[ LETTERHEAD OF TENNECO ]

                                July 6, 1998

Mr. Stacy S. Dick
187 West Old Mill Road
Greenwich, Connecticut 06831

Re: Release Agreement

Dear Stacy:

     This Release Agreement ("Agreement") entered into as of the date at the end
hereof is by and between Stacy S. Dick ("Employee"),Pamela Dick ("Employee's
Spouse"), and the employer, Tenneco Management Company, ("Employer")
(collectively, "the Parties"). 

     The Parties named above agree as follows:

     1.   Employee's employment with Employer will terminate on July 31, 1998
          (the "Termination Date").

     2.   Employer shall provide the following to Employee, subject to
          applicable tax withholdings and any amounts due the Employer,
          conditioned upon final execution of this Agreement and after the
          additional seven-day period referred to in paragraph 26:

               -  Payment - Upon receipt of signed agreement, Employee will
                  receive a lump sum payment of $848,000, as soon as
                  administratively feasible after July 31, 1998. This payment
                  shall be in lieu of any other payments, wages, cost of living
                  adjustments, and benefits. If either the Employee or
                  Employee's Spouse fail to execute this Agreement by July 28,
                  1998, or revoke or cancel this Agreement during the seven-day
                  period referred to in Paragraph 26, Employer shall not be
                  obligated to make lump sum payment to


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                  Employee. If Employee revokes or cancels the Agreement after
                  Employer has made the lump sum payment, Employee shall be
                  obligated to return to Employer all benefits and payments
                  provided to him under this Agreement, including but not
                  limited to the lump sum payment.

               -  Business Expenses  - Reimbursement for any business expenses
                  incurred by Employee on behalf of the Employer that have been
                  submitted for reimbursement in accordance with the Employer's
                  normal expense account procedures.

               -  Retirement Plan Vesting - Since Employee is a participant in
                  the Tenneco Inc. Retirement Plan and has completed five years
                  of service on the Termination Date, he is 100% vested in his
                  accrued benefit under the Tenneco Inc. Retirement Plan. For
                  information regarding Retirement Benefits, the Employee should
                  call the Benefits Center at 1-800-444-5578.

                  Employee is also a participant in the Tenneco Inc.
                  Supplemental Executive Retirement Plan (the "SERP"), and
                  pursuant to a special agreement covering him, which has been
                  merged into the SERP, he has been credited with five
                  additional years of participation. Employee is 100% vested in
                  his accrued benefit under the SERP. Employee is entitled to
                  receive the benefit of recently adopted amendments to the SERP
                  which count certain bonuses for purposes of computing SERP
                  benefits, which feature was also included in his special
                  agreement, and which permit lump sum distributions.

               -  Executive Incentive Compensation Plan - Should the Company
                  achieve the performance goals for Incentive Award payout, the
                  Employee will receive a pro-rata adjusted target 1998 award,
                  payable in 1999. No future awards will be made under this


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               -  1996 Tenneco Inc. Stock Ownership Plan - Employee has 210,822
                  options to purchase shares of Tenneco common stock. All such
                  options shall be deemed exercisable as of August 1, 1998, and
                  shall remain exercisable until July 31, 2003, provided that,
                  except to the extent specifically modified herein, all terms
                  and conditions of the 1996 Tenneco Inc. Stock Ownership Plan
                  {"SOP"), as it may be amended from time to time, and the Award
                  Agreements covering such options, as they may be amended from
                  time to time, shall remain applicable to such options,
                  including without limitation, the provisions governing the
                  adjustment and amendment of outstanding options, and, provided
                  further, that, notwithstanding the terms of the Award
                  Agreement, Employee shall not be awarded any Reload Stock
                  Options, as that term is defined in the SOP, upon the exercise
                  of any such options. No future awards of options will be made
                  under this Plan.

               -  Performance Shares - The Employee has been granted 28,000
                  Performance Shares under the SOP. Employee will not forfeit
                  such Performance Shares on account of his separation from
                  service with Employer, and such Performance Shares shall
                  remain outstanding, and, except as specifically provided
                  herein, shall continue to be subject to the rules of the SOP
                  and the Performance Share Award Agreement covering them.
                  Performance Shares will be distributed to Employee as soon as
                  administratively feasible based on the number of shares earned
                  at the end of each applicable four year performance period. No
                  future awards of Performance Shares will be made under this

               -  Tenneco Inc. Restricted Shares - Employee's 5,530 restricted
                  shares will vest on the Termination Date. A Stock Certificate
                  for the appropriate number of shares will be delivered to the
                  employee as soon as administrative feasible.

               -  Deferred Compensation - Employee may elect at any time prior
                  to the Termination Date, the payment of the balance in his
                  Deferred Compensation Account under the Tenneco Inc. Deferred
                  Compensation Plan (the "DCP") in either a


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                  single lump sum distribution payable as soon as
                  administratively feasible after the Termination Date or in
                  five (5) annual installments commencing in 1998. If he elects
                  installments, the rules of the DCP shall continue to apply to
                  the remaining balance until paid.

               -  Thrift Plan - Employee is a participant in the Tenneco Inc.
                  Thrift Plan and contributions to the Tenneco Inc. Thrift Plan
                  cease upon the termination of Employee's employment. Employee
                  may then elect to receive a final settlement of his account
                  balance, usually within four to six weeks following the
                  receipt of his properly completed election forms. Employee is
                  100% vested in his account. Apart from an excise tax
                  applicable to certain large distributions, taxable funds will
                  be subject to ordinary income taxes and a 10% excise tax if
                  Employee is under age 59 1/2 at the time of distribution
                  unless the taxable funds are rolled over to an IRA within
                  sixty (60) days from the date of distribution. Due to the tax
                  changes passed effective January 1, 1993, there have been
                  changes regarding IRA-rollover and federal income tax
                  withholding provisions. Employee should contact the Benefits
                  Center for information about his Thrift Plan account,
                  including any outstanding Thrift Plan loans, and the tax
                  consequences of his distribution.

               -  Medical Coverage Continuation - If enrolled in the Tenneco
                  medical plan at the Termination Date, continued coverage under
                  the Tenneco medical plan as it may be amended from time to
                  time will be offered to Employee and Employee's eligible
                  dependents on an optional basis with your sharing the cost
                  (after-tax basis) for up to twelve (12) months from the
                  Termination Date (the "continuation period"). Employee will
                  remain responsible for any employee contribution required by
                  his medical coverage choice. In the event Employee enrolls in
                  a group medical plan of a new employer before the end of his
                  continuation period, his new coverage will be primary and
                  Tenneco medical coverage will be secondary as provided in the
                  medical plan.


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                  Unless Employee is covered by another group medical plan at
                  the expiration of the continuation period, he may be able to
                  continue, completely at his own expense, Tenneco medical
                  coverage for up to an additional eighteen (18) months under
                  COBRA. Following termination of Tenneco medical coverage, an
                  individual medical benefits conversion policy may be

               -  Dental Coverage Continuation - If enrolled in the Tenneco
                  dental plan at the Termination Date, coverage under the
                  Tenneco dental plan as it may be amended from time to time,
                  (or the DMO option you have elected) will be offered to
                  Employee and Employee's eligible dependents on an optional
                  basis with your sharing the cost (after-tax basis) for up to
                  twelve (12) months from the Termination Date. Employee remain
                  responsible for any employee contribution required by your
                  dental coverage choice. In the event Employee enroll in a
                  group dental plan of a new employer before the end of his
                  continuation period, Employee's new coverage will be primary
                  and Tenneco dental coverage will be secondary as provided in
                  the dental plan.

                  Unless Employee is covered by another group dental plan at the
                  expiration of the continuation period, he may be able to
                  continue, completely at his own expense, Tenneco dental
                  coverage for up to an additional eighteen (18) months under

               -  Life Insurance Continuation - Under the Tenneco basic group
                  life insurance plan as it may be amended from time to time,
                  Employee's basic life and accidental death and dismemberment
                  (AD&D) coverage will continue at Company expense for twelve
                  (12) months from the Termination Date. An individual life
                  insurance conversion policy may be available following
                  termination of Tenneco life insurance coverage. Employee may
                  not continue your supplemental or dependent coverages past the
                  Termination Date.


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               -  Disability and Accident Insurance - Employee's participation
                  in the Tenneco Inc. Long Term Disability and Travel Accident
                  Insurance Plans ceases upon his termination of employment.
               -  Other Benefit Plans - Except as set out in this Agreement, the
                  provisions of the policies or plan documents will control.
               -  Relocation Loan Modification - The Employer, and the Employee
                  and Employee's Spouse are parties to a May 1, 1996 Balloon
                  Note (Fixed Rate)(the "Note") in the principal amount of
                  $400,000, which Note has a current outstanding principal
                  balance of $400,000. The Employer hereby forgives $200,000 of
                  the principal of the Note, leaving a principal balance of the
                  Note of $200,000. Pursuant to Paragraph 11 of the Note, the
                  Note Holder, at its sole option, may send notice requiring
                  payment within 90 days after the Termination Date (as defined
                  therein) in the event Employee's employment with Tenneco
                  Management Company or its affiliates is terminated for any
                  reason. Employee and Employee's Spouse hereby agree that upon
                  the execution of this Agreement such notice shall be deemed
                  given hereby by the Employer with respect to the $200,000
                  balance of the principal plus accrued interest on the Note,
                  after the forgiveness above. Notwithstanding the foregoing,
                  the parties hereby further agree that the "maturity date" of
                  the Note shall be amended to be the earlier of August 1, 2000,
                  or such time as the Employee and Employee's Spouse divest any
                  of their interests in the property generally described as 187
                  West Old Mill Road, Greenwich, Connecticut, by sale, gift,
                  transfer or otherwise, to any other person or entity.
                  Notwithstanding anything in the note to the contrary, Tenneco
                  hereby agrees under Section 3 (c) of the Note that no interest
                  shall be charged under the Note, except upon a default
                  described in Section 6(B) of the Note after which interest
                  shall be charged at the default rate set forth in Section 2 of
                  the Note and be payable on demand. The parties hereby agree to
                  execute within five (5) days of the expiration of the seven
                  day revocation period set forth in paragraph 26


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                  of this Agreement, a Loan Modification Agreement and Allonge
                  to Note containing the provisions set forth in this paragraph,
                  which Loan Modification Agreement and Allonge to Note shall be
                  recorded with the Recorders Office in Fairfield County,
                  Connecticut. Copies of such Loan Modification Agreement and
                  the Allonge to Note are attached hereto as Attachment 1. All
                  other rights and remedies of Tenneco and its affiliates under
                  the Note or under the Mortgage serving this Note shall be
                  preserved and are unaffected by this Agreement.

                  Notwithstanding the foregoing, Employer agrees that if more
                  than 90 percent of the Balloon Notes issued by the Employer to
                  various employees in connection with the relocation of the
                  Tenneco's Headquarters operations from Houston, Texas to
                  Greenwich, Connecticut that remain outstanding as of August 1,
                  1998, are forgiven in whole and canceled by the Employer on or
                  before August 1, 1999, the Employer shall forgive in whole and
                  cancel the Note (as defined and modified hereunder) by the
                  Loan Modification Agreement and Allonge to Note described
                  above and attached hereto as Attachment 1.

     3.  Employee acknowledges that his employment shall terminate with
         Employer, its direct or indirect subsidiaries, affiliates, parents, and
         related companies or entities, regardless of its or their form of
         business organization, including without limitation the plans described
         in paragraph 6 (all collectively the "Employer Entities"), on or before
         July 31, 1998.

     4.  In exchange for the compensation and benefits described in paragraph 2,
         Employee and Employee's Spouse release and discharge any and all
         Employer Entities as defined in paragraph 3, and any and all of their
         past and present subsidiaries, affiliates, parents, related companies,
         persons and entities, directors, employees, officers, agents, partners,
         insurers, attorneys, trustees, administrators and fiduciaries (all
         collectively the "Released Parties") from any and all claims, demands,
         and causes of action, whether arising in contract, tort or any other
         theory of action, whether arising in law or equity, whether known or
         unknown, accrued or unaccrued, asserted or unasserted, from the
         beginning of time up to the effective date of this Agreement, except
         for those obligations


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         created by or arising out of this Agreement. Nothing contained herein
         shall release the Employer Entities from any indemnity obligations it
         may have under Delaware law to Employee with respect to his service as
         an officer or director of any Employer Entity. Employee and Employee's
         Spouse expressly waive the benefit of any statute or rule of law which,
         if applied to this Agreement, would otherwise exclude from its binding
         effect any claim against any Released Party not now known by Employee
         or Employee's Spouse to exist. Except as necessary for Employee and
         Employee's Spouse to enforce this Agreement, this Agreement is intended
         to be a general release and a covenant not to sue that extinguishes all
         claims and precludes any attempt by Employee or Employee's Spouse to
         initiate any litigation against any Employer Entity. Without limiting
         the generality of this paragraph, if Employee or Employee's Spouse
         commence or continue any claim in violation of this Agreement, the
         Released Party shall be entitled to assert this Agreement as a bar to
         such action or proceeding and shall be entitled to recover its
         attorneys' fees and costs of litigation from the party commencing or
         continuing the claim, including reasonable compensation for the
         services of the internal personnel of the Released Party.

     5.  Without in any way limiting the generality of the foregoing, this
         Agreement is an individually tailored separation agreement and
         constitutes a full release and disclaimer of any and all claims arising
         out or accruing up to the effective date of this Agreement, including
         but not limited to any claims arising out of or in any way connected
         with or relating to the termination of Employee's employment and any
         claims arising out of or in any way connected with or related to
         Employee's employment with Employer or any other Employer Entity up to
         the effective date of this Agreement. The scope of this waiver includes
         but is not limited to claims arising under 29 U.S.C. Section 1981, the
         Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 as amended (29 U.S.C.
         Section 621), Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 as amended, (42
         U.S.C. Section 2000e), the Americans With Disabilities Act (42 U.S.C.
         Section 12101), the Worker Adjustment Retraining and Notification Act
         (29 U.S.C. Section 2101), the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 (29
         U.S.C. Section 2601), the Connecticut Human Rights and Opportunities
         Act, the Connecticut Family and Medical Leave laws (Conn. Gen. Stat.
         31-51cc to 31-51gg and Ct. Legis, 96-140, effective January 1, 1997),
         the Texas Human Rights Act, (Tex Rev. Civ. Stat. Art. 5221k), the
         National Labor


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         Relations Act, any claims for breach of contract, wrongful or
         retaliatory discharge, tortious action, inaction or interference of any
         sort, and any claim under any other state, local or federal statute,
         regulation or ordinance, or common law cause of action.

     6.  It is expressly agreed that the payments described in paragraph 2 of
         this Agreement are in full and complete satisfaction of any and all
         liabilities or obligations which any Employer Entity, including any
         plan, fund or program sponsored, maintained or contributed to by any
         Employer Entity, has or may have to Employee and Employee's Spouse
         under or with respect to any employee benefit plan described in Section
         3(3) of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, as amended
         ("ERISA"), any payment or other item excluded from the definition of
         "employee welfare benefit plan", "employee pension benefit plan" or
         "employee benefit plan" under the rules of 29 C.F.R. Section 2510.3-1,
         2510.3-2 or 2510.3-3, as the case may be, and any employee benefit plan
         described in Section 4 of ERISA. It is further agreed that the payments
         described in this Agreement exceed in value anything to which Employee
         and Employee's Spouse may be already entitled.

     7.  Employee and Employee's Spouse represent that neither of them has
         assigned or transferred, or purported to assign or transfer, to any
         person or entity, any claim or any portion thereof or interest therein
         against a Released Party.

     8.  Employee represents that he has turned over to Employer all originals
         and copies of expense reports, notes, memoranda, records, documents,
         Employer manuals, credit cards, pass keys, computers, computer
         diskettes, office equipment, sales records and data, and all other
         information or property, no matter how produced, reproduced or
         maintained, which Employee has in his possession and pertain to the
         business of any Employer Entity, including but not limited to lists of
         customers, prices, marketing plans, strategies, documents relating to
         the legal rights and obligations of any Employer Entity, the work
         product of any attorney employed or retained by any Employer Entity,
         and other confidential materials or information obtained by Employee in
         the course of his employment.


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     9.   Employee acknowledges that the business and services of all Employer
          Entities are highly specialized and that the following information is
          Confidential Information: proprietary technical and business
          information relating to any Employer Entity's plans, analysis or
          strategies concerning international or domestic acquisitions, possible
          acquisitions or new ventures; development plans or introduction plans
          for products or services; unannounced products or services; operation
          costs; pricing of products or services; research and development;
          personnel information; manufacturing processes; installation, service
          and distribution procedures and processes; customer lists; any
          know-how relating to the design, manufacture, and marketing of any
          Employer Entity's services and products, including components and
          parts thereof; non-public information acquired by Employee concerning
          the requirements and specifications of any Employer Entity's agents,
          vendors, contractors, customers and potential customers; non-public
          financial information, business and marketing plans, pricing and price
          lists; non-public matters relating to employee benefit plans;
          quotations or proposals given to agents or customers or received from
          suppliers; documents relating to any Employer Entity's legal rights
          and obligations; the work product of any attorney employed by or
          retained by any Employer Entity; and any other information which is
          sufficiently secret to derive economic value from not being generally
          known. No information shall be Confidential Information that is, or
          becomes, generally available to the public other than as a result of
          Employee's disclosure or that becomes available to Employee on a
          nonconfidential basis from a source other than the Employee.

     10.  Employee shall maintain in the strictest confidence and will not,
          directly or indirectly, use, intentionally or inadvertently, publish
          or otherwise disclose to any person or entity whatever, any trade
          secrets, or any confidential, proprietary or other non-public
          information of or belonging to any Employer Entity or any agent, joint
          venturer, contractor, customer, vendor or supplier of any Employer
          Entity (collectively, the "Confidential Information"), regardless of
          its form without the prior written explicit consent of Employer.
          Employee shall take reasonable precautions to protect the inadvertent
          disclosure of Confidential Information. Employee's obligations under
          this Agreement with respect to Confidential Information shall extend
          for the period that such information is not generally known outside of
          the relevant Employer Entity for reasons other than disclosure or
          disclosures made by or on


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          behalf of Employee. All duties and obligations set forth in this
          Agreement shall be in addition to those which exist under statute and
          at common law and shall not negate but shall be in addition to or
          coextensive with those obligations arising under any agreements or
          documents executed by Employee during his employment with Employer.
          Should Employee be served with legal process seeking to compel
          disclosure of any such information, Employee shall notify the General
          Counsel of Employer immediately.

     11.  Paragraphs 9 and 10 hereof shall be deemed to consist of a series of
          separate covenants. Should a determination be made by a court of
          competent jurisdiction that the character, duration, or geographical
          scope of those provisions are unreasonable in light of the
          circumstances as they then exist, then it is the intention and the
          agreement of Employer and Employee that these shall be construed by
          the court in such a manner as to impose only those restrictions on
          Employee's conduct which are reasonable in light of the circumstances
          as they then exist and as are necessary to assure the relevant
          Employer Entity of their intended benefit. If, in any judicial
          proceeding, a court shall refuse to enforce all of the separate
          covenants because, taken together, they are more extensive than
          necessary to assure the relevant Employer Entity of the intended
          benefit, then it is expressly understood and agreed that those of such
          covenants which, if modified or eliminated, would permit the remaining
          separate covenants to be enforced in such proceeding, shall, for the
          purpose of such proceeding, be deemed modified or eliminated in order
          to enforce the remaining provisions.

     12.  Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed as an admission of any
          wrongdoing by any person or entity.

     13.  The Parties agree to cooperate fully and to execute any and all
          supplementary documents and to take all additional actions that may be
          necessary or appropriate to give full force to the terms and intent of
          this Agreement that are not inconsistent with its terms.

     14.  Employee shall provide thorough and accurate information and testimony
          voluntarily to or on behalf of any Employer Entity, regarding any
          investigation or court case initiated by or against any Employer
          Entity or by any government agency, but he agrees not to disclose or
          to discuss with anyone who is not directing or assisting in any


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          Entity investigation or case, other than his attorney, the fact of or
          the subject matter of any investigation, except as required by law.
          Employee will cooperate with the Employer Entity and promptly provide
          such information. If the Employer Entity requests information, it will
          attempt to work with Employee to arrange times that reasonably
          accommodate him, and will reimburse Employee for commuting, parking or
          other similar expenses and, to the extent permitted by law, will
          reasonably compensate Employee for any significant imposition on his
          time by the request.

     15.  Employee acknowledges that any employment or contractual relationship
          between Employee and any and all Employer Entities, including but not
          limited to the Employer, will terminate by virtue of this Agreement on
          or before July 31, 1998. In consideration of this Agreement, Employee
          waives any and all employment rights that Employee now has with any
          Employer Entity, except as otherwise expressly provided in this
          Agreement. Employee agrees not to seek reinstatement, reemployment, or
          future employment as a new employee, and no Employer Entity has an
          obligation, contractual or otherwise, to employ or reemploy, hire or
          rehire, or recall or reinstate Employee in the future.

     16.  Employee and Employee's Spouse agree to keep confidential the terms,
          conditions, and amounts set forth in this Agreement, except to their
          attorneys, accountants, and tax advisors, and not to disclose any
          information relating to this Agreement to any employee or former
          employee of any Employer Entity except as required by law or a court
          of competent jurisdiction. The Employer and all Employer Entities
          hereby agree to keep confidential the terms, conditions, and amounts
          set forth in this Agreement, except as required by law or a court of
          competent jurisdiction.

     17.  It is further agreed that if any provision of this Agreement
          contravenes the law of any state or jurisdiction where this Agreement
          is to be performed or enforced, such provision shall be deemed not to
          be a part of this Agreement, and the other provisions of this
          Agreement, shall remain in full force and effect.


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     18.  The failure of the Employer to exercise any rights under this
          Agreement upon any breach or threatened breach by Employee or
          Employee's Spouse shall not constitute a waiver of any rights arising
          by reason of other or similar breaches.

     19.  Employee and Employee's Spouse shall have no right of assignment or
          transfer of any rights herein or any sums that may accrue to them
          hereunder, nor shall any creditor or other claimant have any right to
          assert any interest in or right to receive such sums either by
          voluntary or involuntary act on their part, by any writ or garnishment
          or attachment or otherwise.

     20.  This Agreement shall be deemed to have been executed and delivered
          within the State of Connecticut and the rights and obligations of the
          Parties shall be construed and enforced in accordance with, and
          governed by, the laws of the State of Connecticut without regard to
          that state's rules regarding conflict of laws. The language of all
          parts of this Agreement shall in all cases be construed as a whole,
          according to its fair meaning and not strictly for or against any of
          the Parties.

     21.  Employer and all Employer entities waive any claims now known to them
          that might be asserted by them against Employee or Employee's Spouse
          arising out of the employment relationship.

     22.  Employee and Employee's Spouse acknowledge and warrant that they are
          unaware of any claim which may be asserted by themselves or any other
          person in connection with Employee's employment with the Employer or
          the termination thereof. This Agreement shall be binding upon and
          inure to the benefit of the respective successors, heirs, assigns,
          administrators, executors and legal representatives of the Parties and
          other entities described in this Agreement.

     23.  Employee and Employee's Spouse warrant that no promise or inducement
          to enter into this Agreement has been offered or made except as set
          forth in this Agreement, that each is entering into this Agreement
          without any threat or coercion and without reliance on any statement
          or representation made on behalf of any Employer Entity or by any
          person employed by or representing any Employer Entity, except for the
          written provisions and promises contained in this Agreement.


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     24.  This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement and understanding
          between the Parties with regard to all matters, including but not
          limited to Employee's employment, the cessation of his employment from
          Employer, payments owed to him and his spouse as a result thereof, and
          the other subject matters addressed in this Agreement. This Agreement
          supersedes and replaces all prior commitments, negotiations and all
          agreements proposed or otherwise, whether written or oral, concerning
          the subject matters contained in this Agreement. This Agreement is an
          integrated document and the consideration stated herein is the sole
          consideration for this Agreement.

     25.  This Agreement is being delivered to Employee and Employee's Spouse on
          July 6,1998. Employee and Employee's Spouse shall have until July 28,
          1998, to decide whether to sign the Agreement and be bound by its

     26.  In addition, the Parties agree that even after signing the Agreement,
          Employee and Employee's Spouse shall have the right to revoke or
          cancel it only within seven days after signing it. This cancellation
          or revocation can be accomplished by delivery of a written
          notification if Employee or Employee's Spouse wishes to revoke the
          Agreement to the Vice President of Human Resources. In the event that
          this Agreement is canceled or revoked by Employee or Employee's
          Spouse, Employer shall have no obligation to meet the commitments
          described in this Agreement.

     27.  Employee and Employee's Spouse acknowledge that they each have been
          advised and encouraged by Employer to consult their own attorney prior
          to signing this Agreement, and that the Employee and Employee's Spouse
          execute this Agreement voluntarily.


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     28.  Employee and Employee's Spouse acknowledge that they each have read
          this Agreement and that the Employee and Employee's Spouse understand
          that the Agreement will have the effect of waiving any action or
          recovery they might pursue, including breach of contract, personal
          injury, discrimination on the basis of race, age, sex, national
          origin, citizenship, religion, veteran status, handicap, or disability
          and any other claims arising prior to the date of the Agreement,


                                                /s/ Stephen J. Smith
                                                Stephen J. Smith
                                                Vice President, Human Resources
                                                APPROVED BY:
                                                /s/ Dana G. Mead
                                                Dana G. Mead
                                                Chief Executive Officer


/s/ Stacy S. Dick                               Date:      7/21/98
- --------------------------                             ----------------
Stacy S. Dick

/s/ Pamela Dick                                 Date:      7/21/98
- --------------------------                             ----------------
Pamela Dick
