January 31, 2001

Digital Teleport, Inc.
8112 Maryland Avenue, Suite 400
St. Louis, Missouri  63105

                                      Re:   $25,000,000 Senior Secured Revolving
                                            Credit Facility


                  Pursuant to the Second Amended and Restated  Agreement between
KLT Telecom Inc.  ("Lender") and Richard D. Weinstein,  Lender agreed to provide
or  arrange  for  a  revolving  credit  facility  for  Digital  Teleport,   Inc.
("Borrower")  in the amount of $25 million to be made  available in 2001.  While
Lender is in the process of arranging  for a third party to provide the Borrower
with the required  credit  facility,  Lender hereby  agrees to make  available a
bridge senior secured  revolving credit facility (the "Loan") to the Borrower on
the terms and conditions set forth below and the  additional  terms,  conditions
and definitions set forth in Exhibit A attached hereto and  incorporated by this
reference  herein,  until  such time as the  permanent  credit  facility  can be
closed.   This   Commitment   supersedes  and  replaces  all  prior  offers  and
negotiations  regarding  the loan.  A  definitive  loan  agreement  and  certain
ancillary   documents,   in  form  and  substance  acceptable  to  Lender,  will
incorporate  the  terms of this  Commitment  and will  include  representations,
warranties,  covenants, conditions precedent, events of default, indemnification
and other  provisions as are customary  and  appropriate  for loans of this type
(the "Loan Documents").

1.  Borrower:              Digital Teleport, Inc., a Missouri corporation

2.  Loan Terms:

        Principal          Up to Twenty-Five  Million Dollars  ($25,000,000)  at
        Amount:            any time.

        Interest Rate:     91/2% per annum.

        Amortization       The  Loan  borrowings,  includig  the  entire  unpaid
        And Maturity:      principal balance and accrued interest,  shall be due
                           and payable upon demand.

        Underwriting       Borrower  will  pay  all   out-of-pocket   costs  and
        Expenses:          expenses  incurred by Lender in  connection  with the
                           proposed Loan promptly upon Lender's  submission of a
                           statement to Borrower.  This will include, but not be
                           limited to,  attorneys'  fees and such other expenses
                           and  costs as  Lender  may  incur  or pay,  including

                           without  limitation,  lien search fees,  filing fees,
                           registration   and   recordation   fees   or   taxes,
                           inspection  fees and  appraisal  costs.  All fees and
                           expenses incurred by Lender prior to Closing shall be
                           paid by Lender as a condition  to Closing and whether
                           or not the transaction contemplated herein is closed.
                           Fees and expenses  incurred by Lender  after  Closing
                           will be payable as specified in the Loan Documents.

        Post-Maturity      If the Loan is not fully paid upon demand, the entire
        Interest:          outstanding  Loan  balance  shall bear  interest at a
                           rate of three (3) percentage  points in excess of the
                           then applicable rate.

        Prepayment:        The Loan may be prepaid at any time,  without penalty
                           or premium.

        Transferability:   Prohibited without Lender's prior written consent.

        Use of Proceeds:   The proceeds of the Loan shall be used for Borrower's
                           working  capital  needs  and for  Borrower's  general
                           corporate  purposes.

        Additional         The Loan Documents  evidencing the Loan shall contain
        Covenants:         covenants  customary  for this  type of  transaction,
                           including,  without  limitation,   certain  covenants
                           acceptable to the Lender and the Borrower, including,
                           without  limitation,  (i) the  following  affirmative
                           covenants:  maintenance of existence and  collateral,
                           payment of taxes and other  obligations,  maintenance
                           of  insurance,  preservation  of books  and  records,
                           inspection rights,  use of proceeds,  compliance with
                           laws,  and further  assurances and (ii) the following
                           negative   covenants:   restrictions   on  additional
                           indebtedness,            additional            liens,
                           dividends/distributions  (including  restrictions  on
                           preferred  distributions),  investments and advances,
                           sales of assets,  capital  expenditures,  mergers and
                           acquisitions,  business activities, transactions with
                           affiliates,    modification   of   certain   material
                           contracts,   ERISA  and  environmental   matters  and
                           accounting and fiscal year changes.

3.  Security:              The Loan will be secured by perfected  first priority
                           security  interests in and liens on all assets of the


                           Borrower,  now owned and hereafter acquired,  subject
                           only to  permitted  liens  agreed  to by  Lender  and
                           subject  to  necessary   regulatory   approvals  (the

4.  Loan Commitment        The commitment of Lender to make the Loan will expire
    Expiration:            sixty  (60)  calendar  days  after  the  date of this
                           letter,  and the Loan must be closed by that date. In
                           the event the Loan is not  closed by that  date,  all
                           obligations  of Lender  under this  Commitment  shall

5.  Additional             The  obligations  of Lender to make the Loan shall be
    Contingencies:         expressly contingent on the following conditions:

                           (a)      Borrower   delivering   the   most   current
                                    financial   statements   regarding  Borrower
                                    available  prior to the date of Closing  and
                                    certified   financial   statements  annually
                                    thereafter.    The   financial    statements
                                    provided shall be audited if available,  but
                                    in any event shall be prepared in accordance
                                    with    generally    accepted     accounting

                           (b)      Lender's  satisfactory   inspection  of  the

                           (c)      Borrower  executing and  delivering all Loan
                                    Documents required by Lender.

                           (d)      Lender's  counsel's  satisfactory  review of
                                    the legality,  validity, binding effect, and
                                    enforceability     of    all    instruments,
                                    agreements, and documents used to effect and
                                    consummate the Loan and transactions  herein

                           (e)      Borrower  providing to Lender such evidence,
                                    reports  and   information   as  Lender  may
                                    require     concerning    the    Collateral,
                                    Borrower's ownership of the Collateral,  the
                                    compliance of the Collateral  with all laws,
                                    ordinances,     regulations     and    legal
                                    requirements,  and the necessary  regulatory
                                    approvals  for the pledge of the  Collateral
                                    as security for the Loan.

                           (f)      Lender's  receipt of  satisfactory  evidence
                                    that  the  directors  of the  Borrower  have
                                    approved  the Loan;  and all legal and other
                                    approvals  for the Loan,  including  for the


                                    pledge of the Collateral to secure the Loan,
                                    have been obtained.

                           (g)      Absence   of    injunction    or   temporary
                                    restraining  order which, in the judgment of
                                    the Lender, would prohibit the making of the
                                    Loan; and absence of litigation  which could
                                    reasonably be expected to result in any such
                                    prohibition  or  have  a  material   adverse
                                    effect on the Borrower.

                           (h)      Evidence  satisfactory  to the  Lender  that
                                    Lender   has  a  first   priority   security
                                    interest in all Collateral,  subject only to
                                    permitted liens to be agreed upon.

                           (i)      All  legal,   including   income  tax,   and
                                    regulatory  matters shall be satisfactory to
                                    the Lender.

                           (j)      No default or unmatured  default or material
                                    adverse change or litigation  shall exist or
                                    have  arisen  on or prior to the date of the
                                    closing of the Loan.

                           (k)      Receipt by Lender of other customary closing
                                    documentation, including without limitation,
                                    legal opinions,  applicable governmental and
                                    other  approvals  certificates of existence,
                                    lien/bankruptcy/judgment  searches,  all  in
                                    acceptable  form and substance.

6. Closing:                The  place,  date  and  time  of  the  execution  and
                           delivery of all  documents  evidencing or relating to
                           the Loan  and the  effective  date of such  documents
                           (the  "Closing")  shall be as soon as possible  after
                           Borrower obtains the necessary  regulatory  approvals
                           for the pledge of the  Collateral  to secure the Loan
                           and  shall  be at  the  sole  option  of  Lender  and
                           Lender's  counsel.  If no other  place is  specified,
                           such Closing shall be at the offices of Stinson,  Mag
                           & Fizzell,  P.C., 1201 Walnut, Kansas City, Missouri.
                           The Closing shall occur no later than the  expiration
                           date of this Commitment specified above in item 4.

7.  Commitment             Unless this  Commitment  is accepted by Borrower  and
    Acceptance:            received  by Lender,  prior to 5:00 p.m.,  prevailing
                           time in Kansas  City,  Missouri,  not later  than ten
                           (10) business days after the date of this letter, the
                           obligation  of Lender to make the Loan shall  expire.


                           If you wish to accept  this  Commitment,  please sign
                           the enclosed copy of this Commitment  where indicated
                           and initial each page, showing your acceptance of the
                           terms and conditions of this  Commitment,  and return
                           the signed copy to the attention of the  undersigned.
                           Time  is  of  the  essence  of  this  Commitment.  8.
                           Regulatory Compliance:  This Commitment is subject to
                           compliance with all applicable laws  and regulations.

9.  Governing Law:         This Commitment will become effective upon receipt by
                           Lender, at its main office in Overland Park,  Kansas,
                           of a copy of this Commitment signed by Borrower. This
                           Commitment  shall be governed by Missouri  law.  This
                           Commitment  supersedes all prior  agreements  between
                           Borrower and Lender relating to the Loan.


                                        KLT TELECOM, INC.

                                        By:  /s/ Mark R. Schroeder
                                             Name:    Mark R. Schroeder
                                             Title:   Vice President

             Accepted this 1st day of February, 2001, by:


                                        DIGITAL TELEPORT, INC., a Missouri

                                        By:   /s/ Gary W. Douglass
                                              Name:  Gary W. Douglass
                                              Title: Senior Vice President -
                                                     Finance and Administration
                                                     and Chief Financial Officer


                                    EXHIBIT A
                         ADDITIONAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS

Following are additional  terms and conditions of the Commitment  from Lender to

1. DOCUMENTATION - Prior to funding under this Commitment, Borrower shall at its
sole cost  supply  Lender  with all the  following  instruments,  documents  and
assurances,  as well as any additional instruments,  documents and assurances as
Lender or its counsel may  require.  Each  document is to be in form and content
satisfactory to Lender and its legal counsel.

a. LOAN  AGREEMENT.  The Loan shall be governed by the terms and conditions of a
comprehensive  loan  agreement  prepared by Lender's  legal  counsel  (the "Loan
Agreement"), which shall contain such representations, warranties and agreements
of Borrower as Lender may require.

b. NOTE. The Loan shall be evidenced by a promissory note or notes.

c. SECURITY  DOCUMENTS.  The  loan shall be  secured  by a  security  agreement,
financing  statements,  and such other  documents or agreements as Lender or its
counsel deem necessary in order to grant Lender a perfected security interest in
the Collateral.  All loan documents or agreements  shall be prepared by Lender's
counsel unless otherwise agreed.

d.  CERTIFICATE  OF TAXES DUE.  Borrower  shall  furnish  Lender  with a current
certificate of taxes due, showing no unpaid taxes or special  assessments on the

e. OTHER  DOCUMENTS.  Borrower shall execute such other loan documents as Lender
shall require.

2. COST AND EXPENSES - Borrower shall pay for all brokerage,  loan fees or other
fees,  expenses,  taxes,  costs and charges  incurred  with respect to the Loan,
including but not limited to, recording and filing fees,  document  registration
fees and  taxes,  intangible  taxes  and  legal  fees and  expenses  of  Lender,
regardless of whether the Loan does or does not close.

3. OTHER FEES AND COMMISSIONS - Lender shall not be required to pay any premium,
tax, or other charge or any brokerage fee or commission or similar  compensation
in connection with the Loan; by acceptance of this  Commitment,  Borrower agrees
to indemnify and save harmless Lender from any and all liability and claims with
respect thereto.

4. CREDIT  INVESTIGATION - Borrower  acknowledges that all credit information it
has  supplied  to Lender is factual and  accurate.  Borrower  hereby  authorizes
Lender  to  review  its   creditworthiness  and  agrees  to  provide  reasonable
information  to Lender for this purpose  during the term of this  Commitment and
after the Loan is closed so long as  Borrower  owes any  obligations  to Lender.
Borrower  hereby  agrees to  notify  Lender of any  adverse  material  change in
financial condition of Lender during the term of this Commitment or of any other
event or  occurrence  which  might  adversely  affect the ability of Borrower to


repay the Loan contemplated by this Commitment. In the event of any such adverse
change or event or occurrence, Lender may terminate this Commitment.

5. ADDITIONAL  FINANCING OR SALE OF COLLATERAL - Borrower agrees that during the
term of the Loan or any  extension  thereof,  there shall be no sale,  transfer,
lease,  or financing of or other lien  against the  Collateral,  other than that
either  contemplated  by this Commitment or in the ordinary course of Borrower's
business, without the prior written consent of Lender. In the event such consent
is given,  any and all  leases,  financing,  and liens shall be  absolutely  and
unconditionally subordinated to Lender's lien.

6. NO  ASSIGNMENT  - Neither  this  Commitment  nor any loan  proceeds  shall be
assignable  by Borrower  without the prior written  consent of Lender.  Any such
assignment  without  such consent  shall be void and shall  constitute a default

7. RIGHT TO INSPECT - Lender and/or its  representative  shall have the right to
inspect the Collateral and shall have access to all records specifically related
to the  Collateral.  Borrower  also  agrees  to pay all fees for an  independent
accountant  to review the books and records of the  Borrower  for the benefit of
Lender, if so required by Lender.

8. NO PARTNERSHIP -  Notwithstanding  anything to the contrary herein contained,
Lender shall not, by this Commitment or by any action taken pursuant hereto,  be
deemed a partner  or joint  venturer  with  Borrower  or agent or  principal  of

9.  CONTINUITY  OF OWNERSHIP - Borrower  shall not cause or permit any change in
the  ownership of the  Collateral  or a change in the ownership of the interests
(legal or beneficial) in Borrower  without the prior written  consent of Lender.
Borrower  will not permit an  amendment  to its  charter or by-laws  without the
written consent of Lender.

10. AGREEMENT TO INDEMNIFY - Borrower agrees to protect,  indemnify,  defend and
save harmless Lender and its directors,  officers, agents and employees from and
against any and all liability, expense, or damage of any kind or nature and from
any suits, claims or demands,  including reasonable legal fees and expenses,  on
account of any  matter or thing,  whether  in suit or not,  arising  out of this
Commitment or in connection herewith. The obligations under this paragraph shall
survive any  termination or expiration of this Commitment and the Closing of the
Loan and repayment thereof.

11. PERSONAL PROPERTY LIST - Prior to Closing,  Borrower shall furnish to Lender
an itemized list of all of Borrower's assets, including all fixtures, equipment,
furniture, furnishings and other personal property owned by Borrower.

12.  EVENTS OF  DEFAULT  - The  occurrence  of any one or more of the  following
shall, at the option of Lender,  constitute an event of default  hereunder,  and
Lender  reserves the right,  upon ten (10) days'  notice to Borrower,  to cancel
this Commitment and terminate its obligations  hereunder  unless within that ten
(10) day period the  default  has been cured to  Lender's  satisfaction:  (a) if
Borrower  shall have failed to observe and perform any of the terms,  covenants,
promises,  and  agreements on its part to be observed and  performed  under this


Commitment,  or (b) in the event that, prior to Closing, the financial condition
of Borrower shall have changed  unfavorably in any material degree from the date
hereof; or (c) non-occurrence of any condition  precedent to Lender's obligation
to close the Loan and/or make any disbursement  thereunder;  or (d) filing by or
against   Borrower  of  a  petition  in   bankruptcy   or   insolvency   or  for
reorganization,  or for the appointment of a receiver or trustee,  or the making
by Borrower of an assignment  for the benefit of  creditors,  or the filing of a
petition  for  arrangement  by  Borrower  or in the event of any  similar act or

13. ENTIRE  AGREEMENT - No change or modification  of this  Commitment  shall be
valid  unless the same is in writing  and signed by the  parties  hereto.  Until
Closing of the Loan, this Commitment  contains the entire agreement  between the
parties hereto, and there are no promises, agreements, conditions, undertakings,
warranties,  and  representations,  either written or oral,  express or implied,
between the  parties  hereto  other than as set forth  herein.  It is  expressly
understood  and agreed that the parties  hereto intend this  Commitment to be an
integration of all prior and contemporaneous promises,  agreements,  conditions,
undertakings,  warranties  and  representations  between the parties hereto with
regard to the Loan.
