COMPANY NO. 2707274

                           COMPANIES ACTS 1985 & 1989

                             ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION


                           NEW HOLLAND HOLDING LIMITED



                                     TABLE A

1.    The Regulations contained in Table A in the Schedule to the Companies
      (Tables A to F) Regulations 1985 as amended at the date of adoption of
      these Articles ('Table A') shall, except where the same are excluded or
      varied by or inconsistent with these Articles, apply to the Company to the
      exclusion of all other regulations set out in any statute or statutory
      instrument concerning companies.


2.1      In these Articles unless the context otherwise requires:

         'these Articles' means these articles of association in their present
         form or as from time to time altered;

         'the Companies Acts' means the Companies Act 1985 and 1989 as
         respectively amended and in force from time to time;

         'Deferred Redeemable Ordinary Shares' means the deferred redeemable
         ordinary shares of 10,000 Italian Lira each having the rights set out
         in Article 6;


         'Member' means any holder for the time being of Shares;

         'Ordinary Shares' means the ordinary shares of (pound)1 Sterling each
         of the Company;(1)

         'Ordinary Lira Shares' means the ordinary Lira shares of 10,000 Italian
         Lira each of the Company;

         every reference in Table A to 'the Act' shall be construed as if the
         reference was to the Companies Acts.

2.2      Any words or expressions defined in the Companies Acts in force at the
         date when these Articles or any part of them are adopted shall bear the
         same meaning in these Articles or such part (as the case may be).

2.3      Where for any purpose an ordinary resolution of the Company is
         required, a special or extraordinary resolution shall also be
         effective, and where an extraordinary resolution is required a special
         resolution shall also be effective.

                            AUTHORISED SHARE CAPITAL

3     The share capital of the Company at the date of the adoption of these
      Articles is:-

3.1      (pound)300,000,000 Sterling divided into 300,000,000 Ordinary Shares;

3.2      200,000,000,000 Italian Lira divided into 20,000,000 Deferred
         Redeemable Ordinary Shares.

                             UNISSUED SHARE CAPITAL

4.    Subject to the provisions of the Companies Acts and these Articles and to
      any direction to the contrary which may be given by ordinary or other
      resolution of

- ----------------
(1)   By special resolution passed on 30 August 1996 all the Ordinary Shares
      were re-classified as Deferred Sterling Shares.


      the Company, any unissued shares of the Company (whether forming part of
      the original or any increased capital) shall be at the disposal of the
      directors who may offer, allot, grant options over or grant any right or
      rights to subscribe for such shares or any right or rights to convert any
      security into such shares or otherwise dispose of them to such persons, at
      such times and for such consideration and upon such terms and conditions
      as the directors may determine.

5.1   For the purposes of the Companies Act 1985 Section 80 but subject to the
      provisions of these Articles the directors are generally and
      unconditionally authorised to exercise all powers of the Company to allot
      relevant securities as defined in the said section up to an aggregate
      nominal amount of (pound)300,000,000 in respect of the relevant securities
      which are Ordinary Shares and 200,000,000,000 Italian Lira in respect of
      the relevant securities which are Deferred Redeemable Ordinary Shares.
      This authority shall expire 5 years from the date on which the resolution
      adopting these Articles is passed but may be previously revoked or varied
      by the Company in general meeting and may from time to time be renewed by
      the Company in general meeting for a further period not exceeding 5 years.
      The Company may make any offer or agreement before the expiry of this
      authority that would or might require relevant securities to be allotted
      after this authority has expired and the directors may allot relevant
      securities in pursuance of any such offer or agreement as if this
      authority had not expired.

5.2   The Companies Act 1985 Section 89(1) and 90(l)-(6) inclusive shall not

5.3   Any shares for the time being unissued shall before they are issued be
      offered to the Members holding shares of the same class in proportion as
      nearly as the circumstances admit to their existing holdings of shares of
      that class. Such offer shall be made by notice specifying the number of
      shares offered and limited to a time within which the offer, if not
      accepted, will be deemed to be declined and after the expiration of such
      time, or (if earlier) on the receipt of an intimation from the person to
      whom the offer has been made that he declines to


      accept the shares offered, the directors may, subject to these Articles,
      dispose of the same in such manner as they think most beneficial to the
      Company. The directors may, in like manner, dispose of any shares which by
      reason of the proportion borne by them to the number of persons entitled
      to such offer or by reason of any difficulty in apportioning the same
      cannot in the opinion of the directors be conveniently offered in the
      manner provided above. The provisions of this Article may be relaxed or
      varied to any extent by the written agreement of all the Members for the
      time being.


6.1   The holders of the Deferred Redeemable Ordinary Shares shall have the
      right to receive notice of to attend and to vote at any general meeting of
      the Company. Every holder of a Deferred Redeemable Ordinary Share and
      (after the date when the Deferred Redeemable Ordinary Shares become
      Ordinary Lira Shares pursuant to Article 6.4) every holder of an Ordinary
      Lira Share shall on a poll have four votes for each such share of which
      they are the holder.

6.2   The profits of the Company available for dividend and resolved to be
      distributed declared or paid on or before 31st December 1995 shall be
      applied solely in payment of dividends to the holders of the Ordinary
      Shares. The holders of the Deferred Redeemable Ordinary Shares shall not
      be entitled to receive any dividend resolved to be distributed declared or
      paid on or before 31st December 1995.

6.3   In the event of a winding up or other return of capital the surplus assets
      of the Company remaining after payment of its liabilities shall be
      distributed in the manner provided for in Article 29

      Ordinary Lira Shares

6.4   On the 31st December 1995 each of the Deferred Redeemable Ordinary Shares
      in issue shall be and become an ordinary share of 10,000 Italian Lira each


      unless the Deferred Redeemable Ordinary Shares shall have been redeemed
      pursuant to in Article 6.6 on or before 30th December 1995.

6.5   The profits of the Company available for dividend and resolved to be
      distributed declared or paid on or after 1st January 1996 shall be
      distributed by way of dividend to the holders of the Ordinary Lira Shares.

      Redemption of the Deferred Redeemable Ordinary Shares

6.6   Subject to the provisions of the Companies Acts the Company shall be
      entitled on giving to the holders of the Deferred Redeemable Ordinary
      Shares not less than 30 days' notice in writing to redeem at par at any
      time prior to 31st December 1995 all (but not part of) the Deferred
      Redeemable Ordinary Shares then in issue.

                              ALTERATION OF CAPITAL

7.    The Company may from time to time by special resolution increase the share
      capital by such sum to be divided into shares of such amount as the
      resolution shall provide. Regulation 32 of Table A shall be varied

                         PROCEEDINGS AT GENERAL MEETINGS

8.1   No business shall be transacted at any general meeting unless a quorum of
      Members is present at the time when the meeting proceeds to business. In
      default of a quorum the meeting shall (unless adjourned to such time and
      place as the directors may determine) be dissolved.

8.2   The quorum at any general meeting (and at any adjourned general meeting)
      shall be 2 Members present in person or by proxy or, being a corporation,
      by a duly authorised representative save at any time when the Company is a
      single member company when the quorum shall be one member, present in
      person or by proxy or, in the case of a corporation, by its duly
      authorised representative.

8.3   Regulations 40 and 41 of Table A shall not apply.


9.    At any general meeting a poll may be directed by the chairman or demanded
      by any Member present in person or by proxy, or being a corporation, by a
      duly authorised representative, and Regulation 46 of Table A shall be
      varied accordingly.

10.1  In the case of an equality of votes whether on a show of hands or on a
      poll, the chairman of the meeting at which the show of hands takes place
      or at which the poll is demanded shall have a casting vote (in addition to
      any other vote he may have).

10.2  In the case of a corporation a resolution in writing may be signed on its
      behalf by a director or its secretary or by its duly appointed attorney or
      duly authorised representative and Regulation 53 shall be extended

                                VOTES OF MEMBERS

11.   Subject to any rights or restrictions for the time being attached to any
      class or classes of shares on a show of hands every Member present in
      person or by proxy or (being a corporation) by a duly authorised
      representative shall have one vote, and on a poll every Member present in
      person or by proxy or (being a corporation) by a duly authorised
      representative shall have one vote for each share of which he is the
      holder. In the case of a corporation, a director or its secretary is
      deemed to be its duly authorised representative. Regulation 54 of Table A
      shall not apply.

12.   The instrument appointing a proxy and the power of attorney or other
      authority (if any) under which it is signed, or a notarially certified
      copy of such power or authority, shall be deposited at the registered
      office of the Company (or at such other place in the United Kingdom as is
      specified for that purpose in the notice of meeting or any instrument of
      proxy sent by the Company in relation to the meeting) not less than one
      hour before the time for holding the meeting or adjourned meeting at which
      the person named in the instrument proposes to vote or handed to the
      chairman of the meeting or adjourned meeting before the


      commencement of such meeting and, in default, the instrument of proxy
      shall not be treated as valid. Regulation 62 of Table A shall not apply.

                               POWERS OF DIRECTORS

13.   The Company may exercise all the powers conferred by the Companies Acts
      with regard to having any official seal and such powers shall be vested in
      the directors. Any instrument to which an official seal is affixed shall
      be signed by such persons (if any) as the directors may from time to time

                               NUMBER OF DIRECTORS

14.   Unless and until otherwise determined by the Company in general meeting
      there shall not be any limitation as to the number of directors. If at any
      time or from time to time there shall be only one director of the Company,
      such director may act alone in exercising all the powers and authorities
      vested in the directors. Regulation 64 of Table A shall not apply.

                               ALTERNATE DIRECTORS

15.1  Any director (other than an alternate director) may by notice in writing
      signed by him and deposited at the registered office of the Company
      appoint any other director or any other person approved by resolution of
      the directors and willing to act to be an alternate director and may
      remove from office an alternate director appointed by him. A person can be
      appointed an alternate director by more than one director.

15.2  An alternate director may be paid expenses and shall be entitled to be
      indemnified by the Company to the same extent mutatis mutandis as if he
      were a director but shall not be entitled to receive from the Company any
      fee in his capacity as an alternate director except only such part (if
      any) of the remuneration otherwise payable to the director appointing him
      as such director may by notice in writing to the Company from time to time
      direct. An alternate director who is absent from the United Kingdom shall
      not be entitled to receive notice of any meeting of the directors or of a
      committee of directors of which


      his appointor is a member unless the alternate director has supplied to
      the Company a telex electronic mail or facsimile transmission number to
      which notices of such meetings may be sent in which event the alternate
      director concerned shall then be entitled to receive at such number notice
      of such meeting. Regulations 65 and 66 of Table A shall be varied

15.3  Any person who is both a director and an alternate director or attends as
      an alternate for more than one director at any meeting of the directors or
      at any committee of directors shall, for the purpose of voting and
      determining whether a quorum is present at any such meeting, be treated as
      if he was present as only one director. The signature of an alternate
      director to any resolution in writing of the directors or of a committee
      of the directors shall unless notice of his appointment provides to the
      contrary be as effective as the signature of his appointor.

                         DELEGATION OF DIRECTORS' POWERS

16.   The directors may delegate any of their powers to any committee consisting
      of 2 or more directors. The directors may also entrust to and confer upon
      any director any of the powers exercisable by them. Any such delegation
      may be made on such terms and conditions and with such restrictions as
      they may think fit, and either collaterally with or to the exclusion of
      their own powers, and they may from time to time revoke, withdraw, alter
      or vary all or any of such powers. Subject to any such conditions, the
      proceedings of such a committee shall be governed by these Articles
      regulating the proceedings of directors so far as they are capable of
      applying. Regulation 72 of Table A shall not apply.


17.   A Member or Members holding more than one half of the issued ordinary
      shares of the Company may at any time appoint any person to be a director,
      either as an individual director or to fill a vacancy, and to remove from
      office any director however appointed. The appointment or removal shall be
      effected by notice in writing to the Company signed by the Member or
      Members giving


      it or, in the case of a corporate Member, signed by a director of that
      corporate Member and shall take effect when the notice is delivered to the
      registered office of the Company.

18.1  No director shall be required to retire or vacate his office or be
      ineligible for reappointment as a director, nor shall any person be
      ineligible for appointment as a director, by reason of his having attained
      any particular age.

18.2  Regulations 73 to 80 (inclusive) of Table A shall not apply.

19.   The office of a director shall be vacated in any of the events following

      19.1  if he resigns his office by notice in writing delivered to the
            registered office of the Company or tendered to a meeting of the
            directors; or

      19.2  if he becomes incapable, by reason of mental disorder, of managing
            and administering his property and affairs or becomes a patient for
            the purposes of any statute relating to mental health and the
            directors resolve that his office is vacated; or

      19.3  if he becomes bankrupt or compounds with his creditors; or

      19.4  if he is prohibited from being a director by law or by the order of
            any court or tribunal of competent jurisdiction;

      19.5  if he is removed from office under Article 17

      Regulation 81 of Table A shall not apply.


20.   The directors on behalf of the Company may exercise all the powers of the
      Company to grant pensions, annuities, gratuities and superannuation or
      other allowances and benefits in favour of any person, including any
      director or former director. A director or former director shall not be
      accountable to the Company or the Members for any benefit of any kind
      conferred under or


      pursuant to this article and the receipt of any such benefit shall not
      disqualify any person from being or becoming a director of the Company.

                            PROCEEDINGS OF DIRECTORS

21.1  Questions arising at any meeting of the directors or of any committee of
      the directors shall be decided by a majority of votes of the directors
      present (or their alternates). In the case of an equality of votes the
      chairman shall have a second or casting vote.

21.2  The quorum necessary for the transaction of the business of the directors
      or of any committee of the directors shall throughout the meeting be one
      director (where only one director is in office) and shall (when more than
      one director is in office) be two directors. A person who holds office
      only as an alternate director shall, if the director he has been appointed
      to represent is not present, be counted in the quorum. Regulation 89 of
      Table A shall not apply.

21.3  Any director who ceases to be a director at a board meeting may continue
      to be present and to act as a director and be counted in the quorum until
      the termination of the board meeting if no other director objects and if
      otherwise a quorum of directors would not be present.

22.   Unless in any particular case such requirement is waived in writing by all
      (but not some only) of the directors then in office, not less than 7 days'
      prior notice must be given of any meeting of the directors or of any
      committee of directors convened under or pursuant to these Articles. It
      shall not be necessary to give notice of a meeting to a director who is
      absent from the United Kingdom unless he has supplied to the Company a
      telex electronic mail or facsimile transmission number (whether or not
      within the United Kingdom) to which notices of such meetings may be sent
      in which event the director concerned shall then be entitled to receive at
      such number notice of such meeting. Regulation 88 of Table A shall be
      modified accordingly.


23.   Subject to the provisions of these Articles and provided a director shall
      have disclosed such interest in accordance with Regulation 85 of Table A,
      a director shall be entitled to vote in respect of any transaction,
      contract, arrangement or agreement with the Company in which he is in any
      way, whether directly or indirectly, interested and if he shall do so his
      vote shall be counted and he shall be taken into account in ascertaining
      whether a quorum is present. For the purpose of this Article, an interest
      of a person who is, for any purpose of the Companies Acts, connected with
      a director shall be treated as an interest of the director and, in
      relation to an alternate director, an interest of his appointor shall be
      treated as an interest of the alternate director without prejudice to any
      interest which the alternate director has otherwise. Regulations 94 to 98
      (inclusive) of Table A shall not apply.

24.   A director may (provided a quorum of the directors who are entitled to
      attend a meeting of the directors or a meeting of the relevant committee
      of the directors, so agree) participate in a meeting of the directors or a
      committee of directors of which he is a member by means of conference
      telephone, audio visual link or similar communications equipment whereby
      all persons participating in the meeting can hear each other.
      Participation in a meeting in this manner is deemed to constitute presence
      in person at the meeting.


25.   In Regulations 53 and 93 of Table A and these Articles 'writing' shall be
      deemed to include photocopy, telex, facsimile, telegram and other methods
      of reproducing or communicating writing in visible form.

26.   Any notice or other document (including a share certificate) may be served
      on or delivered to any Member by the Company either personally or by
      sending it through the post in a prepaid letter addressed to such Member
      at his registered address as appearing in the register of Members (whether
      or not such address is within the United Kingdom), or by delivering it to
      or leaving it at such registered address, addressed as aforesaid, or by
      any other means provided


      such other means have been authorised in writing by the Member concerned.
      In the case of joint holders of a share, service or delivery of any notice
      or other document on or to one of the joint holders shall for all purposes
      be deemed a sufficient service on or delivery to all the joint holders.
      Any notice or other document served or delivered in accordance with these
      Articles shall be deemed duly served or delivered in accordance with these
      Articles shall be deemed duly served or delivered notwithstanding that the
      Member is then dead or bankrupt or otherwise under any legal disability or
      incapacity and whether or not the Company had notice of that fact. Any
      such notice or other document, if sent by first-class post, shall be
      deemed to have been served or delivered on the first working day after the
      day when it was put in the post, and in proving such service or delivery
      it shall be sufficient to prove that the notice or document was properly
      addressed, stamped and put in the post.

27.   Notice of every general meeting shall be given in any manner authorised by
      or under these Articles to all Members other than such as, under the
      provisions of these Articles or the terms of issues of the shares they
      hold, are not entitled to receive such notices from the Company Provided
      that any Member may in writing waive notice of any meeting either
      prospectively or retrospectively and if he shall do so it shall be no
      objection to the validity of such meeting that notice was not given to
      him. Regulations 112, 115 and 116 of Table A shall not apply.


28.   If the Company shall be wound up (whether the liquidation is voluntary or
      by the court) the liquidator may, with the authority of an extraordinary
      resolution and subject to any provision sanctioned in accordance with the
      provisions of the Companies Acts, divide among the Members in specie or
      kind the whole or any part of the assets of the Company (whether they
      shall consist of property of the same kind or not) and may, for such
      purpose, set such values as he deems fair upon any assets to be so divided
      and may determine how such division shall be carried out as between the
      Members or different classes of Members. The


      liquidator may, with the like authority, vest the whole or any part of the
      assets in trustees upon such trusts for the benefit of Members as the
      liquidator with the like authority shall think fit, and the liquidation of
      the Company may be closed and the Company dissolved, but so that no
      contributory shall be compelled to accept any shares or other property in
      respect of which there is a liability and the liquidator may make any
      provision referred to in and sanctioned in accordance with the provisions
      of the Companies Acts. Regulation 117 of Table A shall not apply.

29.1  In the event of a winding-up or other return of capital where the date of
      the resolution for the winding-up of the Company or (as the case may be)
      the date of the order of the Court for such winding-up or (in the case of
      any other return of capital by the Company) the date on which the
      distribution transfer or other payment in respect of such return of
      capital is made or occurs before 31st December 1995 the surplus assets of
      the Company remaining after payment of its liabilities shall be applied
      first in repayment to the holders of the Deferred Redeemable Ordinary
      Shares of the amount paid up on such shares and the balance of such assets
      shall be distributed rateably amongst the holders of the Ordinary Shares.

29.2  In the event of a winding-up or other return of capital where the date of
      the resolution of the winding-up of the Company or (as the case may be)
      the date of the order of the Court for such winding-up or (in the case of
      any other return of capital by the Company) the dare on which the
      distribution transfer or other payment in respect of such return of
      capital is made or occurs on or after 31st December 1995 the surplus
      assets of the Company remaining after payment of its liabilities shall be
      distributed rateably amongst the holders of shares in the capital of the
      Company, subject to the provisions in these Articles attaching to the
      Deferred Sterling Shares.



30.   Subject to the provisions of the Companies Acts, every director, alternate
      director, auditor, secretary or other officer of the Company shall be
      entitled to be indemnified by the Company against all costs, charges,
      losses, expenses and liabilities incurred by him in the execution and
      discharge of his duties or in relation to his duties including any
      liability incurred by him in defending any proceedings, civil or criminal,
      that relate to anything done or omitted or alleged to have been done or
      omitted by him as an officer or employee of the Company and in which
      judgment is given in his favour (or the proceedings otherwise disposed of
      without any finding or admission of any material breach of duty on his
      part) or in which he is acquitted or in connection with any application
      under any statute for relief from liability in respect of any such act or
      omission in which relief is granted by the court. Regulation 118 of Table
      A shall not apply.

                                 SHARE WARRANTS


(a)   Subject to the provisions hereinafter contained the Company may issue
      Share Warrants with respect to any shares which are fully paid up upon a
      request in writing by the persons registered as the holder of such shares.
      The request shall be in such form, and authenticated by such other
      evidence as to the identity of the person making the same as the directors
      shall from time to time require.

(b)   Share Warrants shall be issued under the common seal of the Company or, if
      the directors so resolve, in such other manner having the same effect as
      if issued under the common seal of the Company, and shall state that the
      bearer is entitled to the shares therein specified.

(c)   The bearer for the time being of a Share Warrant shall, subject to the
      Articles, be deemed to be a member of the Company and shall be entitled to
      the same


      rights and privileges as he would have had if his name had been included
      in the register of members as the holder of the shares specified in such
      Share Warrant.

(d)   The shares included in any Share Warrant shall be transferred by delivery
      of the Share Warrant without any written transfer and without
      registration, and the provisions in the Articles with respect to the
      transfer and transmission of and to the lien of the Company on shares
      shall not apply to shares so included.

(e)   No person shall as bearer of a Share Warrant be entitled to attend or vote
      or exercise any of the rights of a member at any general meeting of the
      Company or sign any requisition for or give notice of intention to submit
      to resolution to a meeting, or to sign any written resolution of the
      Company unless at least one hour (or such lesser period as the directors
      shall specify) before the time appointed for the meeting in the first
      case, or before the requisition or notice is left at the registered
      office, in the second case, or before he signs the written resolution in
      the third case, he shall have deposited the Share Warrant in respect of
      which he claims to act, attend or vote as aforesaid at the registered
      office for the time being of the Company or such other place as the
      directors appoint, together with a statement in writing of his name and
      address, and unless the Share Warrant shall remain so deposited until
      after the meeting or any adjournment thereof shall have been held or, in
      the case of a written resolution, the same shall have been signed. Not
      more than one name shall be received as that of the holder of a Share

(f)   There shall be delivered to the person so depositing a Share Warrant a
      certificate stating his name and address and describing the shares
      represented by the Share Warrant so deposited by him, and such certificate
      shall entitle him, or his proxy duly appointed, to attend and vote at any
      general meeting or to sign any written resolution in the same way as if he
      were the registered holder of the shares specified in the certificate.
      Upon delivery up of such certificate to the Company, the Share Warrant in
      respect of which it shall have been given shall be returned.


(g)   No person as bearer of any Share Warrant shall be entitled to exercise any
      of the rights of a member (save as hereinbefore expressly provided in
      respect of general meetings) without producing such Share Warrant and
      stating his name and address, and (if and when the directors so require)
      permitting an endorsement to be made thereon of the fact, date, purpose
      and consequence of its production.

(h)   The directors shall provide as from time to time they shall think fit for
      the issue to the bearers for the time being of Share Warrants of coupons
      payable to bearer providing for the payment of the dividends upon and in
      respect of the shares represented by the Share Warrants. Every such coupon
      shall be distinguished by the number of the Share Warrant in respect of
      which it is issued, and by a number showing the place it holds in the
      series of coupons issued in respect of that Share Warrant.

(i)   Upon any dividend being declared to be payable upon the shares specified
      in any Share Warrant, the directors shall give notice to the members in
      accordance with these Articles, stating the amount per share payable, date
      of payment, and the serial number of the coupon to be presented.
      Thereupon, any person presenting and delivering up a coupon of that serial
      number at the place stated in the coupon, or in such notice, shall be
      entitled to receive at the expiration of such number of days (not
      exceeding 14) after so delivering it up the dividend payable on the shares
      specified in the Share Warrant to which such coupon shall relate,
      according to the notice which shall have been so given.

(j)   The Company shall be entitled to recognise an absolute right in the bearer
      for the time being of any coupons in respect of which notice has been
      given as aforesaid for payment to such bearer of the amount of dividend on
      the Share Warrant to which such coupon shall relate as shall have been
      declared payable, upon presentation and delivery of the coupon. The
      delivery of such coupon shall be a good discharge to the Company


(k)   If any Share Warrant or coupon shall become worn out or defaced, the
      directors may, upon the surrender thereof for cancellation, issue a new
      one in its place, and if any Share Warrant or coupon shall be lost or
      destroyed, the directors may, upon the loss or destruction being
      established to their satisfaction, and upon such indemnity being given to
      the Company as they shall think adequate, issue a new one in its place. In
      the case of loss or destruction the bearer to whom such new Share Warrant
      or coupon is issued shall also bear and pay to the Company all expenses
      incidental to the investigation by the Company of evidence of such loss or
      destruction and of preparing such indemnity.

(l)   If the bearer of any Share Warrant shall surrender it together with all
      coupons belonging thereto for cancellation and shall lodge therewith at
      the registered office for the time being, of the Company a declaration in
      writing, signed by him, in such form and authenticated in such manner as
      the directors shall from time to time direct, requesting to be registered
      as a member in respect of the shares specified in such Share Warrant, and
      stating in such declaration his name and address, he shall be entitled to
      have his name entered as a registered member of the Company in respect of
      the shares specified in the Share Warrant so surrendered. The Company
      shall not be responsible for any loss incurred by any person by reason of
      the Company entering in the register upon the surrender of a Share Warrant
      the name of any person who is not the true and lawful owner of the Share
      Warrant surrendered.

(m)   Regulation 5 of Table A shall be read and construed as if at the end of
      such regulation there were added the words "or, in the case of a Share
      Warrant, in the bearer of the warrant for the time being".

(n)   Regulation 29 of Table A shall be read and construed as if the word
      "registered" appeared before the word "member" in the first line of such


(o)   Regulation 30 of Table A shall be read and construed as if the word
      "registered" appeared before the word "share" in the first line of such

(p)   A notice may be given by the Company to the holder of a Share Warrant to
      the address supplied by him by notice in writing to the Company from time
      to time for the giving of notice to him. Any notice to the Company
      supplying a new address for the giving of notices by the Company shall be
      accompanied by the Share Warrant which shall be cancelled and a new Share
      Warrant shall be issued having endorsed thereon the address to which
      future notices by the Company to the holder of the Share Warrant may be

(q)   The directors may from time to time require any holder of a Share Warrant
      who gives, or has given, an address at which notices may be served on him,
      to produce his Share Warrant and to satisfy them that he is, or is still,
      the holder of the Share Warrant in respect of which he gives or gave the

(r)   Any notice required to be given by the Company to the members, or any
      notice which cannot be served in the manner so provided, shall be
      sufficiently given by advertising the same one in the London Gazette.

                            DEFERRED STERLING SHARES


(a)   The rights of the Deferred Sterling Shares are as follows:-

      (i)   Save as provided in paragraph (ii) below, the holders of Deferred
            Sterling Shares shall not be entitled to any participation in the
            profits or the assets of the Company.

      (ii)  The holders of Deferred Sterling Shares shall only be entitled to
            participate in the assets of the Company after the holders of every
            other class of shares in the capital of the Company shall have
            received the


            sum of (pound)1 million in respect of each share (other than
            Deferred Sterling Shares) held by them.

(b)   None of the Deferred Sterling Shares shall carry any right to receive
      notice of or to attend and vote at any general meeting of the Company.

(c)   Notwithstanding any other provision of these Articles, the Company shall
      have the power and authority at any time to purchase all or any of the
      Deferred Sterling Shares for an aggregate consideration of (pound)1 which
      shall be applied for the benefit of the Company.
