
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                 | PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
                                                 | Chartered Accountants
                                                 | PricewaterhouseCoopers Place
                                                 | 250 Howe Street, Suite 700
                                                 | Vancouver, British Columbia
                                                 | Canada V6C 3S7
                                                 | Telephone +1 604 806 7000
                                                 | Facsimile +1 604 806 7806

To the Shareholders of Teck Cominco Limited

We have completed  integrated audits of the consolidated  financial  statements
and internal control over financial  reporting of Teck Cominco  Limited.  as at
December  31,  2007  and  2006 and an  audit  of the  Company's  December  2005
consolidated  financial  statements.  Our  opinions,  based on our audits,  are
presented below.


We have audited the  accompanying  consolidated  balance sheets of Teck Cominco
Limited  as at  December  31,  2007 and  December  31,  2006,  and the  related
consolidated  statements of earnings,  comprehensive income,  retained earnings
and cash flows for each of the years in the three year  period  ended  December
31, 2007. These financial  statements are the  responsibility  of the Company's
management.  Our  responsibility  is to express  an opinion on these  financial
statements based on our audits.

We conducted  our audits of the Company's  financial  statements as at December
31,  2007  and for  each of the  years in the two  year  period  then  ended in
accordance  with  Canadian   generally  accepted  auditing  standards  and  the
standards of the Public Company Accounting  Oversight Board (United States). We
conducted our audit of the Company's  financial  statements  for the year ended
December 31, 2005 in  accordance  with  Canadian  generally  accepted  auditing
standards.  Those standards require that we plan and perform an audit to obtain
reasonable  assurance  about  whether  the  financial  statements  are  free of
material misstatement.  An audit of financial statements includes examining, on
a test basis,  evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial
statements.  A financial statement audit also includes assessing the accounting
principles  used and significant  estimates made by management,  and evaluating
the  overall  financial  statement  presentation.  We  believe  that our audits
provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.

In our opinion, the consolidated financial statements referred to above present
fairly, in all material  respects,  the financial position of the Company as at
December 31, 2007 and December 31, 2006 and the results of its  operations  and
its cash flows for each of the years in the three year  period  ended  December
31, 2007 in accordance with Canadian generally accepted accounting principles.


We have also audited Teck Cominco  Limited's  internal  control over  financial
reporting as at December 31, 2007,  based on criteria  established  in Internal
Control  -  Integrated   Framework   issued  by  the  Committee  of  Sponsoring
Organizations of the Treadway  Commission (COSO).  The Company's  management is
responsible for maintaining effective internal control over financial reporting
and for its assessment of the  effectiveness of internal control over financial
reporting.  Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the effectiveness of
the Company's internal control over financial reporting based on our audit.

PricewaterhouseCoopers refers to the Canadian firm of PricewaterhouseCoopers
LLP and the other member firms of PricewaterhouseCoopers International Limited,
each of which is a separate and independent legal entity.

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

We  conducted  our  audit of  internal  control  over  financial  reporting  in
accordance with the standards of the Public Company Accounting  Oversight Board
(United States).  Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to
obtain  reasonable  assurance  about whether  effective  internal  control over
financial  reporting  was  maintained  in all  material  respects.  An audit of
internal control over financial  reporting  includes obtaining an understanding
of  internal  control  over  financial  reporting,  assessing  the risk  that a
material  weakness  exists,  testing and  evaluating  the design and  operating
effectiveness  of internal  control based on the assessed  risk, and performing
such other procedures as we consider necessary in the circumstances. We believe
that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion.

A company's internal control over financial  reporting is a process designed to
provide reasonable  assurance  regarding the reliability of financial reporting
and the preparation of financial statements for external purposes in accordance
with generally  accepted  accounting  principles.  A company's internal control
over  financial  reporting  includes  those  policies and  procedures  that (i)
pertain to the  maintenance of records that, in reasonable  detail,  accurately
and fairly  reflect  the  transactions  and  dispositions  of the assets of the
company;  (ii) provide  reasonable  assurance that transactions are recorded as
necessary to permit  preparation  of financial  statements in  accordance  with
generally accepted accounting principles, and that receipts and expenditures of
the company are being made only in accordance with authorizations of management
and directors of the company;  and (iii) provide reasonable assurance regarding
prevention or timely detection of unauthorized acquisition, use, or disposition
of the  company's  assets  that could have a material  effect on the  financial

As  described  in  Management's  Report  on  Internal  Control  over  Financial
Reporting,  management  has excluded the operations of the former Aur Resources
Inc.  (the "Aur  Operations")  from its  assessment  of internal  control  over
financial  reporting  as of December 31, 2007  because Aur  Resources  Inc. was
acquired by the Company in a purchase business combination during 2007. We have
also  excluded  the Aur  Operations  from our audit of  internal  control  over
financial  reporting.  The Aur  Operations  represent  $5,510  million of total
assets and $296  million of total  revenues  respectively  of the  consolidated
financial  statement  amounts  of Teck  Cominco  Limited as of and for the year
ended December 31, 2007.

Because of its inherent limitations,  internal control over financial reporting
may not prevent or detect misstatements. Also, projections of any evaluation of
effectiveness  to future  periods  are  subject to the risk that  controls  may
become  inadequate  because  of changes  in  conditions,  or that the degree of
compliance with the policies or procedures may deteriorate.

In our opinion,  the Company  maintained,  in all material respects,  effective
internal  control  over  financial  reporting  as at December 31, 2007 based on
criteria  established in Internal Control -- Integrated Framework issued by the

(signed) PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP

Vancouver, British Columbia
February 27, 2008


- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------


In the United States,  reporting standards for auditors require the addition of
an explanatory  paragraph  (following the opinion  paragraph)  where there is a
change in accounting principles that has a material effect on the comparability
of the company's  financial  statements,  such as the change  described in Note
2(b) to the financial statements. Our report to the shareholders dated February
27, 2008 is expressed in accordance with Canadian reporting  requirements which
do not require a reference  to such a change in  accounting  principles  in the
auditor's  report  when the change is  properly  accounted  for and  adequately
disclosed in the financial statements.

(signed) PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP

Vancouver, British Columbia
February 27, 2008


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                              [TECH COMINCO LOGO]

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      Teck Cominco Limited

      Consolidated Financial Statements

      For the Years Ended December 31, 2007, 2006 and 2005

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Teck Cominco Limited
Consolidated Statements of Earnings
Years ended December 31

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(Cdn$ in millions, except per share data)                             2007        2006        2005
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Revenues                                                         $    6,371   $   6,539    $  4,415

Operating expenses                                                   (3,300)     (2,714)     (2,181)

Depreciation and amortization                                          (333)       (264)       (272)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Operating profit                                                      2,738       3,561       1,962

Other expenses
      General and administration                                       (109)        (96)        (74)
      Interest on long-term debt (Note 10(i))                           (85)        (97)        (69)
      Exploration                                                      (105)        (72)        (70)
      Research and development                                          (32)        (17)        (13)
      Asset impairment charges (Note 4)                                 (69)         --          --
      Other income (expense) (Note 17)                                  170         316          94
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Earnings before the undernoted items                                  2,508       3,595       1,830

Provision for income and resource
     taxes (Note 18)                                                   (795)     (1,213)       (524)
Minority interests                                                      (47)        (19)        (11)
Equity earnings (loss) (Note 6(e))                                       (5)         32          50
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net earnings from continuing operations                               1,661       2,395       1,345

Net earnings (loss) from discontinued
     operations (Note 22(b))                                            (46)         36          --
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Net earnings                                                     $    1,615   $      36  $       --

Earnings per share (Note 16(i))
Basic                                                            $     3.74   $    5.77    $   3.31
Basic from continuing operations                                 $     3.85   $    5.68    $   3.31
Diluted                                                          $     3.72   $    5.60    $   3.11
Diluted from continuing operations                               $     3.83   $    5.52    $   3.11

Weighted average shares outstanding (millions)                        431.5       421.2       404.9
Shares outstanding at end of year (millions)                          441.9       431.6       406.8

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.


Teck Cominco Limited
Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows
Years ended December 31

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(Cdn$ in millions)                                                 2007           2006         2005
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Operating activities
      Net earnings from continuing operations                   $    1,661    $    2,395    $   1,345
      Items not affecting cash
           Depreciation and amortization                               333           264          272
           Future income and resource taxes                            (97)           59          122
           Equity (earnings) loss                                       30             5          (15)
           Minority interest                                             5            14           (2)
           Asset impairment charges                                     69            --           --
           Gain on sale of investments and assets                      (55)         (201)         (77)
           Other                                                        55            70            2
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                     2,001         2,737        1,722
      Net change in non-cash working capital items
           (Note 20(b))                                               (282)          299          (21)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                     1,719            70            2
Financing activities
      Issuance of long-term debt                                        14           123        1,167
      Repayment of long-term debt                                       --          (333)         (95)
      Issuance of Class B subordinate voting shares                     13            16           28
      Purchase and cancellation of Class B
           subordinate voting shares                                  (577)           --           --
      Dividends paid                                                  (426)         (296)         (81)
      Interest on exchangeable debentures (Note 16(d))                  --            (5)          (6)
      Redemption of exchangeable debentures                           (105)         (340)          --
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                    (1,081)         (124)       1,102
Investing activities
      Decrease (increase) in temporary investments                     194           759         (954)
      Decrease (increase) in cash held in trust                        105          (105)          --
      Property, plant and equipment                                   (571)         (391)        (326)
      Investments and other assets                                    (724)         (272)        (220)
      Fording Canadian Coal Trust investment (Note 6(b))              (599)           --           --
      Acquisition of Aur Resources Inc. (Note 3)                    (2,588)           --           --
      Proceeds from sale of investments and assets                     194           885          118
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                    (3,989)         (133)        (398)
Effect of exchange rate changes on cash and
      cash equivalents held in U.S. dollars                           (335)           10          (34)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents
      from continuing operations                                    (3,686)           (5)          (6)

Cash received from discontinued operations
     (Note 22(b))                                                       40            --           --
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Increase in cash and cash equivalents                               (3,646)           (5)          (6)

Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year                       5,054         2,098          875
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Cash and cash equivalents at end of year                        $    1,408    $    2,093    $     869

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.


Teck Cominco Limited
Consolidated Balance Sheets
As at December 31
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(Cdn$ in millions)                                           2007           2006
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Current assets
      Cash and cash equivalents                         $  1,408       $  5,054
      Temporary investments                                   --            227
      Cash held in trust (Note 11)                            --            105
      Accounts and settlements receivable                    593            723
      Inventories (Note 5)                                 1,004            786
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                           3,005          1,841

Investments (Note 6)                                       1,506            365

Property, plant and equipment (Note 7)                     7,807          3,724

Other assets (Note 8)                                        592            463

Goodwill                                                     663             --
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                        $  13,573      $ 11,447


Current liabilities
      Accounts payable and accrued
        liabilities (Note 9)                            $   1,017       $   763
      Dividends payable (Note 16(j))                          221           216
      Current portion of long-term debt (Note 10)              31             -
      Current income and resource taxes payable                 -           443
      Current portion of future income and
        resource taxes (Note 18(c))                            81           161
      Exchangeable debentures (Note 11)                         -           105
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                            1,350           925

Long-term debt (Note 10)                                    1,492         1,509

Other liabilities (Note 12)                                   994           778

Future income and resource taxes (Note 18(c))               1,926           880

Minority interests (Note 13)                                   92            43

Shareholders' equity (Note 16)                              7,719         6,549
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                        $  13,573     $  11,447
Commitments and contingencies (Note 21)

          (signed) HUGH J. BOLTON              (signed) KEITH E. STEEVE
       Chairman of the Audit Committee                   Director

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.


Teck Cominco Limited
Consolidated Statements of Retained Earnings
Years ended December 31

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(Cdn$ in millions)                              2007          2006        2005
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Retained earnings at beginning of year
   as previously reported                    $  4,225      $  2,228    $  1,049

Adoption of financial instruments
   standards (Note 2(b))                          112            --          --
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                4,337         2,228       1,049

Net earnings                                    1,615         2,431       1,345

Dividends declared                               (431)         (431)       (162)

Class B subordinate voting shares
   repurchased (Note 16(k))                      (483)           --          --

Interest on exchangeable debentures,
   net of taxes (Note 16(d))                       --            (3)         (4)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Retained earnings at end of year             $  5,038      $  4,225    $  2,228

Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income
For the years ended December 31

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(Cdn$ in millions)                               2007         2006        2005
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Net earnings                                  $  1,615     $  2,431    $  1,345

Other comprehensive income (loss)
  in the year
      Currency translation adjustment
           Unrealized gains (losses)              (665)          20         (53)
           Exchange differences on debt
             designated as a hedge of
             self-sustaining foreign
             subsidiaries                           56            1          --
           Losses reclassified to net
             earnings on realization                59            1           2
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                  (550)          22         (51)
      Available-for-sale instruments
           Unrealized losses (net of
                tax of $9 for 2007)                (47)          --          --
           Losses reclassified to net
                earnings on realization
                (net of tax of $2 for 2007)         11           --          --
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                   (36)          --          --
      Derivatives previously designated as
        cash flow hedges
           Losses reclassified to net earnings
                on realization (net of tax of
                $7 for 2007)                        10           --
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                    10           --          --

Total other comprehensive income (loss)
   (Note 16(h))                                   (576)          22         (51)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Comprehensive income                          $  1,039     $  2,453    $  1,294

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.


Teck Cominco Limited
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
Years ended December 31, 2007, 2006 and 2005
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


     Teck Cominco Limited is engaged in mining and related activities  including
     exploration,  development,  processing,  smelting and  refining.  Our major
     products are zinc, copper and metallurgical  coal. We also produce precious
     metals,  lead,  molybdenum,   electrical  power,  fertilizers  and  various
     specialty metals.  Metal products are sold as refined metals,  concentrates
     or both.  We also own an interest  in certain  oil sands  leases and have a
     partnership interest in an oil sands development project.


     a)   Basis of Presentation and Accounting Principles


          Our  consolidated  financial  statements are prepared using  Generally
          Accepted  Accounting  Principles (GAAP) in Canada.  Note 25 reconciles
          the  consolidated  financial  statements  prepared in accordance  with
          accounting  principles  generally  accepted  in  Canada  to  financial
          statements prepared with accounting  principles  generally accepted in
          the United States.


          Our  consolidated  financial  statements  include the accounts of Teck
          Cominco Limited and all of its subsidiaries. Our significant operating
          subsidiaries  include Teck Cominco  Metals Ltd.  (TCML),  Teck Cominco
          American Inc. (TCAI), Teck Cominco Alaska Inc. (TCAK), Highland Valley
          Copper  Partnership  (Highland  Valley  Copper) and Aur Resources Inc.

          Many of our mining  activities  are  conducted  through  interests  in
          entities  where we  share  joint  control  including  Compania  Minera
          Antamina  (Antamina),  Elk Valley Coal  Partnership (Elk Valley Coal),
          and Pogo Joint Venture (Pogo).  These entities are accounted for using
          the proportionate consolidation method.

          Certain comparative figures have been reclassified to conform with the
          presentation adopted for the current period. All dollar amounts are in
          Canadian dollars unless otherwise specified.

     b)   Adoption of new Accounting Standards


          Effective  January 1, 2007, we adopted the new  financial  instruments
          accounting  standards  and related  amendments  to other  standards on
          financial  instruments  issued by the Canadian  Institute of Chartered
          Accountants  (CICA).  In accordance with the transitional  provisions,
          prior period financial statements have not been restated.


          This standard prescribes when a financial asset,  financial liability,
          or  non-financial  derivative is to be recognized on the balance sheet
          and whether fair value or  cost-based  methods are used to measure the
          recorded amounts. It also specifies how financial instrument gains and
          losses are to be presented.


Teck Cominco Limited
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
Years ended December 31, 2007, 2006 and 2005
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


     Effective January 1, 2007, our cash equivalents,  temporary investments and
     investments   in   marketable    securities   have   been   classified   as
     available-for-sale  and are  recorded at fair value on the  balance  sheet.
     Fair  values are  determined  directly  by  reference  to  published  price
     quotations  in an  active  market.  Changes  in the  fair  value  of  these
     instruments  are  reflected in other  comprehensive  income and included in
     shareholders' equity on the balance sheet.

     All derivatives are recorded on the balance sheet at fair value. Unrealized
     gains and losses on these instruments are included in net earnings,  unless
     the instruments  are designated as part of a cash flow hedge  relationship.
     In accordance with the standard's transitional provisions,  we recognize as
     separate  assets and  liabilities  only  embedded  derivatives  acquired or
     substantively modified on or after January 1, 2003.

     All other  financial  instruments  are recorded at cost or amortized  cost,
     subject to  impairment  reviews.  The criteria for  assessing an other than
     temporary  impairment  remain  unchanged.  Transaction  costs  incurred  to
     acquire  financial  instruments  are  included in the  underlying  balance.
     Regular-way  purchases  and sales of financial  assets are accounted for on
     the trade date.


     This standard is applicable  when a company  chooses to designate a hedging
     relationship  for  accounting  purposes.  It builds on the previous  AcG-13
     "Hedging Relationships" and Section 1650 "Foreign Currency Translation," by
     specifying  how  hedge  accounting  is  applied  and what  disclosures  are
     necessary when it is applied.

     Upon adoption of this standard,  we  discontinued  hedge  accounting on all
     commodity  derivative  contracts and interest rate swaps. We may enter into
     foreign exchange forward contracts in the future to hedge anticipated sales
     and may designate these contracts as cash flow hedges as they occur.


     This standard  requires the  presentation  of a statement of  comprehensive
     income and its components.  Comprehensive income includes both net earnings
     and other comprehensive  income.  Other comprehensive income (OCI) includes
     holding  gains and  losses  on  available-for-sale  investments,  gains and
     losses on certain  derivative  instruments  and foreign  currency gains and
     losses relating to self-sustaining foreign operations, all of which are not
     included in the calculation of net earnings until realized.


Teck Cominco Limited
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
Years ended December 31, 2007, 2006 and 2005
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


     As at January 1, 2007 the effect on our  balance  sheet of  adopting  these
     standards is  summarized  in the  following  table.  As prescribed by these
     standards, prior periods have not been restated.

(Cdn$ in millions)                                                        January 1, 2007
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                           Adjusted on
                                                                           adoption of
                                                                             Financial                   Restated
                                                                           Instruments           opening balances
                                                     As reported             standards                    in 2007
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Current assets                                  $  6,895                     $  -                      $   6,895

Investments                                          365                       106(a)(b)                     471

Property, plant and equipment                      3,724                        -                          3,724

Other assets                                         463                       128(b)(c)                     591
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                $ 11,447                     $ 234                    $   11,681

Current liabilities                                1,688                        19(b)                      1,707

Long-term debt                                     1,509                       (11)(c)                     1,498

Other liabilities                                    778                        52 (b)                       830

Minority interests                                    43                         -                            43

Future income and resource taxes                     880                        12 (d)                       892
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                   4,898                        72                         4,970

Shareholders' equity
  Share capital                                    2,405                         -                         2,405
  Retained earnings                                4,225                       112 (b)                     4,337
  Contributed surplus                                 64                         -                            64
  Cumulative translation adjustment                (145)                       145 (e)                        -
  Accumulated other comprehensive income               -                      (145)(e)                       (95)
                                                                                50 (a)(b)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                   6,549                       162                         6,711
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                               $  11,447                    $  234                    $   11,681


(a)  Investments in marketable  securities  previously accounted for at cost are
     designated as available-for-sale and measured at fair value.

(b)  Derivative  instruments  previously  accounted  for at cost  are  held  for
     trading and measured at fair value.

(c)  Debt financing costs  previously  deferred as other assets are reclassified
     to long-term debt.

(d)  The tax effect of the above  adjustments  is recorded to future  income and
     resource taxes.

(e)  The cumulative  translation adjustment is reclassified to accumulated other
     comprehensive income.

     Variable interest entities (VIE), EIC-163

     Effective  January 1, 2007, we adopted the CICA Emerging  Issues  Committee
     Abstract 163  "Determining  the  Variability  to be  Considered in Applying
     Accounting Guideline 15" (AcG-15).  This abstract provides clarification of
     how an entity  should  determine  the  variability  in assessment of a VIE.
     Using a two-step approach, this abstract requires an analysis of the design
     of the entity in determining  the  variability to be considered in applying
     AcG-15.  The guidance  applies to all  entities  (including  newly  created
     entities)  when an enterprise  first  becomes  involved and to all entities
     previously  required to be  analyzed  under  AcG-15 when a  reconsideration
     event has occurred.  The adoption of the new standard did not result in any
     significant changes to the balance sheet, statement of earnings or retained


Teck Cominco Limited
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
Years ended December 31, 2007, 2006 and 2005
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


     Financial Instruments - Disclosures, Section 3862

     Effective   December  31,  2007,  we  adopted   Section  3862,   "Financial
     Instruments - Disclosures," which requires additional disclosures to enable
     users  to  evaluate  the  significance  of  financial  instruments  to  our
     financial   position  and   performance.   In  addition,   qualitative  and
     quantitative  disclosures  are  provided to enable  users to  evaluate  the
     nature and extent of risks arising from our financial instruments.  We have
     chosen to early  adopt  this  standard,  which  would  otherwise  have been
     effective beginning January 1, 2008.

     Capital Disclosures, Section 1535

     Effective   December  31,  2007,   we  adopted   Section   1535,   "Capital
     Disclosures,"  which requires  disclosure of qualitative  and  quantitative
     information  that enables  users to evaluate our  objectives,  policies and
     process for managing capital.  We have chosen to early adopt this standard,
     which would otherwise have been effective beginning January 1, 2008.

     Deferred stripping, EIC-160

     Effective  January  1, 2006,  we adopted  CICA  Emerging  Issues  Committee
     Abstract 160, "Stripping Costs Incurred in the Production Phase of a Mining
     Operation." This abstract  requires  stripping costs to be accounted for as
     variable  production  costs  to be  included  in  the  costs  of  inventory
     produced,  unless the stripping activity can be shown to be a betterment of
     the  mineral  property,  in which  case  stripping  costs are  capitalized.
     Betterment  occurs when stripping  activity  increases future output of the
     mine by providing  access to  additional  sources of reserves.  Capitalized
     stripping  costs are  amortized  on a  units-of-production  basis  over the
     proven and probable reserves to which they relate.

     We prospectively  adopted this standard.  As a result,  deferred  stripping
     costs of $52 million  incurred in the production  phase prior to January 1,
     2006 are  amortized  on a  units-of-production  basis  over  the  remaining
     reserves to which they relate.

  c) Significant Accounting Policies

     Use of Estimates

     The  preparation  of our  financial  statements  in  conformity  with  GAAP
     requires  estimates and assumptions that affect the amounts reported in the
     consolidated  financial  statements.  Significant  areas where  judgment is
     applied include asset and investment  valuations,  ore reserve  estimation,
     finished and in-process  inventory  quantities,  plant and equipment lives,
     goodwill,  contingent  liabilities  including  matters in  litigation,  tax
     rates, provisions and future tax balances including valuation allowances in
     respect  of  future  tax  balances,  asset  retirement  obligations,  other
     environmental   liabilities,   demobilization   costs,  pension  and  other
     post-retirement  benefits and other  accrued  liabilities.  Actual  results
     could differ from our estimates.


Teck Cominco Limited
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
Years ended December 31, 2007, 2006 and 2005
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


     Translation of Foreign Currencies

     Our functional  currency is the Canadian dollar. For our integrated foreign
     operations,  monetary  assets and  liabilities  are  translated at year end
     exchange  rates  and  other  assets  and   liabilities  are  translated  at
     historical  rates.  Revenues,  expenses  and cash flows are  translated  at
     monthly average exchange rates. Gains and losses on translation of monetary
     assets and monetary liabilities are charged to earnings.

     The accounts of our  self-sustaining  foreign  operations are translated at
     year end exchange  rates,  and revenues  and  expenses  are  translated  at
     monthly  average  exchange  rates.  Differences  arising from these foreign
     currency translations are recorded in other comprehensive income until they
     are realized by a reduction in the investment.

     Financial Instruments

     We recognize  financial assets and liabilities on the balance sheet when we
     become a party to the contractual provisions of the instrument.

     Cash and cash equivalents

     Cash and cash  equivalents  include  cash on account,  demand  deposits and
     money market  investments  with  maturities from the date of acquisition of
     three months or less,  which are readily  convertible  to known  amounts of
     cash and are subject to insignificant changes in value.

     Temporary investments

     Temporary investments are designated as available-for-sale  and recorded at
     fair value using quoted  market  prices.  These  investments  include money
     market  instruments  with  maturities of greater than three months from the
     date of acquisition.

     Trade receivables and payables

     Trade  receivables  and  payables  are  non-interest  bearing and stated at
     carrying  values,  which  approximate fair values due to the short terms to
     maturity.  Where  necessary,   trade  receivables  include  allowances  for
     uncollectable amounts.

     Investments in marketable securities

     Investments in marketable  securities are designated as  available-for-sale
     and  recorded at fair value.  Fair values are  determined  by  reference to
     quoted market prices at the balance sheet date. Unrealized gains and losses
     on  available-for-sale  investments  are recognized in other  comprehensive
     income.  Investment  transactions  are  recognized  on the trade  date with
     transaction costs included in the underlying balance. At each balance sheet
     date, we assess for any  impairment in value that is considered to be other
     than temporary, and record any write-downs to net earnings for the period.


Teck Cominco Limited
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
Years ended December 31, 2007, 2006 and 2005
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


     Long-term debt

     Long-term debt is initially recorded at total proceeds received less direct
     issuance costs.  Long-term debt is subsequently  measured at amortized cost
     and calculated using the effective interest rate method.

     Derivative Instruments and Hedge Accounting

     Derivative  instruments,  including  embedded  derivatives,  are  held  for
     trading and recorded on the balance sheet at fair value.  Unrealized  gains
     and losses on derivatives are recorded as part of other income (expense) in
     net earnings.  Fair values for derivative  instruments held for trading are
     determined  using valuation  techniques.  These  valuations use assumptions
     based on market conditions existing at the balance sheet date.  Derivatives
     embedded in  non-derivative  contracts  are  recognized  separately  unless
     closely related to the host contract.

     We do not apply cash flow or fair value hedge accounting. For hedges of net
     investments in self-sustaining  foreign operations,  we recognize any gains
     or losses on the hedging  instrument  relating to the effective  portion of
     the hedge in other  comprehensive  income.  Any gain or loss on the hedging
     instrument  relating to the ineffective  portion of the hedge is recognized
     immediately in net earnings.


     Finished products,  work in process and raw material inventories are valued
     at the  lower of cost  and net  realizable  value.  Raw  materials  include
     concentrates for use at smelting and refining  operations.  Work in process
     inventory includes  inventory in the milling,  smelting or refining process
     and stockpiled ore at mining operations.

     For work in process and finished  product  inventories,  cost  includes all
     direct costs incurred in production  including direct labour and materials,
     freight,  depreciation and amortization and directly  attributable overhead
     costs.   Waste  rock  stripping   costs  related  to  mine  production  are
     inventoried as incurred.

     We use both  joint-product  and by-product  costing for work in process and
     finished product inventories.  Joint costing is applied to primary products
     at the Red Dog,  Antamina,  Duck Pond and Pend Oreille  mines and the Trail
     operations,  where the profitability of the operation is dependent upon the
     production of a number of primary products.

     Joint costing allocates total production costs based on the relative values
     of  the  products.  Where  by-product  costing  is  used,  by-products  are
     allocated  the  incremental  costs of  processes  that are  specific to the
     production of that product.

     Supplies  inventory is valued at the lower of average cost and  replacement
     value. Cost includes  acquisition,  freight and other directly attributable

     Investments Subject to Significant Influence

     Investments  in Fording  Canadian Coal Trust  (Fording),  Fort Hills Energy
     Limited  Partnership  (Fort  Hills) and Galore  Creek  Partnership  (Galore
     Creek) are  accounted  for using the equity  method as we have  significant
     influence over these investments.


Teck Cominco Limited
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
Years ended December 31, 2007, 2006 and 2005
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


     Property, Plant and Equipment

     Plant and equipment

     Plant and equipment are recorded at cost. The cost of buildings,  plant and
     processing   equipment  at  our  mining   operations   is  amortized  on  a
     units-of-production  basis over the lesser of the estimated  useful life of
     the asset and the estimated proven and probable ore reserves.  Amortization
     of plant and  equipment  at our  smelting  operations  is  calculated  on a
     straight-line  basis over the  estimated  useful life of the asset.  Mobile
     equipment is  depreciated  over the estimated  equipment  operating  hours.
     Buildings  are  amortized  on a  straight-line  basis over their  estimated
     useful life,  not exceeding the estimated  life of the mine.  When we incur
     debt  directly  related to the  construction  of a new  operation  or major
     expansion,  the interest and financing costs  associated with such debt are
     capitalized during the construction period.

     Mineral properties and mine development costs

     The cost of acquiring and developing mineral properties or property rights,
     including  costs incurred  during  production to increase  future output by
     providing  access to additional  sources of resources,  are deferred.  Upon
     commencement  of  commercial   production,   mineral  properties  and  mine
     development  costs are  amortized on a  units-of-production  basis over the
     proven and probable reserves to which they relate.

     Underground   mine   development   costs  are  amortized  using  the  block
     amortization  method.  Development  costs  associated  with  each  distinct
     section of the mine are amortized over the reserves to which they relate.

     Exploration  and  evaluation  costs are  charged to earnings in the year in
     which they are  incurred,  except  where  these  costs  relate to  specific
     properties  for which  resources,  as  defined  under  National  Instrument
     43-101,  exist and it is expected that the  expenditure can be recovered by
     future exploitation or sale, in which case they are deferred.

     Development costs of oil sands properties

     The costs of acquiring,  exploring,  evaluating  and  developing  oil sands
     properties  are  deferred  when it is  expected  that  these  costs will be
     recovered through future exploitation or sale of the property.

     Asset impairment

     We perform  impairment  tests on our  property,  plant and  equipment  when
     events or changes in  circumstances  occur that indicate the carrying value
     of an  asset  may not be  recoverable.  Estimated  future  cash  flows  are
     calculated using estimated future prices, mineral resources,  and operating
     and capital costs on an undiscounted  basis. When the carrying value of the
     development  project  exceeds  estimated  future cash  flows,  the asset is
     impaired. Write-downs are recorded to the extent the carrying value exceeds
     the  discounted  value of the  estimated  future  cash  flows  based on our
     average cost of borrowing.


Teck Cominco Limited
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
Years ended December 31, 2007, 2006 and 2005
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


     Repairs and maintenance

     Repairs and maintenance costs,  including  shutdown  maintenance costs, are
     charged to expense as  incurred,  except when these  repairs  significantly
     extend the life of an asset or result in an operating improvement. In these
     instances  the  portion of these  repairs  relating  to the  betterment  is
     capitalized as part of plant and equipment.

     Goodwill and Impairment Tests

     We allocate  goodwill  arising from business  combinations to the reporting
     units acquired based on estimates of the fair value of the reporting  unit.
     Any excess of the fair value of a reporting unit over the fair value of the
     sum of its individual  assets and  liabilities  is considered  goodwill for
     that unit.

     We perform annual goodwill  impairment  tests.  This impairment  assessment
     involves  estimating  the fair value of each  reporting  unit that has been
     assigned  goodwill.  We compare the fair value to the total carrying amount
     of each reporting unit, including goodwill.  If the carrying amount exceeds
     fair value, then we estimate the fair values of all identifiable assets and
     liabilities  in the  reporting  unit,  and  compare  this net fair value of
     assets less liabilities to the estimated fair value of the entire reporting
     unit. The difference represents the fair value of goodwill. If the carrying
     amount of goodwill  exceeds this amount,  we reduce goodwill by a charge to
     earnings in the amount of the excess.

     Circumstances  which result in an  impairment  and  write-down  of goodwill
     could  arise  through a variety of factors  including  a  reduction  in the
     reserve or resource base of the mineral  property,  a reduction in expected
     prices of the  commodities  produced,  or general  business  considerations
     including changes in circumstances of the host country tax regime.

     Revenue Recognition

     Sales are recognized when title transfers and the rights and obligations of
     ownership pass to the customer.  The majority of our metal concentrates are
     sold under pricing arrangements where final prices are determined by quoted
     market  prices  in a  period  subsequent  to the  date of  sale.  In  these
     circumstances,  revenues  are recorded at the time of sale based on forward
     prices for the  expected  date of the final  settlement.  As a result,  the
     values of our concentrate  receivables  change as the underlying  commodity
     market  prices  vary.  This  component  of  the  contract  is  an  embedded
     derivative,  which is  recorded  at fair value  with  changes in fair value
     recorded in revenue.

     Income and Resource Taxes

     Current  income  taxes  are  recorded  based on the  estimated  income  and
     resource  taxes  payable on taxable  income for the  current  year.  Future
     income tax assets and  liabilities  are recognized  based on the difference
     between the tax and  accounting  values of assets and  liabilities  and are
     calculated using  substantively  enacted tax rates for the periods in which
     the differences are expected to reverse. Tax rate changes are recognized in
     earnings  in the  period of  substantive  enactment.  Future tax assets are
     recognized to the extent that they are  considered  more likely than not to
     be realized.

     We are subject to assessments  by various  taxation  authorities  which may
     interpret tax legislation differently. The final amount of taxes to be paid
     depends  on a number of factors  including  outcomes  of  audits,  appeals,
     disputes,  negotiations  and  litigation.  We provide for such  differences
     based on our best estimate of the probable outcome of these matters.


Teck Cominco Limited
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
Years ended December 31, 2007, 2006 and 2005
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


     Pension and Other Employee Future Benefits

     Defined benefit pension plans

     Defined   benefit   pension  plan   obligations   are  based  on  actuarial
     determinations.  The projected  benefit method prorated on services is used
     to determine the accrued benefit obligation.  Actuarial assumptions used in
     the   determination   of  defined  benefit  pension  plan  liabilities  and
     non-pension  post-retirement  benefits  are based upon our best  estimates,
     including  discount rate,  expected plan  performance,  salary  escalation,
     expected health care costs and retirement dates of employees.  The expected
     return on plan assets is estimated  based on the fair value of plan assets,
     asset allocation and expected long-term returns on these components.

     Past service costs and transitional  assets or liabilities are amortized on
     a straight-line basis over the expected average remaining service period of
     active employees expected to receive benefits under the plan up to the full
     eligibility date.

     Differences  between the actuarial  liabilities and the amounts recorded in
     the  financial  statements  will  arise from  changes in plan  assumptions,
     changes in benefits, or through experience as results differ from actuarial
     assumptions.  Cumulative  differences  which are greater than 10% of either
     the fair  value of the  plan  assets  or the  accrued  benefit  obligation,
     whichever is greater, are amortized over the average remaining service life
     of the related employees.

     Defined contribution pension plans

     The  cost of  providing  benefits  through  defined  contribution  plans is
     charged to earnings as the obligation to contribute is incurred.

     Non-pension post-retirement plans

     We provide  certain  health care benefits for certain  employees  when they
     retire. The cost of these benefits is expensed over the period in which the
     employees render services.  These non-pension  post-retirement benefits are
     funded by us as they become due.

     Stock-Based Compensation

     The fair value method of accounting is used for stock-based  awards.  Under
     this  method,  the  compensation  cost of  options  and  other  stock-based
     compensation arrangements is recorded based on the estimated fair values at
     the grant  date and  charged  to  earnings  over the  vesting  period.  For
     employees  eligible for normal retirement prior to vesting,  the expense is
     charged to  earnings  over the period  from the grant date to the date they
     are eligible for retirement.

     Stock-based  compensation expense relating to deferred and restricted share
     units is accrued  over the vesting  period of the units based on the quoted
     market value of Class B subordinate  voting shares. As these awards will be
     settled in cash,  the expense and  liability  are adjusted  each  reporting
     period for changes in the underlying share price.


Teck Cominco Limited
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
Years ended December 31, 2007, 2006 and 2005
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


     Research and Development

     Research  costs  are  expensed  as  incurred.  Development  costs  are only
     deferred  when the  product or process is clearly  defined,  the  technical
     feasibility  has been  established,  the future  market for the  product or
     process is clearly  defined and we are committed to, and have the resources
     to, complete the project.

     Asset Retirement Obligations

     Future  obligations to retire an asset including  dismantling,  remediation
     and ongoing  treatment and monitoring of the site are initially  recognized
     and recorded as a liability at fair value,  based on estimated  future cash
     flows, our current credit adjusted risk-free discount rate and an estimated
     inflation  factor.  The  liability  is adjusted for changes in the expected
     amounts and timing of cash flows  required to discharge  the  liability and
     accreted to full value over time through periodic charges to earnings.  For
     operating  properties,   the  amount  of  the  asset  retirement  liability
     initially recognized and any subsequent adjustments are capitalized as part
     of the asset's  carrying  value and  amortized  over the asset's  estimated
     useful life.

     For closed  properties,  any  adjustments  to the  liability are charged to
     other income (expense). Asset retirement obligations are only recorded when
     the timing or amount of remediation costs can be reasonably estimated.

     Earnings Per Share

     Earnings per share are calculated  based on the weighted  average number of
     shares  outstanding during the year. We follow the treasury stock method in
     the calculation of diluted earnings per share. Under this method,  dilution
     is calculated  based upon the net number of common shares issued should "in
     the money"  options and warrants be  exercised  and the proceeds be used to
     repurchase common shares at the average market price in the year.  Dilution
     from convertible  securities is calculated based on the number of shares to
     be issued after taking into account the reduction of the related  after-tax
     interest expense.

  d) New Canadian Accounting Pronouncements


     In June  2007,  the CICA  issued  Section  3031  "Inventories"  to  replace
     existing Section 3030. The new section, which is effective January 1, 2008,
     establishes standards for the measurement and disclosure of inventories. We
     do not expect the application to have a significant impact on our financial

     Goodwill and Intangible assets

     In February 2008,  the CICA issued  Section 3064,  "Goodwill and Intangible
     Assets,"  which  replaces  Section  3062,  "Goodwill  and Other  Intangible
     Assets."  This  new  standard   provides   guidance  on  the   recognition,
     measurement,  presentation and disclosure of goodwill and intangible assets
     and is effective  for us  beginning  January 1, 2009.  Concurrent  with the
     adoption  of this  standard,  EIC-27,  "Revenues  and  Expenditures  in the
     Pre-operating  Period," will be withdrawn.  This will result in a change to
     our accounting  for the start up of mining  operations,  as  pre-commercial
     production costs will no longer be capitalized as an asset.


Teck Cominco Limited
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
Years ended December 31, 2007, 2006 and 2005
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


  e) Changes in Estimates

     Mineral reserves

     Estimates of proven and probable  mineral reserves at each mineral property
     are updated annually at the end of each year. Following the update of these
     estimates on December 31, 2006, we  prospectively  revised  calculations of
     depreciation and amortization of property, plant and equipment.

     Mine life extension at Highland Valley Copper

     In February  2007,  we  announced an extension of the mine life at Highland
     Valley Copper to 2019. We prospectively revised amounts of depreciation and
     amortization of property, plant and equipment,  pension expense and amounts
     related to asset retirement obligations to reflect the extended mine life.


     In the third quarter of 2007, we acquired  100% of the  outstanding  common
     shares of Aur Resources Inc. Aur owned interests in three operating  mines,
     the Quebrada  Blanca  (76.5%) and  Andacollo  (90%) copper mines located in
     Chile and the Duck Pond (100%)  copper-zinc  mine located in  Newfoundland,

     We accounted for the  acquisition of Aur using the purchase  method.  Aur's
     results of operations are included in our consolidated financial statements
     from August 22, 2007. The purchase cost of $4,054 million was funded with a
     combination  of cash and Class B subordinate  voting  shares as follows:

     (Cdn $ in millions)
     Cash                                                          $ 3,089
     Issuance of 21,971,906  Class B subordinate  voting shares       952
     Transaction costs                                                 13
     Total purchase price                                         $  4,054

     Each Class B  subordinate  voting  share was  valued at  $43.33,  being the
     average  closing price on the Toronto  Stock  Exchange for two trading days
     before and one day after the announcement of our offer for Aur, less deemed
     issuance costs.


Teck Cominco Limited
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
Years ended December 31, 2007, 2006 and 2005
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


     Our allocation of the purchase cost to the assets  acquired and liabilities
     assumed is based upon estimated fair values at the time of acquisition.  We
     have substantially completed the process of determining fair values for the
     assets and  liabilities  acquired.  Matters still under review  principally
     relate to income and  resource  taxes and could affect  values  assigned to
     future tax  liabilities  and  goodwill.  As a result,  the  purchase  price
     allocation  is  subject  to  change  in 2008 as the  valuation  process  is

     Our current allocation of the purchase price to the estimated fair value of
     the assets and liabilities of Aur is as follows:

     (Cdn $ in millions)
       Cash                                                           $    501
       Inventory                                                           267
       Property, plant and equipment                                     4,137
       Goodwill                                                            706
       Other                                                               330
       Total assets acquired                                             5,941

       Current liabilities                                                (197)
       Derivative instrument liability                                     (96)
       Long-term liabilities                                              (302)
       Future income tax liability                                      (1,263)
       Non-controlling interests                                           (29)
       Total liabilities assumed                                        (1,887)
       Net assets acquired                                            $  4,054
     The net cash cost of the acquisition was as follows:

     (Cdn $ in millions)
       Cash paid to Aur shareholders                                  $  3,089
       Less Aur's cash balance on acquisition date                        (501)
                                                                      $  2,588


     During  2007  we  recorded  an  impairment  charge  of $26  million  on our
     investment in Tahera Diamond Corporation  ("Tahera").  Tahera announced the
     suspension  of  operations  at its primary  asset,  the Jericho  mine,  and
     subsequently  filed  for  creditor  protection  indicating  an  other  than
     temporary decline in market value.

     We also  recorded  impairment  charges of $12  million  against our Lennard
     Shelf zinc mine and $31 million  against our Pend Oreille zinc mine.  These
     impairment  charges were triggered by operating losses,  lower than planned
     production and increasing costs. As we no longer expect to recover the full
     carrying value of the mines over their expected mine lives, we have written
     the  carrying  values  down to their  estimated  fair  values  based on the
     discounted value of our expectations of future cash flows.


Teck Cominco Limited
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
Years ended December 31, 2007, 2006 and 2005
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


        (Cdn$ in millions)                                  2007          2006
        Finished product                                $    312        $  301
        Work in process                                      350           218
        Raw materials                                        153           91
        Supplies                                             189           176
                                                        $  1,004       $   786


         (Cdn$ in millions)                                                2007                        2006

                                                                  Carrying         Fair        Carrying         Fair
                                                                    Value          Value         Value          Value
         Available-for-sale investments:
         Marketable securities (a)                                  $ 308         $ 308         $  91          $  186

         Held for trading investments:
         Warrants (a)                                                   1             1            12              23
                                                                      309           309           103             209

         Investments accounted for under the equity method :
         Fording Canadian Coal Trust (19.95% interest) (b)            750                         148
         Galore Creek Partnership (50% interest) (c)                  214                          -
         Fort Hills Energy Limited Partnership (20% interest)(d)      233                         114
                                                                  -------                       -----
                                                                  $ 1,506                       $ 354
                                                                  =======                       =====

         (a)  The fair values of  marketable  securities  are  determined  using
              quoted  market  prices.  The fair value for warrants is determined
              using a Black-Scholes option valuation model.

         (b)  Fording Canadian Coal Trust

              On September  28, 2007,  we acquired  16.65  million  units of the
              Fording  Canadian Coal Trust (Fording) at a price of $599 million.
              The  acquisition of these units  increased our interest in Fording
              from 8.7% to 19.95%.  If, prior to July 31, 2008, we make an offer
              or  announce  an  intention  to  acquire  more  than  50%  of  the
              outstanding   Fording   units  and   subsequently   complete   the
              transaction  or sell the Fording units at a price in excess of $36
              per unit, we must pay the seller such excess for the 16.65 million
              units acquired.


Teck Cominco Limited
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
Years ended December 31, 2007, 2006 and 2005
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

6.    INVESTMENTS, continued

      (c)  Galore Creek Partnership

           In August 2007, we formed a 50/50 partnership with NovaGold Resources
           Inc.  ("NovaGold") to develop the Galore Creek copper-gold deposit in
           northwest British Columbia.  Pursuant to the terms of the partnership
           agreement,  we were  required  to fund $528  million  in  development
           costs. Thereafter, each partner was to be responsible for funding its
           pro rata share of  development  costs.  NovaGold was also entitled to
           receive up to US$50 million of preferential distributions if revenues
           in the first year of commercial  production  were to exceed  specific
           established targets.

           In  November  2007,  construction  activities  at  the  project  were
           suspended  as  a  result  of  our  review  of  the  first  season  of
           construction and a more extensive  engineering study that anticipated
           substantially   higher  capital  costs  and  a  longer   construction

           By agreement with NovaGold at the time of the suspension, our funding
           obligations in connection with the project were amended.  Our funding
           obligation  for  project  costs  incurred  after  August  1, 2007 was
           reduced  from the  original  $528  million to $403  million.  Of this
           total, $264 million was spent by us as of the suspension date. Of the
           next $100 million of project  costs  (other than project  study costs
           described  below),  we will fund  two-thirds  and NovaGold  will fund
           one-third.  Thereafter,  each partner will fund its pro rata share of
           partnership  costs.  We also  agreed to  invest  $72  million  in the
           partnership  over  the next  five  years  to be used  principally  to
           reassess the project and evaluate alternative development strategies.
           In addition, the amount of preferential distributions, if revenues in
           the first  year of  commercial  production  were to  exceed  specific
           established targets, was reduced to $25 million.

           Galore  Creek  Partnership  is  obligated  to  complete  construction
           demobilization  and to put the  site on care and  maintenance,  which
           will enable a restart of the project at a later date.  The  estimated
           project  demobilization  costs of $100  million have been accrued and
           expensed by the  partnership in the period.  We have recorded our $50
           million  or 50%  share of these  expenses  as an  equity  loss of $33
           million after-tax.  Our actual  demobilization  costs could vary by a
           material  amount from our  estimates.  Ongoing  care and  maintenance
           costs,  which will be  expensed  as  incurred,  will be  required  to
           monitor  the  site and  infrastructure  until a  decision  is made to
           proceed with or abandon the project.  This decision may not occur for
           several  years.  If  the  project  does  not  proceed,  Galore  Creek
           Partnership will have to reclaim and restore disturbed land.

           As the Galore Creek  Partnership is a variable  interest  entity with
           NovaGold as the  primary  beneficiary,  we account  for our  interest
           using the equity method.  Future events,  such as the ongoing funding
           arrangements,  may  result  in a change  to our  accounting  for this

      (d)  Fort Hills Energy Limited Partnership

           In November 2005, we acquired a 15% interest in the Fort Hills Energy
           Limited  Partnership,  which is  developing  the Fort Hills oil sands
           project in  Alberta,  Canada.  As  consideration  for our initial 15%
           interest, we are required to contribute 34% of the first $2.5 billion
           of project expenditures. In September 2007, we acquired an additional
           5% interest,  bringing our interest to 20%. To earn our additional 5%
           interest, we are required to contribute 27.5% of project expenditures
           after  project  spending  reaches  $2.5  billion  and before  project
           spending  reaches $7.5 billion.  Thereafter,  we are  responsible for
           funding  our 20% share of  development  costs.  Our  interest in Fort
           Hills is  recorded  as an  investment  using  the  equity  method  of


Teck Cominco Limited
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
Years ended December 31, 2007, 2006 and 2005
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

6.   INVESTMENTS, continued

      (e)  Equity earnings (loss) is as follows:

                        (Cdn$ in millions)                       2007            2006            2005
             Fording Canadian Coal Trust (b)                     $ 28            $ 32           $  50
             Galore Creek Partnership (c)                         (33)              -               -
                                                                 $ (5)           $ 32           $  50


        (Cdn$ in millions)                                                           2007           2006
            Mines and mining facilities                                          $  9,013       $  4,827
            Accumulated depreciation and amortization                              (2,695)        (2,620)
                                                                                    6,318          2,207

            Smelter and refineries                                                  1,778          1,722
            Accumulated depreciation and amortization                                (717)          (694)
                                                                                    1,061          1,028

            Mineral properties                                                        132            413
            Oil sands leases                                                          296             76
                                                                                 $  7,807       $  3,724

      During 2007, we capitalized $44 million (2006 - $21 million) of waste rock
      stripping  costs  associated with mine expansion at Highland Valley Copper
      and as at December 31, 2007,  we have  cumulative  capitalized  waste rock
      stripping  costs of $68 million,  all of which  represents the capitalized
      expansion  costs at  Highland  Valley  Copper.  In  addition,  we have $41
      million of remaining  unamortized  capitalized  stripping costs related to
      the transitional balance on adoption of EIC-160 in 2006 (Note 2(b)).


        (Cdn$ in millions)                                                       2007           2006
        Restricted cash pledged as security (Note 10(e))                       $  151         $    -
        Pension assets (Note 15(a))                                               210            194
        Future income and resource tax assets (Note 18(c))                         70            103
        Cajamarquilla contingent receivable (net of current portion
          of $37 million) (Note 22(b))                                             42              -
        Long-term receivables                                                      51            109
        Other                                                                      68             57
                                                                               $  592         $  463


Teck Cominco Limited
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
Years ended December 31, 2007, 2006 and 2005
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


        (Cdn$ in millions)                                                               2007           2006
        Trade payables                                                                $   506         $  415
        Commercial and government royalties                                               251            118
        Payroll related liabilities                                                        93             101
        Capital project accruals                                                           25             44
        Current portion of asset retirement obligations (Note 14)                          28             22
        Accrued interest                                                                   22             24
        Other                                                                              92             39
                                                                                      $ 1,017        $   763


                                                                            2007                      2006
                                                                    Carrying         Fair     Carrying         Fair
        (Cdn$ in millions)                                             Value        Value        Value        Value
        Debt instruments
            6.125% debentures due October 2035 (US$700
              million) (a)                                           $   675      $   637      $   806      $   783
            5.375% debentures due October 2015 (US$300
              million) (a)                                               293          287          349          339
            7.0% debentures due September 2012 (US$200
              million) (b)                                               196          212          231          249
            Aur debentures 6.75% due March 2010 (US$94
              million) (c)                                                94           96            -            -
            Antamina senior revolving credit facility due
              August 2012 (d)                                             92           92          108          108
            Aur revolving credit facility (e)                            148          148            -            -
            Other                                                         25           25           15           15
                                                                       1,523        1,497        1,509        1,494
            Less current portion                                         (31)         (31)           -            -
                                                                     $ 1,492      $ 1,466      $ 1,509      $ 1,494

      The fair values of debt are determined  using  discounted cash flows based
      on our expected cost of borrowing.

      (a)    In 2005, we issued US$300  million of 5.375% notes due October 2015
             and US$700  million of 6.125% notes due October 2035. Net proceeds,
             after issue costs of $11 million,  were $1.16 billion.  We can call
             these  notes at any time by repaying  the greater of the  principal
             amount with accrued interest and the present value of the principal
             and interest amounts discounted at comparable treasury yield plus a
             stipulated spread.

      (b)    In 2002, we issued US$200 million of 7.0% notes due September 2012.
             We can call these notes at any time by repaying  the greater of the
             principal amount with accrued interest and the present value of the
             principal and interest  amounts  discounted at comparable  treasury
             yield plus a stipulated spread.

      (c)    On  acquisition  of Aur in 2007,  we assumed  $94  million of 6.75%
             notes.  The notes are  repayable  in three equal  annual  principal
             payments commencing March 11, 2008. 10.


Teck Cominco Limited
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
Years ended December 31, 2007, 2006 and 2005
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

10.   LONG-TERM DEBT, continued

      (d)    In September 2006,  Antamina  refinanced its remaining  senior debt
             (our 22.5% share is US$93 million) on a  non-recourse  basis with a
             syndicated  five-year  revolving  term bank  facility with a bullet
             repayment due at maturity. The facility may be renewed and extended
             annually with the concurrence of the  participating  banks.  During
             2007,   the  maturity  date  was  extended  to  August  2012.   The
             outstanding  amount under the facility bears interest at LIBOR plus
             a margin.

      (e)    On acquisition of Aur we assumed a revolving  credit facility which
             permits borrowings of up to US$150 million.  This facility is fully
             drawn at December 31, 2007.  The terms of the facility  require one
             of our  subsidiaries to provide cash collateral to the lender equal
             to any amount outstanding under the facility plus US$3 million. The
             outstanding  amount under the facility bears interest at LIBOR plus
             a margin and is due January 2011.

      (f)    At  December  31,  2007,   we  had  revolving   credit   facilities
             aggregating $1.1 billion,  of which $0.9 billion is available until
             2012.  Net of $143 million of letters of credit and $148 million of
             draw-downs,  the unused  portion of the credit  facilities  is $819
             million as at December 31, 2007. In addition,  we have issued stand
             alone   letters   of  credit   for  $140   million  in  respect  of
             environmental bonding requirements.

      Elk Valley Coal has a $200 million  revolving  credit facility for working
      capital purposes,  of which our 40% share is $80 million.  At December 31,
      2007,  Elk  Valley  Coal had  issued  letters  of  credit  and  guarantees
      totalling $79 million.

      (g)    Our debentures and bank credit  facilities  require the maintenance
             of a defined debt to capitalization ratio. As at December 31, 2007,
             we  are  in  compliance   with  all  debt   covenants  and  default

      (h)    Excluding  financing  fees  and  discounting,   we  have  scheduled
             long-term debt principal repayments of $31 million due in 2008, $31
             million in 2009,  $31 million in 2010,  $148 million in 2011,  $312
             million in 2012, $296 million in 2015 and $695 million in 2035.

      (i)    We incurred interest expense on long-term debt as follows:

       (Cdn$ in millions)                                2007     2006      2005

       Interest expense                                 $  95    $ 102     $  69
       Less amounts capitalized                           (10)      (5)        -

                                                        $  85    $  97     $  69


      In  1996,  we  issued  $248  million  of 3%  exchangeable  debentures  due
      September  30,  2021.   Each  $1,000   principal   amount   debenture  was
      exchangeable at the option of the holder for 20.7254 common shares of Inco
      Limited (Inco),  subject to adjustment in certain  circumstances.  We held
      5,148,000  Inco  common  shares,  which  were  sufficient  to affect  this
      exchange, and pledged these shares as security for the debentures. We also
      had the option to satisfy  the  exchange  obligation  in cash based on the
      market value of the Inco shares at the time of the exchange.


Teck Cominco Limited
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
Years ended December 31, 2007, 2006 and 2005
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


      In 2006,  we acquired an  additional  3,800,000  shares of Inco and made a
      takeover  bid to  acquire  all the  outstanding  shares of Inco.  This bid
      expired on August 16, 2006, when insufficient shares were tendered to meet
      the minimum tender condition.  We later tendered all of our Inco shares to
      a competing bid.  Before our sale of the Inco shares,  some holders of the
      Inco exchangeable  debentures tendered their debentures to us for exchange
      and we exercised our option to pay the equivalent amount of cash. When the
      Inco shares were sold,  an amount was placed in trust  sufficient to repay
      the remaining debentures in cash. At December 31, 2006,  debentures with a
      face value of $59 million  and a cash value on  exchange  of $105  million
      remained  outstanding.  In 2006, the cash in trust to meet this obligation
      was  excluded  from cash and cash  equivalents  on the  balance  sheet and
      classified as cash held in trust.  In 2007,  the $105 million cash held in
      trust was used to settle the remaining debentures.

        (Cdn$ in millions)                                                               2006
        Gain on sale of Inco shares                                                   $   332
        Loss on redemption of debentures                                                 (194)
        Less transaction costs                                                            (18)
        Net gain before tax                                                           $   (18)


        (Cdn$ in millions)                                               2007           2006
        Asset retirement obligations (Note 14)                         $  492         $  427
        Other environmental and post-closure costs                         88             70
        Pension and other employee future benefits (Note 15(a))
            Defined benefit pension plans                                  35             39
            Non-pension post-retirement benefits                          209            183
        Forward sales contracts (net of current portion of
            $37 million) (Note 22(c))                                      78              -
        Other                                                              92             59
                                                                       $  994         $  778


        (Cdn$ in millions)                                               2007           2006
        Highland Valley Copper                                         $   56          $  38
        Carmen de Andacollo                                                21             -
        Quebrada Blanca                                                    10             -
        Elkview Mine Partnership                                            5              5
                                                                       $   92          $  43


Teck Cominco Limited
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
Years ended December 31, 2007, 2006 and 2005
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


      We have recorded an asset retirement  obligation for each of our operating
      and closed  mines.  The  refining  and  smelting  facilities  in Trail are
      considered to be indefinite  life  operations and neither the amounts that
      may be  required  to retire  these  facilities  nor the timing of required
      expenditures can be estimated at this time. For the Trail  operation,  our
      recorded  liability is limited to components  of the facility  where costs
      and expected dates of existing retirement and remediation requirements can
      be estimated.

      The  following  table  summarizes  the  movements in the asset  retirement
      obligation for the years ended December 31, 2007 and 2006:

        (Cdn$ in millions)                                      2007      2006
        At January 1                                          $  449    $  378
        Changes in cash flow estimates
          Operating mines                                         42        68
          Closed properties                                       22        11
        Expenditures and settlements                             (20)      (31)
        Accretion expense                                         26        21
        Obligations assumed on acquisition                        36         1
        Foreign currency translation adjustments                 (35)        1
        At December 31                                           520        79
        Less current portion                                     (28)      (22)
                                                              $  492    $    -

      Asset retirement obligations are initially recorded as a liability at fair
      value, assuming credit adjusted risk-free discount rates between 5.75% and
      6.35%,  and inflation  factors between 2.00% and 2.75%.  The liability for
      retirement and  remediation on an undiscounted  basis before  inflation is
      estimated to be  approximately  $374  million.  In  addition,  for ongoing
      treatment and monitoring of the sites, the estimated undiscounted payments
      before  inflation  adjustment  are $3.9 million per annum for 2008 to 2032
      and $10.5 million per annum for 2033 to 2107.

      The change in cash flow estimates relating to asset retirement obligations
      at closed properties are recognized in other income (expense) (Note 17).


Teck Cominco Limited
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
Years ended December 31, 2007, 2006 and 2005
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


      Defined Contribution Plans

      We  have  defined   contribution  pension  plans  for  certain  groups  of
      employees.  Our share of  contributions  to these plans is expensed in the
      year it is earned by the employee.


      We have various defined benefit pension plans that provide  benefits based
      principally on employees' years of service. These plans are only available
      to  certain  qualifying   employees.   The  plans  are  "flat-benefit"  or
      "final-pay"  plans which are not indexed.  Annual  contributions  to these
      plans are  actuarially  determined  and made at or in  excess  of  minimum
      requirements prescribed by legislation.

      All of our defined  benefit  pension plans are  actuarially  evaluated for
      funding purposes on a three-year  cycle. The most significant  plan, which
      accounts for 57% of our accrued  benefit  obligation at December 31, 2007,
      was last actuarially  evaluated on December 31, 2006. The measurement date
      used to determine all of the accrued  benefit  obligation  and plan assets
      for accounting information was December 31, 2007.

      We also have several  post-retirement plans, which provide post-retirement
      medical and life insurance benefits to certain qualifying employees.


Teck Cominco Limited
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
Years ended December 31, 2007, 2006 and 2005
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


      a)   Actuarial valuation of plans

             (Cdn$ in millions)                                                2007                         2006

                                                                       Defined      Non-pension     Defined     Non-pension
                                                                       benefit            post-     benefit           post-
                                                                       pension       retirement     pension      retirement
                                                                         plans    benefit plans       plans   benefit plans
             Accrued benefit obligation
                 Balance at beginning of year                          $ 1,270           $  316     $ 1,198             273
                 Current service cost                                       25                6          25               5
                 Benefits paid                                             (77)              (8)        (72)            (10)
                 Interest cost                                              63               16          62              15
                 Actuarial revaluation                                      (2)             (46)         11              8
                 Past service costs arising from plan improvements           7                -          43              24
                 Foreign currency exchange rate changes                    (13)              (7)          -               -
                 Changes in methodology and assumptions                      4                3           -               -
                 Transfers from other plans                                 14                -           3               -
                 Impact of new discount rate at year end                   (36)              (9)          -               -
                 Other                                                       5                1           -               1

                 Balance at end of year                                  1,260              272       1,270             315

             Plan assets
                 Fair value at beginning of year                         1,275                -       1,126               -
                 Actual return on plan assets                               21                -         143               -
                 Benefits paid                                             (77)              (8)        (72)            (10)
                 Foreign currency exchange rate changes                    (10)               -           -               -
                 Contributions                                              32                8          76              10
                 Transfer from other plans                                  17                -           2               -
                 Other                                                      (1)               -           -               -

                 Fair value at end of year                               1,257                -       1,273               -
             Funding surplus (deficit)                                      (3)            (272)          5            (316)

             Unamortized actuarial costs                                   110               33          75              91
             Unamortized past service costs                                 68               30          75              42

             Net accrued benefit asset (liability)                       $ 175          $  (209)    $ 1,278         $  (316)
             Represented by
                 Pension assets (Note 8)                                 $ 210          $     -     $   194               -
                 Accrued benefit liability (Note 12)                       (35)            (209)        (39)           (183)

             Net accrued benefit asset (liability)                         175             (209)          -               -


Teck Cominco Limited
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
Years ended December 31, 2007, 2006 and 2005
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


      (b)  Funded status

           The funded status of our defined benefit pension plans is as follows:

             (Cdn$ in millions)                             2007                                       2006
                                          Plans where    Plans where                 Plans where    Plans where
                                         ssets exceed        benefit                ssets exceed        benefit
                                              benefit    obligations                     benefit    obligations
                                        a obligations  exceed assets        Total  a obligations  exceed assets        Total
             Plan assets                     $  1,007         $  250      $ 1,257       $  1,083         $  192      $ 1,275
             Benefit obligations                 (928)          (332)      (1,260)          (988)          (282)      (1,270)
             Excess (deficit) of plan
                assets over benefit
                obligations                  $     79         $  (82)     $    (3)      $     95         $  (90)     $     5

           Our  total  cash  payments  for  pension  and other  employee  future
           benefits for 2007,  including cash contributed to defined benefit and
           defined contribution pension plans and cash payments made directly to
           beneficiaries,  were $52 million. We expect to contribute $43 million
           to our defined contribution and defined benefit pension plans in 2008
           based on minimum funding requirements.

           The estimated future benefit payments to pensioners for the next five
           years and five years thereafter are as follows:

             (Cdn$ in millions)              2008           2009          2010          2011           2012        2013-2017
                                            $  81          $  84          $ 87         $  91          $  95            $ 558

      (c)  Significant assumptions

           The assumptions  used to calculate  annual expenses are those used to
           calculate the accrued  benefit  obligation at the end of the previous
           year.  Weighted  average  assumptions  used to calculate  the accrued
           benefit obligation at the end of each year are as follows:

                                                               2007                   2006                   2005
                                                                  Non-pension            Non-pension            Non-pension
                                                         Defined        post-   Defined        post-   Defined        post-
                                                         Benefit   retirement   Benefit   retirement   Benefit   retirement
                                                         Pension      benefit   Pension      benefit   Pension      benefit
                                                           plans        plans     plans        plans     plans        plans
             Discount rate                                 5.27%      5.36%       5.02%       5.13%       5.03%       5.09%
             Assumed long-term rate of return on assets       7%         -           7%          -           7%          -
             Rate of increase in future compensation          4%         4%          4%          4%          4%          4%
             Initial medical trend rate                       -          9%          -          10%          -          10%
             Ultimate medical trend rate                      -          5%          -           5%          -           5%
             Years to reach ultimate medical trend rate       -          4           -           5           -           6
             Dental trend rates                               -          5%          -           5%          -           4%


Teck Cominco Limited
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
Years ended December 31, 2007, 2006 and 2005
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


           The  expected  long-term  rate of return on plan assets is  developed
           based on the historical  and projected  returns for each asset class,
           as well as the target  asset  allocation  for the pension  portfolio.
           Projected  rates of return for fixed income  securities  and equities
           are developed using a model that factors in long-term government debt
           rates, real bond yield trend, inflation and equity premiums, based on
           a  combination  of  historical   experience   and  future   long-term

           The discount rate used to determine the accrued benefit obligation is
           determined by reference to the market interest rates of high quality
           debt instruments at the measurement date.

      (d)  Employee future benefits expense

                                                               2007                   2006                   2005
                                                                  Non-pension            Non-pension            Non-pension
                                                         Defined        post-   Defined        post-   Defined        post-
                                                         Benefit   retirement   Benefit   retirement   Benefit   retirement
                                                         Pension      benefit   Pension      benefit   Pension      benefit
                                                           plans        plans     plans        plans     plans        plans
             Current service cost                           $ 25          $ 6      $ 25         $  5      $ 19        $   4
             Interest cost                                    63           16        62           15        62           14
             Expected gain on assets                         (86)           -       (77)           -       (69)           -
             Actuarial loss recognized                         3            7        10            7         5            5
             Past service cost recognized                     14            6         9            1         6            -
             Other                                             7            -         3            -        10           (1)
             Expense recognized for the year                $ 26         $ 35      $ 32         $ 28      $ 33        $  22

           The defined  contribution  expense for 2007 is $11 million (2006 - $8
           million; 2005 - $7 million).

           Certain  employee  future  benefit costs incurred in the year and the
           actual return on plan assets in excess of or short of the actuarially
           assumed  return  are  not  taken  into  income  in the  year  but are
           amortized  over  the  expected  average  remaining  service  life  of
           employees.  Employee future benefit  expenses  recognized in the year
           are reconciled to employee future benefit costs incurred as follows:

             (Cdn$ in millions)                                  2007                   2006                    2005
                                                                  Non-pension            Non-pension            Non-pension
                                                         Defined        post-   Defined        post-   Defined        post-
                                                         Benefit   retirement   Benefit   retirement   Benefit   retirement
                                                         Pension      benefit   Pension      benefit   Pension      benefit
                                                           plans        plans     plans        plans     plans        plans
             Expense recognized                             $ 26        $  35      $ 32        $  28      $ 33         $ 22
             Difference between expected and actual
                 return on plan assets                        66            -       (66)           -       (60)           -
             Difference between actuarial losses
                 (gains) amortized and actuarial
                 losses (gains) arising                      (36)         (59)        1            1       120           32
             Difference between past service costs
                 amortized and past service costs
                 arising                                      (7)          (6)       34           21        15            -
             Other                                            (4)                    (3)           -        (9)           1
             Costs incurred (recovered)                     $ 45        $ (30)     $ (2)       $  50      $ 99         $ 55


Teck Cominco Limited
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
Years ended December 31, 2007, 2006 and 2005
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


      (e)  Health care sensitivity

           A one percent change in the initial and ultimate  medical trend rates
           assumptions  would have the following  effect on our  post-retirement
           health care obligations and expense:

                                                             Increase (Decrease)
                                                                  in service and   Increase (Decrease)
             (Cdn$ in millions)                                    interest cost         in obligation
             Impact of 1% increase in medical trend rate                  $    4               $    33
             Impact of 1% decrease in medical trend rate                      (3)                  (27)

      (f)  Investment of plan assets

           The  assets of our  defined  benefit  pension  plans are  managed  by
           pension asset fund  managers  under the oversight of the Teck Cominco
           Limited Executive Pension committee.

           Our pension plan investment strategies support the objectives of each
           defined  benefit  plan and are related to the plan  demographics  and
           timing of expected  benefit  payments to plan members.  The objective
           for the plan  asset  portfolios  is to  achieve  an annual  portfolio
           return  over  a  four-year  period  equal  to  at  least  the  annual
           percentage  change in the  Consumer  Price  Index plus 4%. To achieve
           this  objective,   a  strategic  asset  allocation  policy  has  been
           developed  for each defined  benefit  plan.  The asset  allocation is
           monitored  quarterly  and  rebalanced  if the funds in an asset class
           exceed their allowable  allocation  ranges.  We review the investment
           guidelines  for each plan at least  annually  and the  portfolio  and
           investment managers' performance is monitored quarterly.

           The  composition  of the  defined  benefit  pension  plan  assets  at
           December 31, 2007 and 2006, and the target  composition  for 2008 are
           as follows:

                                                    2008       2007        2006
                                                  TARGET     ACTUAL      ACTUAL
             Equity securities                       50%        55%         58%
             Debt securities                         40%        36%         37%
             Real estate and other                   10%         9%          5%
             Total                                  100%       100%        100%


Teck Cominco Limited
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
Years ended December 31, 2007, 2006 and 2005
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


                                                                    2007                            2006
                                                              Shares        Cdn$ in          Shares        Cdn$ in
                                                          (in 000's)       millions      (in 000's)       millions
         Share capital (a)
             Class A common shares                             9,353        $     7           9,348       $      7
             Class B subordinate voting shares (b)           432,555          3,274         422,306          2,398

         Retained earnings                                                    5,038                          4,225
         Contributed surplus (g)                                                 71                             64
         Accumulated other comprehensive income (h)                            (671)                          (145)
                                                                            $ 7,719                       $  6,549

      (a)  Authorized share capital

           Our authorized share capital consists of an unlimited number of Class
           A common  shares  without par value,  an unlimited  number of Class B
           subordinate  voting shares without par value and an unlimited  number
           of preferred shares without par value issuable in series.

           Class A common shares carry the right to 100 votes per share. Class B
           subordinate voting shares carry the right to one vote per share. Each
           Class A common  share is  convertible,  at the option of the  holder,
           into one Class B subordinate voting share. In all other respects, the
           Class A common  shares and Class B  subordinate  voting  shares  rank

           The  attributes of the Class B subordinate  voting shares  contain so
           called "coattail  provisions,"  which provide that, in the event that
           an offer (an "Exclusionary Offer") to purchase Class A common shares,
           which is  required  to be made to all or  substantially  all  holders
           thereof,  is not made  concurrently with an offer to purchase Class B
           subordinate  voting  shares on  identical  terms,  then each  Class B
           subordinate  voting share will be convertible into one Class A common
           share. The Class B subordinate  voting shares will not be convertible
           in the event that an Exclusionary Offer is not accepted by holders of
           a majority of the Class A common shares  (excluding those shares held
           by the person making the Exclusionary Offer). If an offer to purchase
           Class  A  common  shares  does  not,  under   applicable   securities
           legislation  or  the   requirements  of  any  stock  exchange  having
           jurisdiction,  constitute a "take-over  bid," or is otherwise  exempt
           from any requirement  that such offer be made to all or substantively
           all holders of Class A common shares, the coattail  provisions do not


Teck Cominco Limited
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
Years ended December 31, 2007, 2006 and 2005
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

16.   SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY, continued

      (b)  Class B subordinate voting shares

                                                                             (in 000's)  Cdn$ in millions
             At December 31, 2004                                               196,682         $   2,117
             Options exercised (e)                                                2,067                31
             Other (l)                                                                3                 -
             At December 31, 2005                                                11,494               230
             Options exercised (e)                                                  907                20

             Issued in settlement of exchangeable debentures due 2024 (d)        11,489               230
             Other (l)                                                                5                 -
             At December 31, 2006                                               211,153               876

             Share split (c)                                                    211,153                 -
             Issued on acquisition of Aur (Note 3)                               21,972               952
             Options exercised (e)                                                1,373                16
             Share repurchase program (k)                                       (13,100)              (92)
             Other (l)                                                                4                 -
             At December 31, 2007                                               432,555         $   3,274

      (c)  Share split

           On April 25, 2007, shareholders approved a two-for-one share split of
           our Class A common  shares  and  Class B  subordinate  voting  shares
           effective as of the close of business on May 7, 2007. All share,  per
           share,  share  option  and DSU and RSU  information  included  in the
           consolidated  financial  statements and  accompanying  notes has been
           adjusted to reflect this share split for all periods presented.

      (d)  Exchangeable debentures due 2024

           In April 1999, we issued $150 million of 25-year debentures with each
           $1,000  debenture  exchangeable,  at a reference  price of $23.50 per
           share,  into 42.5532 shares of Cominco Ltd. At the time of the merger
           with Cominco Ltd. in 2001,  holders of these  debentures were paid $6
           in respect of each underlying  Cominco share as a partial  repayment.
           The face value of each $1,000  debenture was reduced to $745 and each
           debenture became  convertible into 76.596 Class B subordinate  voting
           shares for a total, if exchanged, of 11.5 million Class B subordinate
           voting shares.  The  debentures  were  exchangeable  by the holder or
           redeemable by us at any time.

           On June 1, 2006, we completed a series of transactions culminating in
           the  redemption  of  these   debentures.   In  the  course  of  these
           transactions, all outstanding debentures were exchanged and we issued
           11.5 million Class B subordinate voting shares.


Teck Cominco Limited
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
Years ended December 31, 2007, 2006 and 2005
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

16.   SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY, continued

           By  virtue  of our  option  to  deliver  a fixed  number  of  Class B
           subordinate  voting  shares to satisfy the  principal  payments,  the
           debentures  net  of  issue  costs  and  taxes  were  classified  as a
           component of shareholders' equity and the interest, net of taxes, was
           charged directly to retained earnings.  This interest,  net of taxes,
           totalled $3 million in 2006 and $4 million in 2005.

           The exchange was a  non-monetary  transaction  and did not affect our
           cash flow or earnings.  In 2006, current tax benefits of $124 million
           on these transactions were recorded directly to shareholders' equity.

      (e)  Share options

           Under our share  option plan, 9 million  Class B  subordinate  voting
           shares  have  been  set  aside  for the  grant of  share  options  to
           full-time employees and directors. The exercise price for each option
           is the closing price for our Class B subordinate voting shares on the
           last  trading day before the date of grant.  We issue new shares upon
           exercise of share options.

           During the year ended  December 31, 2007, we granted  839,400 Class B
           subordinate voting share options at market price to employees.  These
           share options have an exercise  price of $43.74,  a vesting period of
           three years and expire in 2015.

           The weighted  average fair value of Class B subordinate  voting share
           options  granted in the year was  estimated  as $16 per share  option
           (2006 - $12; 2005 - $9) at the grant date based on the  Black-Scholes
           option-pricing model using the following assumptions:

                                                                              2007          2006           2005
             Dividend yield                                                  0.95%         1.04%          0.88%
             Risk free interest rate                                         5.15%         4.11%          3.75%
             Expected life                                               4.2 years     5.0 years      4.7 years
             Expected volatility                                               35%           35%            36%

           Outstanding share options

                                                                  2007                             2006
                                                                          Weighted                         Weighted
                                                          Shares           average         Shares           average
                                                      (in 000's)    exercise price     (in 000's)    exercise price
             Outstanding at beginning of year              4,274          $  14.40         5,382           $  10.02
             Granted                                         839             43.74           710              33.20
             Exercised                                    (1,373)             9.44        (1,814)              8.73
             Forfeited                                       (70)            19.52            (4)             30.87
             Outstanding at end of year                    3,670          $  22.86         4,274           $  14.40
             Vested and exercisable at end of year         2,141          $  12.58         2,556           $   8.04


Teck Cominco Limited
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
Years ended December 31, 2007, 2006 and 2005
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

16.   SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY, continued

           Information  relating to share  options  outstanding  at December 31,

                                                                                               Weighted          average
                                                                                                average   remaining life
                                                                      Weighted average         exercise               of
                 Outstanding           Vested                        exercise price on         price on      outstanding
               share options    share options                              outstanding           vested          options
                  (in 000's)       (in 000's)        Price range         share options    share options          (months)
                          54               54       $ 3.20 - $ 4.79              $3.67            $3.67               17
                       1,001            1,001       $ 4.80 - $ 7.20              $5.69            $5.69               18
                         562              562       $ 7.21 - $10.82             $12.55           $12.55               26
                         560              321       $10.83 - $16.25             $22.64           $22.64               38
                         665              203       $16.26 - $24.38             $33.20           $33.20               74
                         828                -       $24.39 - $43.74             $43.74                -               86
                       3,670            2,141                                   $22.86           $12.58               48

           The intrinsic  value of a share option is the difference  between the
           current market price for our Class B subordinate voting share and the
           exercise  price of the option.  At December 31, 2007,  the  aggregate
           intrinsic  value,  based on the December  31, 2007  closing  price of
           $35.43 for the Class B subordinate  voting share, was $53 million for
           all outstanding options and $49 million for vested options.

           Further information about our share options

             (Cdn$ in millions)                                                        2007          2006           2005
             Total compensation cost recognized                                       $  11         $   7           $  6
             Total fair value of share options vested                                     8             5              3
             Total intrinsic value of share options exercised                            46            54             70

           The  unrecognized  compensation  cost for non-vested share options at
           December 31, 2007 was $7 million.  The weighted  average  period over
           which it is expected to be recognized is 1.47 years.

      (f)  Deferred Share Units and Restricted Share Units

           Under our Deferred  Share Unit (DSU) or  Restricted  Share Unit (RSU)
           plan,  directors and employees may receive either DSUs or RSUs,  each
           of which  entitle  the holder to a cash  payment  equal to the market
           value of one Class B  subordinate  voting  share at the time they are
           redeemed. In the case of directors, these units vest immediately. The
           units  granted to  employees  vest after  three  years.  Upon  normal
           retirement  the units  vest  immediately  and when  early  retirement
           occurs,   units  vest  on  a  pro-rata  basis.  Should  employees  be
           terminated  without  cause,  units vest on a pro-rata  basis.  Should
           employees be terminated  with cause,  units are  forfeited.  DSUs may
           only be redeemed  within  twelve months from the date a holder ceases
           to be an employee or director  while RSUs must be redeemed at the end
           of a three-year  period measured from the end of the year immediately
           preceding the grant.


Teck Cominco Limited
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
Years ended December 31, 2007, 2006 and 2005
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

16.   SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY, continued

           Additional units are issued to reflect dividends paid on Class B
           subordinate voting shares and other adjustments to Class B
           subordinate voting shares.

           At December 31, 2007,  1,044,198 DSUs and RSUs were outstanding (2006
           - 1,007,818).

           Non-vested DSU and RSU activity for the year ended December 31, 2007

                                                                                2007                       2006
                                                                                               share unit
                                                                    Deferred                          and      Weighted
                                                              share unit and        Weighted   restricted       average
                                                                  restricted         average        share    grant date
                                                                  share unit      grant date         unit     date fair
                                                                  (in 000's)      fair value   (in 000's)         value
             Non-vested at beginning of year                             718          $29.36          430         $20.23
             Granted                                                     359           42.98          488          35.12
             Forfeited                                                   (19)          26.00           (2)         29.01
             Vested                                                     (363)          19.62         (198)         23.62

             Non-vested at end of year                                   695          $39.08          718         $29.36

           Further information about our DSUs and RSUs

             (Cdn$ in millions, except weighted average)                             2007          2006         2005
             Weighted average grant date fair value of the units granted         $  44.02      $  35.63     $  21.84
             Total fair value of units vested                                          13             8            2
             Total compensation cost recognized                                        10            17           12
             Tax benefits realized                                                     4              2            -
             Cash used to settle DSUs and RSUs                                         12             6            -

           The  unrecognized  compensation  cost for non-vested DSUs and RSUs at
           December 31, 2007 was $15 million.  The weighted  average period over
           which it is expected to be recognized is 1.74 years.

      (g)  Contributed surplus

             (Cdn$ in millions)                                                      2007          2006         2005
             Beginning of year                                                      $  64         $  61        $  58
             Stock-based compensation expense (e)                                      11             7            6
             Transfer to Class B subordinate voting shares
                 on exercise of share options                                          (2)           (4)          (3)
             Share repurchase program (k)                                              (2)            -            -
             End of year                                                            $  71         $  64        $  61


Teck Cominco Limited
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
Years ended December 31, 2007, 2006 and 2005
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

16.   SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY, continued

      (h)  Accumulated other comprehensive income (loss)

             (Cdn$ in millions)                                                                  December 31, 2007
             Opening balances at beginning of period                                                       $  (145)
             Adoption of new accounting standards                                                               50
             Other comprehensive loss for the period                                                          (576)
             Accumulated other comprehensive loss at end of period                                         $  (671)

           The components of accumulated other comprehensive income (loss) are:

                                                                                      On adoption
                                                                     December 31,       January 1,     December 31,
             (Cdn$ in millions)                                              2006             2007             2007
             Currency translation adjustment                              $  (145)         $  (145)        $   (695)
             Unrealized losses on cash flow hedges
                 (net of tax of $21 and $16)                                    -              (28)             (18)
             Unrealized gains on investments
                 (net of tax of $16 and $9)                                     -               78               42
                                                                          $  (671)         $   (95)        $   (671)


Teck Cominco Limited
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
Years ended December 31, 2007, 2006 and 2005
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

16.   SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY, continued

      (i)  Earnings per share

           The following  table  reconciles  our basic and diluted  earnings per

             (Cdn$ in millions, except per share data)                          2007            2006           2005
             Basic earnings
                 Earnings from continuing operations                         $  1,661       $  2,395       $  1,345
                 Less interest on exchangeable debentures, net of taxes         -                 (3)            (4)
                 Earnings from continuing operations, less interest on
                    exchangeable debentures, net of taxes                       1,661          2,392          1,341
                 Earnings (loss) from discontinued operations                     (46)            36              -
             Net earnings available to common shareholders                   $  1,615       $  2,428       $  1,341
             Diluted earnings
                 Earnings from continuing operations                         $  1,661       $  2,395       $  1,345
                 Earnings (loss) from discontinued operations                     (46)            36              -
             Net diluted earnings available to common shareholders           $  1,615       $  2,431       $  1,345
             Weighted average shares outstanding (000's)                      431,498        421,156        404,944
             Effect of dilutive securities
                 Incremental shares from share options                          2,229          3,318          4,242
                 Shares issuable on conversion of exchangeable debentures           -          9,574         22,978
             Weighted average diluted shares outstanding                      433,727        434,048        432,164
             Basic earnings per share                                        $   3.74       $   5.77       $   3.31
             Basic earnings per share from continuing operations             $   3.85       $   5.68       $   3.31
             Diluted earnings per share                                      $   3.72       $   5.60       $   3.11
             Diluted earnings per share from continuing operations           $   3.83       $   5.52       $   3.11

      (j)  Dividends

           Dividends  declared in 2007,  2006 and 2005 totalled $1.00 per share,
           $1.00 per share, and $0.40 per share respectively.  Dividends paid on
           or after  January 1, 2007 are eligible  for the enhanced  federal and
           provincial dividend tax credits.

      (k)  Share purchase program

           During 2007, we purchased  13.1 million  Class B  subordinate  voting
           shares at a cost of $577 million  pursuant to a normal  course issuer
           bid that expired on February 21, 2008.

      (l)  At December 31, 2007,  there were 735,312 Class B subordinate  voting
           shares  (2006 - 740,712  shares)  reserved for issuance to the former
           shareholders of predecessor companies that merged with the company in
           prior years.


Teck Cominco Limited
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
Years ended December 31, 2007, 2006 and 2005
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


         (Cdn$ in millions)                                                   2007          2006           2005
         Interest income                                                    $  177        $  186          $  56
         Gain on sale of investments and assets                                 55           201             77
         Realization of cumulative translation losses                          (59)            -              -
         Zinc derivative gains                                                  53             -              -
         Other derivative losses                                               (31)            -            (29)
         Reclamation expense for closed properties                             (26)          (17)           (14)
         Miscellaneous                                                           1           (54)            4
                                                                            $  170        $  316          $  94


      (a)  Income and resource tax expense from continuing operations

             (Cdn$ in millions)                                               2007          2006           2005
                 Canadian income tax                                        $  388        $  483         $  201
                 Foreign income and resource tax                               398           499             85
                 Canadian resource tax                                         106           172            116
                                                                               892         1,154            402
                 Canadian income tax                                          (101)           34            103
                 Foreign income and resource tax                               (12)           19              7
                 Canadian resource tax                                          16             6             12
                                                                               (97)           25             19
                                                                            $  795        $1,213         $  524

      (b)  Reconciliation  of  income  and  resource  taxes  calculated  at  the
           statutory rates to the actual tax provision

             (Cdn$ in millions)                                               2007          2006           2005
             Tax expense at the statutory income tax rate of 34.1%
                 (2006 - 34.6%; 2005 - 34.4%)                               $  857      $  1,244         $  630
             Tax effect of
                 Resource taxes, net of resource and depletion allowances      (18)           (7)            47
                 Non-temporary differences
                    including one-half of capital gains and losses             (19)          (41)           (35)
                 Benefit of current tax losses not recognized
                    (recognition of previously unrecognized losses)             21            14            (45)
                 Benefit of tax rate reduction                                 (81)          (21)           (21)
                 Difference in tax rates in foreign jurisdictions              (13)           32            (18)
                 Other                                                          48            (8)           (34)
                                                                            $  795      $  1,213         $  524


Teck Cominco Limited
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
Years ended December 31, 2007, 2006 and 2005
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


      (c)  Temporary  differences  giving rise to future income and resource tax
           assets and liabilities.

             (Cdn$ in millions)                                       2007           2006
             Future income and resource tax assets
                 Net operating loss carry forwards                  $  111         $   98
                 Property, plant and equipment                         (98)           (92)
                 Alternative minimum and other tax credits              65            104
                 Asset retirement obligations                           57             28
                 Other                                                  15             31
                 Valuation allowance                                   (77)           (56)
                                                                        73            113

             Less current portion                                       (3)           (10)
                                                                    $   70         $  (10)
             Future income and resource tax liabilities
                 Property, plant and equipment                      $1,895         $  727
                 Asset retirement obligations                         (132)          (118)
                 Amounts relating to partnership year ends             305            484
                 Other                                                 (61)           (52)
                                                                     2,007          1,041

             Less current portion                                      (81)          (161)
                                                                    $1,926         $1,041

      (d)  Earnings by jurisdiction

           Our earnings before income and resource taxes, minority interests and
           equity earnings (losses) from continuing operations are earned in the
           following tax jurisdictions:

             (Cdn$ in millions)                          2007           2006           2005
             Canada                                   $  1,181      $  1,404       $  1,154
             Foreign                                     1,327         2,191            676
                                                      $  2,508      $  3,595       $  1,830

      (e)  We have non-resident  subsidiaries that have undistributed  earnings.
           For certain non-resident subsidiaries, undistributed earnings are not
           expected to be repatriated in the  foreseeable  future and therefore,
           taxes have not been provided.

      (f)  Loss carry forwards

           At December  31,  2007,  we had $72  million of Canadian  federal net
           operating  loss carry  forwards that were acquired as a result of our
           acquisition of Aur. These loss carry forwards expire at various dates
           between 2010 and 2027.  At December 31,  2007,  we had United  States
           federal net  operating  loss carry  forwards of $103 million  (2006 -
           $119  million).  These loss carry  forwards  expire at various  dates
           between 2008 and 2027.


Teck Cominco Limited
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
Years ended December 31, 2007, 2006 and 2005
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


      (g)  Valuation allowance

           We have provided a valuation allowance of $77 million relating to tax
           assets  in  jurisdictions  that do not have  established  sources  of
           taxable income.

      (h)  Other disclosure

           In the normal course of business, we are subject to audit by taxation
           authorities.  These  audits may alter the timing or amount of taxable
           income  or  deductions.   The  amount   ultimately   reassessed  upon
           resolution of issues raised may differ from the amounts accrued.

           For  our  primary  Canadian  entities,  audits  by  various  Canadian
           taxation  authorities  for years after 2000 have not been  completed.
           For US  federal,  state and  local tax  purposes,  our  principal  US
           entities are subject to  examination  by US tax  authorities  for the
           years 1990 to the present; however, the tax years 1997, 1999 and 2000
           are closed. We are subject to audit by Peruvian taxation  authorities
           for the years 2006 and 2007. For Chilean tax purposes, we are subject
           to examination by tax authorities for years 2004 to the present.


Teck Cominco Limited
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
Years ended December 31, 2007, 2006 and 2005
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


      Our principal  operations  that are accounted for using the  proportionate
      consolidation  method are Elk Valley Coal, and the Antamina,  Pogo,  Hemlo
      and Lennard Shelf mines. Our share of the assets and liabilities, revenues
      and expenses and cash flows of these operations is as follows:

        (Cdn$ in millions)                                         2007          2006           2005
            Cash and cash equivalents                          $    108      $     88       $    166
            Other current assets                                    316           347            320
            Mineral properties, plant and equipment               1,101         1,252          1,258
                                                               $  1,525      $  1,687       $  1,744
        Liabilities and equity
            Current liabilities                                $    194      $    274       $    223
            Long-term liabilities                                   392           368            381
            Equity                                                  939         1,045          1,140
                                                               $  1,525      $  1,687       $  1,744
            Revenues                                           $  1,955      $  2,127       $  1,847
            Operating and other expenses                         (1,232)       (1,077)          (934)
            Provision for income and resource taxes                (205)         (222)           (99)
        Net earnings                                           $    518      $  3,426       $  2,880
        Cash flow
            Operating activities                               $    652      $    981       $    843
            Financing activities                                     11           (38)           (83)
            Investing activities                                    (71)          (76)          (203)
            Distributions                                          (559)         (945)          (526)
            Effect of exchange rates on cash                        (13)            -             (8)
        Increase (decrease) in cash                            $     20      $    (78)      $     23

      Income  and  resource  taxes  are only  provided  for  incorporated  joint
      ventures.   The   liability   for  income  taxes  for   partnerships   and
      unincorporated  joint ventures rests at the parent entity level and is not
      included in this table.


Teck Cominco Limited
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
Years ended December 31, 2007, 2006 and 2005
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


         (Cdn$ in millions)                                              2007          2006           2005
         (a) Cash and cash equivalents
                  Cash                                                $   695      $    156       $    132
                  Money market investments with maturities from
                      the date of acquisition of 3 months or less         713         4,898          1,966
                                                                      $ 1,408      $  5,054       $  2,098
         (b) Changes to non-cash working capital items
                  Accounts and settlements receivable                 $   178      $   (192)      $   (164)
                  Inventories                                             (94)         (118)          (120)
                  Accounts payable and accrued liabilities                 99           321             34
                  Current income and resource taxes payable              (465)          288            229
                                                                      $  (282)     $    299       $    (21)
         (c) Interest and taxes paid
                  Interest paid                                       $    90      $    111       $     49
                  Income and resource taxes paid                      $ 1,283      $    846       $    177
         (d) Non-cash financing transaction
                  Shares issued on conversion
                      of debt (Note 16(d))                            $     -      $    107       $      -
                  Shares issued on acquisition                             52
                      of Aur Resources (Note 3)                       $     9      $      -       $      -


      We consider provisions for all our outstanding and pending legal claims to
      be adequate.  The final  outcome with  respect to actions  outstanding  or
      pending as at December 31, 2007, or with respect to future claims,  cannot
      be predicted with certainty.

      (a)  Upper Columbia River Basin (Lake Roosevelt)

           Prior to our  acquisition  in 2000 of a majority  interest in Cominco
           Ltd.  (TCML),  the Trail  smelter  discharged  smelter  slag into the
           Columbia   River.   These   discharges   commenced  prior  to  TCML's
           acquisition  of the Trail smelter in 1906 and  continued  until 1996.
           Slag was discharged  pursuant to permits  issued in British  Columbia
           subsequent to the enactment of relevant environmental  legislation in
           1967.  Slag and  other  non-slag  materials  released  from the Trail
           smelter  in British  Columbia  have  travelled  down  river,  as have
           substances   discharged  from  many  other  smelting  and  industrial
           facilities  located  along the  length of the  Upper  Columbia  River
           system in Canada and the United States.

           Slag is a glass-like compound consisting primarily of silica, calcium
           and iron, which contains small amounts of base metals including zinc,
           lead,  copper and cadmium.  It is  sufficiently  inert that it is not
           characterized  as a hazardous waste under  applicable  Canadian or US
           regulations and is sold to the cement  industry.  While slag has been
           deposited  into the river,  further  study is required to assess what
           effect the presence of slag in the river has had and whether it poses
           an unacceptable risk to human health or the environment. 21.


Teck Cominco Limited
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
Years ended December 31, 2007, 2006 and 2005
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


           A large number of studies  regarding slag  deposition and its effects
           have been conducted by various governmental agencies on both sides of
           the  border.  The  historical  studies of which we are aware have not
           identified  unacceptable risks resulting from the presence of slag in
           the river. In June 2006, TCML and its affiliate, TCAI, entered into a
           Settlement  Agreement  (the  "Agreement")  with the US  Environmental
           Protection  Agency  ("EPA") and the United States under which TCAI is
           paying for and conducting a remedial  investigation  and  feasibility
           study  ("RI/FS") of  contamination  in the Upper  Columbia River (the
           "Studies") under the oversight of the EPA. This multi-year study will
           use the latest science  developed by the EPA and other researchers to
           determine  the  true  risks in the  reservoir  system.  The  RI/FS is
           scheduled for completion in 2011 and is being prepared by independent
           consultants  approved by the EPA and retained by TCAI. TCAI is paying
           the EPA's oversight costs and providing funding for the participation
           of other governmental parties, the State of Washington and two native
           tribes, the Confederated Tribes of the Colville Nation (the "Colville
           Tribe") and the Spokane Tribe. TCML has guaranteed TCAI's performance
           of the  Agreement.  TCAI has also placed  US$20  million in escrow as
           financial  assurance of its  obligations  under the  Agreement and we
           have   accrued   our   estimate   of  the   costs  of  the   Studies.
           Contemporaneously  with  the  execution  of the  Agreement,  the  EPA
           withdrew a unilateral  administrative  order  ("UAO")  purporting  to
           compel TCML to conduct the Studies.

           The  RI/FS  process  requires  TCAI to  submit  a work  plan  for the
           assessment of site conditions to the EPA which,  when approved,  will
           lead to the  development  of a set of  sampling  and other  plans and
           actual  field  work.  Data from field work will be used to  determine
           whether further studies are required.  When sufficient data have been
           compiled to  adequately  assess  risk,  a baseline  human  health and
           environmental  risk  assessment  ("RA")  will be produced to identify
           risks, if any, that may exist to humans and to various  environmental
           receptors.  The RA will form the basis for the  RI/FS.  The  remedial
           investigation  will identify  potential remedial options available to
           mitigate any unacceptable  risks; the feasibility study will consider
           engineering,  procedural and practical  constraints to these remedial
           options.  Based on the RI/FS, the EPA will determine whether and what
           remedial  actions are  appropriate  in accordance  with criteria that
           take  into  account,  among  other  factors,  technical  feasibility,
           effectiveness,  cost,  effects on the environment  resulting from the
           remediation action, and acceptability of the relevant remedial option
           to the  community.  Each work  product  and plan in this  process  is
           subject to EPA approval.  Internal consultation  processes of the EPA
           will include  consultation  with state and other federal agencies and
           the two Indian Tribes bordering the site.

           While the UAO was  outstanding,  two citizens of Washington State and
           members of the Colville  Tribe  commenced an  enforcement  proceeding
           under Section 310(a)(i) of the Comprehensive  Environmental Response,
           Compensation  and Liability Act  ("CERCLA") to enforce the UAO and to
           seek fines and penalties against TCML for non-compliance. TCML sought
           to have all  claims  dismissed  on the basis  that the  court  lacked
           jurisdiction  because  the  CERCLA  statute,  in TCML's  view was not
           intended to govern the discharges of a facility  occurring in another
           country.  That case proceeded  through US Federal  District Court and
           the  Federal  Court of Appeals for the 9th  Circuit.  The 9th Circuit
           affirmed the District Court decision denying TCML's motion to dismiss
           the case on  jurisdictional  grounds and found that  CERCLA  could be
           applied to TCML's disposal practices in British Columbia because they
           may have had an effect in Washington  State. The 9th Circuit issued a
           stay of its decision  pending the  resolution of a further  appeal by
           TCML to the US Supreme Court. In February 2007, TCML filed a petition
           for review and reversal with the US Supreme  Court.  TCML's  petition
           was  supported  by amicus  briefs  filed by Canada,  the  Province of
           British Columbia,  the Mining  Association of Canada, the US National
           Mining Association, the US Association of Manufacturers, the Canadian
           and US Chambers of Commerce and the Consumer Electronics Association.
           In January 2008,  the US Supreme  Court denied TCML's  petition for a
           review of the 9th  Circuit  decision.  The  denial of review is not a
           decision on the merits of TCML's defense,  but rather reflects the US
           Supreme  Court's  decision not to take up the case at this particular
           time. 21.


Teck Cominco Limited
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
Years ended December 31, 2007, 2006 and 2005
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


           The case will now revert to the District Court of Eastern  Washington
           for a hearing on the merits of the original  and amended  complaints.
           TCML will raise the  defenses  set out in its petition to the Supreme
           Court and continue to vigorously  defend  against the claims.  Should
           the District Court find that TCML is liable under the CERCLA statute,
           TCML will have the  opportunity  to appeal that  decision to both the
           9th Circuit and the US Supreme Court.

           TCAI will continue to fulfill its  obligations  under the  settlement
           agreement reached with the United States and the EPA in June 2006 and
           complete the RI/FS mentioned above.  The settlement  agreement is not
           affected by the litigation.

           In July 2007, we received  notification  from the Colville Tribe that
           they have been appointed lead administrative  trustee to the recently
           formed Upper Columbia/Lake Roosevelt Natural Resource Trustee Council
           comprised  of the Colville  Tribe,  the Spokane  Tribe,  the State of
           Washington  and the US Department  of Interior.  We were advised that
           the  primary   purpose  of  the  council  is  the   integration   and
           coordination of the assessment of potential  natural resource damages
           during  the  on-going  RI/FS  at the  site.  We  believe  and have so
           informed  the  council,  that it is premature to conduct such studies
           until the RI/FS is further developed.

           There can be no assurance that TCML will ultimately be successful in
           its defense of the litigation or that TCML or its affiliates will not
           be faced with further liability in relation to this matter. Until the
           studies contemplated by the Agreement are completed, it is not
           possible to estimate the extent and cost, if any, of remediation or
           restoration that may be required. The studies may conclude, on the
           basis of risk, cost, technical feasibility or other grounds, that no
           remediation should be undertaken. If remediation is required, the
           cost of remediation may be material.

      (b)  Commitments and guarantees


           In 2006, in accordance with the operating agreement governing the Red
           Dog mine,  the royalty to NANA  increased  to 25% of net  proceeds of
           production.  Previously,  we paid an  advance  royalty of 4.5% of net
           smelter returns.  The increase in royalty rate is partially offset by
           a  decline  in  the  base  on  which  royalties  are  calculated,  as
           operating,  distribution,  selling and management  fees, an allowance
           for future  reclamation  and closure costs,  capital costs and deemed
           interest are deductible in the  calculation  of the royalty.  The new
           25% royalty  became payable in the third quarter of 2007 after we had
           recovered the cumulative  advance royalties  previously paid to NANA.
           The NANA royalty  charge in 2007 was US$190  million,  compared  with
           US$57 million  expensed under the previous  advance royalty regime in
           2006. The net proceeds of production royalty rate will increase by 5%
           every  fifth year to a maximum  of 50%.  The  increase  to 30% of net
           proceeds of production will occur in 2012.

           TCAK  leases  road and port  facilities  from the  Alaska  Industrial
           Development  and  Export   Authority   through  which  it  ships  all
           concentrates produced at the Red Dog mine. The lease requires TCAK to
           pay a minimum  annual  user fee of US$18  million  but has no minimum
           tonnage requirements.  There are also fee escalation provisions based
           on zinc price and annual tonnage.

           TCAK has also  entered into  agreements  for the  transportation  and
           handling of concentrates  from the mill site.  These  agreements have
           varying  terms  expiring at various  dates  through  2010 and include
           provisions for extensions. There are minimum tonnage requirements and
           the minimum annual fees amount to approximately  US$10 million,  with
           adjustment provisions based on variable cost factors.


Teck Cominco Limited
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
Years ended December 31, 2007, 2006 and 2005
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------



           On the  acquisition  of our interest in the Antamina mine, the vendor
           was granted a net profits royalty  equivalent to 7.4% of our share of
           the project's  free cash flow after  recovery of capital costs and an
           interest factor on  approximately  60% of project costs. The recovery
           of accumulated  capital costs together with interest was completed in
           2006 and an expense of $22 million was recorded in 2007 in respect of
           this royalty.

           FORT HILLS

           Under the Fort Hills  agreement,  we have committed to contribute 34%
           of the first $2.5  billion of  partnership  expenditures  on the Fort
           Hills  project  and 27.5% of project  expenditures  after the project
           spending  reaches  $2.5  billion  and before  spending  reaches  $7.5
           billion,  after which our  contributions  revert to our 20% share. In
           the event that the project is  abandoned,  all limited  partners  are
           required to make  additional  contributions  such that the  aggregate
           contributions  of all partners  equal $7.5 billion and any unexpended
           amount  will  be  distributed  to the  partners  according  to  their
           partnership interest.


           Elk Valley  Coal has  provided  an  unsecured  guarantee,  limited in
           recourse against us to the assets of Elk Valley Coal and the interest
           of Teck Cominco Limited  therein,  with respect to up to $400 million
           of borrowings by Fording incurred  principally in connection with the
           financing  of the  transaction  pursuant  to  which we  acquired  its
           interest in Elk Valley Coal.  As at December  31,  2007,  Fording had
           $280 million  outstanding  under these  borrowings,  of which our 40%
           share was $112 million.


           Amounts payable under operating  leases are $99 million,  with annual
           payments of $23 million in 2008,  $13 million in 2009, $10 million in
           2010,  $7  million  in 2011,  $6  million  in 2012,  and $40  million
           thereafter.  The leases are  primarily  for office  premises,  mobile
           equipment and rail cars.


           We have a number of forward purchase  commitments for the purchase of
           concentrates and power and for shipping and distribution of products,
           which are incurred in the normal course of business.  The majority of
           these contracts are subject to force majeure provisions.


           Our operations are affected by federal,  provincial,  state and local
           laws and regulations concerning environmental protection.  Provisions
           for  future  reclamation  and  site  restoration  are  based on known
           requirements.  It is not possible to estimate the impact on operating
           results, if any, of future legislative or regulatory developments.


Teck Cominco Limited
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
Years ended December 31, 2007, 2006 and 2005
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


      (a)  Financial Risk Management

           Our  activities  expose us to a variety  of  financial  risks,  which
           include foreign  exchange risk,  interest rate risk,  commodity price
           risk, credit risk and liquidity risk. From  time-to-time,  we may use
           foreign  exchange  forward  contracts,  commodity price contracts and
           interest  rate swaps to manage  exposure to  fluctuations  in foreign
           exchange,  metal prices and interest rates. We do not have a practice
           of  trading   derivatives.   Our  use  of  derivatives  is  based  on
           established  practices  and  parameters,  which  are  subject  to the
           oversight of the Board of Directors.


           We operate on an international basis and therefore,  foreign exchange
           risk  exposures  arise  from  transactions  denominated  in a foreign
           currency.  Our foreign exchange risk arises primarily with respect to
           the US dollar. Our cash flows from Canadian operations are exposed to
           foreign  exchange  risk as  commodity  sales  are  denominated  in US
           dollars,  and the  majority  of  operating  expenses  are in Canadian
           dollars. We have elected not to actively manage this exposure at this

           We  also  have  various  investments  in  US  dollar  self-sustaining
           operations,   whose  net  assets  are  exposed  to  foreign  currency
           translation  risk. This currency  exposure is managed in part through
           our US dollar  denominated  debt as a hedge  against  self-sustaining
           operations.  As at  December  31,  2007,  $1.2  billion  of debt  was
           designated in this manner.

           Impact of US dollar foreign exchange risk on financial instruments:

            (Cdn$ in millions)                                             2007
            Net working capital                                         $   235
            Long-term debt                                               (1,457)

            Net investment in foreign self-sustaining operations          6,518

           As at December  31, 2007,  with other  variables  unchanged,  a $0.01
           strengthening  (weakening)  of the  Canadian  dollar  against  the US
           dollar would have no  significant  effect on net  earnings  resulting
           from our use of financial  instruments.  There would be a $53 million
           decrease (increase) in other comprehensive income.


           Our interest rate risk mainly arises from the interest rate impact on
           our cash and cash  equivalents,  floating rate debt and interest rate
           swaps. Our interest rate management  policy is generally to borrow at
           fixed rates to match the duration of our long lived  assets.  In some
           circumstances,  floating  rate  funding  may be used for  short  term
           borrowing. Cash and cash equivalents receive interest based on market
           interest rates.

           As at December 31, 2007, with other variables unchanged,  a 1% change
           in the LIBOR rate would have an insignificant impact on net earnings.
           There would be no effect on other comprehensive income.


Teck Cominco Limited
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
Years ended December 31, 2007, 2006 and 2005
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------



      We are  subject  to price  risk  from  fluctuations  in  market  prices of
      commodities.  We have  elected  not to  actively  manage our  exposure  to
      commodity price risk at this time. From time-to-time, we may use commodity
      price  contracts to manage our  exposure to  fluctuations  in  commodities
      prices.  The use of  derivatives  is based on  established  practices  and
      parameters,  and is subject to approval by our Hedging Committee and Board

      Our commodity price risk associated with financial  instruments  primarily
      relates  to  changes in fair value  caused by  settlement  adjustments  to
      receivables  and  payables,   the  Cajamarquilla   contingent  receivable,
      existing gold forward contracts and zinc forward  contracts  acquired with

      The following represents the financial instruments' effect on net earnings
      after-tax  from a 10% change to metal  prices,  based on the  December 31,
      2007  prices.  There is no  impact  on  other  comprehensive  income.  The
      sensitivity  of our financial  instruments  to commodity  price changes is
      comprised of settlement  receivables  and payables and other  instruments,
      including  forward sales (Note 22(c)) and receivables held in discontinued
      operations (Note 22(b)).

      Impact of commodity price risk on financial instruments:

                                                                                  Effect of
                                              Price on                      on net earnings
                                         December 31, 2007     Change     (Cdn$ in millions)
        Zinc                                 US$1.04/lb          +10%              $     (3)
        Lead                                 US$1.15/lb          +10%                     4
        Gold                                  US$837/oz          +10%                    (4)
        Copper                               US$3.03/lb          +10%                    29


      Credit  risk  arises  from  the   non-performance   by  counterparties  of
      contractual financial  obligations.  Our primary counterparties related to
      our money market  investments  carry investment  grade ratings.  We manage
      credit risk for trade and other  receivables  through  established  credit
      monitoring  activities.  We do not  have a  significant  concentration  of
      credit risk with any single  counterparty or group of counterparties.  Our
      maximum  exposure to credit  risk at the  reporting  date is the  carrying
      value of our receivables and derivative assets.


Teck Cominco Limited
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
Years ended December 31, 2007, 2006 and 2005
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------



      We manage liquidity risk by maintaining  adequate cash and cash equivalent
      balances, and by appropriately utilizing our lines of credit. Our Treasury
      department  continuously  monitors and reviews both actual and  forecasted
      cash flows,  and also matches the maturity profile of financial assets and

      Contractual  undiscounted cash flow requirements for financial liabilities
      as at December 31, 2007:

                                                       Less than                            More than
        (Cdn$ in millions)                     Total      1 year   2-3 years    4-5 years     5 years
      Long-term debt (Note 10(h))            $ 1,544      $   31       $  62        $ 460       $ 991
      Derivative liabilities                     125          37          64           24          -
                                             $ 1,669      $   68       $ 126        $ 484       $ 991

      (b)  Derivative financial instruments

           Sales and purchases contracts

           The  majority  of our  metal  concentrates  are  sold  under  pricing
           arrangements  where  final  prices are  determined  by quoted  market
           prices  in a  period  subsequent  to  the  date  of  sale.  In  these
           circumstances,  revenues  are  recorded  at the time of sale based on
           forward prices for the expected date of the final  settlement.  Metal
           concentrates for smelting and refining operations are purchased under
           similar  arrangements.  As a result,  the  values of our  concentrate
           receivables and payables change as the underlying market prices vary.
           This component of the contracts is an embedded  derivative,  which is
           recorded at fair value with changes in fair value recorded in revenue
           or operating costs as appropriate.

           Contingent receivable related to sale of discontinued operations

           Pursuant to a price participation clause in the agreement for sale of
           the  Cajamarquilla   zinc  refinery  in  2004,  we  are  entitled  to
           additional  consideration of US$365,000 for each US$0.01 by which the
           average  annual price of zinc exceeds  US$0.454 per pound.  This zinc
           price participation  expires in 2009. The agreement also provided for
           additional consideration should certain other benchmarks be met. This
           price participation is considered an embedded derivative.

           Effective  January  1,  2007,  upon  adoption  of the new  accounting
           standards  for  financial  instruments,  we recorded an asset of $139
           million  in  respect   of  the  fair   market   value  of  the  price
           participation clause in the sale agreement. This investment is valued
           based on discounted  cash flows using a zinc forward price curve,  US
           dollar forward price and our credit adjusted risk-free interest rate.
           We  recorded  an  after-tax  loss of $46  million in respect of these
           items for the year (2006 - $36 million  after-tax  gain).  In January
           2007, we received a pre-tax  amount of $48 million for the 2006 price
           participation  payment  and in January  2008,  we  received a pre-tax
           amount of $38 million for the 2007 price participation payment.


Teck Cominco Limited
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
Years ended December 31, 2007, 2006 and 2005
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


      (c)  The fair value of our fixed  forward sale and  purchase  contracts is
           calculated using a discounted cash flow method based on forward metal
           prices. A summary of our fixed forward sales contracts as at December
           31, 2007 is as follows:

                                                                                                         Fair Market
                                                          2008      2009      2010     2011     Total        Value
             Gold (thousands of ozs)
                 Forward sales contracts                    44        43         -        -        87
                 Average price (US$/oz)                    350       350         -        -       350           (42)

             Zinc (millions of lbs)
                 Fixed forward sales contracts (i)          57        57        57       57       228
                 Average price (US$/lb)                   0.78      0.72      0.67     0.63      0.70           (76)

             Zinc (millions of lbs)
                 Fixed forward purchase contracts (ii)       6         -         -        -         6
                 Average price (US$/lb)                   1.05         -         -        -      1.05             -

             Lead (millions of lbs)
                 Fixed forward purchase contracts (ii)       1         -         -        -         1
                 Average price (US$/lb)                   0.76         -         -        -      0.76             -

                                                                                                             $ (118)

           Interest Rate Swap

               US$100 million            7.00%   LIBOR plus 2.14%     September 2012        Cdn$3 million

           (i)  As part of the Aur acquisition, fixed forward sale commitments
                were acquired.
           (ii) From time-to-time, certain customers purchase refined metal
                products at fixed forward prices from our smelter and refinery
                operations. The forward purchase commitments for these metal
                products are matched to these fixed price sales commitments to


Teck Cominco Limited
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
Years ended December 31, 2007, 2006 and 2005
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


      Our  objectives  when  managing  capital are to  safeguard  our ability to
      continue  as  a  going   concern,   to  provide  an  adequate   return  to
      shareholders,  and to meet external  capital  requirements on our debt and
      credit   facilities.   We   monitor   capital   based   on  the   debt  to
      debt-plus-equity  ratio.  Debt is total debt shown on the  balance  sheet.
      Debt-plus-equity is calculated as debt as shown on the balance sheet, plus
      total shareholders'  equity which includes accumulated other comprehensive
      income, share capital, contributed surplus and retained earnings.

      Our  strategy  is to keep the debt to  debt-plus-equity  ratio  below 40%.
      However,  the ratio  may be  higher  for  periods  of time due to  certain
      transactions,  such as an acquisition.  These transactions,  while causing
      the ratio to be out of range for the short term,  are  intended to help us
      meet  our  capital  management  objectives  in the long  run.  Our debt to
      debt-plus-equity  ratio  at  December  31,  2007  and  2006 is 16% and 19%


      We have six reportable  segments:  copper,  zinc, coal,  gold,  energy and
      corporate, based on the primary products we produce or are developing. The
      corporate  segment  includes all of our initiatives in other  commodities,
      our corporate  growth  activities and groups that provide  administrative,
      technical, financial and other support to all of our business units. Other
      corporate income  (expense)  includes  general and  administrative  costs,
      research  and  development,   and  other  income  (expense).   Prior  year
      comparatives have been restated to conform to current year presentation.

        (Cdn$ in millions)                                                          2007
                                                Copper       Zinc      Coal         Gold     Energy    Corporate         Total
        Segment revenues                        $2,186     $3,439      $951         $182       $  -      $     -       $ 6,758
        Less inter-segment revenues                  -       (387)        -            -          -            -          (387)
        Revenues                                 2,186      3,052       951          182          -            -         6,371

        Operating profit (loss)                  1,354      1,180       209           (5)         -            -         2,738
        Interest expense                           (13)         -        (1)           -          -          (71)          (85)
        Exploration                                (46)       (20)        -          (22)         -          (17)         (105)
        Asset impairment charges                     -        (43)        -            -          -          (26)          (69)
        Other corporate income (expense)             -          -         -          (28)         -           57            29
        Earnings before taxes, minority
            interests, equity earnings and
            discontinued operations              1,295      1,117       208          (55)         -          (57)        2,508

        Capital expenditures                       259        150        35           30         70           27           571

        Total assets                             6,524      2,865     1,359          357        529        1,939        13,573


Teck Cominco Limited
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
Years ended December 31, 2007, 2006 and 2005
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


        (Cdn$ in millions)                                                          2006
                                                Copper       Zinc      Coal         Gold     Energy    Corporate         Total
        Segment revenues                       $ 2,220    $ 3,467   $ 1,177      $   143    $     -   $        -    $    7,007
        Less inter-segment revenues                  -       (468)        -            -          -            -          (468)
        Revenues                                 2,220      2,999     1,177          143          -            -         6,539

        Operating profit                         1,617      1,493       444            7          -            -         3,561
        Interest expense                           (11)         -        (2)           -          -          (84)          (97)
        Exploration                                (38)        (4)        -          (24)         -           (6)          (72)
        Other corporate income (expense)           (10)         -         -            -          -          213           203
        Earnings before taxes, minority
            interests, equity earnings and
            discontinued operations              1,558      1,489       442          (17)         -          123         3,595

        Capital expenditures                       102        133        18           44         73           21           391

        Total assets                             1,211      4,431       779          402        190        4,434        11,447


        (Cdn$ in millions)                                                          2005
                                                Copper       Zinc      Coal         Gold     Energy    Corporate         Total
        Segment revenues                        $1,587    $ 1,693   $ 1,173       $  127    $     -    $       -     $   4,580
        Less inter-segment revenues                  -       (163)       (2)           -          -            -          (165)
        Revenues                                 1,587      1,530       127        1,171          -            -             -

        Operating profit                           980        461       512            9          -            -         1,962
        Interest expense                           (14)         -         -            -          -          (55)          (14)
        Exploration                                (38)       (10)        -           (8)         -          (14)          (70)
        Other corporate income (expense)             -          -         -            -          -            7             7
        Earnings before taxes, minority
            interests, equity earnings and
            discontinued operations                928        451       512            1          -            -         1,830

        Capital expenditures                        32         79        98          100          3           14           326

        Total assets                             1,217      3,034       809          358         20        3,371         8,809


Teck Cominco Limited
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
Years ended December 31, 2007, 2006 and 2005
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


      The geographic distribution our property, plant and equipment and external
      sales revenue with revenue  attributed to regions based on the location of
      the customer is as follows:

                                          Property, plant and equipment                     Revenues
                                          --------------------------------  -------------------------------------------
        (Cdn$ in millions)                    2007            2006           2007           2006           2005
        Canada                             $ 2,687        $  1,886        $   649        $   724        $   578
        United States                        1,059           1,308          1,563          1,487            842
        Latin America                        4,020             498            361            251            252
        Asia                                     5               -          2,673          2,770          1,894
        Europe                                   3               -            993          1,201            809
        Australia                               33              32            126            106             40
        Africa                                   -               -              6              -              -
                                           $ 7,807        $  3,724        $ 6,371        $ 6,539        $ 4,415


Teck Cominco Limited
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
Years ended December 31, 2007, 2006 and 2005
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


      The  effect of the  material  measurement  differences  between  generally
      accepted accounting  principles in Canada and the United States on our net
      earnings is summarized as follows:

         (Cdn$ in millions, except per share data)                             2007          2006           2005
         Net earnings under Canadian GAAP                                   $  1,615      $  2,431      $  1,345
         Add (deduct)
             Exchangeable debentures due 2024 (b)                                  -            (4)           (6)
             Unrealized holding gains (losses) on investments (c)                  -           (14)           33
             Deferred start-up costs (d)                                           3           (11)            3
             Exploration expenses (e)                                            (32)          (21)            -
             Derivative instruments (f)
                Embedded derivatives                                               -            94           (25)
                Non-hedge derivatives                                             18           (53)          (62)
             Asset retirement obligations (g)                                     (3)           (3)           (3)
             Deferred stripping (h)                                              (40)          (17)            -
             Cumulative translation adjustment on
                  partial redemption of subsidiary (i)                            59             -             -
             Other (j)                                                            (3)           (2)            7
             Tax effect of adjustments noted above                                37            40            23
             Tax benefit on redemption of exchangeable debentures (b)              -           124             -
          Net earnings under US GAAP
             before comprehensive income adjustments                           1,654         2,564         1,315
         Other comprehensive income under Canadian GAAP                         (576)            -             -
             Add (deduct)
                Unrealized gains (losses) on investments (c)
                    Arising during the period                                      -           104           102
                    Less: reclassification adjustments to net income               -           (78)          (51)
                                                                                   -           (13)          (30)
                Losses on derivatives designated as cash flow hedges (f)
                    Arising during the period                                      -             -            (4)
                    Less: reclassification adjustments to net income             (18)          (13)          (26)
                                                                                 (18)           21           (51)

                Cumulative translation adjustment (i)(k)                         (63)           21           (51)
                Additional pension liability (l)                                  42             8           (22)
                Tax effect of adjustments                                        (10)           (2)           11
         Other comprehensive income under US GAAP                               (625)           40           (41)
         Comprehensive income                                               $  1,029      $  2,604      $  1,274
             Earnings per share under US GAAP
                before comprehensive income adjustments
                    Basic                                                   $   3.83      $   6.09      $   3.25
                    Diluted                                                 $   3.81      $   5.92      $   3.05
                    Basic from continuing operations                        $   3.75      $   5.82      $   3.25
                    Diluted from continuing operations                      $   3.74      $   5.65      $   3.05


Teck Cominco Limited
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
Years ended December 31, 2007, 2006 and 2005
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


      Balance sheets under Canadian GAAP and US GAAP

        (Cdn$ in millions)                                                   2007                            2006
                                                               Canadian              US        Canadian              US
                                                                   GAAP            GAAP            GAAP            GAAP

        Current assets
            Cash and cash equivalents                          $  1,408        $  1,408        $  5,054        $  5,054
            Temporary investments                                     -               -             227             227
            Cash held in trust                                        -               -             105             105
            Accounts and settlements receivable                     593             593             723             723
            Inventories                                           1,004           1,004             786             786
                                                                  3,005           3,005           6,895           6,895

        Investments (c)                                           1,506           1,494             365             538

        Property, plant and equipment (d)(e)(g)(h)(j)             7,807           7,576           3,724           3,483

        Other assets (f)(l)                                         592             435             463             467

        Goodwill                                                    663             663               -               -
                                                               $ 13,573        $ 13,173        $  4,552        $  4,488

        Current liabilities
            Accounts payable and accrued liabilities (f)        $ 1,017        $  1,017        $    763        $    794
            Dividends payable                                       221             221             216             216
            Current portion of long-term debt                        31              31               -               -
            Current income and resource taxes payable                 -               -             443             443
            Current portion of future income and resource taxes      81              81             161             161
            Exchangeable debentures                                   -               -             105             105
                                                                  1,350           1,350             925             925

        Long-term debt (b)                                        1,492           1,492           1,509           1,498

        Other liabilities (f)(g)(l)                                 994             974             821             911

        Future income and resource taxes                          1,926           1,687             880             760

        Minority interests                                           92              92               -               -

        Shareholders' equity                                      7,719           7,578           6,549           6,495
                                                                $13,573        $ 13,173        $  9,759        $  9,664


Teck Cominco Limited
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
Years ended December 31, 2007, 2006 and 2005
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


      Shareholders' equity under Canadian GAAP and US GAAP

        (Cdn$ in millions)                                                 2007                            2006
                                                               Canadian              US        Canadian              US
                                                                   GAAP            GAAP            GAAP            GAAP
        Capital stock                                           $ 3,281         $ 3,157        $  2,405        $  2,281
        Retained earnings                                         5,038           5,213           4,225           4,388
        Contributed surplus                                          71              71              64              64
        Accumulated other comprehensive income (k)                 (671)           (863)           (145)           (238)
                                                                $ 7,719         $ 7,578        $  6,549        $  12,990

      (a)  Adoption of new accounting standards

           (i)  Accounting for uncertainty in income tax

                We adopted the provisions of FASB Interpretation No. 48 (FIN No.
                48), "Accounting for Uncertainty in Income Taxes," on January 1,
                2007. FIN No. 48 prescribes a recognition and measurement  model
                for uncertain tax positions taken or expected to be taken in our
                tax returns.  In addition,  FIN No. 48 also provides guidance on
                derecognition,  classification,  presentation  and disclosure of
                unrecognized  tax  benefits.  As a result  of the  adoption,  we
                recognized  an  increase  to opening  retained  earnings  of $85
                million,  with a  corresponding  reduction  in tax  liabilities.
                During the year, an additional tax recovery and a  corresponding
                decrease in tax  liabilities of $3 million was required under US

                Our  unrecognized  tax  benefits  on  January  1,  2007 were $11
                million.  There were no additions,  reductions or settlements to
                unrecognized tax benefits  throughout the year and, as a result,
                the unrecognized tax benefits on December 31, 2007 remain at $11

                Our  unrecognized  tax  benefits,   if  recognized,   would  not
                significantly  affect  our  effective  tax  rate.  We  recognize
                interest and penalties  related to unrecognized  tax benefits in
                other income and expenses.  During the years ended  December 31,
                2007,  2006 and 2005, we did not recognize any  significant  tax
                related   interest  and  penalties.   We  also  did  not  accrue
                significant  amounts of tax related  interest  and  penalties at
                December 31, 2007 and 2006.

           (ii) Accounting for defined benefit pension and other post-retirement

                In  2006,  we  adopted  FASB   Statement  No.  158   "Employers'
                Accounting for Defined Benefit Pension and Other Post-Retirement
                Plans - an  Amendment  of FASB  Statements  No.  87, 88, 106 and
                132(R)."  Under SFAS No. 158, we  recognize a net  liability  or
                asset  for the  funded  or  underfunded  status  of our  defined
                benefit pension and other  post-retirement  benefit plans on our
                balance  sheets.  Changes in the funded  status  during the year
                will be recorded in other  comprehensive  income.  The  standard
                does not change the  calculation  of  periodic  pension  expense
                under US GAAP, but affects other  comprehensive  income.  Before
                adoption of this standard,  we had an additional minimum pension
                liability of $21 million. The adoption of this standard resulted
                in a $263 million charge, net of $99 million of taxes,  directly
                to accumulated other  comprehensive  income at December 31, 2006
                and had no impact on our net earnings or retained earnings.


Teck Cominco Limited
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
Years ended December 31, 2007, 2006 and 2005
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


           (iii) Post-production stripping costs

                 Effective January 1, 2006, we adopted EITF 04-6 "Accounting for
                 Stripping  Costs  Incurred  during  Production  in  the  Mining
                 Industry." It requires stripping costs to be accounted for as a
                 variable  production  cost  to be  included  in  the  costs  of
                 inventory produced during the production phase.

                 Under Canadian GAAP, we elected to prospectively adopt EIC-160,
                 the  related  Canadian  standard,  and  amortize  the  existing
                 balance sheet amount relating to deferred  stripping costs over
                 the  reserves  to which  it  relates.  Under  US GAAP,  we have
                 retroactively  adopted EITF 04-06 and have elected to recognize
                 the cumulative  effect of the adjustment in the opening balance
                 of  retained  earnings.  This  resulted  in an  initial US GAAP
                 difference  to decrease  property,  plant and  equipment by $52
                 million,  decrease future income tax liabilities by $23 million
                 and decrease retained earnings by $29 million.

                Canadian GAAP permits capitalization of stripping activity which
                represents a betterment of a mineral property. Betterment occurs
                when the stripping activity increases future output of the mine
                by providing access to additional sources of reserves.
                Capitalized stripping costs are amortized on a
                units-of-production basis over the proven and probable reserves
                to which they relate. Under US GAAP, all stripping costs are
                treated as variable production costs.

      (b)  Exchangeable debentures due 2024

           Our  exchangeable   debentures  due  2024,  redeemed  in  2006,  were
           classified as equity with related  interest being charged directly to
           retained earnings.  Under US GAAP, we classified these instruments as
           liabilities and interest was charged against current period earnings.
           The   redemption  of  the   debentures  in  2006  was  treated  as  a
           non-monetary transaction and the carrying value of the debentures was
           transferred to share capital.  Tax benefits arising on the settlement
           of the  debt  instrument  were  recorded  in  earnings  for  US  GAAP

      (c)  Unrealized holding gains (losses) on investments

           Under Canadian GAAP, prior to adopting the new financial  instruments
           accounting standards we recorded investments in marketable securities
           at cost.  For US GAAP,  our  marketable  securities are designated as
           available-for-sale. Available-for-sale securities are carried at fair
           value with unrealized gains or losses included in other comprehensive
           income  until  realized,  or until an other  than  temporary  decline
           occurs.  With the adoption of the new Canadian financial  instruments
           standards on January 1, 2007, we recognize our marketable  securities
           at fair value for Canadian GAAP.

      (d)  Deferred start-up costs

           Under  Canadian  GAAP,  we defer mine  start-up  costs until the mine
           reaches  commercial  levels of production  and amortize these amounts
           over the life of the project. Under US GAAP, we expense mine start-up
           costs as incurred.


Teck Cominco Limited
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
Years ended December 31, 2007, 2006 and 2005
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


      (e)  Exploration expense

           Under Canadian  GAAP, we capitalize  exploration  expenditures  where
           resources,  as defined under National Instrument 43-101, exist and it
           is  expected  that  the  expenditures  can  be  recovered  by  future
           exploitation  or sale.  For US  GAAP,  exploration  expenditures  are
           expensed unless proven and probable reserves have been established by
           a feasibility study.

      (f)  Derivative instruments

           Under  Canadian  GAAP,  we  adopted  the  new  financial  instruments
           accounting standards. Prior to adoption,  derivative instruments,  to
           which hedge accounting was applied,  were held off-balance sheet with
           realized  gains  and  losses  recorded  in  net  earnings.  Non-hedge
           derivative  instruments  were  recorded on the balance  sheet at fair
           value with changes in fair value recorded in other income.

           For US GAAP purposes, all derivatives are recorded on the balance
           sheet as either assets or liabilities at fair value. The accounting
           for changes in the fair value of derivatives depends on whether the
           derivative has been designated as a fair value or cash flow hedge and
           whether it qualifies as part of a hedging relationship.

           (i)   For fair value hedges,  the effective portion of the changes in
                 fair value of the  derivatives is offset by changes in the fair
                 value of the hedged item in net earnings. For cash flow hedges,
                 the  effective   portion  of  the  changes  in  fair  value  is
                 accumulated in other comprehensive income and released into net
                 earnings  when  the  hedged  item  affects  net  earnings.  For
                 derivatives   not   accounted   for  as  part   of  a   hedging
                 relationship,  changes  in  fair  value  are  included  in  net

           (ii)  The Inco exchangeable debentures,  settled in 2006, included an
                 option to settle the debt with Inco shares. Under US GAAP, this
                 option  constituted an embedded  derivative which was accounted
                 for as a separate  derivative  instrument  and  recorded on the
                 balance sheet at fair value with changes in fair value included
                 in net earnings.

           (iii) TCAK's  agreement with the Northwest Arctic Borough includes an
                 escalation  clause  based on zinc price.  This  constitutes  an
                 embedded  derivative  and the  derivative  instrument  has been
                 separately  valued and  recorded  at fair value on the  balance
                 sheet. Changes in fair value are included in net earnings. With
                 the adoption of the new  Canadian  GAAP  financial  instruments
                 standards  on January  1, 2007,  we  recognized  this  embedded
                 derivative for Canadian GAAP.

           (iv)  Our  contingent  consideration  from the sale of  Cajamarquilla
                 based on zinc  prices  (Note  22(b))  constitutes  an  embedded
                 derivative under US GAAP and the derivative instrument has been
                 separately  valued and  recorded  at fair value on the  balance
                 sheet. Changes in fair value are included in net earnings. With
                 the adoption of the new  Canadian  GAAP  financial  instruments
                 standards  on  January  1,  2007 we  recognized  this  embedded
                 derivative for Canadian GAAP.


Teck Cominco Limited
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
Years ended December 31, 2007, 2006 and 2005
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


           (v)   With the adoption of the Canadian  GAAP  financial  instruments
                 accounting  standards on January 1, 2007, our unrealized losses
                 on cash flow hedges  were  charged,  net of taxes,  directly to
                 opening  accumulated  other  comprehensive   income.  As  these
                 previously  designated  cash flow  hedges  mature,  losses  are
                 brought into net  earnings.  Under US GAAP,  these  derivatives
                 were not  designated  as cash  flow  hedges,  and  accordingly,
                 unrealized gains and losses are recorded in net earnings.

      (g)  Asset retirement obligations

           For US GAAP purposes,  we adopted FASB Statement No. 143, "Accounting
           for Asset  Retirement  Obligations,"  effective  January 1, 2003.  We
           adopted the provisions of CICA 3110, "Asset Retirement  Obligations,"
           for Canadian GAAP purposes effective January 1, 2004.

           The  United  States  and  Canadian  standards  for  asset  retirement
           obligations  are  substantially  the  same;   however,   due  to  the
           difference in adoption  dates,  different  discount rate  assumptions
           were  used  in  initial  liability  recognition.   This  resulted  in
           differences in the asset and liability  balances on adoption and will
           result in different amortization and accretion charges over time.

      (h)  Deferred stripping

           Canadian   GAAP   differs   from  US  GAAP  in  that  it  allows  the
           capitalization  of  deferred  stripping  costs  when  such  costs are
           considered a betterment of the asset.

      (i)  Cumulative translation losses

           Under Canadian GAAP, when a foreign subsidiary pays a dividend to the
           parent company and there has been a reduction in the net  investment,
           a gain or loss  equivalent  to a  proportionate  amount of cumulative
           translation  adjustment is recognized in net income. Under US GAAP, a
           gain or loss  from  the  cumulative  translation  adjustment  is only
           recognized  when  the  foreign  subsidiary  is  sold,  or the  parent
           completely or substantially liquidates its investment.

      (j)  Other

           Other adjustments include differences in respect of equity earnings,
           long-term debt discounts, interest capitalization and other items.

      (k)  Comprehensive income

           Under US GAAP,  comprehensive  income is  recognized  and measured in
           accordance  with FASB  Statement  No. 130,  "Reporting  Comprehensive
           Income."  Comprehensive  income  includes all changes in equity other
           than those resulting from investments by owners and  distributions to
           owners.  Comprehensive income includes two components, net income and
           other  comprehensive  income.  Other  comprehensive  income  includes
           amounts that are recorded as an element of shareholders'  equity, but
           are  excluded  from net income as these  transactions  or events were
           attributable to changes from non-owner  sources.  These items include
           pension  liability  adjustments,  holding gains and losses on certain
           investments,  gains and losses on certain derivative  instruments and
           foreign currency gains and losses related to self-sustaining  foreign
           operations  (cumulative  translation  adjustment).   We  adopted  the
           Canadian   GAAP   standard   for   comprehensive   income  and  other
           comprehensive income on January 1, 2007.


Teck Cominco Limited
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
Years ended December 31, 2007, 2006 and 2005
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


      (l)  Pension liability

           For US GAAP purposes,  we are required to report the overfunded asset
           or  underfunded  liability of our defined  benefit  pension and other
           post-retirement  plans on the  balance  sheet.  Changes in the funded
           status  are  recorded  through  other   comprehensive   income.   The
           information  set out  below  should be read in  conjunction  with the
           information  disclosed under Canadian GAAP  requirements  for pension
           and other employee future benefits provided in Note 15.

           The  funded  status  at the end of the year and the  related  amounts
           recognized  on the  statement  of  financial  position  for  US  GAAP
           purposes are as follows:

                                                                               2007                      2006
                                                                                  Other post-               Other post-
                                                                         Pension   retirement      Pension   retirement
             (Cdn$ in millions)                                         benefits     benefits     benefits     benefits
             Funded status at end of year
                 Fair value of plan assets                               $ 1,257        $   -      $ 1,275       $    -
                 Benefit obligations                                       1,260          260        1,270          316
                 Funded status                                                (3)        (260)           5         (316)

             Amounts recognized in the balance sheet
                 Non-current asset                                       $    79        $   -      $    95       $    -
                 Current liability                                            (4)         (10)          (3)         (10)
                 Non-current liability                                       (78)        (250)         (87)        (306)
                                                                         $    (3)       $(260)     $   150       $  134
             Amounts recognized in accumulated other comprehensive
                 Net actuarial loss (gain)                               $   110        $  22      $    75       $  112
                 Prior service cost (credit)                                  68           29           75           22
                                                                         $   178        $  51      $     -       $    -

           The projected benefit obligation,  accumulated benefit obligation and
           fair value of plan  assets  for  pension  plans  with an  accumulated
           benefit  obligation in excess of plan assets at December 31, 2007 and
           2006 were as follows:

             (Cdn$ in millions)                                                                  2007           2006
             Accumulated benefit obligation in excess of plan assets
                 Projected benefit obligation at end of year                                  $  347         $  239
                 Accumulated benefit obligation at end of year                                   321            218
                 Fair value of plan assets at end of year                                        269            160


Teck Cominco Limited
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
Years ended December 31, 2007, 2006 and 2005
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


           The estimated  amounts that will be amortized from accumulated  other
           comprehensive  income into net  periodic  benefit cost in 2008 are as

                                                                    Other post-
                                                         Pension     retirement
             (Cdn$ in millions)                         benefits       benefits
             Actuarial loss                                $   5           $  1
             Prior service cost                               14              6
             Total                                         $  19           $  7

      (m)  Cash flow from operating activities

           Under US GAAP, cash flow from operating  activities must be presented
           as the amount  calculated  after  taking  into  effect the changes in
           non-cash   working  capital  items.  The  disclosure  of  a  subtotal
           referring to the amount of cash flow from operating activities before
           changes to working capital items is not permitted.

      (n)  Proportionate consolidation

           US GAAP requires  investments  in joint  ventures to be accounted for
           under the equity  method,  while under  Canadian GAAP the accounts of
           joint  ventures are  proportionately  consolidated.  All of our joint
           ventures  qualify  for  the  Securities  and  Exchange   Commission's
           accommodation,  which  allows us to continue to follow  proportionate
           consolidation.  Additional  information  concerning  our interests in
           joint ventures is presented in Note 19.

      (o)  Recent US accounting pronouncements

           Fair value measurements

           In  September  2006,  FASB issued SFAS No. 157,  which  defines  fair
           value, establishes a framework for measuring fair value under US GAAP
           and expands  disclosures  about fair values.  This  standard does not
           require any new fair value  measurements.  The standard is applicable
           for fiscal years  beginning after November 15, 2007. We are currently
           considering the impact of the adoption of this interpretation.