Exhibit 10.1
                                                                 EXECUTION COPY

                           MASTER SUPPLY AGREEMENT

     This MASTER SUPPLY AGREEMENT dated as of January 1, 1998 by and between
CPC INTERNATIONAL INC., a Delaware corporation ("CPC") and CORN PRODUCTS
INTERNATIONAL, INC., a Delaware corporation ("CPI").

     WHEREAS, prior to the date hereof, the business of CPI was a division of

     WHEREAS, prior to the date hereof, CPC (and its Affiliates in the
Territories) purchased the Products listed in the Schedules hereto from CPI
(and its Affiliates in the Territories) on an intercompany basis;

     WHEREAS, on December 31, 1997 CPI was spun-off from CPC and is now an
independent corporation, and the Affiliates of CPI are no longer under common
ownership with the Affiliates of CPC; and

     WHEREAS, CPC and CPI desire to formalize the supply relationships set
forth in the Schedules hereto.

     NOW, THEREFORE, the parties agree as follows:


        As used herein, the following terms shall have the meanings set forth

        (a)  "Affiliate" shall mean any entity which is controlled by, in 
             control of, or under common control with, the party to which the 
             reference is made.

        (b)  "Applicable Law" shall mean any law, rule, regulation, statute, 
             ordinance, decree, treaty or directive applicable to any of the 
             Purchasers or Suppliers.

        (c)  "Commodity Consumer Products" shall mean corn starch, corn oil, 
             corn syrup and dextrose which are branded and packaged for
             sale to the retail trade, club stores, mass merchandisers and the
             foodservice sector.  Each Schedule identifies the Commodity
             Consumer Products sold in each Territory.

        (d)  "Commodity Industrial Products"  shall mean bulk corn starch, 
             corn oil (crude or refined), corn syrup (glucose), and     
             dextrose purchased solely for the production of Commodity Consumer
             Products.  Each Schedule identifies the Commodity Industrial
             Products sold to the purchaser in each Territory.


          (e)  "Consumer Products" shall mean all branded and
               packaged products (including Commodity Consumer Products)
               produced by the Purchasers for sale to the retail trade, club
               stores and mass merchandisers utilizing any Products as

          (f)  "Purchaser" shall mean any of the Purchasers.

          (g)  "Purchasers" shall mean collectively CPC and all of
               its Affiliates who purchase under this Agreement.

          (h)  "Products" shall mean all products sold by the
               Suppliers to the Purchasers (including the Commodity Industrial
               Products) set forth in the Schedules hereto for each Territory.

          (i)  "Supplier" shall mean any of the Suppliers.

          (j)  "Suppliers" shall mean collectively CPI and all of
               its Affiliates who supply under this Agreement.

          (k)  "Territories" shall mean all of the countries for
               which there is a Schedule.

          (l)  "Territory" shall mean any country for which there is
               a Schedule.

       2. SCOPE.

          2.1. This Agreement shall apply to all purchases by
               Purchasers from Suppliers of the Products listed in the
               Schedules in the corresponding Territories.  The provisions of
               Section 5 shall apply to Commodity Consumer Products and
               Commodity Industrial Products and the provisions of Sections 6.1
               and 6.2 shall only apply to Commodity Industrial Products.

          2.2. This Agreement does not constitute a purchase order.
               Purchases under this Agreement shall be made by purchase orders
               issued by  Purchasers as provided in Section 7 hereof.

       3. TERM.

          3.1. This Agreement shall have an initial term of two
               years from the date hereof (the "Initial Term"), unless
               terminated earlier in accordance with Section 3.4 below.

          3.2. Six (6) months prior to the end of the Initial Term,
               the Purchasers and Suppliers from each Territory shall review
               the terms of their respective Schedules.  If any of the
               Purchasers and Suppliers are



                unable to agree upon future terms for their respective
                Schedules, this Agreement shall terminate as to those
                Territories at the end of the Initial Term.  For those
                Purchasers and Suppliers that are able toagree upon future
                terms for their respective Schedules, this Agreement shall
                automatically be renewed, as modified, as to those Territories
                for successive renewal terms of one year each, unless notice of
                termination is given by either party in writing, not later than
                six (6) months prior to the end of the one year term then in

          3.3  After the Initial Term, any Supplier or Purchaser may
               terminate this Agreement in accordance with Section 3.2 or 3.4
               hereof as to some of the Products in the corresponding
               Territories.  In the event of such a partial termination, this
               Agreement shall remain in full force and effect as to those
               Products in the corresponding Territories for which this
               Agreement has not been terminated.

          3.4. This Agreement may be terminated automatically at any
               time in the event of the following:

               (a)   In the event of a breach or failure to perform this 
                     Agreement by one party, the non-breaching party may
                     terminate this Agreement for those Products in
                     corresponding Territories where the breach or failure
                     occurred, if the breach or failure has continued for a
                     period of sixty days after written notice thereof has been
                     received by the breaching party.

               (b)   In the event of a change in control of either party, the 
                     other party shall have the right to terminate this
                     Agreement in whole as to (i) or in part as to (ii)
                     immediately after giving written notice upon the
                     occurrence of such change in control.  For purposes of
                     this Agreement:

                     (i)   change in control of CPC or CPI shall mean: (y) the 
                           acquisition by any person (as such term is
                           defined in the Securities Act of 1933, as amended)
                           (excluding the party to which the change in control
                           relates or any of its Affiliates or a fiduciary
                           holding its securities in any type of benefit plan),
                           directly or indirectly, of beneficial ownership of
                           20% or more of the combined voting power of the then
                           outstanding voting securities entitled to vote
                           generally at the election of directors, or (z) the
                           merger, consolidation, reorganization, liquidation,
                           involving the sale or transfer of substantially all
                           of the assets of the party; and



                       (ii) change in control of any Affiliate of CPC or CPI 
                            shall mean any change in the ownership of any 
                            Affiliate of CPC or CPI such that CPC or CPI 
                            ceases to hold voting control of its respective 

        3.5.   In the event that this Agreement is terminated in
               whole or in part in accordance with Section 3.2, 3.3 or 3.4
               above, the obligations of CPI and its Affiliates contained in
               Section 5 shall nevertheless continue to remain in full force
               and effect for a period of six months from the date of such
               termination as to all Commodity Industrial Products in
               corresponding Territories for which this Agreement has been

     4. PRICING.

     Products shall be sold hereunder at prices to be determined in accordance
with the pricing mechanism currently utilized by the relevant Purchasers and
Suppliers. All pricing mechanisms to be used for purposes of this Agreement are
described in the Schedules hereto.


        5.1.   For so long as this Agreement remains in force and
               effect with respect to any Commodity Industrial Products in any
               Territory, and for a period of six months after any termination
               hereof, CPI agrees that it will not, nor will its Affiliates:

               (i)     sell Commodity Consumer Products in the Territories for 
                       which this Agreement is in effect as to the 
                       corresponding Commodity Industrial Products;

                (ii)   sell, manufacture or package Commodity Consumer Products 
                       to or for third parties if, to the knowledge of CPI or 
                       its Affiliates after reasonable inquiry of such third 
                       parties, such Commodity Consumer Products are intended 
                       for sale in Territories for which this Agreement is in 
                       effect as to the corresponding Commodity Industrial 
                       Products; or

                (iii)  acquire a controlling  interest in any person or entity 
                       which engages in (i) or (ii) above (an "Acquired
                       Business") unless, if a portion of the Acquired Business
                       consists of (i) or (ii) above, CPI or its Affiliates
                       offers to sell the portion of the Acquired Business that
                       engages in (i) or (ii) above to CPC or its Affiliates on
                       reasonable terms and conditions; provided, however, that
                       if CPI and CPC (or their respective Affiliates) cannot
                       agree on such terms and conditions and CPI (or its
                       Affiliate) proceeds to



                     acquire the Acquired Business then CPC (or its Affiliate)
                     shall have the automatic right to terminate this Agreement
                     as to such Commodity Industrial Products in the
                     corresponding Territory upon written notice.

          5.2. Nothing in this Section 5 shall be deemed to prohibit
               CPI from performing any toll packaging agreement with CPC or its
               Affiliates or from selling any Products (including Commodity
               Industrial Products) to third parties in any Territory that may
               sell, manufacture or package Commodity Consumer Products in any


          6.1. For so long as this Agreement is in effect, Suppliers shall be
               the sole and exclusive suppliers to Purchasers and Purchasers
               shall purchase 100% of their requirements for Commodity
               Industrial Products from Suppliers in the Territories for which
               this Agreement is in effect, except as provided in Sections 6.2
               and 8.2(b).

          6.2  Notwithstanding Section 6.1, if at any time during
               the term of this Agreement a Purchaser requires Commodity
               Industrial Product in excess of a Supplier's production capacity
               at the relevant supply location, the Supplier shall notify the
               Purchaser that it is unable to fill the entire purchase order
               within five business days of Supplier's receipt of the purchase
               order, and such Purchaser shall be permitted to purchase
               Commodity Industrial Product from a third party only for so long
               as such Purchaser's requirements exceed such Supplier's
               production capacity, and thereafter the Supplier shall promptly
               notify the Purchaser when it becomes able to fulfill the
               Purchaser's requirements.  Nothing in this Section 6 shall be
               deemed to require any Supplier to increase its production
               capacity.  In the event of such purchases from third parties,
               Suppliers shall not be liable for the costs of such purchases,
               including but not limited to the differential in the price of
               such purchases.

          6.3. Purchasers will provide as much forecasting information as
               possible to assist Suppliers.  Two months prior to the start of
               the fiscal year of each Purchaser for each year that this
               Agreement will be in effect for the following year, Purchasers
               shall provide Suppliers with estimates of their volume
               requirements for the following year.

          6.4. Nothing in this Section 6 shall be deemed to require
               Purchasers to purchase all of their requirements for Products,
               other than Commodity Industrial Products, from Suppliers and
               nothing in this Section 6 shall prohibit Purchasers from
               purchasing test quantities of



                Commodity Industrial Products from third parties as long as
                Purchasers neither sell such test quantities nor sell Commodity
                Consumer Products containing such test quantities.


          7.1. Purchases hereunder will be made on the basis of
               purchase orders issued by Purchasers.  Purchase orders will
               contain the following information:

               (a) location for delivery;
               (b) shipment date;
               (c) volume; and
               (d) Product specifications.

          7.2. Invoices will be submitted by Suppliers to Purchasers
               which will contain the following information:

               (a) payment terms;
               (b) title and risk of loss; and
               (c) responsibility for insurance, freight and taxes.

          7.3. Suppliers and Purchasers shall agree upon a form of
               purchase order and invoice to be used in their Territory.

          7.4. In the event of any conflict between a purchase order
               or an invoice and this Agreement, the terms of this Agreement
               shall prevail.

     8.   WARRANTIES.

          8.1  Suppliers warrant that all Products sold hereunder
               shall:  (a) comply with the specifications agreed to by the
               parties, (b) be produced in accordance with the quality
               assurance standards described in Section 10 hereof, and (c):

               (i)   for Products sold within the U.S.A.:  (I) shall not be 
                     adulterated or misbranded within the meaning of the
                     U.S. Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act and regulations
                     thereunder, and (II) shall be produced in accordance with
                     good manufacturing practices, as such term is defined in
                     21 U.S.C. Part 110 ("GMPs"); and

               (ii)  for Products sold outside the U.S.A.: (I) shall be in 
                     compliance with all Applicable Laws, and (II) shall be 
                     produced in accordance with Applicable Law governing 
                     manufacturing practices.



               Suppliers make no other warranties, either express or implied,
               including but not limited to fitness for a particular purpose,
               except those set forth above.

          8.2  (a)   In the event that any Products sold hereunder do not
                     comply with the warranties set forth in this Section 8 or
                     in Section 10, Purchaser shall notify Supplier of such
                     breach and of its timing requirements for such Products
                     within five business days of Purchaser's discovery of the

                (b)  If Supplier is unable to replace the
                     non-complying Product in sufficient time to meet
                     Purchaser's timing requirements for such Products pursuant
                     to the notice given under Section 8.2(a) above, Supplier
                     shall refund to Purchaser the purchase price of the
                     non-complying Product and Purchaser shall have the right
                     to purchase replacement Product from a third party,
                     notwith-standing Section 6.1.

                (c)  Supplier's liability under this Section 8
                     and under Section 10 shall be limited to: (i) replacement
                     of the Products or a refund in the amount of the purchase
                     price of the Products in accordance with Section 8.2(b),
                     (ii) the cost of manufacturing and packaging the Consumer
                     Products (less the purchase price of the Products), (iii)
                     the reasonable costs of processing customer complaints as
                     to Consumer Products rendered unusable, and (iv) the
                     reasonable costs of recalling and disposing of any
                     defective Consumer Products.


          9.1  Each party (the "Indemnifying Party") shall defend,
               indemnify and hold harmless the other party (the "Indemnified
               Party") and its respective employees and representatives from
               and against all liability, loss, damage and expense, (including
               reasonable attorney's fees) actions and claims for injury and/or
               death to persons and damage to property arising out of the
               negligent or wrongful acts or omissions of the Indemnifying
               Party, but only to the extent that such injury or damage is
               attributable to the Indemnifying Party's negligent or wrongful
               acts or omissions.

          9.2  In the event that an Indemnified Party is subject to
               any indemnifiable action or claim in accordance with Section
               9.1, the procedures for indemnification in Article VI of the
               Distribution Agreement dated December 1, 1997 between CPC and
               CPI (the "Distribution Agreement") shall apply.



          9.3   Suppliers and Purchasers shall procure and maintain, at their   
                respective costs and expenses, for so long as this Agreement is
                in effect, occurrence based commercial general liability
                insurance and automobile liability insurance coverage. The
                policies, including excess policies, shall have limits of not
                less than $25,000,000 per occurrence and $25,000,000 in the
                aggregate (combined single limit) for each policy year and
                shall be obtained from insurers rated A- or better by A.M. Best
                Company, and with a financial size category of VIII or larger.
                The policies shall be endorsed to name the Indemnified Party as
                an additional insured with respect to liabilities arising out
                of the foregoing indemnification agreements and shall provide
                that the insurance of the Indemnifying Party will be primary to
                any other insurance of the additional insured.  Purchasers and
                Suppliers agree that their respective insurers shall not be
                subrogated to the rights of the Indemnified Party against the
                Indemnifying Party with respect to any claim arising under this
                Agreement and neither party shall assign any such right of
                subrogation to their insurers.  In addition to the foregoing
                insurance, Suppliers and Purchasers shall procure and maintain,
                at their respective cost and expense, any additional insurance
                as may be required by Applicable Laws.  Each party shall
                deliver to the other Certificates of Insurance and endorsements
                evidencing the issuance of the required coverage and stating
                that the policies are in effect and that such policies will not
                be canceled or non-renewed without 30 days' prior written
                notice to the additional insured.  In the event of a claim,
                copies of the policies shall be supplied to the party claiming
                indemnification upon request.


          10.1. All Products supplied under this Agreement shall be produced    
                in accordance with Supplier's quality assurance standards and
                program in effect as of the date hereof. Suppliers reserve the
                right to reasonably modify their quality assurance standards
                from time to time; provided, however, that any significant
                changes shall be implemented by Suppliers only after full and
                open discussion with Purchasers with regard to their impact on
                manufacturing of the Products.

          10.2. From time to time, upon prior notice to Suppliers, Purchasers 
                shall have the right to examine Suppliers' facilities used for
                the manufacture of the Products hereunder.




         11.1. The process, formulations, data and information (collectively 
               "Information") which has been or may be furnished by one
               party to the other in order to perform this Agreement, is the
               property of the providing party and has been or will be
               furnished solely to enable the receiving party to perform this
               Agreement, with the understanding that:

               (a)  the receiving party will not use or reproduce such 
                    Information for any other purpose;

               (b)  the receiving party will take all reasonable care to 
                    ensure that such Information is not disclosed to other 
                    parties; and

               (c)  upon request by the providing party, the receiving party 
                    will promptly return all such Information at any time
                    during the term of this Agreement or thereafter, except
                    that either party may continue to use such Information of
                    the other party as it may require in order to perform this

         11.2. The foregoing restrictions will not apply to any
               information and data which is:

               (a)  already in possession of the receiving party at the time 
                    of first receipt from the providing party;

               (b)  independently developed by employees of the receiving 
                    party who did not have access to the Information;

               (c)  becomes part of the public domain without breach of this 
                    Agreement by the receiving party; or

               (d)  rightfully obtained by the receiving party from third 
                    persons without restriction or breach by this Agreement 
                    by any receiving party.


         Any dispute, controversy or claim in connection with this Agreement 
shall be resolved in accordance with Article VI of the Distribution
Agreement.  The parties acknowledge that disputes arising under Section 9.2 (or
the applicability thereof) may raise difficult factual questions relating to
proportional responsibility, proximate cause and duties to mitigate damages;
such questions and similar issues as to allocating responsibility and damages
shall be considered in the resolution of disputes.




          In the event that any Purchaser removes packaging equipment owned by 
it from the plant of a Supplier either during the term of this Agreement or
following termination hereof, the Purchaser shall, at its own expense, restore
the area of the plant where the equipment was located, to reasonable working


          Suppliers shall act under this Agreement solely as independent
contractors.  Nothing  herein shall constitute any Supplier or Purchaser as an
agent of the other, nor shall it constitute any member of one party's staff as
an agent or employee of the other party.

     15. ASSIGNMENT.

         None of the rights or obligations of either party hereunder is 
assignable either by voluntary act or operation of law, nor transferable
by it without the prior written consent of the other party, which consent shall
not be unreasonably withheld.


         If performance by either party of any of its duties or obligations 
under or pursuant to this Agreement is prevented, hindered, delayed or
otherwise made impracticable by reason of any strike, flood, riot, fire,
explosion, war or any other casualty which cannot be overcome by reasonable
diligence and without unusual expense, such party shall be excused from such
performance to the extent that it is so prevented, hindered or delayed thereby
during the continuance of any such happening or event and for so long as such
event shall continue to prevent, hinder or delay such performance.

     17. NOTICES.

         Any notice to be given hereunder by either party shall be in writing 
and shall be deemed given when: (i) sent by registered mail, return receipt
requested upon receipt by the sender of confirmation of receipt; (ii) sent by
telecopy upon receipt by the sender of confirmation of transmittal; or (iii)
delivered to the addressee as follows:

     In the case of Purchaser to:       CPC International Inc.
                                        P.O. Box 8000, International Plaza
                                        Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey  07632
                                        Attn:  Corporate Secretary
                                        Telephone: (201) 894-2381
                                        Facsimile: (201) 894-2192



     In the case of Supplier to:        Corn Products International, Inc.
                                        P.O. Box 345, 6500 Archer Road
                                        Argo, Illinois  60501-0345
                                        Attn:  Corporate Secretary
                                        Telephone: (708) 563-6958
                                        Facsimile: (708) 563-6851

     Any party may from time to time designate by written notice to the other
revised address or telecopy information.

         The invalidity or unenforceability of any particular provision of this
Agreement shall not affect any other provisions hereof, and this Agreement
shall be construed in all respects as if such invalid or unenforceable
provision were omitted.

     19. HEADINGS.

         The headings of this Agreement are for the convenience of the parties,
and shall not be construed as having any legal or binding meaning or effect.


         This Agreement constitutes the entire understanding and agreement 
between the parties hereto with respect to the subject matter hereof,  and
cancels and supersedes any prior negotiations, and merges all understandings,
and agreements, whether verbal or written, with respect thereto.  This
Agreement can be amended only by a written instrument executed by the parties


         This Agreement shall be executed by CPC and CPI on their own behalf 
and on behalf of their respective Affiliates.  Each of CPC and CPI agrees to
cause their respective Affiliates to perform each and every one of the
obligations hereunder to be performed by such Affiliates.

     22. NO WAIVER.

         The failure by either party to insist upon strict performance of any
covenant or condition of this Agreement, in any one or more instances, shall
not be construed as a waiver or relinquishment of any such covenant or
condition in the future, but the same shall be and remain in full force and



     23.  SURVIVAL.

          Notwithstanding any termination of this Agreement the provisions of
Section 5 shall survive such termination for the period stated therein.

     24.  CHOICE OF LAW.


     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement as of the
date first above written.

                                     CPC INTERNATIONAL INC.


                                     CORN PRODUCTS INTERNATIONAL, INC.

