(3-Month LIBOR Index with Rate Caps)

US $49,156,000.00                                           As of April 27, 2000

         FOR VALUE RECEIVED, the undersigned ("Borrower") jointly and severally
(if more than one) promises to pay to the order of REILLY MORTGAGE CAPITAL
CORPORATION, a Virginia corporation, the principal sum of Forty-Nine Million One
Hundred Fifty-Six Thousand and 00/100 Dollars (US $49,156,000.00), with interest
on the unpaid principal balance at the rates applicable from time to time set
forth in this Adjustable Rate Multifamily Note ("Note").

         1. Defined Terms. As used in this Note, (i) the term "Lender" means the
holder of this Note, and (ii) the term "Indebtedness" means the principal of,
interest on, or any other amounts due at any time under, this Note, the Security
Instrument or any other Loan Document, including prepayment premiums, late
charges, default interest, and advances to protect the security of the Security
Instrument under Section 12 of the Security Instrument. Event of Default, Key
Principal and other capitalized terms used but not defined in this Note shall
have the meanings given to such terms in the Security Instrument (as defined in
Paragraph 5).

         2. Address for Payment. All payments due under this Note shall be
payable at 2000 Corporate Ridge, Suite 925, McLean, Virginia 22102, or such
other place as may be designated by written notice to Borrower from or on behalf
of Lender.

         3. Payment of Principal and Interest. Principal and interest shall be
paid as follows:

         (a) Unless disbursement of principal is made by Lender to Borrower on
the first day of the month, interest for the period beginning on the date of
disbursement (the "Disbursement Date") and ending on and including the last day
of the month in which such disbursement is made shall be payable simultaneously
with the execution of this Note. Interest under this Note shall be computed on
the basis of a 360-day year consisting of twelve 30-day months.

         (b) Interest shall accrue on the unpaid principal balance of this Note
at the Adjustable Rate (defined below). The Adjustable Rate shall change on each
Rate Change Date (defined below) until the loan is repaid in full.

         (c) The initial Adjustable Rate shall be 8.0580% per annum until the
first Rate Change Date. From and after each Rate Change Date until the next Rate
Change Date, the Adjustable Rate shall be the sum of (i) the Current Index
(defined below), and (ii) the Margin (defined below), subject to the limitations
that the Adjustable Rate shall not be (x) more than 1 percentage point (1%)
higher or lower than the Adjustable Rate in effect for the 3-month period
immediately preceding the Rate Change Date, (y) more than 11.0580%, or (z) less
than 5.0580%. Accrued interest on this Note shall be paid in arrears as provided
in subsection (e) below.

          (d) Consecutive monthly installments of principal and interest, each
in the amount of the Required Monthly Payment (defined below), shall be payable
on the first day of each month beginning June 1, 2000, until the entire unpaid
principal balance evidenced by this Note is fully paid. Any accrued interest
remaining past due for 30 days or more shall be added to and become part of the
unpaid principal balance and shall bear interest at the rate or rates specified
in this Note,

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and any reference below to "accrued interest" shall refer to accrued interest
which has not become part of the unpaid principal balance. Any remaining
principal and interest, if not sooner paid, shall be due and payable on the
Maturity Date. The initial Required Monthly Payment shall be the amount required
to pay the unpaid principal balance of this Note in equal monthly installments,
including accrued interest at the Adjustable Rate over the Original Amortization
Period (defined below) beginning on the first day of the second month after the
Disbursement Date. The initial Required Monthly Payment shall be Three Hundred
Sixty-Two Thousand Six Hundred Seventy-Eight and 81/100 Dollars (US
$362,678.81). Thereafter, to the extent that the Adjustable Rate has changed,
the Required Monthly Payment shall change on each Payment Change Date, and shall
be in such amount as shall cause the unpaid principal balance of the Note to be
amortized over the Remaining Amortization Period (defined below).

         (e) Before each Payment Change Date, Lender shall re-calculate the
Adjustable Rate and shall notify Borrower (in the manner specified in the
Security Instrument (defined below) for giving notices) of any change in the
Adjustable Rate and the Required Monthly Payment.

         (f) If Lender at any time determines, in its sole but reasonable
discretion, that it has miscalculated the amount of the Required Monthly Payment
(whether because of a miscalculation of the Adjustable Rate or otherwise), then
Lender shall give notice to Borrower of the corrected amount of the Required
Monthly Payment (and the corrected Adjustable Rate, if applicable) and (i) if
the corrected amount of the Required Monthly Payment represents an increase,
then Borrower shall, within 30 calendar days thereafter, pay to Lender any sums
that Borrower would have otherwise been obligated under this Note to pay to
Lender had the amount of the Required Monthly Payment not been miscalculated, or
(ii) if the corrected amount of the Required Monthly Payment represents a
decrease thereof and Borrower is not otherwise in breach or default under any of
the terms and provisions of the Note, the Security Instrument or any other loan
document evidencing or securing the Note, then Borrower shall thereafter be paid
the sums that Borrower would not have otherwise been obligated to pay to Lender
had the amount of the Required Monthly Payment not been miscalculated.

         (g) For purposes of this Section, the following definitions shall

         Current Index: The published Index that is effective on the 45th day
before the applicable Rate Change Date.

         Index: The average of interbank offered rates for 3-month U.S.
Dollar-denominated deposits in the London market based on quotations of major
banks, as reported by Telerate through electronic transmission. If the Index is
no longer available, or is no longer posted through electronic transmission,
Lender will choose a new index that is based upon comparable information and
provide notice thereof to Borrower.

         Loan Year: The period beginning on the Disbursement Date and ending on
the day before the fourth Rate Change Date and each successive 12-month period

         Margin: 1.7400%.

         Maturity Date: May 1, 2005, or any earlier date on which the unpaid
principal balance of this Note becomes due and payable by acceleration or

         Original Amortization Period:  360 months.

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         Payment Change Date: The first day of the month which is three months
following the first day of the second calendar month after the Disbursement Date
and each successive 3-month period thereafter until this Note is repaid in full.

         Rate Change Date: The first day of the month which is three months
following the first day of the first calendar month after the Disbursement Date
and each successive 3-month period thereafter until this Note is repaid in full.

         Remaining Amortization Period: As of the applicable Payment Change
Date, the Original Amortization Period minus the number of scheduled monthly
payments that have elapsed since the date of this Note.

         4. Application of Payments. If at any time Lender receives, from
Borrower or otherwise, any amount applicable to the Indebtedness which is less
than all amounts due and payable at such time, Lender may apply that payment to
amounts then due and payable in any manner and in any order determined by
Lender, in Lender's discretion. Borrower agrees that neither Lender's acceptance
of a payment from Borrower in an amount that is less than all amounts then due
and payable nor Lender's application of such payment shall constitute or be
deemed to constitute either a waiver of the unpaid amounts or an accord and

         5. Security. The Indebtedness is secured, among other things, by a
multifamily mortgage, deed to secure debt or deed of trust dated as of the date
of this Note (the "Security Instrument"), and reference is made to the Security
Instrument for other rights of Lender concerning the collateral for the

         6. Acceleration. If an Event of Default has occurred and is continuing,
the entire unpaid principal balance, any accrued interest, the prepayment
premium payable under Paragraph 10, if any, and all other amounts payable under
this Note and any other Loan Document shall at once become due and payable, at
the option of Lender, without any prior notice to Borrower. Lender may exercise
this option to accelerate regardless of any prior forbearance.

         7. Late Charge. If any monthly amount payable under this Note or under
the Security Instrument or any other Loan Document is not received by Lender
within 10 days after the amount is due, Borrower shall pay to Lender,
immediately and without demand by Lender, a late charge equal to 5 percent of
such amount. Borrower acknowledges that its failure to make timely payments will
cause Lender to incur additional expenses in servicing and processing the loan
evidenced by this Note (the "Loan"), and that it is extremely difficult and
impractical to determine those additional expenses. Borrower agrees that the
late charge payable pursuant to this Paragraph represents a fair and reasonable
estimate, taking into account all circumstances existing on the date of this
Note, of the additional expenses Lender will incur by reason of such late
payment. The late charge is payable in addition to, and not in lieu of, any
interest payable at the Default Rate pursuant to Paragraph 8.

         8. Default Rate. So long as any monthly installment or any other
payment due under this Note remains past due for 30 days or more, interest under
this Note shall accrue on the unpaid principal balance from the earlier of the
due date of the first unpaid monthly installment or other payment due, as
applicable, at a rate (the "Default Rate") equal to the lesser of 4 percentage
points above the then current Adjustable Rate or the maximum interest rate which
may be collected from Borrower under applicable law. If the unpaid principal
balance and all accrued interest are not paid in full on the Maturity Date, the
unpaid principal balance and all accrued interest shall bear interest from the
Maturity Date at the Default Rate. Borrower also

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acknowledges that its failure to make timely payments will cause Lender to incur
additional expenses in servicing and processing the Loan, that, during the time
that any monthly installment or payment under this Note is delinquent for more
than 30 days, Lender will incur additional costs and expenses arising from its
loss of the use of the money due and from the adverse impact on Lender's ability
to meet its other obligations and to take advantage of other investment
opportunities, and that it is extremely difficult and impractical to determine
those additional costs and expenses. Borrower also acknowledges that, during the
time that any monthly installment or other payment due under this Note is
delinquent for more than 30 days, Lender's risk of nonpayment of this Note will
be materially increased and Lender is entitled to be compensated for such
increased risk. Borrower agrees that the increase in the rate of interest
payable under this Note to the Default Rate represents a fair and reasonable
estimate, taking into account all circumstances existing on the date of this
Note, of the additional costs and expenses Lender will incur by reason of the
Borrower's delinquent payment and the additional compensation Lender is entitled
to receive for the increased risks of nonpayment associated with a delinquent

         9. Limits on Personal Liability.

         (a) Except as otherwise provided in this Paragraph 9, Borrower shall
have no personal liability under this Note, the Security Instrument or any other
Loan Document for the repayment of the Indebtedness or for the performance of
any other obligations of Borrower under the Loan Documents, and Lender's only
recourse for the satisfaction of the Indebtedness and the performance of such
obligations shall be Lender's exercise of its rights and remedies with respect
to the Mortgaged Property and any other collateral held by Lender as security
for the Indebtedness. This limitation on Borrower's liability shall not limit or
impair Lender's enforcement of its rights against any guarantor of the
Indebtedness or any guarantor of any obligations of Borrower.

         (b) Borrower shall be personally liable to Lender for the repayment of
a portion of the Indebtedness equal to any loss or damage suffered by Lender as
a result of (1) failure of Borrower to pay to Lender upon demand after an Event
of Default, all Rents to which Lender is entitled under Section 3(a) of the
Security Instrument and the amount of all security deposits collected by
Borrower from tenants then in residence; (2) failure of Borrower to apply all
insurance proceeds and condemnation proceeds as required by the Security
Instrument; (3) failure of Borrower to comply with Section 14(d) or (e) of the
Security Instrument relating to the delivery of books and records, statements,
schedules and reports; (4) fraud or written material misrepresentation by
Borrower, Key Principal or any officer, director, partner, member or employee of
Borrower in connection with the application for or creation of the Indebtedness
or any request for any action or consent by Lender; or (5) failure to apply
Rents, first, to the payment of reasonable operating expenses (other than
Property management fees that are not currently payable pursuant to the terms of
an Assignment of Management Agreement or any other agreement with Lender
executed in connection with the Loan) and then to amounts ("Debt Service
Amounts") payable under this Note, the Security Instrument or any other Loan
Document (except that Borrower will not be personally liable (i) to the extent
that Borrower lacks the legal right to direct the disbursement of such sums
because of a bankruptcy, receivership or similar judicial proceeding, or (ii)
with respect to Rents that are distributed in any calendar year if Borrower has
paid all operating expenses and Debt Service Amounts for that calendar year).

         (c) Borrower shall become personally liable to Lender for the repayment
of all of the Indebtedness upon the occurrence of any of the following Events of
Default: (1) Borrower's acquisition of any property or operation of any business
not permitted by Section 33 of the

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Security Instrument; or (2) a Transfer that is an Event of Default under Section
21 of the Security Instrument.

         (d) To the extent that Borrower has personal liability under this
Paragraph 9, Lender may exercise its rights against Borrower personally without
regard to whether Lender has exercised any rights against the Mortgaged Property
or any other security, or pursued any rights against any guarantor, or pursued
any other rights available to Lender under this Note, the Security Instrument,
any other Loan Document or applicable law. For purposes of this Paragraph 9, the
term "Mortgaged Property" shall not include any funds that (1) have been applied
by Borrower as required or permitted by the Security Instrument prior to the
occurrence of an Event of Default, or (2) Borrower was unable to apply as
required or permitted by the Security Instrument because of a bankruptcy,
receivership, or similar judicial proceeding.

         10. Lockout; Voluntary and Involuntary Prepayments.

         (a) Borrower may not voluntarily prepay all or any portion of the
indebtedness evidenced hereby during the first Loan Year (the "Lockout Period").

         (b) A prepayment premium shall be payable in connection with any
prepayment made under this Note as provided below:

                  (1) At any time after the expiration of the Lockout Period,
         Borrower may voluntarily prepay all (but not less than all) of the
         unpaid principal balance of this Note on the last Business Day of a
         calendar month if Borrower has given Lender at least 30 days prior
         notice of its intention to make such prepayment. Such prepayment shall
         be made by paying (A) the amount of principal being prepaid, (B) all
         accrued interest, (C) all other sums due Lender at the time of such
         prepayment, and (D) the prepayment premium calculated pursuant to
         Schedule A. For all purposes, including the accrual of interest, any
         prepayment received by Lender on any day other than the last calendar
         day of the month shall be deemed to have been received on the last
         calendar day of such month. For purposes of this Note, a "Business Day"
         means any day other than a Saturday, Sunday or any other day on which
         Lender is not open for business.

                  (2) Upon Lender's exercise of any right of acceleration under
         this Note, Borrower shall pay to Lender, in addition to the entire
         unpaid principal balance of this Note outstanding at the time of the
         acceleration, (A) all accrued interest and all other sums due Lender
         under this Note and the other Loan Documents, and (B) the prepayment
         premium calculated pursuant to Schedule A.

                  (3) Any application by Lender of any collateral or other
         security to the repayment of any portion of the unpaid principal
         balance of this Note prior to the Maturity Date and in the absence of
         acceleration shall be deemed to be a partial prepayment by Borrower,
         requiring the payment to Lender by Borrower of a prepayment premium.
         The amount of any such partial prepayment shall be computed so as to
         provide to Lender a prepayment premium computed pursuant to Schedule A
         without Borrower having to pay out-of-pocket any additional amounts.

         (c) Notwithstanding the provisions of Paragraph 10(b), no prepayment
premium shall be payable with respect to (A) any prepayment made no more than 90
days before the Maturity Date, or (B) any prepayment occurring as a result of
the application of any insurance proceeds or condemnation award under the
Security Instrument.

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         (d) Schedule A is hereby incorporated by reference into this Note.

         (e) Any required prepayment of less than the unpaid principal balance
of this Note shall not extend or postpone the due date of any subsequent monthly
installments or change the amount of such installments, unless Lender agrees
otherwise in writing.

         (f) Borrower recognizes that any prepayment of the unpaid principal
balance of this Note, whether voluntary or involuntary or resulting from a
default by Borrower, will result in Lender's incurring loss, including
reinvestment loss, additional expense and frustration or impairment of Lender's
ability to meet its commitments to third parties. Borrower agrees to pay to
Lender upon demand damages for the detriment caused by any prepayment, and
agrees that it is extremely difficult and impractical to ascertain the extent of
such damages. Borrower therefore acknowledges and agrees that the formula for
calculating prepayment premiums set forth on Schedule A represents a reasonable
estimate of the damages Lender will incur because of a prepayment.

         (g) Borrower further acknowledges that the prepayment premium
provisions of this Note are a material part of the consideration for the loan
evidenced by this Note, and acknowledges that the terms of this Note are in
other respects more favorable to Borrower as a result of the Borrower's
voluntary agreement to the prepayment premium provisions.

         11. Costs and Expenses. Borrower shall pay on demand all expenses and
costs, including fees and out-of-pocket expenses of attorneys and expert
witnesses and costs of investigation, incurred by Lender as a result of any
default under this Note or in connection with efforts to collect any amount due
under this Note, or to enforce the provisions of any of the other Loan
Documents, including those incurred in post-judgment collection efforts and in
any bankruptcy proceeding (including any action for relief from the automatic
stay of any bankruptcy proceeding) or judicial or non-judicial foreclosure

         12. Forbearance. Any forbearance by Lender in exercising any right or
remedy under this Note, the Security Instrument, or any other Loan Document or
otherwise afforded by applicable law, shall not be a waiver of or preclude the
exercise of that or any other right or remedy. The acceptance by Lender of any
payment after the due date of such payment, or in an amount which is less than
the required payment, shall not be a waiver of Lender's right to require prompt
payment when due of all other payments or to exercise any right or remedy with
respect to any failure to make prompt payment. Enforcement by Lender of any
security for Borrower's obligations under this Note shall not constitute an
election by Lender of remedies so as to preclude the exercise of any other right
or remedy available to Lender.

         13. Waivers. Presentment, demand, notice of dishonor, protest, notice
of acceleration, notice of intent to demand or accelerate payment or maturity,
presentment for payment, notice of nonpayment, grace, and diligence in
collecting the Indebtedness are waived by Borrower, Key Principal, and all
endorsers and guarantors of this Note and all other third party obligors.

         14. Loan Charges. Borrower agrees to pay an effective rate of interest
equal to the sum of the interest rate provided for in this Note and any
additional rate of interest resulting from any other charges of interest or in
the nature of interest paid or to be paid in connection with the loan evidenced
by this Note and any other fees or amounts to be paid by Borrower pursuant to
any of the other Loan Documents. Neither this Note nor any of the other Loan
Documents shall be construed to create a contract for the use, forbearance or
detention of money requiring

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payment of interest at a rate greater than the maximum interest rate permitted
to be charged under applicable law. If any applicable law limiting the amount of
interest or other charges permitted to be collected from Borrower in connection
with the Loan is interpreted so that any interest or other charge provided for
in any Loan Document, whether considered separately or together with other
charges provided for in any other Loan Document, violates that law, and Borrower
is entitled to the benefit of that law, that interest or charge is hereby
reduced to the extent necessary to eliminate that violation. The amounts, if
any, previously paid to Lender in excess of the permitted amounts shall be
applied by Lender to reduce the unpaid principal balance of this Note. For the
purpose of determining whether any applicable law limiting the amount of
interest or other charges permitted to be collected from Borrower has been
violated, all Indebtedness that constitutes interest, as well as all other
charges made in connection with the Indebtedness that constitute interest, shall
be deemed to be allocated and spread ratably over the stated term of the Note.
Unless otherwise required by applicable law, such allocation and spreading shall
be effected in such a manner that the rate of interest so computed is uniform
throughout the stated term of the Note.

         15. Commercial Purpose. Borrower represents that the Indebtedness is
being incurred by Borrower solely for the purpose of carrying on a business or
commercial enterprise, and not for personal, family or household purposes.

         16. Counting of Days. Except where otherwise specifically provided, any
reference in this Note to a period of "days" means calendar days, not Business

         17. Governing Law. This Note shall be governed by the law of the
jurisdiction in which the Land is located.

         18. Captions. The captions of the paragraphs of this Note are for
convenience only and shall be disregarded in construing this Note.

         19. Notices. All notices, demands and other communications required or
permitted to be given by Lender to Borrower pursuant to this Note shall be given
in accordance with Section 31 of the Security Instrument.

         20. Consent to Jurisdiction and Venue. Borrower and Key Principal each
agrees that any controversy arising under or in relation to this Note shall be
litigated exclusively in the jurisdiction in which the Land is located (the
"Property Jurisdiction"). The state and federal courts and authorities with
jurisdiction in the Property Jurisdiction shall have exclusive jurisdiction over
all controversies which shall arise under or in relation to this Note. Borrower
and Key Principal each irrevocably consents to service, jurisdiction, and venue
of such courts for any such litigation and waives any other venue to which it
might be entitled by virtue of domicile, habitual residence or otherwise.


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         ATTACHED SCHEDULES. The following Schedules are attached to this Note:

                    [X]      Schedule A       Prepayment Premium (required)

         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Borrower has signed and delivered this Note, or has
caused this Note to be signed and delivered by its duly authorized
representative, as a sealed instrument.


                                  KRUPP REALTY PARK PLACE - CHICAGO LIMITED
                                    PARTNERSHIP, an Illinois limited partnership

                                  By:  KRF GP Corporation, a Massachusetts
                                        corporation, general partner

                                        By:  __________________________
                                             David Quade
                                             Vice President

                                  SOUTH CHICAGO BANK, N/K/A ADVANCE BANK,
                                  TRUSTEE UNDER THE TERMS OF A TRUST AGREEMENT
                                  DATED SEPTEMBER 28, 1976, KNOWN AS TRUST NO.

                                  By:  ________________________(SEAL)
                                  Name:  _____________________
                                  Title:  ______________________

                                  Borrower's Social Security/Employer ID Number

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                                  PAY TO THE ORDER OF ___________________
                                  _________________, WITHOUT RECOURSE.

                                  REILLY MORTGAGE CAPITAL CORPORATION, a
                                    Virginia corporation

                                  By: ____________________________________
                                      Brenda R. Dutrow
                                      Assistant Vice President

Fannie Mae Loan Number:  _________________

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         Key Principal, who has an economic interest in Borrower or who will
otherwise obtain a material financial benefit from the Loan, hereby absolutely,
unconditionally and irrevocably agrees to pay to Lender, or its assigns, on
demand, all amounts for which Borrower is personally liable under Paragraph 9 of
the Multifamily Note to which this Acknowledgment is attached (the "Note"). The
obligations of Key Principal shall survive any foreclosure proceeding, any
foreclosure sale, any delivery of any deed in lieu of foreclosure, and any
release of record of the Security Instrument. Lender may pursue its remedies
against Key Principal without first exhausting its remedies against the Borrower
or the Mortgaged Property. All capitalized terms used but not defined in this
Acknowledgment shall have the meanings given to such terms in the Security
Instrument. As used in this Acknowledgment, the term "Key Principal" (each if
more than one) shall mean only those individuals or entities that execute this

         The obligations of Key Principal shall be performed without demand by
Lender and shall be unconditional irrespective of the genuineness, validity, or
enforceability of the Note, or any other Loan Document, and without regard to
any other circumstance which might otherwise constitute a legal or equitable
discharge of a surety or a guarantor. Key Principal hereby waives the benefit of
all principles or provisions of law, which are or might be in conflict with the
terms of this Acknowledgment, and agrees that Key Principal's obligations shall
not be affected by any circumstances which might otherwise constitute a legal or
equitable discharge of a surety or a guarantor. Key Principal hereby waives the
benefits of any right of discharge and all other rights under any and all
statutes or other laws relating to guarantors or sureties, to the fullest extent
permitted by law, diligence in collecting the Indebtedness, presentment, demand
for payment, protest, all notices with respect to the Note including this
Acknowledgment, which may be required by statute, rule of law or otherwise to
preserve Lender's rights against Key Principal under this Acknowledgment,
including notice of acceptance, notice of any amendment of the Loan Documents,
notice of the occurrence of any default or Event of Default, notice of intent to
accelerate, notice of acceleration, notice of dishonor, notice of foreclosure,
notice of protest, notice of the incurring by Borrower of any obligation or
indebtedness and all rights to require Lender to (a) proceed against Borrower,
(b) proceed against any general partner of Borrower, (c) proceed against or
exhaust any collateral held by Lender to secure the repayment of the
Indebtedness, or (d) if Borrower is a partnership, pursue any other remedy it
may have against Borrower, or any general partner of Borrower.

         At any time without notice to Key Principal, and without affecting the
liability of Key Principal hereunder, (a) the time for payment of the principal
of or interest on the Indebtedness may be extended or the Indebtedness may be
renewed in whole or in part; (b) the time for Borrower's performance of or
compliance with any covenant or agreement contained in the Note, or any other
Loan Document, whether presently existing or hereinafter entered into, may be
extended or such performance or compliance may be waived; (c) the maturity of
the Indebtedness may be accelerated as provided in the Note or any other Loan
Document; (d) the Note or any other Loan Document may be modified or amended by
Lender and Borrower in any respect, including an increase in the principal
amount; and (e) any security for the Indebtedness may be modified, exchanged,
surrendered or otherwise dealt with or additional security may be pledged or
mortgaged for the Indebtedness.

         Key Principal acknowledges that Key Principal has received a copy of
the Note and all other Loan Documents. Neither this Acknowledgment nor any of
its provisions may be waived, modified, amended, discharged, or terminated
except by an agreement in writing signed by the

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party against which the enforcement of the waiver, modification, amendment,
discharge, or termination is sought, and then only to the extent set forth in
that agreement. Key Principal agrees to notify Lender (in the manner for giving
notices provided in Section 31 of the Security Instrument) of any change of Key
Principal's address within 10 Business Days after such change of address occurs.
Any notices to Key Principal shall be given in the manner provided in Section 31
of the Security Instrument. Key Principal agrees to be bound by Paragraphs 20
and 21 of the Note.


         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Key Principal has signed and delivered this
Acknowledgment, or has caused this Acknowledgment to be signed and delivered by
its duly authorized representative, as a sealed instrument.

                                 KEY PRINCIPAL:

                                 KR5 ACQUISITION, L.L.C., a Delaware limited
                                   liability company

                                 By:  KRF Company, L.L.C., a Delaware limited
                                       liability company, Managing Member

                                       By: ____________________________
                                           David Quade
                                           Executive Vice President

                                 Address: c/o Berkshire Realty Group
                                          One Beacon Street
                                          Boston, Massachusetts  02108

                                 Social Security/Employer ID No.:04-3493007

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                                   SCHEDULE A

                               PREPAYMENT PREMIUM

         Any prepayment premium payable under Paragraph 10 of this Note shall be
computed as follows:

                  (a) If Borrower makes a prepayment of this Note or Lender
                  accelerates the unpaid principal balance of this Note prior to
                  90 days before the Maturity Date, the prepayment premium shall
                  be equal to 1% of the unpaid principal balance of the Note.


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