EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT

     THIS AGREEMENT is effective the 1st day of September, 1998, and is between
Gary D. Parker ("PARKER") and Lindsay Manufacturing Co., a Delaware corporation

     WHEREAS, PARKER, as President, is a key employee of LINDSAY and his
talents and services to LINDSAY are of a special, unique, unusual and
extraordinary character and are of particular and peculiar benefit and
importance to LINDSAY; and

     WHEREAS, LINDSAY desires to obtain assurances that PARKER will remain an
employee of LINDSAY and devote his best efforts to such employment; and

     WHEREAS, PARKER desires to obtain assurances of continued employment and
compensation; and

     WHEREAS, the parties heretofore entered into a written Employment
Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the "Former Agreement"), which agreement
is still in full force and effect; and

     WHEREAS, pursuant to Paragraph 18B of the Former Agreement, the parties
now wish to modify and amend said Former Agreement and restating it as
hereinafter set forth; and

     WHEREAS, each party is willing, in consideration of PARKER's continued
employment with LINDSAY, and LINDSAY's specific commitments, to provide the
other with the desired assurances, and each is willing to enter into and carry
out this Agreement;

     NOW, THEREFORE, the parties agree as follows:

     1.   Employment. Upon the terms set out in this Agreement, LINDSAY agrees
          to employ PARKER, and PARKER agrees to be so employed by LINDSAY.

     2.   TERM.

          A.   Initial Term. The Initial Term of PARKER's employment with
               LINDSAY under this Agreement shall be for five (5) years,
               commencing September 1, 1998, and expiring on August 31, 2003.
               This Initial Term includes five Fiscal Years; The First Fiscal
               Year, which shall be from September 1, 1998, to August 31, 1999;
               the Second Fiscal Year, which shall be from September 1, 1999, to
               August 31, 2000; the Third Fiscal Year, which shall be from
               September 1, 2000, to August 31, 2001; the Fourth Fiscal Year,
               which shall be from September 1, 2001, to August 31, 2002, and
               the Fifth Fiscal Year, which shall be from September 1, 2002, to
               August 31, 2003.

          B.   Subsequent Term. Prior to the Fifth Fiscal Year, the parties are
               expected to negotiate and agree regarding PARKER'S employment
               with LINDSAY for the period after the Fifth Fiscal Year. Failing
               such negotiations and/or agreement, this Agreement will
               automatically renew for two additional years, commencing
               September 1, 2003, and ending on August 31, 2005, unless written
               notice of intent not to renew is provided by one party to the
               other party at least six (6) months prior to the end of the Fifth
               Fiscal Year.

          C.   Failure to Renew.

               (i) If notice not to renew is given by PARKER to LINDSAY, then
               PARKER's employment shall terminate on August 31, 2003, and
               PARKER shall be entitled to stock options and benefits covered
               under Other Agreements, plus salary, Supplemental Compensation,
               Bonus or Long Term Incentive earned or awarded for the Fiscal
               Year ending August 31, 2003, or prior.

               (ii) If notice not to renew is given by LINDSAY to PARKER, then
               PARKER's employment shall terminate on August 31, 2003, and
               PARKER shall then be entitled to salary through August 31, 2003,
               benefits provided for in Paragraph 3F, Bonus awarded or earned as
               provided for in Paragraph 3B, Supplemental Compensation awarded
               or earned as provided for in Paragraph 3C and Long Term Incentive
               awarded or earned as provided for in Paragraph 3G, and shall
               receive, additional compensation equal to two and one-half (2
               1/2) times his average gross compensation. Gross compensation
               shall mean his annual salary plus Bonuses, Supplemental
               Compensation and Long Term Incentive awarded or earned for the
               most recent Five (5) Fiscal Years divided by five (5). In
               addition, PARKER shall receive Supplemental Compensation equal to
               the Bonus which he received in Fiscal Year Five.

     3.   Compensation. As compensation for services to be rendered by PARKER,
          LINDSAY agrees to provide PARKER with the following:

          A.   Salary. For each Fiscal Year, PARKER, shall receive Salary at the
               annual rate of $367,047, which amount shall be reviewed annually
               by the Board of Directors of LINDSAY, and which amount may be
               increased at the sole discretion of the Board.

     B.   Bonuses. For each Fiscal Year, PARKER shall receive:

          (i) A Bonus equal to 2% of the pretax earnings provided pretax
          earnings are greater than 15% of LINDSAY's Average Equity during the
          Fiscal Year.

          (ii) In no event shall Bonus exceed $200,000 in any Fiscal Year.

          (iii) "Average Equity" shall be computed by adding the equity at the
          beginning of the Fiscal Year to the equity at the end of each of the
          four quarters of the Fiscal Year, and dividing that number by five

     C.   Supplemental Compensation. As long as PARKER is still employed by
          LINDSAY or as, otherwise provided in this Agreement, he shall be
          entitled to the following plus interest on unpaid balance:

          (i) in Fiscal Year One, Supplemental Compensation equal to the Bonus
          earned in previous Fiscal Year; and

          (ii) in Fiscal Year Two, Supplemental Compensation equal to the Bonus
          earned in Fiscal Year One; and

          (iii) in Fiscal Year Three, Supplemental Compensation equal to the
          Bonus earned in Fiscal Year Two; and

          (iv) in Fiscal Year Four, Supplemental Compensation equal to the Bonus
          earned in Fiscal Year Three; and

          (v)  in Fiscal Year Five, Supplemental Compensation equal to the Bonus
          earned in Fiscal Year Four; and

          (vi) for each year of renewal of this Agreement, Supplemental
          Compensation equal to the Bonus earned one year prior to such year.

          (vii) Any unpaid Supplemental Compensation will accrue interest at the
          highest one-year C.D. rate as published by the First National Bank of
          Omaha the next business day following August 31st of that Fiscal Year,
          and said interest will accrue from September 1st until payment is

     D.   Anything herein to the contrary notwithstanding, in no event shall the
          aggregate of Bonus paid and Supplemental Compensation awarded to
          PARKER, exceed $400,000 for any single Fiscal Year.

     E.   Stock Options. PARKER shall be entitled to stock options in the amount
          and upon the terms and conditions as shall be granted by the
          Compensation Committee of the Board of Directors. PARKER understands
          that, as of

              the date of signing this Agreement, there is no assurance that
              LINDSAY will have stock which is available for a stock option
              program, or that stock options, if any, would have any value.

         F.   Other Benefits. PARKER shall also be entitled to receive other
              fringe benefits and applicable employee benefit programs as
              LINDSAY may establish from time to time, which currently include
              the following:

                      - Vacation
                      - Life Insurance
                      - Long Term Disability Insurance
                      - Club Dues
                      - Company Automobile, or $10,000 increase in annual base
                      - Annual Physical and Medical Check Up
                      - Medical Insurance
                      - Financial and accounting assistance up to $5,000
                      - Profit Sharing
                      - Salaried severance program
                      - Directors and Officers Liability Insurance
                      - Supplemental Retirement

         G.   Long Term Incentive. Each year the company obtains at least a
              20% pretax return on beginning equity, 50,625 shares of Restricted
              Stock and associated S.I.R.'s will be awarded to PARKER. The
              Restricted Stock will be at no charge, but must be held by PARKER
              for a minimum of two years, unless Directors authorize and allow
              sale earlier.

    4.   Termination.

         A.   For Cause.

              1.   Defined. PARKER may be terminated by LINDSAY for cause if:

                   a. he commits a breach of his fiduciary duty of loyalty to
                   LINDSAY; or

                   b. he commits acts or omissions regarding LINDSAY's business
                   and which are not in good faith or which involve intentional
                   misconduct, dishonesty, or a knowing violation of the law; or

                   c. he engages in any transaction involving LINDSAY from which
                   he gains an improper personal benefit, which is not agreed to
                   by the Board of Directors of LINDSAY in advance of the
                   transaction; or


                    d.   he refuses to perform or neglects any of the material
                         duties assigned to him; or

                    e.   he breaches the provisions of this Agreement.

               2.   Procedure. Prior to such termination for cause, LINDSAY
                    shall notify PARKER in writing of its intent to terminate
                    employment for cause, shall state effective date of
                    termination, shall state the reason and give grounds
                    therefore and shall give PARKER five (5) working days after
                    receipt of such notice to explain his conduct to LINDSAY's
                    reasonable satisfaction, the termination for cause shall be

               3.   If PARKER is terminated for cause, he shall not be entitled
                    to any further compensation, or any Bonus payment past the
                    Fiscal Year termination takes place, but shall be entitled
                    to salary, Bonus, Supplemental Compensation, or Incentive
                    Compensation earned or awarded as of the date of

          B.   Without Cause. LINDSAY may terminate PARKER's employment at
               anytime, without cause upon at least two (2) weeks advance
               written notice. If LINDSAY does so, then LINDSAY shall continue
               to provide and pay PARKER within thirty (30) days of such
               termination, an amount equal to:

               (i) the balance of the salary and vacation due until the end of
               the term of this Agreement, plus

               (ii) the Bonus for the Fiscal Year which may have been earned in
               which the termination occurs, plus

               (iii) all Supplemental Compensation, Bonus and Long Term
               Incentive as provided for in Paragraph 3 for all remaining years
               which would be unpaid

               (iv) or in lieu of (i), (ii) and (iii), a payment by LINDSAY to
               PARKER as provided for in 2C (ii) whichever shall be greater when
               LINDSAY would terminate PARKER's employment

               (v) such payments as stated in (i), (ii), (iii) or (iv) whichever
               shall be greater, shall be made within 30 days of termination and
               also be a complete and liquidated payment for damages or claims,
               if any, PARKER may have against LINDSAY due to LINDSAY's


               termination of PARKER's employment prior to the end of the
               Agreement. Any payments or benefits due PARKER shall be made
               regardless of other income or benefits PARKER may be able to
               obtain by virtue of the termination.

               (vi) In the event total payments to PARKER under 2C(ii), 4B or 16
               are determined to be an "excess parachute payment(s)" subject to
               any type or form of excise tax, a cash payment will be made by
               LINDSAY to PARKER to insure that any amount retained by PARKER
               after payment of any such taxes will be equal to the amount that
               PARKER was entitled to receive before application of said excise
               taxes and LINDSAY will hold PARKER harmless from the effects of
               any such excess tax on payments or entitlements due him.

          C.   PARKER Voluntary termination. If PARKER breaches this Agreement
               and terminates his employment with LINDSAY, prior to the end of
               this Agreement other than due to Death or Disability (Paragraph
               4D), or as provided for and allowed under a "Change in Control"
               (Paragraph 16), PARKER shall be subject to Paragraph 11 and shall
               not be entitled to, and shall not receive, any further
               compensation or Bonus not yet paid or earned.

          D.   Death or Disability.

               (i) If PARKER should die or become disabled and unable to perform
               his duties, PARKER's employment shall terminate. In such an
               event, PARKER will be covered by the death and disability
               policies LINDSAY shall then have in effect, and PARKER (or his
               estate) shall receive the Bonus equal to the Bonus he would have
               received had he worked for the entire Fiscal Year, apportioned to
               the time he ceased employment, plus all awarded Long Term
               Incentive and unpaid Supplemental Compensation as set forth in
               Paragraph 3. For purposes of this Agreement disabled shall mean
               PARKER is unable to carry out the requirements and duties of his
               current position, and would qualify for full payment under
               LINDSAY's Long Term Disability policy of Life Insurance policy,

               (ii) In such event, payments from LINDSAY due PARKER shall be
               made within 30 days of death or disability.

     5.   Best Efforts, Other Employment, Conflict of Interest of PARKER

          A.   PARKER agrees that he will at all times faithfully,
               industriously and to the best of his ability, experience and
               talents, perform all of the duties that

               may be required or requested of and from him pursuant to the
               express and implicit terms hereof, to the reasonable satisfaction
               of LINDSAY. Such duties shall be rendered at Lindsay, Nebraska,
               and at such other place or places agreeable to Parker within or
               without the State of Nebraska, as LINDSAY shall in good faith
               require or as the interest, needs, business or opportunities of
               LINDSAY shall require.

          B.   PARKER shall devote his normal and regular business time,
               attention, knowledge and skill to the business and interests of
               LINDSAY, and LINDSAY shall be entitled to all of the benefits,
               profits or other issues arising from or incident to all work,
               services and advice of PARKER performed for LINDSAY.

          C.   PARKER shall have the right to devote such amounts of his time
               which are not required for the full and faithful performance of
               his duties hereunder to any outside activities and businesses
               which are not then being engaged in by LINDSAY and which shall
               not otherwise interfere with the performance of his duties

          D.   Absent prior approval from the Board of Directors, PARKER

               (i) shall not knowingly make investments in businesses which do
               business with or which are competitive with LINDSAY, and

               (ii) shall not knowingly engage in any activity which constitutes
               a conflict of interest with his employment at LINDSAY.

     6.   Business Opportunities. PARKER will make full and prompt written
          disclosure to LINDSAY of any business opportunity of which he becomes
          aware and which relates to the business of LINDSAY or any of its
          subsidiaries or affiliates.

     7.   Inventions.

          A.   An "Invention" means any new or useful art, discovery,
               contribution, finding, or improvement whether or not patentable,
               and all related know-how;

          B.   "Copyright Works" are materials for which copyright protection
               may be obtained, including but not limited to: literary works,
               computer programs, artistic works, (including designs, graphs,
               drawings, blueprints and other works), recordings, photographs,
               slides, motion pictures, and audio-visual works;

          C.   Upon conception, all inventions and Copyright Works shall become
               the property of LINDSAY whether or not patent or copyright
               applications are filed on the subject matter of the conception.
               PARKER will communicate to LINDSAY promptly and fully all
               inventions, or suggestions (whether or not patentable), and all
               Copyright Works made or conceived by PARKER (whether made or
               conceived solely by PARKER or jointly with others) during the
               period of PARKER's employment with LINDSAY or in the two years
               following cessation of employment: (a) which correspond to the
               business, work or investigations of LINDSAY at the time of
               conception, or (b) which result from or are suggested by any work
               which PARKER has done or may do for or on behalf of LINDSAY, or
               (c) which are developed, tested, improved or investigated either
               in part or entirely on time for which PARKER was paid by LINDSAY
               or using any resources of LINDSAY.

          D.   Assign Rights. PARKER will assign to LINDSAY his entire right,
               title and interest in all inventions and Copyright Works: (a)
               which relate in any way to the actual or anticipated business of
               LINDSAY, or (b) which relate in any way to the actual or
               anticipated research or development of LINDSAY, or (c) which is
               suggested by or results from any task assigned to PARKER on
               behalf of LINDSAY. PARKER also will execute at any time during or
               after his employment as assignment for each such invention or
               Copyright Work as LINDSAY may request and on such documents as
               LINDSAY may provide. PARKER will promptly and fully assist
               LINDSAY during and subsequent to PARKER's employment in every
               lawful way without reimbursement other than his normal
               compensation as an employee of LINDSAY and other than a
               reasonable payment for time involved in the event employment with
               LINDSAY has terminated, but at the expense of LINDSAY, to obtain
               for the benefit of LINDSAY patents, copyrights, mask work
               protection for other proprietary rights for inventions or
               Copyright Works.

     8.   Confidentiality.

          A.   PARKER will not at any time during or after his employment by
               LINDSAY, directly or indirectly, divulge, disclose or communicate
               to any person, firm or corporation in any manner whatsoever,
               other than in the normal course of performing his duties for
               LINDSAY, any Confidential Information. While engaged by LINDSAY,
               PARKER may only use Confidential Information for a purpose which
               is necessary to the carrying out of PARKER's duties as an
               employee or director of LINDSAY,


               and PARKER may not make use of any Confidential Information of
               LINDSAY after he is no longer an employee or director of LINDSAY.

          B.   PARKER agrees that the following shall be considered Confidential
               Information: all non-public and internal information, whether
               written or otherwise, regarding LINDSAY's business (or business
               of any subsidiary or affiliate of LINDSAY), including but not
               limited to, information regarding customers, customer lists,
               employees, employee salaries, costs, prices, earnings, and any
               financial or cost accounting reports, products, services,
               formulae, compositions, machines, equipment, apparatus, systems,
               manufacturing procedures, operations, potential acquisitions, new
               location plans, prospective and executed contracts and other
               business arrangements, and sources of supply.

          C.   PARKER agrees that all such information is a trade secret owned
               exclusively by LINDSAY which shall at all times be kept

          D.   PARKER further agrees that he will, upon termination of his
               employment with LINDSAY, return to LINDSAY all books, records,
               lists, and other written, typed or printed materials, whether
               furnished by LINDSAY or prepared by PARKER, which contain any
               Confidential Information and PARKER agrees that he will neither
               make nor retain any copies of such materials after termination of

     9.   Solicitation of Employees. For a period of two (2) years after he is
          no longer employed by LINDSAY, PARKER will not, directly, or
          indirectly, either as an individual, proprietor, stockholder, partner,
          officer, director, employee or otherwise, solicit any officer,
          director, employee or other individual:

          A.   to leave his or her employment or position with LINDSAY

          B.   to compete with the business of LINDSAY,

          C.   or to violate the terms of any employment, non-competition or
               similar agreement with LINDSAY.

     10.  Non-Competition. For a period of two (2) years after termination of
          employment with LINDSAY, PARKER will not engage in, work for (directly
          or indirectly) or contribute his knowledge to any person or entity,
          company or work which is directly competitive in the irrigation
          business with the products, processes or business of LINDSAY.

    11.     Remedies.

            A.  In the event PARKER's employment shall end with LINDSAY prior to
                the termination date provided herein, or in the event PARKER
                shall breach Paragraph 9 or 10 of this Agreement or otherwise
                breach this Agreement, PARKER shall be subject to any and all of
                the penalties contained in, or legal and equitable remedies
                available to LINDSAY resulting from, this Agreement.

            B.  In the event PARKER is required to enforce any of the rights
                granted under this Agreement through litigation or legal action
                LINDSAY will pay the costs and all expenses of legal council
                selected by PARKER.

    12.     Remedies; Survival of PARKER's Covenants.

            A.  Without limiting the rights of LINDSAY to pursue all other legal
                and equitable rights available to them for any violation of the
                covenants of PARKER herein, it is agreed that: (a) the services
                to be rendered by PARKER under this Agreement are of a special,
                unique, unusual and extraordinary character which gives them a
                peculiar value, and the loss of such services can not be
                reasonably and adequately compensated in damages in an action at
                law, and (b) remedies other than injunctive relief can not fully
                compensate LINDSAY for violation of Paragraphs 1, 6, 8, 9, 10
                and 11 of this Agreement; accordingly, LINDSAY shall be entitled
                to injunctive relief to prevent violations of such paragraphs or
                continuing violations thereof.

            B.  All of PARKER's covenants in and obligations under Paragraphs 7,
                8, 9 and 10 of this Agreement shall continue in effect
                notwithstanding any termination of PARKER's employment, whether
                by LINDSAY or by PARKER, upon expiration or otherwise, and
                whether or not pursuant to the terms of this Agreement.

    13.     Life Insurance. LINDSAY shall have the right, at its own expense and
            for its own benefit, to take out life insurance on PARKER in such
            amount or amounts as it shall see fit, and PARKER agrees to
            cooperate with LINDSAY in obtaining such insurance.

    14.     Designation of Beneficiary. PARKER may, by written instrument
            delivered to LINDSAY, a beneficiary or beneficiaries to receive any
            payments to which he may be entitled under LINDSAY fringe benefit
            programs which become payable following his death, and at any time
            or from time to time change such designated beneficiary by similar
            written instrument, and LINDSAY shall be fully protected in making
            any such payments to such designated beneficiary. In the

     event of PARKER's death when no such beneficiary designation is in effect,
     LINDSAY shall make payment of any amounts to which PARKER was entitled
     following PARKERS's death to this personal representative, heirs, devises
     or legatees.

15.  PARKER Expenses. LINDSAY shall pay PARKER's reasonable airline fare, hotel
     bills, and other necessary and proper expenses when traveling on or
     otherwise performing, LINDSAY's business, provided that PARKER furnishes
     LINDSAY with appropriate supporting documentation of such expenses.

16.  Successor and Assigns: Parties in Interest; Change in Control. This
     Agreement shall be binding upon LINDSAY, its successors and assigns and
     upon PARKER, his heirs, executors and administrators. However, if in the
     opinion of Parker there is a "Change in Control" of LINDSAY through a
     change in shareholder ownership, merger, Board of Directors, or other such
     event, and in the opinion of Parker such event shall result in a material
     negative change in the role, title, responsibility, benefits, or
     compensation of PARKER, then PARKER shall have the option to terminate this
     Agreement, and he shall be entitled to the same compensation as if LINDSAY
     had terminated PARKER without cause, as set forth in Paragraph 4B (i),
     (ii), and (iii), plus compensation to two and one-half (2 1/2) times his
     average gross compensation for the most recent five (5) Fiscal Years.

17.  Notices.  Notices contemplated by this Agreement shall be in writing and
     shall be deemed given when delivered in person or mailed registered first
     class mail, postage prepaid, to LINDSAY at East Highway 91, Lindsay,
     Nebraska, 68644, Attention: Chairman of the Compensation Committee, and to
     PARKER at 2954 North Park Lane, Columbus, NE, 68601, or to such other
     address as the party so notifies to the other.

18.  Integration, Amendment and Modification.

     A.   This Agreement contains the entire Agreement between the parties
     hereto with respect to the employment contemplated herein, supersedes all
     prior negotiations and Employment Agreements, both oral and written,
     including the Former Agreement, between the parties relating to PARKER's
     employment with LINDSAY.

     B.   This Agreement can be amended, supplemented or modified by the
     parties only by an instrument in writing signed by both parties.

     C.   If, in any action before any court or agency legally empowered to
     enforce such covenants, any term, restriction, covenant or promise
     contained herein is found to be unreasonable, unlawful or otherwise
     invalid and for that reason unenforceable, then such term, restriction,
     covenant or promise shall be deemed modified to the extent necessary to
     make it enforceable by such court or agency.

     19.  Headings. The headings in this Agreement are inserted for convenience
          or reference only and shall not affect the meaning or interpretation
          of this Agreement.

     20.  Governing Law. This Agreement shall be construed, interpreted and
          enforced according to the laws of the State of Nebraska.

     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Agreement is entered into effective as of the
date set forth above.

GARY D. PARKER                                    LINDSAY MANUFACTURING CO.

/s/ GARY D. PARKER                                /s/ HOWARD G. BUFFETT
- -----------------------------                     ----------------------------
Gary D. Parker                                    Chairman, Compensation
