EXHIBIT 99.141


               3100 150 - 6th Avenue SW
               Calgary, AB T2P 3Y7
               T: 403-261-8810 F: 403-262-0723

                   Advantage Energy Income Fund - News Release

                Advantage Announces Year Ended December 31, 2003
                         Results and Reserve Information

                                 April 13, 2004

CALGARY, ALBERTA, April 13, 2004 - Advantage Energy Income Fund ("Advantage" or
"the Fund") is pleased to announce its operating and financial results and
reserves for the year ended December 31, 2003.


o     Advantage replaced 144% of 2003 production through drilling and

o     The Fund drilled 173.8 net wells (192 gross) during 2003 achieving a
      success rate of 97%.

o     Natural gas production  volumes increased by 21% during the year averaging
      57.6  mmcf/d  with  light oil and NGLs  production  rising by 22% to 2,756
      bbls/d as compared to 2002.

o     The Fund closed the  acquisition  of MarkWest  Resources  Canada Corp. for
      $102.5  million on December 2, 2003.  Highlights of this purchase  include
      the following:

      o     Added  production  of  approximately  4,500 boe/d  comprised of 24.2
            mmcf/d of natural gas and 415 bbls/d of oil and NGLs.

      o     Valuation of $23,000 per daily boe of production.

      o     Significant inventory of low risk drilling and recompletion

o     A total of 30 new wells (20.5 net wells) have been drilled on the MarkWest
      properties to March 31, 2004. Production from this activity is anticipated
      to commence in the second quarter of 2004.


o     Cash  available  for  distribution  for the year ended  December  31, 2003
      increased by 59% to $3.09 per Unit. Cash distributions paid to Unitholders
      were $2.71 per Unit  representing an increase of 57% and a payout ratio of
      88%.  The  balance,   or  $11.4  million  was  retained  to  fund  capital

o     Advantage  has  distributed  $0.23 per Unit per  month for 14  consecutive

o     The Fund has hedged 60% of natural gas  production for the balance of 2004
      at an  average  price  of $6.12  per mcf  which  will  enhance  cash  flow
      stability and support cash distributions throughout 2004.


o     Since the initial equity issue in October 2001, Advantage has generated a
      total return to Unitholders of 227%.

o     Since its inception, the Fund has increased production by 154% to
      approximately 16,000 boe/d comprised of 79.2 mmcf/d of natural gas and
      2,800 bbls/d of light oil and NGLs. Growth has been accomplished through
      the completion of four corporate acquisitions combined with an active
      drilling program. As a result of these activities reserves have increased
      219% to 53.3 million boe at a cost of $8.83 per boe.

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                 (thousands of dollars except per Unit amounts)

                                                        Three            Three             Year             Year
                                                    months ended     months ended          ended            ended
                                                    Dec. 31, 2003    Dec. 31, 2002     Dec. 31, 2003    Dec. 31, 2002
                                                    -------------    -------------     -------------    -------------
Revenue before royalties                             $    43,479       $  35,289        $  166,075       $   97,837
   per Unit(1)                                       $      1.31       $    1.30        $     5.44       $     3.64
   per boe                                           $     34.76       $   30.63        $    36.81       $    24.85
Cash flow from operations                            $    25,523       $  21,472        $   99,440       $   53,652
   per Unit(1)                                       $      0.77       $    0.79        $     3.26       $     1.99
   per boe                                           $     20.41       $   18.64        $    22.05       $    13.63
Cash available for distribution(3)                   $    24,126       $  20,357        $   94,735       $   52,537
   per Unit(2)                                       $      0.72       $    0.75        $     3.09       $     1.94
Net income (loss)                                    $    (1,880)      $   2,810        $   44,164       $   12,095
   per Unit(1)                                       $     (0.10)      $    0.10        $     1.29       $     0.41
Cash distributions                                   $    22,905       $  14,634        $   83,382       $   46,883
   per Unit(2)                                       $      0.69       $    0.54        $     2.71       $     1.73
Working capital deficit                                                                 $   27,551       $    7,057
Bank debt                                                                               $  102,968       $  114,222
Convertible debentures                                                                  $   99,984       $   55,000
   Natural gas (mcf/d)                                    65,280          59,444            57,631           47,753
   Light oil and NGLs (bbls/d)                             2,714           2,617             2,756            2,255
   Heavy oil (bbls/d)                                          -               -                 -              573
   boe (6:1)                                              13,594          12,524            12,361           10,787
Average prices (including hedging)
   Natural gas ($/mcf)                               $      5.76       $    4.87        $     6.07       $     3.71
   Light oil & NGLs ($/bbl)                          $     35.67       $   36.05        $    38.14       $    33.68
   Heavy oil ($/bbl)                                 $         -       $       -                 -       $    25.71
Proved plus probable reserves (mboe)(4)
   Natural gas (bcf)                                                                         237.4            223.1
   Crude oil & NGLs (mbbls)                                                                 13,697           13,995
   Total mboe                                                                               53,271           51,180
Supplemental (000s)
Trust Units outstanding - end of period                                                     36,717           27,099
Trust Units issuable for
   Convertible Debentures                                                                    6,155            4,135
Trust Units outstanding and issuable for
   Convertible Debentures - end of period                                                   42,872           31,234
Weighted average Units                                    33,089          27,099            30,536           26,900

(1)   based on weighted average number of Trust Units outstanding

(2)   based on number of Trust Units outstanding at each cash distribution date

(3)   cash flow from operations less interest on convertible debentures

(4)   December 31, 2002 represents established reserves

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Advantage's  year end 2003 reserves were  evaluated in accordance  with National
Instrument 51-101, the new standards of disclosure for oil and gas activities as
mandated  by  the  Canadian  Securities   Administrators.   This  new  reporting
requirement  is  intended  to be  more  stringent  and is  designed  to  improve
consistency and reliability of oil and gas reserve  disclosure.  The emphasis is
placed on a conservative approach in assigning proved reserves.  With NI 51-101,
proved  reserves  are defined to have a 90%  probability  that  actual  reserves
recovered will equal or exceed the assigned estimate. Probable reserves are less
certain than proved  reserves and it is equally likely that the actual  reserves
recovered  will be greater  or less than the sum of the  estimated  proved  plus
probable reserves. Therefore, under NI 51-101, proved plus probable reserves are
considered to represent the most realistic estimate of company reserves.

Sproule Associates Limited evaluated 85% of the total proved plus probable value
of year end reserves and audited all internally evaluated reserves in accordance
with NI 51-101.  The following  table  summarizes  the Fund's  working  interest
reserves, excluding royalty interest reserves of approximately 400 mboe.

Reserves Summary

                                                Crude Oil & NGLs      Natural Gas        Total      Present Value ($000)
                                                      mbbl                bcf            mboe           5%          10%
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Proven producing                                      7,194             155.0           33,027         450.0       366.8
Total proved                                          8,261             184.4           38,998         516.2       422.2
Total probable                                        5,436              53.0           14,273         143.3        97.9
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total proved and probable                            13,697             237.4           53,271      $  659.5   $   520.1

In Bantry,  19 wells  were  drilled  and cased late in 2003,  but were not fully
tested by year end. As a result, only six tested wells were assigned reserves by
Sproule. The remaining 13 wells will be evaluated in the 2004 reserve study.

Reserves Reconciliation

                                             Crude Oil                 NGLs              Natural Gas          Proved
                                               mbbl                    mbbl                  bcf           plus probable
                                         proved   probable      proved   probable     proved   probable        mboe
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Reserves at December 31, 2002(1)          9,164     2,545        1,545     741         178.4     44.7         51,180

Acquisitions                                474        75          348      72          33.7      7.6          7,851
Divestments                                (533)     (129)         (23)      -          (0.7)    (0.1)          (821)
Production                                 (837)        -         (198)      -         (22.5)       -         (4,789)
Capital development                         357       659            -       -          17.1      5.9          4,849
Revisions under NI 51-101
  Technical                              (2,001)    2,220          177      28         (21.6)    (4.8)        (3,955)
  50 year cut-off(2)                       (203)     (731)          (8)    (43)            -     (0.3)        (1,044)

Reserves at December 31, 2003             6,421     4,639        1,841     798         184.4     53.0         53,271

(1)   The  evaluation  as at  December  31,  2002 was  prepared  using  Canadian
      National  Policy  2-B  reserves  definitions.   Under  those  definitions,
      probable reserves were assigned a risk factor of 50%.

(2)   Under the new NI 51-101  guidelines,  all reserves  exceeding 50 years are
      not  assigned.  This  cut-off has no material  impact on current net asset

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Net Asset Value
($000, except per Unit amounts)                        5%               10%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Present value proved and probable reserves        $   659,477       $   520,050
Undeveloped acreage and seismic(1)                     19,000            19,000
Working capital (deficit) net of
   Cash distributions payable to Unitholders          (19,106)          (19,106)
Bank debt                                            (102,968)         (102,968)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Net asset value                                   $   556,403       $   416,976

Net asset value per Unit(2)                       $     12.94       $      9.69

(1)   Land at $50 per acre

(2)   Based on fully diluted Units and conversion of all outstanding debentures

Pricing Assumptions

The present value of future cash flow at December 31, 2003 was based upon crude
oil and natural gas pricing assumptions prepared by Sproule Associates Limited
effective January 1, 2004. These forecasts are adjusted for reserve quality,
transportation charges and the provision of any applicable sales contracts. The
price assumptions used over the next five years are summarized in the table
               WTI         Edmonton Light     Alberta Plantgate      Henry Hub
            Crude Oil         Crude Oil          Natural Gas        Natural Gas
Year         $US/bbl          $Cdn/bbl           $Cdn/mmbtu          $US/mmbtu
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

2004         $ 29.63            $ 37.99             $ 5.81             $ 5.32

2005         $ 26.80            $ 34.24             $ 5.15             $ 4.81

2006         $ 25.76            $ 32.87             $ 4.59             $ 4.39

2007         $ 26.14            $ 33.37             $ 4.71             $ 4.46

2008         $ 26.53            $ 33.87             $ 4.80             $ 4.52


The  following  Management's  Discussion  and  Analysis  ("MD & A")  provides  a
detailed  explanation of the financial and operating results of Advantage Energy
Income Fund ("Advantage", "the Trust" or "the Fund") for the year ended December
31,  2003  and  should  be read in  conjunction  with the  audited  consolidated
financial  statements.  All per barrel of oil  equivalent  ("boe")  amounts  are
stated at 6:1 conversion rate for natural gas to oil.

Advantage  was formed on May 23,  2001 as a result of the  conversion  of Search
Energy Corp.  into an income fund. The purpose of the conversion was to create a
trust entity which distributes substantially all of its cash flow to Unitholders
on a monthly  basis.  The  Fund's  strategy  is to focus on growth  through  the
acquisition  and  development of producing oil and natural gas properties  while
minimizing exposure to exploration risk.


Total cash  distributions  to  Unitholders  for the year ended December 31, 2003
amounted to $83.4 million or $2.71 per Unit. This represents a 78% increase over
2002 cash distributions which amounted to $46.9 million or $1.73 per Unit. Since
inception,  the Fund has  distributed  $152.4  million  or $5.89 per Unit.  Cash
distributions  are  dependent  on the Fund's  current  level of  production  and
prevailing  commodity  prices  and are  announced  monthly  based  on cash  flow
available after retaining a portion for capital expenditures and debt repayment.

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2003 Monthly Distributions

Cash distributions to Unitholders were declared as follows:

                                Distribution  Taxable amount  Return of capital
Period ended    Payment date      per Unit       per Unit         per Unit
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Jan. 31, 2003   Feb. 18, 2003    $    0.18       $  0.072         $  0.108
Feb. 28, 2003   Mar. 17, 2003    $    0.23       $  0.092         $  0.138
Mar. 31, 2003   Apr. 15, 2003    $    0.23       $  0.092         $  0.138
Apr. 30, 2003   May 15, 2003     $    0.23       $  0.092         $  0.138
May 31, 2003    June 16, 2003    $    0.23       $  0.092         $  0.138
June 30, 2003   July 15, 2003    $    0.23       $  0.092         $  0.138
July 31, 2003   Aug. 15, 2003    $    0.23       $  0.092         $  0.138
Aug. 31, 2003   Sept. 15, 2003   $    0.23       $  0.092         $  0.138
Sept. 30, 2003  Oct. 15, 2003    $    0.23       $  0.092         $  0.138
Oct. 31, 2003   Nov. 17, 2003    $    0.23       $  0.092         $  0.138
Nov. 30, 2003   Dec. 15, 2003    $    0.23       $  0.092         $  0.138
Dec. 31, 2003   Jan. 15, 2004    $    0.23       $  0.092         $  0.138
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                 $    2.71       $  1.084         $  1.626

For US  holders  of  Advantage  Units  the  distributions  paid in 2003 were 56%
non-taxable return of capital and 44% taxable.  Unitholders should consult their
tax advisors as to the proper  treatment of Advantage  distributions  for income
tax purposes.


Natural  gas  production  for the year ended  December  31, 2003  averaged  57.6
mmcf/d,  an  improvement  of 21% over  the 47.8  mmcf/d  produced  in 2002.  The
increase in gas  production  over 2002 was the result of a  successful  drilling
program at  Medicine  Hat and  Shouldice,  Alberta and the  acquisition  of Best
Pacific Resources on November 18, 2002. Advantage's drilling program at Medicine
Hat and Shouldice added new production of approximately 13.0 mmcf/d in the later
half of 2003, while the Best Pacific acquisition added approximately 5.8 mmcf/d.
On December 2, 2003 Advantage  acquired  MarkWest  Resources  Canada Corp.  This
acquisition  did not contribute  significantly  to 2003 average volumes but will
add  approximately  20 mmcf/d of new natural gas  production  to the Fund in the
first quarter of 2004. Advantage exited 2003 producing approximately 79.2 mmcf/d
of natural gas.

Oil and NGLs production in 2003 averaged 2,756 bbls/d compared with 2,828 bbls/d
produced in 2002.  Light oil and NGLs  production in 2003 averaged 2,756 bbls/d,
an increase of 22% over the 2,255  bbls/d  produced in 2002.  Increases in light
oil and  NGLs  production  in 2003 was the  result  of the  acquisition  of Best
Pacific  Resources  in  November  of 2002.  The 3% decline in total oil and NGLs
production in 2003 was the result of the disposition of substantially all of the
Fund's  heavy  oil  production  on  September  1,  2002.  The  Fund's  heavy oil
production was exchanged for increased  production and working  interests in the
Fund's Vermilion natural gas property.  Heavy oil production in 2002 amounted to
573 bbls/d.

Daily Production
                                     2003         2002        % Change
     Natural gas (mcf/d)            57,631       47,753         21  %
     Light oil & NGLs (bbls/d)       2,756        2,255         22  %
     Heavy oil (bbls/d)                  -          573          -  %
     Total (boe/d)                  12,361       10,787         15  %


Natural Gas

Natural  gas prices for the year ended  December  31,  2003  averaged  $6.30/mcf
($6.07/mcf  including  hedging),  compared  to  $3.85/mcf  ($3.71/mcf  including
hedging) in the year ended  December 31, 2002.  Advantage's  natural gas hedging

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resulted  in losses of $4.8  million  in 2003 or  $0.23/mcf.  All of the  Fund's
natural  gas  hedging  losses  were  incurred  in the first  quarter of 2003 and
related to hedges  entered  into in the fall of 2002.  Natural  gas prices  were
considerably  stronger in 2003  compared to 2002 but have softened from the near
record highs  attained in the first quarter of 2003.  Prices have weakened since
the first quarter due to higher than normal  injections into natural gas storage
caused by (i) below normal summer temperatures that cut cooling demand, reducing
the  need  for  natural  gas as  fuel  for  electricity  generation  to run  air
conditioning, (ii) switching away from natural gas to lower cost fuels and (iii)
expectations  for  increased  supply that has  resulted  from the active  winter
drilling season.  Natural gas storage levels are now within the normal five year
range  entering  into the shoulder  season  where strong  demand for heating has
declined and the summer cooling season has not yet begun. Advantage continues to
believe that the pricing fundamentals for natural gas remains strong.  Advantage
will continue to mitigate the price risk  associated  with the  fluctuations  in
natural gas prices by hedging a portion of its production.  Advantage has hedged
approximately 60% of it's anticipated natural gas production for 2004. The price
the Fund receives on natural gas is primarily  based on the AECO benchmark price
with  approximately 25% of production sold to aggregators and the remainder sold
on the spot market. Advantage's current production is weighted approximately 83%
towards natural gas.

     Average Prices - Natural Gas ($/mcf)

                                             2003         2002      % Change
     Advantage wellhead price              $   6.30     $  3.85        64%
     Advantage hedged price                $   6.07     $  3.71        64%
     AECO monthly index                    $   6.67     $  4.26        57%

Crude Oil

Crude oil and NGLs prices averaged $38.58/bbl  ($38.14/bbl including hedging) in
2003 compared with $34.46/bbl  ($32.07/bbl  including hedging) in 2002. Included
in  crude  oil  sales  is $0.4  million  of oil  hedging  losses  or  $0.44/bbl.
Advantage's  crude oil prices are based on the  benchmark  pricing of West Texas
Intermediate  Crude  ("WTI")  adjusted  for  quality,  transportation  costs and
Canadian/US exchange rate. The price of WTI fluctuates based on worldwide supply
and demand  fundamentals.  Crude oil prices were extremely  volatile in 2003 and
remain  strong due to (i)  record  low  storage  levels in the US,  (ii)  supply
management  by the OPEC cartel,  (iii)  ongoing civil unrest in the middle east,
Venezuela  and Nigeria and (iv)  increased  world wide  demand  particularly  in
China.  The price of WTI averaged  $US31.06/bbl in 2003 compared to $US26.10/bbl
in the period ending December 31, 2002.

     Average Prices - Crude Oil

                                             2003         2002      % Change
     Light oil & NGLs ($/bbl)              $  38.58     $ 35.83        8 %
     Heavy oil ($/bbl)                            -     $ 29.03        -
     Oil & NGLs - including hedging
       ($/bbl)                             $  38.14     $ 32.07       19 %
     WTI (US$/bbl)                         $  31.06     $ 26.10       19 %


During 2003 the Fund's hedging losses  amounted to $5.2 million ($4.8 million on
natural  gas hedges  and $0.4  million  on crude oil  hedges).  All of the Funds
hedging  losses were the result of  contracts  entered  into in the fall of 2002
prior to the increase in winter natural gas prices and due to hedging  contracts
acquired as part of the Best  Pacific  acquisition.  Contracts  entered  into in
early 2003  resulted in hedging  gains of $2.4 million in 2003.  On February 24,
2004 the Fund  announced  that it had  entered the  following  natural gas hedge
transactions for 2004 and 2005:

     Natural Gas - April to December 2004

     Volume                                                 50.4 mmcf/d
     Fixed price (average)                                   $6.12/mcf

     Natural Gas - January to March 2005

     Volume                                                 10.5 mmcf/d
     Fixed price (average)                                   $6.30/mcf

Advantage currently has no crude oil hedges in place.

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Total  royalties  amounted to $28.5 million for the year ended December 31, 2003
or  16.6%  of  pre-hedged  revenue  compared  with  $17.3  million  or  16.9% of
pre-hedged  revenue for the year ended  December 31, 2002.  Total  royalties are
significantly  higher in 2003 as a result of higher  revenues.  Advantage's  low
royalty rate reflects the Fund's significant proportion of production that comes
from low rate natural gas wells at properties  such as Medicine Hat,  Wainwright
and  Shouldice  which attract lower  royalty  rates.  The slight  decline in the
Fund's  royalty rate in 2003  compared to 2002  reflects a higher  proportion of
Advantage's  production  coming  from  these  lower rate  properties.  Advantage
anticipates that its royalty rate in 2004 will increase to approximately  20% as
a result of the  acquisition of MarkWest  Resources in December  2003.  MarkWest
properties attract higher royalty rates than Advantage properties.


                                                2003         2002     % Change
     Total royalties, net of ARC ($000)       $ 28,491     $ 17,344     64  %
     per boe                                  $   6.31     $   4.41     43  %
     As a percentage of pre-hedging revenue       16.6%        16.9%     -


Operating  costs for the year ended  December 31, 2003 amounted to $25.6 million
or  $5.68/boe  compared  with  $18.5  million  or  $4.70/boe  for the year ended
December 31, 2002.  The  increase in  operating  cost amounts  reflects the Best
Pacific  acquisition  completed in late 2003. Per boe operating  costs increased
due to higher power costs and higher field costs associated with the shortage of
supplies,  services  and  materials  that has  resulted  from the high  level of
industry  activity.  The  Fund  expects  per boe  operating  costs in 2004 to be
similar to 2003.

     Operating Costs

                                              2003        2002      % Change
     Operating costs ($000)                 $ 25,618    $ 18,486      39  %
     per boe                                $   5.68    $   4.70      21  %


General and administrative  ("G&A") expense for the year ended December 31, 2003
amounted to $3.2  million or $0.71/boe  compared  with $2.6 million or $0.67/boe
for the year ended  December  31,  2002.  G&A  expense was higher in 2003 due to
increased staff levels that resulted from the growth of the Fund.

Management  fees for the year ended  December 31, 2003  amounted to $1.7 million
compared to $0.9 million for the year ended  December 31, 2002.  On a boe basis,
management  fees were $0.37/boe  compared to $0.24/boe in 2002.  Management fees
are  calculated  based on 1.5% of  operating  cash  flow,  which is  defined  as
revenues less royalties and operating expenses.

The Fund  Manager is entitled to earn a  performance  fee to the extent that the
total  annual  return  of the Fund  exceeds  8%.  The  total  annual  return  is
calculated at the end of each year by dividing the year over year change in Unit
price plus cash  distributions by the opening Unit price. One tenth (10%) of the
amount of the total annual  return in excess of 8% is  multiplied  by the market
capitalization  (defined as the opening  Unit price times the  weighted  average
number of Units  outstanding  during the year) to determine the performance fee.
For the year ending  December 31, 2003 the total return of the Fund was 57% (84%
return in 2002)  based on an opening  unit  price of $13.07 per unit  ($8.02 per
unit in 2002), a closing unit price of $17.83 per unit ($13.07 per unit in 2002)
and cash  distributions of $2.71 per unit for the year ($1.73 per unit in 2002).
This 57% return for  Unitholders  resulted in a performance fee of $19.6 million
($16.5  million in 2002) based on a total annual return to Unitholders of $227.9
million ($179.4 million in 2002). On January 21, 2003 the Fund issued  1,099,104
Advantage Trust Units to Advantage Investment  Management Ltd. and the employees
of the Fund to satisfy the  performance  fee  obligation.  The Manager  does not
receive any form of compensation  in respect of acquisition or divestiture  fees
nor is there any form of stock  option plan for the Manager or the  employees of

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     General and Administrative Expenses

                                                  2003       2002   % Change
     General and administrative expense ($000)   $ 3,216   $ 2,624    23 %
     per boe                                     $  0.71   $  0.67     6 %
     Management fees ($000)                      $ 1,679   $   930    81 %
     per boe                                     $  0.37   $  0.24    54 %
     Employees at December 31                         49        31    58 %


Interest  expense on bank debt for the year ended  December 31, 2003 amounted to
$6.4 million  compared  with $4.3 million for the year ended  December 31, 2002.
Higher interest  expense in 2003 was the result of a higher average debt balance
during the year partially  offset by lower interest  rates.  The Fund's interest
rates are primarily based on short term Bankers Acceptance rates plus a stamping
fee. The average rate of interest on Advantage's  bank debt at December 31, 2003
was approximately 4.3%.


     Netbacks ($/boe)

                                                   2003                             2002
                                          ($000s)         ($/boe)          ($000s)         ($/boe)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Revenue                                 $ 171,277        $   37.96        $ 102,717       $   26.09
Hedging                                    (5,202)           (1.15)          (4,880)          (1.24)
Royalties                                 (28,491)           (6.31)         (17,344)          (4.41)
Operating costs                           (25,618)           (5.68)         (18,486)          (4.70)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Operating                               $ 111,966        $   24.82        $  62,007       $   15.74

General and administrative                 (3,216)           (0.71)          (2,624)          (0.67)
Management fees                            (1,679)           (0.37)            (930)          (0.24)
Interest expense                           (6,378)           (1.41)          (4,272)          (1.09)
Taxes                                      (1,253)           (0.28)            (529)          (0.13)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Cash flow from operations               $  99,440        $   22.05        $  53,652       $   13.61

Interest on convertible debentures         (4,705)           (1.04)          (1,115)          (0.28)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Cash available for distribution         $  94,735        $   21.01        $  52,537       $   13.33


Depletion and  depreciation of property and equipment is provided on the unit of
production  method based on total proved reserves.  The depletion,  depreciation
and site  restoration  provision for 2003  increased to $53.8 million from $41.1
million  in 2002.  The  increased  provision  in 2003 is the  result  of  higher
production   volumes  in  2002  and  a  higher  per  boe  rate.  The  depletion,
depreciation and  amortization  rate (DD&A) for the year ended December 31, 2003
was $11.86/boe  compared with  $10.43/boe in 2002. DD&A includes a provision for
future site restoration and abandonments of $0.29/boe ($0.24/boe in 2002).


Current taxes paid or payable for the period ending  December 31, 2003 primarily
represent  capital tax and  amounted to $1.3  million,  compared to $0.5 million
expensed in 2002.  Capital  taxes are based on debt and equity levels at the end
of the year and are higher in 2003 due to Advantage's growth during the year. As
a  result  of new  legislation  in  2003,  capital  taxes  are  to be  gradually
eliminated over the next five years.

Future income taxes arise from differences  between the accounting and tax bases
of the operating  company's assets and liabilities.  For the year ended December
31, 2003 the Fund recognized an income tax recovery of $18.1 million compared to
a $16.0  million  recovery in 2002. In the Fund's  structure,  payments are made
between the operating company and the Trust  transferring both income and future
income tax liability to the  Unitholders.  Therefore,  it is expected,  based on

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legislation that no cash income taxes are to be paid by the operating company in
the future, and as such, the future income tax liability recorded on the balance
sheet will be recovered  through earnings over time. As at December 31, 2003 the
operating  company had a future income tax liability  balance of $77.4  million.
Canadian generally accepted  accounting  principles require that a future income
tax liability be recorded  when the book value of assets  exceeds the balance of
tax pools.  It further  requires  that a future tax  liability be recorded on an
acquisition  when a corporation  acquires  assets with associated tax pools that
are less  than the  purchase  price.  As a result of the  MarkWest  acquisition,
Advantage recorded a future tax liability of $18.5 million.


Capital expenditures including acquisitions for the year ended December 31, 2003
totalled $169.0 million net of property dispositions of $6.1 million compared to
$167.8  million  net  of  property   dispositions   of  $0.8  million  in  2002.
Expenditures  on property and equipment in 2003 amounted to $76.2  million.  The
majority of the capital  expenditures  were incurred on natural gas  development
drilling,  completions  and tie-ins at Medicine Hat,  Shouldice,  Wainwright and

     Capital Expenditures ($ thousands)
                                                         2003           2002
     Land and seismic                                 $    7,502     $    1,359
     Drilling, completions and workovers                  47,123         30,719
     Well equipping and facilities                        21,094         10,456
     Other                                                   493            118
                                                      $   76,212     $   42,652
     Acquisition of Best Pacific Resources Ltd.                -         53,448
     Acquisition of Gascan Resources Ltd.                      -         63,799
     Acquisition of MarkWest Canada Resources Corp.       97,025              -
     Property acquisitions                                 1,848          8,698
     Property dispositions                                (6,112)          (800)
     Total capital expenditures                       $  168,973     $  167,797


MarkWest Resources Canada Corp.

On December 2, 2003 Advantage  acquired all of the issued and outstanding shares
of MarkWest Resources Canada Corp. for cash consideration of $97.0 million.  The
acquisition  was financed  through the issuance of 5.1 million  Advantage  Trust
Units at a price of $15.75  per Unit and the  issuance  of $60  million of 8.25%
unsecured subordinated  convertible  debentures.  The debentures are convertible
into Advantage Trust units at a conversion price of $16.50 per Trust Unit.

The Fund recorded  goodwill on the acquisition of $27.8 million as the result of
purchasing  tax pool  deficient  oil and gas  reserves.  The goodwill  value was
determined based on the excess of total consideration plus the future income tax
liability  recorded upon  acquisition  less the deemed fair value for accounting
purposes of the MarkWest assets.  The fair value for accounting  purposes of the
MarkWest assets of $105.6 million was determined based on a 10% discounted value
of established  reserves as per an  independent  reserve  evaluation.  Result of
operations of MarkWest have been included in the Fund's  consolidated  financial
statements effective December 2, 2003, the closing date of the transaction.


On July 8, 2003 Advantage  issued $30 million  principle  amount of 9% unsecured
subordinated  convertible  debentures.  The debentures mature on August 1, 2008,
pay interest  semi-annually and are convertible at the option of the holder into
Trust Units of Advantage  at $17.00 per Unit plus  accrued and unpaid  interest.
Proceeds of the debenture  offering were used to fund drilling and  exploitation
activities  in the Trust's  core areas.  On December 2, 2003 the Fund issued 5.1
million Trust Units at a price of $15.75 per Trust Unit  generating net proceeds
of $76.1 million. Also on December 2, 2003 the Fund issued $60 million principle
amount of 8.25% unsecured subordinated  convertible  debentures.  The debentures
mature on February 1, 2009, pay interest  semi-annually  and are  convertible at
the option of the holder into Trust Units of  Advantage  at $16.50 per Unit plus
accrued and unpaid  interest.  A portion of the proceeds of the December 2, 2003
offering were used to fund the  acquisition of MarkWest  Resources  Canada Corp.
with the balance of net  proceeds  used to reduce  outstanding  bank debt and to
fund drilling and

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exploitation  capital  expenditures in the Fund's core areas. As at December 31,
2003 the Fund had 36.7  million  Trust  Units  outstanding.  On January 27, 2004
Advantage issued  1,099,104 Units to the Fund's Manager and Advantage  employees
to satisfy the obligation related to the 2003 performance incentive fee.

At December 31, 2003  Advantage  had bank debt  outstanding  of $103.0  million.
Advantage has an agreement  with a syndicate of three Canadian  chartered  banks
that provides for a $180 million facility  consisting of $170 million extendible
revolving loan facility and a $10 million  operating loan facility both of which
mature on May 28,  2004.  The credit  facilities  are secured by a $250  million
floating  charge  demand   debenture,   a  general  security   agreement  and  a
subordination  agreement from the Trust  covering all assets and cash flows.  At
December  31, 2003  Advantage  also had a working  capital  deficiency  of $24.9
million.  The following  table  outlines  Advantage's  sources and uses of funds
during 2003:

     Sources and Uses of Funds ($ thousands)

     Sources of funds
        Cash flow from operations                         $   99,440
        Units issued, net of costs                            76,436
        Debentures issued, net of costs                       85,982
        Decrease in working capital                            2,119
        Property dispositions, net of acquisitions             4,264
                                                          $  268,241

     Uses of funds
        Capital expenditures                              $   76,212
        Acquisition of MarkWest Resources                     97,025
        Distributions paid to Unitholders                     79,815
        Interest paid to debenture holders                     3,935
        Decrease in bank debt                                 11,254
                                                          $  268,241


The following is a summary of selected financial information of the Fund for the
periods indicated.

                                                 For the          For the            For the period
                                               year ended        year ended            from May 24
                                              Dec. 31, 2003     Dec. 31, 2002      to Dec. 31, 2001(1)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total revenue (before royalties) ($000)          166,075           97,837                38,595
Cash flow from operations ($000)                  99,440           53,652                20,342
     Per unit - basic                               3.26             1.99                  1.31
     Per unit - diluted                             2.92             1.93                  1.31
Net income ($000)                                 44,164           12,095                 9,567
     Per unit - basic and diluted                   1.29             0.41                  0.62
Total assets ($000)                              574,752          411,849               234,324
Cash distributions per unit                         2.71             1.73                  1.45

(1)   The  Reorganization of Advantage Oil and Gas Ltd.  (formerly Search Energy
      Corp.) into an income trust structure occurred effective May 24, 2001. The
      data presented for the period ended December 31, 2001 represents data from
      Advantage's first financial year of May 24, 2001 to December 31, 2001.

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The following is a summary of selected financial information of Advantage for
the periods indicated.

                  Total                   Net           Net                    Cash flow from    Cash flow from
                Revenues       Net       Income       Income      Cash flow      operations        operations
                (before      Income    (loss) per    per Unit       from          per Unit          per Unit
               royalties)    (loss)    Unit basic     diluted    operations         basic            diluted
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                ($000)       ($000)                                ($000)
1st quarter      42,079      15,630       0.50         0.48        25,141           0.89              0.78
2nd quarter      39,654      20,805       0.67         0.64        24,210           0.82              0.75
3rd quarter      40,863       9,609       0.28         0.28        24,567           0.79              0.76
4th quarter      43,479      (1,880)     (0.10)       (0.10)       25,522           0.77              0.65


1st quarter      18,625       3,223       0.12         0.12         9,889           0.36              0.36
2nd quarter      22,474         705       0.03         0.03        11,691           0.43              0.43
3rd quarter      21,449       5,357       0.20         0.20        10,600           0.39              0.39
4th quarter      35,289       2,810       0.10         0.10        21,472           0.79              0.79


The  following is a summary of certain risk factors  relating to the business of
the Trust.

Exploitation and Development

Exploitation and development risks are due to the uncertain results of searching
for and producing oil and natural gas using imperfect scientific methods.  These
risks are mitigated by using highly skilled staff, focusing exploitation efforts
in areas in which  Advantage  has existing  knowledge and expertise or access to
such expertise,  using up to date technology to enhance methods, and controlling
costs to maximize  returns.  Advanced  oil and natural gas related  technologies
such  as  three-dimensional  seismography,   reservoir  simulation  studies  and
horizontal drilling have been used by Advantage and will be used by Advantage to
improve its ability to find, develop and produce oil and natural gas.


Advantage's  operations are subject to all of the risks normally incident to the
operation and  development of oil and natural gas properties and the drilling of
oil and natural  gas wells,  including  encountering  unexpected  formations  or
pressures, blowouts, craterings and fires, all of which could result in personal
injuries,  loss of life and  damage  to the  property  of the  Fund and  others.
Advantage  has both  safety and  environmental  policies in place to protect its
operators and employees, as well as to meet the regulatory requirements in those
areas where it operates. In addition,  the Fund has liability insurance policies
in place,  in such amounts as it  considers  adequate,  however,  it will not be
fully insured against all of these risks, nor are all such risks insurable.

Continuing  production  from  non-operated  properties,  and, to some extent the
marketing of production therefrom, are largely dependent upon the ability of the
operator of the  property.  To the extent the  operator  fails to perform  these
functions properly,  revenue may be reduced.  Payments from production generally
flow through the operator and there is a risk of delay and additional expense in
receiving such revenues if the operator becomes insolvent. Although satisfactory
title reviews are generally  conducted in  accordance  with industry  standards,
such reviews do not guarantee or certify that a defect in the chain of title may
not arise to defeat the claim of Advantage to certain properties. A reduction of
cash flow could result in such  circumstances.  Advantage mitigates this risk by
operating a high percentage of its properties.

Oil and Natural Gas Prices

The price of oil and natural gas will fluctuate and price and demand are factors
beyond Advantage's  control.  Such fluctuations will have a positive or negative
effect on the revenue to be received by it. Such  fluctuations will also have an
effect on the  acquisition  costs of any future oil and natural  gas  properties
that Advantage may acquire. As well, cash distributions from the

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Trust will be highly  sensitive to the prevailing price of crude oil and natural
gas. Advantage mitigates this risk by maintaining a hedging program.


The  marketability  and price of oil and  natural  gas that may be  acquired  or
discovered by Advantage will be affected by numerous factors beyond its control.
These factors include demand for oil and natural gas, market  fluctuations,  the
proximity and capacity of oil and natural gas pipelines and processing equipment
and government  regulations,  including  regulations  relating to  environmental
protection, royalties, allowable production, pricing, importing and exporting of
oil and natural gas. Advantage mitigates this risk by maintaining a portfolio of
assets that are geographically diversified.

Capital Investment

The timing and amount of capital expenditures will directly affect the amount of
income for distribution to Trust Unitholders.  Distributions may be reduced,  or
even  eliminated,  at times when significant  capital or other  expenditures are

Debt Service

Advantage  has credit  facilities in the amount of  $180,000,000.  Variations in
interest rates and scheduled  principal  repayments  could result in significant
changes in the amount  required to be applied to debt service  before payment of
any amounts to Unitholders. Although it is believed that the bank line of credit
is  sufficient,  there can be no assurance  that the amount will be adequate for
the financial obligations of Advantage or that additional funds can be obtained.

The lenders have been  provided  with  security  over  substantially  all of the
assets of Advantage. If Advantage becomes unable to pay its debt service charges
or  otherwise  commits an event of default such as  bankruptcy,  the lenders may
foreclose on or sell the properties of the Fund.


Although Sproule  Associates  Limited and the Trust have carefully  prepared the
reserve  figures  included  herein and believe  that the  methods of  estimating
reserves have been verified by operating experience,  such figures are estimates
and no  assurance  can be given that the  indicated  levels of reserves  will be
produced.  Probable reserves estimated for properties may require revision based
on the actual development  strategies employed to prove such reserves.  Declines
in the  reserves  of  Advantage  which  are not  offset  by the  acquisition  or
development  of  additional  reserves may reduce the  underlying  value of Trust
Units to Trust  Unitholders.  Trust Units will have no value once all of the oil
and natural gas reserves of Advantage have been produced.  As a result,  holders
of Trust  Units will have to obtain the return of capital  invested  out of cash
flow derived from their investment in such Trust Units.

Environmental Concerns

The oil and natural gas industry is subject to environmental regulation pursuant
to local,  provincial and federal legislation.  A breach of such legislation may
result in the  imposition of fines or issuance of clean-up  orders in respect of
Advantage or the  properties.  Such  legislation may be changed to impose higher
standards and potentially more costly obligations on Advantage.  There can be no
assurance that the Trust will be able to satisfy its actual future environmental
and reclamation obligations.

Depletion of Reserves

The Trust has certain unique attributes that differentiate it from other oil and
gas industry participants.  Distributions of cash flow in respect of the oil and
gas properties,  absent commodity price increases or cost effective  acquisition
and development  activities  will decline over time in a manner  consistent with
declining  production  from  typical  oil,  natural  gas and natural gas liquids
reserves.  Advantage  will not be  reinvesting  cash flow in the same  manner as
other industry participants. Accordingly, absent capital injections, Advantage's
initial production levels and reserves will decline.

Advantage's  future oil and natural gas reserves and  production,  and therefore
its cash flows,  will be highly  dependent on Advantage's  success in exploiting
its reserve base and acquiring  additional  reserves.  Without reserve additions
through  acquisition  or  development   activities,   Advantage's  reserves  and
production will decline over time as reserves are exploited.

To the extent  that  external  sources of  capital,  including  the  issuance of
additional Trust Units,  become limited or unavailable,  Advantage's  ability to
make the necessary capital investments to maintain or expand its oil and natural
gas reserves will be impaired.  To the extent that  Advantage is required to use
cash flow to finance capital expenditures or property acquisitions, the level of
cash available for distribution will be reduced.

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There can be no assurance  that  Advantage  will be  successful in developing or
acquiring  additional  reserves  on  terms  that  meet  the  Trust's  investment

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Changes in Legislation

New  legislation  has  been  proposed  that  restricts  levels  of  non-resident
ownership for the Trust to be able to maintain its status under the Tax Act as a
"mutual  fund  trust".  If the Trust  ceases to qualify as a "mutual fund trust"
under the Tax Act,  the Trust Units will cease to be qualified  investments  for
registered  retirement  savings  plans,   registered  education  savings  plans,
deferred profit sharing plans and registered retirement income funds.

Regulatory Matters

The Corporation's  operations are subject to a variety of federal and provincial
laws and regulations,  including laws and regulations relating to the protection
of the environment.


Advantage  Investment  Management  Ltd. has been  retained by the Trustee of the
Fund and by  Advantage  Oil & Gas  ("AOG") to provide  advisory  and  management
services to the Fund and to AOG. The Board of Directors' mandate is to supervise
the  management  of the business and affairs of the Fund  including the business
and affairs of the Fund delegated to AOG. In particular,  all decisions relating
to: (i) the  acquisition  and  disposition of properties for a purchase price or
proceeds in excess of $2 million;  (ii) the  approval  of annual  operating  and
capital expenditure  budgets;  and (iii) the establishment of credit facilities,
will be made by the Board.

Computershare  Trust Company of Canada,  the Trustee of the Fund,  has delegated
certain matters to the Board of Directors.  These include all decisions relating
to issuance of  additional  Trust Units and the  determination  of the amount of
distributions.  Any  amendment to any  material  contract to which the Fund is a
party will require the  approval of the Board of  Directors  and, in some cases,
Unitholder approval.

The Board of Directors meets regularly to review the business and affairs of the
Fund and AOG and to make any required decisions.

The Board of Directors consists of seven members,  five of whom are unrelated to
the Fund. The Audit Committee and the Independent  Reserve Evaluation  Committee
each have  three  members,  all of whom are  independent.  The Human  Resources,
Compensation and Corporate Governance Committee has two members, all of whom are
independent. In addition, the Chairman of the Board is not related and is not an
executive officer of the Fund.

A further discussion of the Fund's corporate governance practices can be found
in the Management Proxy Circular.


The preparation of financial statements in accordance with GAAP requires
management to make certain judgments and estimates. Changes in these judgments
and estimates could have a material impact on the Trust's financial results and
financial condition. The process of estimating reserves is critical to several
accounting estimates. The process of estimating reserves is complex and requires
significant judgments and decisions based on available geological, geophysical,
engineering and economic data. These estimates may change substantially as
additional data from ongoing development and production activities becomes
available, and as economic conditions impact oil and natural gas prices,
operating costs, and royalty burdens change. Reserve estimates impact net income
through depletion, the provision for site reclamation and abandonment and in the
application of the ceiling test, whereby the value of the oil and natural gas
assets are subjected to an impairment test. The reserve estimates are also used
to assess the borrowing base for the Trust's credit facilities. Revision or
changes in the reserve estimates can have either a positive or a negative impact
on net income or the borrowing base of the Trust.


During 2003 there were a number of changes to financial reporting and regulatory
requirements. The changes that will impact Advantage are noted below.

Full Cost Accounting Guideline

In September 2003 the CICA issued Accounting Guideline 16, "Oil and Gas
Accounting - Full Cost" which is effective for fiscal years beginning on or
after January 1, 2004. The new Guideline limits the carrying value of oil and
natural gas properties to their fair value. The fair value is equal to estimated
future cash flows from proved plus probable reserves using future price
forecasts and costs discounted at a risk-free rate. This differs from the
current cost recovery ceiling test that uses undiscounted

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cash flows and constant prices and costs less general and administrative and
financing costs. There is no write-down of the Fund's oil and gas assets under
either method at December 31, 2003.

Asset Retirement Obligations

In March 2003 the CICA issued handbook section 3110 "Asset Retirement
Obligations" which requires liability recognition for retirement obligations
associated with the Fund's property and equipment. The obligations are initially
measured at fair value, which is the discounted future value of the liability.
The fair value is capitalized as part of the cost of the related assets and
depleted to earnings over the assets useful life. The liability accretes until
the retirement obligations are settled. Advantage will adopt the new standard in
the first quarter of 2004. The accrued site restoration liability on the balance
sheet at December 31, 2003 has been calculated on a unit of production basis and
will be reversed in the first quarter of 2004. Property and equipment will be
increased and a liability set up for the amount calculated under the new
standard. The comparative numbers for 2003 will be restated to reflect the new

Hedging Relationships

Effective for the Fund's 2004 fiscal year, the new CICA Accounting Guideline 13
"Hedging Relationships" requires that hedging relationship be identified,
designated, documented and measured in order for the Fund to apply hedge
accounting. All of the hedges Advantage enters into are effective economic
hedges and Advantage has elected to use the fair value method of accounting for
all derivative transactions as the Fund believes this method provides better
information to readers of the Fund's financial statements. Effective the first
quarter of 2004 Advantage will record the fair value of the derivative financial
instruments at each balance sheet date. The change in fair value from period to
period will be recorded in the income statement on a separate line as unrealized

Stock Based Compensation

In September 2003 the CICA issued an amendment to section 3870 "Stock Based
compensation and other stock based payments". The amended section is effective
for years beginning on or after January 1, 2004 and requires that companies
measure all stock based payments using the fair value method of accounting and
recognize the compensation expense in their financial statements. The Trust
implemented this standard in 2003.

Continuous Disclosure Obligations

Commencing in the first quarter of 2004 Advantage will be subject to new
disclosure requirements as per National Instrument 51-102 "Continuous Disclosure
Obligations". This new instrument requires shorter reporting periods for filing
annual and interim financial statements, MD&A and Annual Information Form (AIF).
The Instrument also proposes enhanced disclosure in the annual and interim
financial statements, MD&A and AIF.


Advantage's objective is to become the leading choice among investors in the oil
and gas trust sector. This will be accomplished through the acquisition,
development and management of long life, low cost reserves with an emphasis on
natural gas and light oil. Significant strides have been made since the
inception of the Fund in May 2001 in accomplishing this objective. The
acquisition of Due West, Gascan, Best Pacific and MarkWest combined with
development drilling has increased established reserves by 46.7 mmboe at a cost
of $8.83 per boe. Since inception of the Fund on May 24, 2001 daily production
has grown by 154% from 6,300 boe/d to the 2003 exit rate of approximately 16,000

In 2004, Advantage will continue to follow its strategy of acquiring properties
that provide low risk development opportunities and enhance long-term cash flow.
Production will also be added through low risk exploitation and development
drilling. To ensure stability of cash distributions and return to Unitholders,
the Fund will maintain a hedging plan to guard against the downward volatility
of commodity prices.

There are a number of trends that have been developing in the oil and gas
royalty trust sector that appear to be shaping the near future of the business
and will have an impact on Advantage's cash available for distribution

      o     Strong crude oil and natural gas prices which will have a positive
            impact for Unitholders.

      o     Low interest rates which has increased the demand for yield-based

      o     An active, but extremely competitive market for the acquisition of
            oil and gas properties.

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      o     A structural advantage for income trusts and a lower cost of capital
            when competing with E & P companies for these acquisitions.

With the continued strength of natural gas prices and the anticipated increases
in natural gas production from the 2004 drilling program, Advantage is well
positioned for strong growth in 2004. The level of cash flow available to
Unitholders will be affected by oil and natural gas prices, the $Cdn/US exchange
rate and the Fund's ability to continue to add production and reserves in a cost
effective manner. The following table indicates the Fund's cash flow sensitivity
to changes in prices and production of natural gas, crude oil and NGLs, exchange
rates and interest rates for 2004 based on production of 79,200 mcf/d of natural
gas and 2,800 bbls/d of crude oil and NGLs and before hedging. Advantage is
considerably more sensitive to changes in natural gas prices as compared to oil
due to the Fund's higher natural gas weighting.


                                                 Annual           Annual
                                                Cash flow   Cash flow per Unit
                                                 ($000)          ($/Unit)
     Natural gas
        AECO price change of $0.25/mcf          $  5,600          $  0.15
        Production change of 1,000 mcf/d        $  1,200          $  0.03

     Crude oil
        WTI price change of US$1.00/bbl         $  1,100          $  0.03
        Production change of 200 bbl/d          $  1,800          $  0.04

     Cdn$0.01 change in the Cdn$/US$ exchange
        rate                                    $  2,000          $  0.05

     1% change in interest rate                 $  1,300          $  0.03

Non-GAAP Measures

Cash flow from operations and per Unit cash flow from operations and cash
available for distribution and per Unit cash available for distribution are not
recognized measures under the Canadian generally accepted accounting principles
(GAAP). Management believes that cash flow from operations and cash available
for distribution are useful supplemental measures to analyse operating
performance and provide an indication of the results generated by the Trust's
principal business activities prior to the consideration of how those activities
are financed or how the results are taxed. Investors should be cautioned,
however, that these measures should not be construed as an alternative to net
income determined in accordance with GAAP as an indication of Advantage's
performance. Advantage's method of calculating these measures may differ from
other companies, and accordingly, they may not be comparable to measures used by
other companies.

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                           CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS
                             (thousands of dollars)

                                                  December 31, 2003   December 31, 2002
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Current assets
      Accounts receivable                             $  34,181           $  24,057

Fixed assets (note 4)
      Property and equipment                            666,202             488,681
      Accumulated depletion and depreciation           (153,404)           (100,889)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                        512,798             387,792

Goodwill                                                 27,773                   -
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                      $ 574,752           $ 411,849


Current liabilities
      Accounts payable and accrued liabilities        $  53,287           $  26,236
      Cash distributions payable to Unitholders           8,445               4,878
      Bank indebtedness (note 5)                        102,968             114,222
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                        164,700             145,336

Capital lease obligation (note 6)                         2,043                   -
Provision for future site restoration                     8,451               5,396

Future income taxes (note 8)                             77,418              77,064
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                        252,612             227,796

Unitholders' equity

Unitholders' capital (note 7 and 10)                    302,496             161,452
Convertible debentures (note 7)                          99,984              55,000
Accumulated income                                       72,022              36,581
Accumulated cash distributions                         (152,362)            (68,980)

- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                        322,140             184,053
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                      $ 574,752           $ 411,849

Commitments (note 11)

see accompanying Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements

On behalf of the Board of Directors:

Rodger A. Tourigny                      Kelly I. Drader
Director                                Director

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                             (thousands of dollars)

                                                     For the year ended   For the year ended
                                                      December 31, 2003    December 31, 2002
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

      Petroleum and natural gas sales                     $166,075             $ 97,837
      Royalties, net of Alberta Royalty Credit             (28,491)             (17,344)

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                           137,584               80,493
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

      Operating                                             25,618               18,486
      General and administrative                             3,216                2,624
      Management fee (note 1)                                1,679                  930
      Non-cash performance incentive (note 10)              19,592               16,475
      Interest                                               6,378                4,272
      Depletion, depreciation and site restoration          53,822               41,074

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                           110,305               83,861
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Income (loss) before taxes                                  27,279               (3,368)

Future income tax recovery (note 8)                        (18,138)             (15,992)
Income and capital taxes (note 8)                            1,253                  529

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                           (16,885)             (15,463)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net income                                                  44,164               12,095

Accumulated income, beginning of year                       36,581               28,044

Costs on issuance of convertible debentures                 (4,018)              (2,443)
Interest on convertible debentures                          (4,705)              (1,115)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Accumulated income, end of year                           $ 72,022             $ 36,581
Net income per Trust Unit (note 7)
      Basic and diluted                                   $   1.29             $   0.41

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                             (thousands of dollars)

                                                        For the year ended   For the year ended
                                                         December 31, 2003    December 31, 2002
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Operating Activities

Net income                                                   $ 44,164             $ 12,095
Add (deduct) items not requiring cash:
      Non-cash performance incentive                           19,592               16,475
      Future income taxes                                     (18,138)             (15,992)
      Depletion, depreciation and site restoration             53,822               41,074
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Funds from operations                                          99,440               53,652

Changes in non-cash working capital                              (975)                (788)

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Cash provided by operating activities                          98,465               52,864
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Financing Activities
Units issued, net of costs                                     76,436               18,430
Convertible debentures issued, net of costs                    85,982               52,557
Interest on convertible debentures                             (3,935)                   -
Increase (decrease) in bank debt                              (11,254)              91,055
Cash distributions to Unitholders                             (79,815)             (45,693)

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Cash provided by financing activities                          67,414              116,349
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Investing Activities

Expenditures on property and equipment                        (76,212)             (42,652)
Property acquisitions                                          (1,848)              (8,698)
Property dispositions                                           6,112                  800
Acquisition of MarkWest Resources Canada Corp. (note 3i)      (97,025)                   -
Acquisition of Best Pacific Resources Inc. (note 3ii)               -              (53,448)
Acquisition of Gascan Resources Inc. (note 3iii)                    -              (63,799)
Changes in non-cash working capital                             3,094                 (527)

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Cash used in investing activities                            (165,879)            (168,324)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net increase in cash                                                -                  889

Cash (bank indebtedness), beginning of year                         -                 (889)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Cash, end of year                                            $      -             $      -
Supplementary cash flow information
     Interest paid                                           $  6,414             $  4,560
     Income and capital taxes paid                           $    858             $  1,104

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                                December 31, 2003
          All tabular amounts in thousands except for per share amounts


      Advantage Energy Income Fund ("Advantage",  the "Trust" or the "Fund") was
      formed on May 23, 2001 as a result of the  conversion  of Advantage  Oil &
      Gas Ltd. ("AOG")  (formerly Search Energy Corp.) into a royalty trust. The
      purpose of the conversion  was to create a trust entity which  distributes
      substantially  all of its cash flow to Unitholders on a monthly basis. The
      Fund's strategy is to minimize exposure to exploration risk while focusing
      on growth through  acquisition  and development of producing crude oil and
      natural gas properties.

      Advantage is an open-ended mutual fund trust created under the laws of the
      Province  of Alberta  pursuant to a Trust  Indenture  dated April 17, 2001
      between  AOG  and  Computershare  Investor  Services  Inc.  (formerly  the
      Montreal Trust Company) as trustee.  The Trust commenced operations on May
      24,  2001.  The  beneficiaries  of the Trust are the  holders of the Trust
      Units (the "Unitholders").

      The principal  undertaking of the Trust is to indirectly acquire and hold,
      through its  wholly-owned  subsidiary,  AOG,  interests in  petroleum  and
      natural gas  properties and assets related  thereto.  The Trust's  primary
      assets are  currently the common shares of AOG, a royalty in the producing
      properties of AOG (the "AOG Royalty") and notes of AOG (the "AOG Notes").

      In accordance with the terms of the Trust  Indenture,  the Trust will make
      cash  distributions  to Unitholders of the interest income earned from the
      AOG Notes and royalty income earned from the AOG Royalty.  The AOG Royalty
      and the  AOG  Notes  result  in the  effective  transfer  of the  economic
      interest in the properties of AOG to the Trust. However, while the royalty
      is a  contractual  interest  in the  properties  owned by AOG, it does not
      confer ownership in the underlying resource properties.

      The  Trust  is  managed  by  Advantage  Investment  Management  Ltd.  (the
      "Manager").  The Manager  receives a management  fee and an incentive  fee
      pursuant to a Management  Agreement as approved by the Board of Directors.
      Management fees are calculated  based on 1.5% of operating cash flow which
      is defined as revenues less royalties and operating costs. Management fees
      also  include  an  incentive  fee equal to 10% of the  amount by which the
      total return to investors exceeds 8% (see note 10).


      The management of Advantage  Energy Income Fund prepares its  consolidated
      financial  statements  in  accordance  with  Canadian  generally  accepted
      accounting   principles.   The  preparation  of   consolidated   financial
      statements  requires  management to make  estimates and  assumptions  that
      effect the reported  amount of assets and  liabilities  and disclosures of
      contingencies at the date of the consolidated financial statements and the
      reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the period. The following
      significant  accounting  policies  are  presented  to assist the reader in
      evaluating these consolidated  financial statements and, together with the
      notes, should be considered an integral part of the consolidated financial

      AOG is an  oil  and  natural  gas  exploitation  and  development  company
      operating  in Western  Canada  that is a  wholly-owned  subsidiary  of the
      Trust.  These financial  statements  include the accounts of the Trust and
      AOG on a consolidated  basis. All  intercompany  balances and transactions
      have been eliminated.

      Property and equipment

      (a) Petroleum and natural gas properties and related equipment

      The Fund follows the full cost method of accounting in accordance with the
      guideline  issued  by the  Canadian  Institute  of  Chartered  Accountants
      whereby all costs  associated  with the acquisition of and the exploration
      for and  development  of  petroleum  and  natural  gas  reserves,  whether
      productive or  unproductive  are capitalized in a Canadian cost centre and
      charged to income as set out below. Such costs include lease  acquisition,
      drilling,  geological and geophysical  costs and overhead expenses related
      to  exploration  and  development  activities.   Costs  of  acquiring  and
      evaluating  unproved  properties are excluded from depletion  calculations
      until it is determined  whether or not proven reserves are attributable to
      the properties or impairment occurs.

      Gains or losses are not  recognized  upon  disposition  of  petroleum  and
      natural gas properties  unless crediting the proceeds against  accumulated
      costs would result in a change in the rate of depletion of 20% or more.

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      Depletion of petroleum  and natural gas  properties  and  depreciation  of
      lease and well equipment is provided on  accumulated  costs using the unit
      of production  method based on estimated  proved petroleum and natural gas
      reserves,  before royalties,  as determined by independent engineers.  For
      purposes of the depletion  calculation,  proven  petroleum and natural gas
      reserves  are  converted  to a common  unit of measure on the basis of one
      barrel of oil or liquids being equal to six mcf of natural gas.

      The depletion and depreciation cost base includes total capitalized costs,
      less costs of unproved properties, plus a provision for future development
      costs of proven undeveloped reserves.

      The net carrying value of the Trust's petroleum and natural gas properties
      and  production  equipment is limited to an ultimate  recoverable  amount.
      This amount is the aggregate of estimated  future net revenues from proved
      reserves  and  the  costs  of  unproved  properties,   net  of  impairment
      allowances,   less  future  estimated   production   costs,   general  and
      administrative  costs,  financing costs,  site restoration and abandonment
      costs,  and income taxes.  Future net revenues are estimated  using prices
      and costs  without  escalation  or  discounting,  and the  income  tax and
      Alberta Royalty Credit legislation in effect at the year-end.

      (b) Furniture and equipment

      The Fund records furniture and equipment at cost and provides depreciation
      on the  declining  balance  method  at a rate of 20% per  annum  which  is
      designed to amortize  the cost of the assets over their  estimated  useful

      Future site restoration

      The estimated cost of future site  restoration and abandonment is based on
      the current cost and the anticipated method and extent of site restoration
      in accordance with existing legislation and industry practice.  The annual
      charge,  provided for on a unit of production  basis,  is accounted for as
      part of depletion,  depreciation and site restoration expense. Actual site
      restoration  expenditures are charged to the accumulated provision account
      as incurred.

      Measurement uncertainty

      The amounts  recorded  for  depletion  and  depreciation  of property  and
      equipment and the provision for future site restoration costs are based on
      estimates.  The ceiling test  calculation  is based on estimates of proved
      reserves,  production rates, oil and natural gas prices,  future costs and
      other relevant  assumptions.  By their nature, these estimates are subject
      to measurement  uncertainty and the effect on the  consolidated  financial
      statements  of  changes  in  such  estimates  in  future  years  could  be

      Joint operations

      The  accounts  of  the  Trust  reflect  its   proportionate   interest  in
      exploration and production activities conducted jointly with others.

      Cash distributions

      Cash  distributions  are  calculated  on an accrual  basis and are paid to
      Unitholders monthly based on cash available for distributions.

      Income taxes

      The Fund is a taxable trust under the Income Tax Act (Canada). Any taxable
      income is  allocated to the  Unitholders  and  therefore no provision  for
      income  taxes  relating  to  the  Fund  is  included  in  these  financial

      The  Corporation  follows the liability  method of  accounting  for income
      taxes.  Under this method future tax assets and liabilities are determined
      based on differences  between financial  reporting and income tax bases of
      assets and liabilities,  and are measured using substantially  enacted tax
      rates and laws expected to apply when the differences  reverse. The effect
      on  future  tax  assets  and  liabilities  of a  change  in tax  rates  is
      recognized   in  net   income  in  the  period  in  which  the  change  is
      substantially enacted.

      Financial instruments

      From time to time, the Fund uses various  financial  instruments to manage
      risk associated with crude oil and natural gas price  fluctuations.  These
      instruments are not used for trading or speculative purposes. Proceeds and
      costs realized from holding the related  contracts all of which constitute
      effective hedges,  are recognized in oil and gas revenues at the time that
      each transaction under a contract is settled (see note 9).


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      Goodwill is the excess  purchase price over the fair value of identifiable
      assets and  liabilities  acquired.  Goodwill  is not  amortized.  Goodwill
      impairment  is assessed  annually at  December  31, or as economic  events
      dictate, by comparing the fair value of the reporting unit to its carrying
      value, including goodwill. If the fair value of the reporting unit is less
      than its carrying  value, a goodwill  impairment loss is recognized as the
      excess of the carrying  value of the  goodwill  over the fair value of the

      Unit-based compensation

      The Trust has a  unit-based  compensation  plan (the  "Plan") for external
      directors of the Trust,  which is described in Note 7. The exercise  price
      of the rights  granted under the Plan may be reduced in future  periods in
      accordance with the terms of the Plan. The amount of the reduction  cannot
      be  reasonably  estimated  as it is  dependent  upon a number  of  factors
      including,  but not limited to, future prices  received on the sale of oil
      and natural gas, future  production of oil and natural gas,  determination
      of amounts to be withheld from future distributions to Unitholders to fund
      capital  expenditures  and the purchase  and sale of  property,  plant and
      equipment. Therefore, it is not possible to determine a fair value for the
      rights granted under the Plan using a traditional option pricing model and
      compensation  expense has been determined  based on the intrinsic value of
      the  rights  at the  date of  exercise  or at the  date  of the  financial
      statement for unexercised  rights.  Compensation  expense  associated with
      rights  granted under the Plan is deferred and recognized in earnings over
      the vesting period of the Plan with a  corresponding  increase or decrease
      in  contributed  surplus.  Changes in the intrinsic  value of  unexercised
      rights after the vesting  period are  recognized in earnings in the period
      of change  with a  corresponding  increased  or  decrease  in  contributed
      surplus.  This method of  determining  compensation  expense may result in
      large  fluctuations,  even  recoveries,  in  compensation  expense  due to
      changes in the  underlying  Trust unit price.  Recoveries of  compensation
      expense  will only be  recognized  to the  extent of  previously  recorded
      cumulative  compensation  expense  associated  with  rights  exercised  or
      outstanding at the date of the financial  statements.  Consideration  paid
      upon the  exercise  of the  rights  together  with the  amount  previously
      recognized  in   contributed   surplus  is  recorded  as  an  increase  in
      Unitholders' capital.

      The Trust has not  incorporated  an estimated  forfeiture  rate for rights
      that will not vest,  rather,  the Trust accounts for actual forfeitures as
      they occur.

      Per unit amounts

      Net income per unit is  calculated  using the weighted  average  number of
      Units  outstanding  during  the  year.  Diluted  net  income  per  unit is
      calculated  using the  treasury  stock  method to  determine  the dilutive
      effect of unit-based compensation.

      Revenue recognition

      Petroleum and natural gas revenues are recognized when the title and risks
      pass to the purchaser.


      (i) MarkWest Resources Canada Corp.

      On December 2, 2003 Advantage  acquired all of the issued and  outstanding
      shares  of  MarkWest   Resources   Canada  Corp.   ("MarkWest")  for  cash
      consideration  of $97.0 million.  The  acquisition is being  accounted for
      using the purchase  method with the results of operations  included in the
      consolidated   financial   statements  as  of  the  closing  date  of  the
      acquisition. The purchase price has been allocated as follows:

      Net assets acquired and liabilities
      assumed:                              Consideration:

      Property and equipment    $ 105,573   Cash                        $ 96,769

      Goodwill                     27,773   Acquisition costs incurred       256

      Net working capital         (14,027)                              $ 97,025
      Capital lease obligation     (2,054)

      Future income taxes         (18,492)

      Future site restoration      (1,748)

                                $  97,025

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(ii)  Best Pacific Resources Ltd.

      On November 18, 2002 Advantage  acquired all of the issued and outstanding
      shares of Best Pacific Resources Ltd. ("Best Pacific"), an oil and natural
      gas company,  for cash consideration of $53.4 million. The acquisition has
      been  accounted  for  using  the  purchase  method  with  the  results  of
      operations included in the consolidated financial statements from the date
      of acquisition. The purchase price was allocated as follows:

      Net assets acquired and liabilities
        assumed:                            Consideration:

      Property and equipment     $ 46,852   Cash                        $ 51,849

      Future income taxes           7,737   Acquisition costs incurred     1,599
      Net working capital             212
                                                                        $ 53,448
      Future site restoration      (1,353)                              --------

                                 $ 53,448

      (iii) Gascan Resources Ltd.

      On January 4, 2002 Advantage acquired the crude oil and natural gas assets
      of  Gascan  Resources  Ltd.  ("Gascan")  for cash  consideration  of $70.7
      million.  Results from operations are included in the Fund's  consolidated
      financial  statements  from the date of  acquisition.  The acquisition has
      been  accounted  for  as  a  purchase  as  of  the  closing  date  of  the
      acquisition. The purchase price has been allocated as follows:

      Net assets acquired and liabilities
        assumed:                            Consideration:

      Property and equipment    $ 108,592   Cash                        $ 69,000

      Future income taxes         (37,893)  Acquisition costs incurred     1,699
                                ---------                               --------

                                $  70,699                               $ 70,699
                                ---------                               --------


      During the year ended December 31, 2003, Advantage capitalized general and
      administrative   expenditures   directly   related  to   exploration   and
      development activities of $1,804,000 ( 2002 - $1,319,000).

      Costs of $22,300,000  (2002 - $18,010,000)  for unproven  properties  have
      been  excluded  from the  calculation  of  depletion  expense,  and future
      development  costs of $43,152,000  (2002 - $10,030,000) have been included
      in costs subject to depletion.

      As at December 31, 2003, the estimated future site restoration costs to be
      accrued over the life of the  remaining  proved  reserves was  $21,099,000
      (2002 - $16,350,000).  Included in depletion and  depreciation  expense is
      $1,307,000  (2002 -  $947,000)  of site  restoration  expense for the year
      ended December 31, 2003.


      Advantage has an agreement  with a Canadian  chartered bank which provides
      for a $170 million  extendible  revolving  loan facility and a $10 million
      operating  loan facility both of which mature on May 28, 2004.  The loan's
      interest rate is based on either prime or bankers  acceptance rates at the
      Trust's option subject to certain basis point or stamping fee  adjustments
      ranging  from 0% to 2%  depending  on the Trust's debt to cash flow ratio.
      The credit facilities are secured by a $250 million floating charge demand
      debenture, a general security agreement and a subordination agreement from
      the Trust covering all assets and cash flows.  For the purpose of the cash
      flow statement the bank overdraft amount is considered cash equivalents.

      At December 31,  2003,  the  effective  interest  rate on the  outstanding
      amounts under the facility was approximately 4.3%.

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      The Trust has capital leases on compressors. Future minimum lease payments
      at December 31, 2003 consist of the following:

         2004                                                           $   443
         2005                                                               443
         2006                                                               443
         2007                                                             1,364
                                                                        $ 2,693
         Less amounts representing interest @ 5.5%                         (329)
         Current portion                                                   (321)
                                                                        $ 2,043


      (i)   Unitholders' Capital

      (a)   Authorized

            (i)   Unlimited number of voting Trust Units

      (b)   Issued

                                             Number of Units             Amount
      Balance at December 31, 2001             24,598,782              $ 128,616
      Issued for cash, net of costs             2,500,000                 18,430
      Non-cash performance incentive            1,102,163                 14,406
      Balance at December 31, 2002             28,200,945                161,452
      Issued for cash, net of costs             5,100,000                 76,136
      Units issued on exercise of options          35,000                    300
      Issued on conversion of debentures        3,381,261                 45,016
      Balance at December 31, 2003             36,717,206              $ 282,904
      Non-cash performance incentive            1,099,104                 19,592
                                               37,816,310              $ 302,496

      On January 29, 2002 Advantage  issued  2,500,000  Trust Units at $7.90 per
      Trust Unit.  Total net proceeds  were $18.4 million (net of issue costs of
      $1.3 million).

      On January 27, 2003 Advantage  issued 1,102,163 Trust Units to satisfy the
      obligation related to the performance incentive (see note 10).

      On December 2, 2003 Advantage  issued  5,100,000 Trust Units at $15.75 per
      Trust Unit.  Total net proceeds  were $76.1 million (net of issue costs of
      $4.2 million).

      On January 27, 2004 the Trust issued  1,099,104 Trust Units to satisfy the
      obligation related to the 2003 performance incentive fee (see note 10).

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      (ii) Convertible Debentures

                                10% debentures   9% debentures   8.25% debentures   Total debentures
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Balance at December 31,  2002        55,000                -                 -            55,000
Issued                                    -           30,000            60,000            90,000
Converted to Trust Units            (44,786)               -              (230)          (45,016)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Balance at December 31, 2003         10,214           30,000            59,770            99,984

      On October 18, 2002 Advantage  issued $55 million  principal amount of 10%
      convertible unsecured  subordinated  debentures.  The debentures mature on
      November 1, 2007, pay interest  semi-annually  and are  convertible at the
      option of the holder into Trust Units of Advantage at $13.30 per Unit plus
      accrued and unpaid  interest.  The  debentures  and the  related  interest
      obligations will be classified as equity on the consolidated balance sheet
      as the Trust may elect to satisfy the  debenture  interest  and  principle
      obligations by the issuance of Trust Units.  Issue costs  associated  with
      the convertible debenture approximated $2.4 million.

      On July 8,  2003  Advantage  issued  $30  million  principal  amount of 9%
      convertible unsecured  subordinated  debentures.  The debentures mature on
      August 1, 2008,  pay interest  semi-annually  and are  convertible  at the
      option of the holder into Trust Units of Advantage at $17.00 per Unit plus
      accrued and unpaid  interest.  Issue costs associated with the convertible
      debentures  approximated $1.5 million and have been charged to accumulated

      On December 2, 2003 Advantage issued $60 million principal amount of 8.25%
      convertible unsecured  subordinated  debentures.  The debentures mature on
      February 1, 2009, pay interest  semi-annually  and are  convertible at the
      option of the holder into Trust Units of Advantage at $16.50 per Unit plus
      accrued and unpaid  interest.  Issue costs associated with the convertible
      debentures  approximated $2.5 million and have been charged to accumulated

      The  convertible  debentures  and the  related  interest  obligations  are
      classified  as equity on the  consolidated  balance sheet as the Trust may
      elect to satisfy the debenture  interest and principle  obligations by the
      issuance  of  Trust  Units.  During  the  year  ended  December  31,  2003
      $45,016,000  debentures  were  converted  resulting  in  the  issuance  of
      3,381,261 Advantage Units.

      (iii) Trust Units Rights Incentive Plan

      Effective  June 25, 2002 a Trust Units Rights  Incentive Plan for external
      Directors of the Fund was  established  and approved by the Unitholders of
      Advantage.  A total of 250,000 Units have been reserved for issuance under
      the plan. The initial  exercise price of rights granted under the plan may
      not be less than the  current  market  price of the Trust  Units as of the
      date of the grant and the maximum  term of each right is not to exceed ten
      years. At the option of the rights holder the exercise price of the rights
      can be adjusted  downwards over time based upon  distributions made by the
      Trust to Unitholders. No compensation expense is recognized for the rights
      plan when the rights are issued. Any consideration received on exercise of
      the Unit right is credited to share capital.

                                                         Number        Price

      Balance at December 31, 2002                      175,000       $  10.58
      Exercised                                         (35,000)
      Reduction of exercise price                             -          (2.71)
      Balance at December 31, 2003                      140,000       $   7.87

      The Trust has elected to  prospectively  adopt amendments to CICA Handbook
      Section 3870,  "Stock-based  Compensation and Other Stock-based  Payments"
      pursuant to the  transitional  provisions  contained  therein.  Under this
      amended standard, the Trust must account for compensation expense based on
      the fair value of rights granted under its unit-based  compensation  plan.
      As the Trust is unable to determine the fair value of the rights  granted,
      compensations  expense has been determined based on the intrinsic value of
      the rights at the exercise date or at the date of the financial statements
      for unexercised rights. As there were no Trust Unit Rights issued in 2003,
      there was no impact on net income.

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      Had the Trust  adopted this  standard for rights  granted since January 1,
      2002 pro forma net income would have  decreased  by $1.0  million  (2002 -
      $0.4 million).

Pro Forma Results                                           2003          2002
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net income as reported                                  $   44,164   $    12,095
Less:  compensation expense for rights issued in 2002        1,000           410
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Pro forma net income                                    $   43,164   $    11,685
Net income per Trust Unit - basic and diluted
      As reported                                       $     1.29   $      0.41
      Pro forma                                         $     1.26   $      0.39

      (iv) Per Unit  Amounts
      The  calculation  of net  income  per Trust Unit is based on the basic and
      diluted weighted average number of Trust Units outstanding during the year
      ended  December 31, 2003 of 30,536,236  and  34,040,645  respectively  and
      basic and diluted Trust Units  outstanding  of 26,900,152  and  27,829,645
      respectively for the year ending December 31, 2002.


      The taxable income of the Fund is comprised of interest  income related to
      the AOG Notes and royalty income from the AOG Royalty less  deductions for
      Canadian Oil and Gas Property Expense (COGPE) and unit issue costs.

      The  provision  for income  taxes  varies  from the  amount  that would be
      computed by applying the combined  Canadian federal and provincial  income
      tax rates for the following reasons:

                                                            For the year    For the year
                                                                ended           ended
                                                            Dec. 31, 2003   Dec. 31, 2002
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Income (loss) before taxes                                  $      27,279   $      (3,368)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Expected income tax expense (recovery) at statutory rates          11,131          (1,424)
Increase (decrease) in income taxes resulting from:
   Non-deductible Crown charges                                     7,029           6,044
   Resource allowance                                              (8,798)         (6,458)
   Amounts included in trust income and other                     (27,500)        (14,154)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Future income tax recovery                                        (18,138)        (15,992)
Income and capital taxes                                            1,253             529
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                            $     (16,885)  $     (15,463)

      The  components  of the future  income tax liability at December 31 are as

                                                                 2003           2002
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Property and equipment in excess of tax basis                $    88,236     $   80,402
Future site restoration deductions                                (2,872)        (1,711)
Non-capital tax loss carry forward                                (8,327)        (1,877)
Other                                                                381            250
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Future income tax liability                                  $      77,418   $   77,064

      The Fund has  non-capital  tax loss carry forward of  approximately  $21.0
      million of which $0.3 million  expires in 2006,  $12.5 million in 2009 and
      $8.2 million in 2010.


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      Financial  instruments  of the Fund  consist  of current  assets,  current
      liabilities and bank  indebtedness.  As at December 31, 2003, there are no
      significant  differences  between  the  carrying  amounts  reported on the
      balance sheet and the estimated  fair values of the financial  instruments
      due to the short terms to maturity and the floating  interest  rate on the
      bank debt.  Substantially  all of the Fund's  accounts  receivable are due
      from  customers  in the oil and gas  industry  and are  subject  to normal
      industry credit risks. The Trust is also exposed to interest rate risks to
      the extent that bank debt is at a floating rate of interest

      The Fund uses various types of derivative financial  instruments to reduce
      its exposure to fluctuations in commodity prices.  The fair value of these
      derivative  instruments are based on an estimate of the amounts that would
      have  been  paid  to or  received  from  counterparties  to  settle  these
      instruments.  The Fund is exposed to losses in the event of default by the
      counterparties to these instruments. The Fund manages this risk by dealing
      with financially sound counterparties.

      As at December 31, 2003 the Fund had no outstanding hedge contracts.


      The  Manager  of the  Fund  is  entitled  to earn  an  annual  performance
      incentive fee which is calculated based on the total return of the Fund.

      The Manager  earns the  performance  incentive  fee when the Fund's  total
      annual return  exceeds 8%. The total annual  return was  calculated at the
      end of the year by  dividing  the year over year change in Unit price plus
      cash distributions by the opening Unit price. The 2003 opening and closing
      Unit prices were $13.07 and $17.83  respectively (2002 opening and closing
      Unit prices of $8.02 and $13.07  respectively).  Cash distribution for the
      year amounted to $2.71 per Trust Unit (2002  distribution  of $1.73).  Ten
      percent  of the  amount  of the  total  annual  return  in excess of 8% is
      multiplied by the market capitalization (defined as the opening Unit price
      multiplied by the average number of Units outstanding  during the year) to
      determine the performance  incentive.  On January 21, 2004 the Fund issued
      1,099,104 Advantage Trust Units to satisfy the performance fee obligation.
      The  Manager  does not  receive  any form of  compensation  in  respect of
      acquisition or divestiture activities.


      Advantage  has  lease  commitments  relating  to  office  buildings.   The
      estimated   annual  minimum   operating  lease  rental  payments  for  the
      buildings, after deducting sublease income are as follows:

            2004             $    804
            2005                  737
            2006                  737
            2007                  704
            2008                  283
                             $  3,265

      On February 24, 2004 the Fund  announced that it had entered the following
      natural gas hedge transactions for 2004 and 2005:

      Natural Gas - April to December 2004

      Volume                                            50.4 mmcf/d
      Fixed price (average)                              $6.12/mcf

      Natural Gas - January to March 2005

      Volume                                            10.5 mmcf/d
      Fixed price (average)                              $6.30/mcf

PRESS RELEASE                                                     April 13, 2004
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The information in this news release contains certain forward-looking statements
that involve  substantial known and unknown risks and uncertainties,  certain of
which are beyond Advantage's control,  including: the impact of general economic
conditions,  industry conditions,  changes in laws and regulations including the
adoption of new  environmental  laws and regulations and changes in how they are
interpreted  and  enforced,  increased  competition,  fluctuations  in commodity
prices and foreign  exchange and interest  rates,  stock market  volatility  and
obtaining  required  approvals of  regulatory  authorities.  Advantage's  actual
results, performance or achievement could differ materially from those expressed
in,  or  implied  by,  such  forward-looking  statements  and,  accordingly,  no
assurances   can  be  given   that  any  of  the  events   anticipated   by  the
forward-looking  statements  will transpire or occur or, if any of them do, what
benefits that Advantage will derive from them.

For further information contact: Mr. Gary F. Bourgeois, VP Corporate Development
                               Ph: (416) 945-6636
                            Toll free: 1-866-393-0393
                          ADVANTAGE ENERGY INCOME FUND
                            3100, 150 - 6th Avenue SW
                                Calgary, Alberta
                                     T2P 3Y7
                              Phone: (403) 261-8810
                               Fax:  (403) 262-0723
     Web Site: www.advantageincome.com E-mail: advantage@advantageincome.com