Exhibit 10.108

                           COMMERCIAL LEASE AGREEMENT

         THIS COMMERCIAL LEASE AGREEMENT, made and entered into the 5th day of
December, 1998, by and between BRONKEN-MEYERS, LLC, of 303 WINTERGREEN LANE,
BOZEMAN, MONTANA 59715, hereinafter referred to as "Landlord", and INSURANCE
referred to as "Tenant";

                               W I T N E S S E T H

         In consideration of the agreements hereinafter set forth, Landlord does
hereby lease and let to Tenant, and Tenant does hereby lease from Landlord the
leased premises, hereinafter described, for the period, at the rental and upon
the terms and conditions set forth below.


         The Leased premises shall consist of four thousand three (4,003)
rentable square feet, being a portion of that certain building located at Valley
Commons Business Park, Building #2, Bozeman, Montana (see Exhibit "A").


         A building will be constructed by Landlord, with Tenant's space as
located on Exhibit "A", in accordance with applicable building codes and
regulations and with the building plans and specifications which do now, or
will, incorporate the agreement of Landlord and Tenant as to the floor plans and
layout of the leased

                                     PAGE 1

space, which plans and specifications when completed shall be initialed by the
parties and become a part of this Lease.

         Landlord shall provide and pay for interior improvements as described
on Exhibit "B" attached hereto and incorporated herein.


         The initial term of this Lease shall be for a period of three years
commencing on December 15th, 1998. The lease will terminate on the last day of
the 36th month after the Lease commencement date, unless extended by the
exercise of the option herein set forth. Any holding over with the consent of
the Landlord after the original term, if not extended, of the Lease or after any
renewal term shall be deemed a month-to-month tenancy, terminable upon thirty
days notice, subject to the other terms of this lease.


         a. The Tenant shall pay the sum of twelve and no/100 dollars ($12.00)
per rentable square foot per year rent (base rent) for the first year of the
three year term. Each year's rent shall be divided into twelve equal monthly
payments and each monthly payment shall be paid in advance on the first day of
each and every month. Beginning with year two (2) of the lease term, and during
each year of the lease term and any extensions thereafter, the base rent

                                     PAGE 2

shall increase annually by four percent (4%) or by an amount equal to the
increase in the consumer price index (CPI), whichever is less.

         b. Tenant shall pay said monthly rent in said amounts in advance
commencing on the commencement date, subject to proration for a partial month,
and on the first day of each and every month thereafter during the term of this

         c. As additional rent, Tenant shall pay its proportionate share of all
taxes, insurance (including the insurance mentioned in paragraph 12(b)),
assessments, operating expenses and common area maintenance and repair expenses
associated with its tenancy, including, but not limited to, HVAC, plumbing,
electrical and lighting for the common areas and the premises. The amount of
additional rent shall be adjusted in accordance with actual costs and a prorata
amount shall be billed monthly. Tenant's prorata share is equal to 26.8%.

         d. If Tenant is not in default, Tenant shall have the option,
exercisable by a notice in writing to Landlord no later than six (6) months
prior to the end of the original term of this Lease, to extend such term for two
additional one year periods upon the same terms and conditions as contained
herein, provided however, the rent for the next two additional one year terms
shall be established in accordance with the following paragraph.

         If this option is exercised, the new base rent for the

                                     PAGE 3

extended one year term shall be equal to 100% of the previous years rent plus an
amount equal to the increase in the Consumer Price Index (CPI) not to exceed 4%.

         e. Tenant shall pay a late fee of five percent (5%) of any rent payment
that is not paid on or before the 10th of each month.


         Based upon Tenant's representation of its financial condition, Landlord
shall not require a security deposit.

6. USE

         Tenant agrees to use the premises for general office and related uses.
Any other use requires the prior written consent of the Landlord.


         Tenant agrees, at Tenant's cost, to comply with all applicable
municipal, County, State and Federal laws and regulations now in force or which
may hereafter be enforced concerning Tenant's particular use of the leased
premises. It is understood, however, the Landlord is responsible for building
modifications required by governmental agencies.


         Tenant assumes all risk of injury or damages to persons or property
within the leased premises and shall hold Landlord harmless and indemnify
Landlord against any claim, damage, suit or demand for injury to persons or
property resulting from the use of

                                     PAGE 4

the leased premises by Tenant, their agents, employees or business invitee, or
the operation of Tenant's business.

         However, Tenant shall not be liable for acts or omissions of Landlord
or its agents, servants, or employees. Tenant shall not be liable for any acts
or omissions of Landlord or its contractors, employees or agents arising out of
or in connection with any structural defects of the leased premises or the
building and improvements upon or adjacent to the leased premises.


         Tenant shall be responsible for the interior improvements, after
occupancy by Tenant, and except for the installation and location of signs,
equipment, counters and other removable trade fixtures, and except as herein
mentioned, Tenant shall neither make any alteration on or additions to the
leased premises nor make any agreement or contract therefore without first
obtaining Landlord's prior written consent, which said consent shall not be
unreasonably withheld. All alterations, additions or improvements made by Tenant
to or upon the leased premises, (except signs, equipment, counters, other
removable trade fixtures and interior decorations which shall remain the
property of Tenant and removable by them) shall at once, when made or installed,
be deemed to have attached to the freehold and become Landlord's property.

         At the termination of this Lease, and without notice, Tenant shall
immediately remove all their property. If Tenant fails to do

                                     PAGE 5

so, Landlord may (upon notice) remove and store the same at Tenant's expense.
Tenant will promptly reimburse Landlord for the expense of such removal and
storage, upon receiving Landlord's statement. If tenant fails to pay for such
expense within ten (10) days of receiving Landlord's statement therefore,
Landlord may sell Tenant's said property to pay such expenses and any other
amounts owing to Landlord by Tenant.

         It is further agreed that anything remaining upon or removed from the
leased premises thirty days after the termination of this Lease shall become the
property of Landlord, at Landlord's option, subject to the rights reserved to
Landlord in this Lease hereinbefore set forth.


         At their expense, Tenant shall keep the interior of the leased premises
in good condition and repair. If Tenant refuses or neglects to commence or
complete such repairs promptly and adequately, Landlord may, but shall not be
required to do so, make or complete the repairs; and Tenant shall pay the cost
thereof to Landlord upon demand.

         Tenant shall be responsible and pay for any damages to the interior or
exterior of the premises caused by Tenant, his employees, agents and business

         Except as herein set forth, Landlord shall repair structural defects
and exterior damages to the leased premises and shall keep

                                     PAGE 6

the foundation, exterior walls and roof in good order and repair. However, in
the event of window or door breakage caused by burglary or vandalism, or by
Tenant, his employees, agents or business invitees, Tenant shall repair the

         If any damage is covered by either Landlord's or Tenant's insurance,
then the proceeds from the insurance shall be used to make the repairs. Tenant
shall be responsible for the regular and annual maintenance of the floor,
ceiling and wall coverings in their leased space and for replacement of light
bulbs and annual repair and maintenance of plumbing, heating air conditioning,
and electrical fixtures. Landlord shall be responsible for the repair,
maintenance and replacement of the exterior and the structural, plumbing,
heating, air conditioning and electrical systems to the fixtures. However,
Landlord shall not be required to repair damage which results from the acts or
negligence of Tenant, his agents, business invitees, or employees.


         Tenant shall keep the leased premises in a neat, clean and sanitary
condition, free from waste and debris. Tenant shall not allow any hazardous
substances to be deposited or remain in or about the leased premises. Tenant
shall not allow hazardous or legally prohibited liquids or solids to be placed
in the sewer system or in the grounds in the area of the leased premises. Tenant
shall pay its proportionate share of the cost to maintain

                                     PAGE 7

and repair building mechanical systems, including but not limited to, HVAC,
plumbing, electrical and lighting for the common area and the premises, after
all warranties have been exhausted.

         At the termination of this Lease, Tenant shall clean and repair any and
all soiling and/or damages to the leased premises, including marks, scratches,
holes, dirt and grease, and damages to the walls, floors, floor coverings,
ceilings and fixtures, normal wear and tear excepted.


         (a) Liability Insurance.

         Tenant shall hold Landlord harmless from any and all claims, damages,
suits, demands or causes of action resulting from injuries to persons or
properties and arising therefrom or out of the use, occupancy or condition of
the leased premises for which Tenant is responsible for maintaining and
repairing, and shall carry, maintain and deposit proof with Landlord of public
liability insurance in such form and with such companies as shall be reasonably
satisfactory to Landlord in the amount of at least ONE MILLION AND N0/100
($1,000,000.00), naming or insuring Landlord, as Landlord's interest may appear,
against liability for personal or property damages caused or occurring on or
about the leased premises or caused by Tenant, their agents, employees or
business invitees. Tenant shall, at least annually, furnish Landlord with
certificates or other documentation evidencing such insurance.

                                     PAGE 8

         (b) Public Liability, Fire and Casualty Insurance.

         Landlord shall maintain fire and standard casualty insurance upon the
building, including the leased premises and Public Liability Insurance on the
common areas outside the leased premises. If Tenant's use increases the fire
insurance on the premises, then Tenant agrees to pay the difference in the
premium. Tenant shall maintain their own insurance upon their own property,
inventory, equipment, leasehold improvements and trade fixtures owned or claimed
by them.


         Tenant shall not permit any lien to be attached to the leased premises
by reason of any act or omission on their part and agrees to save and hold
Landlord harmless from or against such lien or claim of lien.

         If any lien does attach and any claim of lien is made and shall not be
released within fifteen days after notice from Landlord to Tenant to release the
same, Landlord, at its option, may pay and discharge the same. In this case, the
amount paid by Landlord shall be added to and become part of the next succeeding
installment of rent, shall be deemed rent payable hereunder, and shall bear
interest at the rate of twelve percent (12%) from the date advanced by Landlord
until paid; provided, however, if Tenant desires in good faith to contest the
validity of any such lien, they may do so and in such event Landlord shall not
discharge the

                                     PAGE 9

lien and assess additional rent until the validity of the lien is legally
established. However, if Landlord's mortgagee legally requires and demands that
the lien be released or paid, Tenant shall, upon demand, cause the lien to be
released by furnishing bond or otherwise.


         Occurrence of one or more of the following events shall constitute an
event of default:

         (a) If Tenant shall fail or neglect to pay the rent when due, or shall
fail to pay any other money required to be paid, by Tenant, and such default(s)
shall continue for a period of ten (10) days following written notice, delivered
by Landlord to Tenant, advising of the default; or,

         (b) If Tenant shall default in the performance of any other obligation
or duty of Tenant under this Lease, or if Tenant shall commit waste or allow a
nuisance to exist on the leased premises, and default shall continue for a
period of thirty (30) days following written notice given after such default,
unless within said thirty (30) days Tenant shall cure such default, or if such
default cannot be cured within thirty days, Tenant shall, within said thirty day
period, commence to cure such default and shall thereafter continue to use
reasonable due diligence in the curing thereof; or,

                                    PAGE 10

         (c) If tenant ceases to use the leased premises in the manner herein
set forth, or closes the business for a period of sixteen days or more, or
vacates or abandons the leased premises.

         If an event of default occurs, then Landlord, without further notice to
Tenant, shall have, consistent with applicable law, any one or more of the
following remedies at Landlord's election:

               (i)  Landlord shall have the immediate right to terminate and
         cancel Tenant's rights under this Lease and re-enter, recover and
         resume possession of the leased premises. Tenant shall yield up quiet
         and peaceful possession to Landlord and Tenant shall forfeit their
         rights under this Lease.

               (ii) Landlord may continue to assert the validity of the Lease,
         take possession of the leased premises pursuant to applicable law,
         (including unlawful detainer or action for possession), and re-let the
         leased premises, or any part thereof, for such term or terms, (which
         may be for a term extending beyond the term of this Lease), at such
         rent and upon such terms and conditions as Landlord may, in its sole
         discretion, deem advisable, provided Landlord agrees to proceed in a
         commercially reasonable manner in reletting the premises.

                                    PAGE 11

               Upon such re-letting, tenant shall immediately be liable to pay
         to Landlord the reasonable costs and expenses of such re-letting,
         (including reasonable agents', or brokers', commissions and attorney's
         fees for the new lease), the reasonable costs and expenses of any
         alterations or repairs reasonably required to be made to the leased
         premises to make it rentable, and shall be liable to pay to Landlord
         the amount, if any, by which the rental required to be paid by Tenant
         in this Lease for the period of such re-letting, (up to, but not
         beyond, the term of this Lease), exceeds the amount agreed to be paid
         by the new tenant as rent for the leased premises for such period of
         re-letting. If Landlord cannot re-let the premises for the entire
         balance of Tenant's term, Tenant shall be liable to pay Landlord for
         the balance of the rental required by this Lease. No such termination,
         unlawful detainer action, re-entry or taking of possession of the
         leased premises by Landlord shall be construed as an election on their
         part to terminate Tenant's other obligations under this Lease unless a
         written notice of such intention be given to Tenant.

               (iii) In the event of any termination of this Lease and upon the
         expiration of the term thereof,

                                    PAGE 12

         Tenant shall yield up quiet, immediate and peaceful possession to

         (d) Throughout the term of this Lease, Landlord, without prejudice to
any statutory lien, shall have and is hereby granted a security interest and a
lien upon Tenant's furniture, fixtures, equipment, inventory, and leasehold
improvements installed and maintained by Tenant in and upon the leased premises
for the amount of any unpaid rent or other sums due from Tenant hereunder. The
Landlord's lien shall be subordinate to liens given by Tenant to secure
financing for the Tenant's business. Upon any default hereunder, and upon
Tenant's failure to cure the default within the time periods herein set forth,
and in the event Landlord so elects, and subject to the rights of prior lien
holders, Landlord shall have the right and privilege to take possession of all
of said property in the leased premises and may keep the same on the leased
premises and/or remove the same therefrom for storage in such place as may be
selected by Landlord, at Tenant's risk and expense, in accordance with such lien
and any rights Landlord may possess against Tenant's property.

         (e) Tenant recognizes and agrees that the rent required to be paid by
Tenant hereunder is independent of all other covenants and agreements herein
contained. If Landlord shall commence any proceeding for nonpayment of any rent
to which

                                    PAGE 13

Landlord may be entitled or for breach of this Lease or for termination of this
Lease by reason of Tenant's failure to timely cure a default, Tenant agrees that
if Tenant does not pay the rent due hereunder during the pendency of the action
or deposit the same with the Court, the Court shall immediately return
possession of the leased premises to Landlord to enable Landlord to immediately
rent the leased premises to third parties.


         Landlord covenants with Tenant that upon paying the rent and performing
the terms, covenants and agreements in this Lease set forth, Tenant shall, at
all times during the term or any extension of the term hereof, be entitled
peacefully and quietly to have, hold and enjoy the leased premises. However,
Tenant agrees to allow Landlord, or its agents, reasonable access to show the
premises to prospective buyers or lenders; or to prospective tenants if Tenant's
lease will be expiring within three months.


         No waiver of any breach of any agreement, term, covenant, or condition
of this Lease shall be construed to be a waiver of any preceding or succeeding
breach of the same or any other agreement, term, condition or covenant.


         Any notice required to be given by one party to the other

                                    PAGE 14

shall be in writing and must be personally served upon a party or served by
registered or certified mail, postage prepaid, through the United States Postal
Service, and addressed to the respective parties at the following addresses:

          LANDLORD:            BRONKEN-MEYERS, LLC
                               303 WINTERGREEN LANE
                               BOZEMAN, MT 59715

                               360 CENTRAL AVENUE
                               ST. PETERSBURG, FL 33701

          ATTENTION:           G. KRISTIN DELANO

         Either party may change the above addresses by giving written notice to
the other party and notice shall be effective upon mailing in the same manner as
above set forth or upon personal delivery. If a party's address is changed
without such written notice, notice may be addressed to a party's last known


         During the period of this Lease, if Tenant is not in default, Tenant
shall have a right of first refusal to lease other available space in the upper
level of Building #2 of Valley Commons Business Park, Bozeman, Montana. Upon the
execution of a letter of intent by a prospective tenant of any other available
space in the upper level of building #2 of Valley Commons Business Park,
Bozeman, Montana, the Landlord shall deliver a copy of said letter of intent to
the Tenant by certified mail, return receipt requested, to Tenant's address as
herein stated (or later changed in writing).

                                    PAGE 15
Tenant shall have three (3) business days from receipt of said letter of intent
within which to exercise its option to rent said space under the terms of the
letter of intent. If tenant does not expressly exercise their option within the
said three (3) business days, the Landlord shall be free to rent to the new
prospective tenant.


         The relationship between the parties hereto is that of Landlord and
Tenant and nothing herein contained shall be construed or interpreted so as to
make their relationship otherwise.


         Upon Tenant taking possession of the leased premises, Tenant shall
inspect the same and advise Landlord within fifteen (15) days of any defects
which might reasonably be discovered upon an inspection. Landlord shall
promptly repair or correct these defects.

         If Tenant does not give Landlord notice of any such defects within
said fifteen (15) day period, Tenant shall have been deemed to acknowledge
receipt of the leased premises in good condition and repair and in all respects
satisfactory and acceptable to Tenant.


         Upon discovery, Tenant shall immediately notify Landlord of any
subsequent damages, defects or conditions occurring upon the

                                    PAGE 16

premises which may, if continued, further damage the leased premises, (such as
water leaks, plumbing or electrical problems, heating failures and the like).

         Landlord and its agents shall have reasonable access to the leased
premises at reasonable times to ascertain whether the premises are in good
repair and to make reasonable repairs or maintenance which Landlord may be
required to make or feel desirable.

22.      UTILITIES

         Tenant shall timely pay for the water, electricity, gas, and telephone
and other utilities used at the leased premises, including any hook-up charges.


         Landlord and Tenant agree that if, during the term of this Lease the
leased premises shall be injured or destroyed by fire or other casualty or
condemned or rendered untenantable by public authority, so as to render the
leased premises unfit for occupancy, to such an extent that the premises cannot
be repaired or replaced with reasonable diligence within ninety days from the
happening of such injury or act, then either Landlord or Tenant may terminate
this Lease as of the date of such damage or act by written notice delivered to
the other within fifteen days from the occurrence. Tenant shall immediately
surrender the leased premises and all

                                    PAGE 17

interest therein to Landlord and Tenant shall pay rent only to the time of the
said damage or act.

         If the leased premises can be restored within ninety (90) days from
the happening of the damage or act and if Landlord, within fifteen (15) days
from the occurrence, elects, in writing, to repair and restore the premises
within the said ninety days from the happening of the damage or act, then this
Lease shall not end or terminate on account of such injury or act. However, the
rent shall not run or accrue after injury and during the process of repairs,
except only that Tenant shall, during such time, pay a prorated portion of such
rent apportioned to that portion of the leased premises which are in condition
for occupancy and can be effectively used or may actually be occupied by Tenant
during such repairing periods.

         If, however, the leased premises shall be damaged, but Tenant can use
the leased premises to their fullest extent, then Landlord shall repair the
same with reasonable promptness. In this case, the rent shall not cease or be
abated during such repairing.

         All equipment, appliances, fixtures, improvements or betterments
placed by Tenant on the leased premises which shall be damaged or destroyed in
any of the events aforementioned shall be repaired and replaced by Tenant at
their own expense and not at the expense of Landlord.

                                    PAGE 18

         Except as herein set forth, Landlord shall not be held to account for
any damages to Tenant attributable to fire, acts of God or any failure or
defect in the premises not reasonably attributable to the intentional or
negligent acts or omissions of Landlord or its agents and employees; provided,
however, Tenant shall immediately report any failure or defect to Landlord who
shall repair or correct such defects with reasonable diligence.


         Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, Tenant agrees this
Lease is and shall be subordinate to any mortgage, trust indenture or other
instrument of security which shall have been or shall be placed against the
land and buildings of which the leased premises forms a part; and said
subordination is hereby made effective without any further act by Tenant.
Tenant agrees that at any time, or from time to time, upon request by landlord,
they will execute and deliver any instruments, releases, estoppel certificates
or other documents that may be required in connection with the subjecting and
subordinating of this Lease to the lien of any of said mortgages, trust
indentures or other instruments of security. If there is more than one
instrument, release, estoppel certificate or other such documents requested in
any Lease year, and if legal fees are involved on the part of the Tenant to
review such documents, the Landlord will reimburse Tenant for its legal fees to
the extent such are reasonable and standard fees for such review.

                                    PAGE 19


25.      PARKING LOT

         The Tenant understands that the parking lot in front of the building
is jointly owned by all of the owners of Valley Commons Business Park and that
there are no designated parking spots. Tenant understands that the use of the
parking lot is shared with the owners and tenants of Valley Center Business
Park and that the minimum number of parking spots is set by City Code.

26.      SIGNS

         Landlord and Tenant shall mutually agree upon the design and location
of Tenant's sign. The sign shall be of professional quality and of similar
quality and size as the signs of the other Tenants and shall comply with all
applicable state, county or local laws, city ordinances and zoning. The design
of the sign shall be submitted to Landlord prior to the placement for approval
and such approval shall not be unreasonably withheld.


         Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, Landlord hereby
releases Tenant, and Tenant hereby releases Landlord and its respective
officers, agents and employees, from any and all claims or demands for damages,
loss, expense or injury to the leased premises, or to the furnishings,
fixtures, equipment or inventory or other property of either Landlord or Tenant
in, about or upon the leased premises, as the case may be, caused by or result

                                    PAGE 20


perils, events or happenings which are covered by the insurance carried by the
respective parties and in force at the time of any such loss; provided,
however, that such waiver shall be effective only to the extent and amount
permitted by the insurance covering such loss and to the extent such insurance
is not prejudiced thereby, or the expense of such insurance is not thereby


         Tenant shall have the right to sublease or assign all or a portion of
the premises during the Lease term, subject to Landlord's approval which shall
not be unreasonably withheld or delayed.


         Subject to the provisions of the preceding Paragraph, entitled
"Assignability and Subleasing", this Lease shall be binding upon and inure to
the benefit of the respective parties, their successors and assigns.


         This Lease contains all of the agreements of the parties relating to
the subject matter; and it supersedes and cancels all prior written or oral
agreements between them with reference to the real property, including all
improvements thereon.

31.      TIME

         It is mutually agreed by and between the parties that TIME IS OF THE

                                    PAGE 21


32.      HEADINGS

         The headings and titles of sections and paragraphs of this Lease are
inserted merely for convenience and are not to be used in the constructions


         If either party defaults in its performance, the defaulting party
agrees to pay, on demand, the other party's reasonable attorney's fees and
costs for the preparation and serving of the written notices of default and in
the enforcement of this Lease, including legal actions.

         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have hereunto set their hands
the day and year first above written.

                     LANDLORD--------- BRONKEN-MEYERS, LLC

                                       By: /s/    [ILLEGIBLE SIGNATURE]


                     TENANT----------- INSURANCE MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONS, INC.

                                       By:  /a/ S. KYLE MOLL
                                                S. KYLE MOLL,
                                                VICE PRESIDENT & CIO

                                    PAGE 22

                                   EXHIBIT A

                        UPPER LEVEL FLOOR PLAN (LOT 2)

                                 [FLOOR PLAN]


         (2)  PAINT & CARPET
         (4)  HVAC



    MAIN OFFICE                                                 BIG FORK OFFICE
    1203 S. CHURCH AVENUE - P.O. BOX 308                         305 HIGHWAY 83
    BOZEMAN, MONTANA 59771-0305                          BIGFORK, MONTANA 59911
    (406) 588-8565 - FAX (406) 588-8045     (406) 837-1053 - FAX (406) 837-1088


                                   EXHIBIT B

To:                 Steve Olson                       Date:      9-21-98
          ---------------------------------                --------------------

          ---------------------------------                --------------------

Attention:                                          Fax No:      763-5351
          ---------------------------------                --------------------

Project:                          U.C. LOT #2

RE:                             SPACE ALLOTMENTS

Number of documents transmitted including this cover sheet         1

Hard copy to follow:                   YES              NO         --
                              ---------------------       ---------------------


Message:   TOTAL BLDG AREA  -  16,570 S.F.     1st  -  8403*    2nd  -  8167*

UNIT A - ACTUAL - 1675*               ADD COMMON 652*   :        2327 S.F.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
UNIT B -    "     1260*                "    "    500*   :        1760 S.F.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
UNIT C -    "     1475* + 39* HALLWAY  +    "    593*   :        2107 S.F.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
UNIT D -    "     1550* + 39*    "     +    "    620*   :        2209 S.F.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
TOTALS      -     6038*                          2326*  :        8403 S.F.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
UNIT E - ACTUAL - 1360*               ADD COMMON 505*   :        1865 S.F.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
UNIT F -    "     1600*                "    "    594*   :        2194 S.F.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
UNIT G -    "     1565*                +    "    581*   :        2146 S.F.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
UNIT H -    "     1275* + 215* STORAGE +    "    472*   :        1962 S.F.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
TOTALS      -     6015*                         2152*   :        8167 S.F.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Please respond by

cc:           ---------------------              ------------------------------



If you do not receive all the documents, please call (406) 586-8585

        COMMERCIAL  .   .   .   INSTITUTIONAL   .   .   .   INDUSTRIAL