FIRST MCMINNVILLE CORPORATION

                       REGISTRATION STATEMENT ON FORM 8-A

                                EXHIBIT 3(i)/4.1

                               CHARTER, AS AMENDED




                          FIRST MCMINNVILLE CORPORATION

     The undersigned natural person, having capacity to contract and acting as
the Incorporator of a corporation under the Tennessee General Corporation Act,
adopts the following Charter for such corporation:

     1.   The name of the corporation is First McMinnville Corporation.

     2.   The duration of the corporation is perpetual.

     3.   The address of the principal office of the corporation in the State of
Tennessee shall be 200 East Main Street, McMinnville, Warren County, Tennessee.

     4.   The corporation is for profit.

     5.   The purposes for which the corporation is organized are:

          (a)  To carry on the business of a bank holding company, as defined in
               the Federal Bank Holding Company Act of 1956, as amended, and to
               do all acts and things now and hereinafter permitted to be done
               by such a company.

          (b)  To acquire by purchase, subscription, or otherwise, and to
               receive, hold, own, guarantee, sell, assign, exchange, transfer,
               mortgage, pledge, or otherwise dispose of or deal in and with any
               and all securities, as such term is hereinafter defined, issued
               or created by any corporation, firm, association or other entity,
               public or private, whether formed under the laws of the United
               States of America or of any state, commonwealth, territory,
               dependency, or possession thereof, or of any foreign country, or
               of any political subdivision, territory, dependency, possession
               or municipality thereof, or issued or created by the United
               States of America or any state or commonwealth thereof or any
               foreign country, or by any agency, subdivision, territory,
               dependency, possession or municipality or any of the foregoing;
               and as owner thereof to possess and exercise all the rights,
               powers and privileges of ownership, including the right to
               execute consents and vote thereon. The term "securities" as used
               in this Charter shall mean any and all notes, stocks, treasury
               stocks, bonds, debentures, evidence of indebtedness, certificates
               of interest or


               participation in any profit-sharing agreement, collateral trust
               certificates, preorganization certificates or subscriptions,
               transferable shares, investment contracts, voting trust
               certificates, certificates of deposit for a security, or, in
               general, any interests or instruments commonly known as
               "securities" or any and all certificates of interest or
               participation in, temporary or interim certificates for, receipts
               for, guaranties of, or warranties or rights to subscribe to or
               purchase, any of the foregoing.

          (c)  To make, establish and maintain investments in securities, and to
               supervise and manage such investments.

          (d)  To cause to be organized under the laws of the United States of
               America or of any state, commonwealth, territory, dependency or
               possession thereof, or of any foreign country or of any political
               subdivision, territory, dependency, possession or municipality
               thereof, one or more corporations, firms, organizations,
               associations or other entities and to cause the same to be
               dissolved, wound up, liquidated, merged or consolidated.

          (e)  To acquire by purchase or exchange, or by transfer to, or by
               merger or consolidation with, the corporation or any corporation,
               firm, organization, association or other entity owned or
               controlled, directly or indirectly, by the corporation, or to
               otherwise, acquire, the whole or any part of the business, good
               will, rights, or other assets of any corporation, firm,
               organization, association or other entity; to operate and/or
               carry on the business of same, and to undertake or assume in
               connection therewith the whole or any part of the liabilities and
               obligations thereof; to effect any such acquisition in whole or
               in part by delivery of cash or other property, including
               securities issued by the corporation, or by any other lawful

          (f)  To aid by loan, subsidy, guaranty or in any other lawful manner
               any corporation, firm, organization, association or other entity
               of which any securities are in any manner directly or indirectly
               held by the corporation or in which the corporation or any such
               corporation, firm, organization, association or entity may be or
               become otherwise interested; to guarantee the payment of
               dividends of any stock issued by any such corporation, firm,
               organization, association or entity; to guarantee with or without
               recourse against any such corporation, firm or organization,
               association or entity or to assume the payment of the principal
               of, or the interest on, any


               obligations issued or incurred by such corporation, firm,
               organization, association or entity; to do any and all other acts
               and things for the enhancement, protection or preservation of any
               securities which are in any manner, directly or indirectly held,
               guaranteed or assumed by the corporation, and to do any and all
               acts and things designed to accomplish any such purpose.

          (g)  To borrow money for any business, object or purpose of the
               corporation from time to time, without limit as to amount; to
               issue any kind of evidence of indebtedness, whether or not in
               connection with borrowing money, including evidences of
               indebtedness convertible into stock of the corporation, to secure
               the payment of any evidence of indebtedness by the creation of
               any interest in any of the property or rights of the corporation,
               whether at that time owned or thereafter acquired.

          (h)  To render service, assistance, counsel and advice to, and to act
               in any capacity as representative or agent (whether managing,
               operating, financial, purchasing, selling, advertising or
               otherwise) of, any corporation, firm, organization, association,
               or other entity.

          (i)  To engage in any lawful business and in connection therewith to
               do any lawful act in furtherance of or otherwise necessary or
               convenient to such business.

               The corporation shall possess and may exercise all powers and
               privileges necessary or convenient to effect any or all of the
               foregoing purposes, or to further any or all of the foregoing
               powers, and the enumeration herein of any specific purpose or
               powers shall not be held to limit or restrict in any manner the
               exercise by the corporation of the general powers now or
               hereafter conferred by the laws of the State of Tennessee upon
               corporations formed under the Tennessee General Corporation Act.

     6.   The maximum number of shares which the corporation shall have the
authority to issue is

          (a)  One hundred shares of Organizational Common Stock with a par
               value of ten dollars ($10.00) per share, which stock shall be
               callable by the corporation at any time at the par value thereof
               by action of a majority of the board of directors.

          (b)  Three Hundred Thousand (300,000) shares of Common Stock, with a
               par value of Ten Dollars ($10.00) per share.


     7. The corporation will not commence business until consideration of One
Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) has been received for the issuance of shares.

     8. (a) The Board of Directors may take, on written consent without a
meeting, any action which it could take by means of a regularly called and held
meeting, provided that such written consent sets forth the action so taken and
is signed by all of the Directors.

     (b) The Board of Directors shall have the power by majority vote of the
Directors present at a meeting at which a quorum is present to adopt, amend, or
repeal any of the By-Laws of the Corporation, but any By-Law adopted by the
Board may be amended or repealed by affirmative vote of the holders of a
majority of all outstanding shares entitled to vote thereon.

     (c) The corporation from time to time may provide either directly, or
indirectly through the purchase of insurance, for the indemnification of
directors, officers, employees and agents of the corporation and of any of is
subsidiaries to the fullest extent permitted by law.

     (d) The shareholders of the corporation shall not have preemptive rights.

     (e) The Board of Directors shall have authority to issue bonds, debentures,
notes or other obligations of this corporation and to fix all the terms thereof,
including without limitation the convertibility or nonconvertibility thereof.

     (f) Any part of the authorized capital stock and any bonds, debentures,
notes or other obligations of the corporation may at any time, to the extent
permitted by law, be issued, optioned or reserved for sale, sold or disposed of
by the corporation pursuant to appropriate action by the Board of Directors, to
such parties and upon such terms as the board shall deem proper.

     (g) The corporation shall have the right to purchase its own shares and to
pay dividends and make distributions of property to the extent of unreserved and
unrestricted earned or capital surplus available therefor.

     DATED:     1/20/84                    /s/ Carol L. Bacon
           ---------------                 ----------------------------
                                           Carol L. Bacon, Incorporator


                         DESIGNATION OF REGISTERED AGENT


                          FIRST MCMINNVILLE CORPORATION

To the Secretary of State of the State of Tennessee:

     Pursuant to the provisions of Section 48-1201 of the Tennessee General
Corporation Act, the undersigned incorporator of a domestic corporation being
organized under the Act submit the following statement for the purpose of
designating the registered agent for the corporation in the State of Tennessee:

     1. The name of the corporation is First McMinnville.

     2. The address of the corporation is 200 East Main Street, McMinnville,
Warren County, Tennessee.

     3. The name and street address of its registered agent in the State of
Tennessee shall be Robert W. Jones, 200 East Main Street, McMinnville, Warren
County, Tennessee.

Dated:   1-20        , 1984
                                        FIRST MCMINNVILLE CORPORATION

                                        /s/ Carol L. Bacon
                                        Carol L. Bacon, Incorporator




                          FIRST MCMINNVILLE CORPORATION

     Pursuant to the provisions of Section 48-1-303 of the Tennessee General
Corporation Act, the undersigned corporation adopts the following articles of
amendment to its charter:

     1.  The name of the corporation is First McMinnville Corporation.

     2.  The amendment adopted is:

     Paragraph 6 of the Charter of First McMinnville Corporation is hereby
     deleted in its entirety and the following is inserted in lieu thereof:

         "6.  The maximum number of shares which the corporation shall have the
authority to issue is 600,000 shares of common stock, par value $5.00 per

     3.  The amendment was duly adopted at a meeting of the shareholders on
September 8, 1987.

     4.  This amendment will be effective when these articles are filed by the
Secretary of State.

     Dated:  September 8, 1987.

                                         FIRST MCMINNVILLE CORPORATION

                                         /s/ Robert W. Jones




                          FIRST MCMINNVILLE CORPORATION

     Pursuant to the provisions of Section 48-20-106 of the Tennessee Business
Corporation Act, the undersigned corporation adopts the following articles of
amendment to its charter:

1.   The name of the corporation is First McMinnville Corporation.

2.   The text of each amendment adopted is:

     The following new section is hereby added to the Charter of the

     "9.  To the fullest extent permitted by the Tennessee Business Corporation
          Act as in effect on the date hereof or as hereafter amended from time
          to time, a Director of the Company shall not be liable to the Company
          or its Shareholders for monetary damages for breach of fiduciary duty
          as a Director. If the Tennessee Business Corporation Act is amended
          after approval by the Shareholders of this provision to authorize
          corporate action further eliminating or limiting the personal
          liability of Directors, then the liability of a Director of the
          Company shall be eliminated or limited to the fullest extent permitted
          by the Tennessee Business Corporation Act, as so amended from time to
          time. Any repeal or modification of this Paragraph 9 by the
          Shareholders of the Company shall not adversely affect any right or
          protection of a Director of the Company existing at the time of such
          repeal or modification or with respect to events occurring prior to
          such time."

3.   The corporation is a for-profit corporation.

4.   The amendment was duly adopted on April 11, 1988 by the shareholders.

5.   The amendment is to be effective when these articles are filed by the
Secretary of State.

Dated:   2/27/89
                                         FIRST MCMINNVILLE CORPORATION

                                         By:    /s/ Charles Jacobs
                                                Charles Jacobs
                                         Title: President




                          FIRST MCMINNVILLE CORPORATION

     Pursuant to the provisions of Section 48-20-106 of the Tennessee Business
Corporation Act, the undersigned corporation adopts the following articles of
amendment to its charter:

     1.   The name of the corporation is First McMinnville Corporation.

     2.   The amendment as adopted is:

     Paragraph 6 of the Charter of First McMinnville Corporation is hereby
amended by deleting the same in its entirety and substituting therefor the

          6. The maximum number of shares which the corporation shall have the
          authority to issue is Five Million (5,000,000) shares of common stock,
          par value $2.50 per share.

     3.   The amendment was duly adopted by the Shareholders at a meeting
thereof on April 11, 1994.

     4.   The corporation is a for-profit corporation.

     5.   The amendment shall be effective when these Articles are filed with
the Secretary of State.

     Dated:          April 12, 1995.

                                              FIRST MCMINNVILLE CORPORATION

                                              By:  /s/ Charles C. Jacobs
                                              Charles C. Jacobs
                                              Title: President and CEO




                          FIRST MCMINNVILLE CORPORATION

     Pursuant to the provisions of Section 48-20-106 of the Tennessee Business
Corporation Act, the undersigned corporation adopts the following articles of
amendment to its charter:

     1. The name of the corporation is First McMinnville Corporation.

     2. The amendment as adopted is:

     Paragraph 6 of the Charter of First McMinnville Corporation is hereby
amended to delete the reference to a par value of "$5.00" and to substitute
therefor a par value of "$2.50."

     3. The corporation is a for-profit corporation.

     4. The amendment was duly adopted by the unanimous vote of the directors of
the Corporation on September 13, 1994 and does not require Shareholder approval.

     5. The amendment shall be effective when these Articles are filed with the
Secretary of State.

     Dated:  March 12, 1995.

                                             FIRST MCMINNVILLE CORPORATION

                                             By:   /s/ Charles Jacobs
                                                   Charles C. Jacobs
                                                   Title:  President and CEO