Exhibit 10.30


1 Minster Court
Mincing Lane
London EC3R7AA & at Lloyd's
Tel:  071-9292800
Tlx:  8952946 CARCORP
Fax:  071-9291604

5 October 1994

RCA Mutual Insurance Co
1111 S. Glenstone
Suite 3-102
Springfield, Missouri 65804

                       REINSURANCE COVER NOTE: 94/1146/RM

This is to certify that, in accordance with your instructions, we have effected
the following placement. Please examine this Cover Note carefully and advise us
immediately if it is in any way incorrect or does not otherwise meet your

REASSURED:  RCA MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY (or name to be agreed by Underwriters)
            of Springfield, Missouri.

PERIOD:     Annual re-signing at 1st October, 1994, of Contract covering claims
            first made against the Reassured during the period 1st October,
            1993, to 30th September, 1996, both dates inclusive.

            Contract to be re-signed annually, but may be cancelled at any 1st
            October anniversary date subject to 90 days prior notice of

            In the event of cancellation and non-renewal of this Contract, 
            Reinsurers hereon shall continue to be liable for all claims first 
            made against the Reassured during an additional 60 months reporting
            period from the effective date of cancellation and non-renewal. 
            Such 60 months reporting period coverage shall not apply to claims 
            first made on new or renewal policies incepting after the effective
            date of cancellation and non-renewal of this Contract.



CLASS:       Covering Medical Practitioners' Liability policies (including
             Dentists' Liability,) and all other ancillary coverages as

SCOPE:       As per the Reassured's original policies.

LIMITS:      To pay:

             (A)  Up to US$1,600,000 Ultimate Net Loss each and every loss, 
                  each policy and/or insured, excess of US$400,000 Ultimate 
                  Net Loss each and every loss, each policy and/or insured,

             and, in addition, where two or more policies and/or insureds
             are involved in the same loss occurrence:

             (B)  Up to US$1,600,000 Ultimate Net Loss each and every loss 
                  occurrence, excess of US$500,000 Ultimate Net Loss each and 
                  every loss occurrence

             Recoveries under Section (A) to inure to the benefit of 
             Section (B).

             In the event that two or more policies or insureds are     
             involved in the same loss occurrence and there is a difference in
             the dates claims are made, the date on which the first claim is
             made shall establish the date of loss for all related claims
             arising out of the same loss occurrence.

             Notwithstanding the foregoing, in any loss occurrence, should      
             any claim made date(s) fall prior to the inception of this
             Contract, it is hereby understood and agreed that those specific
             loss(es) shall be disregarded for the purposes of determining
             recoveries hereunder.

             For the purposes of this Contract, the date of loss shall be       
             the date of receipt by the Reassured of acceptable notice from its
             original insured or a representative of its original insured; that
             a claim is being or may be made against that original insured.

             Maximum recoverable hereon to be 300% of the maximum       
             reinsurance premium payable hereunder for the Contract Period.

WARRANTY:    Warranted Maximom Original Policy Limit US$1,000,000 or so deemed,
             except as respects Excess of Original Policy Limits and/or
             Extra-Contractual Obligation coverage.


PREMIUM:    Second Annual Provisional Premium US$1,45O,000 payable in quarterly
            installments in advance at 1st October, 1994, 1st January, 1995, 1st
            April, 1995 and 1st July, 1995 and adjustable at expiry of each
            annual period at provisional rates indicated below. Further
            adjustable 12 months after expiry of Contract Period and annually
            thereafter until all losses for Contract Period are finally settled
            or commuted at a rate equivalent to 110% of the cumulative Incurred
            Loss Cost, plus the Minimum rate for the Contract Period as
            indicated below. In no event however shall the Contract Period
            Minimum rate plus 110% of the cumulative Incurred Loss Cost for the
            Contract Period exceed the Maximum rate for the applicable Contract
            Period as indicated below.

            Annual Period is that period from 1st October, 1993 to 30th 
            September, 1994, both dates inclusive, and each successive 12 month
            period thereof.

            Contract Period is that period from 1st October, 1993 to 30th       
            September, 1996 both dates inclusive, or earlier in the event of

            Minimum, Provisional and Maximum Rates as follows:

                                                         MIN    PROV     MAX
            If Contract terminated at 1st October 1995  7.50%  17.00%   25.00
            If Contract terminated at 1st October 1996  6.00%  16.50%   22.50

            For adjustment purposes hereon, rates above calculated on the       
            cumulative Gross Net Earned Premium Income for original policy
            limits up to US$1,000,000 or so deemed.

            In the event of cancellation and non-renewal of this Contract any
            applicable unearned premium shall accrue back to the last   Annual
            Period hereof and shall be added to the Reassured's subject Gross
            Net Earned Premium Income for the purpose of the premium rating
            formula hereunder.

CONDITION:  In the event that the Reassured cancels and non-renews this 
            Contract and continues to be reinsured hereon for claims first made
            during an additional 60 month period, it is agreed that the Maximum 
            rate for the last Annual Periodhereon shall be automatically 
            increased by a factor of 1.65 with the resulting Maximum premium
            for the Contract Period hereon to be calculated accordingly.

DEDUCTIONS: 1% Federal Excise Tax where applicable.


ARRANGEMENTS:     Reassured to provide quarterly bordereaux detailing paid 
                  losses hereunder, and quarterly bordereaux detailing all
                  outstanding losses reserved by the Reassured at US$300,000 
                  Ultimate Net Loss and above.

                  Settlement of paid losses recoverable hereunder as per
                  bordereaux to be effected as soon as practicable after
                  receipt of bordereaux, provided that individual losses of
                  US$200,000 Ultimate Net Loss or greater hereto shall be
                  subject to cash loss collection on provision by Reassured of
                  Proof of Loss.

LOSS RESERVES:    Letter of Credit (Citibank N.AScheme) in respect of known 
                  and reported outstanding losses, excluding losses Incurred 
                  But Not Reported ("I.B.N.R") or any application thereto, in 
                  compliance with statutory/regulatory requirements, as 
                  required by Reassured from non-admitted Reinsurers only.

CONDITIONS:       Excess of Original Policy Limits and Extra-Contractual
                    Obligations Inclusion
                  Clauses, both included within Reassured's Ultimate Net Loss.
                  Ultimate Net Loss Clause, including Loss Adjustment Expenses.
                  Net Retained Lines Clause.
                  Insolvency Clause.
                  Errors and Omissions Clause.
                  Currency Clause (U.S. Dollars only).
                  Access to Records and Claims Review Clause.
                  Amendments and Alterations Clause.
                  Arbitration Clause.
                  Service of Suit Clause - U.S.A. - NMA 1998.
                  Nuclear Incident Exclusion Clause - Liability - 
                    Reinsurance - U.S.A.
                  Insolvency Funds Exclusion Clause.
                  Carvill Intermediary Clause.

COMMUTATION:      Reassured to have right one year after end of the Contract 
                  Period or at any time thereafter to commute losses at
                  their discretionary reserves and relieve Reinsurers of all 
                  further liability hereunder provided rate at that time is
                  below the maximum rate for the Contract Period hereon.

WORDING:          Wording to be agreed by Underwriters.

INFORMATION:      1.   Medical Practitioners' Liability
                       (including Dentists' Liability), and all other ancillary
                       coverages as original, issued by Reassured on Claims
                       Paid, Occurrence and Claims Made Policy Form. It is

                       hereby understood and agreed that all coverage hereunder
                       is provided on a claims first made during basis only.

                  2.   Unlimited pre-paid discovery coverage is available

                       a)   Deceased Doctors.
                       b)   Doctors who through
                            disablement are unable to continue medical
                       c)   Doctors who retire.

                  3.   Original policies may contain Aggregate Limitation but 
                       no aggregate coverage hereon.

                  4.   Estimated Gross Net Earned Premium Income for 12 months 
                       at 1st October, 1994 US$9,000,000.

HEREON:           100% of the above LIMIT and PREMIUM.

                  London, England.

                  R.K. CARVILL & COMPANY LIMITED


E. & O.E.