EXHIBIT 99.2 ------------ | [GRAPHIC OMITTED] | [LOGO - TECKCOMINCO] |---------------------------- | =============================================================================== TECK COMINCO LIMITED CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2006, 2005, 2004 =============================================================================== TECK COMINCO LIMITED Consolidated Balance Sheets As at December 31 =============================================================================== (Cdn$ in millions) 2006 2005 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ASSETS Current assets Cash and cash equivalents $ 5,054 $ 2,098 Temporary investments 227 986 Cash held in trust (Note 5) 105 - Accounts and settlements receivable (Note 6) 723 531 Inventories (Note 7) 786 668 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6,895 4,283 Investments (Note 8) 251 649 Property, plant and equipment (Note 9) 3,648 3,513 Oil sands properties (Note 10) 190 20 Other assets (Note 11) 463 344 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $ 11,447 $ 8,809 =============================================================================== LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY Current liabilities Dividends payable (Note 17(l)) $ 216 $ 81 Exchangeable debentures (Note 5) 105 - Accounts payable and accrued liabilities (Note 12) 763 442 Current portion of long-term debt (Note 13) - 213 Current income and resource taxes payable 443 261 Current portion of future income and resource taxes (Note 19(c)) 161 118 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1,688 1,115 Long-term debt (Note 13) 1,509 1,508 Other liabilities (Note 14) 821 667 Future income and resource taxes (Note 19(c)) 880 888 Exchangeable debentures (Note 5) - 248 Shareholders' equity (Note 17) 6,549 4,383 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $ 11,447 $ 8,809 =============================================================================== Commitments and contingencies (Note 22) Subsequent event (Note 26) Approved on behalf of the Board of Directors - -------------------------------------- - -------------------------------------- The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements. TECK COMINCO LIMITED Consolidated Statements of Earnings Years ended December 31 ================================================================================ (Cdn$ in millions, except share data) 2006 2005 2004 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Revenues $ 6,539 $ 4,415 $ 3,428 Operating expenses (2,714) (2,181) (2,058) Depreciation and amortization (264) (272) (275) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Operating profit 3,561 1,962 1,095 Other expenses General and administration (96) (74) (52) Interest on long-term debt (Note 13(g)) (97) (69) (61) Exploration (72) (70) (42) Research and development (17) (13) (14) Other income (expense) (Note 18) 331 155 (40) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3,610 1,891 886 Provision for income and resource taxes (Note 19) (1,215) (546) (292) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Net earnings from continuing operations 2,395 1,345 594 Net earnings from discontinued operation (Note 4(a)) 36 - 23 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Net earnings $ 2,431 $ 1,345 $ 617 ================================================================================ Earnings Per Share (Note 17(k)) Basic $ 11.53 $ 6.62 $ 3.18 Basic from continuing operations $ 11.36 $ 6.62 $ 3.06 Diluted $ 11.20 $ 6.22 $ 2.99 Diluted from continuing operations $ 11.04 $ 6.22 $ 2.88 Weighted average shares outstanding (millions) 210.6 202.5 193.0 Shares outstanding at end of year (millions) 215.8 203.4 201.4 The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements. TECK COMINCO LIMITED Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows Years ended December 31 ================================================================================ (Cdn$ in millions) 2006 2005 2004 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Operating activities Net earnings from continuing operations $ 2,395 $ 1,345 $ 594 Items not affecting cash Depreciation and amortization 264 272 275 Future income and resource taxes (Note 19(a)) 59 122 186 Write-down of investment - - 64 Gain on sale of investments and assets (201) (77) (16) Other 89 (15) 6 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2,606 1,647 1,109 Net change in non-cash working capital items (Note 21(b)) 299 (21) (27) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2,905 1,626 1,082 Financing activities Issuance of long-term debt 123 1,167 - Repayment of long-term debt (333) (95) (124) Issuance of Class B subordinate voting shares 16 28 126 Dividends paid (296) (81) (60) Interest on exchangeable debentures (Note 17(c)) (5) (6) (5) Redemption of exchangeable debentures (340) - - - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (835) 1,013 (63) Investing activities Decrease (increase) in temporary investments 759 (954) (32) Cash held in trust (105) - - Property, plant and equipment (318) (323) (216) Oil sands properties (170) (20) - Investments and other assets (175) (203) (52) Proceeds from sale of investments and assets 885 118 21 Proceeds from sale of Cajamarquilla (Note 4(a)) - - 156 Acquisition of interest in Highland Valley Copper (Note 4(c)) - - (80) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 876 (1,382) (203) Effect of exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents in U.S. dollars 10 (34) (40) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Increase in cash and cash equivalents from continuing operations 2,956 1,223 776 Increase in cash from discontinued operation (Note 4(a)) - - 3 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Increase in cash and cash equivalents 2,956 1,223 779 Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year 2,098 875 96 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cash and cash equivalents at end of year $ 5,054 $ 2,098 $ 875 ================================================================================ The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements. TECK COMINCO LIMITED Consolidated Statements of Retained Earnings Years ended December 31 ================================================================================ (Cdn$ in millions) 2006 2005 2004 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Retained earnings at beginning of year $ 2,228 $ 1,049 $ 495 Net earnings 2,431 1,345 617 Dividends declared (Note 17(l)) (431) (162) (60) Interest on exchangeable debentures, net of taxes (Note 17(c)) (3) (4) (3) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Retained earnings at end of year $ 4,225 $ 2,228 $ 1,049 ================================================================================ The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements. TECK COMINCO LIMITED Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements Years ended December 31, 2006, 2005 and 2004 =============================================================================== 1. NATURE OF OPERATIONS Teck Cominco Limited (referred to as the "Company") is engaged in mining and related activities including exploration, development, processing, smelting and refining. The Company's major products are zinc, copper and metallurgical coal. The Company also produces precious metals, lead, molybdenum, electrical power, fertilizers and various specialty metals. Metal products are sold as refined metals, concentrates or both. The Company also owns an interest in certain oil sands leases and has a partnership interest in an oil sands development project. 2. SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES Generally Accepted Accounting Principles These consolidated financial statements are prepared using Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) in Canada. Note 25 reconciles the consolidated financial statements prepared in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in Canada to financial statements prepared with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States. Basis of Presentation These consolidated financial statements include the accounts of the Company and all of its subsidiaries. The significant subsidiaries include Teck Cominco Metals Ltd. (TCML), Teck Cominco American Inc. (TCAI) and Teck Cominco Alaska Inc. (TCAK). Many of the Company's mining activities are conducted through interests in entities where the Company shares joint control including Compania Minera Antamina (Antamina), Elk Valley Coal Partnership (Elk Valley Coal), and Pogo Joint Venture (Pogo). These entities are accounted for using the proportionate consolidation method. Certain comparative figures have been reclassified to conform with the presentation adopted for the current period. Use of Estimates The preparation of financial statements in conformity with GAAP requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the amounts reported in the consolidated financial statements. Significant areas where management's judgment is applied include asset and investment valuations, ore reserve estimations, finished and in-process inventory quantities, plant and equipment lives, contingent liabilities including matters in litigation, tax provisions and future tax balances including valuation allowances in respect of future tax balances, asset retirement obligations, other environmental liabilities, pension and other post-retirement benefits and other accrued liabilities. Actual results could differ from these estimates. Translation of Foreign Currencies The Company's functional currency is the Canadian dollar. For integrated foreign operations, monetary assets and liabilities are translated at year end exchange rates and other assets and liabilities are translated at historical rates. Revenues, expenses and cash flows are translated at monthly average exchange rates. Gains and losses on translation of monetary assets and monetary liabilities are charged to earnings. The accounts of self-sustaining foreign operations are translated at year end exchange rates, and revenues and expenses are translated at monthly average exchange rates. Differences arising from these foreign currency translations are recorded in shareholders' equity as a cumulative translation adjustment until they are realized by a reduction in the investment. Cash and Cash Equivalents Cash and cash equivalents include cash on account, demand deposits and money market investments with maturities from the date of acquisition of three months or less which are readily convertible to known amounts of cash and are subject to insignificant changes in value. TECK COMINCO LIMITED Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements Years ended December 31, 2006, 2005 and 2004 =============================================================================== 2. SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES, continued Temporary Investments Temporary investments are carried at cost and translated at year end foreign exchange rates. They include money market investments with maturities from the date of acquisition of greater than three months. Inventories Finished products, work in process and raw material inventories are valued at the lower of cost and net realizable value. Raw materials include concentrates for use at smelting and refining operations. Work in process inventory includes inventory in the milling, smelting or refining process and stockpiled ore at mining operations. Supplies inventory is valued at the lower of average cost and replacement value. For work in process and finished product inventories, cost includes all direct costs incurred in production including direct labour and materials, freight, depreciation and amortization and directly attributable overhead costs. For supplies and raw materials, cost includes acquisition, freight and other directly attributable costs. The Company uses both joint-product and by-product costing for work in process and finished product inventories. Joint costing is applied to primary products at the Red Dog, Antamina and Pend Oreille mines and the Trail operations, where the profitability of the operation is dependent upon the production of a number of primary products. Joint costing allocates total production costs based on the relative values of the products. Where by-product costing is used, by-products are allocated the incremental costs of processes that are specific to the production of that product. Investments Investments in Fording Canadian Coal Trust (Fording) and the Fort Hills Energy Limited Partnership (Fort Hills) are accounted for using the equity method as the Company is considered to have significant influence over these investments. Investments other than Fording and Fort Hills are carried at cost less any amounts written off to reflect an impairment in value that is considered to be other than temporary. Property, Plant and Equipment (a) Plant and equipment Plant and equipment are recorded at cost. The cost of plant and processing equipment at the Company's mining operations is amortized on a units of production basis over the lesser of the estimated useful life of the asset or the estimated proven and probable ore reserves. Amortization of plant and equipment at smelting operations is calculated on a straight-line basis over the estimated useful life of the asset. Mobile equipment is depreciated over the estimated equipment operating hours. Buildings are amortized on a straight-line basis over their estimated useful life, not exceeding the estimated life of the mine. (b) Mineral properties and development costs Acquisition, exploration and evaluation costs are charged to earnings in the year in which they are incurred, except where these costs relate to specific properties for which resources as defined under National Instrument 43-101 exist and it is expected that the expenditure can be recovered by future exploitation or sale, in which case they are deferred. When the Company incurs debt directly related to the construction of a new operation or major expansion, the interest and financing costs associated with such debt are capitalized during the construction period. TECK COMINCO LIMITED Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements Years ended December 31, 2006, 2005 and 2004 =============================================================================== 2. SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES, continued Upon commencement of commercial production, mineral properties and deferred costs relating to mines are amortized over the estimated life of the proven and probable reserves to which they relate calculated on a units of production basis. (c) Underground development costs Underground development costs are amortized using the block amortization method. Under this method development costs associated with each section of the mine are amortized over the reserves of that particular section of the mine. (d) Asset impairment The Company performs impairment tests on its property, plant and equipment when events or changes in circumstance indicate that the carrying value of an asset may not be recoverable. These tests compare expected undiscounted future cash flows from these assets to their carrying values. If shortfalls exist, assets are written down to the discounted value of the future cash flows based on the Company's average cost of borrowing. (e) Repairs and maintenance Repairs and maintenance, including shutdown maintenance costs, are charged to expense as incurred except when these repairs significantly extend asset life or result in an operating improvement. In these instances the portion of these repairs relating to the betterment is capitalized as part of plant and equipment. Revenue Recognition Sales are recognized when title transfers and the rights and obligations of ownership pass to the customer. The majority of the Company's metal concentrates are sold under pricing arrangements where final prices are determined by quoted market prices in a period subsequent to the date of sale. In these circumstances, revenues are recorded at the time of sale based on forward prices for the expected date of the final settlement. Subsequent variations in prices are recognized as revenue adjustments as they occur. Income and Resource Taxes Current income taxes are recorded based on the estimated income and resource taxes payable on taxable income for the current year. Future income tax assets and liabilities are recognized based on the difference between the tax and accounting value of assets and liabilities and are calculated using the tax rates for the periods in which the differences are expected to reverse. Tax rate changes are recognized in earnings in the period of substantive enactment. Future tax assets are recognized to the extent that they are considered more likely than not to be realized. The Company is subject to assessments by various taxation authorities which may interpret tax legislation differently. The final amount of taxes to be paid depends on a number of factors including outcomes of audits, appeals, disputes, negotiations and litigation. The Company provides for such differences where known based on management's best estimate of the probable outcome of these matters. Pension and Other Employee Future Benefits (a) Defined benefit pension plans Defined benefit pension plan obligations are based on actuarial determinations. The projected benefit method prorated on services has been used to determine the accrued benefit obligation. Actuarial assumptions used in the determination of defined benefit pension plan liabilities and non-pension post-retirement benefits are based upon management's best estimates, including discount rate, TECK COMINCO LIMITED Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements Years ended December 31, 2006, 2005 and 2004 =============================================================================== 2. SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES, continued expected plan performance, salary escalation, expected health care costs and retirement dates of employees. The expected return on plan assets is estimated based on the fair value of plan assets, asset allocation and expected long-term returns on these components. Past service costs and transitional assets or liabilities are amortized on a straight-line basis over the expected average remaining service period of active employees expected to receive benefits under the plan up to the full eligibility date. Differences between the actuarial liabilities and the amounts recorded in the financial statements will arise from changes in plan assumptions, changes in benefits, or through experience as results differ from actuarial assumptions. Cumulative differences which are greater than 10% of either the fair value of the plan assets or the accrued benefit obligation, whichever is greater, are amortized over the average remaining service life of the related employees. (b) Defined contribution pension plans The cost of providing benefits through defined contribution plans is charged to earnings as the obligation to contribute is incurred. (c) Non-pension post-retirement plans The Company provides certain health care benefits for certain employees when they retire. The cost of these benefits is expensed over the period in which the employees render services. These non-pension post-retirement benefits are funded by the Company as they become due. Stock-Based Compensation The fair value method of accounting is used for stock-based awards. Under this method, the compensation cost of options and other stock-based compensation arrangements are estimated at fair value at the grant date and charged to earnings over the vesting period. For employees eligible for normal retirement before vesting, the expense is charged to earnings over the period from the grant date to the date they are eligible for retirement. Stock-based compensation expense relating to deferred and restricted share units is accrued over the vesting period of the units based on the quoted market value of Class B subordinate voting shares. The expense and liability are adjusted each reporting period for changes in the underlying share price. Research and Development Research costs are expensed as incurred. Development costs are only deferred when the product or process is clearly defined, the technical feasibility has been established, the future market for the product or process is clearly defined and the Company is committed to and has the resources to complete the project. Asset Retirement Obligations Future obligations to retire an asset including dismantling, remediation and ongoing treatment and monitoring of the site are initially recognized and recorded as a liability at fair value, based on estimated future cash flows, the Company's current credit adjusted risk-free discount rate and an estimated inflation factor. The liability is adjusted for changes in the expected amounts and timing of cash flows required to discharge the liability and accreted to full value over time through periodic charges to earnings. For operating properties, the amount of the asset retirement liability initially recognized and any subsequent adjustments are capitalized as part of the asset's carrying value and amortized over the asset's estimated useful life. TECK COMINCO LIMITED Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements Years ended December 31, 2006, 2005 and 2004 =============================================================================== 2. SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES, continued For closed properties, any adjustments to the liability are charged to other income (expense). Future asset retirement obligations are only recorded when the timing or amount of remediation costs can be reasonably estimated. Earnings Per Share Earnings per share is calculated based on the weighted average number of shares outstanding during the year. The Company follows the treasury stock method in the calculation of diluted earnings per share. Under this method, dilution is calculated based upon the net number of common shares issued should "in the money" options and warrants be exercised and the proceeds be used to repurchase common shares at the average market price in the year. Dilution from convertible securities is calculated based on the number of shares to be issued after taking into account the reduction of the related after-tax interest expense. Derivatives and Hedging Activities The Company's risk management policy is to mitigate the impact of market risks to enable the Company to plan its business with greater certainty. In particular, the Company may use foreign exchange forward contracts, commodity price contracts and interest rate swaps to manage exposure to fluctuations in foreign exchange, metal prices and interest rates. The Company's use of derivatives is based on established practices and parameters which are subject to the oversight of the Board of Directors. Certain of the Company's commodity and foreign exchange forward contracts are accounted for as cash flow hedges of anticipated commodity sales. Gains or losses on these contracts are recognized in revenue when the hedged sale occurs. The Inco exchangeable debentures were also accounted for as a cash flow hedge prior to the sale of the Inco shares in November 2006. The Company's interest rate swaps are accounted for as fair value hedges, with gains or losses recognized in interest expense. From time to time, the Company also designates a portion of its U.S. dollar debt as a hedge of a portion of its net investment in foreign subsidiaries whose functional currency is the U.S. dollar. Foreign exchange gains and losses on the designated debt are included in the cumulative translation adjustment in shareholders' equity. The fair values of the derivative instruments that do not qualify for hedge accounting are recorded on the balance sheet with realized and unrealized gains and losses charged to other income (expense). 3. ADOPTION OF NEW ACCOUNTING STANDARDS AND ACCOUNTING DEVELOPMENTS (a) Deferred stripping Effective January 1, 2006, the Company adopted the CICA Emerging Issues Committee Abstract 160 (EIC-160), "Stripping Costs Incurred in the Production Phase of a Mining Operation". EIC-160 requires stripping costs to be accounted for as variable production costs to be included in the costs of inventory produced, unless the stripping activity can be shown to be a betterment of the mineral property, in which case the stripping costs would be capitalized. Betterment occurs when stripping activity increases future output of the mine by providing access to additional sources of reserves. Capitalized stripping costs would be amortized on a unit of production basis over the proven and probable reserves to which they relate. The prospective application of this standard permits the existing deferred stripping costs incurred in the production phase to be amortized on a unit of production basis over the remaining respective reserves. As at January 1, 2006, the opening balance of capitalized stripping costs was $52 million. Stripping costs relating to the mine expansion at Highland Valley Copper, which is considered to be a betterment of the property, are capitalized and amounted to $25 million as at December 31, 2006 (2005-$3 million). TECK COMINCO LIMITED Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements Years ended December 31, 2006, 2005 and 2004 =============================================================================== 3. ADOPTION OF NEW ACCOUNTING STANDARDS AND ACCOUNTING DEVELOPMENTS, continued (b) Mineral properties costs Effective January 1, 2006, the Company amended its accounting policy on the treatment of costs for the acquisition, exploration and evaluation of mineral properties. Under this policy, acquisition, exploration and evaluation costs are charged to earnings in the year in which they are incurred, except where these costs relate to specific properties for which resources as defined under National Policy Statement 43-101 exist and it is expected that the expenditure can be recovered by future exploitation or sale, in which case they are deferred. Previously, the Company capitalized acquisition, exploration and evaluation costs only when economically recoverable reserves as shown by economic studies were believed to exist. This change has been applied retroactively but did not have any effect on the Company's reported earnings or retained earnings. (c) Stock-based compensation for employees eligible to retire before the vesting date Effective December 31, 2006, the Company adopted the new CICA Emerging Issues Committee Abstract 162 (EIC-162), "Stock-Based Compensation for Employees Eligible to Retire before the Vesting Date". EIC-162 requires that stock-based compensation costs are to be recorded over the period from the grant date to the awards to the time employees are eligible to retire as opposed to being recorded over the stated vesting period of the awards. These new provisions are applied with retroactive restatement. The adoption of the new standard did not have any effect on the Company's reported earnings or retained earnings. (d) Conditional asset retirement obligations During 2006, the Company applied the interpretations of the CICA Emerging Issues Committee Abstract 159 (EIC-159), "Conditional Asset Retirement Obligations". EIC-159 requires the recognition of a liability if the entity has sufficient information to reasonably estimate the fair value of the asset retirement obligation, even if the timing and/or method of settling the legal obligation are conditional on a future event. If sufficient information is not available at the time the liability is incurred, a liability should be recognized in the period in which sufficient information becomes available. The application of EIC-159 did not have any impact on the Company's consolidated financial statements. (e) Variable interest entities (VIE) Effective January 1, 2005, the Company adopted Accounting Guideline 15 (AcG-15), "Consolidation of Variable Interest Entities". The standard establishes when a company should consolidate a variable interest entity in its financial statements. AcG-15 provides the definition of a variable interest entity and requires a variable interest entity to be consolidated if a company is at risk of absorbing the variable interest entity's expected losses, or is entitled to receive a majority of the variable interest entity's residual returns, or both. Adoption of this guideline resulted in insignificant changes in certain balance sheet and income statement accounts and no change to earnings or retained earnings. (f) Canadian accounting pronouncements effective for 2007 Determining the variability to be considered in applying VIE standards In September 2006, the CICA Emerging Issues Committee issued Abstract 163 (EIC-163), "Determining the Variability to Be Considered in Applying AcG-15". EIC-163 provides clarification of how an entity should determine the variability in assessment of a VIE. EIC-163 requires an analysis of the design of the entity in determining the variability to be considered in applying AcG-15, using a two-step approach. The guidance will be applied to all entities (including newly created entities) when an enterprise first becomes involved and to all entities previously required to be analyzed under AcG-15 when a reconsideration event has occurred, subsequent to January 1, 2007. TECK COMINCO LIMITED Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements Years ended December 31, 2006, 2005 and 2004 =============================================================================== 3. ADOPTION OF NEW ACCOUNTING STANDARDS AND ACCOUNTING DEVELOPMENTS, continued Accounting changes In July 2006, the CICA revised Section 1506, "Accounting Changes", which now requires that: (a) a voluntary change in accounting principles can be made if, and only if, the changes result in more reliable and relevant information, (b) changes in accounting policies are accompanied with disclosures of prior period amounts and justification for the change, and (c) for changes in estimates, the nature and amount of the change should be disclosed. The revised section is effective for the Company's financial year beginning January 1, 2007. Financial instruments In April 2005, the Accounting Standards Board issued three new accounting standards dealing with the recognition, measurement and disclosure of financial instruments, hedges and comprehensive income, together with many consequential amendments throughout the CICA Handbook. These new standards will affect the Company's interim and annual financial statements beginning with the first quarter of 2007. (i) Financial Instruments - Recognition and Measurement, Section 3855 This standard prescribes when a financial asset, financial liability, or non-financial derivative is to be recognized on the balance sheet and whether fair value or cost-based methods are used to measure the recorded amounts. It also specifies how financial instrument gains and losses are to be presented. Effective January 1, 2007, the Company's cash equivalents, temporary investments and investments in marketable securities have been classified as available-for-sale and will be recorded at fair value on the balance sheet. Changes in the fair value of these instruments will be reflected in other comprehensive income and included in shareholders' equity on the balance sheet. All derivatives will be recorded on the balance sheet at fair value. Mark-to-market adjustments on these instruments will be included in net income, unless the instruments are designated as part of a cash flow hedge relationship. All other financial instruments will be recorded at cost or amortized cost, subject to impairment reviews. Transaction costs incurred to acquire financial instruments will be included in the underlying balance. (ii) Hedges, Section 3865 This standard is applicable when a Company chooses to designate a hedging relationship for accounting purposes. It builds on the existing AcG-13, "Hedging Relationships", and Section 1650, "Foreign Currency Translation", by specifying how hedge accounting is applied and what disclosures are necessary when it is applied. Upon adoption of this standard, the Company will discontinue hedge accounting on all commodity derivative contracts and interest rate swaps. The Company may enter into foreign exchange forward contracts in the future to hedge anticipated sales and may account for these contracts as cash flow hedges. (iii) Comprehensive Income, Section 1530 This standard requires the presentation of a statement of comprehensive income and its components. Comprehensive income includes both net earnings and other comprehensive income. Other comprehensive income includes holding gains and losses on certain investments, gains and losses on certain derivative instruments and foreign currency gains and losses relating to self-sustaining foreign operations, all of which are not included in the calculation of net earnings until realized. TECK COMINCO LIMITED Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements Years ended December 31, 2006, 2005 and 2004 =============================================================================== 3. ADOPTION OF NEW ACCOUNTING STANDARDS AND ACCOUNTING DEVELOPMENTS, continued As at January 1, 2007, the estimated effect on the Company's balance sheet of adopting these standards is summarized below. As prescribed by GAAP, prior periods will not be restated. =========================================================================== (Cdn$ in millions) January 1, 2007 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Adjusted on Estimated adoption of restated Financial opening As Instruments balances reported standards in 2007 ASSETS Current assets Cash and cash equivalents $ 5,054 $ 5,054 Temporary investments 227 227 Cash held in trust 105 105 Accounts and settlements receivable 723 723 Inventories 786 786 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6,895 - 6,895 Investments 251 106 (a)(b) 357 Property, plant and equipment 3,648 3,648 Oil sands properties 190 190 Other assets 463 128 (b)(c) 591 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- $ 11,447 $ 234 $ 11,681 =========================================================================== LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY Current liabilities Dividends payable $ 216 $ 216 Exchangeable debentures 105 105 Accounts payable and accrued liabilities 763 24 (b) 781 Current income and resource taxes payable 443 443 Current portion of future income and resource taxes 161 161 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1,688 24 1,706 Long-term debt 1,509 (11) (c) 1,498 Other liabilities 821 46 (b) 867 Future income and resource taxes 880 12 (d) 892 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4,898 71 4,969 Shareholders' equity Share capital 2,405 2,405 Retained earnings 4,225 112 (b) 4,337 Contributed surplus 64 64 Cumulative translation adjustment (145) 145 (e) - Accumulated other comprehensive income - (145) (e) (94) 51 (a)(b) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6,549 163 6,712 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- $ 11,447 $ 234 $ 11,681 =========================================================================== TECK COMINCO LIMITED Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements Years ended December 31, 2006, 2005 and 2004 =============================================================================== 3. ADOPTION OF NEW ACCOUNTING STANDARDS AND ACCOUNTING DEVELOPMENTS, continued Notes: (a) The Company's investments in marketable securities accounted for at cost are available for sale and are measured at fair value. (b) Unrealized gains and losses on derivative assets and liabilities are recorded at fair value. (c) Debt financing costs previously deferred as other assets are reclassified to long-term debt. (d) The tax effect of the above adjustments is recorded to future income and resource taxes. (e) The cumulative translation adjustment is reclassified to accumulated other comprehensive income. 4. ACQUISITIONS AND DISPOSITIONS (a) Sale of Cajamarquilla (discontinued operation) On December 15, 2004, the Company completed the sale of its 85% interest in the Cajamarquilla zinc refinery for proceeds of $168 million (US$142 million) after repayment of debt of $56 million (US$47 million). The Company recorded an after-tax gain of $12 million on the transaction, being total consideration of $224 million less net assets disposed of $186 million less a cumulative foreign exchange loss of $26 million. The agreement for sale also provides that, in each of the years from 2005 to 2009 inclusive, the Company is entitled to additional consideration of US$365,000 for each US$0.01 that the average annual price of zinc exceeds US$0.454 per pound. The Company has recorded an additional after-tax gain of $36 million (US$31 million) as result of the price participation in 2006. This gain is classified as a gain from discontinued operation on an after-tax basis on the consolidated statement of earnings. Earnings and cash flow from Cajamarquilla for 2004 were as follows: ====================================================================== (Cdn$ in millions) 2004 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Earnings from discontinued operation Revenues $ 196 Cost of sales (173) Other expenses (7) Income taxes (5) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Net earnings 11 Gain on sale 12 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Net earnings from discontinued operation $ 23 ====================================================================== Cash flow from discontinued operation Operating activities $ 26 Financing activities (20) Investing activities (2) Effect of exchange rate changes on cash (1) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Net increase in cash $ 3 ====================================================================== (b) Investment in Elk Valley Coal Partnership and Fording Canadian Coal Trust Under the terms of the Partnership Agreement entered into in 2003, the Company could increase its interest in Elk Valley Coal by up to 5% if Elk Valley Coal achieved certain specified synergies by March 31, 2007. Following the issue of the opinion of the independent expert engaged to assess the synergies of Elk Valley Coal for the coal year ended March 31, 2004, agreement was reached with Fording Inc. in July 2004 on the synergies realized and the resulting adjustments to Elk Valley Coal interests. As a result of this agreement, the Company's 35% interest was increased by 3% effective April 1, 2004, an additional 1% on April 1, 2005 and a further 1% on April 1, 2006, bringing the Company's total direct interest in Elk Valley Coal to 40% on April 1, 2006. TECK COMINCO LIMITED Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements Years ended December 31, 2006, 2005 and 2004 =============================================================================== 4. ACQUISITIONS AND DISPOSITIONS, continued The additional interest received has been treated as part of the initial consideration given and received on the formation of Elk Valley Coal and accordingly no gain was recorded. (c) Acquisition of additional interest in Highland Valley Copper On March 2, 2004, the Company completed the acquisition of a further 33.6% interest in the Highland Valley Copper mine in British Columbia to increase the Company's interest to 97.5%. The Company purchased the additional interest for a net acquisition cost of $80 million. 5. SALE OF INCO SHARES AND REDEMPTION OF INCO EXCHANGEABLE DEBENTURES =========================================================================== (Cdn$ in millions) 2006 2005 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Exchangeable debentures due 2021 at quoted market value $105 $ 260 Deferred loss - (12) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- $105 $ 248 =========================================================================== In 1996, the Company issued $248 million of 3% exchangeable debentures due September 30, 2021. Each $1,000 principal amount debenture was exchangeable at the option of the holder for 20.7254 common shares of Inco Limited (Inco), subject to adjustment in certain circumstances. The Company held 5,148,000 Inco common shares, which were sufficient to effect this exchange, and pledged these shares as security for the debentures. The Company also had the option to satisfy the exchange obligation in cash based on the market value of the Inco shares at the time of the exchange. In 2006, the Company acquired an additional 3,800,000 shares of Inco and made a takeover bid to acquire all the outstanding shares of Inco. This bid expired on August 16, 2006, when insufficient shares were tendered to meet the minimum tender condition. The Company later tendered all of its Inco shares to a competing bid. Before the Company's sale of the Inco shares, some holders of the Inco exchangeable debentures tendered their debentures to the Company for exchange and the Company exercised its option to pay the equivalent amount of cash. When the Inco shares were sold, an amount was placed in trust sufficient to repay the remaining debentures in cash. At December 31, 2006, debentures with a face value of $59 million and a cash value on exchange of $105 million remained outstanding. The cash in trust to meet this obligation is excluded from cash and cash equivalents on the balance sheet and is classified as cash held in trust. The Company accounted for the Inco exchangeable debentures as a cash flow hedge of the anticipated disposition of the Inco common shares. The hedging relationship was discontinued upon sale of the Inco shares. The unrealized losses on the remaining outstanding debentures have been accrued and included in the net gain on the sale of the Inco shares. The net gain on these transactions is as follows: =========================================================================== (Cdn$ in millions) 2006 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gain on sale of Inco shares $ 332 Loss on redemption of debentures (194) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 138 Less transaction costs (18) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Net gain before tax $ 120 =========================================================================== The remaining Inco exchangeable debentures have been reclassified as a current liability as they are now expected to be settled within one year. TECK COMINCO LIMITED Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements Years ended December 31, 2006, 2005 and 2004 =============================================================================== 6. ACCOUNTS AND SETTLEMENTS RECEIVABLE Accounts and settlements receivable consist of trade receivables and are recorded at cost net of a provision for doubtful accounts based on expected collectibility. As at December 31, 2006, accounts and settlements receivable are net of an allowance for doubtful accounts of nil (2005-$3 million). 7. INVENTORIES =========================================================================== (Cdn$ in millions) 2006 2005 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Finished product $ 313 $ 266 Work in process 206 182 Raw materials 91 80 Supplies inventory 176 140 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- $ 786 $ 668 =========================================================================== 8. INVESTMENTS =========================================================================== (Cdn$ in millions) 2006 2005 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fording Canadian Coal Trust (8.74% interest) (Note 4(b)) $ 148 $ 153 Inco Limited common shares (Note 5) - 246 Marketable securities 103 250 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- $ 251 $ 649 =========================================================================== The investment in Fording had a quoted market value of $309 million at December 31, 2006 (2005-$517 million), and the marketable securities had a quoted market value of $209 million at December 31, 2006 (2005-$330 million). 9. PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT =========================================================================== (Cdn$ in millions) 2006 2005 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Operating Mines and mining facilities $ 4,827 $ 4,635 Accumulated depreciation and amortization (2,620) (2,463) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2,207 2,172 Smelter and refineries 1,722 1,649 Accumulated depreciation and amortization (694) (650) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1,028 999 Properties in development 413 342 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- $ 3,648 $ 3,513 =========================================================================== TECK COMINCO LIMITED Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements Years ended December 31, 2006, 2005 and 2004 =============================================================================== 10. OIL SANDS PROPERTIES =========================================================================== (Cdn$ in millions) 2006 2005 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fort Hills Energy Limited Partnership (a) $ 114 $ 17 Oil sands leases (b) 76 3 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- $ 190 $ 20 =========================================================================== (a) Fort Hills Energy Limited Partnership In November 2005, the Company completed an agreement to acquire a 15% interest in the Fort Hills Energy Limited Partnership, which is developing the Fort Hills oil sands project in Alberta, Canada. As consideration for its 15% interest, the Company is required to contribute 34% of the first $2.5 billion of project expenditures and its 15% share of project expenditures thereafter (Note 22(d)). Tax benefits arising from these expenditures are allocated to the contributing partner. The interest in Fort Hills is recorded as an investment using the equity method. (b) Oil sands leases The Company has a 50% interest with UTS Energy Corporation (UTS) in oil sands leases covering 277,000 acres in the Athabasca oil sands region in Alberta. In addition, the Company has a right to acquire from UTS a 50% interest in an oil sands lease covering 7,064 additional acres. 11. OTHER ASSETS =========================================================================== (Cdn$ in millions) 2006 2005 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pension assets (Note 16(a)) $ 194 $ 151 Future income and resource tax assets (Note 19(c)) 103 115 Long-term receivables 109 47 Other 57 31 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- $ 463 $ 344 =========================================================================== 12. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE AND ACCRUED LIABILITIES =========================================================================== (Cdn$ in millions) 2006 2005 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Trade payables $ 415 $ 228 Commercial and government royalties 118 - Payroll related liabilities 101 99 Capital project accruals 44 39 Current portion of asset retirement obligations (Note 15) 22 31 Accrued interest 24 35 Other 39 10 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- $ 763 $ 442 =========================================================================== TECK COMINCO LIMITED Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements Years ended December 31, 2006, 2005 and 2004 =============================================================================== 13. LONG-TERM DEBT =========================================================================== (Cdn$ in millions) 2006 2005 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6.125% debentures due October 2035 (US$700 million) (a) $ 806 $ 806 5.375% debentures due October 2015 (US$300 million) (a) 349 349 7.000% debentures due September 2012 (US$200 million) 231 231 6.875% debentures due February 2006 (US$150 million) - 175 Antamina senior revolving credit facility due August 2011 (b) 108 - Antamina senior debt (nil; 2005-US$125 million) (b) - 146 Other 15 14 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1,509 1,721 Less current portion (f) - (213) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- $ 1,509 $ 1,508 =========================================================================== (a) On September 28, 2005, the Company issued US$300 million of 5.375% notes due October 1, 2015, and US$700 million of 6.125% notes due October 1, 2035. Net proceeds, after issue costs of $11 million, were $1.16 billion. The issue costs are deferred as part of other assets and amortized over the term of the debentures. The Company can call these notes at any time by repaying the greater of the principal amount with accrued interest and the present value of the principal and interest amounts discounted at comparable treasury yield plus a stipulated spread. (b) In September 2006, the remaining balance of Antamina's senior debt of US$411 million (Teck Cominco's share-US$93 million) was refinanced on a non-recourse basis with a syndicated five-year revolving term bank facility with a bullet repayment due at maturity. The facility may be renewed and extended annually with the concurrence of the participating banks. (c) Elk Valley Coal has a $200 million revolving credit facility for working capital purposes, of which the Company's 40% share is $80 million. At December 31, 2006, Elk Valley Coal had issued outstanding letters of credit and guarantees totalling $86 million. Highland Valley Copper has a US$25 million demand revolving facility for working capital purposes. At December 31, 2006, Highland Valley Copper had issued letters of credit for $9 million. (d) At December 31, 2006, the Company had revolving credit facilities aggregating $1 billion which are available until 2011. The Company has issued $124 million of letters of credit, leaving the unused portion of the credit facility at $918 million as at December 31, 2006. (e) The Company's bank credit facilities require the maintenance of a defined debt to capitalization ratio. As at December 31, 2006, the Company was in compliance with all debt covenants and default provisions. (f) The Company has $3 million of scheduled long-term debt payments due in 2009 and $120 million due in 2011. The remaining balance of $1.386 billion is due thereafter. (g) The Company incurred interest expense on long-term debt as follows: ====================================================================== (Cdn$ in millions) 2006 2005 2004 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Interest expense $ 102 $ 69 $ 58 Amortization of debt discount - - 3 Less amounts capitalized (5) - - ---------------------------------------------------------------------- $ 97 $ 69 $ 61 ====================================================================== TECK COMINCO LIMITED Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements Years ended December 31, 2006, 2005 and 2004 =============================================================================== 14. OTHER LIABILITIES =========================================================================== (Cdn$ in millions) 2006 2005 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Asset retirement obligations (Note 15) $ 427 $ 347 Other post-closure and environmental costs 70 60 Pension and other employee future benefits (Note 16(a)) Defined benefit pension plans 39 42 Non-pension post-retirement benefits 183 164 Minority interests 43 18 Other 59 36 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- $ 821 $ 667 =========================================================================== 15. ASSET RETIREMENT OBLIGATIONS The Company has recorded an asset retirement obligation for all of its closed and operating mines. The refining and smelting facilities in Trail are considered to be indefinite life operations and neither the amounts that may be required to retire these facilities nor the timing of required expenditures can be estimated at this time. In this case, the recorded liability is limited to secondary sites and components of the facilities where costs and expected dates of existing retirement and remediation requirements can be estimated. The following table summarizes the movements in the asset retirement obligation for the years ended December 31, 2006 and 2005. =========================================================================== (Cdn$ in millions) 2006 2005 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- At January 1 $ 378 $ 366 Changes in cash flow estimates 79 13 Expenditures and settlements (31) (29) Accretion expense 21 23 Obligations incurred in the period 1 10 Foreign currency translation adjustments 1 (5) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- At December 31 449 378 Current portion (22) (31) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- $ 427 $ 347 =========================================================================== Asset retirement obligations are initially recorded as a liability at fair value, assuming credit adjusted risk-free discount rates between 5.75% and 6.80% and inflation factors between 2.00% and 2.75%. The liability for retirement and remediation on an undiscounted basis before inflation is estimated to be approximately $359 million. In addition, for ongoing treatment and monitoring of the sites, the estimated undiscounted payments in current dollars before inflation adjustment are $3.6 million per annum for 2007-2031 and $11.6 million per annum for 2032-2106. Due to the nature of closure plans, cash expenditures are expected to occur over a significant period of time, from one year for plans that are already in progress to over 100 years for the longest plan. The change in cash flow estimates included $11 million in 2006 (2005-$9 million) relating to asset retirement obligations at closed properties that have been recognized in other income (expense) (Note 18). TECK COMINCO LIMITED Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements Years ended December 31, 2006, 2005 and 2004 =============================================================================== 16. PENSION AND OTHER EMPLOYEE FUTURE BENEFITS Defined Contribution Plans The Company has defined contribution pension plans for certain groups of employees. The Company's share of contributions to these plans is expensed in the year it is earned by the employee. Defined Benefit Plans and Non-Pension Post-Retirement Benefits The Company has various defined benefit pension plans that provide benefits based principally on employees' years of service. These plans are only eligible to certain qualifying employees. The plans are "flat-benefit" or "final-pay" plans which are not indexed. Annual contributions to these plans are actuarially determined and made at or in excess of minimum requirements prescribed by legislation. All defined benefit pension plans are actuarially evaluated for funding purposes on a three-year cycle. The most significant plan, which accounts for 57% of the accrued benefit obligation at December 31, 2006, was last actuarially evaluated on December 31, 2004. The measurement date used to determine all of the accrued benefit obligation and plan assets for determination of accounting information was December 31, 2006. The Company also has several post-retirement plans, which generally provide post-retirement medical and life insurance benefits to certain qualifying employees. TECK COMINCO LIMITED Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements Years ended December 31, 2006, 2005 and 2004 =============================================================================== 16. PENSION AND OTHER EMPLOYEE FUTURE BENEFITS, continued (a) Actuarial valuation of plans ========================================================================================================================= (Cdn$ in millions) 2006 2005 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Defined Non-pension Defined Non-pension benefit post-retirement benefit post-retirement pension benefit pension benefit plans plans plans plans -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Accrued benefit obligation Balance at beginning of year $ 1,198 $ 273 $ 1,036 $ 229 Current service cost 25 5 19 4 Benefits paid (72) (10) (65) (9) Interest cost 62 15 62 14 Actuarial revaluation 11 8 125 37 Past service costs arising from plan improvements 43 24 21 - Foreign currency exchange rate changes - - (2) (1) Transfers from other plans 3 - 2 - Other - 1 - (1) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Balance at end of year 1,270 316 1,198 273 Plan assets Fair value at beginning of year 1,126 - 975 - Actual return on plan assets 143 - 129 - Benefits paid (72) (10) (65) (9) Foreign currency exchange rate changes - - (2) - Contributions 76 10 87 9 Transfer from other plans 2 - 2 - Other - - - - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fair value at end of year 1,275 - 1,126 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Funding surplus (deficit) 5 (316) (72) (273) Unamortized actuarial costs 75 91 137 111 Unamortized past service costs 75 42 44 (2) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Net accrued benefit asset (liability) $ 155 $ (183) $ 109 $ (164) ========================================================================================================================= Represented by Pension assets (Note 11) $ 194 $ - $ 151 $ - Accrued benefit liability (Note 14) (39) (183) (42) (164) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Net accrued benefit asset (liability) $ 155 $ (183) $ 109 $ (164) ========================================================================================================================= TECK COMINCO LIMITED Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements Years ended December 31, 2006, 2005 and 2004 =============================================================================== 16. PENSION AND OTHER EMPLOYEE FUTURE BENEFITS, continued (b) Funding status The funding status of the Company's defined benefit pension plans is as follows: ========================================================================================================================== (Cdn$ in millions) 2006 2005 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Plans where Plans where Plans where Plans where assets benefit assets benefit exceed obligations exceed obligations benefit exceed benefit exceed obligations assets Total obligations assets Total -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Plan assets $ 1,083 $ 192 $ 1,275 $ 720 $ 406 $ 1,126 Benefit obligations (988) (282) (1,270) (690) (508) (1,198) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Excess (deficit) of plan assets over benefit obligations $ 95 $ (90) $ 5 $ 30 $ (102) $ 72 ========================================================================================================================== Total cash payments for pension and other employee future benefits for 2006, including cash contributed to defined benefit and defined contribution pension plans and cash payments made directly to beneficiaries, were $94 million. The Company expects to contribute $55 million to its defined contribution and defined benefit pension plans in 2007 based on minimum funding requirements. The estimated future benefit payments to pensioners for the next five years and five years thereafter are as follows: ========================================================================================================================== (Cdn$ in millions) 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012-2016 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $ 83 $ 85 $ 88 $ 92 $ 96 $ 560 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (c) Significant assumptions The assumptions used to calculate annual expenses are those used to calculate the accrued benefit obligation at the end of the previous year. Weighted average assumptions used to calculate the accrued benefit obligation at the end of each year are as follows: ========================================================================================================================== 2006 2005 2004 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Non-pension Non-pension Non-pension Defined post- Defined post- Defined post- benefit retirement benefit retirement benefit retirement pension benefit pension benefit pension benefit plans plans plans plans plans plans -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discount rate 5% 5% 5% 5% 6% 6% Assumed long-term rate of return on assets 7% - 7% - 7.25% - Rate of increase in future compensation 4% 4% 4% 4% 4% 4% Initial medical trend rate - 10% - 10% - 11% Ultimate medical trend rate - 5% - 5% - 5% Years to reach ultimate medical trend rate - 5 - 6 - 6 Dental trend rates - 5% - 4% - 4% -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The expected long-term rate of return on plan assets is developed based on the historical and projected returns for each asset class, as well as the target asset allocation of the pension portfolio. Projected rates of return for fixed income securities and equities are developed using a model that factors in long-term government debt rates, real bond yield trend, inflation, and equity premiums based on a combination of historical experience and future long-term expectations. TECK COMINCO LIMITED Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements Years ended December 31, 2006, 2005 and 2004 =============================================================================== 16. PENSION AND OTHER EMPLOYEE FUTURE BENEFITS, continued The discount rate used to determine the accrued benefit obligation is determined by reference to the market interest rates at the measurement date of high quality debt instruments. (d) Employee future benefits expense ========================================================================================================================== (Cdn$ in millions) 2006 2005 2004 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Non-pension Non-pension Non-pension Defined post- Defined post- Defined post- benefit retirement benefit retirement benefit retirement pension benefit pension benefit pension benefit plans plans plans plans plans plans -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Current service cost $ 25 $ 5 $ 19 $ 4 $ 18 $ 4 Interest cost 62 15 62 14 59 13 Expected gain on assets (77) - (69) - (63) - Actuarial loss recognized 10 7 5 5 7 5 Early retirement window - - 1 - 3 - Past service cost recognized 9 1 6 - 4 - Other 3 - 9 (1) 7 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Expense recognized for the year $ 32 $ 28 $ 33 $ 22 $ 35 $ 22 ========================================================================================================================== The defined contribution expense for 2006 is $8 million (2005-$7 million; 2004-$5 million). Certain employee future benefit costs incurred in the year and the actual return on plan assets in excess of or short of the actuarially assumed return are not taken into income and are amortized over the expected average remaining service life of employees. Employee future benefit expenses recognized in the year are reconciled to employee future benefit costs incurred as follows: ========================================================================================================================== (Cdn$ in millions) 2006 2005 2004 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Non-pension Non-pension Non-pension Defined post- Defined post- Defined post- benefit retirement benefit retirement benefit retirement pension benefit pension benefit pension benefit plans plans plans plans plans plans -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Expense recognized $ 32 $ 28 $ 33 $ 22 $ 35 $ 22 Difference between expected and actual return on plan assets (66) - (60) - (31) - Difference between actuarial losses (gains) amortized and actuarial losses (gains) arising 1 1 120 32 43 11 Difference between past service costs amortized and past service costs arising 34 21 15 - 23 - Other (3) - (9) 1 (7) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Costs incurred (recovered) $(2) $ 50 $ 99 $ 55 $ 63 $ 33 ========================================================================================================================== (e) Health care sensitivity A 1% change in the initial and ultimate medical trend rates assumptions would have the following effect on post-retirement health care obligations and expense: ====================================================================== (Cdn$ in millions) Increase Increase (decrease) (decrease) in service and in service and interest cost interest cost ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Impact of 1% increase in medical trend rate $ 3 $ 43 Impact of 1% decrease in medical trend rate (3) (36) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- TECK COMINCO LIMITED Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements Years ended December 31, 2006, 2005 and 2004 =============================================================================== 16. PENSION AND OTHER EMPLOYEE FUTURE BENEFITS, continued (f) Investment of plan assets The assets of the Company's defined benefit pension plans are managed by pension fund managers under the oversight of the Teck Cominco Pension Fund Co-ordinating Society and management committees. The Company's pension plan investment strategies support the objectives of each defined benefit plan and are related to the plan demographics and timing of expected benefit payments to plan members. The objective for the plan asset portfolios is to achieve an annual portfolio return over a four-year period equal to at least the annual percentage change in the Consumer Price Index plus 4%. To achieve this objective, a strategic asset allocation policy has been developed for each defined benefit plan. The asset allocation is monitored quarterly and rebalanced if the funds in an asset class exceed their allowable allocation ranges. The Company reviews the investment guidelines for each plan at least annually, and the portfolio and investment managers' performance is monitored quarterly. The composition of the pension plan assets at December 31, 2006 and 2005, and the target composition for 2007 are as follows: ====================================================================== 2006 2005 2004 Target Actual Actual ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Equity securities 50% 58% 58% Debt securities 36% 37% 37% Real estate and other 14% 5% 5% Total 100% 100% 100% ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 17. SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY ====================================================================== 2006 2005 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Amount Amount Shares (Cdn$ in Shares (Cdn$ in (in 000's) millions (in 000's) millions) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Share capital (a) Class A common shares 4,674 $ 7 4,674 $ 7 Class B subordinate voting shares (b) 211,153 2,398 198,752 2,148 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 2,405 2,155 Retained earnings 4,225 2,228 Exchangeable debentures due 2024 (c) - 107 Contributed surplus (i) 64 61 Cumulative translation adjustment (j) (145) (168) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- $ 6,549 $ 4,383 ====================================================================== (a) Authorized share capital The Company's authorized share capital consists of an unlimited number of Class A common shares (Class A shares) without par value, an unlimited number of Class B subordinate voting shares without par value and an unlimited number of preferred shares without par value issuable in series. The Class A shares carry the right to 100 votes per share, and the Class B subordinate voting shares carry the right to one vote per share. Each Class A share is convertible, at the option of the holder, into one Class B subordinate voting share. In all other respects, the Class A shares and Class B TECK COMINCO LIMITED Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements Years ended December 31, 2006, 2005 and 2004 =============================================================================== 17. SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY, continued subordinate voting shares rank equally. Subject to certain exceptions, if a takeover bid is made in respect of the Class A shares and is not made concurrently with an offer to purchase Class B subordinate voting shares on identical terms, each outstanding Class B subordinate voting share will be convertible into a Class A share, if the takeover bid is accepted by holders of a majority of the Class A shares. (b) Class B subordinate voting shares ====================================================================== Amount Shares (Cdn$ in (in 000's) millions) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- At December 31, 2003 181,810 $ 1,804 Options exercised (f) 2,609 38 Issued for convertible subordinate debentures (d) 7,275 185 Exercise of warrants (h) 4,980 90 Conversion of Class A shares to Class B subordinate voting shares 8 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------- At December 31, 2004 196,682 $ 2,117 Options exercised (f) 2,067 31 Issued to holders of shares of predecessor companies merged with the Company 3 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------- At December 31, 2005 198,752 $ 2,148 Options exercised (f) 907 20 Issued in settlement of exchangeable debentures due 2024 (c) 11,489 230 Issued to holders of shares of predecessor companies merged with the Company 5 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------- At December 31, 2006 211,153 $ 2,398 ====================================================================== At December 31, 2006, there were 370,356 Class B subordinate voting shares (2005-375,158 shares) reserved for issuance to the former shareholders of predecessor companies that merged with the Company in prior years. (c) Exchangeable debentures due 2024 In April 1999, the Company issued $150 million of 25-year debentures with each $1,000 debenture exchangeable, at a reference price of $23.50 per share, into 42.5532 shares of Cominco Ltd. At the time of the merger with Cominco Ltd. in 2001, holders of these debentures were paid $6 in respect of each underlying Cominco share as a partial repayment. The face value of each $1,000 debenture was reduced to $745, and each debenture became convertible into 76.596 Class B subordinate voting shares for a total, if exchanged, of 11.5 million Class B subordinate voting shares. The debentures were exchangeable by the holder or redeemable by the Company at any time. By virtue of the Company's option to deliver a fixed number of Class B subordinate voting shares to satisfy the principal payments, the debentures net of issue costs and taxes were classified as a component of shareholders' equity and the interest, net of taxes, was charged directly to retained earnings. This interest, net of taxes, totalled $3 million in 2006 (2005-$4 million; 2004-$3 million). TECK COMINCO LIMITED Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements Years ended December 31, 2006, 2005 and 2004 =============================================================================== 17. SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY, continued On June 1, 2006, the Company completed a series of transactions culminating in the redemption of these debentures. In the course of these transactions, all outstanding debentures were exchanged and the Company issued 11.5 million Class B subordinate voting shares. The exchange was a non-monetary transaction and did not affect the Company's cash flow or earnings. Current tax benefits of $124 million on these transactions were recorded directly to shareholders' equity. (d) Redemption of convertible debt On October 12, 2004, the Company issued 7.3 million Class B subordinate voting shares on conversion of US$156 million stated amount at maturity of its convertible subordinate debentures due 2006, which were called for redemption. Debentures with a stated amount at maturity of US$14 million were redeemed for cash. (e) Preference shares In November 2003, the Articles of the Company were amended and the Company issued 790,000 Series 1 and 550,000 Series 2 preference shares to replace certain preference shares of its wholly owned subsidiary, TCML (formerly Cominco Ltd.). These shares entitle the holders to receive dividends and redemptions based upon a rate of return index governed by world prices for lead and silver. The rate of return index had been insufficient to trigger any dividend or redemption; therefore these shares expired in April 2006 without any payment. (f) Share options Under the Company's share option plan, 9 million Class B subordinate voting shares have been set aside for grant of share options to full-time employees and directors of the Company and its affiliates. The exercise price for each option is the closing price for Class B subordinate voting shares on the last trading day before the date of grant. The Company issues new shares upon exercise of share options. In the year ended December 31, 2006, the Company granted 355,450 Class B subordinate voting share options at market price to employees. These share options have an exercise price of $66.40, a vesting period of three years and expire in 2014. The weighted average fair value of Class B subordinate voting share options granted in the year was estimated as $23 per share option (2005-$18; 2004-$10) at the grant date based on the Black-Scholes option-pricing model using the following assumptions: ====================================================================== 2006 2005 2004 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Dividend yield 1.04% 0.88% 0.80% Risk-free interest rate 4.11% 3.75% 3.50% Expected life 5.0 years 4.7 years 4.5 years Expected volatility 35% 36% 36% TECK COMINCO LIMITED Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements Years ended December 31, 2006, 2005 and 2004 =============================================================================== 17. SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY, continued Outstanding share options ====================================================================== 2006 2005 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Weighted Weighted average average Shares exercise Shares exercise (in 000's) price (in 000's) price ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Outstanding at beginning of year 2,691 $ 20.04 4,426 $ 15.09 Granted 355 66.40 367 45.28 Exercised (907) 17.45 (2,067) 13.77 Expired - - (14) 25.09 Forfeited (2) 61.73 (21) 31.39 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Outstanding at end of year 2,137 $ 28.79 2,691 $ 20.04 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Vested and exercisable at end of year 1,278 $ 16.07 1,803 $ 13.51 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Information relating to share options outstanding at December 31, 2006 ========================================================================================================================== Weighted average Weighted average Weighted average Outstanding Vested exercise exercise price remaining life share share options price on on options on outstanding options outstanding currently options (in 000's) (in 000's) Price range options exercisable (months) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 33 33 $ 6.39 - $ 9.59 $ 7.16 $ 7.16 28 912 912 $ 9.60 - $ 14.39 $ 11.80 $ 11.80 28 63 63 $ 14.40 - $ 21.60 $ 15.73 $ 15.73 4 447 182 $ 21.61 - $ 32.42 $ 25.09 $ 25.09 38 329 88 $ 32.43 - $ 48.65 $ 45.28 $ 45.28 50 353 - $ 48.66 - $ 66.40 $ 66.40 - 86 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2,137 1,278 $ 6.39 - $ 66.40 $ 28.79 $ 16.07 42 ========================================================================================================================== The intrinsic value of a share option is the difference between the current market price for the Company's Class B subordinate voting share and the exercise price of the option. At December 31, 2006, the aggregate intrinsic value, based on the December 31, 2006 closing price of $87.90 for the Class B subordinate voting share, was $126 million for outstanding options and $92 million for vested options. Further information about our share options ====================================================================== (Cdn$ in millions) 2006 2005 2004 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Total compensation cost recognized $ 7 $ 6 $ 4 Total fair value of shares vested 5 3 - Total intrinsic value of share options exercised 54 70 37 The unrecognized compensation costs for non-vested share options at December 31, 2006 were $5 million. The weighted average period over which it is expected to be recognized is 1.4 years. (g) Deferred Share Units and Restricted Share Units Under the Deferred Share Unit (DSU) or Restricted Share Unit (RSU) plan, directors and employees may receive either DSUs or RSUs, each of which entitle the holder to a cash payment equal to the market value of a Class B subordinate voting share of the Company at the time they are redeemed. In the case of directors, these units vest immediately. The units granted to employees vest after three years. Upon normal TECK COMINCO LIMITED Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements Years ended December 31, 2006, 2005 and 2004 =============================================================================== 17. SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY, continued retirementthe units vest immediately and when early retirement occurs, units vest on a pro-rata basis. Should employees be terminated without cause, units would vest on a pro-rata basis. Should employees be terminated with cause, units would be forfeited. DSUs may only be redeemed within twelve months from the date a holder ceases to be an employee or director while RSUs must be redeemed at the end of a three-year period measured from the end of the year immediately preceding the grant. Additional units are issued to reflect dividends paid on Class B subordinate voting shares and other adjustments to Class B subordinate voting shares. As at December 31, 2006, total outstanding DSUs and RSUs issued were 503,909. Non-vested DSU and RSU activity for the year ended December 31, 2006 ====================================================================== Deferred share unit and Weighted restricted average share unit grant date (in 000's) fair value ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Non-vested at beginning of year 215 $ 40.45 Granted 244 70.23 Expired - - Forfeited (1) 58.01 Vested (99) 47.23 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Non-vested at end of year 359 $ 58.72 ====================================================================== Further information about our DSUs and RSUs ========================================================================================================================== (Cdn$ in dollars, except as weighted average) 2006 2005 2004 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Weighted average grant date fair value of the units granted $71.25 $43.68 $20.15 Total fair value of units vested 8 2 2 Total compensation cost recognized 17 12 3 Tax benefits realized 2 - - Cash used to settle DSUs and RSUs 6 - - The unrecognized compensation cost for non-vested DSUs and RSUs at December 31, 2006, was $18 million. The weighted average period over which it is expected to be recognized is 1.8 years. (h) Warrants In May 2004, the Company received $90 million on the exercise of the 4,980,000 remaining warrants to purchase Class B subordinate voting shares at a price of $18 per share. The warrants were issued in 1999. (i) Contributed surplus ====================================================================== (Cdn$ in millions) 2006 2005 2004 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Beginning of year $ 61 $ 58 $ 57 Stock-based compensation expense (f) 7 6 4 Transfer to Class B subordinate voting shares on exercise of share options (4) (3) (2) Redemption of convertible debt (d) - - (1) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- End of year $ 64 $ 61 $ 58 ====================================================================== TECK COMINCO LIMITED Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements Years ended December 31, 2006, 2005 and 2004 =============================================================================== 17. SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY, continued (j) Cumulative translation adjustment The cumulative translation adjustment represents the net unrealized foreign exchange gains (losses) on translation of the accounts of self-sustaining foreign subsidiaries, net of foreign exchange losses on the portion of U.S. dollar denominated debt designated as hedges against these investments. ====================================================================== (Cdn$ in millions) 2006 2005 2004 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Cumulative translation adjustment at beginning of year $ (168) $ (117) $ (43) Exchange differences on investments in foreign subsidiaries 20 (53) (134) Exchange differences on debt designated as a hedge of self-sustaining foreign subsidiaries 1 - 34 Exchange loss realized on reduction or disposal of foreign investment 2 2 26 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Cumulative translation adjustment at end of year $ (145) $ (168) $ (117) ====================================================================== (k) Earnings per share The following table reconciles the Company's basic and diluted earnings per share: ========================================================================================================================== (Cdn$ in millions, except per share data) 2006 2005 2004 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Basic earnings Earnings from continuing operations $ 2,395 $ 1,345 $ 594 Less interest on exchangeable debentures, net of taxes (3) (4) (3) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Earnings from continuing operations, less interest on exchangeable debentures, net of taxes 2,392 1,341 591 Earnings from discontinued operation 36 - 23 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Net earnings available to common shareholders $ 2,428 $ 1,341 $ 614 ========================================================================================================================== Diluted earnings Earnings from continuing operations $ 2,395 $ 1,345 $ 594 Earnings from discontinued operation 36 - 23 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Net diluted earnings available to common shareholders $ 2,431 $ 1,345 $ 617 ========================================================================================================================== Weighted average shares outstanding (000's) 210,578 202,472 192,993 Effect of dilutive securities Incremental shares from share options 1,659 2,121 1,830 Shares issuable on conversion of exchangeable debentures 4,787 11,489 11,489 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Weighted average diluted shares outstanding 217,024 216,082 206,312 ========================================================================================================================== Basic earnings per share $ 11.53 $ 6.62 $ 3.18 Basic earnings per share from continuing operations $ 11.36 $ 6.62 $ 3.06 Diluted earnings per share $ 11.20 $ 6.22 $ 2.99 Diluted earnings per share from continuing operations $ 11.04 $ 6.22 $ 2.88 TECK COMINCO LIMITED Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements Years ended December 31, 2006, 2005 and 2004 =============================================================================== 17. SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY, continued (l) Dividends Dividends declared in 2006, 2005 and 2004 totalled $2.00 per share, $0.80 per share, and $0.30 per share respectively. Dividends paid on or after January 1, 2006 are eligible for the enhanced federal and provincial dividend tax credits. 18. OTHER INCOME (EXPENSE) =========================================================================== (Cdn$ in millions) 2006 2005 2004 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Interest income $ 186 $ 56 $ 10 Net gain on disposal of investment in Inco, net of loss on exchangeable debentures (Note 5) 120 - - Gain on sale of investments and assets 81 58 37 Income from Fording 48 76 13 Non-hedge derivative losses - (29) (4) Investment write-down - - (64) Foreign exchange gains (losses) (7) 19 - Minority interests (33) (15) (9) Asset retirement expense for closed properties (17) (14) (22) Donations and sponsorships (40) - - Miscellaneous (7) 4 (1) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- $ 331 $ 155 $ (40) =========================================================================== 19. INCOME AND RESOURCE TAXES (a) Income and resource tax expense from continuing operations ====================================================================== (Cdn$ in millions) 2006 2005 2004 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Current Canadian income tax $ 485 $ 223 $ 21 Foreign income tax 499 85 5 Canadian resource tax 172 116 76 Canadian large corporation tax - - 4 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1,156 424 106 Future Canadian income tax 34 103 157 Foreign income tax 19 7 35 Canadian resource tax 6 12 (6) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 59 122 186 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- $ 1,215 $ 546 $ 292 ====================================================================== TECK COMINCO LIMITED Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements Years ended December 31, 2006, 2005 and 2004 =============================================================================== 19. INCOME AND RESOURCE TAXES, continued (b) Reconciliation of income and resource taxes calculated at the statutory rates to the actual tax provision ====================================================================== (Cdn$ in millions) 2006 2005 2004 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Tax expense at the statutory income tax rate of 34.6% (2005-34.4%; 2004-35.5%) $ 1,249 $ 651 $ 315 Tax effect of Resource taxes, net of resource and depletion allowances (10) 48 31 Non-taxable portion of income including one-half of capital gains (41) (35) - Benefit of current tax losses not recognized (recognition of previously unrecognized losses) 14 (45) (31) Benefit of tax rate reduction (21) (21) - Difference in tax rates in foreign jurisdictions 32 (18) (23) Other (8) (34) - ---------------------------------------------------------------------- $ 1,215 $ 546 $ 292 ====================================================================== (c) Temporary differences giving rise to future income and resource tax assets and liabilities ====================================================================== (Cdn$ in millions) 2006 2005 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Future income and resource tax assets Net operating loss carry-forwards $ 98 $ 230 Property, plant and equipment (92) (124) Alternative minimum and other tax credits 104 10 Asset retirement obligations 28 37 Other 31 12 Valuation allowance (56) (42) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 113 123 Less current portion (10) (8) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- $ 103 $ 115 ====================================================================== Future income and resource tax liabilities Property, plant and equipment $ 727 $ 721 Asset retirement obligations (118) (92) Amounts relating to partnership year-ends 484 348 Other (52) 29 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1,041 1,006 Less current portion (161) (118) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- $ 880 $ 888 ====================================================================== TECK COMINCO LIMITED Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements Years ended December 31, 2006, 2005 and 2004 =============================================================================== 19. INCOME AND RESOURCE TAXES, continued (d) Earnings by jurisdiction Earnings before income and resource taxes from continuing operations are earned in the following tax jurisdictions: ====================================================================== (Cdn$ in millions) 2006 2005 2004 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Canada $ 1,419 $ 1,215 $ 534 Foreign 2,191 676 352 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- $ 3,610 $ 1,891 $ 886 ====================================================================== (e) The Company has non-resident subsidiaries that have undistributed earnings. Provisions have not been recorded for taxes that may arise on repatriation of these earnings as these undistributed earnings are not expected to be repatriated in the foreseeable future. It is not possible to determine the future taxes that may be payable upon the repatriation of such earnings. (f) Loss carry-forwards (i) Canada and provincial tax jurisdictions At December 31, 2006, the Company had no remaining Canadian and provincial net operating loss carry-forwards (2005-nil). (ii) United States federal and state tax jurisdictions At December 31, 2006, the Company had United States federal and state net operating loss carry-forwards of $98 million (2005-$477 million). These loss carry-forwards expire at various dates between 2008 and 2024. (g) Valuation allowance The benefit of regular income loss carry-forwards, except for $56 million relating to jurisdictions that do not have established sources of taxable income, has been fully recognized. (h) Other disclosure In the normal course of business, the Company is subject to audit by taxation authorities. For major entities, audits by the Canadian taxation authorities on years after 2000 are not yet completed. These audits may alter the timing or amount of taxable income or deductions. The amount ultimately reassessed upon resolution of issues raised may differ from the amount accrued. TECK COMINCO LIMITED Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements Years ended December 31, 2006, 2005 and 2004 =============================================================================== 20. PARTNERSHIPS AND JOINT VENTURES The Company's principal operations that are accounted for using the proportionate consolidation method are Elk Valley Coal, and the Antamina, Pogo, Hemlo and Lennard Shelf mines. The Company's share of the assets and liabilities, revenues and expenses and cash flows of these operations is as follows: =========================================================================== (Cdn$ in millions) 2006 2005 2004 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Assets Cash and cash equivalents $ 88 $ 166 $ 143 Other current assets 347 320 204 Mineral properties, plant and equipment 1,252 1,258 1,128 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- $ 1,687 $ 1,744 $ 1,475 =========================================================================== Liabilities and equity Current liabilities $ 274 $ 223 $ 150 Long-term liabilities 368 381 447 Equity 1,045 1,140 878 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- $ 1,687 $ 1,744 $ 1,475 =========================================================================== Earnings Revenues $ 2,127 $ 1,847 $ 1,223 Operating and other expenses 1,077 934 858 Provision for income and resource taxes 222 99 62 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Net earnings $ 828 $ 814 $ 303 =========================================================================== Cash flow Operating activities $ 981 $ 843 $ 496 Financing activities (38) (83) (61) Investing activities (76) (203) (144) Distributions (945) (526) (203) Effect of exchange rates on cash - (8) (6) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Increase (decrease) in cash $ (78) $ 23 $ 82 =========================================================================== Income and resource taxes are only provided for incorporated joint ventures. The liability for income taxes for unincorporated joint ventures rests at the parent entity level and is not included in this table. TECK COMINCO LIMITED Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements Years ended December 31, 2006, 2005 and 2004 =============================================================================== 21. SUPPLEMENTARY CASH FLOW INFORMATION =========================================================================== (Cdn$ in millions) 2006 2005 2004 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- (a) Cash and cash equivalents Cash $ 156 $ 132 $ 115 Money market investments with maturities from the date of acquisition of 3 months or less 4,898 1,966 760 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- $ 5,054 $ 2,098 $ 875 =========================================================================== (b) Changes to non-cash working capital items Accounts and settlements receivable $ (192) $ (164) $ (58) Inventories (118) (120) (24) Accounts payable and accrued liabilities 321 34 6 Current income and resource taxes payable 288 229 49 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- $ 299 $ (21) $ (27) =========================================================================== (c) Interest and taxes paid Interest paid $ 111 $ 49 $ 50 Income and resource taxes paid $ 846 $ 177 $ 79 (d) Non-cash financing transaction Value ascribed to shares issued on conversion of debt (Note 17(c)(d)) $ 107 $ - $ 185 TECK COMINCO LIMITED Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements Years ended December 31, 2006, 2005 and 2004 =============================================================================== 22. COMMITMENTS AND CONTINGENCIES (a) Derivatives and financial instruments Derivative positions at December 31, 2006, are as follows: ========================================================================================================================== Unrealized Carrying 2007 2008 2009 Total gain (loss) Value -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Cdn$ in millions) Gold (thousands of ozs) Fixed forward sales contracts 44 44 43 131 Average price (US$/oz) 350 350 350 350 $ (47) $ - Fixed forward sales contracts 8 - - 8 Average price (Cdn$/oz) 520 - - 520 (2) - U.S. dollars (millions) (i) Fixed forward sales contracts 1,304 - - 1,304 Average exchange rate 1.14 - - 1.14 (24) (24) Zinc (millions of lbs) (ii) Fixed forward purchase commitments 12 - - 12 Average price (US(cent)/lb) 1.74 - - 1.74 2 2 ------ ----- $ (71) $ (22) ========================================================================================================================== Interest rate swap Principal amount Rate swapped Rate obtained Maturity date Unrealized loss Carrying value -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- US$100 million 7.00% LIBOR plus 2.14% September 2012 $ (2) $ - ========================================================================================================================== (i) From time to time, the Company purchases U.S. dollar short-term money market investments. The Company purchases the U.S. dollars and at the same time sells U.S. dollars forward to match the maturity of the investment. The unrealized gain or loss on the U.S. dollar investments is offset by the unrealized gain or loss on the foreign exchange contracts. The Company does not apply hedge accounting to these as the change in value of the contracts substantially offsets the change in value of the U.S. dollar investments. The change in market value of both of these items is reported in the earnings for the period. (ii) From time to time, certain customers purchase refined zinc at fixed forward prices from the Company's smelting and refining operations. Forward purchase commitments for zinc are matched to these fixed price sales commitments to customers. As the fixed price sales commitments to customers contain a fixed premium component, the relationships are not considered to be sufficiently effective under hedge accounting standards. Accordingly, the Company is unable to apply hedge accounting to zinc forward purchase commitments and has recognized mark-to-market and realized gains on these forward purchase commitments in other income (expense). (b) Legal proceedings and contingencies On November 11, 2004, the District Court for Eastern Washington State denied a motion by TCML to dismiss, for want of jurisdiction, a citizen's suit brought by two members of the Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation (the "Tribes") supported by the State of Washington. The citizen's suit was brought pursuant to Section 310(a)(i) of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) to enforce a unilateral administrative order issued by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on TECK COMINCO LIMITED Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements Years ended December 31, 2006, 2005 and 2004 =============================================================================== 22. COMMITMENTS AND CONTINGENCIES, continued December 11, 2003 (the "UAO"), purporting to require TCML to conduct a remedial investigation and feasibility study with respect to metal contamination in the sediments of the Upper Columbia River and Lake Roosevelt. On February 14, 2005, the Federal Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit granted TCML's petition for permission to appeal that decision and the District Court entered a stay of proceedings (the "Stay") pending a final decision on the appeal. In September 2005, the District Court lifted the Stay to allow the State of Washington and the Tribes to add the Tribes as an additional plaintiff and to file amended complaints adding the State's and the Tribes' claims for natural resource damages and cost recovery under CERCLA. On September 29, 2005, the individual plaintiffs also served notice of their intention to file suit under the U.S. Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) seeking injunctive relief and costs. As far as the Company is aware, no suit has been filed under RCRA. On July 3, 2006, the 9th Circuit affirmed the District Court's denial of TCML's motion to dismiss the citizen's suit. On October 30, 2006, the 9th Circuit denied TCML's petition for a rehearing and subsequently granted a stay of mandate until March 6, 2007, pending the filing of an application for further appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court. The Company is preparing the application, which must be filed before February 27, 2007. On June 2, 2006, TCML and its U.S. affiliate, TCAI, entered into a Settlement Agreement (the "Agreement") with the EPA and the United States under which TCAI is paying for and conducting a remedial investigation and feasibility study (the "Studies") that, while not carried out under an administrative or judicial order, is consistent with the U.S. National Contingency Plan. TCAI is paying EPA's oversight costs and providing US$1.1 million in annual funding to the EPA to facilitate the full participation of the Tribes, the State and the U.S. Department of Interior, and TCML guaranteed TCAI's performance of the Agreement. TCAI has placed US$20 million in escrow as financial assurance of its obligations under the Agreement. Contemporaneously with the execution of the Agreement, the EPA withdrew the UAO. The recent decision of the 9th Circuit will not affect the Agreement. There can be no assurance that the agreement to conduct and fund the Studies and the withdrawal of the UAO will be sufficient to resolve the matter or that TCML or its affiliates will not be faced with further liability in relation to this matter. Until the studies are completed, it is not possible to estimate the extent and cost, if any, of remediation that may be required. The Company considers provisions for all our outstanding and pending legal claims to be adequate. The final outcome with respect to actions outstanding or pending as at December 31, 2006, or with respect to future claims, cannot be predicted with certainty. (c) Mining royalty in Peru On June 25, 2004, legislation that established a mining royalty of up to 3% of the value of sales of concentrate came into force. Management and its legal advisors are of the opinion that, under current legislation and as well as the mining stability agreement subscribed with the Peruvian government, this royalty is not applicable to Compania Minera Antamina S.A. (CMA) until the expiration of such mining stability agreement on December 31, 2015. On June 28, 2006, however, the Peruvian congress passed a law that requires all mining companies in Peru to pay the mining royalty regardless of whether they have been granted protection under a mining stability agreement; the law was observed by the Peruvian president and returned to Congress to be reviewed. The Company and its legal advisors are of the opinion that any change to the law that unilaterally imposes a royalty payment to a mining Company protected under a mining stability agreement is illegal and unconstitutional. In addition, in December CMA entered into an agreement with the government of Peru providing for voluntary contributions to funds established for the benefit of communities affected by mining operations. These contributions are to be suspended in the event that CMA becomes subject to new royalties or mining levies. As a consequence, no provision for the mining royalty has been made in the financial statements. TECK COMINCO LIMITED Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements Years ended December 31, 2006, 2005 and 2004 =============================================================================== 22. COMMITMENTS AND CONTINGENCIES, continued (d) Commitments and guarantees Red Dog commitments Pursuant to a royalty agreement with NANA Regional Corporation Inc. (NANA), TCAK pays NANA an annual advance royalty equal to the greater of 4.5% of Red Dog mine's net smelter return or US$1 million. After the Company recovers certain capital expenditures including an interest factor, TCAK will pay to NANA 25% of net proceeds of production from the Red Dog mine, increasing in 5% increments every fifth year to a maximum of 50%. Advance royalties previously paid will be recoverable against the 25% royalty on net proceeds of production. As at December 31, 2006, expenditures including an interest factor have been fully recovered. The unrecovered cumulative amount of advance royalties paid was US$104 million (2005-US$114 million). Based on the average realized zinc and lead prices in 2006, the Company estimates that the payment of the 25% royalty to NANA will commence in the fourth quarter of 2007 after the Company has recovered all advance royalty payments. TCAK leases road and port facilities from the Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority through which it ships all concentrates produced at the Red Dog mine. The lease requires TCAK to pay a minimum annual user fee of US$18 million but has no minimum tonnage requirements. There are also fee escalation provisions based on zinc price and annual tonnage. TCAK has also entered into agreements for the transportation and handling of concentrates from the millsite. These agreements have varying terms expiring at various dates through 2010 and include provisions for extensions. There are minimum tonnage requirements and the minimum annual fees amount to approximately US$9 million, with adjustment provisions based on variable cost factors. Antamina royalty On the acquisition of the Company's interest in the Antamina mine, the vendor was granted a net profits royalty equivalent to 7.4% of the Company's share of the project's free cash flow after recovery of capital costs and an interest factor on approximately 60% of project costs. The recovery of accumulated capital costs together with interest was completed in 2006 and an expense of $33 million was recorded in the year in respect of this royalty. Fort Hills Under the Fort Hills agreement, the Company has committed to contribute 34% of the first $2.5 billion of partnership expenditures on the Fort Hills project. In the event that the project is abandoned, all limited partners are required to make additional contributions such that the aggregate contributions of all partners equal $2.5 billion and any unexpended amount will be distributed to the partners according to their partnership interest. Elk Valley Coal Partnership guarantee Elk Valley Coal has provided an unsecured guarantee, limited in recourse against the Company to the assets of Elk Valley Coal and the interest of the Company therein, with respect to up to $400 million of borrowings by Fording incurred principally in connection with the financing of the transaction pursuant to which the Company acquired its interest in Elk Valley Coal. As at December 31, 2006, Fording had $30 million outstanding under these borrowings of which the Company's 40% share was $12 million. Operating leases Amounts payable under operating leases are $102 million, with annual payments of $19 million in 2007, $14 million in 2008, $11 million in 2009, $9 million in 2010, $7 million in 2011, and $42 million thereafter. The leases are primarily for office premises, mobile equipment and rail cars. TECK COMINCO LIMITED Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements Years ended December 31, 2006, 2005 and 2004 =============================================================================== 22. COMMITMENTS AND CONTINGENCIES, continued Forward purchase commitments The Company has a number of forward purchase commitments for the purchase of concentrates and power and for shipping and distribution of its products which are incurred in the normal course of business. The majority of these contracts are subject to force majeure provisions. Environmental protection The Company's operations are affected by federal, provincial, state and local laws and regulations concerning environmental protection. Provisions for future reclamation and site restoration are based on known requirements. It is not possible to estimate the impact on operating results, if any, of future legislative or regulatory developments. 23. FAIR VALUE OF FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS The carrying amounts of cash and temporary investments, cash held in trust, accounts and settlements receivable, long-term receivables and deposits, other investments, accounts payable, accrued liabilities and other liabilities represent their fair value unless otherwise disclosed. The carrying amounts and the quoted market values of the Company's investments are disclosed in Note 8, and the debentures exchangeable for Inco common shares are disclosed in Note 5. The carrying amounts and the market values for derivative and financial instruments are disclosed in Note 22(a). The estimated impact of recording some of these balances at fair value upon adoption of the financial instrument standards is disclosed in Note 3(f). The carrying amounts and estimated fair values of the Company's debt instruments at December 31 are summarized as follows: =========================================================================== (Cdn$ in millions) 2006 2005 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Carrying Estimated Carrying Estimated amount fair value amount fair value --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6.125% debentures due October 2035 $ 806 $ 783 $ 806 $ 810 5.375% debentures due October 2015 349 339 349 347 7.000% debentures due September 2012 231 249 231 254 6.875% debentures due February 2006 - - 175 175 Antamina senior debt - - 146 146 Antamina senior revolving credit facility 108 108 - - 24. SEGMENTED INFORMATION The Company has five reportable segments: smelting and refining, base metals, gold, coal, and corporate and other. Revenue from refined zinc and lead, electrical power, fertilizers and specialty metals operations are included in smelting and refining revenue for segmented purposes. The corporate segment includes administrative, investment, exploration and business development activities. Concentrates sold from one segment to another are valued at market prices. Information for zinc and copper mines were combined into the base metal mines segment in 2006 on the basis that this more appropriately reflects the strategic management of the Company's operations. Prior year comparatives have been restated to conform with current year presentation. TECK COMINCO LIMITED Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements Years ended December 31, 2006, 2005 and 2004 =============================================================================== 24. SEGMENTED INFORMATION, continued =============================================================================================================================== (Cdn$ in millions) 2006 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Smelting Base metal Gold Coal Corporate and refining mines mines mines and other Total ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Segment revenues $ 1,802 $ 3,847 $ 143 $ 1,177 $ 38 $ 7,007 Less inter-segment revenues - (466) - - (2) (468) Revenues 1,802 3,381 143 1,177 36 6,539 Operating profit 395 2,734 7 444 (19) 3,561 Interest expense - (11) - (2) (84) (97) Other corporate expenses - (10) - - 156 146 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Earnings before taxes and 395 2,713 7 442 53 3,610 discontinued operation Capital expenditures 76 159 44 18 21 318 Total assets 1,627 4,015 402 631 4,772 11,447 =============================================================================================================================== (Cdn$ in millions) 2005 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Smelting Base metal Gold Coal Corporate and refining mines mines mines and other Total ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Segment revenues $ 937 $ 2,276 $ 127 $ 1,173 $ 65 $ 4,578 Less inter-segment revenues - (159) - (2) (2) (163) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Revenues 937 2,117 127 1,171 63 4,415 Operating profit 134 1,295 9 512 12 1,962 Interest expense - (14) - - (55) (69) Other corporate expenses - - - - (2) (2) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Earnings before taxes and 134 1,281 9 512 (45) 1,891 discontinued operation Capital expenditures 34 77 100 98 14 323 Total assets 1,370 2,881 358 656 3,544 8,809 =============================================================================================================================== (Cdn$ in millions) 2004 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Smelting Base metal Gold Coal Corporate and refining mines mines mines and other Total ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Segment revenues $ 1,006 $ 1,709 $ 142 $ 645 $ 51 $3,553 Less inter-segment revenues - (123) - - (2) (125) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Revenues 1,006 1,586 142 645 49 3,428 Operating profit 119 805 32 125 14 1,095 Interest expense - (15) - - (46) (61) Other corporate expenses - - - - (148) (148) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Earnings before taxes and 119 790 32 125 (180) 886 discontinued operation Capital expenditures 24 54 82 53 3 216 Total assets 1,297 2,653 263 513 1,333 6,059 TECK COMINCO LIMITED Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements Years ended December 31, 2006, 2005 and 2004 =============================================================================== 24. SEGMENTED INFORMATION, continued The geographic distribution of the Company's property, plant and equipment and external sales revenue with revenue attributed to regions based on the location of the customer is as follows: =============================================================================================================================== Property, plant and equipment Revenues ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Cdn$ in millions) 2006 2005 2006 2005 2004 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Canada $1,810 $1,740 $ 724 $ 578 $ 583 United States 1,308 1,256 1,487 842 680 Latin America 498 509 251 252 156 Asia - - 2,770 1,894 1,321 Europe - - 1,201 809 688 Australia 32 8 106 40 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $3,648 $3,513 $6,539 $4,415 $3,428 =============================================================================================================================== TECK COMINCO LIMITED Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements Years ended December 31, 2006, 2005 and 2004 =============================================================================== 25. GENERALLY ACCEPTED ACCOUNTING PRINCIPLES IN CANADA AND THE UNITED STATES The effect of the material measurement differences between generally accepted accounting principles in Canada and the United States on the Company's net earnings is summarized as follows: =========================================================================== (Cdn$ in millions, except per share data) 2006 2005 2004 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Net earnings under Canadian GAAP $ 2,431 $ 1,345 $ 617 Add (deduct) Exchangeable debentures due 2024 (b) (4) (6) (6) Unrealized holding gains (losses) on investments (c) (14) 33 (51) Deferred start-up costs (d) (11) 3 (4) Exploration expenses (e) (21) - - Derivative instruments (f) Embedded derivatives 94 (25) 46 Non-hedge derivatives (53) (62) 31 Asset retirement obligations (g) (3) (3) (4) Deferred stripping (h) (17) - - Other (i) (2) 7 (1) Tax effect of adjustments noted above 40 23 (16) Tax benefit on redemption of exchangeable debentures (b) 124 - - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Net earnings before changes in accounting principles 2,564 1,315 612 Add (deduct) Underground development amortization (j) - - (7) Tax effect of adjustments - - 3 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Net earnings under U.S. GAAP before comprehensive income adjustments 2,564 1,315 608 Other comprehensive income (k) Add (deduct) Unrealized gains (losses) on investments (c) Arising during the period 104 102 12 Less: reclassification adjustments to net income (78) (51) (16) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 26 51 (4) Losses on derivatives designated as cash flow hedges (f) Arising during the period - (4) (32) Less: reclassification adjustments to net income (13) (26) (1) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- (13) (30) (33) Cumulative translation adjustment (k) 21 (51) (79) Additional pension liability (l) 8 (22) 52 Tax effect of adjustments (2) 11 (1) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Comprehensive income $ 2,604 $ 1,274 $ 543 =========================================================================== Earnings per share under U.S. GAAP before comprehensive income adjustments Basic $ 12.18 $ 6.49 $ 3.15 Diluted $ 11.83 $ 6.09 $ 2.95 Basic from continuing operations $ 11.63 $ 6.49 $ 3.15 Diluted from continuing operations $ 11.29 $ 6.09 $ 2.95 TECK COMINCO LIMITED Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements Years ended December 31, 2006, 2005 and 2004 =============================================================================== 25. GENERALLY ACCEPTED ACCOUNTING PRINCIPLES IN CANADA AND THE UNITED STATES, continued Balance sheets under Canadian GAAP and U.S. GAAP =========================================================================== (Cdn$ in millions) 2006 2005 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Canadian U.S. Canadian U.S. GAAP GAAP GAAP GAAP --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ASSETS Current assets Cash and cash equivalents $ 5,054 $ 5,054 $ 2,098 $ 2,098 Temporary investments 227 227 986 986 Cash held in trust 105 105 - - Accounts and settlements receivable 723 723 531 531 Inventories 786 786 668 668 Derivative instruments (f) - - - 45 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6,895 6,895 4,283 4,328 Investments (c) 251 348 649 743 Property, plant and equipment (d)(e)(g)(h)(i)(j) 3,648 3,483 3,513 3,450 Oil sands properties 190 190 20 20 Other assets (f)(l) 463 467 344 382 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- $11,447 $11,383 $ 8,809 $ 8,923 =========================================================================== LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY Current liabilities Dividends payable $ 216 $ 216 $ 81 $ 81 Exchangeable debentures 105 105 - - Accounts payable and accrued liabilities (f) 763 794 442 445 Current portion of long-term debt - - 213 213 Current income and resource taxes payable 443 443 261 261 Current portion of future income and resource taxes 161 161 118 118 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1,688 1,719 1,115 1,118 Long-term debt (b) 1,509 1,498 1,508 1,615 Other liabilities (f)(g)(l) 821 911 667 634 Future income and resource taxes 880 760 888 919 Exchangeable debentures - - 248 248 Shareholders' equity 6,549 6,495 4,383 4,389 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- $11,447 $11,383 $ 8,809 $ 8,923 =========================================================================== TECK COMINCO LIMITED Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements Years ended December 31, 2006, 2005 and 2004 =============================================================================== 25. GENERALLY ACCEPTED ACCOUNTING PRINCIPLES IN CANADA AND THE UNITED STATES, continued Shareholders' equity under Canadian GAAP and U.S. GAAP =========================================================================== (Cdn$ in millions) 2006 2005 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Canadian U.S. Canadian U.S. GAAP GAAP GAAP GAAP --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Capital stock $ 2,405 $ 2,281 $ 2,155 $ 2,155 Retained earnings 4,225 4,431 2,228 2,330 Exchangeable debentures due 2024 (b) - - 107 - Contributed surplus 64 64 61 61 Cumulative translation adjustment (k) (145) - (168) - Accumulated other comprehensive income (k) - (281) - (157) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- $ 6,549 $ 6,495 $ 4,383 $ 4,389 =========================================================================== (a) Adoption of new accounting standards (i) Accounting for defined benefit pension and other post-retirement plans During the year, the Company adopted FASB Statement No. 158, "Employers' Accounting for Defined Benefit Pension and Other Post-Retirement Plans - An Amendment of FASB Statements No. 87, 88, 106 and 132(R)". Under SFAS No. 158, employers must recognize a net liability or asset to report the funded or underfunded status of their defined benefit pension and other post-retirement benefit plans on their balance sheets. Changes in the funded status during the year will be recorded in other comprehensive income. The standard does not change the calculation of periodic pension expense under U.S. GAAP but will affect other comprehensive income in future years. Before adoption of this standard, the Company had an additional minimum pension liability of $21 million. The adoption of this standard resulted in a $263 million charge, net of $99 million of taxes, directly to ending accumulated other comprehensive income and had no impact on the Company's net earnings or retained earnings. (ii) Post-production stripping costs Effective January 1, 2006, under U.S. GAAP, the Company adopted EITF 04-6, "Accounting for Stripping Costs Incurred during Production in the Mining Industry". It requires stripping costs to be accounted for as a variable production cost to be included in the costs of inventory produced during the production phase. Under Canadian GAAP, the Company has elected to prospectively adopt EIC-160, the related Canadian standard, and amortizes the existing balance sheet amount relating to deferred stripping costs over the reserves to which it relates. Under U.S. GAAP, the Company has retroactively adopted EITF 04-06 and has elected to recognize the cumulative effect of the adjustment in the opening balance of retained earnings. This resulted in an initial U.S. GAAP difference to decrease property, plant and equipment by $52 million, decrease future income tax liability by $23 million and decrease retained earnings by $29 million. Canadian GAAP permits capitalization of stripping activity which represents a betterment of a mineral property. Betterment occurs when the stripping activity increases future output of the mine by providing access to additional sources of reserves. Capitalized stripping costs are amortized on a unit of production basis over the proven and probable reserves to which they relate. Under U.S. GAAP, all stripping costs are treated as variable production costs. TECK COMINCO LIMITED Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements Years ended December 31, 2006, 2005 and 2004 =============================================================================== 25. GENERALLY ACCEPTED ACCOUNTING PRINCIPLES IN CANADA AND THE UNITED STATES, continued (iii) Accounting changes and error corrections On January 1, 2006, the Company adopted SFAS No. 154, "Accounting for Changes and Error Corrections". The new standard requires that entities that make a voluntary change in accounting principle apply that change retroactively to prior period financial statements, unless this would be impracticable. For changes in methods of depreciation and amortization for long-lived assets, the change must be accounted for prospectively, as a change in estimate. The adoption of this standard did not result in a material impact to the Company's consolidated financial statements. (iv) Quantifying misstatements in the financial statements In 2006, the Company applied Staffing Accounting Bulletin No. 108, issued by the Securities and Exchange Commission. The bulletin provides interpretive guidance on the consideration of the effects of prior year misstatements in quantifying current year misstatements for the purpose of materiality assessment. The standard uses a dual approach that includes both an income statement and balance sheet assessment of any misstatement. The implementation of this guidance did not result in a material impact to the Company's consolidated financial statements. (b) Exchangeable debentures due 2024 The exchangeable debentures due 2024, redeemed in 2006, were classified as equity with related interest being charged directly to retained earnings. Under U.S. GAAP, these were classified as liabilities and interest was charged against current period earnings. The redemption of the debentures in 2006 (Note 17(c)) was treated as a non-monetary transaction and the carrying value of the debentures was transferred to share capital. Tax benefits arising on the settlement of the debt instrument were recorded in earnings for U.S. GAAP purposes. (c) Unrealized holding gains (losses) on investments For U.S. GAAP purposes, certain of the Company's marketable securities are considered to be either available-for-sale securities or trading securities. Available-for-sale securities are carried at market value with unrealized gains or losses included in other comprehensive income until realized or until an other-than-temporary decline occurs. The Company's trading securities are carried at market value with unrealized gains or losses included in net earnings. (d) Deferred start-up costs Under Canadian GAAP, mine start-up costs are deferred until the mine reaches commercial levels of production and are amortized over the life of the project. Under U.S. GAAP, these costs are expensed as incurred. (e) Exploration expense Under Canadian GAAP, the Company capitalizes exploration expenditures where resources as defined under National Instrument 43-101 exist and it is expected that the expenditures can be recovered by future exploitation or sale. For U.S. GAAP, exploration expenditures are expensed unless proven and probable reserves have been established by a feasibility study. (f) Derivative instruments Under Canadian GAAP, derivative instruments to which hedge accounting is applied are held off-balance sheet with realized gains and losses recorded in net earnings. Non-hedge derivative instruments are recorded on the balance sheet at fair value with changes in fair value recorded in other income (Note 22(a)). TECK COMINCO LIMITED Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements Years ended December 31, 2006, 2005 and 2004 =============================================================================== 25. GENERALLY ACCEPTED ACCOUNTING PRINCIPLES IN CANADA AND THE UNITED STATES, continued For U.S. GAAP purposes, all derivatives are recorded on the balance sheet as either assets or liabilities at fair value. The accounting for changes in the fair value of derivatives depends on whether the derivative has been designated as a fair value or cash flow hedge and whether it qualifies as part of a hedging relationship. (i) For fair value hedges, the effective portion of the changes in fair value of the derivatives is offset by changes in the fair value of the hedged item in net earnings. For cash flow hedges, the effective portion of the changes in fair value is accumulated in other comprehensive income and released into net earnings when the hedged item affects net earnings. For derivatives not accounted for as part of a hedging relationship, changes in fair value are included in net earnings. (ii) The Company's Inco exchangeable debentures include an option to settle the debt with Inco shares. Under U.S. GAAP, this option constitutes an embedded derivative which is accounted for as a separate derivative instrument and recorded on the balance sheet at fair value with changes in fair value included in net earnings. (iii) TCAK's agreement with the Northwest Arctic Borough includes an escalation clause based on zinc price. This constitutes an embedded derivative under U.S. GAAP, and the derivative instrument has been separately valued and recorded at fair value on the balance sheet. Changes in fair value are included in net earnings. (iv) The Company's contingent consideration from the sale of Cajamarquilla based on zinc prices (Note 4(a)) constitutes an embedded derivative under U.S. GAAP, and the derivative instrument has been separately valued and recorded at fair value on the balance sheet. Changes in fair value are included in net earnings. In 2005 and 2004, certain instruments entered into by Elk Valley Coal were designated as cash flow hedges. For U.S. GAAP purposes, the Company did not designate any other derivatives as hedges under SFAS 133 in the periods presented. (g) Asset retirement obligations For U.S. GAAP purposes, the Company adopted FASB Statement No. 143, "Accounting for Asset Retirement Obligations", effective January 1, 2003. The Company adopted the provisions of CICA 3110, "Asset Retirement Obligations", for Canadian GAAP purposes effective January 1, 2004. The Canadian and U.S. standards for asset retirement obligations are substantially the same; however, due to the difference in adoption dates, different discount rate assumptions were used in initial liability recognition. This resulted in differences in the asset and liability balances on adoption and will result in different amortization and accretion charges over time. (h) Deferred stripping Canadian GAAP differs from U.S. GAAP in that it allows the capitalization of deferred stripping costs when such costs are considered a betterment of the asset. (i) Other Other adjustments include differences in respect of equity earnings, long-term debt discounts, interest capitalization and other items. TECK COMINCO LIMITED Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements Years ended December 31, 2006, 2005 and 2004 =============================================================================== 25. GENERALLY ACCEPTED ACCOUNTING PRINCIPLES IN CANADA AND THE UNITED STATES, continued (j) Underground development amortization Under Canadian GAAP, the Company retroactively adopted the block method of underground amortization, effective January 1, 2004, which resulted in a $4 million charge to opening retained earnings. U.S. GAAP requires that such a change be accounted for as a cumulative adjustment through the current period income statement. Net earnings under U.S. GAAP were reduced by $4 million after-tax during 2004. (k) Comprehensive income Under U.S. GAAP, comprehensive income is recognized and measured in accordance with FASB Statement No. 130, "Reporting Comprehensive Income". Comprehensive income includes all changes in equity other than those resulting from investments by owners and distributions to owners. Comprehensive income includes two components, net income and other comprehensive income. Other comprehensive income includes amounts that are recorded as an element of shareholders' equity but are excluded from net income as these transactions or events were attributable to changes from non-owner sources. These items include pension liability adjustments, holding gains and losses on certain investments, gains and losses on certain derivative instruments and foreign currency gains and losses related to self-sustaining foreign operations (cumulative translation adjustment). A standard for comprehensive income and other comprehensive income becomes effective under Canadian GAAP on January 1, 2007. (l) Pension liability For U.S. GAAP purposes, the Company is required to report the overfunded asset or underfunded liability of the Company's defined benefit pension and other post-retirement plans on the balance sheet. Changes in the funded status are recorded through other comprehensive income. The information set out below should be read in conjunction with the information disclosed under Canadian GAAP requirements for pension and other employee future benefits provided in Note 16. TECK COMINCO LIMITED Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements Years ended December 31, 2006, 2005 and 2004 =============================================================================== 25. GENERALLY ACCEPTED ACCOUNTING PRINCIPLES IN CANADA AND THE UNITED STATES, continued The funded status at the end of the year and the related amounts recognized on the statement of financial position for U.S. GAAP purposes are as follows: =========================================================================== (Cdn$ in millions) 2006 2005 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Other post- Other post- Pension retirement Pension retirement benefits benefits benefits benefits --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Funded status at end of year Fair value of plan assets $ 1,275 $ - $ 1,126 $ - Benefit obligations 1,270 316 1,198 273 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Funded status 5 (316) (72) (273) Unrecognized net actuarial gain (loss) - - 187 103 Unrecognized prior service credit (cost) - - 43 (1) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Amount recognized at end of year $ 5 $ (316) $ 158 $ (171) =========================================================================== Amounts recognized in the balance sheet Non-current asset $ 95 $ - $ - $ - Current liability (3) (10) - - Non-current liability (87) (306) - - Prepaid benefit cost - - 174 - Accrued benefit cost - - (16) - Additional minimum liability - - (70) (171) Intangible asset - - 11 - Accumulated other comprehensive income - - 59 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- $ 5 $ (316) $ 158 $ (171) =========================================================================== Amounts recognized in accumulated other comprehensive income Net actuarial loss (gain) $ 75 $112 $ - $ - Prior service cost (credit) 75 22 - - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- $150 $134 $ - $ - =========================================================================== The projected benefit obligation, accumulated benefit obligation and fair value of plan assets for pension plans with an accumulated benefit obligation in excess of plan assets at December 31, 2006 and 2005, were as follows: =========================================================================== (Cdn$ in millions) 2006 2005 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Accumulated benefit obligation in excess of plan assets Projected benefit obligation at end of year $ 239 $ 362 Accumulated benefit obligation at end of year 218 340 Fair value of plan assets at end of year 160 285 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- =========================================================================== TECK COMINCO LIMITED Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements Years ended December 31, 2006, 2005 and 2004 =============================================================================== 25. GENERALLY ACCEPTED ACCOUNTING PRINCIPLES IN CANADA AND THE UNITED STATES, continued The estimated amounts that will be amortized from accumulated other comprehensive income into net periodic benefit cost in 2007 are as follows: ====================================================================== Other post- Pension retirement (Cdn$ in millions) benefits benefits ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Actuarial loss $ 4 $ 6 Prior service cost 10 6 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Total $ 14 $ 12 ====================================================================== (m) Cash flow from operating activities Under U.S. GAAP, cash flow from operating activities must be presented as the amount calculated after taking into effect the changes in non-cash working capital items. The disclosure of a subtotal referring to the amount of cash flow from operating activities before changes to working capital items is not permitted. (n) Proportionate consolidation U.S. GAAP requires investments in joint ventures to be accounted for under the equity method, while under Canadian GAAP the accounts of joint ventures are proportionately consolidated. All of the Company's joint ventures qualify for the Securities and Exchange Commission's accommodation which allows the Company to continue to follow proportionate consolidation. Additional information concerning the Company's interests in joint ventures is presented in Note 20. (o) Recent U.S. accounting pronouncements (i) Accounting for uncertainty in income taxes In June 2006, FASB issued an interpretation under FIN No. 48 which prescribes a recognition and measurement model for uncertain tax positions taken or expected to be taken in the Company's tax returns. In addition, FIN No. 48 also provides guidance on derecognition, classification, presentation and disclosure of unrecognized tax benefits. FIN No. 48 is applicable for fiscal years beginning on or after December 15, 2006. The Company estimates the impact of adopting FIN No. 48 will result in an increase to opening retained earnings of approximately $85 million, and a corresponding reduction in tax liabilities. This will have no impact on the Company's results or cash flows. (ii) Fair value measurements In September 2006, FASB issued SFAS No. 157 which defines fair value, establishes a framework for measuring fair value under U.S. GAAP and expands disclosures about fair values. This standard does not require any new fair value measurements. The standard is applicable for fiscal years beginning after November 15, 2007. The Company is currently considering the impact of the adoption of this interpretation. 26. SUBSEQUENT EVENT On February 12, 2007, the Company announced its intention, subject to regulatory approval, to purchase up to 20 million of its outstanding Class B subordinate voting shares by way of a normal course issuer bid and to implement a two for one subdivision or share split of its Class A common shares and Class B subordinate voting shares. Regulatory approval for the normal course issue bid was received effective February 22, 2007. The share split must be approved by shareholders at the Annual General meeting scheduled for April 25, 2007.