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  News Release        -------------       ---------------     ------------
                        Discipline          Opportunity         Strategy

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                         THE HORIZON OIL SANDS PROJECT

Canadian Natural Resources Limited  ("Canadian  Natural") is pleased to provide
its  regular  quarterly  update  on the  Horizon  Oil Sands  Project  ("Horizon

"Canadian  Natural achieved 9% progress on the Horizon Project during the third
quarter of 2007 and is still  positioned to meet an overall 90% plus completion
by year end. With overall  Engineering and Procurement  substantially  complete
and Construction at 76% complete, we remain on track for first oil in the third
quarter of 2008" commented Real Doucet, Sr. Vice President, Oil Sands.

He  continued,  "Progress  in the third  quarter of 2007 did slip  against  our
baseline  as a  result  of  distractions  resulting  from  Alberta-wide  labour
negotiations that occurred throughout the summer. These challenges appear to be
behind the  Horizon  Project and our  contractors  current  workforce  of 8,700
people are focused on completing as much work as possible before winter.

During  the  quarter,  the raw water  pond was  completed  using our own mining
operations workforce. In addition, pre-commissioning work has been initiated in
the areas of utilities  and offsites and bitumen  production  with  significant
hydro-testing targeted for completion before winter conditions set in.

Commissioning  and start-up  plans have been reviewed and confirmed by external
industry  experts and have assisted in  optimizing  our  processes.  During the
fourth quarter of 2007 we will carry out a formalized  detailed risk assessment
of our  commissioning  and start-up  schedule to identify areas of exposure and
ensure adequate contingency plans are developed. Also, in the fourth quarter of
2007 several  plants are targeted to reach  mechanical  completion  and we will
begin the transition to commissioning  and start-up.  Training  programs are in
place and, in anticipation of turnover, Operations have commenced the review of
systems in certain plants.

Previous  decisions to defer several  contracts  and delay certain  projects to
capture  cost  reduction   opportunities   has  caused  overlap   between  some
construction  projects on the site and has  resulted in an increase in our peak
project  manpower   requirements.   Our  supporting  camp  and   transportation
infrastructure has been successfully expanded to accommodate the higher peak in
manpower to ensure workers are adequately accommodated.

As a result some work has been pushed into the more challenging  winter months,
resulting in a modest increase in the forecast  completion cost for the Horizon
Project.  Our  current  Horizon  Project  completion  cost  forecast  has  been
increased  from the 5% to 12% range  provided in our first quarter 2007 Horizon
Project Update to an 8% to 14% range over the original $6.8 billion estimate."

                                                                         PAGE 2

HORIZON PROJECT STATUS SUMMARY                        Jun 30, 2007       Sep 30, 2007          Dec 31, 2007
                                                      ------------  --------------------  ----------------------
                                                                               Original                Original
                                                          Actual     Actual      Plan      Forecast       Plan
                                                      ------------  --------  ----------  ----------  ----------
Phase 1 - Work progress (cumulative)                       75%         84%        88%        90%          94%
Phase 1 - Construction capital spending* (cumulative)      79%         89%        85%        99%          92%

*Relative to overall Phase 1 project capital of $6.8 billion


o     Overall detailed engineering 98% complete and substantially  completed in
      most areas.

o     Overall procurement progress is 98% complete.
o     Have awarded over $5.5 billion in purchase orders and contracts to date.
o     Delivered over 35,000 standard loads of all kinds to site.
o     Operations  and  maintenance   service  and  supply   agreements  are  in

o     Delivered an additional  80 oversized  loads to site for a total of 1,504
      loads, which represents approximately 91% of the total requirement.

o     Overall construction progress is 76% complete.
o     Mine overburden  removal has moved 43.8 million bank cubic meters,  which
      represents  approximately  63% of the total to be moved  and is  slightly
      ahead of schedule.
o     Energized Main Electrical Substations.
o     Completed construction of Raw Water Pond.
o     Started pre-commissioning activities in Bitumen Production Areas.
o     Froth tank completed and hydro-tested.
o     Commenced extraction plant hydro-testing.
o     Permanent power energized in R1/R2 corridors pumphouses.
o     Started commissioning of Recycle Water Pond.

o     Complete the closure of Dyke 10 (external tailings pond) in Mining.
o     Complete  erection of Crushing  Plants and  conveyors in Ore  Preparation
o     Complete Primary Separation Cells in Extraction.
o     Complete Main Control Room and Distributed Control Systems installation.
o     Complete construction of Main Laboratory.

                                                                         PAGE 3


o     Permanent Potable Water Treatment
o     Permanent Sewage Treatment
o     Natural Gas Pipeline
o     Raw and Recycled Water Pipelines
o     River Water Intake and Pumphouse

Q4 2007
o     Raw Water Pond and Pumphouse
o     Recycle Water Pond and Pumphouse
o     Extraction
o     Electrical Distribution System

Q1 2008
o     Cooling and Heating System
o     Main Pipe Rack

Q2 2008
o     Cogeneration
o     Ore Preparation Plant
o     Froth Treatment
o     Pipeline Corridors
o     Hydrogen Plant
o     Coker / Diluent Recovery Unit
o     Gas Treating and Sulphur Recovery
o     Synthetic crude oil pipeline
o     Sulphur block pipelines
o     West Tank Farm (inter-plant)

Q3 2008
o     Hydrotreating
o     East Tank Farm (product)

A  picture  gallery  providing  visual  updates  on  construction  progress  is
available on the Company's website

The  Company's  results  for the  third  quarter  of 2007 will be  released  on
November  1,  2007.  A  conference  call  will be held on that day at 9:00 a.m.
Mountain Daylight Time, 11:00 a.m. Eastern Daylight Time.

Canadian  Natural is a senior oil and  natural  gas  production  company,  with
continuing  operations  in its core areas located in Western  Canada,  the U.K.
portion of the North Sea and Offshore West Africa.

                                                                         PAGE 4


Certain  statements  in this  document  or  documents  incorporated  herein  by
reference for Canadian  Natural  Resources  Limited (the "Company")  constitute
"forward-looking  statements"  within the meaning of the United States  Private
Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These forward-looking  statements can
generally  be  identified  as such  because of the  context  of the  statements
including  words  such as the  Company  "believes",  "anticipates",  "expects",
"plans", "estimates", "targets", or words of a similar nature.

The  forward-looking  statements  are  based on  current  expectations  and are
subject to known and unknown  risks,  uncertainties  and other factors that may
cause the actual  results,  performance  or  achievements  of the  Company,  or
industry  results,  to  be  materially   different  from  any  future  results,
performance  or  achievements  expressed  or  implied  by such  forward-looking
statements.  Such factors include,  among others: general economic and business
conditions which will, among other things,  impact demand for and market prices
of the Company's products; foreign currency exchange rates; economic conditions
in the countries and regions in which the Company conducts business;  political
uncertainty,  including actions of or against  terrorists,  insurgent groups or
other conflict including conflict between states; industry capacity; ability of
the Company to  implement  its business  strategy,  including  exploration  and
development  activities;  impact  of  competition;  availability  and  cost  of
seismic,  drilling and other equipment;  ability of the Company to complete its
capital  programs;  ability of the Company to transport its products to market;
potential delays or changes in plans with respect to exploration or development
projects  or  capital  expenditures;  ability of the  Company  to  attract  the
necessary  labour required to build its projects;  operating  hazards and other
difficulties  inherent in the  exploration for and production and sale of crude
oil and natural gas; availability and cost of financing; success of exploration
and development activities;  timing and success of integrating the business and
operations of acquired  companies;  production  levels;  uncertainty of reserve
estimates; actions by governmental authorities;  government regulations and the
expenditures  required to comply with them (especially safety and environmental
laws and regulations);  asset retirement  obligations;  and other circumstances
affecting  revenues  and  expenses.  Our  domestic  operations  are  subject to
governmental risks that may impact our operations. Our domestic operations have
been, and at times in the future may be affected by political  developments and
by federal,  provincial and local laws and regulations  such as restrictions on
production,   changes  in  taxes,   royalties  and  other  amounts  payable  to
governments  or  governmental  agencies,  price or gathering  rate controls and
environmental  protection  regulations.  The  impact  of any  one  factor  on a
particular forward-looking statement is not determinable with certainty as such
factors are  interdependent  upon other  factors,  and the Company's  course of
action  would  depend  upon  its  assessment  of  the  future  considering  all
information then available.

Statements  relating to "reserves" are deemed to be forward-looking  statements
as  they  involve  the  implied  assessment  based  on  certain  estimates  and
assumptions  that the  reserves  described  can be  profitably  produced in the

Readers are  cautioned  that the  foregoing  list of  important  factors is not
exhaustive. Although the Company believes that the expectations conveyed by the
forward-looking  statements are reasonable based on information available to it
on the date such  forward-looking  statements  are made, no  assurances  can be
given as to future results, levels of activity and achievements. All subsequent
forward-looking  statements,  whether  written  or  oral,  attributable  to the
Company  or  persons  acting on its behalf  are  expressly  qualified  in their
entirety by these cautionary statements. Except as required by law, the Company
assumes no obligation to update forward-looking statements should circumstances
or Management's estimates or opinions change.

For further information, please contact:

                             2500, 855 - 2nd Street S.W.
                                   Calgary, Alberta
                                       T2P 4J8
TELEPHONE: (403) 514-7777            ALLAN P. MARKIN                    DOUGLAS A. PROLL
                                            Chairman         Chief Financial Officer and
FACSIMILE: (403) 514-7888                                 Senior Vice-President, Finance
EMAIL:     ir@cnrl.com              JOHN G. LANGILLE
WEBSITE:   www.cnrl.com                Vice-Chairman                     COREY B. BIEBER
TRADING SYMBOL - CNQ                   STEVE W. LAUT        Finance & Investor Relations
Toronto Stock Exchange                 President and
New York Stock Exchange      Chief Operating Officer