THIS AGREEMENT, between CAPSURE HOLDINGS CORP., a Delaware corporation
(hereinafter called "Capsure"), UNITED CAPITOL INSURANCE COMPANY, a Wisconsin
Corporation (hereinafter called "UCIC"), and STEVEN S. ZEITMAN (hereinafter
called the "Employee"), dated as of this 6th day of November, 1995.

                              W I T N E S S E T H:

     WHEREAS, Capsure considers it essential to the best interests of Capsure
and its stockholders that the Employee, as a member of the key management
personnel of UCIC, a wholly-owned indirect subsidiary of Capsure, be encouraged
to remain with UCIC, and to continue to devote full attention to UCIC's
business in the event an effort is made by Capsure to relinquish control of
UCIC through a sale of UCIC by Capsure or otherwise. In this connection,
Capsure recognizes that the possibility of a change in control and the
uncertainty and questions which it may raise among management may result in the
departure or distraction of key management personnel of UCIC to the detriment
of Capsure and its stockholders.  As such, the Board of Directors of Capsure
(the "Board") has determined that appropriate steps should be taken to
reinforce and encourage the continued attention and dedication of key members
of UCIC's management to their assigned duties without distraction in the face
of the potentially disturbing circumstances arising from the possibility of a
change in control of UCIC;

     WHEREAS, the Employee is a key member of UCIC's management personnel;

     WHEREAS, Capsure believes the Employee has made and will continue to make
valuable contributions to UCIC;

     WHEREAS, should Capsure receive any proposal from a third person
concerning the acquisition of 51% or more of the voting securities of UCIC, the
Board believes it imperative that UCIC, Capsure and the Board be able to rely
upon the Employee to continue as a member of management of UCIC, and that UCIC
and Capsure be able to receive and rely upon the advice and services of the
Employee, without concern that he or she might be distracted by the personal
uncertainties and risks created by such a proposal; and

     WHEREAS, should Capsure receive any such proposals, in addition to the
Employee's regular duties, the Employee may be called upon to assist in the
assessment and furtherance of such proposals, and to take such other actions as
UCIC, Capsure or the Board might determine to be appropriate;

     NOW, THEREFORE, to ensure Capsure and UCIC that they will have the
continued, undivided attention and services of the Employee and the
availability of the Employee's cooperation, advice and counsel notwithstanding
the possibility, threat or occurrence of a bid to take over control of UCIC,
and to induce the Employee to remain in the employ of UCIC, and for other good
and valuable consideration, Capsure, UCIC, and the Employee agree as follows:

                                    Page 1

1.  Change in Control.

    For purposes of this Agreement, a "Change in Control of UCIC" shall be
    deemed to have occurred if, on or before December 31, 1996 Capsure or
    Capsure's subsidiary, Capsure Financial Group, Inc., actually transfers,
    assigns, sells or disposes of (i) all or substantially all of UCIC's
    assets, or (ii) 51% or more of the voting securities of UCIC or United
    Capitol Holding Company.

2.  Payment of a Transaction Bonus.

    Upon the occurrence of a Change in Control of UCIC, the Employee shall be
    entitled to a transaction bonus payable by either Capsure or UCIC (as
    Capsure may elect) to the Employee, such bonus to be in an amount to be
    determined by the Board (or the Compensation Committee of the Board or any
    other person or entity designated by the Board) prior to the closing of the
    Change in Control of UCIC.  The transaction bonus shall be in an amount
    which is not less than 50% and not more than 75% of the sum of the
    Employee's effective annual base salary, plus the last cash bonus paid to
    the Employee, prior to the Change in Control of UCIC.  The transaction
    bonus shall be payable in cash at the closing of the Change in Control of
    UCIC, subject to any applicable payroll or other taxes required to be
    withheld.  The determination of whether the Employee receives 50% or 75% of
    his annual base salary plus bonus (or something in between) as a
    transaction bonus shall be made solely at the discretion of the Board (or
    the Compensation Committee of the Board or any other person or entity
    designated by the Board), following the consideration of such factors as
    the Employee's assistance, furtherance efforts, general attitude and spirit
    of cooperation with Capsure and UCIC during the circumstances arising from
    the possibility of a Change in Control of UCIC.

3.  Employee Stock Options.

    (a)    Upon a Change in Control of UCIC, Capsure will, at
           the election of the Employee by notice (the "Election")
           given to Capsure within eighty-five (85) days following
           the Change in Control of UCIC, pay to the Employee in
           cash equivalents an amount (an "option payment") equal to
           the excess, if any, of the fair market value for each
           share of Capsure's common stock subject to an unexercised
           option held by the Employee over the exercise price per
           share of such option(s).  For purposes of determining the
           amount of the option payment, the fair market value for
           each share of Capsure's stock subject to an unexercised
           option held by the Employee shall be the last trade price
           for Capsure's common stock on the New York Stock Exchange
           at the close of trading on the day prior to the delivery
           to Capsure of the Election by the Employee.  Capsure
           shall pay the option payment to the Employee within five
           (5) business days following the receipt of the Election.

                                    Page 2

    (b)  All unexercised options granted to the Employee shall fully vest
         immediately upon the closing of a Change in Control of UCIC.

4.  Termination of the Employee Following a Change in Control of UCIC.

    (a)  Following the closing of a Change in Control of UCIC, the
         Employee shall be entitled to the benefits set forth in Sections 6 and
         7 hereof upon any termination by UCIC or its successor of the
         Employee's employment by UCIC or its successor within 24 months
         following a Change in Control of UCIC for any reason, except the

         (i)    Termination by reason of the Employee's death,
                provided the Employee has not previously given a "Notice of
                Termination" pursuant to Section 5 hereof; or

         (ii)   Termination by reason of the Employee's "disability".  For the 
                purposes of this Agreement, disability shall be defined
                as the Employee's inability by reason of physical or mental
                illness or other physical or mental disability to substantially
                perform the duties required by the position held by the
                Employee at the inception of such illness or disability for any
                consecutive ninety (90) day period unless within 30 days after
                written notice of termination is thereafter given by UCIC to
                the Employee, the Employee shall have returned to the full time
                performance of his duties; or
         (iii)  Termination by reason of retirement on or after normal
                retirement age in accordance with and under UCIC's Employee's
                Money Purchase Pension Plan (the "Pension Plan") or any plan
                in substitution thereof; or

          (iv)  Termination upon a good faith determination by a majority vote 
                of the Board of Directors of UCIC, or of any affiliate
                or subsidiary of UCIC, that termination is necessary by reason
                of a determination by the Insurance Department of any state
                having jurisdiction over UCIC, or any affiliate or subsidiary,
                that the Employee must be removed or disqualified from acting
                as an officer of UCIC or any of its subsidiaries; or

           (v)  Termination for "cause".  For purposes of this Agreement,
                "cause" shall mean when in the judgment of the  Board of
                Directors of UCIC, the Employee has (A) willfully and
                continually failed to substantially perform his duties or (B)
                engaged in misconduct materially detrimental to the best
                interests of UCIC or conduct which is illegal; provided that,
                termination for cause based on the Employee's willful and
                continued failure to substantially perform his duties shall not
                be effective unless the Employee shall have received written
                notice from either the Chairman of the Board of Directors of
                UCIC or the President of UCIC of such failure and demand for
                substantial performance 30 days prior to such termination and
                the Employee has failed after receipt of such

                                    Page 3


                  notice to resume the diligent performance of his duties.
                  Examples of the types of misconduct which would be considered
                  materially detrimental or illegal and justifying termination
                  for cause include embezzlement, fraud, payoffs, kickbacks,
                  illegal political contributions, and the like.

    (b)  Capsure shall also provide the Employee with the benefits set
         forth in Sections 6 and 7 upon any termination of employment with
         UCIC by the Employee for "Good Reason" within 24 months following a
         Change in Control of UCIC.  For purposes of this Agreement, "Good
         Reason" shall mean the occurrence of any one of the following events
         without the Employee's consent:

         (i)      The assignment of the Employee to any duties
                  substantially inconsistent with his position, duties,
                  responsibilities or status with UCIC immediately prior to the
                  Change in Control of UCIC, or a substantial reduction of
                  Employee's duties or responsibilities, as compared with the
                  duties or responsibilities immediately prior to the Change in
                  Control of UCIC, and the continuation of such inconsistent
                  assignment or reduction for thirty (30) days following
                  written notice thereof from the Employee to UCIC; or

         (ii)     A reduction by UCIC in the amount of the Employee's base
                  salary as compared to that which was paid immediately prior
                  to the Change in Control of UCIC; or

         (iii)    The failure by UCIC or its successor to continue to
                  provide to the Employee benefits substantially similar in the
                  aggregate to the benefits provided under UCIC's benefit
                  programs prior to the Change in Control of UCIC, such as any
                  of UCIC's pension, life insurance, medical, health or
                  disability plans in which the Employee was participating at
                  the time of the Change in Control of UCIC; or

         (iv)     Requiring the Employee to be transferred outside the
                  metropolitan Atlanta area at the time within 24 months after
                  the Change in Control of UCIC, except with the Employee's
                  consent; or

         (v)      Any breach by UCIC of any of the provisions of this
                  Agreement or any failure by UCIC to carry out its obligations
                  hereunder and the continuation of such breach or failure for
                  thirty (30) days following written notice thereof from the
                  Employee to UCIC.

    (c)  Notwithstanding the other provisions of this Section 4, in the
         event that the Employee shall resign the employment with UCIC without
         "Good Reason", then the Employee shall not be entitled to the benefits
         set forth in Sections 6 and 7 upon such resignation.

                                    Page 4

5.  Notice of Termination.

    Any termination of the Employee's employment by UCIC as contemplated by
    Section 4(a) of this Agreement or by the Employee as contemplated by
    Section 4(b) of this Agreement shall be communicated by written "Notice of
    Termination" to the other party hereto.  Any "Notice of Termination" shall
    indicate the effective date of termination which shall not be less than 30
    days after the date the Notice of Termination is delivered (the
    "Termination Date"), the specific provision in this Agreement relied upon,
    and will set forth in reasonable detail the facts and circumstances claimed
    to provide a basis for such termination.

6.  Termination Benefits.

    Upon termination of the Employee's employment by UCIC as described in
    Section 4(a) or 4(b) of this Agreement, the following payments (subject to
    any applicable payroll or other taxes required to be withheld) and benefits
    shall be paid and provided to the Employee:

    (a)  Compensation

         UCIC shall pay to the Employee an amount equal to two (2) times the
         greater of (i) the Employee's effective annual base salary at the
         Termination Date, or (ii) the Employee's effective annual base salary
         immediately prior to the Change in Control of UCIC.  UCIC shall
         make monthly payments of a portion of such amount in 24 equal monthly
         installments on the first day of each month after the Termination
         Date.  The amount payable to the Employee under either (i) or (ii)
         shall be reduced by one monthly installment for each full month the
         Employee remains employed by UCIC after the Change in Control of UCIC,
         provided, however, that such payments shall cease after the month in
         which Employee reaches normal retirement age in accordance     with
         UCIC's Money Purchase Pension Plan.

    (b)  Insurance Benefits, Etc.

         UCIC shall provide or cause to be provided to the Employee, for a
         period of 24 months after the Date of Termination, all life insurance,
         medical, health, and disability plans, programs or arrangements in
         which the Employee would have been entitled to participate if he had
         continued in the employment of UCIC, to the extent such plans,
         programs, or arrangements are offered by UCIC during such 24-month
         period. This 24-month time obligation of UCIC to furnish these
         aforementioned benefits shall be reduced by one month for each full
         month the Employee remains employed by UCIC after the closing of the
         Change in Control of UCIC.  In the event that the Employee's
         participation in any such continuing plan, program or arrangement is
         not directly permitted by the provisions of these plans, programs or
         arrangements, UCIC shall arrange, at its expense, to provide the
         Employee with substantially similar benefits.

                                    Page 5

7.  Other Benefits.

    Upon termination of the Employee's employment by UCIC as described in
    Sections 4(a) or 4(b) of this Agreement, the following benefits (subject to 
    any applicable payroll or other taxes required to be withheld) shall be
    paid or provided to the Employee:

    (a)  Retirement Benefits

         For purposes of this Agreement, the Employee shall be deemed to be
         completely vested under the UCIC Money Purchase Pension Plan and all
         supplemental, non-qualified plans (or any successor plan), in effect
         immediately prior to the Change in Control of UCIC (collectively
         the "Retirement Plans"), regardless of the Employee's actual vesting
         service credit thereunder.  Any part of the foregoing retirement
         benefits which are not paid through the Retirement Plans shall be paid
         by UCIC.  With the consent of the Employee, UCIC's obligation under
         this Section 7(a) may be satisfied by the purchase of an individual
         retirement annuity providing the foregoing retirement benefits are
         calculated and payable in accordance with the provisions of the
         Retirement Plans in effect as of the date of Change in Control of

    (b)  Executive Outplacement Counseling

         Upon written request of the Employee, UCIC shall engage an
         outplacement counseling service of national reputation to assist the   
         Employee in obtaining employment.  The Employee shall be entitled to
         only one such engagement of an outplacement counseling service.  The
         Employee's right to elect this counseling shall terminate 90 days from
         the Termination Date of the Employee.

8.  Mitigation.

    (a)  The Employee is required to seek other employment or otherwise
         mitigate the amount of any payments (other than any payments pursuant
         to Section 2 hereof) or benefits to be made by UCIC or Capsure
         pursuant to this Agreement.

    (b)  If the Employee is employed (including self-employment) by any
         business, whether or not the other employment is in direct competition
         with the business of UCIC or its subsidiaries, after the Termination
         Date, then the amount of any prospective payments provided for in
         Section 6(a) shall be reduced by any base salary or other similar form
         of compensation (except for incentive compensation) earned by the
         Employee as the result of such other employment including any
         voluntary deferral of such base salary or similar form of

    (c)  To the extent the Employee is eligible to participate in a plan
         providing benefits comparable  to  those  to  be  provided  by
         Section  6(b)  hereof  upon  obtaining other  employment  (including
         self-employment),  whether  or  not  the

                                    Page 6

         other employment is in direct competition with the business of UCIC or
         its subsidiaries, the comparable benefits UCIC would otherwise provide 
         pursuant to Section 6(b) hereof shall not be required of UCIC.  The
         benefit payments provided for in Section 7 shall not be reduced.

    (d)  The Employee hereby agrees to notify UCIC promptly upon obtaining
         any other employment, and to furnish UCIC with details of the
         employee's base salary or similar form of compensation, employee
         benefits and the like.

9.  Services During Certain Events.

    For purposes of this Agreement, a "potential Change in Control of UCIC"
    shall be deemed to have occurred if (i) Capsure enters into an agreement or
    arrangement, the consummation of which would result in the occurrence of a
    Change in Control of UCIC as defined in Section 1 of this Agreement, or
    (ii), the Board adopts a resolution to the effect that, for purposes of
    this Agreement, a potential Change in Control of UCIC has occurred.  The
    Employee agrees that, subject to the terms and conditions of this
    Agreement, in the event of the occurrence of a potential Change in Control
    in UCIC on or before December 31, 1996, the Employee will remain in the
    employ of UCIC until the earliest of (A) a date which is six months from
    the occurrence of such potential Change in Control of UCIC, or (B) the
    termination by the Employee of employment by reason of disability or
    retirement (at the Employee's normal retirement age), or (C) the occurrence
    of a Change in Control of UCIC.

10. Successors.

    (a)  Capsure shall require any successor (whether direct or indirect,
         by purchase, merger, consolidation or otherwise) to all or
         substantially all of the equity securities, business and/or assets of
         UCIC to expressly assume and agree to perform this Agreement.  Upon
         the assumption of this Agreement by such successor, Capsure shall be
         released from any and all of its obligations and liabilities under
         this Agreement.  Failure of Capsure to obtain such assumption prior to
         the effectiveness of any such Change in Control of UCIC shall be a
         breach of this Agreement, and shall entitle the Employee to
         compensation from Capsure in the same amount and on the same terms as
         the Employee would be entitled hereunder if the Employee were to
         terminate employment for Good Reason following a Change in Control of
         UCIC, except that for purposes of implementing the foregoing, the date
         on which any such Change in Control of UCIC closes shall be deemed the
         Termination Date.

         For purposes of this Agreement, "UCIC" shall mean United Capitol
         Insurance Company as hereinbefore defined and any successor to its
         business and/or assets as aforesaid which assumes and agrees to        
         perform this Agreement or which otherwise becomes bound by all the
         terms and provisions of this Agreement by operation of law.

    (b)  This Agreement shall inure to the benefit of and be enforceable by the
         Employee's personal or legal representatives, executors, 

                                    Page 7

            successors, heirs, distributees, devisees and legatees.  If the
            Employee should die while any amounts are payable to him hereunder,
            all such amounts, unless otherwise provided herein, shall be paid
            in accordance with the terms of this Agreement to the Employee's
            devisee, legatee or other designee or, if there be no such
            designee, to the Employee's estate.

11. Notices.

    For the purposes of this Agreement, notices and all other communications
    provided for herein shall be in writing and shall be deemed to have been
    duly given when delivered or mailed by United States registered or
    certified mail, return receipt requested, postage prepaid, addressed as

    If to the Employee:

     Steven S. Zeitman
       2870 Pharr Ct. So. Apt. 1205
       Atlanta, GA  30305

    If to Capsure Holdings Corp. ("Capsure"):
     2 North Riverside Plaza
     Chicago, IL  60606
     Attn:  General Counsel

    If to United Capitol Insurance Company ("UCIC"):
     400 Perimeter Center Terrace
     Suite 345
     Atlanta, GA  30346
     Attn:  President

or to such other address as either party may have furnished to the other in
writing in accordance herewith, except that notices of change of address shall
be effective only upon receipt.

12. Governing Law.

    The validity, interpretation, construction and performance of this
    Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Georgia.

13. Miscellaneous.

    No provisions of this Agreement may be modified, waived or discharged
    unless such waiver, modification or discharge is agreed to in a writing
    signed by the Employee, Capsure and UCIC, excepting that after the date a
    Change in Control of UCIC has occurred, Capsure shall not be required to be
    a party to any such modification, waiver or discharge.  No waiver by either
    party hereto at any time of any breach by the other party hereto of, or
    compliance with, any condition or provision of this Agreement to be
    performed by such other party shall be deemed a waiver of similar or

                                    Page 8

    provisions or conditions at the same or any prior or subsequent time.  No
    agreements or representations, oral or otherwise, express or implied, with
    respect to the subject matter hereof have been made by either party which
    are not set forth expressly in this Agreement.

14. Separability.

    The invalidity or unenforceability of any provisions of this Agreement
    shall not affect the validity or enforceability of any other provisions of
    this Agreement, which shall remain in full force and effect.

15. Non-Assignability.

    This Agreement is personal in nature and neither of the parties hereto
    shall, without the consent of the other, assign or transfer this Agreement
    or any rights or obligations hereunder, except as provided in Section 10.
    Without limiting the foregoing, the Employee's right to receive payments
    hereunder shall not be assignable or transferable, whether by pledge,
    creation of a security interest or otherwise, other than a transfer by his
    will or trust or by the laws of descent or distribution, and in the event
    of any attempted assignment or transfer contrary to this Section 15 Capsure
    and UCIC shall have no liability to pay any amount so attempted to be
    assigned or transferred.

16. Term of Agreement.

    This Agreement shall commence on the date hereof and shall continue in
    effect through December 31, 1996, provided that the expiration of this
    Agreement shall not affect the rights or obligations of Capsure, UCIC, or
    Employee arising from a Change in Control of UCIC occurring prior to the
    expiration of the Agreement.

                                    Page 9

     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this Agreement to be executed
and delivered as of the day and year first set forth on page 1 of this

Capsure Holdings Corp. ("Capsure")                 Steven S. Zeitman ("the Employee")               
by:      /s/ Bruce A. Esselborn                      /s/ Steven S. Zeitman                    
   -----------------------------------------       ---------------------------------------------    
its:      President                                signed this   6th   day of  November  , 1995    
   -----------------------------------------                   ------          --------
signed this  6th   day of   November  , 1995       at     Atlanta,  GA                        
            ------       ------------                -------------------------------------------    
at     Atlanta,  GA

United Capitol Insurance Company ("UCIC")

by:      /s/ Mary Jane Robertson

its:    Executive VP and CFO

signed this  6th   day of   November  , 1995
           -------       -------------
at     Atlanta,  GA

                                    Page 10