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[PHOTOGRAPHS OMITTED]                                         [LOGO OMITTED]

          THE PREMIUM VALUE,                                 CANADIAN NATURAL
                                                               NEWS RELEASE
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                         THE HORIZON OIL SANDS PROJECT

Canadian Natural Resources Limited  ("Canadian  Natural") is pleased to provide
its  regular  quarterly  update  on the  Horizon  Oil Sands  Project  ("Horizon


                                                              SEPTEMBER 30,          DECEMBER 31,             MARCH 31,
                                                                  2006                   2006                   2007
                                                              -------------       -------------------         ---------
                                                                 ACTUAL            ACTUAL      PLAN             PLAN
                                                              -------------       --------   --------         ----------
Phase 1 - Work progress (cumulative)                               47%              57%         55%               65%
Phase 1 - Construction capital spending (cumulative)               48%              59%         58%               68%

"We had a very  productive  fourth  quarter on the  Horizon  Project and a very
successful year" commented Real Doucet,  Sr.  Vice-President,  Oil Sands.  "Our
project  team  continues  to safely  deliver as we remain  ahead of our project
schedule at 57% complete versus our plan of 55% with capital spending levels as

He  continued,  "Canadian  Natural's  ability to track  ahead of  schedule  and
control  costs  is a  reflection  of our  well  defined  and  well  thought-out
execution  strategy.  This strategy  continues to pay dividends as we build the
Horizon Project in a very heated and highly inflationary environment.

Our labour  strategy of  `managed  open site'  combined  with fly-in / fly-out,
continues to demonstrate success as we have expanded our available labour force
to across Canada, bringing workers in from coast to coast. We currently have up
to 55 flights  per week into our site from all across  Canada and  continue  to
assess new locations and available  labour  forces.  Workforce  numbers at site
have met the Project labour demand with 4,000 trades persons working on site in

In 2007 we  anticipate  mechanical  completion  in  several  plants  within the
project and will continue to recruit and build the  operating  and  maintenance
teams  for  the  new  facilities.   Planning  for  an  effective  start-up  and
commissioning is well advanced enabling us to identify 'pinch points` early and
take action to minimize potential impacts that we foresee.

In all,  total costs for Phase 1 construction  are still  anticipated to be not
materially different than the original target cost of $6.8 billion. Further, we
remain on track for final commissioning  during the third quarter of 2008. With
respect to future expansions,  we have started  consolidating  results from the
Phase 2  Engineering  Design  Specification  and have  identified  a number  of
potential   options  for  Phases  2/3   execution  in  the  current  high  cost
environment.  We will fully evaluate these options and provide  further updates
as we move through that process."

                                                                        PAGE 2


- --------------------
|X|  Overall detailed  engineering 94% complete and is substantially  completed
     in most areas.

- -----------
|X|  Overall progress of 84% complete. Most major equipment is purchased and on
|X|  Awarded over $5.1 billion in purchase orders and contracts to date.
|X|  Awarded General  Mechanical  Contracts for  Hydrotreater  and Cogeneration

- --------------
|X|  Delivered an  additional  327  oversized  loads to site for a total of 973
     loads, representing approximately 59% of the Phase 1 total to be shipped.

- ------------
|X|  Overall progress 42% complete.
|X|  Set 333 main piperack modules.
|X|  Exceeded  the 2006 High  Voltage  (35kV)  cable  pull plan by 15%  (30,500
     meters), ensuring that all critical pulls have been completed.
|X|  5 of 6 Modular  Substations  have been installed and  re-instated at site,
     with High Voltage cable terminations ongoing.
|X|  Mine overburden  removal has moved 25 million bank cubic meters,  which is
     approx 35% complete and 4% ahead of target.
|X|  Ore Preparation Area completed construction of the Mechanically Stabilized
     Earth Shear Wall and  transported  the 800 tonne  module  assemblies  onto
     their foundations.
|X|  Bitumen Production Administration Building was completed and occupied.
|X|  Camp 3 was completed and ready for occupancy.
|X|  Commenced Flotation Cell and Pump Box installation in Extraction.
|X|  Began work on R1 & R2 pump house for piping corridors.
|X|  Commenced installation of large bore piping in Coker/DRU

- ----------------------------------------
|X|  Complete Primary Separation Cell Piping in Extraction.
|X|  Ready High Pressure Natural gas piping for Commissioning.
|X|  Initiate module setting in Hydrotreater area.
|X|  Complete Cooling Tower erection.
|X|  Complete installation of the last remaining 35kV substation.

    A picture gallery providing visual updates on construction progress is
                      available on the Company's website

The Company's  results for the fourth quarter of 2006 will be released on March
7,  2007.  A  conference  call will be held on that day at 9:00  a.m.  Mountain
Daylight Time, 11:00 a.m.  Eastern Daylight Time.  Canadian Natural is a senior
oil and natural gas production company,  with continuing operations in its core
areas located in Western Canada, the U.K. portion of the North Sea and Offshore
West Africa.

                                                                      PAGE 3


Certain  statements  in this  document  or  documents  incorporated  herein  by
reference for Canadian Natural Resources Limited (the "Company") may constitute
"forward-looking  statements"  within the meaning of the United States  Private
Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These forward-looking  statements can
generally  be  identified  as such  because of the  context  of the  statements
including  words  such  as  "believes",   "anticipates",   "expects",  "plans",
"estimates",  or words of a similar nature. The forward-looking  statements are
based on  current  expectations  and are  subject to known and  unknown  risks,
uncertainties and other factors that may cause the actual results,  performance
or achievements of the Company, or industry results, to be materially different
from any future results,  performance or  achievements  expressed or implied by
such forward-looking  statements.  Such factors include,  among others: general
economic and business conditions which will, among other things,  impact demand
for and market  prices of the Company's  products;  foreign  currency  exchange
rates;  economic  conditions  in the countries and regions in which the Company
conducts  business;  political  uncertainty,  including  actions  of or against
terrorists or insurgent  groups or other conflict  including  conflict  between
states;  industry  capacity;  ability of the Company to implement  its business
strategy,   including  exploration  and  development   activities;   impact  of
competition;   the  availability  and  cost  of  seismic,  drilling  and  other
equipment;  ability of the Company to complete its capital programs; ability of
the Company to transport its products to market; potential delays or changes in
plans  with  respect  to  exploration   or  development   projects  or  capital
expenditures;  the  ability  of the  Company to attract  the  necessary  labour
required  to build its  projects;  operating  hazards  and  other  difficulties
inherent  in the  exploration  for and  production  and sale of  crude  oil and
natural gas;  availability  and cost of financing;  success of exploration  and
development  activities;  timing and success of  integrating  the  business and
operations of acquired  companies;  production  levels;  uncertainty of reserve
estimates; actions by governmental authorities;  government regulations and the
expenditures  required to comply with them (especially safety and environmental
laws and regulations);  asset retirement  obligations;  and other circumstances
affecting  revenues and expenses.  The impact of any one factor on a particular
forward-looking  statement is not  determinable  with certainty as such factors
are  interdependent,  and the Company's  course of action would depend upon its
assessment of the future considering all information then available. Statements
relating to  "reserves"  are deemed to be  forward-looking  statements  as they
involve the implied  assessment based on certain estimates and assumptions that
the reserves  described can be profitably  produced in the future.  Readers are
cautioned  that the  foregoing  list of  important  factors is not  exhaustive.
Although  the  Company   believes  that  the   expectations   conveyed  by  the
forward-looking  statements are reasonable based on information available to it
on the date such  forward-looking  statements  were made, no assurances  can be
given as to future results, levels of activity and achievements. All subsequent
forward-looking  statements,  whether  written  or  oral,  attributable  to the
Company  or  persons  acting on its behalf  are  expressly  qualified  in their
entirety by these cautionary statements. Except as required by law, the Company
assumes no obligation to update forward-looking statements should circumstances
or the Company's estimates or opinions change.

For further information, please contact:

                          2500, 855 - 2nd Street S.W.
                                Calgary, Alberta
                                    T2P 4J8

TELEPHONE: (403) 514-7777              ALLAN P. MARKIN                      DOUGLAS A. PROLL
                                              Chairman           Chief Financial Officer and
FACSIMILE: (403) 514-7888                                     Senior Vice-President, Finance
EMAIL:     ir@cnrl.coM                JOHN G. LANGILLE
WEBSITE:   www.cnrl.com                  Vice-Chairman                       COREY B. BIEBER
TRADING SYMBOL - CNQ                     STEVE W. LAUT                    Investor Relations
Toronto Stock Exchange                   President and
New York Stock Exchange        Chief Operating Officer