                               DTI HOLDINGS, INC.

     DTI HOLDINGS,  INC., a Missouri  corporation  (the  "Corporation"),  hereby
certifies to the Secretary of State of Missouri that the Corporation  desires to
restate its Articles of  Incorporation  as currently in effect and the following
Restated  Articles of Incorporation are all of the provisions of the Articles of
Incorporation of the Corporation as theretofore  amended and that these Restated
Articles of Incorporation  correctly set forth without change the  corresponding
provisions of such  Articles of  Incorporation  as  theretofore  amended.  These
Restated   Articles  of  Incorporation   supersede  the  original   Articles  of
Incorporation and all amendments thereto.

     These  Restated  Articles  of  Incorporation  were  duly  approved  by  the
directors of the Corporation and adopted on behalf of the Corporation by written
consent in lieu of a meeting, dated April 8, 1998.

                                   ARTICLE ONE

     The name of the corporation  (hereinafter referred to as the "Corporation")

                                   ARTICLE TWO

     The  address,  including  street and number,  if any, or the  corporation's
initial  registered  office in this  state is 11111  Dorsett  Road,  St.  Louis,
Missouri  63043 and the name of its initial  agent at such address is Richard D.

                                  ARTICLE THREE

I.       Authorization of Shares

     The aggregate  number of shares of capital stock which the  Corporation has
authority to issue is 100,050,000 shares, consisting of:

     A.   100,000,000  shares of common  stock,  par value  $.01 per share  (the
          "Common Stock");

     B.   50,000  shares  of  preferred  stock,  par value  $.01 per share  (the
          "Preferred Stock").


II.      Preferred Stock

     A. General.  The Board of Directors of the Corporation is hereby authorized
to  determine  all  rights,   preferences  and  privileges  and  qualifications,
limitations  and  restrictions  of  the  Preferred  Stock  (including,   without
limitation,  voting rights and the limitation and exclusion  thereof) granted to
or imposed upon any unissued  series of Preferred Stock and the number of shares
constituting  any such series and the  designation  thereof,  and to increase or
decrease  (but not below the number of shares of such series  then  outstanding)
the  number of shares of any  series  subsequent  to the issue of shares of that
series then outstanding.  Unless otherwise provided in a particular  certificate
of designation  relating to a series of Preferred  Stock,  in case the number of
shares of any series is so decreased,  the shares  constituting  such  reduction
shall  resume the  status  which such  shares had prior to the  adoption  of the
resolution originally fixing the number of shares of such series.

     B. Series A Preferred Stock

     1.  Designation.  Thirty  Thousand  (30,000)  shares of the  authorized and
unissued  Preferred  Stock of the  Corporation  shall be designated as "Series A
Preferred Stock" and shall have the following rights and limitations.

     2. Dividends. Upon declaration of any dividend by the Board of Directors of
the  Corporation  on the  Common  Stock,  the  holder of each  share of Series A
Preferred Stock shall be entitled to receive, out of any funds legally available
therefor,   as  adjusted   appropriately  for  stock  splits,  stock  dividends,
combinations  or similar  recapitalizations  affecting  the  Series A  Preferred
Stock,  such  dividends  paid in cash or other  assets  as would be paid on each
share of Common Stock,  or any other equity  security,  into which each share of
Series A Preferred  Stock could be converted on the applicable  record date. The
dividends  shall be payable  quarterly in arrears from the date on which a share
of the Series A Preferred Stock is first issued hereunder. The original dates of
issuance of the Series A preferred  stock,  par value $.01 per share, of Digital
Teleport,  Inc. (the "DTI Series A Preferred Stock") to KLT Telecom Inc. ("KLT")
are herein referred to as the "Original Issue Dates".

     3. Liquidation, Dissolution or Winding Up and Voting.

          (a)  Preference.   In  the  event  of  any  voluntary  or  involuntary
     liquidation,  dissolution or winding up of the  Corporation (a "Liquidating
     Event"),  the holders of the then outstanding  shares of Series A Preferred
     Stock  shall  be  entitled  to be  paid,  prior  and in  preference  to any
     distribution  of any of the assets or surplus funds of the  Corporation  to
     the  holders  of the  Common  Stock of the  Corporation  by reason of their
     ownership  thereof,  out of the  assets of the  Corporation  available  for
     distribution  to its  shareholders,  $1,500 per share of Series A Preferred
     Stock,  subject  to  appropriate  adjustment  in the  event  of  any  stock
     dividend,  stock  split,  combination  or  other  similar  recapitalization
     affecting  the Series A  Preferred  Stock.  If upon the  occurrence  of any
     Liquidating  Event the remaining  assets of the  Corporation  available for
     distribution to its  shareholders  shall be insufficient to pay the holders
     of shares of Series A  Preferred  Stock the full amount to which they shall


     be entitled,  the holders of shares of Series A Preferred Stock shall share
     ratably  in any  distribution  of the  remaining  assets  and  funds of the
     Corporation in proportion to the respective  amounts which would  otherwise
     be payable in respect of the shares held by them upon such  distribution if
     all amounts payable on or with respect to such shares were paid in full.

          (b) Common Stock.  If, after the payment of all  preferential  amounts
     required  by  subsection  3(a) above to be paid to the  holders of Series A
     Preferred  Stock upon the occurrence of any Liquidating  Event,  any assets
     and funds of the  Corporation  are legally  available for  distribution,  a
     dividend  shall be payable on each share of Common Stock then  outstanding,
     prior and in preference to any further distribution of any of the assets or
     surplus funds of the  Corporation  to the holders of the Series A Preferred
     Stock by reason of their  ownership  thereof in an amount  equal to the per
     share cash  consideration  received by the Corporation upon its issuance of
     Common  Stock to the  initial  holder of such shares (as  adjusted  for any
     stock  dividends,  combinations  or splits  with  respect to such  shares).
     Subject to the payment in full of the liquidation  preferences with respect
     to the Series A Preferred  Stock as provided in subsection  3(a) above,  if
     upon the occurrence of such  Liquidating  Event,  the assets and funds thus
     distributed  among the holders of the Common Stock shall be insufficient to
     permit the  payment  to such  holders  of the full  aforesaid  preferential
     amount,  then the  entire  remaining  assets  and funds of the  Corporation
     legally  available for distribution  shall be distributed among the holders
     of the Common Stock in proportion to the weighted value of shares of Common
     Stock (as  determined by the per share cash  consideration  received by the
     Corporation  upon  issuance  of the  Common  Stock to the  original  holder
     thereof) then held by them.

          (c)  Participation.  After  payment to the holders of the Common Stock
     and the Series A Preferred  Stock of the  amounts set forth in  subsections
     3(a)  and  (b)  above,  the  entire  remaining  assets  and  funds  of  the
     Corporation   legally  available  for   distribution,   if  any,  shall  be
     distributed  among  the  holders  of the  Common  Stock  and the  Series  A
     Preferred  Stock in  proportion  to the shares of Common Stock then held by
     them and the  shares  of  Common  Stock  which  they then have the right to
     acquire upon conversion of the shares of Series A Preferred Stock then held
     by them.

          (d) Voting.  Each holder of  outstanding  shares of Series A Preferred
     Stock shall be entitled to the number of votes equal to the number of whole
     shares of Common  Stock into which the shares of Series A  Preferred  Stock
     held by such holder are convertible (as adjusted from time to time pursuant
     to Section 4 of this Article  Three.II.B),  at each meeting of shareholders
     of the  Corporation  (and  written  actions  of  shareholders  in  lieu  of
     meetings) with respect to any and all matters presented to the shareholders
     of the  Corporation  for their  action  or  consideration.  Except  for any
     amendment  affecting  the  rights  and  obligations  of holders of Series A
     Preferred  Stock or as  otherwise  provided  by law,  holders  of  Series A
     Preferred  Stock shall vote  together with the holders of Common Stock as a
     single  class.  The  holders of the  Series A  Preferred  Stock  shall vote
     separately  as a class with respect to any  amendment  affecting the rights
     and  obligations  of holders of Series A Preferred  Stock and as  otherwise
     required by law.

     4. Optional  Conversion.  The holders of the Series A Preferred Stock shall
have conversion rights as follows (the "Conversion Rights"):


          (a) Right to Convert.  Each share of Series A Preferred Stock shall be
     convertible, at the option of the holder thereof, at any time and from time
     to time, into one share of Common Stock (the number and type of shares into
     which the Series A Preferred  Stock shall be converted shall be adjusted as
     described below)  ("Conversion  Shares"),  without any payment of monies by
     the  holder  of  Series  A  Preferred  Stock  for such  conversion.  Upon a
     Liquidating  Event,  the Conversion  Rights shall terminate at the close of
     business  on the first  (1st)  full day  preceding  the date  fixed for the
     payment of any  amounts  distributable  on  liquidation  to the  holders of
     Series A Preferred Stock.

          (b) Automatic  Conversion.  Upon the sale of shares of Common Stock or
     debt  securities  of the  Corporation  in a public  offering (a  "Qualified
     Public Offering") pursuant to an effective registration statement under the
     Securities Act of 1933, as amended,  (i) resulting in at least $100,000,000
     of net  proceeds  to the  Corporation  or (ii) (A)  resulting  in more than
     $50,000,000  but less than  $100,000,000 in net proceeds to the Corporation
     and (B) the offering price for Common Stock in such offering  multiplied by
     the number of shares of Common Stock  represented  by all the shares of the
     Series A Preferred  Stock issued in exchange for the DTI Series A Preferred
     Stock, is greater than the amount that would provide an IRR (as hereinafter
     defined) of at least  twenty-five  percent  (25%) per annum on a cumulative
     basis,  pre-tax  ("Benchmark  Amount") from the date of the first  Original
     Issue Date  ("First  Issue  Date"),  then all duly  issued and  outstanding
     shares  of  the  Series  A  Preferred  Stock  shall,  as  of  the  date  of
     consummation  of such Public  Offering,  be converted  into the  Conversion
     Shares (as in effect  immediately prior to the date of consummation of such
     Public  Offering).  "IRR"  means the  discount  rate that  equates  (i) the
     present value (to the First Issue Date) of the  Benchmark  Amount with (ii)
     the present value (to the First Issue Date) of the total  investments  made
     by KLT on the Original Issue Dates.  For purposes of  calculating  IRR, any
     antecedent  debt  and  all  property   (including  without  limitation  any
     antecedent debts or limited liability company interests) shall be deemed to
     be  contributed  on the First  Issue  Date in cash at its face  value.  The
     Corporation  shall give the holders of the Series A Preferred  Stock notice
     of the  filing  with the  Securities  and  Exchange  Commission  under  the
     Securities  Act  of  1933,  as  amended  (the  "Securities  Act"),  of  any
     registration  statement  relating to any proposed  Public Offering not less
     than 30 days  prior to such  filing.  The  holders  of  shares  of Series A
     Preferred  Stock shall present such shares for surrender to the Corporation
     in accordance with the provisions of subsection  4(d)(i) below on or before
     the closing date of such Public Offering and the Corporation shall issue to
     such holders a certificate  or  certificates  for shares of Common Stock in
     accordance with the provisions of subsection  4(d)(i) below on such closing
     date. The term "Qualified  Public  Offering" shall be deemed to exclude any
     offering (i) pursuant to a registered  exchange  offer for debt  securities
     initially sold in a private placement  pursuant to Rule 144A and Regulation
     S under the Securities  Act and (ii) to the extent such offering  registers
     securities for any party other than the Corporation,  including pursuant to
     demand  registration rights or piggy-back  registration  rights, on a shelf
     registration or otherwise.

          (c) Fractional  Shares.  No fractional shares of Common Stock shall be
     issued  upon  conversion  of the Series A Preferred  Stock.  In lieu of any
     fractional  shares to which the holder would  otherwise  be  entitled,  the


     Corporation  shall pay cash equal to such  fraction  multiplied by the fair
     market value of such  fractional  shares of Common Stock as  determined  in
     good faith by the  Corporation's  Board of Directors,  whose  determination
     shall be conclusive.

          (d) Mechanics of Conversion.

               (i) Surrender of Certificates.  In order for a holder of Series A
          Preferred  Stock to convert  shares of Series A  Preferred  Stock into
          shares of Common Stock, such holder shall surrender the certificate or
          certificates  for such  shares of  Series A  Preferred  Stock,  at the
          office of the transfer  agent for the Series A Preferred  Stock (or at
          the principal  office of the Corporation if the Corporation  serves as
          its own transfer agent), together with written notice that such holder
          elects to  convert  all or any  number of the  shares of the  Series A
          Preferred  Stock  represented  by  such  certificate  or  certificates
          without  any  payment  to the  Corporation  by  the  holder  for  such
          conversion. Such notice shall state such holder's name or the names of
          the  nominees  in  which  such  holder  wishes  the   certificate   or
          certificates  for shares of Common Stock to be issued.  If required by
          the  Corporation,  certificates  surrendered  for conversion  shall be
          endorsed or  accompanied  by a written  instrument or  instruments  of
          transfer,  in form  satisfactory to the Corporation,  duly executed by
          the registered  holder or his, her or its attorney duly  authorized in
          writing.  The date of receipt of such  certificates  and notice by the
          transfer agent (or by the Corporation if the Corporation serves as its
          own transfer agent) shall be the conversion date ("Conversion  Date").
          The  Corporation  shall,  as soon as practicable  after the Conversion
          Date,  issue and  deliver  at such  office to such  holder of Series A
          Preferred  Stock,  or to his, her or its nominees,  a  certificate  or
          certificates  for the  number of shares of Common  Stock to which such
          holder shall be entitled,  together  with cash in lieu of any fraction
          of a share.

               (ii)  Reservation of Common Stock.  The Corporation  shall at all
          times when the Series A Preferred Stock shall be outstanding,  reserve
          and keep available out of its authorized but unissued  stock,  for the
          purpose of effecting the  conversion of the Series A Preferred  Stock,
          such  number of its duly  authorized  shares of Common  Stock or other
          securities  into  which  the  Series  A  Preferred  Stock  may then be
          convertible,  as shall from time to time be  sufficient  to effect the
          conversion of all outstanding Series A Preferred Stock.

               (iii) Unpaid Dividends. Upon any conversion, no adjustment to the
          Conversion  Shares shall be made for any accrued and unpaid  dividends
          on the Series A Preferred  Stock  surrendered for conversion or on the
          Common Stock delivered upon conversion.

               (iv) No Rights.  All shares of Series A Preferred Stock that have
          been  surrendered  for conversion as herein provided or are subject to
          automatic   conversion   under   subsection   4(b),   whether  or  not
          surrendered,  shall no  longer be  deemed  to be  outstanding  and all
          rights with respect to such shares,  including the rights,  if any, to
          receive notices and to vote, shall  immediately cease and terminate on
          the Conversion  Date,  except only the right of the holders thereof to
          receive shares of Common Stock in exchange therefor and payment of any
          accrued and unpaid dividends thereon.

     (e)  Adjustments  of  Conversion  Shares.  In case  the  Corporation  shall
hereafter (i) declare a dividend or a  distribution  on its Common Stock payable
in shares of its Common Stock,  (ii) subdivide its outstanding  shares of Common


Stock,  (iii)  combine its  outstanding  Common  Stock into a smaller  number of
shares, or (iv) issue other securities of the Corporation by reclassification of
its Common Stock  (including  any such  reclassification  in  connection  with a
consolidation or merger in which the Corporation is the continuing corporation),
the number and kind of Conversion Shares at the time of the record date for such
dividend or distribution or the effective date of such subdivision,  combination
or reclassification  shall be proportionately  adjusted so that the owner of any
Series A Preferred  Stock converted after such date shall be entitled to receive
the number and kind of Conversion Shares which, if such Series A Preferred Stock
had been converted immediately prior to such time, he would have owned upon such
conversion  and been  entitled  to  receive  upon such  dividend,  distribution,
subdivision,  combination or  reclassification.  Such  adjustment  shall be made
successively whenever any event listed above shall occur; appropriate adjustment
(as determined in good faith by the Board of Directors of the Corporation) shall
be made to apply the provisions in this Section 4 to any Conversion Shares which
are not Common  Stock in a manner as similar as  possible to that for the Common

     (f)  Adjustment  for  Merger  or  Reorganization,   Etc.  In  case  of  any
consolidation or merger of the Corporation  with or into another  corporation or
the sale of all or substantially all of the assets of the Corporation to another
corporation,  each share of Series A Preferred Stock shall automatically convert
into the kind and amount of shares of stock or other  securities  or property to
which a holder  of the  number of  shares  of  Common  Stock of the  Corporation
deliverable  upon  conversion  of such Series A Preferred  Stock would have been
entitled upon such  consolidation,  merger or sale;  appropriate  adjustment (as
determined in good faith by the Board of Directors of the Corporation)  shall be
made to apply the  provisions in this Section 4 to any  Conversion  Shares which
are not Common  Stock in a manner as similar as  possible to that for the Common

     (g) No Impairment.  The Corporation  will not, by amendment of its Articles
of   Incorporation   or  through   any   reorganization,   transfer  of  assets,
consolidation,  merger,  dissolution,  issue or sale of  securities or any other
voluntary action, avoid or seek to avoid the observance or performance of any of
the terms to be observed or performed hereunder by the Corporation,  but will at
all times in good faith assist in the carrying out of all the provisions of this
Section  4 and in the  taking  of  all  such  action  as  may  be  necessary  or
appropriate  in order to protect  the  Conversion  Rights of the  holders of the
Series A Preferred Stock against impairment.

     (h) Notice of Record Date. In the event:

               (i)  that the  Corporation  declares  a  dividend  (or any  other
          distribution)  on its Common  Stock  payable in Common  Stock or other
          securities of the Corporation;

               (ii) that the Corporation  subdivides or combines its outstanding
          shares of Common Stock;

               (iii)  of  any  reclassification  of  the  Common  Stock  of  the
          Corporation   (other  than  a  subdivision   or   combination  of  its
          outstanding  shares  of  Common  Stock  or a stock  dividend  or stock


          distribution  thereon),  or of  any  consolidation  or  merger  of the
          Corporation into or with another corporation, or of the sale of all or
          substantially all of the assets of the Corporation; or

               (iv) of the involuntary or voluntary dissolution,  liquidation or
          winding up of the Corporation,

then the Corporation  shall cause to be filed at its principal  office or at the
office of the transfer agent of the Series A Preferred Stock, and shall cause to
be mailed to the holders of the Series A Preferred Stock at their last addresses
as shown on the records of the  Corporation or such transfer  agent, at least 20
days prior to the record date  specified  below in  subparagraph  (A) or 20 days
before the date specified below in subparagraph (B), a notice stating:

               (A) the record date of such dividend,  distribution,  subdivision
          or  combination,  or, if a record  is not to be taken,  the date as of
          which the  holders of Common  Stock of record to be  entitled  to such
          dividend,   distribution,   subdivision  or  combination   are  to  be
          determined; or

               (B)  the  date on  which  such  reclassification,  consolidation,
          merger,  sale,  dissolution,  liquidation or winding up is expected to
          become effective, and the date as of which it is expected that holders
          of Common Stock of record  shall be entitled to exchange  their shares
          of Common Stock for securities or other property deliverable upon such
          reclassification,  consolidation, merger, sale, dissolution or winding

     (i) Special Anti-Dilution. In the event that the number of shares of Common
Stock  issuable upon exercise of the warrant  issued by Digital  Teleport,  Inc.
("DTI")  to  Banque  IndoSuez  would  cause  a  dilution  of  the  ownership  of
outstanding  Series  A  Preferred  Stock to less  than  49.74874%  of the  total
outstanding  stock of the Corporation,  assuming such warrant had been exercised
on the First Issue Date and all shares of DTI Series A Preferred  Stock had been
issued at the First Issue Date,  the  Conversion  Shares shall be increased to a
number  which  would  equal  the  number  of  shares  of  capital  stock  of the
Corporation that would have constituted 49.74874% of the total outstanding stock
of DTI at the First Issue Date assuming such warrant had been  exercised at such

                                  ARTICLE FOUR

     The extent,  if any, of the  preemptive  right of a shareholder  to acquire
additional shares is hereby denied.

                                  ARTICLE FIVE

     The name and place of residence of the incorporator is as follows:

                                Richard D. Weinstein
                                14222 Kinderhook Drive
                                Chesterfield, MO  63017


                                   ARTICLE SIX

     The  number of  directors  to  constitute  the Board of  Directors  is six.
Thereafter, the number of directors shall be fixed by, or in the manner provided
in, the Bylaws of the Corporation. Any changes in the number will be reported to
the Secretary of State within thirty calendar days of such change.

                                  ARTICLE SEVEN

     The duration of the corporation is Perpetual.

                                  ARTICLE EIGHT

     The corporation is formed for the following purposes:

     1.   To operate a  communications  business,  providing  all other  related
          communications services as well as a general business.

     2.   To  buy,   sell,  and  deal  generally  at  retail  and  wholesale  of
          merchandise and services.

     3.   To borrow money,  lend money,  invest  money,  and for such purpose to
          execute  notes,  bonds,  debentures,  or any other form of evidence of
          indebtedness,  and to secure the payment of same by mortgage,  deed of
          trust,  or  other  form  of  encumbrance,  pledge,  or  other  form of

     4.   To take,  purchase,  or  otherwise  acquire,  and to own and hold such
          personal property, chattels real, rights, easements, privileges, chose
          in action, notes, bonds, mortgages,  and securities as may be lawfully
          be acquired, held, or disposed of by the Corporation under the laws of
          the State of Missouri.

     5.   To sell, assign, convey, exchange, release, and otherwise deal in, and
          dispose  of  such  real  and  personal  property,   lands,  buildings,
          chattels,  chattels  real,  rights,  easements,  privileges,  chose in
          action,  notes,  bonds,  mortgages,  and securities as may lawfully be
          acquired,  held, or disposed of by the  Corporation  under the laws of
          the State of Missouri.

     6.   To  enter  into  and  perform  all  manner  and  kinds  of  contracts,
          agreements,  and  obligations of any lawful  purposes,  by or with any
          person, firm,  association,  corporation,  or governmental division or

     7.   To lend and  advance  money or to give  credit to such  persons and on
          such terms as may seem expedient, and, in particular, to customers and
          others dealing with it;


     8.   To guarantee or give security for the loans of its customers and other
          dealing with it;

     9.   In general,  to have and exercise any and all powers that corporations
          have and may  exercise  under the laws of the State of Missouri and as
          the same may be amended,  except such powers as are inconsistent  with
          the express provisions of these articles;

     10.  To do all  and  everything  necessary,  suitable,  or  proper  for the
          accomplishment  of any of the purposes,  the  attainment of any of the
          objects, or the exercise of any of the powers herein set forth, either
          alone, or in conjunction with other corporations,  firms, individuals,
          and either as principals or agents, and to do every other act or acts,
          thing or things,  incidental or appurtenant  to, or growing out of, or
          connected with the above mentioned objects, purposes or powers;

     11.  To have and to exercise all of the powers now or  hereafter  conferred
          by the  laws of the  State of  Missouri  upon  corporations  organized
          pursuant the laws under which the  Corporation  is organized,  and any
          and all acts amendatory thereof and supplemental thereto;

     12.  The above  enumerated  powers  shall not be  construed  as limiting or
          restricting in any manner the powers of this  Corporation  which shall
          always have such incidental powers as may be connected with or related
          to any specific power herein enumerated.

                                  ARTICLE NINE

     The  Corporation  shall not be subject to the provisions of Section 351.459
of The General and Business Corporation Law of Missouri.


     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned,  Richard D. Weinstein,  President, has
executed this  instrument and Richard D.  Weinstein,  its Secretary has attested
thereto on the 14th day of April, 1998.

                                  DTI HOLDINGS, INC.

                                  By:/s/  Richard D. Weinstein
                                       Richard D. Weinstein, President


/s/  Richard D. Weinstein
- -------------------------
Richard D. Weinstein, Secretary

                  )  SS

                  I, Connie B. Walsh, a Notary Public, do hereby certify that on
the 14th day of April, 1998, personally appeared before me Richard D. Weinstein,
and, being first duly sworn by me,  acknowledged  that he signed as his free act
and deed the  foregoing  document  in the  capacity(ies)  therein  set forth and
declared that the  statements  therein  contained are true, to his knowledge and

                                                     /s/  Connie B. Walsh
                                                         Notary Public

My Commission expires:

January 9, 2000
- ---------------
