Exhibit 10.22

                              EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT

Anixter Inc., ("Company") and Robert W. Grubbs ("Executive") agree as follows:

1.   Company will employ Executive and Executive will work for Company in an
     executive capacity until termination of Executive's employment on the date
     specified in a written notice of termination delivered by either party to
     the other, which date, except in the case of Good Cause for Termination,
     shall be at least six months after the delivery of the written notice of

2.   "Good Cause for Termination" shall mean:

          -    Death of Executive or total disability of Executive as defined in
               Company's then long-term disability insurance policy.

          -    In the case of termination by Executive, Executive is required to
               relocate without Executive's concurrence, Executive's then level
               of responsibilities are significantly reduced, Executive is no
               longer the Chief Executive Officer (with all responsibilities
               that normally accompany that position) of the business enterprise
               that includes the Company and the Issuer of the stock to be
               purchased pursuant to the options to purchase stock that have
               been granted to Executive by AXE or Company, or Executive's then
               salary, regular bonus opportunity and benefits are significantly
               reduced and, in each case, this situation is not corrected by
               Company within 15 days of notice from Executive, provided that a
               reduction in level of responsibilities during first 6 months or a
               failure to continue as Chief Executive Officer as provided above
               during the first 12 months following a notice of termination by
               Executive or the occurrence of a Change in Control shall not be
               considered Good Cause for Termination, during and only during
               such 6 or 12 month period as the case may be.

          -    In the case of termination by Company, repeated material failure
               by Executive to follow appropriate instructions, material breach
               by Executive of his fiduciary obligations to the Company, or
               commission of dishonest acts by Executive that in the reasonable
               judgment of Company makes the continuation of Executive's
               employment inappropriate.

3.   A "Change of Control" shall occur if (a) substantially all the assets of
     Company or its parent Anixter International Inc. ("AXE") are sold to a
     Third Party or a Third Party becomes the Beneficial Owner of the greater of
     (I) 25%, or (ii) the percentage owned by Sam Zell and his affiliates, of
     Company's or AXE's securities that vote for


     the election of directors or (b) a majority of the Board of Directors of
     Company or AXE were not nominated for election by the Board of Directors of
     Company or AXE. A "Third Party" is any Person, other than Samuel Zell or
     his Affiliates and other than Anixter International Inc. or its
     subsidiaries. "Person," "Affiliates," and "Beneficial Owner" shall be
     defined as those terms are defined pursuant to the Securities Exchange Act
     of 1934, as amended.

4.   If within the four year period following a Change of Control, the
     employment of Executive is terminated by Company without Good Cause for
     Termination or is terminated by Executive with Good Cause for Termination,
     Executive will be entitled to the following Severance Benefits (except as
     indicated in the case of termination for death or disability):

          -    All Executive's options to purchase stock of AXE or Company,
               which are not already vested, will immediately vest and be
               exercisable for the lesser of two years or their remaining life.
               (This is not applicable in the case of termination for death or

          -    Executive will be paid at the time of termination a pro rata
               portion of the regular annual incentive bonus opportunity for the
               partial year in which terminated. The portion of this bonus
               dependent on earnings or other objective goals shall be based on
               performance through the last completed fiscal quarter and target
               performance thereafter. The portion dependent on subjective goals
               shall be based on the amount for target performance.

          -    Executive will be paid the amount being held for Executive under
               Company's Enhanced Management Incentive Plan for 1999-2000 as
               provided in Section 6 below.

          -    Executive will be paid monthly for the next two years (`Severance
               Period") an amount equal to 140% of Executive's then salary for
               the portion of this period prior to 2001 and an amount equal to
               180% of Executive's then salary for the portion of this period
               after 2000. (This is not applicable in the case of termination
               for death or disability.)

          -    Executive will be provided medical and life insurance coverage
               during the Severance Period on same terms as such coverage was
               provided prior to the Change of Control. (This is not applicable
               in the case of termination for death or disability.)

          -    All Executive's deferred compensation and earnings thereon under
               Company's Deferred Compensation Plan will be paid in accordance
               with the terms of that plan



     These Severance Benefits shall be in lieu of the six-month notice of
     termination by Company provided by Section 1. These Severance Benefits
     shall not be subject to reduction or offset for any compensation Executive
     may earn from others during the Severance Period.

5.   A. If in connection with or following a Change of Control, there is a
     transaction or a series of related transactions in which 25% or more of
     AXE's common stock will be converted to or exchanged for any consideration
     other than publicly traded common stock ("Non-stock Consideration"), the
     unvested stock options of Executive will be exercisable for the period and
     to the extent necessary to enable Executive to receive in such transaction
     or series of related transactions the same pro rata portion of such
     Non-stock Consideration as Executive would have been able to receive if all
     his options were exercisable.

     B. Upon the occurrence of either of the following events, all of
     Executive's options to purchase stock of AXE or Company or the stock of any
     business enterprise that has been substituted for the stock of AXE or
     Company will immediately vest and will be exercisable for the lesser of two
     years after termination of Executive's employment or for the remaining life
     of the options:

          -    In connection with a Change of Control, Executive is not notified
               in writing that for the foreseeable future his responsibilities
               are continuing as the Chief Executive Officer (with all the
               responsibilities that normally accompany that position) of the
               business enterprise that includes the Company and the issuer of
               the stock to be purchased pursuant to the options; or

          -    Following a Change of Control, Executive is not the Chief
               Executive Officer of such business enterprise as provided above.

6.   A. If a Change of Control shall occur prior to 2000, Executive shall be
     cashed out of his rights in Company's Enhanced Management Incentive Plan
     for 1999-2000 (the "Plan") as follows: A number of Shares of AXE Stock
     ("Shares") shall be determined by dividing the greater of $1,440,000 or the
     sum of $720,000 plus the amount that would be earned for the current year
     based on actual results through the most recent month end prior to the
     Change of Control plus the target amount, as defined by the Plan, for the
     balance of the year, by the average closing price for the Shares for the
     trading days in 1999 prior to the Change of Control in accordance with the
     provisions of the Plan. This number of shares shall be multiplied by the
     higher of the average price per Share paid by the Third Party at the time
     of the Change of Control or the average closing price of the Shares for the
     ten trading days preceding the Change of Control. Half this amount shall be
     paid to the Executive by January 15, 2000 and the remainder shall be paid
     in four equal installments on each anniversary of the Change of Control.
     Upon termination pursuant to Section 4 above or death or disability as
     provided in Section 1 above, any remaining payments shall be promptly made.
     No payment shall be due for any anniversaries



     following the termination of Executive's employment, other than by death or
     disability, by Company with Good Cause for Termination or by Executive
     without Good Cause for Termination.

     B. If a Change of Control shall occur in 2000, Executive shall be cashed
     out of his rights in the Plan for 2000 as follows: A number of Shares of
     AXE Stock ("Shares") shall be determined by dividing the higher of
     Executive Enhanced Incentive Opportunity for 2000 or, $ 720,000 by the
     average closing price for the Shares for the trading days in 2000 prior to
     the Change of Control in accordance with the provisions of the Plan. This
     number of shares shall be multiplied by the higher of the average price per
     Share paid by the Third Party at the time of the Change of Control or the
     average closing price of the Shares for the ten trading days preceding the
     Change of Control. This amount shall be paid in four equal installments on
     each anniversary of the Change of Control. Upon termination pursuant to
     Section 4 above or death or disability as provided in Section 1 above, any
     remaining payments shall be promptly made. No payment shall be due for any
     anniversaries following the termination of Executive's employment, other
     than by death or disability, by Company with Good Cause for Termination or
     by Executive without Good Cause for Termination.

7.   Company will promptly pay to Executive the amount of any excise taxes
     imposed on Executive under Section 4999 of the Internal Revenue Code by
     reason of payments or benefits under the provisions of this Agreement,
     including this provision, and the amount of any federal and state income
     taxes imposed on Executive by reason of payments to Executive under this

8.   During the term of Executive' employment and continuing through the later
     of the end of the Severance Benefits or two years from a Change of Control,
     except on behalf of Company, Executive will not participate individually or
     as an employee, consultant, officer, director, agent, investor or otherwise
     in any of the following activities:

          -    The recruitment for employment of any person who was employed by
               Company at, or within 60 days prior to, the time of the
               termination of Executive's employment if that person at the time
               of recruitment is, or was in the preceding 60 days, employed by
               Company at an annual salary of more than $60,000.

          -    The selling to the same customers of any products that perform
               substantially the same functions (the "Competing Products) as any
               products that Company is selling (the "Protected Products") those
               customers. Protected Products and Competing Products shall not
               include products that neither (a) perform the same function as
               products that Company was distributing at the time of the
               termination of Executive's employment nor (b) are replacements
               for or



               enhancements of products that Company was distributing at the
               time of the termination of Executive's employment. This
               prohibition shall not apply if the then aggregate monthly
               revenues from either the Competing Products or the Protected
               Products do not exceed $200,000.

     Executive shall not be deemed to be in breach of these prohibitions after
     termination of Executive's employment merely by reason of employment with a
     business that is engaging in prohibited activities as long as Executive is
     not supervising or otherwise participating in those activities or by reason
     of employment with a business that sells Competing Products solely through
     independent distributors. A Beneficial Ownership of less than one percent
     shall not be considered a prohibited participation

     Executive at any time may submit a written request to the General Counsel
     for Company for advice on whether any planned activities of Executive would
     violate the provisions of this Section. The details of such request shall
     be maintained in confidence and the written advice of the General Counsel
     shall be binding on Company. If the General Counsel does not respond to
     such a request within 15 days, it shall be deemed that the General Counsel
     advised that such activity would not violate this Section.

     Executive agrees that non-public information about the activities of
     Company that Executive obtained before the term of this Agreement or
     obtains during the term of this Agreement is confidential and proprietary
     and will not be used or disclosed by Executive except on behalf of Company
     until that information otherwise becomes generally known or the fifth
     anniversary of the termination of Executive's employment, whichever shall
     first occur.

     It is the intent of the parties that the provisions of this Section be
     interpreted and applied in an enforceable manner. To the extent necessary
     to achieve this intent, the parties agree that the provisions of this
     Section shall be deemed modified. Executive acknowledges that damages would
     not be an adequate remedy for violation of the provisions of this Section
     and agrees that Company would be entitled to an injunction to prevent
     Executive from engaging in such activities, and in seeking such an
     injunction should not be required to post any bond.

 9.  Any modification or binding interpretation of this Agreement must be in
     writing. Any such writing must be approved by the Board of Directors of
     Company, except as provided in Section 8 for advice by Company's General

10.  The prevailing party in any litigation concerning this Agreement shall be
     reimbursed by the party found to be in breach of this Agreement for all
     reasonable costs, including attorney fees, incurred by the prevailing



11.  This Agreement may be assigned by Company to a purchaser of substantially
     all of its assets if that purchaser assumes all of Company's obligations
     under this Agreement. This Agreement shall be binding on any successor of
     Company by merger or consolidation. Any such purchaser or successor shall
     be deemed to be "Company."

12.  This Agreement shall terminate on the date specified in a written notice of
     termination delivered by either party to the other, which date shall be at
     least twelve months after the delivery of the written notice of
     termination. Termination of this Agreement shall not effect any obligation,
     whether or not contingent, that arose under this Agreement prior to its
     termination. For example, termination of this Agreement after a Change of
     Control will not affect the obligations of Company in the event of a
     termination of employment within the provisions of Section 4 even if that
     termination of employment occurs after the termination of this Agreement.

Executed this 22nd day of July 1999.

Anixter Inc.

By __________________                      _____________________
