
30 March 2006

Dear Trenwick Group Limited Shareholders

We want to share with you a status report of the affairs of the Company. We do
not seek to repeat  information  herein which we have already provided to you,
but rather  hope to provide  you with a brief  update on the  progress  of the
liquidation of the Company since our last Form 8-K dated 30 March 2005.

By way of background, on 20 August 2003, Trenwick America Corporation ("TAC"),
along with the Company and LaSalle Re Holdings  Limited  ("LSRH") and together
with the Company, the "Trenwick Debtors", filed voluntary petitions for relief
under  chapter 11 of the  Bankruptcy  Code with the United  States  Bankruptcy
Court for the District of Delaware (the "Bankruptcy  Court"). In the first few
months of the provisional  liquidation and the chapter 11 cases,  the Trenwick
Debtors'   restructuring  efforts  included  the  sale  of  certain  of  their
operations.  Thereafter,  in  November  2004,  the Company and LSRH sought and
obtained orders dismissing their chapter 11 cases.

Following  the  dismissal  of their  chapter 11 cases,  on 26 April 2005,  the
Provisional  Liquidators of the Company and LSRH filed petitions under section
304 of the Bankruptcy Code and applications for certain injunctive relief (the
"304  Petitions")  with the  Bankruptcy  Court.  The  impetus  behind  the 304
Petitions was to investigate,  and, if appropriate,  prosecute  various claims
and causes of action that might  exist in favour of the Company and LSRH.  The
relief  sought in the 304  Petitions  was granted by court orders dated 26 May

On 27 October 2004, the Bankruptcy Court entered an order confirming a plan of
reorganisation  for TAC (the "TAC Plan").  The effective date (the  "Effective
Date") of the TAC Plan occurred on 15 August 2005.


LSRH was placed into  liquidation  by the Supreme Court of Bermuda on 15 April
2005 and the Company  placed into  liquidation by the Supreme Court of Bermuda
on 4  November  2005.  The  first  meeting  of  the  Company's  creditors  and
contributories  is  scheduled  to be held on 28  April  2006 at the  Company's
registered  office.  At the  first  meeting  of the  Company's  creditors  and
contributories, the Company's creditors and contributories will be entitled to
vote on:

a)   who should be appointed as the permanent liquidator of the Company; and

b)   whether a formal committee of inspection  should be appointed and, if so,
     who should be a member of said committee of inspection.

Creditors and contributories will be given notice of these meetings.

If and when a permanent  liquidator  is  appointed,  his  function  will be to
realise the assets of the Company and,  ultimately,  distribute such assets to
the  Company's  creditors.  In the  event  that a  surplus  remains  after the
distributions  to the Company's  creditors are made, the permanent  liquidator
shall distribute such surplus to the Company's equity security holders.


It should be noted that the Company does not have any unencumbered cash assets
and that the costs and expenses of the liquidation are being funded  primarily
by the Company's secured creditors.

The timing of the closure of the  liquidation  of the Company is  dependent on
the  realisation of its assets,  the principal  asset being the Company's 100%
ordinary voting  shareholder  interest in LSRH whose principal asset, in turn,
is its shareholder  interest in its subsidiary LaSalle Re Ltd. La Salle Re Ltd
is a Bermudian  registered  reinsurance company that has been in run-off since
2002.  LaSalle Re Ltd also has an  economic  interest  in former  subsidiaries
underwriting at Lloyd's of London. The normal course run-off of LaSalle Re Ltd
is likely to continue for possibly up to five years,  although this period may
be shortened if a compromise  can be reached with the  creditors of LaSalle Re
Ltd.  LSRH  is  unlikely  to  receive   dividends,   prior  to  a  liquidating
distribution,  from  LaSalle  Re  Ltd  due  to  LaSalle  Re  Ltd's  regulatory
non-compliance.  Note that the Company would only receive  dividends from LSRH
in the event that there is a surplus of available  funds following the payment
of LSRH's liquidation expenses and the full satisfaction of each of the claims
and interests  held by LSRH's  secured and unsecured  creditors and preference

Based on the above,  the  liquidation of the Company cannot be completed until
the earlier of the date that all possible realisations from LaSalle Re Ltd and
certain  other  subsidiaries  has  been  received,  or all  of  the  Company's
creditors have been paid in full.

In addition,  the Company  could also  potentially  realise an asset  recovery
based  upon an  intercompany  claim of  approximately  $23  million  which the
Company's  subsidiary,  Trenwick  (Barbados) Ltd ("TB"), has asserted in TAC's
chapter 11 case. This claim was recently  assigned by TB to the Company and is
the subject of an objection (the "Objection") filed by the post-Effective Date
successor  entity to TAC's  Official  Committee  of Unsecured  Creditors.  The
Objection seeks, among other things, to recharacterize the claim as equity or,
in the alternative,  to disallow or equitably subordinate the claim. The Joint
Provisional Liquidators are currently endeavoring to resolve the Objection and
settle  the  claim.  If the  claim  is  allowed,  in  whole  or in  part,  any
consideration  would be in the form of trust  certificates and notes issued by
reorganized  TAC.  At this  stage  both the  amount,  timing  and value of any
distribution(s) of notes on account of the claim is uncertain.


The  Company  and LSRH issued  guarantees  and pledged  security to a group of
banks  (the "LoC Bank  Group")  which  provided  letters  of credit to support
Trenwick's underwriting at Lloyd's of London. Upon information and belief, the
Joint Provisional  Liquidators understand that it is likely that these letters
of credit will be drawn down. The LoC Bank Group's collateral package includes
the Company's shares in LSRH and LSRH's shares in LaSalle Re Ltd, all of which
were pledged to the LoC Bank Group as security for the aforementioned  letters
of credit.  Assuming  that the  letters of credit  are drawn  down,  the Joint
Provisional  Liquidators recognize that the LoC Bank Group could enforce their
security  over these  shares  which may  prevent  the flow of  dividends  from
LaSalle Re Ltd to LSRH and/or from LSRH to the Company. Based on their limited
enquiries to date, the Joint Provisional Liquidators believe that the value of
the debts due to those  banks is likely  to  exceed  any value  realised  from
LaSalle Re Ltd and/or other subsidiaries.


The Joint  Provisional  Liquidators  understand  that LSRH  Series A Preferred
Shares are entitled to receive (i) a preference  dividend in a liquidation  of
$25 per share, and (ii) accrued but unpaid dividends in a liquidation prior to
payments to other shareholders. However, these amounts are only payable to the
extent  that  there are  assets  remaining  following  the  payment  of LSRH's
liquidation  expenses and the full  satisfaction of each of the claims held by
LSRH's  secured  (including  the LoC  Bank  Group)  and  unsecured  creditors.
Nevertheless,  the Joint Provisional  Liquidators recognize that, should there
be  any  funds  available  for  distribution  to  shareholders  of  LSRH  in a
liquidation,  holders of LSRH Series A Preferred  Shares would hold a priority
position over LSRH's common shareholders to the extent described above.


Based on what the Joint Provisional  Liquidators have learned in their limited
role to date, and without  conducting  any  investigation  into the issue,  it
appears unlikely to the Joint Provisional  Liquidators that the holders of the
Company's common shares will receive any distribution  from the liquidation of
the Company.


Shareholders  of the Company  should  note that the primary  duty of the Joint
Provisional  Liquidators  is to the  Company's  creditors.  Should a permanent
liquidator(s) be appointed by the Bermuda Court, this liquidator(s) would also
have a primary duty to the Company's creditors.


We have limited the Company's public announcements to material events relating
to the Company's winding-up (liquidation)  proceedings in Bermuda. We disclose
any such event to the public by filing  with the US  Securities  and  Exchange
Commission  ("SEC") a current  report on Form 8-K.  Subject  to the  resources
available to the Company,  we expect to report on the status of the  Company's
affairs at least  annually.  This is one of such reports.  This report is not,
and  future  reports  on  the  Company's   affairs  will  not  be,  mailed  to
shareholders  of the  Company,  unless we are  required  to do so or unless we
believe,  in our  sole  judgment,  that  it is in  the  best  interest  of the
Company's stakeholders.

The Company's  current reports on Form 8-K are available free of charge at the
SEC's website WWW.SEC.GOV.

We hope that the background provided in this letter is useful to you.

Yours sincerely                                Yours sincerely

                                               /s/ John Wardrop
- ----------------------                         ---------------------
Mike Morrison                                  John Wardrop
Joint Provisional Liquidator                   Joint Provisional Liquidator