
P R E S S   R E L E A S E
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[PHOTOGRAPHS OMITTED]                                         [LOGO OMITTED]

          THE PREMIUM VALUE,                                 CANADIAN NATURAL
                                                               NEWS RELEASE

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Canadian  Natural  Resources  Limited  ("Canadian  Natural"  or the  "Company")
announces  entering into an agreement  relating to the  acquisition of Anadarko
Canada Corporation ("ACC"), a subsidiary of Anadarko Petroleum Corporation, for
aggregate consideration of US$4.075 billion. ACC's land and production base are
all located in Western  Canada and are high quality,  concentrated  natural gas
weighted  assets with strong  netbacks  and a long  reserve  life.  The current
production,  before royalties,  from the working interests acquired by Canadian
Natural,  is  approximately  358 million  cubic feet per day of natural gas and
9,300  barrels  per  day of  crude  oil  and  NGLs.  The  assets  also  include
approximately 1.5 million net undeveloped acres and key strategic facilities in
the high growth areas of Northeast British Columbia and Northwest Alberta.

In  commenting  on the  acquisition,  Canadian  Natural's  President  and Chief
Operating Officer,  Steve Laut stated,  "This acquisition  further  strengthens
Canadian   Natural's   asset  and  production   base  in  key  operating  areas
specifically, in relation to natural gas. This demonstrates the strength of the
Company's  balance  sheet and our  confidence  in our  ability to  execute  our
defined plan, including Phase I of the Horizon Oil Sands Project, which remains
on schedule and on track to budget targets."

The acquisition fits Canadian  Natural's  strategy of dominating its core areas
and related  infrastructure  as the  majority of the  acquired  properties  are
operated  and  located in or adjacent to  Canadian  Natural's  core areas.  The
properties  acquired  strengthen  Canadian Natural's long term Canadian natural
gas strategy by significantly increasing its land and facilities infrastructure
in key areas in  Northwest  Alberta and  Northeast  British  Columbia  that are
tightly held and very competitive.  These are also areas where Canadian Natural
has a strong understanding of the geology and production  performance.  The ACC
assets  contain  significant  upside,  with over 1,500 new  drilling  locations
identified. The key infrastructure acquired will allow the low cost development
of not only ACC lands but also adjacent  Canadian  Natural  lands.  As a result
Canadian  Natural  expects to achieve  operating  cost  synergies with the full
integration of both the ACC infrastructure and Canadian Natural infrastructure.
Additional  acreage in the Foothills  further  enhances the Company's long term
deep natural gas growth plans.

The following table  summarizes the forecasted daily  production,  reserves and
undeveloped  land of Canadian  Natural after giving effect to the  acquisition,
assuming an October 1, 2006 control date:

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                                                                           REVISED 2006
                                                     CNQ        ACC            GUIDANCE
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Daily Production, before royalties (1)
 Natural Gas (mmcf/d)                       1,422 - 1,450       358       1,510 - 1,540
 Crude oil and NGLS (mbbl/d)                    327 - 350         9           330 - 351
 Barrels of oil equivalent (mboe/d)             564 - 592        69           582 - 608

Proved Reserves (2)
 Natural Gas (bcf)                                  3,490     1,561
 Crude oil and NGLS (mmbbl)                         1,223        48
 Barrels of oil equivalent (mmboe)                  1,804       308

Core areas undeveloped land
 (millions of net acres) (3)                         11.0       1.5

(1)  Canadian Natural production range based on current 2006 annual guidance.
(2)  Before royalties as at December 31, 2005. CNQ reserves are as filed in its
     Annual  Information  Form and ACC reserves  are as filed in its  Form-10K,
     adjusted for royalties.
(3)  Canadian Natural Western Canadian acreage as at June 30, 2006, ACC acreage
     estimated as at August 31, 2006.

                                                                         PAGE 2

The ACC  acquisition is positive for Canadian  Natural  shareholders  with cash
flow  increasing  by $0.24  per  share in 2006 and $0.99 per share in 2007 on a
strip pricing basis. The earnings impact is expected to be neutral.  Based upon
current crude oil and natural gas forward strip pricing,  the Company estimates
its 2006 cash flow to be between $4.9 billion to $5.3 billion.

Canadian  Natural's  balance sheet has significant  strength and flexibility to
accommodate this acquisition,  however,  the debt to book capitalization  level
will be near the top end of internal targets.  To ensure balance sheet strength
going  forward  Canadian  Natural  has  hedged  a  significant  portion  of the
Company's natural gas and crude oil production for 2007 and 2008 at prices that
protect investment  returns.  The Company will also consider the divestiture of
non  strategic  and non  core  properties  to  gain  additional  balance  sheet

In  addition to the  strategic  location  of the high  quality  assets that ACC
brings to Canadian Natural, it will allow the Company to further high grade its
project inventory and significantly  reduce capital expenditures in the current
highly  inflationary  service market.  Canadian Natural expects, as a result of
the  acquisition,  to reduce its 2007  conventional  crude oil and  natural gas
capital  budget by between $0.8 billion and $1.0  billion,  versus 2006 capital
spending while maintaining the capital  expenditures to complete Phase I of the
Horizon Oil Sands Project.

Canadian Natural has retained Scotia Waterous to act as financial  advisors for
the  acquisition.  In  addition,  Citigroup  Global  Markets  Inc,  RBC Capital
Markets,  CIBC Capital  Markets,  and BMO Capital Markets have been retained as
strategic advisors on the acquisition.

The  transaction  is  subject to normal  closing  conditions  and  governmental

Canadian  Natural is a senior oil and  natural  gas  production  company,  with
continuing  operations  in its core areas located in Western  Canada,  the U.K.
portion of the North Sea and Offshore West Africa.


Certain  statements  in this document or  incorporated  herein by reference may
constitute "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the United States
Private  Litigation  Reform Act of 1995. These  forward-looking  statements can
generally  be  identified  as such  because of the  context  of the  statements
including  words  such as the  Company  "believes",  "anticipates",  "expects",
"plans", "estimates" or words of a similar nature.

The  forward-looking  statements  are  based on  current  expectations  and are
subject to known and unknown risks,  uncertainties  and other factors which may
cause the actual  results,  performance  or  achievements  of the  Company,  or
industry  results,  to  be  materially   different  from  any  future  results,
performance  or  achievements  expressed  or  implied  by such  forward-looking
statements.  Such  factors  include,  among  others:  the general  economic and
business  conditions  which will,  among other  things,  impact  demand for and
market prices of the Company's  products;  the foreign currency exchange rates;
the  economic  conditions  in the  countries  and  regions in which the Company
conducts business; the political  uncertainty,  including actions of or against
terrorists,  insurgent  groups or other  conflict  including  conflict  between
states;  the industry  capacity;  the ability of the Company to  implement  its
business  strategy,  including  exploration  and  development  activities;  the
ability of the Company to complete  its  capital  programs;  the ability of the
Company to  transport  its products to market;  potential  delays or changes in
plans  with  respect  to  exploration   or  development   projects  or  capital
expenditures;   the  availability  and  cost  of  financing;   the  success  of
exploration and development activities;  the production levels; the uncertainty
of reserve estimates; the actions by governmental  authorities;  the government
regulations  and the  expenditures  required  to comply  with them  (especially
safety and environmental laws and regulations); the site restoration costs; and
other  circumstances  affecting  revenues and  expenses.  The impact of any one
factor on a  particular  forward-looking  statement  is not  determinable  with
certainty  as  such  factors  are  interdependent   upon  other  factors,   and
management's  course of action would depend upon its  assessment  of the future
considering all information then available.

Statements relating to "reserves" are deemed to be forward-looking  statements,
as they  involve  the  implied  assessment,  based  on  certain  estimates  and
assumptions  that the  reserves  described  can be  profitably  produced in the

Readers are  cautioned  that the  foregoing  list of  important  factors is not
exhaustive. Although the Company believes that the expectations conveyed by the
forward-looking  statements are reasonable based on information available to it
on the date such  forward-looking  statements  are made, no  assurances  can be
given as to future results, levels of activity and achievements. All subsequent
forward-looking  statements,  whether  written  or  oral,  attributable  to the
Company  or  persons  acting on its behalf  are  expressly  qualified  in their
entirety by these cautionary  statements.  The Company assumes no obligation to
update   forward-looking   statements  should   circumstances  or  management's
estimates or opinions change.

                                                                         PAGE 3


A conference call will be held at 7:00 a.m.  Mountain  Daylight Time, 9:00 a.m.
Eastern Daylight Time on Thursday,  September 14, 2006.  Slides relating to the
acquisition  may be found at  WWW.CNRL.COM  prior to the  conference  call. The
North American  conference call number is 1-877-461-2814  and the outside North
American  conference call number is  001-416-695-6120.  Please call in about 10
minutes  before the  starting  time in order to be patched  into the call.  The
conference call will also be broadcast live on the internet and may be accessed
through the Canadian Natural website at WWW.CNRL.COM.

A taped  rebroadcast will be available until 6:00 p.m.  Mountain  Daylight Time
Thursday,  September  21, 2006. To access the postview in North  America,  dial
1-888-509-0081.  Those outside of North  America,  dial  001-416-695-5275.  The
passcode to use is 630621.


This call is being  webcast by Vcall and can be accessed on Canadian  Natural's
website at www.cnrl.com/investor_info/calendar.html.

The webcast is also being distributed over PrecisionIR's  Investor Distribution
Network to both institutional and individual investors. Investors can listen to
the call through  www.vcall.com  or by visiting  any of the  investor  sites in
PrecisionIR's Individual Investor Network.

For further information, please contact:

                          2500, 855 - 2nd Street S.W.
                               Calgary, Alberta
                                    T2P 4J8

                                     ALLAN P. MARKIN                  DOUGLAS A. PROLL
TELEPHONE: (403) 514-7777                   Chairman       Chief Financial Officer and
FACSIMILE: (403) 517-7370                               Senior Vice-President, Finance
EMAIL:     ir@cnrl.com              JOHN G. LANGILLE
WEBSITE:   www.cnrl.com                Vice-Chairman                   COREY B. BIEBER
TRADING SYMBOL - CNQ                   STEVE W. LAUT                Investor Relations
Toronto Stock Exchange                 President and
New York Stock Exchange      Chief Operating Officer