitled to
            such shares as a result of the transaction may specify the Register
            upon which he desires such shares when in his name to be held and on
            such transaction becoming effective such specification may be given
            effect to by the Company. Nothing in this present Article shall
            affect the right of any shareholder to the transfer at any time
            Register of the Company to any other Register of the Company for the
            time being maintained by it nor to limit the right of the Company to
            discontinue any Branch Register,

                                 XXVI. THE SEAL


138.  The Directors shall provide for the safe custody of the Seal. The Seal
      shall never be used except by the authority of a Resolution `


      of the Board of Directors or of a Resolution of the Executive Committee
      should the power to affix the Seal be delegated by the Board of Directors
      to the Executive Committee. The Seal shall in every case be affixed in the
      presence of two (2) Directors who shall sign every instrument to which the
      Seal is affixed and every such instrument shall be countersigned by the
      Secretary or any Assistant Secretary or such other person as the Directors
      may appoint for that purpose.

Duplicate Common Seal For Share Certificate

139.  The Company may if the Directors see fit obtain and keep a duplicate
      Common Seal which shall be a facsimile of the Common Seal of the Company
      with the addition on its face of the words "Share Seal" which Seal may be
      used for the purpose of authenticating share certificates of the Company.

                          XXVII. NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS

                                  AND CONTRACTS

Execution Of Negotiable Instruments And Contracts

140.  All promissory notes cheques drafts bills of exchange and other negotiable
      or transferable instruments and all receipts for money paid to the Company
      and all contracts not necessitating the Seal shall be signed drawn
      accepted endorsed or otherwise executed as the case may be in such manner
      as the Directors shall from time to time by Resolution determine.

                                XXVIII. RESERVES

Establishment Of Reserves

l4l.  The Directors may before recommending any dividend set aside out of the
      profits of the Company (in addition to any sums utilised in excess
      purchase or excess redemption of redeemable Preference Shares and so
      required to be set aside for share capital redemption funds) such sums as
      they think proper as a


      reserve which shall at the discretion of the Directors be applicable as to
      the whole or in part for meeting depreciation or contingencies for the
      gradual liquidation of any debt or liability of the Company for repairing
      or maintaining any property of the Company for equalising dividends for
      distribution by way of special dividend or bonus or for such other
      purposes as the Directors may think expedient in the interests of the
      Company and pending such application the Directors may employ the sums
      from time to time so set aside in the business of the Company or invest
      the same in such securities other than the shares of the Company as they
      may select and that without being bound to keep the same separate from the
      other assets. The Directors may also from time to time carry forward such
      sums as may be deemed expedient in the interests of the Company. The
      reserve or any profits carried forward or any part thereof may be
      capitalised in any manner hereafter provided.

                                 XXIX. DIVIDENDS

Declaration Of Dividends

l42.  The Company in General Meeting may declare dividends and fix the time for
      payment thereof but no dividend shall exceed the amount recommended by
      the Directors* The Directors may from time to time cause the Company to
      pay to the members such interim dividends as appear to the Directors to be
      justified by the profits of the Company.

Dividend To Be Paid On Amount Paid On Shares

143,  Subject to the rights of persons if any entitled to shares with special
      rights as to dividends all dividends shall be declared and paid according
      to the amounts paid up on Shares" the shares. Provided that and subject as
      aforesaid where capital is paid up during a period in respect of which a
      dividend is declared such capital shall entitle the holder only to an
      apportioned amount of such dividend as from the date or dates of payment


      of such capital provided that if any share is issued on terms providing
      that it shall rank for dividend as from a particular date that share shall
      rank for dividend accordingly.

Dividends Out of Profits Only Not To Carry Interest

144.  No dividend shall be payable except out of the profits of the year or any
      other undistributed profits of the Company but this proviso shall be
      without prejudice to the right of the Directors to apply any part of any
      reserves representing undistributed profits to provide make up equalise or
      increase any dividend or interim dividend or to pay a bonus from time to
      time. No dividend or interim dividend shall carry interest as against the

What To Be Deemed Profits

145.  For the purpose of Article 144 the declaration of the Directors as to
      the amount of profits shall be conclusive.

Debts Hay Be Deducted

146.  The Directors may deduct from the dividends payable to any member all such
      sums of money as may be due from him to the Company on account of calls or

Dividends In Specie

147.  With the sanction of a General Meeting dividends may in the discretion of
      the Directors be paid wholly or in part in specie and may be satisfied in
      whole or in part by the distribution amongst the members in accordance
      with their rights of fully paid shares debentures or other securities of
      the Company or of any other Company or of any other property suitable for
      distribution as aforesaid. The Directors shall have full liberty to make
      all such valuations and adjustments and arrangements and to issue all such
      certificates or documents of title as may in their opinion be necessary or
      expedient with a view to facilitating the equitable distribution amongst
      the members of any dividends or portion of dividends to be satisfied as


      or to giving them the benefit of their proper shares and interests in the
      property and no valuation adjustment or arrangement so made shall be
      questioned by any member.

Stock Dividend And Capitalisation of Reserves Etc.

148.  The Directors may with the sanction of the Company in General Meeting
      resolve that any moneys investments or other assets forming part of the
      undivided profits of the Company standing to the credit of the reserve or
      other special account or in the hands of the Company and available for
      dividends and including any profit arising from the sale or revaluation of
      the assets of the Company or any part thereof or by reason of any other
      accretion to capital assets or representing premiums received on the issue
      of shares and standing to the credit of the share premium account be
      capitalised and distributed amongst members as would be entitled to
      receive the same if distributed by way of dividend and in the same
      proportions on the footing that they may become entitled thereto as
      capital and that all or any part of such capitalised fund be applied on
      behalf of such members in paying up in full any unissued shares of the
      Company which shall be distributed accordingly or in or towards payment of
      the uncalled liability on any issued shares and that such distribution or
      payment shall be accepted by such members in full satisfaction of their
      interest in the said capitalised sum provided that a share premium account
      and a capital redemption reserve fund may for the purpose of this Article
      only be applied in the paying up of unissued shares to be issued to
      members as fully paid Bonus Shares. Where any difficulty arises in respect
      of any distribution under this Article the Directors may settle the same
      as they think expedient and in particular they may issue fractional
      certificates fix the value for distribution of any fully paid up shares
      make cash payments to any members on the footing of the value so fixed in
      order to adjust rights and vest any


      such shares in trustees upon such trusts for the persons entitled to share
      in the appropriation and distribution as may seem just and expedient to
      the Directors. When deemed requisite a proper contract for the allotment
      and acceptance of the shares to be so distributed shall be filed in
      accordance with the provisions of the Act and the Directors may appoint
      any person to sign such contract on behalf of the persons entitled to
      share in the appropriation and distribution and such appointment shall be

Dividend Declared Before Registration Of Transfer

149.  A transfer of shares shall not pass the right to any dividend declared
      thereon before the registration of the transfer.

Dividents To Joint Holders

150.  In case of two or more persons registered as joint holders of any shares
      any one of such persons may give effectual receipts for any dividends or
      other moneys in respect of such shares.

Payment By Post

151.  Any dividend may be paid by cheque or warrant sent through the post to the
      registered address of the member or person entitled thereto or in the case
      of joint holders to the registered address of that one whose name stands
      first on the Register, in respect of the joint holdings or to such person
      and to such address as the holder or joint holders may direct. Every such
      cheque or warrant shall be made payable to the order of the person to whom
      it is sent or of such person as the holder or joint holders may direct and
      payment of the cheque if purporting to be duly endorsed shall be a good
      discharge to the Company. Every such cheque or warrant shall be sent at
      the risk of the person entitled to the money represented thereby.


                           XXX. REGISTERS AND RETURNS

Registers Required To Be Kept

152.  The Directors shall cause to be prepared and maintained all Registers
      required by the Act.

Closing Of Registers

153.  Any register required to be kept by the Act may, subject to the Act, be
      closed by the Directors during such periods, but not exceeding in the
      aggregate thirty (30) days in any calendar year, as they may resolve.

Application Of The Act

154.  These provisions are in no way to affect the obligation of the Company or
      its Directors Managers and Secretaries to comply with all the provisions
      of the Act.

                            XXXI. ACCOUNTS AND AUDIT

Accounts To Be Kept

155.  (a)   The Directors shall cause to be kept proper accounting and other
            records in accordance with the Act and these Articles.

      (b)   Such records shall be kept as are necessary to give a true and fair
            view of the state of affairs of the Company and the trading
            operations of the Company.

      (c)   Such records shall be kept as to enable them to be conveniently

      (d)   Such records shall be retained for a period of seven (7) years at
            least following the date on which the transaction covered by such
            records took place.

Directors' Obligations

156.  Any Director of the Company who fails to take all steps to secure
      compliance by the Company with the provisions of the Act relating to
      accounts or by his own wilful act has been


      the cause of any default by the Company under such provisions shall] be
      personally liable for any penalty imposed on him under the Act.

Place Of Keeping Accounts

157.  (a)   The accounting and other records and where the Company conducts
            business outside the slate accounting records from which balance
            sheets and profit and loss accounts can be prepared will be kept at
            the office of the Company or such other place as the Directors think

      (b)   If the Company keeps accounting and other records at a place outside
            the State or Territory of incorporation there shall be sent and kept
            at a place in the State or Territory of incorporation and be at all
            times open to inspection by the Directors such statements and
            returns with respect to the business dealt with in the records so
            kept as will enable the preparation of true and fair profit and loss
            accounts and balance sheets and any documents required to be
            attached thereto.

Inspection by Shareholders

158.  The Directors shall from time to time (subject to the provisions of the
      Act) determine whether and to what extent and at what times and places and
      under what conditions or regulations the accounting and other records of
      the Company or any of them shall be open to the inspection of the members
      and no member not being a Director shall have any right of inspecting any
      accounting or other records of the Company except as conferred by Statute
      or authorised by the Directors or by a Resolution of the Company in
      General Meeting.

Directors' Remuneration

159.  The published accounts of the Company shall disclose the total
      remuneration (inclusive of fees percentages bonuses and commissions


      or other emoluments) paid to or receivable by all the Directors from the
      Company or from its subsidiaries (if any) put the remuneration of
      Directors who are engaged in the full time employment of the Company or
      any subsidiary or holding company of the Company or of any two (2) or more
      of them need not be included in this amount.

Appointment And Duties Of Auditor

160.  (a)   The Company at each Annual General Meeting shall appoint an
            Auditor to hold office until the next Annual General Meeting and fix
            his remuneration,

      (b)   The Company shall not appoint an Auditor unless such Auditor has
            prior to such appointment, consented in writing to act as Auditor
            and in the event that a Firm be appointed as Auditors, unless its
            consent in writing under the hand of at least one (1) Partner to act
            as such Auditor has been obtained.

Filling Casual Vacancies Of Auditor

161.  Subject to the Act the Directors may fill any casual vacancy in the office
      of Auditor but while any such vacancy continues the surviving or
      continuing Auditor, if any, may continue to act.

Disqualifications For Appointment As Auditor

162.  None of the following persons shall be qualified for appointment or to act
      as an Auditor for the Company

      (i)   a Director or Officer of the Company;

      (ii)  a person who is a Partner of or in the employment of or the employer
            of a Director or Officer of the Company;

      (iii) a body corporate;

      (iv)  a person who is or becomes indebted in


            an amount exceeding Five Hundred Pounds ((pound)500) (01,000) to the

Accounts To Be Conclusive

163.  Every account when audited and approved by a General Meeting shall be
      conclusive except as regards any error discovered therein within three (3)
      months next after the approval thereof. Whenever any error is discovered
      within that period the account shall forthwith be corrected and
      thenceforth be conclusive.

                                 XXXII. NOTICES

How Notices To Be Served on Members

164.  A notice or other document may be served by the Company upon any member
      either personally or by sending it through the post in a prepaid envelope
      or wrapper addressed to such member at his registered place of address
      being a place in Australia in the Register.

Service Of Notice On Members Outside The Commonwealth

165.  Each member whose registered place of address is not in the Commonwealth
      of Australia or being in Australia is not served by regular ordinary mail
      services shall from time to time notify in writing to (the Company an
      address within Australia which shall be deemed his registered place of
      address within the meaning of the last preceding Article.

Notice Where No Address

166.  If a member has no registered address and has not supplied to the Company
      an address for the giving of notice to him notice shall be deemed to be
      duly given by exhibiting the notice at the office for three (3)
      consecutive days following the date of the notice.

Notices To Persons Entitled Shares

167.  Every person who by operation of law transfer or other means whatsoever
      shall become entitled to any shares shall be bound by any and every notice
      which previous to his name and address being entered on the Register in
      respect of such shares shall have been duly


      given to the person from whom he derives his title to such shares.

Notice To Joint Holders Of Shares

168,  A notice may be given by the Company to joint holders of a share by giving
      the notice to the joint holder named first in the Register in respect of
      the share.

When Notice Deemed to Be Served

169.  Any notice or other document if sent by post shall be deemed to have been
      served on the day following the day on which the envelope or wrapper
      containing the notice or other document was properly addressed and
      stamped and put in the post. A Certificate in writing signed by any
      Manager, Secretary or other officer of the Company that the letter,
      envelope or wrapper containing the notice was so addressed stamped and put
      in the post shall be prima facie evidence thereof.

How Notice To Be Signed

170.  The signature of any notice to be given by the Company may be written
      printed typed or otherwise mechanically reproduced.

How Time To Be Counted

171.  Subject to the Act where a given number of days' notice or notice
      extending over any other period is required to be given the day of service
      and the day on which the notice is to be operative shall be excluded in
      computing such number of days or other period.

Notice By Advertisement

172.  Any notice required to be given by the Company to the members or any of
      them and to the Auditor and not expressly provided for by these Articles
      shall be sufficiently given if given by advertisement. Any notice required
      to be or which may be given by advertisement shall be advertised once in
      one (1) newspaper circulating in the Capital City of the State or
      Territory of incorporation and shall be taken as given on the day on which
      such advertisement appears.



173.  Any notice or document sent by post to or left at the registered address
      of any member in pursuance of these presents shall notwithstanding such
      member be then deceased, bankrupt or of unsound mind and whether or not
      the Company had notice thereof be deemed to have been duly served in
      respect of any shares whether held solely or jointly with other persons by
      such member until some other person be registered in his stead as the
      holder or joint holder thereof and such service shall for all purposes of
      these presents be deemed a sufficient service of such notice or document
      on his heirs, executors or administrators, receiver, trustee, committee or
      person entitled to administer his property or affairs and upon all such
      persons, if any, jointly interested with him in any such share.

                                XXXIII. INDEMNITY


174.  Every Auditor, Director, Managing Director, Agent, Secretary and other
      officer for the time being of the Company shall be indemnified out of the
      assets of the Company against any liability incurred by him as such
      in defending any proceedings whether civil or criminal in which Judgment
      is given in his favour or in which he is acquitted or in connection with
      any application in relation thereto in which relief is under this Act
      granted to him by the Court in respect of any negligence, default, breach
      of duty or breach of trust.

                                XXXIV. WINDING UP


175.  If the Company shall be wound up and the assets available for
      distribution among the members as such shall be insufficient to repay the
      whole of the paid up capital such assets shall be distributed so that as
      nearly as may be the losses shall be borne by the members in proportion to
      the capital paid up


      or which ought to have been paid up at the commencement of the winding up
      on the shares held by them respectively and if in a winding up the assets
      available for distribution among the members shall be more than sufficient
      to repay the whole of the capital paid up at the commencement of the
      winding up the excess shall be distributed amongst the members in
      proportion to the capital at the commencement of the winding up paid up or
      which ought to have been paid up on the shares held by them respectively.
      This clause is to be without prejudice to the rights of the holders of
      shares issued upon special terms and conditions.

      (a)   If the Company shall be wound up whether voluntarily or otherwise
            the liquidators may with the sanction of a Special Resolution divide
            among the contributories in specie or kind any part of the assets of
            the Company and may with the like sanction vest any part of the
            assets of the Company in trustees upon such trusts for the benefit
            of the contributories or any of them as the liquidators with the
            like sanction shall think fit.

      (b)   In case any shares to be so divided involve a liability to calls or
            otherwise any person entitled under such division to any of the said
            shares may within ten (10) days after the passing of the Resolution
            by notice in writing direct the liquidators to sell his proportion
            and pay him the net proceeds and the liquidators shall if
            practicable act accordingly

                                 XXXV. GENERAL

176.  Whenever in accordance with these Articles the consent concurrence
      resolution appointment or other authority or communication of


      any kind of or from the holders of any specified proportion or majority of
      the share capital of the Company or of any specified class or of any part
      or parts or of or from the Directors or any of them or of any other person
      is necessary or can be given or made in writing in regard to any matter
      act or thing referred to in these Articles of any such consent concurrence
      resolution appointment or other authority or communication may consist of
      one or more documents (including a cable or other similar means of
      communication) and if signed or sent or purporting to be signed or sent by
      or on behalf of any of such holders or Directors or of any other person as
      aforesaid shall be accepted and acted on accordingly.


I, Neil Halley McIntyre, being the Chairman of the Extraordinary General Meeting
of J.I. Case (Australia) Pty. Limited held on the Fifteenth day of November,
1965 hereby certify that this and the preceding 66 pages constitute a true copy
of the Articles of Association of the said company adopted by Special Resolution
passed at the said meeting.

                                             NEIL HALLEY McINTYRE
