FIRST AMENDMENT OF
                       THE LAIDLAW INC. U.S. SUPPLEMENTAL

      THIS FIRST AMENDMENT is made on July 27, 2006, by LAIDLAW INTERNATIONAL,
INC., a corporation duly organized and existing under the laws of the State of
Delaware (the "Company").

                              W I T N E S S E T H:

      WHEREAS, the Company maintains the Laidlaw Inc. U.S. Supplemental
Executive Retirement Arrangement (the "Arrangement"), effective as of April 1,
1995, for the purpose of providing supplemental benefits to designated

      WHEREAS, the Company wishes to amend the Arrangement to primarily comply
with, and make changes permitted by, the American Jobs Creation Act of 2004 and
the rules and regulations promulgated thereunder ("AJCA") and to make other
miscellaneous changes to the Arrangement;

      WHEREAS, to the extent applicable, this amendment is intended as good
faith compliance with the requirements of the AJCA and shall be further amended,
if necessary, upon the release of final Treasury regulations to be issued under
Section 409A of the Internal Revenue Code; and

      WHEREAS, this amendment shall supersede the provisions of the Arrangement
to the extent those provisions are inconsistent with the provisions of this

      NOW, THEREFORE, the Company does hereby amend the Arrangement, effective
as of January 1, 2005, except as otherwise provide herein, as follows:

1. By deleting, effective June 23, 2003, Section 1.01 in its entirety and by
substituting therefor the following:

      "1.01 Laidlaw International, Inc. maintains the Laidlaw International,
            Inc. U.S. Supplemental Executive Retirement Arrangement (the
            `Arrangement') for the purpose of providing supplemental benefits as
            hereinafter described."

2. By deleting, effective June 23, 2003, Section 2.03 in its entirety and by
substituting therefor the following:

      "2.03 AFFILIATED COMPANY means any subsidiary company of Laidlaw
            International, Inc. or any company related to or associated with
            Laidlaw International, Inc."

3. By deleting Section 2.04 in its entirety and by substituting therefor the

      "2.04 ARRANGEMENT means this Laidlaw International, Inc. U.S. Supplemental
            Executive Retirement Arrangement, as amended or restated from time
            to time."

4. By deleting, effective June 23, 2003, Section 2.06 in its entirety and by
substituting therefor the following:

      "2.06 BOARD OF DIRECTORS means the board of directors of Laidlaw
            International, Inc., or such Committee to which such board of
            directors may delegate its authority in respect of this

5. By deleting Section 2.07 in its entirety and by substituting therefor the

      "2.07 CANADIAN ARRANGEMENT means the Laidlaw International, Inc. Canadian
            Supplemental Executive Retirement Arrangement, as amended or
            restated from time to time."

6. By deleting, June 23, 2003, Section 2.08 in its entirety and by substituting
therefor the following:

      "2.08 COMPANY means Laidlaw International, Inc. and any related,
            affiliated, associated or subsidiary company which may be designated
            as a participating employer by the Company and which has agreed to
            participate in the Arrangement. Where any reference in the
            Arrangement is made to any action to be taken, consent, approval or
            opinion to be given, discretion or decision to be exercised by the
            Company, "Company" means Laidlaw International, Inc. acting through
            the Board of Directors or any person authorized by the Board of
            Directors for purposes of the Arrangement."

7. By deleting, effective April 1, 1995, Section 2.12 in its entirety and by
substituting therefor the following:

      "2.12 EMPLOYEE means any person in full-time employment with the Company
            who is a resident of the United States."

8. By deleting Section 2.15 in its entirety and by substituting therefor the

            time means the `compensation limit' as defined under Section
            401(a)(17) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 and the regulations
            thereunder, as amended from time to time and adjusted for
            cost-of-living increases in accordance with Section 401(a)(17)(B) of
            the Internal Revenue Code of 1986. As at January 1, 2006, the
            "compensation limit" is $220,000."


9.    By adding a new Section 2.17A, as follows:

      "2.17A SPECIFIED EMPLOYEE shall mean a Member who is a key employee (as
            defined in Section 416(i) of the Internal Revenue Code without
            regard to Section 416(i)(5)) of the Company or any entity with whom
            the Company would be considered a single employer under Section
            414(b) or 414(c) of the Internal Revenue Code whose stock is
            publicly traded on an established securities market or otherwise.
            For this purpose, a Member is a key employee if the Member meets the
            requirements of Section 416(i)(1)(A)(i), (ii) or (iii) of the
            Internal Revenue Code (applied in accordance with the regulations
            thereunder and disregarding Section 416(i)(5)) at any time during
            the twelve (12) month period ending on December 31. Notwithstanding
            the foregoing, a Member who is a key employee determined under the
            preceding sentences will be deemed to be a Specified Employee solely
            for the period of April 1 through March 31 following such December
            31 or as otherwise required by Section 409A of the Internal Revenue

10.   By adding a new paragraph to the end of Section 4.02, as follows:

      "`Termination of employment' as used in this Arrangement shall mean
      `separation from service' within the meaning of Section 409A of the
      Internal Revenue Code and any guidance issued thereunder. No termination
      of employment shall occur while the Member is on military leave, sick
      leave, or other bona fide leave of absence if the period of such leave
      does not exceed six months, or, if longer, so long as the Member's right
      to reemployment is provided either by statute or contract. If the period
      of leave exceeds six months and the Member's right to reemployment is not
      provided either by statute or by contract, the employment relationship is
      deemed to terminate on the first date immediately following such six-month

11.   By deleting Section 4.03 in its entirety and by substituting therefor the



            A Member who retires from employment with the Company before
            attainment of age 65 and who elects to have this provision apply to
            him will be entitled to an annual supplemental benefit, commencing
            on the first day of the month co-incident with or next following the
            later of such Member's actual retirement date and such other date
            selected by him that is prior to the Member's attainment of age 65
            and on or after attainment of age 60, equal to the supplemental
            benefit calculated according to the formula in Section 4.01 and
            based on Vested Credited Service and the Member's Final Average
            Earnings at the Member's actual retirement date. Such supplemental
            benefits will be reduced by 0.1667% for each complete month that the
            date of commencement of payment of benefits precedes the Member's
            attainment of age 65.



            A Member can elect to have this provision apply to him by giving
            written notice to the Company of such election, which notice must be
            received by the Company by the thirtieth (30th) day following the
            date he or she is designated as eligible to participate in the
            Arrangement under Article 3. Notwithstanding the foregoing, for an
            Employee or former Employee who has been designated as Member prior
            to December 2, 2006, the written notice of such election must be
            received by the Company by December 31, 2006.


            A Member may extend the early retirement commencement date by filing
            with the Company a written change election in such form as the
            Company shall specify; provided, however, that (i) such election
            must be made at least 12 months prior to the date the previously
            elected early retirement commencement date is to occur; (ii) such
            election may not take effect until at least 12 months after the date
            on which the election is made; and (iii) the new retirement
            commencement date must be no earlier than five (5) years from the
            previously elected early retirement commencement date."

12.   By adding a new Section 4.05, as follows:


            Notwithstanding any other provision of the Arrangement to the
            contrary, any payment of benefits due to, or on behalf of, a Member
            who is a Specified Employee during the six-month period immediately
            following his termination of employment (or, if earlier, his death)
            shall be suspended and such suspended amounts shall be paid in a
            lump sum as soon as practicable following the expiration of such
            six-month period (or, if earlier, his death)."

13.   By adding a new Section 8.17, as follows:


            (a)   NOTICE OF DENIAL

                  If a Member or a Beneficiary is denied a claim for benefits
                  under the Plan, the Company shall provide to the claimant
                  written notice of the denial within ninety (90) days
                  (forty-five (45) days with respect to a denial of any claim
                  for benefits due to the Member's Total Disability) after the
                  Company receives the claim, unless special circumstances
                  require an extension of time for processing the claim. If such
                  an extension of time is required, written notice of the
                  extension shall be furnished to the claimant


                  prior to the termination of the initial 90-day or 45-day
                  period, as applicable. In no event shall the extension exceed
                  a period of ninety (90) days (thirty (30) days with respect to
                  a claim for benefits due to the Member's Total Disability)
                  from the end of such initial period. With respect to a claim
                  for benefits due to the Member's Total Disability, an
                  additional extension of up to thirty (30) days beyond the
                  initial 30-day extension period may be required for processing
                  the claim. In such event, written notice of the extension
                  shall be furnished to the claimant within the initial 30-day
                  extension period. Any extension notice shall indicate the
                  special circumstances requiring the extension of time, the
                  date by which the Company expects to render the final
                  decision, the standards on which entitlement to benefits are
                  based, the unresolved issues that prevent a decision on the
                  claim and the additional information needed to resolve those


                  If a Member or Beneficiary is denied a claim for benefits
                  under a Plan, the Company shall provide to such claimant
                  written notice of the denial which shall set forth:

                  (i)   the specific reasons for the denial;

                  (ii)  specific references to the pertinent provisions of the
                        Plan on which the denial is based;

                  (iii) a description of any additional material or information
                        necessary for the claimant to perfect the claim and an
                        explanation of why such material or information is

                  (iv)  an explanation of the Plan's claim review procedures,
                        and the time limits applicable to such procedures,
                        including a statement of the claimant's right to bring a
                        civil action under Section 502(a) of ERISA following an
                        adverse benefit determination on review;

                  (v)   in the case of a claim for benefits due to the Member's
                        Total Disability, if an internal rule, guideline,
                        protocol or other similar criterion is relied upon in
                        making the adverse determination, either the specific
                        rule, guideline, protocol or other similar criterion; or
                        a statement that such rule, guideline, protocol or other
                        similar criterion was relied upon in making the decision
                        and that a copy of such rule, guideline, protocol or
                        other similar criterion will be provided free of charge
                        upon request; and


                  (vi)  in the case of a claim for benefits due to the Member's
                        Total Disability, if a denial of the claim is based on a
                        medical necessity or experimental treatment or similar
                        exclusion or limit, an explanation of the scientific or
                        clinical judgment for the denial, an explanation
                        applying the terms of the Plan to the claimant's medical
                        circumstances or a statement that such explanation will
                        be provided free of charge upon request.

            (c)   RIGHT TO REVIEW

                  After receiving written notice of the denial of a claim, a
                  claimant or his or her representative shall be entitled to:

                  (i)   request a full and fair review of the denial of the
                        claim by written application to the Company (or Appeals
                        Fiduciary in the case of a claim for benefits due to the
                        Member's Total Disability);

                  (ii)  request, free of charge, reasonable access to, and
                        copies of, all documents, records, and other information
                        relevant to the claim;

                  (iii) submit written comments, documents, records, and other
                        information relating to the denied claim to the Company
                        or Appeals Fiduciary, as applicable; and

                  (iv)  a review that takes into account all comments,
                        documents, records, and other information submitted by
                        the claimant relating to the claim, without regard to
                        whether such information was submitted or considered in
                        the initial benefit determination.

            (d)   APPLICATION FOR REVIEW

                  (i)   If a claimant wishes a review of the decision denying
                        his or her claim to benefits under the Plan, other than
                        a claim described in Section 8.17(d)(ii), he or she must
                        submit the written application to the Company within
                        sixty (60) days after receiving written notice of the

                  (ii)  If the claimant wishes a review of the decision denying
                        his claim to benefits under the Plan due to a Member's
                        Total Disability, he must submit the written application
                        to the Appeals Fiduciary within one hundred eighty (180)
                        days after receiving written notice of the denial. With
                        respect to any such claim, in deciding an appeal of any
                        denial based in whole or in part on a medical judgment
                        (including determinations with regard to whether a
                        particular treatment, drug, or other item is


                        investigational, or not medically necessary or
                        appropriate), the Appeals Fiduciary shall:

                        (1)   consult with a health care professional who has
                              appropriate training and experience in the field
                              of medicine involved in the medical judgment; and

                        (2)   identify the medical and vocational experts whose
                              advice was obtained on behalf of the Plan in
                              connection with the denial without regard to
                              whether the advice was relied upon in making the
                              determination to deny the claim.

                        Notwithstanding the foregoing, the health care
                        professional consulted pursuant to this Section
                        8.17(d)(ii) shall be an individual who was not consulted
                        with respect to the initial denial of the claim that is
                        the subject of the appeal or a subordinate of such

            (e)   HEARING

                  Upon receiving a written application for review, pursuant to
                  Section 8.17(d), the Company or Appeals Fiduciary, as
                  applicable, may schedule a hearing for purposes of reviewing
                  the claimant's claim, which hearing shall take place not more
                  than thirty (30) days from the date on which the Company or
                  Appeals Fiduciary received such written application for

            (f)   NOTICE OF HEARING

                  At least ten (10) days prior to the scheduled hearing, the
                  claimant and his or her representative designated in writing
                  by him or her, if any, shall receive written notice of the
                  date, time, and place of such scheduled hearing. The claimant
                  or his or her representative, if any, may request that the
                  hearing be rescheduled, for his or her convenience, on another
                  reasonable date or at another reasonable time or place.

            (g)   COUNSEL

                  All claimants requesting a review of the decision denying
                  their claim for benefits may employ counsel for purposes of
                  the hearing.

            (h)   DECISION ON REVIEW

                  No later than sixty (60) days (forty-five (45) days with
                  respect to a claim for benefits due to the Member's Total
                  Disability) following the receipt of the written application
                  for review, the Company or the Appeals Fiduciary,


                  as applicable, shall submit its decision on the review in
                  writing to the claimant involved and to his representative, if
                  any, unless the Company or Appeals Fiduciary determines that
                  special circumstances (such as the need to hold a hearing)
                  require an extension of time, to a day no later than one
                  hundred twenty (120) days (ninety (90) days with respect to a
                  claim for benefits due to the Member's Total Disability) after
                  the date of receipt of the written application for review. If
                  the Company or Appeals Fiduciary determines that the extension
                  of time is required, the Company or Appeals Fiduciary shall
                  furnish to the claimant written notice of the extension before
                  the expiration of the initial sixty (60) day (forty-five (45)
                  days with respect to a claim for benefits due to the Member's
                  Total Disability) period. The extension notice shall indicate
                  the special circumstances requiring an extension of time and
                  the date by which the Company or Appeals Fiduciary expects to
                  render its decision on review. In the case of a decision
                  adverse to the claimant, the Company or Appeals Fiduciary
                  shall provide to the claimant written notice of the denial
                  which shall include:

                  (i)   the specific reasons for the decision;

                  (ii)  specific references to the pertinent provisions of the
                        Plan on which the decision is based;

                  (iii) a statement that the claimant is entitled to receive,
                        upon request and free of charge, reasonable access to,
                        and copies of, all documents, records, and other
                        information relevant to the claimant's claim for

                  (iv)  an explanation of the Plan's claim review procedures,
                        and the time limits applicable to such procedures,
                        including a statement of the claimant's right to bring
                        an action under Section 502(a) of ERISA following the
                        denial of the claim upon review;

                  (v)   in the case of a claim for benefits due to the Member's
                        Total Disability, if an internal rule, guideline,
                        protocol or other similar criterion is relied upon in
                        making the adverse determination, either the specific
                        rule, guideline, protocol or other similar criterion; or
                        a statement that such rule, guideline, protocol or other
                        similar criterion was relied upon in making the decision
                        and that a copy of such rule, guideline, protocol or
                        other similar criterion will be provided free of charge
                        upon request;

                  (vi)  in the case of a claim for benefits due to a Member's
                        Total Disability, if a denial of the claim is based on a
                        medical necessity or experimental treatment or similar
                        exclusion or limit, an explanation of the scientific or
                        clinical judgment for the denial, an


                        explanation applying the terms of the Plan to the
                        claimant's medical circumstances or a statement that
                        such explanation will be provided free of charge upon
                        request; and

                  (vii) in the case of a claim for benefits due to the Member's
                        Total Disability, a statement regarding the availability
                        of other voluntary alternative dispute resolution

            (i)   APPEALS FIDUCIARY

                  For purposes of this Section 8.17, the Appeals Fiduciary means
                  an individual or group of individuals appointed to review
                  appeals of claims for benefits payable due to the Member's
                  Total Disability. The Company shall appoint the Appeals
                  Fiduciary. The Appeals Fiduciary shall be required to review
                  claims for benefits payable due to the Member's Total
                  Disability that are initially denied by the Company and for
                  which the claimant requests a full and fair review pursuant to
                  this Section 8.17. The Appeals Fiduciary may not be the
                  individual who made the initial adverse determination with
                  respect to any claim he reviews and may not be a subordinate
                  of any individual who made the initial adverse determination.
                  The Appeals Fiduciary may be removed in the same manner in
                  which appointed or may resign at any time by written notice of
                  resignation to the Company. Upon such removal or resignation,
                  the Company shall appoint a successor."

      Except as specifically amended hereby, the Arrangement shall remain in
full force and effect prior to this First Amendment.

      IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Company has caused this First Amendment to be
executed on the day and year first above written.

                                   LAIDLAW INTERNATIONAL, INC.

                                   By: /s/ KEVIN BENSON

                                   Title: President and Chief Executive Officer
