EXHIBIT 10 (aa)

                              EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT

         THIS AGREEMENT (the "Agreement"), made as of the 1st day of November,
1999 between ESCO ELECTRONICS CORPORATION, a Missouri corporation ("Company" or
"ESCO") and Dennis J. Moore, (the "Executive").

                                WITNESSETH THAT:
WHEREAS, the Executive has been elected by the Board of Directors of the Company
to the positions of Chairman, President, and Chief Executive Officer of the
Company; and

         WHEREAS, the Executive possesses executive skills and experience which
the Company believes are of substantial value and importance to the success of
the Company's business operations; and

         WHEREAS, the Company wishes to retain the benefit of the services of
the Executive in connection with the conduct of its business; and

         WHEREAS, the Executive is willing to render service on the terms
hereinafter set forth;

         NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants herein
contained, the parties agree as follows.

         1.       TERM. This Agreement shall commence effective as of November
                  1, 1999, and shall continue until November 1, 2003, or such
                  shorter period as may be mutually agreed upon subject to the
                  termination provisions of this Agreement.

         2.       DUTIES. The Executive shall perform such duties normally
                  associated with the office(s) of Chairman, President and CEO
                  and such other duties assigned to him by the Board of
                  Directors of the Company.

         3.       SALARY. The Executive shall be paid an annual salary of not
                  less than Four hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars
                  ($425,000) during the term of this Agreement, increased in
                  accordance with the normal practices of the Company.

         4.       BONUS. The Executive shall be eligible to receive an annual
                  bonus during the term of this Agreement upon achieving
                  performance goals determined by the Human Resources and Ethics
                  Committee of the Board of Directors of the Company
                  ("Committee") in accordance with and subject to the terms of
                  the Company's Performance Compensation Plan ("PCP"), as in
                  effect from time to time.

         5.       OTHER INCENTIVE COMPENSATION. During the term of this
                  Agreement, the Executive shall be entitled to participate in
                  any stock options, restricted share awards, performance shares
                  and other executive compensation and benefits as the Committee
                  shall, from time to time, determine in its discretion.



         6.       WELFARE  BENEFITS. During the term of this Agreement, the
                  Executive shall be entitled to participate in such medical,
                  dental, life insurance, long-term disability insurance, and
                  other benefits which the Company provides from time to time to
                  other senior executive officers.

         7.       CLUB MEMBERSHIPS. The Company shall continue to pay the
                  monthly dues and related fees for the Executive's membership
                  in the clubs to which he belongs as of the date hereof.

         8.       AUTOMOBILE. During the term of this Agreement, the Company
                  shall continue to provide the Executive with an automobile in
                  accordance with Company policy, as in effect from time to

         9.       FINANCIAL PLANNING. During the term of this Agreement, the
                  Company shall provide the Executive with financial planning
                  assistance up to the maximum limits established by Company
                  policy in effect from time to time.

                  CONTROL.   In recognition of the unique position of the
                  Executive as the Chairman, President and CEO of the Company,
                  it is hereby acknowledged and agreed that a Change of Control
                  as defined in the Company's Severance Plan (the "Severance
                  Plan") would necessarily result in a "change in the
                  [Executive's] . . . position or responsibilities (including
                  reporting responsibilities)" representing a "reduction in his
                  status, . . ., position or responsibilities as in effect
                  immediately prior thereto" within the meaning of paragraph
                  3(c)(iii) of the Severance Plan.  Consequently, the Executive
                  may give a Notice of Termination in accordance with such
                  Severance Plan based solely on the Change of Control, itself,
                  on or before the effective date of any Change of Control, such
                  notice to be effective on the effective date of the Change of
                  Control.  If such notice is given by the Executive, no further
                  compensation or benefits of any kind shall be payable to him
                  under this Agreement, but the Severance Plan Benefits shall be
                  paid in accordance with the terms and conditions of paragraph
                  4(a) and the other provisions of the Severance Plan.

                  WITH A CHANGE OF CONTROL. During the term of this Agreement,
                  the Executive's employment may be terminated for any reason or
                  no reason without cause, by ESCO upon written notice to the
                  Executive. If the Executive is deceased, any sum payable under
                  these termination provisions to the Executive and not
                  otherwise directed by any plan referenced herein shall be paid
                  to Executive's spouse, if any, and if none, to the beneficiary
                  as designated in any records on file with ESCO Electronics
                  Corporation Retirement Plan, or if none, to the Executive's



                  a.       Termination by the Company other than for Cause.

                           If, during the term of this Agreement, but under
                  circumstances not described in paragraph 10, above, the
                  Executive's employment is terminated by the Company for
                  reasons other than "Cause" (as hereinafter defined), then,
                  provided Executive executes the Standard Severance Agreement
                  and Release then in general use by ESCO for this purpose, the
                  Executive shall receive the following:

                  1. The Company shall continue to pay the Executive his base
                  salary at the rate in effect at the date of such termination
                  of employment for 36 months following such termination
                  ("Severance Period").

                  2. As a supplement to the payment of the Executive's base
                  salary rate under subparagraph 1, above, the Company shall
                  also pay the Executive his Average PCP Percentage (as
                  hereinafter defined) for 36 months following such termination.
                  For this purpose, his Average PCP Percentage shall be his
                  average annual percentage (of base salary) under the Company's
                  Performance Compensation Plan for the five consecutive fiscal
                  years immediately preceding the fiscal year in which the
                  termination occurs (disregarding the highest and lowest

                  3. At the time of such termination of employment, the Company
                  shall pay the Executive the lump sum actuarial equivalent of a
                  supplemental retirement benefit equal to the difference
                  between (a) the amounts which would have been payable under
                  any tax-qualified defined benefit retirement plan (and any
                  non-qualified supplement to such plan) of ESCO's applicable to
                  the Executive (collectively, the "Retirement Plan") if he had
                  remained employed by the Company at his Base Salary and
                  Average PCP rate for three years after the Date of Separation
                  and (b) the amounts actually payable under the Retirement

                  4. If the Executive is eligible for participation in the
                  Company's retiree medical plan, he shall participate therein
                  in accordance with its terms; otherwise upon proper
                  application by Executive and payment of the employee portion
                  of the premium, the Company shall furnish Executive medical
                  continuation in accordance with the Consolidated Omnibus
                  Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985, as amended ("COBRA");
                  provided that during the period of his eligibility the
                  Executive will pay only the rate which active employees pay
                  for similar coverage for up to 18 months.

                  5. The Company shall continue to provide the Executive the
                  financial planning services which the Company was providing at
                  the date of such termination, until the federal income tax
                  filing deadline for the Executive's third taxable year
                  following the taxable year during which such termination



                  6. The Executive's life insurance and long term disability
                  benefits will terminate in accordance with the plans or
                  policies in effect at the time of such termination of

                  7. The Executive shall have the right to convert any split
                  dollar life insurance policy on his life which is in effect at
                  the date of such termination into an individual policy with
                  the Executive as the sole owner of such policy, except that
                  the Company shall be entitled to repayment of all premiums
                  paid by the Company on such policy.

                  8. The Company shall continue to pay the Executive's club
                  membership dues and related fees (which it is paying at the
                  time of such termination) for 36 months following such
                  termination, or until the Executive's death, if he dies during
                  such 36 month period.

                  9. The Company shall continue to lease for the benefit of the
                  Executive the automobile which is it leasing at the date of
                  such termination, for 36 months following such termination or
                  until the Executive's death if he dies during such 36 month
                  period. Upon the expiration of such 36 month period, if the
                  Executive is still alive, the Company shall purchase such
                  automobile and transfer all right, title and interest in it to
                  the Executive.

                  10. All outstanding stock options shall become fully vested
                  and exercisable, all restricted shares shall become fully
                  vested, and all awards outstanding under the Company's
                  Performance Share Plan shall be considered fully earned and
                  vested and shall be paid out and/or distributed upon such
                  termination, in accordance with the terms of the plan(s).

                  11. The Company agrees to provide the Executive with Directors
                  and Officers liability coverage during the Severance Period,
                  and for five years thereafter, for covered actions through the
                  date of Executive's separation from service subject to the
                  insurance carrier's approval of such coverage.

         b.       Termination by the Company for Cause.

                  If during the term of this Agreement, the Executive's
         employment is terminated for "cause" (as hereafter defined), he shall
         receive his regular salary and benefits through the date of
         termination. All other benefits shall cease unless specifically
         otherwise provided by the benefit plan(s).

         For purposes of this Agreement, "Cause" shall mean:

                  1. Executive's willful and continued failure to substantially
                  perform his duties (other than as a result of incapacity due
                  to physical or mental condition), after a written demand for
                  performance is delivered to Executive which specifically
                  identifies the manner in which Executive has not substantially
                  performed his duties; or



                  2. Executive's disability or incapacity which extends for a
                  period of nine consecutive months and which renders Executive,
                  in the judgement of the Board, substantially unable to perform
                  the services for which he has been employed, or

                  3. Executive's willful commission of misconduct which is
                  materially injurious to the Company, monetarily or otherwise;
                  provided that any material violation of paragraph 13 of this
                  Agreement by Executive during his employment shall constitute
                  willful misconduct without further proof of injury; or

                  4. conviction of Executive of a felony, or

                  5. a determination by the Board, after Executive has been
                  given written notice of the meeting of such Board at which
                  this question will be taken up and has had an opportunity to
                  appear before the Board at such meeting and defend himself,
                  that Executive has committed fraud, embezzlement, theft, or
                  misappropriation against or from the Company; or

                  6. Executive's material breach of any provision of this

For purposes of this paragraph 11, no act or failure to act shall be considered
"willful" unless done or omitted to be done without good faith and without a
reasonable belief that the act or omission was in the best interest of ESCO.

         c.       Termination by the Executive for Good Reason.

                           If, during the term of this Agreement, but under
                  circumstances not described in paragraph 10, above, the
                  Executive terminates his employment for "Good Reasons" (as
                  hereinafter defined), then, in addition to his regular salary
                  and benefits through the date of termination, provided the
                  Executive executes the Standard Severance Agreement and
                  Release then in general use by ESCO for this purpose, the
                  Executive shall receive the same benefits as if the Company
                  had terminated him other than for Cause. "Good Reason" shall
                  mean the occurrence of any one or more of the following

                  1. any failure by the Company to comply with any of the
                  provisions of this Agreement, other than an isolated failure
                  not occurring in bad faith and which is remedied by the
                  Company promptly after receipt of written notice thereof given
                  by the Executive and other than a failure to comply with
                  paragraphs 3 through 9 hereof inclusive solely by reason of a
                  reduction in compensation or benefits that applies to all
                  Senior Management employees;

                  2. the Company's requiring the Executive to move his residence
                  from the Greater St. Louis, Missouri area;



                  3. The Company assigning duties to Executive which are,
                  expressly or in practical effect, a material and substantial
                  demotion from or substantial reduction of Executive's present
                  executive and/or managerial responsibilities, whether or not
                  accompanied by a reduction in remuneration, provided the
                  Executive has given not less than 30 days' written notice to
                  the Board of Directors of ESCO; or

                  4. any purported termination by the Company of the Executive's
                  employment otherwise than pursuant to a Change of Control
                  or for Cause as expressly permitted by this Agreement.

         12.      CONTINUED EMPLOYMENT NOT GUARANTEED.  None of the provisions
                  of this Agreement shall be construed as a guarantee of the
                  Executive's continued employment nor shall they limit the
                  ability of the Board of Directors of the Company to terminate
                  the employment relationship at any time, with or without cause
                  upon at least 30 days' advance written notice to the
                  Executive. None of the provisions of this Agreement shall be
                  construed as a guarantee on the part of the Executive that he
                  will continue to perform services for the Company nor shall
                  they limit the ability of the Executive to resign at any time
                  upon at least 30 days' advance written notice to the Company.

                  COMPANY INTERESTS. By and in consideration of the mutual
                  promises contained herein, and the compensation and benefits
                  to be provided by the Company hereunder, the Executive agrees

                  (a)  The Executive shall hold in a fiduciary capacity for the
                       benefit of the Company and will not, during the period of
                       his employment disclose to anyone, directly or
                       indirectly, any trade secret or confidential information
                       regarding the business of ESCO Electronics Corporation or
                       any subsidiary company, including without limitation such
                       information referred to in paragraph 13(d) hereof.
                       Confidential Information for this purpose shall include,
                       but not be limited to, trade secrets, audit information,
                       ethics investigation information, product information,
                       engineering information, manufacturing information,
                       customer lists, employees, Company policies and
                       procedures, bidding and proposal information or strategy,
                       product cost or pricing information, any employee's
                       compensation, benefits or skills and specialties and
                       financial information, all (i) obtained by the Executive
                       during his employment by the Company, and (ii) not
                       otherwise public knowledge (other than because of an
                       unauthorized act by the Executive or another individual).
                       Upon the termination of employment, the Executive will
                       return to the Company all such Confidential Information
                       in his position which is in written, tangible,
                       electronic, magnetic, or other reproducible form without
                       retaining any copies thereof.  After termination of
                       employment, the Executive shall not communicate or
                       divulge such Confidential Information to anyone except
                       (a) an authorized representative of the Company, or (b)
                       to someone else when compelled by an order or subpoena of
                       a court or


                       other governmental body after at least two (2) weeks
                       prior written notice to the Company, if possible, and if
                       such written notice is not possible, then with as much
                       written or oral notice as is possible under the

                  (b)  Except as expressly provided herein, promptly following
                       the Executive's termination of employment, the Executive
                       shall return to the Company all property of the Company
                       and all copies thereof in the Executive's possession or
                       under his control or to which he has access nor shall he
                       attempt to reproduce or have reproduced any such
                       property, except that the Executive may retain his
                       diaries, Rolodexes, and calendars.

                  (c)  During the period commencing on the date hereof through
                       the Severance Period, the Executive will not solicit or
                       otherwise induce any employee of the Company or any
                       Company Affiliate to leave the employ of the Company or
                       such Company Affiliate or to become associated, whether
                       as an employee, officer, partner, director, consultant or
                       otherwise, with any business organization.

                  (d)  Executive will not, during the period of his employment
                       and for a period of three (3) years from the date he
                       ceases to be employed by the Company directly or
                       indirectly, either for himself or for any other person,
                       divert or take away or attempt to divert or take away
                       (call on or solicit or attempt to call on or solicit) any
                       of the Company's customers or distributors, including,
                       but not limited to, those with whom he became acquainted
                       while employed as an Executive for the Company. The
                       Executive specifically agrees that the three (3) year
                       period is reasonable.

                       If the Executive fails to comply with any of his
                       undertakings hereunder except as otherwise required by
                       law, no further payments or contracted benefits shall be
                       provided to or in respect of the Executive by the Company
                       pursuant to this Agreement or otherwise. The provisions
                       of paragraph 14 shall not apply to any alleged violations
                       of this paragraph and the Company shall be entitled to
                       obtain temporary and permanent injunctive relief, as well
                       as damages, for any violation of the provisions of this
                       paragraph by Executive.

         14.      ENFORCEMENT - ARBITRATION.  Except as provided in paragraph
                  13, any controversy or claim arising out of or relating to the
                  application, interpretation or enforcement of this Agreement,
                  and any claim of every nature and description by the Executive
                  against the Company and/or any of its parent, subsidiary,
                  affiliated entities, corporation, partnerships, and their
                  members, officers, directors, managers, partners, employees,
                  fiduciaries, administrators, agents or attorneys or by the
                  Company against the Executive which cannot be settled by
                  negotiation of the parties, including, but not limited to, any
                  and all claims arising subsequent to the date of this
                  Agreement under each of the statutes, common law, contractual
                  and other authorities enumerated in Exhibit A, attached hereto
                  and made a part thereof, shall be settled by final and binding
                  arbitration administered by the



                  American Arbitration Association ("Association") under its
                  Employment Dispute Resolution Rules (as amended and effective
                  on November 1, 1993, subject to the then-current fees) and
                  judgement on the award rendered by the arbitration may be
                  entered in any court having jurisdiction thereof subject to
                  the following provisions, except as otherwise mutually agreed
                  by the parties with respect to a particular dispute or
                  provision at the time:

                  a. If the parties cannot agree upon an arbitrator, a
                  seven-person panel shall be submitted to the parties by the
                  Association. If there is a non-selection of the first such
                  panel, the Association shall submit a second seven-person
                  panel to the parties. If there is still a non-selection, the
                  Association shall then appoint a single arbitrator in
                  accordance with its rules subject to each party's objection
                  for cause, and if the claim involves an alleged statutory
                  violation, the arbitrator shall be an attorney.

                  b. The initiating party shall pay one-half of the
                  administrative fee(s) and the defending party shall pay
                  one-half of such fee(s).

                  c. Each party may take two (2) depositions and the deposition
                  of any expert as a matter or right, and the parties may engage
                  in additional prehearing discovery only for good cause shown
                  to the arbitrator. Any documents to be introduced in evidence
                  and any documents subpoenaed, as well as a list of all
                  witnesses to be called, shall be submitted to the other party
                  at least thirty (30) days prior to the initial hearing date
                  unless the arbitrator otherwise orders.

                  d. Any hearing shall be recorded by a professional reporter.
                  Each party shall have at least thirty (30) days to submit
                  post-hearing briefs, and the hearing shall not be deemed
                  closed until after the date for submission of such briefs. Any
                  extensions are subject to the control of the arbitrator.

                  e. The arbitration provisions of this Agreement shall not
                  apply to any claims by the Executive for benefits if they are
                  not payable by the Company or if there is another final and
                  binding dispute resolution in the plan, for Workers'
                  Compensation or unemployment compensation or as excluded in
                  paragraph 13, hereof.

                  f. Notice of any claim must be given by the aggrieved party in
                  writing to the other party within six (6) months of the date
                  the aggrieved party first has knowledge of the event, or
                  should have knowledge of the event giving rise to the claim;
                  otherwise, the claim shall be void and deemed waived even if
                  there is a federal or state statute of limitations which would
                  have given more time to pursue the claim. The written notice
                  shall identify and describe the nature of each claim asserted,
                  the statutes, regulation, Agreement provision or other
                  authority on which it is based and a brief statement of the
                  facts supporting such claim. The notice



                  shall be sent by certified mail to the last address supplied
                  in writing by the other party.

                  g. The arbitrator acting under this Agreement may award
                  damages, and any other relief (s)he deems just and proper
                  which is provided in any statute applicable to the claim,
                  including attorney's fees. The decision of the arbitrator
                  shall be final and binding on all parties and anyone claiming
                  by or through them. The remedy provided in this paragraph 14
                  shall be the exclusive remedy for all unsettled disputes
                  between the parties except those specifically excepted in
                  subparagraph e. above.

         15.      SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS. This Agreement shall inure to the
                  benefit of the Executive and shall be binding upon the
                  Company, and its successors and assigns.

         16.      AMENDMENT. This Agreement may be amended by mutual written
                  agreement of the parties. The parties also recognize the
                  possibility of circumstances arising in which this Agreement
                  would be terminated by mutual written agreement without
                  terminating Executive's employment.

         17.      GOVERNING LAW. This Agreement shall be construed and
                  interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of
                  Missouri, excluding Missouri's choice of law rules, and except
                  to the extent governed by federal law.

         18.      CONSULTANT SERVICES. The Company may ask the Executive to
                  serve as a consultant to the Company from time to time after
                  the Executive's employment ceases. Until October 1, 2003, the
                  Executive agrees to perform such consulting services as part
                  of this Agreement and recognizes that this Agreement covers
                  such consulting services up to a maximum of 30 hours per month
                  without any additional compensation other than as provided

         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the foregoing Agreement has been executed effective
as of November 1, 1999.

______________________________              ESCO ELECTRONICS CORPORATION
Dennis J. Moore

      1 NOV '99                               /s/ V.L. Richey
Date:__________________________         By:_____________________________________

                                                  VP Administration

                                                  1 NOV 99
                                        Date: ___________________




o    Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended.
o    Age Discrimination in Employment Act, as amended (including the Older
     Workers Benefit Protection Act).
o    The Civil Rights Acts of 1866, 1870 and 1871.
o    The Civil Rights Act of 1991.
o    Fair Labor Standards Acts, as amended, (including Walsh-Healey,
     Davis-Bacon, and Service Contracts Acts) and any state labor standards
o    Occupational Safety and Health Act
o    Employee Polygraph Protection Act
o    Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act
o    Family and Medical Leave Act
o    The United States and Missouri Constitutions.
o    National Labor Relations Act, as amended.
o    Employee Retirement Income Security Act, as amended.
o    Americans with Disabilities Act.
o    Family and Medical Leave Act.
o    Missouri Human Rights Act.
o    Missouri Service Letter Statute.
o    Missouri Final Pay Act
o    All other common law and federal, state and local civil rights acts, acts
     regulating any term, condition, or privilege of employment, acts regulating
     the employment or reemployment of veterans or privacy rights, and all other
     regulations, orders and executive orders relating to any term, condition or
     privilege of employment.
o    This Agreement and all other contractual rights
o    Benefits payable by the Company and for which there is not another final
     and binding dispute resolution procedure provided in the plan, after
     exhaustion of any other such procedure.
