The following discussion should be read in conjunction with the
consolidated financial statements and notes thereto.

                ESCO Electronics Corporation (ESCO, the Company) is engaged in
            the design, manufacture, sale and support of engineered products
            used principally in filtration/fluid flow applications,
            electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) testing, and electric utility
            communications and control systems. Filtration/fluid flow and EMC
            testing products are supplied to a broad base of industrial and
            commercial customers worldwide. At the present time, electric
            utility communication systems are marketed primarily to customers in
            North America.
                ESCO operates principally in four business segments:
            Filtration/Fluid Flow, Test, Communications and Other. As part of
            Management's strategy to narrow the Company's product/market focus,
            ESCO's last major defense business, Systems & Electronics Inc. was
            sold on September 30, 1999 to Engineered Support Systems, Inc.
            (ESSI) for $85 million in cash, less working capital adjustments.
                In conjunction with this divestiture, the Company has taken a
            number of additional actions at September 30, 1999 to further
            sharpen its focus on its primary served markets. ESCO is actively
            pursuing the sale of its microwave antenna business, which was
            operated as a part of Rantec Microwave & Electronics, Inc. Other
            actions include abandoning the active pursuit of certain business
            areas, exiting non-core, underperforming businesses, and
            restructuring the corporate overhead of the Company. Specifically,
            the Company plans to discontinue its investment in High Pressure Air
            Reducing Quiet Manifolds for surface ships (Filtration/Fluid Flow
            segment) as well as its Vehicle Location Systems (Other segment),
            and has reduced ongoing operating costs. These items are discussed
            in detail on page 12.
                The actions outlined above, taken collectively, mark a
            significant milestone in the transformation of ESCO from a primarily
            defense-oriented business to a supplier of engineered products used
            primarily in industrial and commercial applications.
                The ongoing business segments are comprised of the following
            operating entities;
                -   Filtration/Fluid Flow: PTI Technologies Inc. (PTI) and
                    Filtertek Inc. (Filtertek);
                -   Test: EMC Test Systems, L.P. (ETS),
                -   Communications: Distribution Control Systems, Inc. (DCSI),
                -   Other: Rantec Microwave & Electronics, Inc. (Rantec) and
                    Comtrak Technologies, L.L.C. (Comtrak): the ongoing
                    portions of this segment will include Rantec Power Systems
                    and Comtrak Securvision(R) product lines;
                -   Systems & Electronics Inc. (SEI) is included as a divested
                ESCO enters the new millennium with meaningful growth prospects
            in its primary served markets, a substantially lower risk profile,
            more focused and with considerable financial flexibility.
                Management will deliver shareholder value through internal
            growth, selective acquisitions and share repurchase when warranted.



Reconciliation of adjusted net income

                The following table is not intended to present net earnings as
            defined within generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP), and
            is presented for informational purposes only.
                The table provides a reconciliation between the reported
            financials and what Management believes the 1999 operating results
            may have been after removing certain nonrecurring items and assuming
            that all of the actions taken during 1999 to reorient the business
            were complete at the beginning of the period. Management believes
            the estimated 1999 adjusted operating results provide a meaningful
            presentation for purposes of analyzing ESCO's ongoing financial
            performance. The estimated adjusted net earnings may not be
            indicative of future performance.

                                                                 1999        Elimination           Adjusting                 1999
            (Dollars in millions, rounded)                As Reported             of SEI (a)           Items          As Adjusted

            Net sales                                          $416.1               172.8                 -                $243.3
                                                              -------                ----               ----               ------

              Cost of sales                                     317.7               139.6               (2.0) (b)           176.1
              Other charges related to cost of sales              3.9                 -                 (3.9) (c)              -
              SG&A expenses                                      74.4                21.6                 .8 (d)             53.6
              Interest expense (income)                           6.5                  .6               (8.2) (e)            (2.3)
              Other, net                                          4.9                  .3                (.3) (c)             4.3
              Restructuring charges                               5.1                 -                 (5.1) (c)              -
              Gain on sale of SEI                               (59.9)                -                 59.9 (c)               -
                                                              -------                ----               ----               ------

                    Total costs and expenses                    352.6               162.1               41.2                231.7
                                                              -------                ----               ----               ------

           Earnings before tax                                   63.5                10.7              (41.2)                11.6
            Income tax expense                                   13.0                 3.7               (5.4) (f)             3.9
                                                              -------                ----               ----               ------

            Net earnings before accounting change                50.5                 7.0              (35.8)                 7.7
                                                              -------                ----               ----               ------

            Cumulative effect of accounting change, net of tax  (25.0)                -                 25.0 (c)               -
                                                              -------                ----               ----               ------

                      Net earnings                              $25.5                 7.0              (10.8)              $  7.7
                                                              -------                ----               ----               ------

            Diluted EPS                                         $2.02                                                      $   .61

           (a)  Represents the operations of SEI which were included in the 1999
                GAAP reported results of operations.
           (b)  Represents the 1999 operating results of Rantec's microwave
                antenna business which is being offered for sale. Fiscal
                1999 net sales included $7.5 million related to Rantec's
                microwave antenna business.
           (c)  Represents the elimination of the nonrecurring items: includes
                the gain related to the divestiture of SEI, other charges
                related to the strategic initiatives described below, and the
                accounting change (SOP 98-5) adopted in the 1999 first quarter.
           (d)  Represents the net amount of the remaining corporate office
                operating expenses after the divestiture of SEI. This amount
                reflects a $4.2 million cost reduction from the $5 million
                amount recorded in 1999 and previously absorbed by the
                operations of SEI.
           (e)  Represents the estimated net interest impact of the SEI
                transaction proceeds and the cash impact of the other cost
                saving actions noted above, assuming that they occurred at the
                beginning of the period. The amount noted assumes all
                outstanding debt was repaid and the excess cash proceeds were
                invested with a 6% yield.
           (f)  Represents the amount necessary to reflect the adjusted
                effective tax rate at 33%, which represents the Company's
                estimated 1999 effective tax rate excluding the nonrecurring


Other charges related to cost of sales, restructuring charges and gain on sale
of SEI
                During the fourth quarter of fiscal 1999, the Company
            implemented a major portion of its strategic operating plan. Its
            previously communicated strategy was to transform the Company from a
            primarily defense-oriented business to a supplier of engineered
            products used in industrial and commercial applications. As a result
            of implementing Management's strategic actions, the Company
            recognized certain nonrecurring items in its fourth quarter results
            of operations.
                These 1999 defined actions resulted in $3.9 million of other
            charges related to cost of sales and $5.1 million of restructuring
            charges. In addition, the Company recorded a gain on the sale of SEI
            of $59.9 million.
                The 1999 other charges related to cost of sales represent the
            write-off of inventory related to the abandonment of the High
            Pressure Air Reducing Quiet Manifolds for surface ships ($2.2
            million) and the Vehicle Location Systems ($.6 million) business
            areas. Additionally, the Company wrote down the Rantec microwave
            antenna product line inventory ($1.1 million) to net realizable
            value as a result of that business area being offered for sale.
                The 1999 restructuring charges are comprised of the following:
            costs related to exiting the microwave antenna business area ($1.1
            million); a write-off of the license agreement ($1.8 million)
            related to the abandonment of the Vehicle Location System business;
            and certain personnel separation costs ($2.2 million).
                The gain on sale of SEI of $59.9 million is calculated as: The
            gross proceeds of $85 million; less SEI's net book value of $30.6
            million; less working capital adjustments of $4.0 million; less
            transaction related expenses of $4.9 million; plus the $14.4 million
            curtailment gain related to pension and retiree medical liabilities
            transferred to the buyer.
                The $2.5 million of other charges related to cost of sales in
            1998 related to the settlement of a long-standing contract dispute
            on the original M1000 tank transporter program at SEI.
                The other charges related to cost of sales noted above are
            included in the calculation of gross profit discussed below.

Results of operations
            NET SALES
                Net sales of $416.1 million in 1999 increased $51 million (14%)
            over net sales of $365.1 million in 1998. SEI, which is included in
            the Divested Business segment, accounted for $38 million of the
            increase. Filtration/Fluid Flow, Test and Communications all had
            increased sales volume in 1999 while the Other segment had a $7
            million decrease in sales.
            Acquisitions, which occurred in 1998, also contributed to sales
            growth in 1999.
                Net sales of $365.1 million in 1998 decreased $13.4 million
            (3.5%) from net sales of $378.5 million in 1997, primarily due to a
            decrease in sales at SEI, which was divested on September 30, 1999.
            Filtration/Fluid Flow
                Net sales of $168.9 million in 1999 were $10.6 million (6.7%)
            higher than net sales of $158.3 million in 1998. The increase was
            primarily the result of new product introductions at Filtertek and
            PTI and increases in microfiltration sales at PTI. Blood filters for
            medical applications, increased shipments of disposable water filter
            cartridges, and automotive transmission sump filters and fuel
            filters all contributed to the growth at Filtertek. PTI's
            microfiltration businesses contributed approximately $8.3 million of
            additional sales in 1999. PTI's aerospace and industrial products
            experienced some softening in demand during 1999.
                Net sales of $158.3 million in 1998 increased $34.8 million
            (28.2%) from net sales of $123.5 million in 1997, primarily due to
            the February 1997 acquisition of Filtertek being included in the
            1998 results for the entire year. PTI's sales increased in 1998 over
            1997 due to increased aerospace and industrial shipments.



                Net sales of $34.9 million in 1999 were $4.3 million (14.1%)
            higher than net sales of $30.6 million in 1998. The 1998 sales
            increased $4.5 million over the $26.1 million in sales recorded in
            1997. The increase in 1999 over 1998, as well as the 1998 increase
            over 1997 primarily is the result of additional EMC test chamber
            business at ETS. The 1999 sales were significantly impacted by
            additional revenue relating to the $20 million contract awarded in
            1999 by General Motors to design and build an electromagnetic
            compatibility (EMC) test complex in Milford, Michigan. This $20
            million contract is expected to be completed late in 2001 or early
            in 2002.

                Net sales of $24.7 million in 1999 were $5.7 million (30.0%)
            higher than net sales of $19.0 million in 1998. The 1998 sales
            increased $5.6 million over the $13.4 million in sales recorded in
            1997. The increase in 1999 over 1998, as well as the 1998 increase
            over 1997, primarily is the result of increased shipments to the
            Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority (PREPA). The current contract
            with PREPA to provide Automatic Meter Reading (AMR) systems using
            proprietary power line communications technology is valued at more
            than $50 million over a three-year period. At September 30, 1999,
            $33.2 million of the PREPA contract remains in backlog.

                Sales were $14.8 million, $22.2 million and $20.9 million in
            1999, 1998 and 1997, respectively. The decrease in 1999
            results from lower sales at Rantec.

                Firm order backlog, excluding SEI, was $142.9 million at
            September 30, 1999, compared to $139.3 million at September 30,
            1998. Orders, excluding SEI, totaling $247.5 million were received
            in 1999, compared with $264.2 million in 1998. The decrease is the
            result of the 1998 amount having included the large PREPA contract
            ($50 million) received by DCSI.

            GROSS PROFIT
                The Company computes gross profit as: net sales, less cost of
            sales, less other charges related to cost of sales. The gross profit
            margin is the gross profit divided into net sales, expressed as a
                The gross profit margin was 22.7%, 26.1% and 24.2% in 1999, 1998
            and 1997, respectively. The decrease in 1999 versus 1998 is
            primarily the result of operating inefficiencies experienced at
            Rantec. The power supply business at Rantec experienced cost growth
            on certain development contracts in 1999, which also contributed to
            the lower gross margin. Most of these development contracts are now
            in production, and the related cost problems have been recognized.
                The 1998 gross margin increase over 1997 is the result of a more
            favorable sales mix. The 1997 gross margin was negatively impacted
            by the operations of SEI, which was sold on September 30, 1999.

                Selling, general and administrative expenses (SG&A) for 1999
            were $74.4 million, or 17.8% of net sales, compared with $68.3
            million, or 18.7% of net sales, for 1998. The 1999 SG&A included
            $3.2 million of additional expenses related to Advanced Membrane
            Technology, Inc. (consolidated within PTI) and Euroshield OY
            (consolidated within ETS) which were acquired in 1998 and are
            included in 1999 for the entire year versus a partial year in 1998.
            The percentage decrease in 1999 is the result of higher sales
            throughout the Company available to cover certain fixed costs.



                SG&A for 1998 was $68.3 million, or 18.7% of net sales, compared
            with $64.1 million, or 16.9% of net sales, for 1997. The 1998 SG&A
            expenses included $4.6 million of additional expense at Filtertek as
            a result of their operations being included in 1998 for the entire
            year versus eight months of 1997. The percentage increase in 1998 is
            the result of lower sales.
                Operating Profit of $14.9 million in 1999 decreased from $26.9
            million in 1998. SEI, which is included in the Divested Business
            segment, accounted for $0.8 million of the decrease.
            Filtration/Fluid Flow, Communications, and Test all had increased
            operating profit in 1999 while the Other segment had a $13.4 million
            decrease in operating profit. The 1999 amounts were adversely
            affected by the $3.9 million of other charges related to cost of
            sales, and the $5.1 million of restructuring charges.
                Operating profit of $26.9 million in 1998 decreased $0.7 million
            from operating profit of $27.6 million in 1997 primarily due to the
            1997 other charges related to cost of sales at SEI, which was
            divested on September 30, 1999.
                Operating profit of $11.9 million in 1999 was $1.4 million
            (13.3%) higher than operating profit of $10.5 million in 1998. The
            filtration/fluid flow amounts include the $2.2 million of
            nonrecurring charges related to the abandonment of the surface ship
            manifolds mentioned earlier. The recurring increase was primarily
            the result of new product introductions at Filtertek and PTI and
            increases in microfiltration profitability at PTI. Blood filters for
            medical applications, increased shipments of disposable water filter
            cartridges, and automotive transmission sump filters and fuel
            filters, all contributed to the growth in profitability at
            Filtertek. PTI's aerospace and industrial products experienced a
            slight decline during 1999 due to weaker demand in these markets.
                Operating profit of $10.5 million in 1998 increased $0.9 million
            (9.4%) from operating profit of $9.6 million in 1997, primarily as a
            result of PTI's increased operating profit in 1998 due to increased
            aerospace and industrial contributions.
                Operating profit of $4.0 million in 1999 was $1.1 million
            (37.9%) higher than operating profit of $2.9 million in 1998. The
            1998 operating profit increased $0.3 million over the $2.6 million
            of operating profit recorded in 1997. The increase in 1999 over
            1998, as well as the 1998 increase over 1997, primarily is the
            result of additional EMC test chamber business at ETS, and an
            overall improvement in sales mix.
                Operating profit of $4.0 million in 1999 was $2.0 million (100%)
            higher than operating profit of $2.0 million in 1998. The 1998
            operating profit increased $1.0 million over the $1.0 million in
            operating profit recorded in 1997. The increase in 1999 over 1998,
            as well as the 1998 increase over 1997, primarily is the result of
            increased sales leverage.
                Operating profit was ($13.2) million, $0.3 million and $0.6
            million in 1999, 1998 and 1997, respectively. The decrease in 1999
            is the result of the nonrecurring charges related to Rantec's
            microwave antenna product line which is being offered for sale,
            Comtrak's nonrecurring charges and significant cost growth on
            certain development programs at Rantec power systems as mentioned
                Interest expense decreased to $6.5 million in 1999 from $7.7
            million in 1998, primarily as a result of lower outstanding average
            borrowings throughout 1999. A significant amount of the outstanding
            borrowings in 1999 and 1998 were incurred with the February 1997
            acquisition of Filtertek. The timing of operating cash flows
            throughout 1999 also decreased the average outstanding borrowings.
                Interest expense increased to $7.7 million in 1998 from $5.2
            million in 1997, primarily as a result of higher outstanding average
            borrowings throughout 1998. The timing of operating cash flows
            throughout 1998 increased the average outstanding borrowings.



                Other costs and expenses, net, increased in 1999 to $4.9 million
            from $2.9 million in 1998. The increase is primarily due to the
            impact in 1998 of PTI receiving a $1.6 million lease surrender
            payment (recorded as other miscellaneous income) for agreeing to
            vacate its current manufacturing facility in Newbury Park,
            California. PTI received $1.6 million immediately upon signing the
            agreement and will receive an additional $2.9 million on December
            31, 2000, or earlier, upon vacating the property. PTI has begun its
            relocation to new facilities in Oxnard, California. This relocation
            should be completed by September 30, 2000. The remainder of other
            costs and expenses, net, increased due to additional goodwill
            amortization related to the 1998 acquisitions discussed above.
                Other costs and expenses, net, decreased in 1998 to $2.9 million
            from $4.5 million in 1997, primarily due to the $1.6 million PTI
            lease surrender payment recorded in 1998. The remainder of other
            costs and expenses, net, were consistent in both periods presented.
                Income tax expense of $13.0 million for 1999 reflects deferred
            tax expense of $11.6 million and foreign, state and local tax
            expense of $1.4 million. Income tax expense of $5.1 million for 1998
            reflects deferred tax expense of $6.1 million and foreign, state and
            local tax benefits of ($1) million. Income tax expense of $6.1
            million for 1997 reflects current Federal tax expense of $.2
            million, deferred tax expense of $4.8 million and foreign, state and
            local taxes of $1 million.
                Based on the Company's historical pretax income, together with
            the projection of future taxable income based upon its shift in
            strategic direction, Management believes it is more likely than not
            that the Company will realize the benefits of the net deferred tax
            asset existing at September 30, 1999. In order to realize the
            aforementioned net deferred tax asset before valuation allowance,
            the Company will need to generate future taxable income of
            approximately $221 million, of which $146 million is required to be
            realized prior to the expiration of the net operating loss (NOL)
            carryforward, of which $33 million will expire in 2006; $6 million
            will expire in 2007; $23 million will expire in 2009; $38 million
            will expire in 2010; $4 million will expire in 2011; $7 million will
            expire in 2018; and $35 million will expire in 2019. The net
            operating loss carryforward may be used to reduce future income tax
            cash payments.
                As a result of the sale of SEI in 1999, the Company will utilize
            approximately $35 million of the $77 million capital loss
            carryforward available from the sale of Hazeltine in 1996. At
            September 30, 1999, the Company had a capital loss carryforward for
            tax purposes of approximately $42 million. This capital loss
            carryforward may be used as a reduction of future capital gains
            recognized by the Company, at which time the Company may realize
            additional tax benefits. Any unused capital loss carryforward will
            expire in 2001.
                The Company's deferred tax valuation allowance of $32.5 million
            at September 30, 1999, was comprised of $17.7 million, which
            represents Management's best estimate of the portion of the deferred
            tax asset associated with temporary differences and NOLs which may
            not be realized, and a full valuation reserve in the amount of $14.8
            million for the portion of the deferred tax asset represented by the
            capital loss carryforward.
                The effective tax rate in 1999 was 20.5% compared with 30.9% in
            1998. The 1999 effective tax rate was favorably impacted by the
            utilization of the capital loss carryforward resulting from the
            divestiture of SEI. An analysis of the effective tax rates for 1999,
            1998 and 1997 is included in the notes to consolidated financial
                In April 1998, the American Institute of Certified Public
            Accountants (AICPA) issued Statement of Position (SOP) 98-5,
            "Reporting on the Costs of Start-up Activities." This SOP is
            applicable to all non-governmental entities and provides guidance on
            accounting for start-up activities, including precontract start-up
            costs and organization costs.



                The Company had previously accounted for these costs under the
            guidance provided by SOP 81-1, "Accounting for Performance of
            Construction-type Contracts." SOP 98-5 amended SOP 81-1 by requiring
            precontract, start-up and organization costs to be expensed as
                The Company adopted the provisions of SOP 98-5 in the first
            quarter of fiscal year 1999 which resulted in a non-cash, after-tax
            charge of approximately $25 million, which was recognized as a
            cumulative effect of an accounting change.
                The after-tax charge related to precontract, start-up and
            organization costs incurred in anticipation of specific future
            contract awards which were based on specific customer identified
            requirements. The after-tax charge is comprised of the following
            programs: the Tunner 60K aircraft cargo loader at SEI ($17.2
            million), the Automatic Vehicle Location System at the Comtrak
            division of SEI ($2 million), the advanced video surveillance system
            (Securvision(R)) at Comtrak ($2 million), the Seawolf (U.S. Navy
            attack submarine) valve and manifold ship set program at VACCO
            Industries ($1.9 million), and other minor programs which aggregated
            to $1.9 million.

Capital resources & liquidity
                With the sale of SEI at September 30, 1999, the Company
            continued to successfully transition its business base from defense
            to commercial, and thereby dramatically lowered the operating risk
            profile of the Company. The significant working capital commitments
            previously required by the defense business of SEI no longer exist
            throughout the balance of ESCO.
                Net cash provided by operating activities increased in 1999 to
            $25.9 million from $20.3 million in 1998.The increase in 1999 is
            driven by the improvement in cash flow from working capital,
            primarily the lower investment in inventory.
                Net cash provided by operating activities was $20.3 million in
            1998, compared to $25.3 million in 1997 due to SEI related operating
            cash requirements.
                In 1999, 1998 and 1997, capital expenditures of $8.3 million,
            $12.9 million and $10.5 million, respectively, included
            manufacturing equipment at Filtertek and PTI. Capital expenditures
            related to SEI were $1.1 million, $1.5 million and $2.4 million in
            1999, 1998 and 1997, respectively. There were no commitments
            outstanding that were considered material for capital expenditures
            at September 30, 1999.
                At September 30, 1999, the Company had available a net operating
            loss (NOL) carryforward for tax purposes of approximately $146
            million. This NOL will expire beginning in year 2006 and ending in
            year 2019, and will be used to reduce future Federal income tax cash
                On September 30, 1999, the Company sold SEI to Engineered
            Support Systems, Inc. for $85 million in cash, less working capital
                On July 1, 1998, the Company completed the acquisition of
            Advanced Membrane Technology, Inc. (AMT) headquartered in San Diego,
            California. AMT was consolidated within PTI and was made a part of a
            newly formed business, PTI Advanced Filtration Inc., which designs
            and manufactures several types of filtration membrane and provides
            filtration systems for a variety of applications in the process
            industries. The transaction involved the purchase of AMT common
            stock for approximately $7 million in cash plus approximately
            450,000 shares of ESCO common stock valued at $8.6 million. The cash
            portion was financed with the Company's bank credit facility.
                On December 31, 1997, the Company completed the purchase of
            Euroshield OY for consideration which included $3.5 million in cash.
            Euroshield, located in Eura, Finland, designs and manufactures high
            quality radio frequency (RF) shielding products used in the
            electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) industry.
                On February 7, 1997, the Company completed the acquisition of
            the filtration and the thermoform packaging businesses (Filtertek)
            of Schawk, Inc. The fiscal 1997 transaction involved the purchase of
            assets and stock of certain subsidiary corporations



            of Schawk, Inc. for $92 million in cash plus working capital
            adjustments. The purchase was financed with cash and borrowings from
            the Company's bank credit facility. Filtertek is a leader in the
            manufacture of plastic insert injection molded filter assemblies.
                The Company's $122 million bank credit facility was amended on
            August 30, 1999 to allow for the sale of SEI. Upon receipt of the
            proceeds from the sale of SEI, the outstanding principal amount of
            the Term Loan and a portion of the outstanding revolving credit
            facility were to be repaid. On September 30, 1999, the Company
            received the gross proceeds of $85 million from the sale of SEI and
            on October 1, 1999, the Company repaid all outstanding debt.
                Subsequent to the sale of SEI and the repayment of all
            outstanding debt on October 1, 1999, the credit facility was
            adjusted to a $40 million revolving credit facility. The revolving
            credit facility (subject to borrowing base asset limitations) is
            available for direct borrowings and/or the issuance of letters of
            credit. The maturity of the bank credit facility is September 30,
            2000. These credit facilities are provided by a group of banks, led
            by Morgan Guaranty Trust Company of New York.
                Cash flow from operations and borrowings under the bank credit
            facility are expected to provide adequate resources to meet the
            Company's capital requirements and operational needs for the
            foreseeable future.
                All of the Company's debt, prior to full repayment on October 1,
            1999, was priced at a percentage over LIBOR. The Company had reduced
            this risk through a rate swap agreement that provided a cap on LIBOR
            of 7% on $50 million of the long-term debt through September 30,
            1998, reducing to $40 million through September 30, 1999.
                In 1996, the Company authorized an open market share repurchase
            program for up to two million shares of common stock over a period
            ended September 30, 1998. Approximately 180,000 shares were
            repurchased throughout that two-year period. During 1999, the
            Company authorized an additional open market repurchase program of
            up to 1.3 million shares, which is subject to market conditions and
            other factors and will cover a period ending September 29, 2000.
            Approximately 177,000 shares were repurchased in 1999. Subsequent to
            September 30, 1999, and with a portion of the available proceeds of
            the SEI sale, the Company is continuing its share repurchase
                Management believes that, for the periods presented, inflation
            has not had a material effect on the Company's results of
                The Company is currently involved in various stages of
            investigation, remediation and litigation relating to environmental
            matters. Based on current information available, Management does not
            believe the aggregate costs involved in the resolution of these
            matters will have a material adverse effect on the Company's
            operating results, capital expenditures or competitive position.

Year 2000 issues
                The Year 2000 ("Y2K") issue refers to the inability of a
            date-sensitive computer program to recognize a two-digit date field
            designated as "00" as the year 2000. Mistaking "00" for 1900 could
            result in a system failure or miscalculations causing disruptions to
            operations including manufacturing, a temporary inability to process
            transactions, send invoices, or engage in other normal business
            activities. This is a significant issue for most, if not all,
            companies with far-reaching implications, some of which cannot be
            anticipated or predicted with any degree of certainty.



                The Company has designated a corporate Y2K coordination team
            comprised of various senior management members. Each operating unit
            has identified a Y2K coordinator responsible for planning and
            monitoring their Y2K program and reporting on a regular basis to the
            corporate team. The Company has assessed the magnitude of its Y2K
            issue and has already determined the requirements necessary to
            modify or replace certain portions of its software and hardware so
            that its computer systems, including information technology and
            non-information technology, would be able to function properly
            beyond December 31, 1999. This required replacement, reprogramming
            or other remedial action. The Company has communicated with its
            suppliers and customers to determine the extent of the Company's
            vulnerability to the failure of third parties to remediate their own
            Y2K issue. In conjunction with this assessment, the Company has
            finalized its action plans to address the Y2K issue, including
            contingencies to address unforeseen problems. The Company has used
            both internal and external resources to complete Y2K reprogramming,
            software replacement and testing.
                The Company's plans anticipate completion of the Y2K remedial
            work by December 31, 1999. To date, the Company has incurred
            approximately $3 million related to the Y2K remedial work, of which
            $2 million is related to SEI. The total expected costs of the
            project and the date on which the Company plans to complete the Y2K
            remediation work are based on Management's best estimates, which
            were derived from numerous assumptions about future events,
            including the availability of certain resources, third-party
            modification plans, and other factors. However, there can be no
            guarantee that these estimates will be achieved and actual results
            could differ materially from those plans. Specific factors that
            might cause material differences include, but are not limited to,
            the availability and cost of personnel trained in this area and the
            ability to identify and correct all relevant computer codes.
            RISK ANALYSIS
                Like most large business entities, the Company is dependent upon
            its own internal technology and relies upon timely performance by
            its business partners. The Company's Y2K program is designed to
            identify and minimize its Y2K risk and includes significant testing
            and refinement of its internal systems to ensure, to the extent
            feasible, all systems will function before and after the Year 2000.
            The Company is continually updating its understanding of the Y2K
            risks posed to its business partners based on information obtained
            through surveys and interviews. This review was completed in
            calendar year 1999.
                Following its risk analysis as described above, the Company's
            Y2K program includes a contingency planning phase in which
            appropriate plans were made to attempt to minimize disruption to the
            Company's operations in the event of a Y2K failure. The Company has
            formulated plans to handle a variety of failure scenarios, including
            failures of its internal systems, as well as failures of significant
            business partners. The level of planning required is a function of
            the risks ascertained through the Company's investigating efforts.
            The Company completed its contingency planning across the enterprise
            in calendar year 1999.
                While no assurances can be given, because of the Company's
            extensive efforts to formulate and carry-out an effective Y2K
            program, the Company believes its program should effectively
            minimize disruption to the Company's operations due to the Year 2000

Market risk analysis
                Market risks relating to the Company's operations result
            primarily from changes in interest rates and changes in foreign
            currency exchange rates. Based on the current holdings of fixed-rate
            notes, the exposure to interest rate risk is not material. The
            Company is subject to foreign currency exchange rate risk relating
            to receipts from customers and payments to suppliers in foreign
            currencies. The Company hedges foreign currency commitments by
            purchasing foreign currency forward contracts. The Company does not
            consider the market risk exposure relating to currency exchange to
            be material.



Years ended September 30,
(Dollars in thousands, except per share amounts)                                    1999                1998                 1997
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Net sales                                                                       $416,102             365,083              378,524

Costs and expenses:
     Cost of sales                                                               317,681             267,332              286,790
     Other charges related to cost of sales                                        3,927               2,500                   -
     Selling, general and administrative expenses                                 74,429              68,326               64,142
     Interest expense                                                              6,460               7,703                5,220
     Other, net                                                                    4,871               2,875                4,522
     Restructuring charges                                                         5,145                  -                    -
     Gain on sale of SEI                                                         (59,867)                 -                    -
                                                                                ---------              ------              -------

      Total costs and expenses                                                   352,646             348,736              360,674
                                                                                ---------              ------              -------

Earnings before income tax                                                        63,456              16,347               17,850

Income tax expense                                                                13,001               5,051                6,053
                                                                                ---------              ------              -------

Net earnings before accounting change                                            $50,455              11,296               11,797
Cumulative effect of accounting change, net of tax                               (25,009)                 -                    -
                                                                                ---------              ------              -------

         Net earnings                                                            $25,446              11,296               11,797
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Earnings per share:
     Net earnings before accounting change:
         Basic                                                                $     4.09                 .94                 1.00
         Diluted                                                                    4.00                 .90                  .96
                                                                                ---------               -----                -----

     Net earnings:
         Basic                                                                $     2.06                 .94                 1.00
         Diluted                                                                    2.02                 .90                  .96
                                                                                ---------               -----                -----

     Average common shares outstanding:
         Basic                                                                    12,332              12,015               11,805
         Diluted                                                                  12,614              12,550               12,274
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.




Years ended September 30,
(Dollars in thousands)                                                                                  1999                 1998
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


     Cash and cash equivalents                                                                       $87,709                4,241
     Accounts receivable, less allowance for doubtful accounts of $574 and $664
      in 1999 and 1998, respectively                                                                  38,669               51,530
     Costs and estimated earnings on long-term contracts, less progress
      billings of $11,778 and $51,529 in 1999 and 1998, respectively                                   4,019               26,995
     Inventories                                                                                      39,590               81,579
     Other current assets                                                                              3,559                2,776
                                                                                                     --------              -------

      Total current assets                                                                           173,546              167,121
                                                                                                     --------              -------

     Land and land improvements                                                                       10,582               14,318
     Buildings and leasehold improvements                                                             29,007               47,940
     Machinery and equipment                                                                          65,988               83,356
     Construction in progress                                                                          4,186                4,718
                                                                                                     --------              -------

                                                                                                     109,763              150,332
     Less accumulated depreciation and amortization                                                   38,445               52,323
                                                                                                     --------              -------

      Net property, plant and equipment                                                               71,318               98,009

Excess of cost over net assets of purchased businesses, less accumulated
     amortization of $6,631 and $4,557 in 1999 and 1998, respectively                                 68,950               72,512
Deferred tax assets                                                                                   44,783               44,740
Other assets                                                                                          19,788               26,920
                                                                                                     --------              -------

                                                                                                    $378,385              409,302
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.




Years ended September 30,
(Dollars in thousands)                                                                                  1999                 1998
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


     Short-term borrowings and current maturities of long-term debt                                  $20,598               30,111
     Accounts payable                                                                                 26,339               39,908
     Advance payments on long-term contracts, less costs incurred
      of $479 and $5,046 in 1999 and 1998, respectively                                                  682               11,442
     Accrued expenses                                                                                 30,598               25,346
                                                                                                     -------              -------

      Total current liabilities                                                                       78,217              106,807
                                                                                                     -------              -------

Other liabilities                                                                                      9,583               28,339
Long-term debt                                                                                        41,896               50,077
                                                                                                     -------              -------

      Total liabilities                                                                              129,696              185,223
                                                                                                     -------              -------

Commitments and contingencies                                                                             -                    -

     Preferred stock, par value $.01 per share, authorized 10,000,000 shares                              -                    -
     Common stock, par value $.01 per share, authorized 50,000,000 shares;
      Issued 12,782,663 and 12,641,664 shares in 1999 and 1998, respectively                             128                  126
     Additional paid-in capital                                                                      201,719              200,913
     Retained earnings since elimination of deficit at September 30, 1993                             52,723               27,277
     Accumulated other comprehensive loss                                                             (1,870)              (1,740)
                                                                                                     -------              -------

                                                                                                     252,700              226,576
     Less treasury stock, at cost (404,625 and 234,025 common shares in 1999
      and 1998, respectively)                                                                         (4,011)              (2,497)
                                                                                                     -------              -------

      Total shareholders' equity                                                                     248,689              224,079
                                                                                                     -------              -------

                                                                                                    $378,385              409,302
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.




Years ended September 30,                        Common Stock       Additional                        Other
                                             ---------------------     Paid-in     Retained   Comprehensive   Treasury
(in thousands)                                Shares       Amount      Capital     Earnings   Income (Loss)      Stock      Total
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Balance, September 30, 1996                  12,415         $124      192,967        4,184           (1,762)   (4,380)    191,133

Comprehensive income:
     Net earnings                                -            -            -        11,797               -         -       11,797
     Translation adjustments                     -            -            -            -                89        -           89
     Minimum pension liability, net              -            -            -            -             1,688        -        1,688

Comprehensive income                             -            -            -            -                -         -       13,574

Stock options and stock compensation plans       63            1        1,696           -                -         45       1,742
Purchases into treasury                          -            -            -            -                -     (1,486)     (1,486)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Balance, September 30, 1997                  12,478          125      194,663       15,981               15    (5,821)    204,963

Comprehensive income:
     Net earnings                                -            -            -        11,296               -         -       11,296
     Translation adjustments                     -            -            -            -               324        -          324
     Minimum pension liability, net              -            -            -            -            (2,079)       -       (2,079)

Comprehensive income                             -            -            -            -                -         -        9,541

Stock options and stock compensation plans      164            1        1,137           -                -        405       1,543
Acquisitions of business                         -            -         5,113           -                -      3,496       8,609
Purchases into treasury                          -            -            -            -                -       (577)       (577)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Balance, September 30, 1998                  12,642          126      200,913       27,277           (1,740)   (2,497)    224,079

Comprehensive income:
     Net earnings                                -            -            -        25,446               -         -       25,446
     Translation adjustments                     -            -            -            -            (2,390)       -       (2,390)
     Minimum pension liability, net              -            -            -            -             2,260        -        2,260

Comprehensive income                             -            -            -            -                -         -       25,316

Stock options and stock compensation plans      141            2          806           -                -         48         856
Purchases into treasury                          -            -            -            -                -     (1,562)     (1,562)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Balance, September 30, 1999                  12,783         $128      201,719       52,723           (1,870)   (4,011)    248,689
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements




Years ended September 30,
(Dollars in thousands)                                                              1999                1998                 1997
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Cash flows from operating activities:
     Net  earnings                                                               $25,446              11,296               11,797
     Adjustments to reconcile net earnings to net cash
      provided by operating activities:
         Depreciation and amortization                                            17,021              17,460               14,423
         Changes in operating working capital                                     11,271              (8,594)              (2,666)
         Write-off of assets related to accounting change, net of tax             25,009                  -                    -
         Gain on sale of SEI                                                     (59,867)                 -                    -
         Effect of deferred taxes on tax provision                                11,560               6,121                4,816
         Other                                                                    (4,550)             (5,971)              (3,033)
                                                                                 --------               -----              -------

     Net cash provided by operating activities                                    25,890              20,312               25,337
                                                                                 --------               -----              -------

Cash flows from investing activities:
     Capital expenditures                                                         (8,291)            (12,896)             (10,526)
     Divestiture (acquisition) of businesses                                      85,000             (11,323)             (93,200)
                                                                                 --------               -----              -------

      Net cash provided (used) by investing activities                            76,709             (24,219)            (103,726)
                                                                                 --------               -----              -------

Cash flows from financing activities:
     Proceeds from long-term debt                                                     96               7,000               60,000
     Principal payments on long-term debt                                         (8,297)             (7,504)             (15,675)
     Net increase (decrease) in short-term borrowings                             (9,494)              3,476               18,500
     Purchases of common stock into treasury                                      (1,562)               (695)              (1,486)
     Other                                                                           126                  53                  659
                                                                                 --------               -----              -------

     Net cash provided (used) by financing activities                            (19,131)              2,330               61,998
                                                                                 --------               -----              -------

Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents                              83,468              (1,577)             (16,391)
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year                                     4,241               5,818               22,209
                                                                                 --------               -----              -------

Cash and cash equivalents at end of year                                         $87,709               4,241                5,818
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Changes in operating working capital:
     Accounts receivable, net                                                    $ 5,150              (1,745)              (2,997)
     Costs and estimated earnings on long-term contracts, net                     12,891               7,358               (3,048)
     Inventories                                                                  (9,230)            (17,737)              18,618
     Other current assets                                                         (1,402)                143                  734
     Accounts payable                                                                734                 245               (8,522)
     Advance payments on long-term contracts, net                                 (6,821)              5,094               (1,988)
     Accrued expenses                                                              9,949              (1,952)              (5,463)
                                                                                 --------               -----              -------

                                                                                 $11,271              (8,594)              (2,666)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Supplemental cash flow information:
     Interest paid                                                                $6,579               7,521                4,981
     Income taxes paid                                                               254                 353                  720
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.



1. Summary of significant accounting policies


     The consolidated financial statements include the accounts of ESCO
Electronics Corporation (ESCO) and its wholly owned subsidiaries (the Company).
All significant intercompany transactions and accounts have been eliminated in
consolidation. Certain prior year amounts have been reclassified to conform with
the 1999 presentation.


     Effective September 30, 1990, Emerson Electric Co. (Emerson) transferred
the stock of certain of its subsidiaries, primarily related to its government
and defense business, to ESCO and distributed all of the issued and outstanding
ESCO common stock to Emerson shareholders (the spin-off). Effective September
30, 1993, the Company implemented an accounting readjustment in accordance with
the accounting provisions applicable to a "quasi-reorganization" which restated
assets and liabilities to fair values and eliminated the deficit in retained
earnings. Fair values of the Company's financial instruments are estimated by
reference to quoted prices from market sources and financial institutions, as
well as other valuation techniques. The estimated fair value of each class of
financial instruments approximated the related carrying value at September 30,
1999 and 1998.


     The Company is engaged in the design, manufacture, sale and support of
engineered products used principally in filtration/fluid flow applications,
electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) testing, and electric utility communications
and control systems. Filtration/fluid flow and EMC testing products are supplied
to a broad base of industrial and commercial customers worldwide. At the present
time, electric utility communication systems are marketed primarily to customers
in North America. The Company operates in four principal industry segments:
Filtration/Fluid Flow, Test, Communications and Other.


     The preparation of financial statements in conformity with generally
accepted accounting principles requires management to make estimates and
assumptions, including estimates of anticipated contract costs and revenues
utilized in the earnings process, that affect the reported amounts of assets and
liabilities and disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of
the financial statements and the reported amounts of revenues and expenses
during the reporting period. Actual results could differ from those estimates.


     During the first quarter of 1999, the Company adopted Statement of Position
(SOP) 98-5, "Reporting on the Costs of Start-up Activities." Precontract costs
were incurred by the Company and capitalized under the previous guidance
provided by SOP 81-1, "Accounting for Performance of Construction-type
Contracts." As a result of adopting SOP 98-5 in 1999, the Company expensed these
costs which were recognized as a cumulative effect of an accounting change.


     Revenue is recognized on commercial sales when products are shipped or when
services are performed. Revenue on production contracts is recorded when
specific contract terms are fulfilled, usually by delivery or acceptance (the
units of production or delivery methods). Revenues from cost reimbursement
contracts are recorded as costs are incurred, plus fees earned. Revenue under
long-term contracts for which units of production or delivery are inappropriate
measures of performance is recognized on the percentage-of-completion method
based upon incurred costs compared to total estimated costs under the contract,
or are based upon equivalent units produced. Revenue under engineering contracts
is generally recognized as milestones are attained.


     Cash equivalents include temporary investments that are readily convertible
into cash, such as certificates of deposit, commercial paper and treasury bills
with original maturities of three months or less.


     Costs and estimated earnings on long-term contracts represent unbilled
revenues, including accrued profits on long-term contracts accounted for under
the percentage-of-completion method, net of progress billings.


     Inventories are carried at the lower of cost (first-in, first-out) or



                Inventories under long-term contracts reflect accumulated
            production costs, factory overhead, initial tooling and other
            related costs less the portion of such costs charged to cost of
            sales and any progress payments received. In accordance with
            industry practice, costs incurred on contracts in progress include
            amounts relating to programs having production cycles longer than
            one year, and a portion thereof will not be realized within one
                Property, plant and equipment are recorded at cost. Depreciation
            and amortization are computed primarily on a straight-line basis
            over the estimated useful lives of the assets: buildings, 10-40
            years; machinery and equipment, 5-10 years; and office furniture and
            equipment, 5-10 years. Leasehold improvements are amortized over the
            remaining term of the applicable lease or their estimated useful
            lives, whichever is shorter.
                Assets and liabilities related to business combinations
            accounted for as purchase transactions are recorded at their
            respective fair values. Excess of cost over the fair value of net
            assets purchased (goodwill) is amortized on a straight-line basis
            over the periods estimated to be benefited, not exceeding 40 years.
            The Company assesses the recoverability of this intangible asset by
            determining whether the amortization of the asset balance over its
            remaining life can be recovered through undiscounted future
            operating cash flows.
            (L) INCOME TAXES
                Income taxes are accounted for under the asset and liability
            method. Deferred tax assets and liabilities are recognized for the
            future tax consequences attributable to differences between the
            financial statement carrying amounts of existing assets and
            liabilities and their respective tax bases. Deferred tax assets and
            liabilities are measured using enacted tax rates expected to apply
            to taxable income in the years in which those temporary differences
            are expected to be recovered or settled. Deferred tax assets are
            reduced by a valuation allowance if it is more likely than not that
            some portion or all of the deferred tax assets will not be realized.
            The effect on deferred tax assets and liabilities of a change in tax
            rates is recognized in income in the period that includes the
            enactment date.
                Company-sponsored research and development costs include
            research and development and bid and proposal efforts related to the
            Company's products and services. Company-sponsored product
            development costs are charged to expense when incurred.
            Customer-sponsored research and development costs incurred pursuant
            to contracts are accounted for similar to other program costs.
                The financial statements of the Company's foreign operations are
            translated into U.S. dollars in accordance with SFAS No. 52,
            (SFAS 52) "Foreign Currency Translation." The resulting translation
            adjustments are recorded as a separate component of accumulated
            other comprehensive income.
            (O) EARNINGS PER SHARE
                Basic earnings per share is calculated using the weighted
            average number of common shares outstanding during the period.
            Diluted earnings per share is calculated using the weighted average
            number of common shares outstanding during the period plus shares
            issuable upon the assumed exercise of dilutive common share options
            and performance shares by using the treasury stock method. The
            number of shares used in the calculation of earnings per share for
            each year presented is as follows:

            (In thousands)                                                          1999                1998                 1997

            Weighted Average Shares Outstanding - Basic                           12,332              12,015               11,805
            Dilutive Options and Performance Shares                                  282                 535                  469
                                                                                 -------               -----                -----

            Adjusted Shares - Diluted                                             12,614              12,550               12,274

                Options to purchase 176,000, 84,000 and 94,800 shares of common
            stock at per share prices of $11.44 - $19.22 in 1999, $18.00 -
            $19.22 in 1998 and $12.38 in 1997 were outstanding during the years
            ended September 30, 1999, 1998 and 1997, respectively, but were not
            included in the respective computations of diluted EPS because the
            options' exercise price was greater than the average market price of
            the common shares. These options expire in 2007, 2008, and 2009.
            Approximately 190,000, 166,000 and 338,000 performance shares were
            outstanding but unearned at September 30, 1999, 1998 and 1997,
            respectively, and therefore, were not included in the respective
            computations of diluted EPS. The unearned performance shares expire
            in 2001.




                The Company measures its compensation cost of equity instruments
            issued under employee compensation plans under the provisions of
            Accounting Principles Board Opinion No. 25 (APB 25), "Accounting for
            Stock Issued to Employees," and related Interpretations.

                On October 1, 1998, ESCO adopted SFAS No. 130 (SFAS
            130),"Reporting Comprehensive Income." SFAS 130 established
            standards for reporting and presentation of comprehensive income or
            loss and its components in a full set of financial statements. This
            Statement requires the Company to report separately the translation
            adjustments of SFAS 52 defined above, and changes to the minimum
            pension liability as components of comprehensive income or loss.
            Management has chosen to disclose the requirements of this Statement
            within the consolidated statements of shareholders' equity.

2. Acquisitions/divestitures (unaudited)
                On September 30, 1999, the Company completed the sale of its
            Systems & Electronics Inc. (SEI) subsidiary to Engineered Support
            Systems, Inc. (ESSI). The Company sold 100% of the common stock of
            SEI for $85 million in cash, less working capital adjustments,
            resulting in a $59.9 million gain recorded in the 1999 results of
            operations. Certain assets and liabilities of SEI were retained by
            the Company, including the net operating loss carryforward.

                Included in the consolidated statements of operations are the
            operating results of SEI prior to its divestiture as follows:

            (Dollars in millions)                                                   1999                1998                 1997

            Net sales                                                              $172.8              135.0                194.6
            Cost of sales                                                           139.6               98.7                157.3
            Selling, general and administrative expenses                             21.6               22.6                 23.5
            Other costs and expenses, net                                              .9                1.1                   .7
                                                                                  -------               ----                 ----

              Earnings before income taxes                                       $  10.7                12.6                 13.1

                On July 1, 1998, the Company completed the acquisition of
            Advanced Membrane Technology, Inc. (AMT) and consolidated AMT within
            PTI. The transaction involved the purchase of AMT common stock for
            approximately $7 million in cash plus approximately 450,000 shares
            of ESCO common stock valued at $8.6 million.

                On December 31, 1997, the Company completed the purchase of
            Euroshield OY for consideration which included $3.5 million in cash.

                On February 7, 1997, the Company completed the acquisition of
            the filtration and the thermoform packaging businesses (Filtertek)
            of Schawk, Inc. The transaction involved the purchase of assets and
            stock of certain subsidiary corporations of Schawk, Inc. for $92
            million in cash plus working capital adjustments.

                All of the Company's acquisitions have been accounted for using
            the purchase method of accounting and accordingly, the respective
            purchase prices were allocated to the assets (including intangible
            assets) acquired and liabilities assumed based on estimated fair
            values at the date of acquisition. The excess cost of the
            acquisitions over the estimated fair value of the net assets
            acquired is being amortized on a straight-line basis over periods
            ranging from 15-40 years, depending on Management's assessment of
            its useful life. The financial results from these acquisitions have
            been included in the Company's financial statements from the date of

3. Accounts receivable
                Accounts receivable consist of the following at September 30,
            1999 and 1998:

            (Dollars in thousands)                                                                      1999                 1998

            Commercial                                                                               $35,287               38,371
            U. S. Government and prime contractors                                                     3,382               10,801
            Other                                                                                        -                  2,358
                                                                                                      ------                -----

                Total                                                                                $38,669               51,530




                The decrease in U. S. Government and prime contractors accounts
            receivable is primarily due to the sale of SEI at September 30,
            1999. The 1998 accounts receivable included $11.2 million related to

4.    Inventories

                Inventories consist of the following at September 30, 1999 and

            (Dollars in thousands)                                                                      1999                 1998

            Finished goods                                                                           $11,387                9,491
            Work in process - including long-term contracts                                           14,517               54,754
            Raw materials                                                                             13,686               17,334
                                                                                                     -------                -----

                Total                                                                                $39,590               81,579

                During 1999, approximately $38.5 million of inventories were
            written off as a result of the adoption of SOP 98-5. The 1998
            inventory balance included $31.3 million of inventories related to

5.    Property, plant and equipment

                Depreciation and amortization of property, plant and equipment
            for the years ended September 30, 1999, 1998 and 1997 were
            $13,598,000, $14,589,000 and $12,441,000, respectively.

                The Company leases certain real property, equipment and
            machinery under noncancelable operating leases. Rental expense under
            these operating leases for the years ended September 30, 1999, 1998
            and 1997 amounted to $6,324,000, $5,675,000 and $4,502,000,
            respectively. Future aggregate minimum lease payments under
            operating leases that have initial or remaining noncancelable lease
            terms in excess of one year as of September 30, 1999 are:

            (Dollars in thousands)      Years ending September 30:

                                        2000                                                          $3,189
                                        2001                                                           2,744
                                        2002                                                           1,716
                                        2003                                                           1,259
                                        2004 and thereafter                                              613

                                          Total                                                       $9,521

6. Income tax expense

                  The principal components of income tax expense for the years
            ended September 30, 1999, 1998 and 1997 consist of:

            (Dollars in thousands)                                                  1999                1998                 1997

                Current                                                        $      -                   -                   223
                Deferred                                                          11,560               6,121                4,816
            State, local and foreign                                               1,441              (1,070)               1,014
                                                                               ---------              ------                -----
                Total                                                            $13,001               5,051                6,053




                  The actual income tax expense for the years ended September
            30, 1999, 1998 and 1997 differs from the expected tax expense for
            those years (computed by applying the U.S. Federal statutory rate)
            as follows:

                                                                                     1999                1998                1997

            Federal corporate statutory rate                                        35.0%               35.0%              35.0%
            Change in tax valuation allowance:
              Utilization of capital loss carryforward                             (19.3)                 -                  -
              Other                                                                  5.9                 3.0               (6.8)
            Income taxes, net of Federal benefits:
              State and local                                                        1.1                (2.8)               2.7
              Foreign                                                                1.2                  .4               (1.1)
            Other, net                                                              (3.4)               (4.7)               4.1
                                                                                   -----                ----               ----

              Effective income tax rate                                             20.5%               30.9%              33.9%

                The tax effects of temporary differences that give rise to
            significant portions of the deferred tax assets and liabilities at
            September 30, 1999, 1998 and 1997 are presented below:

            (Dollars in thousands)                                                  1999                1998                 1997

            Deferred tax assets:
                Inventories, long-term contract accounting,
                  contract cost reserves and others                               $4,169               4,283               10,008
                Pension and other postretirement benefits                          3,576              10,177               10,134
                Net operating loss carryforward                                   51,097              38,989               36,608
                Capital loss carryforward                                         14,824              27,074               27,074
                Other compensation-related costs and other cost accruals           5,262               6,703                6,254
                                                                                --------            --------             --------

                  Total deferred tax assets                                       78,928              87,226               90,078
            Deferred tax liabilities:
                Plant and equipment, depreciation methods
                  and acquisition asset allocations                               (1,671)             (1,516)              (2,005)
                                                                                --------             -------              -------

                  Net deferred tax asset before valuation allowance               77,257              85,710               88,073
            Less valuation allowance                                             (32,474)            (40,970)             (39,563)
                                                                                --------            --------             --------

                  Net deferred tax assets                                        $44,783              44,740               48,510

                Management believes it is more likely than not that with its
            projections of future taxable income, its shift in strategic
            direction, and after consideration of the valuation allowance, the
            Company will generate sufficient taxable income to realize the
            benefits of the net deferred tax assets existing at September 30,

                In order to fully realize the net deferred tax assets before
            valuation allowance existing at September 30, 1999, the Company will
            need to generate future taxable income of approximately $221 million
            of which $146 million is required to be realized prior to the
            expiration of the net operating loss (NOL) carryforward, of which
            $33 million will expire in 2006; $6 million will expire in 2007; $23
            million will expire in 2009; $38 million will expire in 2010; $4
            million will expire in 2011; $7 million will expire in 2018; and $35
            million will expire in 2019. Also, the Company will need to generate
            future capital gains of approximately $42 million prior to 2001, at
            which time the capital loss carryforward will expire.

                During the year ended September 30, 1999, and as a result of the
            Company utilizing $35 million of capital loss carryforward relating
            to the sale of SEI, the Company decreased its deferred tax valuation
            allowance to $32.5 million. A full valuation allowance of $14.8
            million is being maintained against the deferred tax asset
            associated with the capital loss. The remaining balance of $17.7
            million represents Management's best estimate of the portion of
            deferred tax asset associated with temporary differences and NOLs
            which may not be realized. As a result of adopting SOP 98-5, in
            1999, the Company recorded a tax benefit of $13.5 million.
            Additionally, a net deferred tax asset of $3.7 million was recorded
            after taking into effect the sale of SEI.




7.    Debt
                Long-term debt consists of the following at September 30, 1999
            and 1998:

            (Dollars in thousands)                                                                      1999                 1998

            Term loan                                                                                $49,000               57,000
            Other debt                                                                                   988                1,188
            Less current maturities                                                                   (8,092)              (8,111)
                                                                                                     -------               ------

                Long-term debt                                                                       $41,896               50,077

                The Company's $122 million bank credit facility was amended on
            August 30, 1999 to allow for the sale of SEI. Upon receipt of the
            proceeds from the sale of SEI, the outstanding principal amount of
            the Term Loan and a portion of the outstanding revolving credit
            facility were to be repaid. On September 30, 1999, the Company
            received the gross proceeds of $85 million from the sale of SEI and
            on October 1, 1999, the Company repaid all outstanding debt.
            Subsequent to the sale of SEI the credit facility was adjusted to a
            $40 million revolving credit facility. The revolving credit facility
            (subject to borrowing base asset limitations) is available for
            direct borrowings and/or the issuance of letters of credit. The
            maturity of the bank credit facility is September 30, 2000. These
            credit facilities are provided by a group of banks, led by Morgan
            Guaranty Trust Company of New York.
                The amended credit facility requires, as determined by certain
            financial ratios, a commitment fee ranging from 5/16% to 7/16% per
            annum on the unused portion. The terms of the credit facility
            provide that interest on borrowings may be calculated at a spread
            over the London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR), or certificate of
            deposit rates for various maturities, or based on the prime rate, at
            the Company's election. Substantially all of the assets of the
            Company are pledged under the credit facility. The most restrictive
            financial covenants of the credit facility include minimum interest
            coverage, limitations on leverage and minimum tangible net worth.
            Dividends may not exceed 25% of the Company's consolidated net
                During 1999 and 1998, the maximum aggregate short-term
            borrowings at any month-end were $42.0 million and $55.5 million,
            respectively; the average aggregate short-term borrowings
            outstanding based on month-end balances were $32.5 million and $39.8
            million, respectively; and the weighted average interest rates were
            6.3% in 1999 and 6.9% in both 1998 and 1997. The letters of credit
            issued and outstanding under the credit facility totaled $4.8
            million and $2.7 million at September 30, 1998 and 1997,
            respectively. Borrowings under the revolving credit facility were
            $12.5 million at September 30, 1999.

8. Capital stock
                The 12,782,663 and 12,641,664 common shares as presented in the
            accompanying consolidated balance sheets at September 30, 1999 and
            1998 represent the actual number of shares issued at the respective
            dates. The Company held 404,625 and 234,025 common shares in
            treasury at September 30, 1999 and 1998, respectively.
                Pursuant to a Deposit and Trust Agreement (the Trust Agreement),
            all of the outstanding shares of the Company's common stock are held
            in trust by a trustee on behalf of the persons otherwise entitled to
            hold the Company's common stock, and such persons, instead, hold
            common stock trust receipts (Receipts) representing the Company's
            common stock and associated preferred stock purchase rights (the
            Rights). Although the trustee is the record holder of the Company's
            common stock, each holder of a Receipt is generally entitled to all
            of the rights of a holder of the Company's common stock (including
            the right to vote and to receive dividends or other distributions),
            except in certain circumstances. Prior to the September 30, 1999
            sale of SEI, if the Company would have failed in certain
            circumstances to collateralize its obligations to indemnify Emerson
            with respect to Emerson's guarantees of certain of the Company's
            government contracts and for so long as such failure continues,
            Emerson would have had the right to direct the trustee how to vote
            in the election of directors and certain related matters. In
            conjunction with the sale of SEI, The Trust Agreement is being
                During 1995, the Company adopted the 1994 Stock Option Plan, and
            in 1991, the Company adopted the 1990 Stock Option Plan (the Option
            Plans). The Option Plans permit the Company to grant key management
            employees (1) options to purchase shares of the Company's common
            stock (or Receipts representing such shares) or (2) stock
            appreciation rights with respect to all or any part of the number of
            shares covered by the options. As long as the Trust Agreement is in
            effect, an optionee will receive Receipts in lieu of shares. All
            outstanding options were granted at prices equal to fair market
            value at the date of grant.




                Information regarding stock options awarded under the Option
            Plans is as follows:

                                                               1999                         1998                     1997
                                                     -------------------------       --------------------      -------------------

                                                                    ESTIMATED                  Estimated                Estimated
                                                        SHARES     AVG. PRICE       Shares    Avg. Price       Shares  Avg. Price

            October 1,                                 953,716        $  8.61      998,486       $  6.18      889,930       $6.04
                Granted                                522,600         $10.76       89,500        $18.14      227,450      $10.78
                Exercised                              (17,270)       $  7.72     (107,964)      $  7.58      (68,371)      $6.87
                Cancelled                              (21,604)        $12.00      (26,306)      $  7.20      (50,523)      $9.28

            September 30,                            1,437,442          $9.35      953,716       $  8.61      998,486     $  6.18

            At September 30,
                  Reserved for future grant            242,725
                  Exercisable                          698,464          $9.36      509,559       $  7.46      404,387       $6.18

                During 1996, the Company announced a stock repurchase program.
            Under this program, the Company was authorized to purchase up to two
            million shares of its common stock in the open market through
            September 30, 1998. Approximately 180,000 shares were repurchased
            throughout that two-year period. In October 1998, the Company
            authorized an additional open market repurchase program of up to 1.3
            million shares, which is subject to market conditions and other
            factors and will cover a period ending September 29, 2000.
            Approximately 177,000 shares were repurchased in 1999.
                During 1993 and 1997, the Board of Directors authorized, and the
            shareholders approved, the Performance Share Plans (the Plans). The
            maximum number of shares available for issue under the Plans is
            875,000 shares. As of September 30, 1999, 856,000 shares have been
            awarded and 666,522 shares have been earned.
                At September 30, 1999, there were 50,000 shares of restricted
            stock outstanding and held by certain key executives. These shares
            will be earned ratably through the period ending September 30, 2001.
                The Company has a Preferred Stock Purchase Rights Plan pursuant
            to which a dividend of one Right was declared for each outstanding
            share of the Company's common stock. Each Right entitles the holder
            to purchase one one-hundredth of a share of preferred stock at an
            initial purchase price of $25. Approximately 120,000 preferred
            shares are reserved for issuance under this plan. Under certain
            conditions involving the acquisition of, or an offer for, 20% or
            more of the Company's common stock, all holders of Rights, except an
            acquiring entity, would be entitled (1) to purchase, at a defined
            price, common stock of the Company or an acquiring entity at a value
            twice the defined price, or (2) at the option of the Board, to
            exchange each Right for one share of common stock. The Rights remain
            in existence until September 30, 2000, unless renewed, redeemed
            earlier (at one cent per Right), exercised or exchanged under the
            terms of the plan.
                The Company adopted the disclosure-only provisions of SFAS No.
            123. Under APB No. 25, no compensation cost was recognized for the
            Company's stock option plans. Had compensation cost for the
            Company's stock option plans and performance share plans been
            determined based on the fair value at the grant date for awards in
            1999 and 1998 consistent with the provisions of this Statement, the
            Company's net earnings and net earnings per share would have been as

                                                                                                          Pro forma (Unaudited)
            (Dollars in thousands, except per share amounts)                                            1999                 1998

            Net earnings                                                                             $24,779               11,221
            Net earnings per share:
                Basic                                                                                   2.01                  .93
                Diluted                                                                                 1.96                  .89

                The fair value of each option grant is estimated on the date of
            grant using the Black-Scholes option-pricing model with the
            following weighted-average assumptions used for grants in 1999 and
            1998, respectively: expected dividend yield of 0% in both periods;
            expected volatility of 35.3% and 37.2%, risk-free interest rate of
            5.89% and 4.42%, and expected life based on historical exercise
            periods of 4.05 years and 4.11 years.



                To determine the fair value of grants under the Performance
            Share Plans, the probability that performance milestones would be
            met were applied to the ESCO stock price on the date of grant. This
            probability was based on an estimated average annual growth rate of
            10.0% and an annualized volatility of 38.4% and 32.5% in 1999 and
            1998, respectively.

9.    Retirement and other benefit plans
                Substantially all employees are covered by defined benefit or
            defined contribution pension plans maintained by the Company for the
            benefit of its employees. Benefits are provided to employees under
            defined benefit pay-related and flat-dollar plans, which are
            primarily noncontributory. Annual contributions to retirement plans
            equal or exceed the minimum funding requirements of the Employee
            Retirement Income Security Act or applicable local regulations.
                Net periodic benefit cost for the years ended September 30,
            1999, 1998 and 1997 is comprised of the following:

            (Dollars in millions)                                                   1999                1998                 1997

            Defined benefit plans:
                Service cost                                                        $4.1                 3.5                  3.3
                Interest cost                                                        6.7                 6.1                  5.4
                Expected return on plan assets                                      (7.5)               (6.7)                (5.8)
                Amortization of service costs                                         .3                  .2                   .1
                Net actuarial loss                                                    .8                  .1                   .2
                Curtailment gain                                                    (8.5)                 -                    -
                Settlement loss                                                      2.9                  -                    -
                                                                                     ---                 ---                  ---
                                                                                     ---                 ---                  ---
                  Net periodic benefit cost                                         (1.2)                3.2                  3.2
            Defined contribution plans                                                .7                  .4                   .4
                                                                                     ---                 ---                  ---
              Total                                                                 $(.5)                3.6                  3.6

                The Company recognized a curtailment gain and a settlement loss
            in 1999 as a result of the sale of SEI on September 30, 1999.
                The projected benefit obligation, accumulated benefit
            obligation, and fair value of plan assets for defined benefit
            pension plans with accumulated benefit obligations in excess of plan
            assets were $1.5 million, $1.1 million and zero, respectively, as of
            September 30, 1999, and $26.3 million, $25.7 million and $20.7
            million, respectively, as of September 30, 1998.
                The net benefit obligation of the Company's defined benefit
            pension plans as of September 30, 1999 and 1998 is shown below:

            (Dollars in millions)                                                                       1999                 1998

            Change in benefit obligation -
              Net benefit obligation at beginning of year                                              $96.0                 77.6
              Service cost                                                                               4.1                  3.4
              Interest cost                                                                              6.7                  6.1
              Plan amendments                                                                             .8                   .1
              Actuarial (gain) loss                                                                     (5.5)                11.7
              Gross benefits paid                                                                       (3.2)                (2.9)
              Divestitures                                                                             (27.9)                  -
              Curtailments                                                                             (10.6)                  -
              Settlements                                                                              (33.3)                  -
                                                                                                         ---                  ---
                    Net benefit obligation at end of year                                              $27.1                 96.0



                The plan assets of the Company's defined benefit pension plans
            at September 30, 1999 and 1998 are shown below:

            (Dollars in millions)                                                                       1999                 1998

            Change in plan assets:
                Fair value of plan assets at beginning of year                                         $77.9                 78.9
                Actual return on plan assets                                                            16.9                  (.8)
                Employer contributions                                                                   3.7                  2.7
                Divestitures                                                                           (66.8)                  -
                Gross benefits paid                                                                     (3.2)                (2.9)
                                                                                                         ---                  ---

                    Fair value of plan assets at end of year                                           $28.5                 77.9

                The Company's defined benefit pension plans recognized the
            following net amounts at September 30, 1999 and 1998:

            (Dollars in millions)                                                                       1999                 1998

            Funded status at end of year                                                                $1.3                (18.1)
            Unrecognized prior service cost                                                               .4                  1.9
            Unrecognized net actuarial (gain) loss                                                      (5.6)                 7.3
                                                                                                         ---                  ---
                    Accrued benefit cost                                                               $(3.9)                (8.9)
                                                                                                         ---                  ---
            Amounts recognized in the balance sheet consist of:
                Prepaid benefit cost                                                                    $ -                    .5
                Accrued benefit cost                                                                    (3.9)                (9.4)
                Additional minimum liability                                                             (.1)                (4.1)
                Intangible asset                                                                          .1                  1.8
                Accumulated other comprehensive income                                                    -                   2.3
                                                                                                         ---                  ---
                    Accrued benefit liability                                                          $(3.9)                (8.9)

                Pension plan assets consist principally of marketable securities
            including common stocks, bonds, and interest-bearing deposits.
                The benefit obligations of the defined benefit plans as of
            September 30, 1999 and 1998 were based on discount rates of 7.75%
            and 6.75%, respectively, and an assumed rate of increase in
            compensation levels of 4%. The 1999, 1998 and 1997 pension expense
            for the defined benefit plans was based on a 7.75%, 6.75% and 7.50%
            discount rate, respectively, a 4% increase in compensation levels,
            and a 10% expected long-term rate of return on plan assets.
                In addition to providing retirement income benefits, the Company
            provides unfunded postretirement health and life insurance benefits
            to certain retirees. To qualify, an employee must retire at age 55
            or later and the employee's age plus service must equal or exceed
            75. Retiree contributions are defined as a percentage of medical
            premiums. Consequently, retiree contributions increase with
            increases in the medical premiums. The life insurance plans are
            noncontributory and provide coverage of a flat dollar amount for
            qualifying retired employees.
                Net periodic postretirement benefit cost is comprised of the

            (Dollars in millions)                                                   1999                1998                 1997

            Service cost                                                           $  .2                  .2                   .2
            Interest cost                                                             .7                 1.1                  1.2
            Net amortization and deferral                                            (.3)                 -                    -
            Curtailment gain recognized                                             (8.7)                 -                    -
                                                                                     ---                 ---                  ---
                Net periodic postretirement benefit cost                           $(8.1)                1.3                  1.4




                The net benefit obligation for postretirement benefits at
            September 30, 1999 and 1998 is shown below:

            (Dollars in millions)                                                                       1999                 1998

            Net benefit obligation at beginning of year                                                $16.0                 15.5
            Service cost                                                                                  .2                   .2
            Interest cost                                                                                 .7                  1.1
            Actuarial (gain) loss                                                                       (5.8)                 1.5
            Curtailments                                                                                (8.7)                  -
            Gross benefits paid                                                                         (1.4)                (2.3)
                                                                                                        ----                  ---

                Net benefit obligation at end of year                                                   $1.0                 16.0

                The plan assets for postretirement benefits at September 30,
            1999 and 1998 are shown below:

            (Dollars in millions)                                                                       1999                 1998

            Fair value of plan assets at beginning of year                                              $ -                    -
            Employer contributions                                                                       1.4                  2.3
            Gross benefits paid                                                                         (1.4)                (2.3)
                                                                                                         ---                   --

                Fair value of plan assets at end of year                                                $ -                    -

                The Company recognized the following net amounts for
            postretirement benefits at September 30, 1999 and 1998:

            (Dollars in millions)                                                                       1999                 1998

            Funded status at end of year                                                               $(1.0)               (16.0)
            Unrecognized prior service cost                                                               -                   (.1)
            Unrecognized net actuarial (gain) loss                                                      (4.6)                 1.1
                                                                                                        ----                  ---

                Accrued benefit costs                                                                  $(5.6)               (15.0)
                                                                                                        ----                  ---

            Amounts recognized in the balance sheet consist of -
                Accrued benefit liability                                                              $(5.6)               (15.0)

                The net benefit obligation of the plans as of September 30, 1999
            and 1998 were based on discount rates of 7.75% and 6.75%,
            respectively. The September 30, 1999 net benefit obligation was
            based on a health care cost trend of 6.5% for fiscal 1998, gradually
            grading down to an ultimate rate of 5.5% by 2002. The September 30,
            1998 net benefit obligation was based on a health care cost trend of
            7% for fiscal 1997, gradually grading down to an ultimate rate of
            5.5% by 2002. A 1% increase in the health care cost trend rate for
            each year would increase the September 30, 1999 net benefit
            obligation by approximately $30,000, while a 1% decrease in the
            health care cost trend rate for each year would decrease the
            September 30, 1999 net benefit obligation by approximately $35,000.
                The fiscal 1999 and 1998 net periodic benefit costs were based
            on discount rates of 7.75% and 6.75%, respectively. The net periodic
            benefit cost was based on an assumed health care cost trend of 6.5%
            and 7.0% for 1999 and 1998, respectively, gradually grading down to
            5.5% by fiscal year 2002. A 1% increase in the health care cost
            trend rate for each year would increase the aggregate of the service
            cost and interest cost components of the fiscal 1999 net periodic
            benefit cost by approximately $3,600, while a 1% decrease in the
            health care cost trend rate for each year would decrease the
            aggregate of the service cost and interest cost components of the
            fiscal 1999 net periodic benefit cost by approximately $4,400.




10.   Other financial data
                Items charged to operations during the years ended September 30,
            1999, 1998 and 1997 included the following:

            (Dollars in thousands)                                                  1999                1998                 1997

            Maintenance and repairs                                               $7,078               6,751                5,828
            Salaries and wages                                                   132,671             133,507              113,953
                                                                                ---------              ------              -------

            Research and development costs:
                Company-sponsored                                                 $7,716               5,866                6,161
                Customer-sponsored                                                 8,332              10,201                6,341
                                                                                ---------              ------              -------

                Total                                                            $16,048              16,067               12,502

                The increase in 1998 research and development costs is due to
            the inclusion of Filtertek for the full year and additional
            expenditures at Rantec.
                Accrued expenses included accrued employee compensation of $6.0
            million and $10.2 million at September 30, 1999 and 1998,

11.   Business segment information
                The Company is organized based on the products and services that
            it offers. Under this organizational structure, on an ongoing basis,
            the Company will operate in four principal segments:
            Filtration/Fluid Flow, Test, Communications and Other.
            Filtration/Fluid Flow operations consist of PTI Technologies Inc.
            (PTI) and Filtertek Inc. (Filtertek). PTI develops and manufactures
            a wide range of filtration products and is a leading supplier of
            filters to the commercial aerospace market. Filtertek develops and
            manufactures a broad range of high-volume, original equipment
            manufacturer (OEM) filtration products at its facilities in North
            America, South America and Europe. Test operations consist of EMC
            Test Systems, L.P. (ETS) and principally involve the design and
            manufacture of EMC test equipment, test chambers, shielded rooms for
            high security data processing and secure communication, and
            electromagnetic absorption materials. Communications operations
            consist of Distribution Control Systems, Inc. (DCSI) and are
            principally involved in providing two-way power line communication
            systems for the utility industry. These systems provide the electric
            utilities with a patented communication technology for demand-side
            management, distribution automation and automatic meter reading
            capabilities. The Divested Business segment consists of Systems &
            Electronics Inc. (SEI). As of September 30, 1999, ESCO sold SEI to
            Engineered Support Systems, Inc. to pursue the Company's strategy of
            focusing on its commercial businesses. SEI was in the defense
            systems and electronics business and principally supplied
            high-capacity aircraft cargo loaders and transportation systems and
            weapon subsystems to the armed forces. In addition, SEI designed and
            manufactured launching and guidance systems and airborne radar
            systems. The Other segment is principally comprised of Rantec
            Microwave & Electronics, Inc. (Rantec) which designs and
            manufactures antennas and antenna feeds for wireless communications
            systems and produces power supplies widely used in high performance
            displays, such as cockpit instrumentation, engineering workstations
            and medical imaging. Rantec's microwave antenna business is being
            offered for sale. Other also includes the operations of Comtrak.
                Accounting policies of the segments are the same as those
            described in the summary of significant accounting policies in Note
            1. The Company evaluates the performance of its operating segments
            based on operating profit (loss), which is defined as: net sales,
            less cost of sales, less other charges related to cost of sales,
            less SG&A expenses and less restructuring charges. Intersegment
            sales and transfers are not significant. Segment assets consist
            primarily of customer receivables, inventories and fixed assets
            directly associated with the production processes of the segment.
            Segment assets also include goodwill. Segment depreciation and
            amortization is based upon the direct assets listed above.



            NET SALES
            Year ended September 30,
            (Dollars in millions)                                                   1999                1998                 1997

            Filtration/Fluid Flow                                                  $168.9              158.3                123.5
            Test                                                                     34.9               30.6                 26.1
            Communications                                                           24.7               19.0                 13.4
            Other                                                                    14.8               22.2                 20.9
            Divested Business                                                       172.8              135.0                194.6
                                                                                  -------              -----                -----

            Consolidated totals                                                    $416.1              365.1                378.5

            Year ended September 30,
            (Dollars in millions)                                                   1999                1998                 1997

            Filtration/Fluid Flow                                                   $11.9               10.5                  9.6
            Test                                                                      4.0                2.9                  2.6
            Communications                                                            4.0                2.0                  1.0
            Other                                                                   (13.2)                .3                   .6
            Divested Business                                                        10.4               11.2                 13.8
            Reconciliation to consolidated totals (Corporate)                        (2.2)                -                    -
                                                                                  -------              -----                -----

            Consolidated totals                                                     $14.9               26.9                 27.6

                The 1999 operating profit (loss) includes $3.9 million of other
            charges related to cost of sales and $5.1 million of restructuring
            charges described earlier.
                The filtration/fluid flow segment in 1999 includes $2.2 million
            of other charges related to cost of sales attributable to the
            write-off of inventory resulting from the abandonment of the High
            Pressure Air Reducing Quiet Manifold for surface ships. The
            remaining $1.7 million balance relates to Rantec and Comtrak, and is
            included in the Other segment.
                The 1999 restructuring charges of $5.1 million are included in
            the following segments: the $1.1 million of costs related to exiting
            the Rantec microwave antenna business area, and the $1.8 million
            write-off of the license agreement related to the abandonment of the
            Vehicle Location System at Comtrak are included in the Other
            segment. The $2.2 million of personnel separation costs are included
            as a Corporate expense.
                The total nonrecurring charges included in 1999 operating profit
            (loss) amounted to $9.1 million. The Other segment also includes
            $3.8 million of charges related to cost growth on certain
            development programs at Rantec power systems.
                The $2.5 million of other charges related to cost of sales in
            1998 related to SEI and is included in Divested Business.

            Year ended September 30,
            (Dollars in millions)                                                   1999                1998                 1997

            Filtration/Fluid Flow                                                  $195.0              203.0                177.2
            Test                                                                     22.2               21.5                 17.0
            Communications                                                           13.9               14.6                  9.7
            Other                                                                    19.2               36.1                 34.0
            Divested Business                                                         -                 80.3                 89.5
            Reconciliation to consolidated totals (Corporate assets)                128.0               53.8                 50.8
                                                                                  -------               ----                 ----

            Consolidated totals                                                    $378.3              409.3                378.2

                Corporate assets consist primarily of deferred taxes and cash



            Year ended September 30,
            (Dollars in millions)                                                   1999                1998                 1997

            Filtration/Fluid Flow                                                   $10.7               10.5                  7.5
            Test                                                                      0.9                0.9                  0.7
            Communications                                                            1.2                1.2                  1.1
            Other                                                                     1.2                1.2                  1.0
            Divested Business                                                         3.0                3.6                  4.1
                                                                                    -----               ----                 ----

            Consolidated totals                                                     $17.0               17.4                 14.4

            Year ended September 30,
            (Dollars in thousands)                                                  1999                1998                 1997

            Filtration/Fluid Flow                                                    $6.3                7.3                  6.4
            Test                                                                      0.2                0.3                  0.4
            Communications                                                            0.3                2.5                  0.3
            Other                                                                     0.4                1.3                  1.0
            Divested Business                                                         1.1                1.5                  2.4
                                                                                     ----               ----                 ----

            Consolidated totals                                                      $8.3               12.9                 10.5

            Net sales to customers
            (Dollars in millions)                                                   1999                1998                 1997

            North America                                                          $346.9              313.0                319.7
            Europe                                                                   37.0               37.6                 31.0
            Middle East                                                               3.1                3.9                  6.0
            Far East                                                                 23.5                8.6                 17.8
            Other                                                                     5.6                2.0                  4.0
                                                                                   ------              -----                -----

            Consolidated totals                                                    $416.1              365.1                378.5

            (Dollars in millions)                                                   1999                1998

            North America                                                           $63.8               89.2
            Europe                                                                    7.5                8.8
                                                                                    -----               ----

            Consolidated totals                                                     $71.3               98.0

                Net sales are attributed to countries based on location of
            customer. Long-lived assets are attributed to countries based on
            location of the asset.

12.   Emerson contract guarantees
                Emerson had directly or indirectly guaranteed or was otherwise
            liable for the performance of most of the Company's contracts with
            its customers which existed at September 30, 1990 (the Guaranteed
            Contracts). The Guaranteed Contracts and any potential liability
            related to these contracts were assumed by the purchaser of SEI at
            September 30, 1999.



13.   Commitments and Contingencies
                At September 30, 1999, the Company had $7.3 million in letters
            of credit outstanding as guarantees of contract performance.
            Subsequent to the sale of SEI, $2.7 million of this amount which
            relates to SEI will be transferred to the acquirer.
                In 1994, an action was commenced against the Company's Hazeltine
            subsidiary alleging injury caused by Hazeltine's purported release
            of hazardous materials. The Company believes that no one and no
            property were injured by any release of hazardous substances from
            Hazeltine's plant. In 1996, the plaintiffs filed a motion to be
            certified as a class. The motion was denied and the plaintiffs
            appealed. The appellate court affirmed the denial. Based upon the
            current facts, the Company is not able to estimate the probable
            outcome. Therefore, no provision for this litigation has been made
            in the accompanying consolidated financial statements. Management
            believes the Company will be successful in defending this action and
            that the outcome will not have a material adverse effect on the
            Company's financial statements. This contingent liability was
            retained by the Company when Hazeltine was divested in 1996.
                As a normal incidence of the businesses in which the Company is
            engaged, various claims, charges and litigation are asserted or
            commenced against the Company. In the opinion of management, final
            judgments, if any, which might be rendered against the Company in
            current litigation are adequately reserved, covered by insurance, or
            would not have a material adverse effect on its financial

14. Other Charges related to cost of sales
                Other charges related to cost of sales of $3.9 million in 1999
            represent the write-off of inventory related to the strategic
            abandonment of the High Pressure Air Reducing Quiet Manifolds for
            surface ships ($2.2 million) and the Vehicle Location Systems ($.6
            million) business areas. Additionally, the Company wrote down the
            Rantec microwave antenna product line inventory ($1.1 million) to
            net realizable value as a result of the anticipated sale of that
            business area.
                Other charges related to cost of sales of $2.5 million in 1998
            resulted from the Company's settlement of a long-standing contract
            dispute on the original M1000 tank transporter program at SEI.

15.   Quarterly financial information (Unaudited)

            (Dollars in thousands,                                      First       Second         Third       Fourth      Fiscal
            except per share amounts)                                 Quarter      Quarter       Quarter      Quarter        Year

            Net sales                                                $ 88,193       96,214       113,978      117,717     416,102
            Gross profit                                               22,894       25,036        27,951       18,613      94,494
            Net earnings before accounting change                       1,515        2,047         4,072       42,821      50,455
            Net earnings                                              (23,494)       2,047         4,072       42,821      25,446
            Earnings per share before accounting change:
                Basic                                                     .12          .17           .33         3.46        4.09
                Diluted                                                   .12          .16           .32         3.36        4.00

            Net sales                                                $ 78,077       86,030        98,236      102,740     365,083
            Gross profit                                               22,029       24,596        25,641       22,985      95,251
            Net earnings                                                2,610        3,240         3,847        1,599      11,296
            Earnings per share:
                Basic                                                     .22          .27          .32           .13         .94
                Diluted                                                   .21          .26          .31           .12         .90

                Gross profit is computed as net sales, less cost of sales, less
            other charges related to cost of sales. The 1999 first quarter
            reflects the impact of adopting SOP 98-5. The 1999 fourth quarter
            reflects the impact of the SEI divestiture and the nonrecurring
            costs incurred.




                We have audited the accompanying consolidated balance sheets of
            ESCO Electronics Corporation and subsidiaries as of September 30,
            1999 and 1998, and the related consolidated statements of
            operations, shareholders' equity, and cash flows for each of the
            years in the three-year period ended September 30, 1999. These
            consolidated financial statements are the responsibility of the
            Company's Management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on
            these consolidated financial statements based on our audits.
                We conducted our audits in accordance with generally accepted
            auditing standards. Those standards require that we plan and perform
            the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial
            statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes
            examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and
            disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also includes
            assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates
            made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial
            statement presentation. We believe that our audits provide a
            reasonable basis for our opinion.
                In our opinion, the consolidated financial statements referred
            to above present fairly, in all material respects, the financial
            position of ESCO Electronics Corporation and subsidiaries as of
            September 30, 1999 and 1998, and the results of their operations and
            their cash flows for each of the years in the three-year period
            ended September 30, 1999, in conformity with generally accepted
            accounting principles.
                As discussed in note 1 to the consolidated financial statements,
            the Company adopted Statement of Position 98-5, "Reporting on the
            Costs of Start-Up Activities," in 1999.

            KPMG LLP

            St. Louis, Missouri
            November 10, 1999



            (Dollars in millions, except per share amounts)              1999 (1)     1998 (2)     1997 (3)     1996 (4)    1995 (5)

            For years ended September 30:
                Net sales                                               $416.1        365.1        378.5        438.5       441.0
                Interest expense                                           6.5          7.7          5.2          4.8         5.5
                Earnings (loss) before income taxes                       63.5         16.3         17.9         14.8       (29.5)
                Net earnings (loss) before accounting change              50.5         11.3         11.8         26.1       (30.3)
                Net earnings (loss)                                       25.5         11.3         11.8         26.1       (30.3)

            Earnings (loss) per share:
                Earnings (loss) before accounting change:
                    Basic                                                4.09           .94         1.00         2.32       (2.76)
                    Diluted                                              4.00           .90          .96         2.26       (2.76)
                Net earnings (loss)
                    Basic                                                2.06           .94         1.00         2.32       (2.76)
                    Diluted                                              2.02           .90          .96         2.26       (2.76)
            As of September 30:
                Working capital                                           95.3         60.3         62.3         86.2        71.4
                Total assets                                             378.4        409.3        378.2        307.8       378.0
                Long-term debt                                            41.9         50.1         50.0         11.4        23.5
                Shareholders' equity                                     248.7        224.1        205.0        191.1       182.3

            (1) Includes the gain on sale of SEI, accounting change, $5.1
                million of restructuring charges, and $3.9 million of other
                charges related to cost of sales.

            (2) Includes the acquisitions of Euroshield (December 31,1997) and
                AMT (July 1, 1998) (see Footnote 2 of Notes to Consolidated
                Financial Statements).

            (3) Includes the acquisition of Filtertek in February 1997 (see
                Footnote 2 of Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements).

            (4) Includes the sale of Hazeltine; $25.3 million of other charges
                related to cost of sales; and includes an adjustment to the
                income tax valuation reserve.

            (5) Includes $16.5 million of other charges related to cost of sales
                and a change in accounting estimate.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


                The Company's common stock trust receipts and the underlying
            common stock and associated preferred stock purchase rights
            (subsequently referred to as common stock) are listed on the New
            York Stock Exchange under the symbol "ESE." The following table
            summarizes the high and low prices of the Company's common stock for
            each quarter of 1999 and 1998.

                                                        1999                      1998
                           Quarter               HIGH          LOW          High          Low
                           First                11 3/4        8 3/4       19 15/16      163/16
                           Second               11 1/4        9 3/16      18 7/16       16
                           Third                11 7/8       10 1/8       20 3/4        165/8
                           Fourth               13 3/8       11 3/4       19 5/16        85/8





                ESCO Electronics Corporation common stock trust receipts (and
            the underlying common stock and associated preferred stock purchase
            rights) (symbol ESE) are listed on the New York Stock Exchange.

                There were approximately 8,178 holders of record of trust
            receipts representing shares of common stock at September 30, 1999.
