EXHIBIT 99.132

                          ADVANTAGE ENERGY INCOME FUND

                     Information Circular - Proxy Statement

                For the Annual and Special Meeting of Unitholders
                     to be held on Wednesday, May 26th, 2004


      This  Information  Circular - Proxy  Statement is furnished in  connection
with the  solicitation of proxies by Advantage  Investment  Management Ltd., the
manager (the "Manager") of Advantage Energy Income Fund (the "Trust", the "Fund"
or  "Advantage"),  for use at the Annual and Special Meeting of the holders (the
"Unitholders") of trust units ("Trust Units") of the Trust (the "Meeting") to be
held on the 26th day of May,  2004 at 3:00 p.m.  (Calgary  time) in the Devonian
Room at the Calgary Petroleum Club, 319 - 5th Avenue S.W., Calgary, Alberta, and
at any adjournment  thereof,  for the purposes set forth in the Notice of Annual
and Special Meeting.

      Instruments  of Proxy must be received by  Computershare  Trust Company of
Canada,  Stock Transfer Department,  100 University Avenue, 9th Floor,  Toronto,
Ontario,  M5J 2Y1, not less than 24 hours before the time for the holding of the
Meeting or any adjournment  thereof.  Computershare Trust Company of Canada, the
trustee of the Trust (the "Trustee"),  has fixed the record date for the Meeting
at the close of business on April 16, 2004 (the "Record Date"). Only Unitholders
of  record as at that  date are  entitled  to  receive  notice  of the  Meeting.
Unitholders of record will be entitled to vote those Trust Units included in the
list of  Unitholders  entitled to vote at the Meeting  prepared as at the Record
Date,  even  though the  Unitholder  has since that time  disposed of his or her
Trust Units.  No Unitholder who became a Unitholder  after the Record Date shall
be entitled to vote at the Meeting.

      The  instrument  appointing  a proxy  shall  be in  writing  and  shall be
executed by the Unitholder or his/her attorney  authorized in writing or, if the
Unitholder  is a  corporation,  under its  corporate  seal or by an  officer  or
attorney thereof duly authorized.

      The  persons  named in the  enclosed  form of proxy are  directors  and/or
officers of Advantage  Oil & Gas Ltd.  ("AOG" or the  "Corporation")  and/or the
Manager.  Each Unitholder has the right to appoint a proxyholder  other than the
persons designated above, who need not be a Unitholder, to attend and to act for
the Unitholder and on behalf of the Unitholder at the Meeting.  To exercise such
right,  the names of the  nominees of  management  should be crossed out and the
name of the Unitholder's  appointee should be legibly printed in the blank space


      The information set forth in this section is of significant  importance to
many Unitholders of the Trust, as a substantial number of the Unitholders of the
Trust do not hold  Trust  Units in their own name.  Unitholders  who do not hold
their  Trust  Units in  their  own  name  (referred  to  herein  as  "Beneficial
Unitholders") should note that only proxies deposited by Unitholders whose names
appear on the records of the Trust as the registered  holders of Trust Units can
be  recognized  and acted upon at the  Meeting.  If Trust Units are listed in an
account statement provided to a Unitholder by a broker, then in almost all cases
those Trust Units will not be registered in the Unitholder's name on the records
of the Trust.  Such Trust Units will likely be registered  under the name of the
Unitholder's  broker or an agent of that broker. In Canada, the vast majority of
such Trust Units are  registered  under the name of CDS & Co. (the  registration
name for The Canadian Depositary for Securities  Limited,  which acts as nominee
for many  Canadian  brokerage  firms).  Trust  Units  held by  brokers  or their
nominees can only be voted (for or


against resolutions) upon the instructions of the Beneficial Unitholder. Without
specific  instructions,  the  broker/nominees  are prohibited  from voting Trust
Units for their  clients.  The Trust does not know for whose  benefit  the Trust
Units registered in the name of CDS & Co. are held.

      Applicable  regulatory  policy  requires  intermediaries/brokers  to  seek
voting  instructions  from  Beneficial  Unitholders  in advance of  unitholders'
meetings. Every  intermediary/broker has its own mailing procedures and provides
its own return  instructions,  which should be carefully  followed by Beneficial
Unitholders  in order to ensure that their Trust Units are voted at the Meeting.
Often,  the form of proxy  supplied to a Beneficial  Unitholder by its broker is
identical to the form of proxy provided to registered Unitholders;  however, its
purpose is limited  to  instructing  the  registered  Unitholder  how to vote on
behalf of the  Beneficial  Unitholder.  The  majority  of brokers  now  delegate
responsibility   for  obtaining   instructions  from  clients  to  ADP  Investor
Communications  ("ADP"). ADP typically mails a scannable Voting Instruction Form
in lieu of the Form of Proxy.  Beneficial  Unitholders are requested to complete
and return the Voting  Instruction  Form forwarded to them by mail or facsimile.
Alternatively,  Beneficial  Unitholders can call a toll-free telephone number or
access ADP's  dedicated  voting  website at  www.proxyvotecanada.com  to deliver
their  voting  instructions  and vote the  Trust  Units  held by them.  ADP then
tabulates  the results of all  instructions  received and  provides  appropriate
instructions  respecting  the  voting of Trust  Units to be  represented  at the
Meeting. A Beneficial  Unitholder receiving a Voting Instruction Form cannot use
that Voting  Instruction Form to vote Trust Units directly at the Meeting as the
Voting  Instruction  Form must be returned as directed by ADP well in advance of
the Meeting in order to have the Trust Units voted.


      A Unitholder  who has submitted a proxy may revoke it at any time prior to
the exercise  thereof.  If a person who has given a proxy attends at the Meeting
in person at which such proxy is to be voted,  such  person may revoke the proxy
and vote in person.  In addition to revocation in any other manner  permitted by
law, a proxy may be revoked by instrument in writing  executed by the Unitholder
or his/her officer or attorney  authorized in writing or, if the Unitholder is a
corporation,  under its corporate seal or by an officer or attorney thereof duly
authorized and deposited either at the head office of the Manager at any time up
to and including the last business day preceding the day of the Meeting,  or any
adjournment  thereof,  at which the proxy is to be used, or with the Chairman of
the Meeting on the day of the  Meeting,  or any  adjournment  thereof,  and upon
either of such deposits, the proxy is revoked.


      The  solicitation is made on behalf of the Manager of the Trust. The costs
incurred in the  preparation  and mailing of the Instrument of Proxy,  Notice of
Annual and Special Meeting and this Information  Circular - Proxy Statement will
be borne by the Trust.  In  addition  to  solicitation  by mail,  proxies may be
solicited by personal interviews,  telephone or other means of communication and
by  directors,   officers  and  employees  of  the  Manager,  who  will  not  be
specifically remunerated therefore.


      The Trust  Units  represented  by proxy in favour of  management  nominees
shall be voted on any ballot at the Meeting and, where the Unitholder  specifies
a choice with  respect to any matter to be acted upon,  the Trust Units shall be
voted on any ballot in accordance with the specification so made.

      In the  absence of such  specification,  the Trust  Units will be voted in
favour  of the  matters  to be acted  upon.  The  persons  appointed  under  the
Instrument  of Proxy  furnished by the Trust are  conferred  with  discretionary
authority with respect to amendments or variations of those matters


specified in the  Instrument of Proxy and Notice of Annual and Special  Meeting.
At the time of printing this Information Circular - Proxy Statement,  management
of the Trust knows of no such amendment, variation or other matter.


      The Trust was formed  pursuant to the  provisions  of the Trust  Indenture
dated April 17, 2001, as amended by the First Supplemental Indenture dated as of
May 22,  2001,  between  the  Trustee and  Advantage  Oil & Gas Ltd.  and 687371
Alberta  Ltd. as the settlor and as further  amended and restated as of June 25,
2002 and May 28, 2003 (collectively, the "Trust Indenture").

      The Trust is authorized to issue an unlimited number of Trust Units. As at
March 31,  2004,  38,166,885  Trust  Units  were  issued  and  outstanding.  The
Corporation  is also  entitled to issue Special  Voting  Units.  As at March 31,
2004,  no  Special  Voting  Units  had been  issued.  As at March  31,  2004 the
Corporation also has outstanding  $8,365,000 principal amount of 10% convertible
unsecured subordinated debentures (the "10% Debentures"),  $29,875,000 principal
amount of 9% convertible unsecured subordinated debentures (the "9% Debentures")
and $56,978,000  principal amount of 8.25%  convertible  unsecured  subordinated
debentures (the "8.25% Debentures"). The 10% Debentures, 9% Debentures and 8.25%
Debentures are convertible  into Trust Units at conversion  prices of $13.30 per
Trust  Unit,  $17.00 per Trust Unit and  $16.50  per Trust  Unit,  respectively,
subject to adjustments in certain  events.  The 10% Debenture,  9% Debenture and
8.25% Debenture are collectively referred to as the "Debentures").

      At the Meeting,  upon a show of hands,  every Unitholder present in person
or  represented  by proxy and entitled to vote shall have one vote. On a poll or
ballot,  every  Unitholder  present  in person or by proxy has one vote for each
Trust Unit of which  such  Unitholder  is the  registered  holder.  All votes on
special  resolutions  shall be by a ballot and no demand  for a ballot  shall be

      When any Trust Unit is held  jointly by several  persons,  any one of them
may vote at the Meeting in person or by proxy in respect of such Trust Unit, but
if more than one of them shall be present at the  Meeting in person or by proxy,
and such  joint  owners of the proxy so  present  disagree  as to any vote to be
cast,  the joint owner  present or  represented  whose name appears first in the
register of Unitholders maintained by the Trustee shall be entitled to cast such

      To the  best  of the  knowledge  of the  Trustee,  the  Manager,  and  the
directors of AOG, there is no person or  corporation  which  beneficially  owns,
directly or  indirectly,  or  exercises  control or  direction  over Trust Units
carrying  more  than  10% of the  voting  rights  attached  to  the  issued  and
outstanding Trust Units of the Trust which may be voted at the Meeting.

      The  percentage  of Trust  Units of the Trust that are owned,  directly or
indirectly, by the directors and officers of AOG as a group as at March 31, 2004
is 6.2% (2,375,121 Trust Units). In addition,  the directors and officers of AOG
as a group own, directly or indirectly, $69,000 principal amount of Debentures.


      At the  Meeting,  a quorum  shall  consist of two or more  persons  either
present in person or represented by proxy and  representing in the aggregate not
less than 10% of the outstanding  Trust Units. If a quorum is not present at the
Meeting  within  one half hour  after  the time  fixed  for the  holding  of the
Meeting,  it shall stand adjourned to such day being not less than fourteen (14)
days later and to such place and time as may be  determined  by the  Chairman of
the Meeting. At such Meeting, the Unitholders


present  either  personally  or by proxy  shall form a quorum.  In the case of a
meeting, at which a special resolution is under consideration, such adjournments
are  required to be for not less than 21 days and notice is to be given at least
10 days prior to the date of the adjourned meeting.


      All  of  the  matters  to  be  considered  at  the  Meeting  are  ordinary
resolutions  requiring approval by more than 50% of the votes cast in respect of
the resolution by or on behalf of  Unitholders  present in person or represented
by proxy at the Meeting  except for the Trust  Indenture  Amendment  Resolution,
which requires approval by a special  resolution.  A special resolution requires
the  approval  of not less  than 66 2/3% of the  votes  cast in  respect  of the
resolution by or on behalf of  Unitholders  present in person or  represented by
proxy at the  Meeting.  In  addition,  the Toronto  Stock  Exchange  ("TSX") has
requested that disinterested  Unitholder approval be obtained in connection with
the  resolution  authorizing  the  issuance of Trust Units (in lieu of cash) for
payment of the annual  performance  fee to or as  directed  by the  Manager  and
accordingly  the  officers  of AOG and their  associates  and the  Manager,  its
affiliates,  officers,  directors and their  associates  will not be entitled to
vote in  respect  of such  ordinary  resolution.  The  amendments  to the  Trust
Indenture which are proposed for  consideration  at the Meeting are made subject
to  implementation  at the discretion of the Board of Directors  based upon such
factors as the Board of Directors may consider relevant.


1.    Appointment of Trustee of the Trust

      The Trust  Indenture  provides that the Unitholders at each annual meeting
shall re-appoint the Trustee or appoint a successor to the Trustee. Accordingly,
Unitholders  will consider an ordinary  resolution  to re-appoint  Computershare
Trust Company of Canada ("Computershare") as trustee of the Trust to hold office
until the end of the next annual meeting.

2.    Selection of Directors of AOG

      Pursuant  to the terms of the  shareholder  agreement  dated as of May 24,
2001,  between the Manager,  AOG and the  Trustee,  as trustee of the Trust (the
"Shareholder  Agreement"),  it is provided that the Board of Directors of AOG is
to consist of a minimum  of five (5) and a maximum of nine (9)  members  and was
initially  set at seven  (7)  members  and is now  being  expanded  to eight (8)
members. The Shareholder  Agreement also provides that as long as the Manager is
the manager of the Trust,  it is entitled to designate two (2) of the members of
the Board of  Directors  of AOG and the  balance of the  members of the Board of
Directors  of AOG are to be  selected by a vote of  Unitholders  at a meeting of
Unitholders  held in accordance with the Trust Indenture and that following such
meeting the Trustee shall elect the  individuals so selected by the  Unitholders
to the Board of  Directors  of AOG.  One of the  directors  so  selected  by the
Unitholders will be the Chairman of the Board of Directors of AOG.

      The six (6) nominees for selection as directors of AOG by Unitholders  are
as follows:

      Ronald A. McIntosh
      Roderick M. Myers
      Steven Sharpe
      Lamont C. Tolley
      Rodger A. Tourigny
      Carol D. Pennycook


      The names and municipalities of residence of the six (6) persons nominated
for selection as directors of AOG by  Unitholders;  the number of Trust Units of
the Trust  beneficially  owned,  directly  or  indirectly,  or over  which  each
exercises control or direction; the offices held by each in AOG, the time served
as director; and the principal occupation of each are as follows:

                                Number of Trust
   Name and Municipality       Units Beneficially      Offices Held and Time as                 Principal
       of Residence           Owned or Controlled            Director(6)                       Occupation
- ---------------------------   -------------------   -----------------------------  ----------------------------------
Ronald A. McIntosh(2)(5)             38,811         Director since  September 25,  Chairman of NAV Energy  Trust,  a
Calgary, Alberta                                    1998                           publicly traded royalty trust

Roderick M. Myers(2)(3)(5)          286,151         Director  since  December 31,  Independent businessman
Calgary, Alberta                                    1996

Steven Sharpe(1)(3)                   8,225         Director since May 24, 2001    Managing    Partner    of   Blair
Toronto, Ontario                                                                   Franklin  Capital  Partners Inc.,
                                                                                   an investment banking firm

Lamont C. Tolley(1)                     Nil         Non-Executive   Chairman  and  Independent    businessman    and
Calgary, Alberta                                    Director since May 24, 2001    President  of Genex  Energy Inc.,
                                                                                   a private oil and gas company

Rodger A. Tourigny(1)(2)(5)          35,000         Director  since  December 31,  President of Tourigny  Management
Calgary, Alberta                                    1996                           Ltd.,   a  private  oil  and  gas
                                                                                   consulting company

Carol D. Pennycook                      Nil         Nominee                        Partner   at  the  law   firm  of
Toronto, Ontario                                                                   Davies  Ward  Phillips & Vineberg


(1)   Member of Audit Committee.

(2)   Member of Independent Reserve Evaluation Committee.

(3)   Member  of  Human  Resources,   Compensation   and  Corporate   Governance

(4)   AOG does not have an executive committee of its Board of Directors.

(5)   Each of  Messrs.  McIntosh,  Myers and  Tourigny  owns  35,000  Trust Unit
      incentive rights. See "Remuneration of Directors of AOG". In addition,  Mr
      McIntosh owns $69,000 principal amount of Debentures.

(6)   The period of time served as a director of AOG includes the period of time
      served, where applicable,  as a director of Search Energy Corp. ("Search")
      prior to the  reorganization  of  Search  into a trust  structure  and the
      change of name of Search to Advantage Oil & Gas Ltd. Each of the directors
      were appointed directors of post-reorganization Search on May 24, 2001.

      As stated above,  pursuant to the  Shareholder  Agreement,  the Manager is
entitled to  designate  two (2) of the members of the Board of Directors of AOG.
The Manager  intends to designate the following  persons as members of the Board
of Directors of AOG:

      Kelly I. Drader
      Gary F. Bourgeois

      The names and  municipalities of residence of Messrs Bourgeois and Drader;
the  number  of  Trust  Units  of the  Trust  beneficially  owned,  directly  or
indirectly,  or over which each exercises control or direction; the offices held
by each in AOG, the time served as director and the principal occupation of each
are as follows:


    Name and        Number of Trust Units
  Municipality      Beneficially Owned or       Offices Held and Time as                    Principal
  of Residence           Controlled                     Director                            Occupation
- -----------------   ----------------------   ------------------------------   --------------------------------------
Kelly I. Drader            688,948           President and Chief  Executive   President and Chief Executive  Officer
Calgary, Alberta                             Officer and Director since May   of AOG and the Manager
                                             24, 2001

Gary F. Bourgeois          517,560           Vice  President and Director     Vice President,  Corporate Development
Toronto, Ontario                             since May 24, 2001               of  AOG  and  Vice  President  of  the

3.    Appointment of Auditors of the Trust

      The Trust  Indenture  provides  that the  auditors  of the  Trust  will be
selected at each annual meeting of Unitholders.  Accordingly,  Unitholders  will
consider  an  ordinary  resolution  to appoint  the firm of KPMG LLP,  Chartered
Accountants,  Calgary, Alberta, to serve as auditors of the Trust until the next
annual meeting of the Unitholders.  KPMG LLP have been the auditors of the Trust
since July 25, 2002.

      The  Shareholder  Agreement  provides that the auditors of AOG will be the
same as the auditors of the Trust.

      Unitholders  are  hereby  informed  that  AOG  will  pass  a  shareholders
resolution in writing to elect each of the directors selected by the Unitholders
and the Manager as  directors of AOG and to appoint the auditors of the Trust as
the auditors of AOG.

4.    Trust Indenture Amendment Resolution

      Management  presented to the Board of  Directors  of AOG certain  proposed
amendments to the Trust  Indenture and after  considering  such  amendments  the
Board of Directors of AOG  determined to place before the  Unitholders a special
resolution approving amendments to the Trust Indenture as follows:

Non-Resident Ownership Constraint

      On March 23, 2004, the Federal  Government  announced  proposed changes to
the Income Tax Act (Canada)  which may require  income funds and royalty  trusts
such as the Trust to retain  majority  Canadian  ownership  in order to maintain
their  status as a "mutual fund trust"  under the Income Tax Act  (Canada).  The
proposed  amendments  to the Trust  Indenture  described  below are  intended to
assist the Trust in maintaining the required  Canadian  ownership  levels with a
view to further  ensuring  that it is "not being  maintained  primarily  for the
benefit of  non-residents"  and thereby  maintain  its status as a "mutual  fund

      The  Trust  Indenture  is  proposed  to be  amended  to  provide  that the
Corporation   shall,  from  time  to  time,  take  reasonable  steps  under  the
circumstances  to  monitor  the  number  of Trust  Units  beneficially  owned by
non-residents of Canada (within the meaning of the Income Tax Act (Canada)) with
a view to generally determining that the level of non-resident ownership remains
at not more than 45% of the  issued  and  outstanding  trust  units on a diluted
basis (the  "Ownership  Threshold").  Upon the Board of  Directors  of AOG being
advised that the level of  non-resident  ownership  has  exceeded the  Ownership
Threshold  and  continues  to do so for four  consecutive  months,  the Board of
Directors is required to review  strategies  to maintain  majority  ownership of
Trust Units by Canadian residents in order to ensure that the Trust is not being
maintained  primarily for the benefit of non-residents of Canada. In addition to
any other strategies to maintain majority Canadian  ownership which the Board of
Directors may approve from time


to  time,  the  Corporation   will  be  authorized  and  entitled  to  implement
non-resident  ownership  constraints  including  measures  that would  allow the
Trust,  the  Transfer  Agent and the  Trustee to  restrict  issuance of units to
non-residents of Canada and in some instances,  to require certain non-residents
of Canada to sell their Trust Units.

      If for any  reason,  the Trust was not able to  maintain  its mutual  fund
trust  status,  certain  adverse  consequences  may  arise for the Trust and its
Unitholders,   both  Canadian  and   non-resident.   Some  of  the   significant
consequences of losing mutual fund trust status are as follows:

o     The  Trust  would be taxed on  certain  types  of  income  distributed  to
      Unitholders,  including  income  generated  by the  royalties  held by the
      Trust.  Payment  of this  tax  may  have  adverse  consequences  for  some
      Unitholders, particularly Unitholders that are not residents of Canada and
      residents of Canada that are otherwise exempt from Canadian income tax.

o     The  Trust  would  cease  to be  eligible  for the  capital  gains  refund
      mechanism  available  under  Canadian tax laws if it ceased to be a mutual
      fund trust.

o     Trust Units held by  Unitholders  that are not  residents  of Canada would
      become taxable  Canadian  property.  These  non-resident  holders would be
      subject to Canadian  income tax on any gains  realized on a disposition of
      Trust Units held by them.

o     Trust Units would not  constitute  qualified  investments  for  registered
      retirement  savings plans ("RRSPs"),  registered  retirement  income funds
      ("RRIFs"), registered education savings plans ("RESTs") or deferred profit
      sharing plans ("DPSPs").  If, at the end of any month, one of these exempt
      plans holds Trust Units that are not qualified investments,  the plan must
      pay a tax equal to 1% of the fair  market  value of the Trust Units at the
      time the Trust  Units were  acquired by the exempt  plan.  An RRSP or RRIF
      holding  non-qualified  Trust Units would be subject to taxation on income
      attributable  to the Trust  Units.  If an RESP holds  non-qualified  Trust
      Units,  it may have its  registration  revoked by the Canada  Customs  and
      Revenue Agency.


      The Trust  Indenture  is also  proposed  to be amended to: (i) reflect the
issuance of the 9 3/8% and 8.5% unsecured  subordinated  promissory notes of AOG
and the note  indentures  with  respect  to same,  which  notes  were  issued in
connection with the debenture  financings completed on July 8, 2003 and December
2, 2003; (ii) indicate that the Trust's financial statements are to be mailed to
Unitholders  requesting  same within 90 days of the  applicable  year end and 45
days of the applicable quarter end under the recently introduced National Policy
51-102 - Continuous Disclosure  Obligations published by the Canadian Securities
Administrators;  and (iii) delegate from the Trustee to AOG, matters relating to
the Trust's  continuing  qualification as a "mutual fund trust" under the Income
Tax  Act  (Canada)  including  the  implementation  of  non-resident   ownership
constraints as discussed above and set forth in Schedule "A" hereto.

Special Resolution

      At the  Meeting,  Unitholders  will be asked to  consider,  and if  deemed
advisable,  to approve the  special  resolution  set forth in Schedule  "A" (the
"Trust  Indenture  Amendment  Resolution")  amending the Trust  Indenture in the
manner  described above and as set forth in Schedule "A". The Board of Directors
of AOG  recommends  that  Unitholders  approve  the  Trust  Indenture  Amendment


5.    Advance Unitholder Approval for Private Placements

      The Trust from time to time investigates  opportunities to raise financing
on  advantageous  terms.  While the Trust has no specific plans at this time, it
may undertake one or more  financings  over the next year that may be structured
as private placements. Under the rules of the TSX, the aggregate number of Trust
Units of a listed  issuer  which are issued or made  subject to issuance  (i.e.,
issuable under a purchase  warrant or option or other  convertible  security) by
way of  one  or  more  private  placement  transactions  during  any  particular
six-month  period must not exceed 25% of the number of Trust  Units  outstanding
(on a non-diluted  basis) prior to giving effect to such  transactions (the "TSX
25% Rule"), unless Unitholder approval has been obtained for such transactions.

      The  application of the TSX 25% Rule may restrict the  availability to the
Trust of funds which it may wish to raise in the future by private  placement of
its securities.

      The TSX will accept advance  approval by Unitholders  in  anticipation  of
private  placements  that may exceed  the TSX 25% Rule,  provided  such  private
placements  are completed  within 12 months of the date such advance  Unitholder
approval is given.  Accordingly,  the Trust wishes to present to  Unitholders  a
proposal to proceed  with  additional  private  placements  over the next twelve
months in excess of the TSX 25% Rule.

      As at March 31,  2004 the Trust had  38,166,885  Trust  Units  issued  and
outstanding.  Accordingly,  the Trust  proposes that the maximum number of Trust
Units which either would be issued or made subject to issuance under one or more
private  placements in the 12-month  period  commencing  May 26, 2004 not exceed
15,000,000 Trust Units in the aggregate,  or  approximately  39%, of the Trust's
issued and outstanding Trust Units.

      Any  private  placement  proceeded  with by the Trust  under  the  advance
approval being sought at the Meeting will be subject to the following additional

      (a)   it must be substantially with parties at arm's length to the Trust;

      (b)   it cannot materially affect the control of the Trust;

      (c)   it must be completed within a 12-month period following the date the
            Unitholder approval is given; and

      (d)   it must comply with the private  placement pricing rules of the TSX,
            which currently require that the issue price per Trust Unit must not
            be lower than the closing market price of the Trust Units on the TSX
            on the trading day prior to the date notice of the Private Placement
            is given  to the TSX  (the  "Market  Price"),  less  the  applicable
            discount, as follows:

              Market Price     Maximum Discount
            ----------------   ----------------
            $0.50 or less            25%
            $0.51 to $2.00           20%
            $2.00 and above          15%

            (for these  purposes,  a private  placement of unlisted  convertible
            securities  is deemed to be a private  placement  of the  underlying
            listed  securities  at an issue price  equal to the lowest  price at
            which the securities are convertible by the holders thereof).


      In any event,  the TSX retains the  discretion to decide  whether or not a
particular  placement  is  "substantially"  at arm's  length or will  materially
affect control, in which case specific Unitholder approval may be required.

      At the  Meeting,  Unitholders  will be asked  to  consider  the  following
ordinary resolution (the "Private Placement Resolution"):

            "BE IT  RESOLVED  THAT  the  issuance  by the  Trust  in one or more
            private  placements  during the 12-month  period  commencing May 26,
            2004 of up to 15,000,000 Trust Units, as more particularly described
            in  and  subject  to  the  restrictions  described  in  the  Trust's
            Information  Circular - Proxy Statement dated April 16, 2004, be and
            is hereby approved."

      In order to approve the ordinary resolution, a majority of the votes cast,
in person or by proxy, at the Meeting on the Private  Placement  Resolution must
be voted in favour thereof.  In the event that the resolution is not passed, the
TSX will not  approve  any private  placements  that  result in the  issuance or
possible  issuance of the number of Trust  Units which  exceed the TSX 25% Rule,
without specific Unitholder approval.  Such restriction could impede the Trust's
timely access to required funds on favourable  terms and thus affect the ability
of the Trust to capitalize on opportunities that may arise.

6.    Issuance  of  Trust  Units  (in  lieu  of  cash)  for  Payment  of  Annual
      Performance Fee

      As set forth  under  the  heading  "The  Manager -  Management  Fees",  in
accordance  with  Section  3.1  of the  management  agreement  (the  "Management
Agreement") entered into by the Manager, AOG and the Trustee, as trustee for and
on behalf of the Trust, dated May 24, 2001, the Manager is entitled to an annual
fee (the "Performance  Fee") equal to 10% of the Total Return Amount (as defined
in the  Management  Agreement) for the Return Period (in this case being January
1, 2004 to December 31, 2004). Pursuant to the Management Agreement, the Manager
has the option of receiving all or part of its Performance Fee in Trust Units at
the "Unit  Market  Price" which is defined in the  Management  Agreement as "the
weighted  average  trading  price per trust unit for such Trust Units for the 10
consecutive  trading days  immediately  preceding such date (in the present case
being December 31, 2003) and the 10 consecutive  trading days from and including
such date on the Toronto Stock Exchange...".

      For the year ended December 31, 2003, the  Performance Fee was $19,592,085
and the Manager elected,  pursuant to the Management Agreement, that 100% of the
Performance  Fee be  payable  in  Trust  Units,  resulting  in the  issuance  of
1,099,104 Trust Units of which 732,736 were allocated to the Manager and 366,368
were allocated to employees of AOG.

      The policies of the TSX dictate that the payment of the Performance Fee in
Trust  Units  is  considered  to  be a  "share  compensation  arrangement"  and,
accordingly,  the TSX has  required  that  the  payment  in  Trust  Units of any
Performance  Fee  earned  by  the  Manager  be  approved  by a  majority  of the
disinterested unitholders of the Trust.

      The TSX has also  required  that a fixed number of trust units be approved
pursuant to such resolution.  In that regard,  the Board of Directors of AOG has
determined  to fix the number of Trust Units that may be issued  pursuant to the
Performance  Fee for the 2004 year to not exceed  1,500,000  Trust  Units.  This
figure  represents an upper limit, and the actual number of Trust Units that may
be issued will be dependent  upon the aggregate  Performance  Fee earned and the
Unit Market  Price.  In  addition,  the Manager will have had to have elected to
receive its  Performance  Fee in Trust Units.  AOG has encouraged the Manager to
elect to receive its Performance Fees in Trust Units as the Board of Directors


      of AOG believes that payment of such  Performance  Fees in Trust Units (as
opposed to cash) better aligns the interests of the Manager with the interest of
the unitholders.

      Accordingly,  the Board of Directors of AOG have  reserved an aggregate of
up to  1,500,000  Trust  Units for  issuance  to the  Manager as payment for the
Performance Fee, subject to regulatory and unitholder approval.  The conditional
approval of the TSX for the listing and issuance of up to 1,500,000  Trust Units
to or as  directed  by the  Manager  was  expressly  given on the basis that the
issuance  of the  Trust  Units  would be  approved  by a  disinterested  vote of
unitholders.  A disinterested  vote of unitholders  requires the approval of the
majority of votes cast, in person or by proxy, at the Meeting, by other than the
Manager,  its  officers,  directors  and their  affiliates  and  associates  and
officers of AOG and their associates (the "Interested Persons"). As at March 31,
2004,  Interested  Persons had direct or indirect  beneficial  ownership  of, or
control or direction over 2,002,934  Trust Units.  As a result,  the Trust Units
held by the  Interested  Persons will not be voted at the Meeting in relation to
this matter.

      At the  Meeting,  unitholders  other than the  Interested  Persons will be
asked to  consider,  and,  if thought  fit, to pass an  ordinary  resolution  as

            "BE IT RESOLVED THAT the issuance of up to 1,500,000  Trust Units to
            or  as  directed  by  Advantage  Investment   Management  Ltd.  (the
            "Manager") in satisfaction  of the annual  performance fee earned or
            to be earned by the Manager  pursuant to the terms of the Management
            Agreement, be approved."

      The principal  reason for the issuance of Trust Units to the Manager is to
align  the  economic  interests  of  the  Manager  with  the  interests  of  the
unitholders.  If the issuance of the Trust Units is not approved,  the Trust and
AOG will have to satisfy payment of any annual Performance Fee earned in 2004 by
a cash payment to or as directed by the Manager, which may result in a reduction
of the aggregate sum of  distributions to unitholders or an increase in the debt
of the Trust.

7.    Amendment to the Trust Unit Rights Incentive Plan

      On April 8, 2004,  the Board of  Directors of AOG approved an amendment to
the Trust Unit Rights  Incentive  Plan (the  "Incentive  Plan") to increase  the
number of  rights  ("Rights")  to  purchase  Trust  Units  authorized  under the
Incentive Plan from 250,000 to 500,000.  The purpose of the Incentive Plan is to
provide  effective long term incentives to the independent  directors of AOG and
to  reward  them  on the  basis  of the  long  term  Trust  Unit  trading  price
performance and income of the Trust,  thereby:  (i) reflecting the total returns
to holders of Trust Units;  and (ii) aligning their interest with the holders of
Trust Units.  Only  independent  directors of AOG are eligible to receive Rights
under the Incentive Plan.

      The Incentive Plan previously permitted the granting of rights to purchase
up to a maximum of 250,000 Trust Units, representing  approximately 0.65% of the
issued  and  outstanding  number  of Trust  Units as at March 31,  2004.  Of the
250,000 Trust Units previously authorized under the Incentive Plan, 175,000 have
been issued and 70,000 have been  exercised.  The Board of  Directors of AOG has
approved an increase in the number of Rights authorized under the Incentive Plan
to 500,000 Trust Units (being  approximately  1.3% of the issued and outstanding
number of Trust Units) with Rights to purchase  325,000 Trust Units (being 0.85%
of the issued and outstanding  Trust Units) available for grant. The approval by
the Board of  Directors  of AOG is  required  for any grant of Rights  under the
Incentive Plan.

      The number of Rights and the exercise price thereof is set by the Board of
Directors of AOG at the time of grant provided that the exercise price shall not
be less than the closing market price of the Trust Units on the day  immediately
preceding the date of grant. Rights granted under the Incentive Plan


may be exercised  during a period not  exceeding  ten years,  subject to earlier
termination  upon a holder of Rights ceasing to be a director of AOG or upon the
death of a holder. The Rights are  non-transferable  and non-assignable.  Rights
granted  under  the  Incentive  Plan to date  have  vested  at the time of being
granted and been exercisable for a period of four years.

      Because the objective of the Trust is to maximize distributable income and
long term value growth in order to maximize benefit to Unitholders,  fixed price
options or rights  only  reflect the benefit  from the growth  value  objective,
which is not expected to be material,  given the Trust's policy of  distributing
cash flow as opposed to reinvesting cash flow and,  accordingly,  do not reflect
any  benefit  to fixed  price  option  or  rights  holders  from  achieving  the
distribution objective. Accordingly, the Incentive Plan allows for a decrease in
the exercise price of the Rights over time based upon  distributions made by the
Trust to Unitholders.

      For  example,  if Rights had been  granted on April 6, 2004,  the  initial
exercise  price of such rights could not have been less than  $19.00,  being the
closing  market price of the Trust Units on the day  immediately  preceding such
date (the "Initial Exercise  Price").  While Rights are still  outstanding,  the
holder of such Rights would be entitled to receive the benefit of  distributions
made during the period the Rights were held by way of a decreased exercise price
in amounts equal to distributions  made during such period (such decreased price
being referred to as the "Revised Exercise Price").  The Incentive Plan provides
that the  holder of the Rights  may elect to  exercise  the Rights at either the
Initial Exercise Price or the Revised Exercise Price.

      The Board of Directors has reviewed the  amendment to the  Incentive  Plan
and,  based  on this  review  and is  satisfied  that  the  increase  in  Rights
authorized under the Incentive Plan is appropriate.  Shareholder approval of the
amendment  to the  Incentive  Plan  is not  required  by  law,  but  the TSX has
requested  Unitholder  approval of the Incentive Plan by a majority of the votes
cast at the  Meeting,  other than  votes  attaching  to Trust  Units held by the
independent directors of AOG and their associates. The form of Trust Unit Rights
Incentive Plan Resolution is as follows:


      1.    The  amendment to the Trust Unit Rights  Incentive  Plan to increase
            the number of Rights  authorized  for granting  under the  Incentive
            Plan from  250,000  Rights to 500,000  Rights,  as  described in the
            Information  Circular-Proxy Circular dated April 16, 2004, be and it
            is hereby confirmed, ratified and approved; and

      2.    Any director or officer of Advantage Oil & Gas Ltd. be and is hereby
            authorized,  for and on behalf of the Trust,  to execute and deliver
            such documents and  instruments  and take such other actions as such
            director or officer may  determine  to be  necessary or advisable to
            implement this resolution and the matters  authorized  hereby,  such
            determination  to be  conclusively  evidenced by the  execution  and
            delivery of any such documents or instruments  and the taking of any
            such actions.

      Implementation  of the amendment to the Incentive  Plan is also subject to
receipt of all  necessary  regulatory  approvals,  including the approval of the



Cash and Other Compensation

      The  information  provided  below  relates  to  remuneration  paid  to the
Corporation's  Chief Executive Officer and each of the  Corporation's  five most
highly  compensated  executive officers during the financial period from May 24,
2001 to December 31, 2001 and for the years ended December 31, 2002 and December
31, 2003 (the "Named Executive  Officers").  All figures are in Canadian dollars
unless indicated otherwise.

                                                  Summary Compensation Table
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                               Long-Term Compensation
                                            Annual Compensation                  Awards            Payouts
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                         Securities   Restricted
                                                                            Under      Shares or
                         Period or                                        Options/    Restricted
                            Year                              Other         SARs         Share       LTIP      All Other
Name and Principal         Ended      Salary    Bonus        Annual        Granted       Units     Payouts   Compensation
   Position               Dec. 31      ($)       ($)      Compensation       (#)          ($)        ($)         ($)
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Kelly I. Drader(4)          2003     206,000      Nil          Nil           Nil          Nil        Nil          Nil
President and Chief         2002     202,140      Nil          Nil           Nil          Nil        Nil          Nil
Executive Officer           2001     105,000      Nil          Nil           Nil          Nil        Nil          Nil
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Patrick J. Cairns(4)        2003     177,500      Nil          Nil           Nil          Nil        Nil          Nil
Senior Vice President       2002     174,065      Nil          Nil           Nil          Nil        Nil          Nil
                            2001      90,417      Nil          Nil           Nil          Nil        Nil          Nil
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Peter Hanrahan              2003     125,000   36,164(1)       Nil           Nil          Nil        Nil          Nil
Chief Financial             2002     105,000   16,813(1)       Nil           Nil          Nil        Nil          Nil
Officer                     2001      61,693   18,360(2)       Nil           Nil          Nil        Nil          Nil
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Gary Bourgeois(4)           2003     143,300      Nil          Nil           Nil          Nil        Nil          Nil
Vice President,             2002     140,375      Nil          Nil           Nil          Nil        Nil          Nil
Corporate Development       2001      72,917      Nil          Nil           Nil          Nil        Nil          Nil
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Toshiyuko Takahashi(4)      2003     143,300      Nil          Nil           Nil          Nil        Nil          Nil
Vice President,             2002     140,375      Nil          Nil           Nil          Nil        Nil          Nil
Exploitation                2001      72,917      Nil          Nil           Nil          Nil        Nil          Nil
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Rick Mazurkewich            2003     143,300   60,273(1)       Nil           Nil          Nil        Nil          Nil
Vice President,             2002     140,375   35,026(1)       Nil           Nil          Nil        Nil          Nil
Operations                  2001      70,417   36,000(2)       Nil           Nil          Nil        Nil          Nil
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


(1)   Represents amounts allocated to Messrs.  Hanrahan and Mazurkewich pursuant
      to  the  quarterly  Operating  Fee  payable  to  the  Manager  as  further
      distributed  to  the  employees  of  AOG.  See  "Management   Agreement  -
      Management  Fees".  Messrs.  Hanrahan  and  Mazurkewich  also  received  a
      percentage  of the  Performance  Fee  allocated  to  employees of AOG. For
      services  rendered  during 2002,  Messrs.  Hanrahan and  Mazurkewich  were
      allocated $340,055 and $775,250,  respectively, which amounts were paid in
      Trust Units after reduction for the applicable statutory withholdings. For
      services  rendered  during 2003,  Messrs.  Hanrahan and  Mazurkewich  were
      allocated $561,737 and $936,228,  respectively, which amounts were paid in
      Trust Units.

(2)   $19,500  of the bonus  amount  paid to Mr.  Mazurkewich  and $9,360 of the
      bonus amount paid to Mr.  Hanrahan was funded by Management Fees allocated
      by the  Manager to  employees  of AOG for such  purpose.  See  "Management
      Agreement - Management Fees".

(3)   During  2003 there were six  executive  officers of AOG. In respect of the
      financial  period  ended  December 31, 2003,  the six  executive  officers
      received,  in the aggregate,  cash remuneration of $938,400,  exclusive of
      amounts  received  as  management  fees.  See  Notes (1) and (2) above and
      "Management Agreement - Management Fees".

(4)   These  officers hold economic  interests in the Manager and,  accordingly,
      receive an indirect  compensation through amounts paid to the Manager. See
      "Management Agreement - Management Fees".


Management Agreement

      The  Trustee,  as trustee for and on behalf of the Trust,  the Manager and
AOG entered into the Management  Agreement,  pursuant to which AOG and the Trust
engaged Advantage Investment Management Ltd. as manager of the Trust and AOG.

The Manager

      The offices of the  Manager  are  located at Suite 3100,  150 - 6th Avenue
S.W., Calgary, Alberta, T2P 3Y7. The name, municipality of residence,  positions
held and principal occupation of each director and senior officer of the Manager
are set forth below:

Name and Municipality
    of Residence        Position with AOG and/or the Manager                Principal Occupation
- ---------------------   ------------------------------------   --------------------------------------------
Kelly I. Drader         Director,   President   and   Chief    President and Chief Executive Officer of AOG
Calgary, Alberta        Executive  Officer  of AOG  and the

Gary Bourgeois          Director, Vice President, Corporate    Vice President, Corporate Development of AOG
Toronto, Ontario        Development of AOG and Director and
                        Vice President of the Manager

Patrick J. Cairns       Senior  Vice  President  of AOG and    Senior Vice President of AOG
Calgary, Alberta        Director and Vice  President of the

Toshiyuki Takahashi     Vice President, Exploitation of AOG    Vice President, Exploitation of AOG
Calgary, Alberta        and Director and Vice  President of
                        the Manager

      In addition to salaries received in their capacities as executive officers
of AOG, Messrs Drader,  Bourgeois,  Cairns and Takahashi also indirectly receive
management fees in their capacities as shareholders of the Manager.

Management Fees

      In its role under the Management Agreement as manager and administrator of
AOG and the Trust, the Manager receives the following fees:

      (a)   a fee (the "Operating  Fee") in an amount equal to 1.5% of Operating
            Cash Flow (as defined in the Management  Agreement),  such amount to
            be  calculated  as at the end of each  calendar  quarter  or portion
            thereof if  applicable  and paid on the 15th day  following any such
            calendar  quarter or if such day is not a business  day, on the next
            business day; and

      (b)   a  Performance  Fee equal to 10% of the Total Return  Amount  (which
            means in respect of any Return  Period an amount  equal to the Total
            Return Percentage (as defined in the Management  Agreement) minus 8%
            if the Return Period (as defined in the  Management  Agreement) is a
            full  calendar  year and  adjusted  appropriately  should the Return
            Period be less than a full calendar  year,  multiplied by the Market
            Capitalization  (as defined in the  Management  Agreement)  for that
            Return  Period),  such amount to be calculated as at the


            end of each Return Period and paid on the 15th day following the end
            of each such Return  Period or if such day is not a business day, on
            the next business day.

      In  addition,  the  Manager  has  the  option  (subject  to any  necessary
regulatory  approval) to elect to receive all or part of the  Performance Fee in
Trust Units at the Unit Market  Price  calculated  as at the end of the relevant
period. For the year ended December 31, 2003, the Performance Fee payable to the
Manager and  employees  of AOG  totalled an  aggregate  of  $19,592,085  and the
Operating  Fee  totalled  $1,679,492.  In respect of the  Performance  Fee,  the
Manager  elected  that 100% of the  Performance  Fee be payable in Trust  Units,
resulting  in the  issuance  of  1,099,104  Trust  Units to the  Manager and the
employees  of AOG. In  accordance  with the terms of the  Management  Agreement,
$6,530,695  (paid with 366,368 Trust Units) of the  $19,592,085  Performance Fee
and $559,831 of the  $1,679,492  Operating Fee was allocated to the employees of
AOG with the balance allocated to the Manager.

      The Manager's  representatives who act as employees or officers of AOG are
entitled  to  participate  in any benefit  plans put in place for AOG  employees
(including  under any  incentive  plan) by AOG,  and are  entitled  to  industry
competitive  salaries  (as approved by the Board of Directors of AOG) for acting
in such capacity. For the period ended December 31, 2003, representatives of the
Manager  who acted as  employees  or officers of AOG  received an  aggregate  of
$670,100 in salary.

      The Manager does not receive any acquisition or disposition fees.

      The  Operating  Fee and  Performance  Fee referred to in (a) and (b) above
(collectively,  the  "Management  Fees")  have funded all  employee  bonuses and
incentive  plans and  have,  to date  (including  fees  earned  in  2003),  been
allocated by the Manager on the following basis:

               the Manager's Shareholders            66 2/3%
               Employees of AOG                      33 1/3%

      The allocation of the Management Fees and the Termination Fees (as defined
below)  amongst  the  employees  of AOG have  been  distributed  based  upon the
recommendations of the Manager as approved by the Board of Directors of AOG.

Term and Termination

      The initial term (the  "Initial  Term") of the  Management  Agreement is 3
years, and on each anniversary date of the Management Agreement it automatically
renews on an "evergreen" basis for additional  one-year  periods,  provided that
the Board of Directors  of AOG has not given notice to the Manager  prior to any
such renewal that such renewal shall not occur.  In all instances of termination
(except  where the  Management  Agreement  terminates  at the end of the Initial
Term), a termination fee (the "Initial Termination Fee") equal to the Management
Fees paid for the  immediately-prior two years shall be payable. Upon completion
of  the  Initial  Term,  in all  instances  of  termination  (except  where  the
Management Agreement terminates at the end of a Renewal Term), a termination fee
("Subsequent  Termination  Fee")  equal  to the  Management  Fees  paid  for the
immediately-prior 2 1/2 years shall be payable. In no instance shall the Manager
be entitled to both the Initial  Termination Fee and the Subsequent  Termination
Fee (collectively referred to herein as the "Termination Fees"). Notwithstanding
the  foregoing,  if,  during the Initial Term,  Kelly Drader (or an  alternative
individual with  comparable  skill and experience who is acceptable to the Board
of Directors of AOG) no longer  provides  all or  substantially  all of his work
time to AOG and the Trust, the Management Agreement can be terminated by AOG and
the Trust and the Manager will not be entitled to any Termination Fees.


      In addition,  the Manager will be entitled to receive any unpaid fees that
have accrued prior to termination and to  reimbursement  by the Trust and AOG of
general  and  administrative   costs  and  expenses  related  to  the  Manager's
performance under the Management  Agreement,  other than costs related solely to
the Manager and costs related to employee bonuses and incentive plans.

Report on Executive Compensation

      The Human Resources,  Compensation and Corporate  Governance  Committee is
comprised of Messrs Sharpe  (Chair) and Myers and is charged  with,  among other
things,  a periodic review and  recommendation  of compensation of the executive
officers of the Corporation.

      The  compensation  paid to the  Manager in respect of the  management  and
administration  of  Advantage  and the  Corporation  is fixed by  contract.  The
Management  Agreement also requires that certain employees of the Manager become
employees and executive officers of AOG and receive equivalent employee benefits
to those received by AOG's executive  officers and receive  industry-competitive
salaries as approved by the Board of  Directors,  from time to time,  while they
hold such positions during the term of the Management Agreement.

      To date, the  Corporation's  current  compensation  plan for its executive
officers has consisted of a base salary and bonuses. As the Management Agreement
requires  that  those  employees  of the  Manager  who also  serve as  executive
officers of the Corporation  receive  industry-competitive  salaries,  the Human
Resources,  Compensation and Corporate  Governance  Committee,  when making such
salary  determinations,  takes into  consideration  individual  salaries paid to
executives of other issuers of comparable  size within the oil and gas industry.
Such information is obtained from  independent  consultants who regularly review
compensation practices in Canada.

      Advantage  has not adopted a formal bonus plan.  Bonuses paid to executive
officers to date have been based upon  recommendations made by the Corporation's
Chief  Executive  Officer to the Human  Resources,  Compensation  and  Corporate
Governance  Committee  which,  after review and  consideration,  makes a further
recommendation to the Board of Directors for approval. Bonuses paid to executive
officers  will be paid  out of the  Management  Fees  otherwise  payable  to the
Manager.  Under the  Management  Agreement,  the  Manager is entitled to receive
reimbursement  for its  general  and  administrative  costs,  however,  employee
bonuses  and other  amounts  paid to  employees  under  incentive  plans are not

      The foregoing report is respectfully submitted to Unitholders by the Human
Resources, Compensation and Corporate Governance Committee:

      Steven Sharpe (Chair)
      Roderick M. Myers



      The  closing  price of the  Trust  Units on the TSX on their  first day of
trading on May 29, 2001 was $12.50.  The closing price of the Trust Units on the
TSX on  December  31,  2001 was $8.12,  on  December  31, 2002 was $13.00 and on
December  31,  2003 was  $17.83.  During  2001,  2002  and  2003,  monthly  cash
distributions were paid to Unitholders of record in the following amounts:

    For the 2001 Period Ended   Distributions per Unit   Payment Date
    -------------------------   ----------------------   ------------------

    June 30                             $  0.28          July 16, 2001
    July 31                                0.28          August 15, 2001
    August 31                              0.22          September 17, 2001
    September 30                           0.22          October 15, 2001
    October 31                             0.15          November 15, 2001
    November 30                            0.15          December 17, 2001
    December 31                            0.15          January 15, 2002
    Total:                              $  1.45

    For the 2002 Period Ended   Distributions per Unit   Payment Date
    -------------------------   ----------------------   ------------------

    January 31                          $  0.15          February 15, 2002
    February 28                            0.13          March 15, 2002
    March 31                               0.13          April 15, 2002
    April 30                               0.13          May 15, 2002
    May 31                                 0.13          June 17, 2002
    June 30                                0.13          July 15, 2002
    July 31                                0.13          August 15, 2002
    August 31                              0.13          September 16, 2002
    September 30                           0.13          October 15, 2002
    October 31                             0.18          November 15, 2002
    November 30                            0.18          December 16, 2002
    December 31                            0.18          January 15, 2003
    Total:                              $  1.73

    For the 2003 Period Ended   Distributions per Unit   Payment Date
    -------------------------   ----------------------   ------------------

    January 31                          $  0.18          February 18, 2003
    February 28                            0.23          March 17, 2003
    March 31                               0.23          April 15, 2003
    April 30                               0.23          May 15, 2003
    May 31                                 0.23          June 16, 2003
    June 30                                0.23          July 15, 2003
    July 31                                0.23          August 15, 2003
    August 31                              0.23          September 15, 2003
    September 30                           0.23          October 15, 2003
    October 31                             0.23          November 17, 2003
    November 30                            0.23          December 15, 2003
    December 31                            0.23          January 15, 2004
    Total:                              $  2.71


      The following graph illustrates  changes from May 29, 2001 to December 31,
2003, in cumulative Unitholder return, assuming an initial investment of $100 in
Trust  Units with all cash  distributions  reinvested,  compared  to the S&P/TSX
Composite Index, the TSX Oil & Gas Producers Index and the S&P/TSX Capped Energy
Trust Index, with all dividends and distributions reinvested.(1)

                                  [LINE GRAPH]

                                                               2001/05/29   2001/12/31   2002/12/31   2003/12/31
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Advantage Energy Income Fund Unitholder Total Return               100          77           129          168
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
S&P/TSX Composite Index                                            100          94            82          104
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
TSX Oil & Gas Producers Index                                      100          91           105          127
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
S&P/TSX Capped Energy Trust Index                                  100          88           105          154
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


(1)   The Advantage Energy Income Fund Unitholder Return incorporates the actual
      cash  distributions  declared  prior to December 31, 2001,  2002 and 2003,



      In 1995,  the TSX adopted a set of  guidelines  which were revised in 1999
(the  "Guidelines")  relating to corporate  governance  matters.  The Guidelines
address  such  matters  as  the  constitution  and  independence  of  boards  of
directors, the functions to be performed by boards and their committees, and the
relationship among a corporation's board,  management and shareholders.  The TSX
has prescribed  that all issuers listed on the TSX must annually  disclose their
approach  to  corporate  governance  with  specific  reference  to  each  of the
Guidelines.  During  2002,  the TSX  issued  further  proposed  guidelines  (the
"Proposed  Guidelines")  and encouraged  listed companies to review and consider
voluntarily  providing the suggested information in order to enhance the quality
of their  disclosure.  The Trust  reviewed the Proposed  Guidelines  and,  where
deemed  appropriate,  amended  its  internal  policies,  mandates  and  terms of
reference of its committees to comply with the Proposed Guidelines.

      More  recently,  the  Trust has  considered  recent  legislative  changes,
proposals and recommendations of the applicable  regulatory  authorities and the
Canadian Securities Administrators.


The impact of  Multilateral  Instrument  52-110 in respect of audit  committees,
Multilateral  Instrument  52-109 in respect of  certification  of  disclosure on
issuer's  annual  interim  filings,  National  Instrument  51-101 in  respect of
standards of disclosure for oil and gas  activities,  National  Policy 51-102 in
respect  of  continuous   disclosure   obligations  and  proposed   Multilateral
Instrument 58-201 on effective corporate governance have been considered and, in
respect of such instruments  which have yet to come into force, will continue to
be considered by the Trust.

      Set out in Schedule "B" attached  hereto is a  description  of the Trust's
corporate  governance  practices,  which have been established with reference to
the  terms  of  the  Trust  Indenture,   Shareholder  Agreement  and  Management
Agreement. As a result of these contractual obligations and the structure of the
Trust, in some cases  compliance with the Guidelines and Proposed  Guidelines is
or could be  inconsistent  with the terms of the Trust  Indenture,  Shareholders
Agreement  and  Management  Agreement.  However,  management  and the  Board  of
Directors of AOG believe  that,  where  practical,  their  approach to corporate
governance  is  substantially   consistent  with  the  Guidelines  and  Proposed


      The Chairman of AOG was paid an annual  retainer of $15,000 and $1,000 per
meeting or committee  meeting attended ($750 per conference call meeting),  plus
expenses of attending such meetings  during 2003. Each of the other directors of
AOG,  with the  exception  of those who are  employees  of AOG and the  Manager,
received  an annual  retainer  of $10,000  and $1,000 per  meeting or  committee
meeting attended ($750 per conference call meeting),  plus expenses of attending
such  meetings.  In addition,  during 2003 the Chairman of the Human  Resources,
Compensation and Corporate  Governance  Committee received a $20,000 payment and
each of the other independent  directors received a $5,000 payment in connection
with  deliberations  which occurred  regarding the possible  internalization  of
management of the Trust.  In the fiscal  period of the Trust ended  December 31,
2003, a total of $189,000 in fees were paid to the independent directors of AOG.

      In addition to the aforementioned fees, the five independent  directors of
AOG each received  35,000 Trust Unit  incentive  rights (the "Rights") on August
16,  2002.  The Rights were  granted  pursuant to the Trust's  Trust Unit Rights
Incentive Plan (the "Plan") and are  exercisable for a period of four years from
the date of grant at an initial exercise price (the "Initial Exercise Price") of
$11.38 per Trust Unit (being the closing  market price of the Trust Units on the
TSX on the day prior to grant).  The Plan allows for  decrease  in the  exercise
price of the  Rights  over time based  upon  distributions  made by the Trust to
unitholders.  While Rights are outstanding, the holder of the Rights is entitled
to receive the  benefit of such  distributions  by way of a  decreased  exercise
price in amounts  equal to the  distributions  made  during  such  period  (such
decrease  price being  referred to as the "Revised  Exercise  Price").  The Plan
provides  that the  holder of the  Rights  may elect to  exercise  the Rights at
either the Initial  Exercise Price or the Revised  Exercise  Price. A maximum of
250,000 Trust Units may be issued under the Plan,  of which 175,000  Rights have
been issued to date and 70,000 of which have been exercised.


      There  is  not,  and has  not  been,  any  indebtedness  outstanding  from
directors or officers of AOG or directors or senior  officers of the Manager or,
in each case, their  respective known associates and affiliates,  or the Trustee
or its affiliates to the Trust or AOG at any time since January 1, 2003.


      There were no other material interests,  direct or indirect,  of directors
of AOG or directors and senior officers of the Manager, nominees for director of
AOG, any  Unitholder who  beneficially  owns


more  than 10% of the  Trust  Units of the  Trust,  or any  known  associate  or
affiliate  of such  persons in any  transaction  during 2003 or in any  proposed
transaction  which has materially  affected or would materially affect the Trust
or AOG other than (i) certain  insiders  purchasing  Trust  Units or  Debentures
under the public offerings of such securities completed during 2003, and (ii) as
disclosed herein.


      The  Manager is not aware of any  material  interest  of any  director  or
nominee for director of AOG or of any director or officer of the Manager,  or of
any  associate or affiliate of any of the  foregoing in respect of any matter to
be acted on at the Meeting, except as disclosed herein.


      The  Manager  knows of no  amendment,  variation  or other  matter to come
before the Meeting  other than the  matters  referred to in the Notice of Annual
and Special  Meeting;  however,  if any other matter  properly  comes before the
Meeting,  the accompanying proxy will be voted on such matter in accordance with
the best judgment of the person or persons voting the proxy.


      The Trust will  provide,  without  charge to a  unitholder,  a copy of the
latest  annual  information  form  and any  documents  incorporated  therein  by
reference,   the  2003  annual  report  to  unitholders  containing  comparative
financial  statements  for 2003 together with the auditors'  report  thereon and
management's   discussion  and  analysis,   interim  financial   statements  for
subsequent  periods,  and this information  circular,  upon request to the Chief
Financial  Officer,  Advantage  Energy Income Fund, 3100, 150 - 6th Avenue S.W.,
Calgary, Alberta, T2P 3Y7. If you wish, this information may also be accessed on
our website (www.advantageincome.com).


      The contents and sending of this  Information  Circular - Proxy  Statement
has been approved by the Board of Directors of AOG on behalf of the Trust.

      The foregoing contains no untrue statement of a material fact and does not
omit to state a material fact that is required to be stated or that is necessary
to make a statement not misleading in light of the circumstances in which it was

      DATED April 16, 2004.

                          ADVANTAGE ENERGY INCOME FUND
                          By: Advantage Oil & Gas Ltd.

      (signed) Kelly I. Drader                (signed) Peter Hanrahan
      President and                           Chief Financial Officer
      Chief Executive Officer

                                  SCHEDULE "A"


1.    the Trust Indenture be amended as follows:

      (a)   by adding the following as Section 3.08 of the Trust Indenture:

            3.8   Non-Resident Ownership Constraint

            (a)   From time to time,  the  Corporation,  shall  take  reasonable
                  steps under the  circumstances  to monitor the number of Trust
                  Units  beneficially  owned by non residents of Canada  (within
                  the  meaning of the  Income Tax Act) with a view to  generally
                  determining that the level of non resident  ownership  remains
                  at not more than 45% of the issued and outstanding  units on a
                  diluted basis (the "Ownership  Threshold").  Upon the Board of
                  Directors   being  advised  that  the  level  of  non-resident
                  ownership has exceeded the  Ownership  Threshold and continues
                  to do so for four consecutive  months,  the Board of Directors
                  shall  review  strategies  to maintain  majority  ownership of
                  Trust Units by Canadian  residents in order to ensure that the
                  Trust is not being maintained primarily for the benefit of non
                  residents  of  Canada.  In  addition  to other  strategies  to
                  maintain  majority  Canadian  ownership  which  the  Board  of
                  Directors may approve from time to time,  the  Corporation  be
                  authorized  hereunder  and entitled to implement  non-resident
                  ownership constraints, including the following measures:

                  (i)   the  Corporation may advise the Trustee and the Transfer
                        Agent,  and the  Trust  may make a  public  announcement
                        advising that the Ownership  Threshold has been exceeded

                        (A)   neither the  Corporation,  on behalf of the Trust,
                              nor the Transfer Agent shall accept a subscription
                              for  Trust  Units  from or  issue  or  register  a
                              transfer of Trust Units to a person unless (i) the
                              person  provides a declaration  that the person is
                              not a non  resident of Canada;  or (ii) the person
                              provides a declaration  from the  transferor  that
                              the  transferor  of  the  Trust  Units  is  a  non
                              resident of Canada; and

                        (B)   the  Transfer   Agent  shall  (upon   receiving  a
                              direction  from  the  Corporation  and a  suitable
                              indemnity  from the  Trust)  send a notice  to non
                              resident holders of Trust Units, chosen in inverse
                              order to the order of acquisition or  registration
                              or in such manner as the  Corporation may consider
                              equitable and practicable,  requiring them to sell
                              their  Trust Units or a portion  thereof  within a
                              specified  period of not less than 60 days. If the
                              Unitholders  receiving  such  notice have not sold
                              the  specified  number of Trust  Units or provided
                              the Corporation  with  satisfactory  evidence that
                              they are not non  residents of Canada  within such
                              period, the Corporation may on behalf of such


                              Unitholders  sell such  Trust  Units  and,  in the
                              interim, shall suspend the voting and distribution
                              rights  attached  to such Trust  Units.  Upon such
                              sale the Unitholders  thereby affected shall cease
                              to be  holders  of Trust  Units and  their  rights
                              shall be limited to receiving  the net proceeds of
                              sale of such Trust Units.

                  The  Corporation  shall  inform  the  Transfer  Agent  of  the
                  provisions of this subsection  3.8(a),  and the Corporation or
                  the  Transfer  Agent  may  require   declarations  as  to  the
                  jurisdictions  in which  beneficial  owners of Trust Units are
                  resident in order to effect this subsection 3.8(a).

            (b)   It is acknowledged  that the  Corporation  will not be able to
                  definitively  determine  the  number and  percentage  of Trust
                  Units  held  by non  residents  of  Canada.  Accordingly,  the
                  Corporation may exercise its discretion in determining whether
                  or not such Trust Units are held by non  residents  of Canada,
                  and any reasonable  and bona fide exercise by the  Corporation
                  of its  discretion  shall be binding  for the  purpose of this
                  Section  3.8 and shall not  subject  any of the  Trustee,  the
                  Transfer  Agent  or  the   Corporation  or  their   respective
                  directors,  officers, employees or agents to any liability for
                  any violation of the non resident ownership restrictions which
                  may occur during the term of the Trust.

            (c)   Notwithstanding  any other  provision of this  Indenture,  non
                  residents  of Canada  shall not be entitled to vote in respect
                  of any Special Resolution to amend this Section 3.8.

      (b)   by  adding  the  following  terms to the  definitions  set  forth in
            Section 1.1 of the Trust Indenture:

            (i)   "9 3/8%  Notes"  means   the  9 3/8%   unsecured  subordinated
                  promissory notes of AOG issued on July 8, 2003 to the Trust;

            (ii)  "9 3/8% Note Indenture"  means the trust  indenture  providing
                  for the issuance of the 9 3/8% Notes dated July 8, 2003;

            (iii) "8.5% Notes" means the 8.5% unsecured subordinated  promissory
                  notes of AOG issued on December 2, 2003 to the Trust;

            (iv)  "8.5% Note Indenture" means the trust indenture  providing for
                  the issuance of the 8.5% Notes dated December 2, 2003;

      (c)   by amending the definition of "Distributable Income" to specifically
            reference the 9 3/8% Notes and the 8.5% Notes;

      (d)   by amending  the  definition  of "Material  Contracts"  in the Trust
            Indenture  to include a reference to the 9 3/8% Note  Indenture  and
            the 8.5% Note Indenture;

      (e)   by otherwise  amending the Trust  Indenture to make reference to the
            9 3/8%  Notes,  8.5% Notes,  the 9 3/8% Note  Indenture and the 8.5%
            Note Indenture where appropriate and by deleting, amending or adding
            any consequential language;


      (f)   by amending  Section 8.2 to include,  as an item  delegated from the
            Trustee  to AOG,  any  matters  related  to the  Trust's  continuing
            qualification  as a "mutual  fund  trust"  under the  Income Tax Act
            (Canada),  including the  implementation  of non-resident  ownership
            constraints pursuant to Section 3.8 of the Trust Indenture;

      (g)   by amending  Section 17.2 of the Trust  Indenture to change the date
            within which unaudited quarterly  financial  statements of the Trust
            are required to be mailed from "60 days" to "45 days" and to clarify
            that the mailing requirement only applies to Unitholders who request
            copies of such financial statements; and

      (h)   by amending  Section  17.3(a) of the Trust  Indenture  to change the
            date within which audited  consolidated  financial statements of the
            Trust are  required to be mailed from "140 days" to "90 days" and to
            clarify that the mailing requirement only applies to Unitholders who
            request copies of such financial statements.

2.    Subject to the  implementation of this special  resolution as set forth in
      paragraph no. 3 below,  this special  resolution  shall be effective as of
      the date of its approval by the Unitholders.

3.    The  proper  officers  of  Advantage  Oil & Gas Ltd.  ("AOG")  and/or  the
      Trustee,  on behalf of the Trust,  be and they are hereby  authorized  and
      directed  to  execute,  deliver  and  file all such  documents  and  other
      instruments  and to  otherwise  do and perform all such acts and things as
      they determine to be necessary or desirable for the implementation of this
      special resolution, at such times as they may determine, provided that the
      directors of AOG may, in their  discretion and without further approval of
      the Unitholders,  revoke and rescind this special resolution or any of the
      amendments to the Trust Indenture  contemplated therein before it is acted

                                  SCHEDULE "B "

         Advantage TSX Corporate Governance Guidelines Compliance Table

- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
GUIDELINES                                      COMPLIANCE                            COMMENTS
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1.    The  Board  should   explicitly  assume
      responsibility  for the  stewardship of
      Advantage, including:

- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(a)      the adoption of a strategic planning   Yes            The Board has adopted a formal mandate (the "Mandate")
         process;                                              which  sets  out  its  stewardship   responsibilities,
                                                               including  matters  related  to  strategic   planning.
                                                               Historically,  strategic  planning has occurred at the
                                                               Board  level  through  the  annual   budget   process,
                                                               quarterly updates and review of acquisitions and other
                                                               opportunities  that  arise from time to time where the
                                                               Board considers the suitability of such  opportunities
                                                               and the long term strategy for Advantage.

- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(b)      the  identification of the principal   Yes            Directly  and through the Audit  Committee,  the Board
         risks of  Advantage's  business  and                  monitors  and  receives,  at minimum,  annual  reports
         the  implementation  of  appropriate                  respecting operations,  internal controls and business
         systems to manage these risks;                        risks from management and the external  auditors.  The
                                                               Mandate  of the  Board  calls  for the  review  of the
                                                               principal strategic and operational  opportunities and
                                                               risks  of  Advantage's  business  and  the  taking  of
                                                               reasonable  steps to  review  systems  implemented  by
                                                               management  to manage such  risks.  In  addition,  the
                                                               Independent  Reserve Evaluation  Committee reviews the
                                                               Corporation's   environmental,   health   and   safety
                                                               management  system, and through the Corporation's Vice
                                                               President,  Operations,  monitors its  operation.  The
                                                               same committee  reviews the reserve  evaluation report
                                                               prepared by an independent reservoir engineering firm,
                                                               meets   with  both  the   independent   engineer   and
                                                               management  and is to be apprised of any major changes
                                                               or potential future changes to reserves.  Furthermore,
                                                               the  Board  as  a  whole  has  implemented  a  revenue
                                                               protection program with management regularly reporting
                                                               to the Board with respect to hedging and other revenue
                                                               protection strategies.

- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(c)      succession    planning,    including   Yes            The  Board  is  responsible  for  the  stewardship  of
         appointing,  training and monitoring                  Advantage through  consultation with management of AOG
         senior management;                                    and the Manager.  The  President  and Chief  Executive
                                                               Officer  is  instrumental   in  succession   planning,
                                                               including the training,  monitoring  and appointing of
                                                               senior management.  In addition,  the Human Resources,
                                                               Compensation   and  Corporate   Governance   Committee
                                                               reviews the  compensation  paid to management at least
                                                               annually and, when required makes  recommendations  to
                                                               the Board regarding appointments of corporate officers
                                                               and senior management.

- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(d)      Advantage's  communications  policy;   Yes            Advantage  has adopted a  disclosure,  confidentiality
         and                                                   and trading policy (the "Disclosure  Policy") which is
                                                               intended to, among other things,  establish procedures
                                                               which  (i)  permit  disclosure  of  information  about
                                                               Advantage  to the  public  in a  timely  manner;  (ii)

- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
GUIDELINES                                      COMPLIANCE                            COMMENTS
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                               that  non-publicly   disclosed   information   remains
                                                               confidential;  (iii) address how  Advantage  interacts
                                                               with  analysts  and  the  public;  and  (iv)  contains
                                                               measures for Advantage to avoid selective  disclosure.
                                                               The adoption of such Disclosure  Policy and procedures
                                                               was  implemented  for the purposes of requiring  sound
                                                               disclosure    practices   and   maintaining   investor
                                                               confidence as well as complying  with National  Policy
                                                               51-201 "Disclosure Standards", securities laws and the
                                                               Toronto  Stock  Exchange's  rules  on  disclosure  and
                                                               trading.  The  Disclosure  Policy  provides  that such
                                                               policy  is to be  reviewed  annually  and based on the
                                                               results  of the  review  may be  revised  accordingly.
                                                               Furthermore,  Advantage is required to send annual and
                                                               quarterly    disclosure    documents   and   financial
                                                               statements  to  registered  unitholders  and, as well,
                                                               issue press  releases with respect to material  events
                                                               for  the  Trust.  The  Board  or  individual   members
                                                               generally  approve all of Advantage's major compliance
                                                               and  communication  documents,  including  annual  and
                                                               quarterly   reports,    financing   documents,   press
                                                               releases, and other disclosure documents. In addition,
                                                               Advantage has delegated the  responsibility for direct
                                                               shareholder  communications to the Corporation's  Vice
                                                               President,  Corporate Development, who is available to
                                                               unitholders  and the  investment  community to discuss
                                                               Advantage's business and operations.  Inquiries may be
                                                               directed to Advantage's  investors'  relations line at
                                                               (416) 945-6636.

- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(e)      the    integrity   of    Advantage's   Yes            The Board,  through its committees,  has established a
         internal   control  and   management                  system for monitoring internal controls and management
         information systems.                                  information  systems.  The  following  committees  are
                                                               responsible  for  reviewing  and advising the Board in
                                                               the noted areas:

                                                               Human Resources, Compensation and Corporate Governance
                                                                         Board  committee  mandates,   engagement  of
                                                                         special   advisors,   annual   statement  of
                                                                         corporate   commercial   practices,    Board
                                                                         composition and independence, Board size and
                                                                         nomination of  candidates,  orientation  and
                                                                         education   programs   for  new   directors,
                                                                         appointments    of    senior     management,
                                                                         amendments  to  the  management   agreement,
                                                                         employment, remuneration and incentive plans

                                                               Audit Committee:
                                                                         financial reporting, disclosure,  compliance
                                                                         with    GAAP,     internal/external    audit
                                                                         functions,  oversight of financing plans and
                                                                         internal  control  systems and review of tax
                                                                         pools;  approval  of  non-audit  services by
                                                                         external auditors

                                                               Independent Reserve Evaluation Committee:
                                                                         reviews  reserves  and  National  Instrument
                                                                         51-101     reports,      compliance     with
                                                                         environmental    and   safety    regulation,
                                                                         environment    and   safety   policies   and
                                                                         emergency response plans.

                                                               In   addition,   the  Board  has   adopted  a  revenue

- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
GUIDELINES                                      COMPLIANCE                            COMMENTS
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                               plan to review and implement  hedging and  derivatives
                                                               policies and  transactions.  Advantage is  considering
                                                               the  implementation  of  an  overall  formal  code  of
                                                               business   ethics  to  govern  the  behaviour  of  its
                                                               directors,   officers,  employees  and  other  service
                                                               providers.  It is  intended  that the formal code will
                                                               incorporate and enhance a number of existing Advantage
                                                               policies that deal with such matters.

- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2.    The Board should be constituted  with a   Yes            Six of the eight proposed members of the Board will be
      majority of individuals  who qualify as                  unrelated directors.
      unrelated directors.

- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3.    The analysis of the  application of the   Yes            Of the eight proposed  members of the Board,  only two
      principles supporting the conclusion in                  are members of management.  The remaining six proposed
      paragraph 2 above.                                       members of the Board are independent of management and
                                                               are free from any  interest  and any business or other
                                                               relationship  (other than interests and  relationships
                                                               arising from unit and debenture  holdings,  which unit
                                                               and  debenture  holdings  are not  significant)  which
                                                               could, or could reasonably be perceived to, materially
                                                               interfere with such  directors'  ability to act in the
                                                               best interests of Advantage.

- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4.    The Board should appoint a committee of   Yes            The  Human   Resources,   Compensation  and  Corporate
      directors   composed   exclusively   of                  Governance  Committee is responsible for proposing new
      outside,      i.e.,      non-management                  nominees to the Board and for  assessing  directors on
      directors,   a  majority  of  whom  are                  an ongoing  basis.  Such  committee  is  comprised  of
      unrelated    directors,     with    the                  outside, unrelated directors.
      responsibility  for  proposing  to  the
      full  Board new  nominees  to the Board
      and  for  assessing   directors  on  an
      ongoing basis.

- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
5.    The Board should implement a process to   Yes            The  Human   Resources,   Compensation  and  Corporate
      be  carried   out  by  the   Nominating                  Governance    Committee    has   been   assigned   the
      Committee    or    other    appropriate                  responsibility  of assessing the  effectiveness of the
      committee     for     assessing     the                  Board as a whole,  the committees of the Board and the
      effectiveness  of the Board as a whole,                  contribution of individual directors. Furthermore, the
      the  committees  of the  Board  and the                  Board   monitors  the   effectiveness   of  individual
      contribution of individual directors.                    directors  and  committees of the Boards by addressing
                                                               any concerns at Board meetings. Board members are free
                                                               to raise effectiveness issues. In addition,  the Board
                                                               has  implemented  the  use  of  an  annual  evaluation
                                                               process  whereby  members  of  the  Board  review  the
                                                               effectiveness  of the Board as a whole, its committees
                                                               and its individual members.

- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
6.    The  existence  of an  orientation  and   See Comments   There is no formal  education and orientation  program
      education  program for new  recruits to                  for new Board  members.  All  current  members  of the
      the Board.                                               Board have extensive  experience  serving on boards of
                                                               public entities. Management of the Corporation and the
                                                               Manager  are  available  to Board  members if specific
                                                               information  is  requested.  Given that new  directors
                                                               will be  added  infrequently,  no  formal  orientation
                                                               program is felt to be necessary at this time, however,
                                                               if such  need  does  arise,  implementation  of such a
                                                               program   for  new   recruits  to  the  Board  is  the
                                                               responsibility  of the Human  Resources,  Compensation
                                                               and Corporate Governance Committee.

- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
GUIDELINES                                      COMPLIANCE                            COMMENTS
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
7.    The size of the Board and the impact of   Yes            The  Shareholder  Agreement  prescribes that the Board
      the  number  of   directors   upon  the                  shall  consist  of a  minimum  of five  members  and a
      Board's effectiveness.                                   maximum of nine members, with the initial number being
                                                               set at seven members.  The Board is comprised of seven
                                                               directors, which the Board believes is large enough to
                                                               permit a  diversity  of views and to staff the various
                                                               committees  of the  Board  without  being too large to
                                                               detract from the Board's efficiency and effectiveness.
                                                               Each of the  members  of the Board has  extensive  and
                                                               diverse  business and public company  experience  with
                                                               six of seven directors having  substantial  experience
                                                               in the oil and gas industry. In addition, three of the
                                                               seven  directors  have  extensive  experience  in  the
                                                               income fund and royalty  trust  sector.  Finally,  the
                                                               Human Resources, Compensation and Corporate Governance
                                                               Committee  has the  responsibility  of  assessing  the
                                                               effectiveness of the Board,  including considering the
                                                               appropriate size of the Board.

- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8.    The    adequacy   and   form   of   the   Yes            Outside  directors are  compensated  by fees and trust
      compensation   of   directors    should                  unit  rights   issued  under  the  Trust  Unit  Rights
      realistically        reflect        the                  Incentive  Plan.   Compensation  levels  are  reviewed
      responsibilities  and risk  involved in                  periodically by the Human Resources,  Compensation and
      being an effective director.                             Corporate  Governance  Committee  (with  reference  to
                                                               compensation  surveys and other industry data),  which
                                                               committee   makes   recommendations   to  the   Board.
                                                               Directors' liability insurance is provided.  The Human
                                                               Resources,   Compensation  and  Corporate   Governance
                                                               Committee is  currently  in the process of  conducting
                                                               its annual  review of directors'  compensation  with a
                                                               view to  making a  recommendation  to the Board in the
                                                               coming months.

- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
9.    Committees    of   the   Board   should   Yes            All  committees  of the Board are composed of outside,
      generally   be   composed   of  outside                  unrelated directors.
      directors,   a  majority  of  whom  are
      unrelated directors.

- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
10.   The  Board's  responsibility  for (or a   Yes            The Board  believes  that its  approach  to  corporate
      committee   of  the   Board's   general                  governance practices is substantially  consistent with
      responsibility      for)     developing                  the Guidelines. The Human Resources,  Compensation and
      Advantage's   approach  to   governance                  Corporate  Governance  Committee  is  responsible  for
      issues.                                                  preparing and  recommending  to the Board annually the
                                                               statement of corporate  governance  practices  and for
                                                               dealing with other corporate governance matters.

- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11.  The Board has developed:

- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(a)   position descriptions for the Board and   Yes            The  Board  is  responsible  for  the  stewardship  of
      for the CEO,  involving the  definition                  Advantage through  consultation with management of AOG
      of   the    limits   to    management's                  and the Manager,  and  generally  directs the business
      responsibilities; and                                    and affairs of the Trust.  The  Management  Agreement,
                                                               Trust Indenture and  Shareholders'  Agreement  provide
                                                               for  specific   delegation   of  certain   duties  and
                                                               responsibilities  amongst the Manager,  management  of
                                                               AOG and the  Board of  Directors,  with  the  Board of
                                                               Directors  retaining a  supervisory  role and specific
                                                               authority  relating  to  significant  operational  and
                                                               other decisions. In addition, the Management Agreement
                                                               provides that the Manager agrees to make

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GUIDELINES                                      COMPLIANCE                            COMMENTS
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                                                               Kelly Drader available for performance of the services
                                                               to be performed  to the Trust and AOG and, Mr.  Drader
                                                               will,  during the Initial Term,  commit  substantially
                                                               all of his work time on an  annual  basis to the Trust
                                                               and AOG in  performing  the  executive  functions  and
                                                               services  defined in the  Management  Agreement and in
                                                               acting as AOG's President and Chief Executive Officer.

- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(b)      the corporate  objectives  for which   Yes            The Chief  Executive  Officer,  together  with  senior
         the CEO is responsible for meeting.                   management,   implements   the  corporate   objectives
                                                               developed  with the Board while  operating  within the
                                                               parameters   of  the   Trust   Indenture,   Management
                                                               Agreement and Mandate of the Board.

- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
12.      The   appropriate   structures   and   Yes            The Shareholder  Agreement  prescribes that as long as
         procedures  to ensure that the Board                  the Manager is a party to the Management Agreement, it
         can   function    independently   of                  is entitled to designate two members to the Board with
         management.                                           the balance of the members being selected by a vote of
                                                               Unitholders.  One of the  directors so selected by the
                                                               Unitholders  must be the  Chairman  of the Board and a
                                                               majority of the Board must not be officers,  employees
                                                               or consultants of the Corporation,  the Manager or any
                                                               of   their   respective   affiliates.   In   addition,
                                                               committees  of  the  Board  must,  in  all  cases,  be
                                                               comprised of a majority of  directors  selected by the
                                                               Unitholders.  Accordingly,  the  majority of the Board
                                                               and its  committees  will  always  be  independent  of
                                                               Management.   In  addition,   Advantage  has  recently
                                                               instituted a practice where the non-management members
                                                               of  the  Board  meet   independently   of   management
                                                               following scheduled Board meetings.

- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
13(a)    The  Audit  Committee  of the  Board   Yes            The  Audit  Committee  consists  of  Messrs.  Tourigny
         should be  composed  only of outside                  (Chair),  Tolley and  Sharpe,  all of whom are outside
         directors.                                            directors.  Mr. Tourigny is a chartered accountant and
                                                               all of the members of the Committee  qualify as having
                                                               the  requisite   "financial   literacy"  suggested  by
                                                               Multilateral Instrument 52-110.

- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(b)      The  roles and  responsibilities  of   Yes            The Audit  Committee  has  adopted a specific  charter
         the   Audit   Committee   should  be                  which defines it's role and responsibilities.
         specifically defined.

- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(c)      The  Audit  Committee   should  have   Yes            The  Audit  Committee  (i)  reviews  with  Advantage's
         direct  communication  channels with                  auditors and with  management  Advantage's  accounting
         the internal  and external  auditors                  principles,   policies  and  practices;  (ii)  reviews
         to  discuss   and  review   specific                  Advantage's audited consolidated  financial statements
         issues as appropriate.                                with the  auditors  prior to their  submission  to the
                                                               Board  for  approval;   and  (iii)  reviews  with  the
                                                               auditors  the  adequacy  of  Advantage's   accounting,
                                                               financial and operating controls.

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- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
GUIDELINES                                      COMPLIANCE                            COMMENTS
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(d)      The Audit Committee's  duties should   Yes            The Audit Committee  reviews the scope and adequacy of
         include oversight responsibility for                  management's internal controls and reporting.
         management   reporting  on  internal
         controls  and  should   ensure  that
         management    has    designed    and
         implemented  an effective  system of
         internal controls.

- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
14.   The existence of a system which enables   Yes            A director or a group of directors may engage  outside
      an  individual  director  to  engage an                  advisors  at the  expense  of  Advantage,  subject  to
      outside   advisor  at  the  expense  of                  approval  of the  Human  Resources,  Compensation  and
      Advantage in appropriate circumstances,                  Corporate Governance Committee.
      subject   to   the   approval   of   an
      appropriate committee of the Board.

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