
                             TRIARC COMPANIES, INC.
                                280 PARK AVENUE
                            NEW YORK, NEW YORK 10017

                                 April 30, 2007

Peter W. May
c/o Triarc Companies, Inc.
280 Park Avenue
New York, New York   10017

Dear Mr. May:

This  letter  agreement  reflects  the  arrangement   between  you  and  Triarc
Companies,  Inc., a Delaware corporation ("TRIARC"),  regarding the termination
of the Employment Agreement between you and Triarc, dated as of May 1, 1999, as
amended through the date hereof (the "EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT"), and the cessation
of your employment  thereunder.  Capitalized terms not otherwise defined herein
shall have the meanings set forth in the Employment Agreement.

   1.   Your  services  as an  officer  and  employee  of Triarc and any of its
        direct and indirect subsidiaries, will cease effective as of 11:59 p.m.
        Eastern  Daylight Time on June 29, 2007 (the  "TERMINATION  DATE"),  at
        which time the Employment Agreement shall terminate and have no further
        legal effect;  PROVIDED  that the  provisions of Section 9, Section 10,
        Section  11.C and  Section  12.A and 12.C of the  Employment  Agreement
        shall remain in effect pursuant to their terms (and you acknowledge the
        receipt  of  sufficient   consideration  from  Triarc  to  support  the
        continued  applicability  of all  restrictive  covenants).  The parties
        acknowledge  that there  have been  agreements  and  mutual  courses of
        conduct respecting both control and non-control positions in securities
        in regard to  Section 9 of the  Employment  Agreement  and the  parties
        incorporate those agreements and mutual courses of conduct herein, with
        the understanding that Trian Fund Management,  L.P.  ("TRIAN"),  Nelson
        Peltz  and  you  (and  each  of  your  affiliates)  (collectively,  the
        "Parties")  agree to offer to Triarc the prior  opportunity  to acquire
        securities  representing  more than 50% of the  outstanding  securities
        with respect to any  acquisition  opportunities  you or the Parties may
        have in the quick service restaurant segment in which Arby's Restaurant
        Group,  Inc.  operates,  provided the  conditions  set forth in Section
        3(c)(i) of the Amended and  Restated  Investment  Management  Agreement
        between  TCMG-MA,  LLC and Trian,  dated April 30, 2007 restricting the
        right of the "ROFR  Investors" (as defined in such agreement) to have a
        "ROFR" (as  defined in such  agreement)  on such  investment  remain in
        effect  at  the  time  you  or  the  Parties   have  such   acquisition


   2.   Triarc will continue to pay base salary and provide  employee  benefits
        through  the  Termination   Date  in  accordance  with  the  applicable
        provisions of the  Employment  Agreement,  provided you shall accrue no
        further payments, bonuses, severance or other incentive payments during
        (or with respect to) the 2007  calendar  year,  except as expressly set
        forth herein. On the Termination Date, Triarc will deposit into a rabbi
        trust an amount of cash, cash equivalents,  or, after consultation with
        you, marketable or investment  securities reasonably selected by Triarc
        and approved by the Special Committee,  equal to the difference between
        (x)  $25,106,877  and (y) the  aggregate  amount  required by law to be
        withheld  upon  such  payment  to you  under  federal,  state and local
        withholding  requirements  (the "Lump Sum  Payment").  The rabbi  trust
        shall  be  governed  by  the  terms  of a  trust  agreement  reasonably
        acceptable to the parties,  shall be irrevocable and shall provide that
        Triarc may not,  directly or  indirectly,  use or recover any assets of
        the rabbi  trust  until  such time as the assets of the trust have been
        paid to you  hereunder,  subject  only to the  claims of  creditors  of
        Triarc in the event of  insolvency  or  bankruptcy  of Triarc.  In full
        satisfaction of all amounts owed to you under the Employment Agreement,
        other  than  base  salary  and  benefits  payable  to you  through  the
        Termination  Date, and provided your employment  with Triarc  continues
        until the Termination Date, the assets held by the rabbi trust shall be
        transferred  to you one day following the six-month  anniversary of the
        Termination  Date (the  "Payment  Date").  The assets  delivered to you
        pursuant to the rabbi trust shall reflect any  investment  gain or loss
        (as the case may be) on the Lump Sum  Payment  from the date the assets
        comprising  the Lump Sum Payment were  deposited  into such rabbi trust
        until  the  Payment  Date.  Triarc  shall  deliver  and pay over to the
        appropriate   taxing  authorities  when  due  all  amounts  subject  to
        withholding with respect to the transfer of the Lump Sum Payment to the
        rabbi  trust and the  transfer  of the assets of the rabbi trust to you
        (as adjusted for any  investment  gain or loss) on the Payment Date and
        shall instruct the Trustee to transfer to you such assets (in such form
        and asset class as has been  deposited  initially into the rabbi trust,
        subject to any permitted  investment  modifications  effected under the
        terms  of  the  rabbi  trust),   without  any  further   reduction  for
        withholding  for  federal,   state  and  local  taxes  other  than  any
        additional  amounts required to be withheld on any amounts  transferred
        to you that were not  included in the initial  computation  of the Lump
        Sum Payment.

   3.   Provided your  employment  with Triarc  continues until the Termination
        Date,  all (a)  restricted  shares of Class B, Series 1 common stock of
        Triarc  (each,  the  "COMPANY  STOCK"),  (b)  Class B Units  of  Triarc
        Deerfield  Holdings,  LLC and (c) Class B Units of Jurl  Holdings,  LLC
        held by you on the  Termination  Date  will  become  fully  vested  and
        nonforfeitable on the Termination Date.

   4.   You agree and  acknowledge  that,  as of the date  hereof,  you are not
        aware of any  facts or other  circumstances  that  would  allow  you to
        assert,  or that  would  give  rise to, a  termination  by you for Good
        Reason under Section 6.C of the Employment Agreement. You further agree


        and covenant  that in the future you will not claim Good Reason  exists
        to  terminate  your  employment  under  Section  6.C of the  Employment
        Agreement  with  respect  to any facts or  circumstances  that exist or
        arose prior to the date hereof.

   5.   Effective as of 12:00 a.m.  Eastern Daylight Time on June 30, 2007, you
        shall be  appointed as  non-executive,  non-employee  Vice  Chairman of
        Triarc. You further agree to remain as a member of the Board during the
        term of the Services Agreement between Triarc and Trian dated April 30,
        2007,  unless there is a Change of Control of Triarc (as defined in the
        Employment  Agreement)  during such period or you are otherwise removed
        from the Board.  You shall retain the position of Vice Chairman so long
        as you are a member of the  Board,  unless  you are  removed  from that
        position by the Board.

   6.   You  hereby  acknowledge  that as of the  Termination  Date,  except as
        expressly  provided in this agreement,  you will not be entitled to any
        other  payments,   distributions,   bonuses,  severance,   benefits  or
        perquisites from Triarc or any of its respective  affiliates  including
        but not limited to, base salary,  bonus  (including  any pro rata bonus
        payments), distributions,  allocations and group health benefits (other
        than COBRA rights to continue and/or convert group medical  coverage at
        your  expense  and any  conversion  rights to which you may be entitled
        under law with respect to  continuing  long-term  disability  insurance
        coverage at your expense) and you hereby fully  release  Triarc and its
        respective  affiliates  from all such  claims  you may  otherwise  have
        (known or unknown)  under the  Employment  Agreement or under any other
        Triarc  compensation plan or arrangement;  PROVIDED that payment to you
        of your  deferred  bonus  account  under the  Deferral  Plan for Senior
        Officers of Triarc, dated December 14, 2000 (the "DEFERRAL PLAN") shall
        be  payable  to you on the  Termination  Date  under  the  terms of the
        Deferral Plan.  Notwithstanding  any contrary provision of the Deferral
        Plan, to the extent Triarc is required to make settlement payments to a
        third party in connection with your deferred bonus account  investments
        in Bayou Management LLC and Amaranth Advisors LLC, and their affiliates
        (the "COVERED INVESTMENTS"),  you shall promptly pay to Triarc your pro
        rata  portion of such  settlement  payments,  and to the extent  Triarc
        recovers  additional  payments in connection  with your deferred  bonus
        account investments in the Covered  Investments,  Triarc shall promptly
        pay to you  (but in any  event  no later  than 2 1/2  months  following
        receipt by Triarc) your pro rata portion of such recoveries.

                           [signature page to follow]


   7.   The terms of this agreement (and the terms of the Employment  Agreement
        referenced  herein)  constitute  the entire  agreement  between you and
        Triarc  regarding the cessation of your  employment and the termination
        of the  Employment  Agreement and may not be altered or modified  other
        than in a writing signed by you and Triarc.  This Agreement  supersedes
        all prior  arrangements,  communications,  commitments  or  obligations
        between yourself and the Company regarding the subject matter herein.

Very truly yours,

/s/ David E. Schwab II
- -------------------------------
David E. Schwab II
Member of the Board of Directors
On Behalf of Triarc Companies, Inc.


/s/ Peter W. May
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Peter W. May