Exhibit 24.2
                          ANHEUSER-BUSCH, INCORPORATED
                                POWER OF ATTORNEY

     Each  of  the  undersigned   directors  and  officers  of   Anheuser-Busch,
Incorporated, a Missouri corporation (the "Company"),  hereby appoints August A.
Busch III, W. Randolph Baker,  JoBeth G. Brown and William J. Kimmins,  Jr., and
each of them acting  singly,  the true and lawful  agents and  attorneys  of the
undersigned,  with full power of  substitution,  to do all things and to execute
all instruments  which any of them may deem necessary or advisable to enable the
Company to comply with the  Securities  Act of 1933, as amended,  and any rules,
regulations  and  requirements  of the  Securities  and Exchange  Commission  in
respect  thereof,  in  connection  with  the  (i)  amendments  to  the  existing
Registration  Statement  on Form  S-3  (Registration  Statement  No.  333-31477)
relating to the debt  securities of  Anheuser-Busch  Companies,  Inc. and of the
Company; this authorization to include the authority to sign the name of each of
the  undersigned in the capacities  indicated  below to the said  amendments and
(ii) proposed  registration under said Act pursuant to a Registration  Statement
on Form S-3 of the debt securities of Anheuser-Busch  Companies, Inc. and of the
Company in a principal amount of $750,000,000; this authorization to include the
authority  to  sign  the  name  of each  of the  undersigned  in the  capacities
indicated below to the said proposed Registration Statement to be filed with the
Securities  and Exchange  Commission in respect of said  securities,  and to any
amendments to said proposed Registration Statement.

     IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  each of the  undersigned  has executed a copy of this
Power of Attorney as of December 10, 1998.

         /s/ AUGUST A. BUSCH III                    /s/ JAMES F. HOFFMEISTER    
   ------------------------------------     ------------------------------------
           August A. Busch III                       James F. Hoffmeister
         Chairman of the Board                          Director and
      and Chief Executive Officer                Vice President-Administration
     (Principal Executive Officer)               (Chief Financial Officer)

         /s/ JOHN F. KELLY                         /s/ W. RANDOLPH BAKER       
   ------------------------------------     ------------------------------------
           John F. Kelly                             W. Randolph Baker
                 Controller                               Director
      (Principal Accounting Officer)

         /s/ MICHAEL J. BROOKS                     /s/ AUGUST A. BUSCH IV       
   ------------------------------------     ------------------------------------
        Michael J. Brooks                            August A. Busch IV
                 Director                                  Director

         /s/ MARIE C. CARROLL   `                  /s/ JOSEPH L. GOLTZMAN      
   ------------------------------------     ------------------------------------
            Marie C. Carroll                        Joseph L. Goltzman
                 Director                                Director

          /s/ JOHN E. JACOB                        /s/ DONALD W. KLOTH         
   ------------------------------------     ------------------------------------
            John E. Jacob                            Donald W. Kloth
                 Director                               Director

     /s/ STEPHEN K. LAMBRIGHT                     /s/ ALOYS H. LITTEKEN         
   ------------------------------------     ------------------------------------
        Stephen K. Lambright                       Aloys H. Litteken
                 Director                               Director

    /s/ DOUGLAS J. MUHLEMAN                      /s/ ANTHONY T. PONTURO      
   ------------------------------------     ------------------------------------
        Douglas J. Muhleman                       Anthony T. Ponturo
                  Director                              Director

         /s/ WILLIAM L. RAMMES                                                 
   ------------------------------------     ------------------------------------
        William L. Rammes                             Jesus Rangel
              Director                                  Director

      /s/ JOSEPH P. SELLINGER                  /s/ WAYMAN F. SMITH III          
   ------------------------------------     ------------------------------------
            Joseph P. Sellinger                     Wayman F. Smith III
                  Director                                Director
                                 /s/ PATRICK T. STOKES          
                                     Patrick T. Stokes