
                                 AUGUST 11, 2000


                           TELDAFAX AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT




                           NEWTEL COMMUNICATIONS GMBH


This CONTRIBUTION / EXCHANGE AGREEMENT (the "Agreement") is made on 11 August
2000 (the "Signing Date") by

1.       TelDaFax Aktiengesellschaft, a public stock corporation under the laws
         of Germany, ( "TDF")


2.       Netnet Telekommunikations GmbH, a company with limited liability under
         the laws of Germany, ("Netnet"),


3.       NewTel Communications GmbH, a company with limited liability under the
         laws of Germany, ("NewTel"),

                                                     (together the "Companies").


A.       World Access, Inc., a public stock corporation under the laws of
         Delaware, U.S.A., ("WA") intends to acquire a majority stake in TDF. WA
         has entered into a share purchase and transfer agreement with certain
         shareholders of TDF, dated June 14, 2000, (the "Purchase and Transfer
         Agreement") for the acquisition of 41.62% of the issued shares in TDF
         (the "Share Purchase and Transfer Agreement").

B.       TDF supports WA's intention as it is convinced that the acquisition by
         WA of such majority stake and the combination of their respective
         German businesses is for the benefit of, and in the best interests of,
         both companies and their shareholders.

C.       The Companies are wholly owned subsidiaries of WA.


D.       TDF is registered in the commercial register in the local court of
         Marburg under HR B 2174. The share capital of TDF currently amounts to
         EURO 87,954,360, divided into 33,828,600 non par value shares. TDF has
         an authorised capital (genehmigtes Kapital) in an aggregate nominal
         amount of EURO 42,900,000 and a conditional capital in the amount of
         EURO 42,900,000 to cover the issue of convertible bonds. The shares of
         TDF are admitted to the Frankfurt Stock Exchange and listed on the
         segment Neuer Markt and on EASDAQ.

E.       The management board (Vorstand) of TDF with the consent of the
         supervisory board (Aufsichtsrat) is entitled to increase the capital of
         TDF by the amount of the authorised capital to the exclusion of
         subscription rights of the existing shareholders if, inter alia, the
         newly issued shares are used to acquire other businesses. The Vorstand
         now intends to make use of this authority to acquire the businesses
         operated by the Companies.

F.       WA intends to cause the businesses operated by the Companies to be
         contributed to TDF against the issue of the shares available under the
         authorised capital (genehmigtes Kapital) of TDF to the Companies.

G.       For German tax purposes the contribution of the businesses operated by
         the Companies shall constitute a transfer of each of the Company's
         entire business (Geschaftsbetrieb im Ganzen). For purposes of applying
         U.S. federal income tax law under the United States Internal Revenue
         Code of 1986, as amended (the "Internal Revenue Code") and the
         regulations issued thereunder to the transactions set forth in this
         Agreement, and depending upon the ultimate percentage of outstanding
         TDF shares WA acquires in TDF, the transfer of the business operated by
         NewTel to TDF in exchange for the issuance of TDF shares may be treated
         as a taxable sale of such assets under Section 1001 of the Internal
         Revenue Code, but the transfer of the assets and liabilities comprising
         the business operated by Netnet in exchange for the issuance of TDF
         shares is intended to and shall be treated as a tax-free
         "reorganisation" under Section 368 (a)(1)(C) of the Internal Revenue
         Code. In this regard, this Agreement is intended and shall constitute a
         "plan of reorganisation" within the meaning of U.S. Treasury Regulation
         Section 1.368-2(g).


Therefore, the Parties agree as follows:

                                      SS. 1

Agreement                                                             Caption
Application                                                           ss. 2.5
Balance Sheet Assets                                                  ss. 3/2
Business                                                              ss. 2.1
Companies                                                             Caption
Contribution Balance Sheets                                           ss. 3.1
Internal Revenue Code                                              Preamble G
Netnet                                                                Caption
New Shares                                                            ss. 9.1
NewTel                                                                Caption
Purchase and Transfer Agreement                                    Preamble A
Share Purchase and Transfer Agreement                              Preamble A
Signing Date                                                          Caption
TDF                                                                   Caption
Transferred Assets                                                    ss. 3.3
Transfer Date                                                         ss. 2.4
WA                                                                 Preamble A

                                      SS. 2

2.1      Pursuant to the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement, each
         of the Companies agrees to transfer to TDF and TDF accepts the transfer
         of each Company's entire business (Geschaftsbetrieb im Ganzen) with all
         assets, liabilities


         and contracts (the "Business") operated by each of the Companies as a
         contribution in kind (Sacheinlage) against the issue of new shares to
         the respective Company. The transfers of the Companies' Businesses are
         set out in more detail in ss.ss. 3 to 8 hereto. The transfer or
         assignment of the Business shall not include such liabilities under
         contracts and any other legal position owed by each of the Companies to
         WA and/or its other subsidiaries.

2.2      The Companies and TDF hereby make all declarations and, unless
         expressly provided otherwise herein, consummate all actions which are
         required to effect the transfer of the Businesses. To the extent that
         certain declarations and actions are specifically mentioned in this
         Agreement, this is done for the purpose of emphasis and clarification

2.3      The transfers of the Businesses shall become effective between the
         parties (schuldrechtlich) and (unless the consent of any third party is
         required and outstanding at the Transfer Date) also with title effect
         towards third parties (dinglich) upon registration of the capital
         increase in the commercial register of TDF contemplated by this
         Agreement (the "Transfer Date").

2.4      It is understood that (i) the management board (Vorstand) of TDF and
         (ii) the supervisory board (Aufsichtsrat) of TDF each have agreed in
         principle to adopt the capital increase contemplated hereby in order to
         issue the number of shares to the Companies as set forth in ss. 9. TDF
         undertakes to arrange for filing of the registration of the capital
         increase contemplated hereby (the "Application") on or immediately
         after the period for the acceptance of the Tender Offer contemplated by
         the Share Purchase and Transfer Agreement has expired, unless it turns
         out that following the Tender Offer WA will not own 50% of the
         outstanding shares in TDF. TDF further undertakes to consult with the
         competent commercial register in order to ensure registration of the
         capital increase as soon as possible after filing.

2.5      The parties to this Agreement shall have the right to withdraw
         (zurucktreten) from this Agreement (i) if the Closing Conditions of the
         Share Purchase and Transfer Agreement have not been satisfied by
         October 31, 2000 or (ii) if one of the parties


         of the Share Purchase and Transfer Agreement has withdrawn therefrom,
         or (iii) if the auditor (Sacheinlagenprufer) does not confirm the value
         of the Business to cover the total contribution amount.

                                      SS. 3

3.1      As of the Transfer Date, each of the Companies hereby transfers to TDF
         and TDF hereby accepts the transfer of all assets which are included in
         the balance sheet of each Company as of December 31, 1999, which are
         attached as Exhibit 3.1 to 3.3 (the "Contribution Balance Sheets"). In
         particular all moveable assets (bewegliche Sachen) which are located at
         the locations described in Exhibit 3.4 shall be transferred to TDF
         including all furniture and computer hardware.

3.2      As of the Transfer Date, each of the Companies transfers to TDF and TDF
         hereby accepts the transfer of, title to all assets, which are not,
         need not or cannot be accounted for in the Contribution Balance Sheets,
         but which are directly and indirectly attributable to the Businesses,
         including any and all goods of minor or little value (all these assets
         hereinafter referred to as "Balance Sheet Assets").

3.3      As of the Transfer Date each of the Companies hereby transfers to TDF
         and TDF hereby accepts the transfer of all additions to the Balance
         Sheet Assets since December 31, 1999. Those Balance Sheet Assets which
         have been sold since December 31, 1999 or which no longer assist, are
         not subject to the transfer of assets under this Section 3 (the Balance
         Sheet Assets as adjusted are referred to as the "Transferred Assets").

3.4      As of the Transfer Date ach of the Companies and TDF agree that title
         and rights to usage as well as encumbrances on the Transferred Assets
         shall pass to TDF. To the extent that the Transferred Assets are not
         directly owned by the respective Company, this Company hereby assigns
         to TDF its right to demand delivery and to take possession of the
         respective assets. TDF hereby accepts such assignments.

3.5      Possession to movable assets which are transferred in accordance with
         this Section shall pass from the respective Company to TDF effective as
         at the Transfer Date. To the extent that movable assets are not in the
         possession of the respective Companies as of the Transfer Date, each
         Company hereby assigns to TDF the right to require redelivery or
         surrender of such assets. TDF hereby accepts such assignment.

3.6.     To the extent that any of the Transferred Assets under this Section are
         subject to reservation of title by supplier or transfer of title for
         security purposes, each Company hereby transfers to TDF as of the
         Transfer Date its contingent right to acquire title to such assets
         (Anwartschaftsrecht). TDF hereby accepts such assignment.

                                      SS. 4
                            ASSIGNMENT OF RECEIVABLES

4.1      As of the Transfer Date each of the Companies hereby assigns to TDF and
         TDF hereby accepts the assignment of, all accounts receivable as well
         as all other rights and claims of each of the Company, accounted for in
         the referenced Balance Sheets taking into account additions, disposals
         and discharges pursuant to ss. 3.3 of this Agreement.

4.2      To the extent that the transfer of receivables pursuant to Subsection 1
         requires the consent of third parties, each Company will take every
         action, in order to obtain such consent. If such consent to the
         transfer of a receivable claims is withheld, the respective Company and
         TDF will treat each other as if the relevant receivable had been
         transferred as of the Transfer Date.

                                      SS. 5

As of the Transfer Date each of the Companies hereby assigns to TDF and TDF
hereby accepts an assignment of, all trademarks, software and other intellectual
property rights


which form part of their respective Business as of the Transfer
Date including, without limitation, the trademarks and software listed in
Exhibit 5 together will all rights and obligations relating thereto. In due
course, after the Transfer Date, the respective Company and TDF will take all
this actions reasonably required to have TDF registered as the new owner of
trademarks and other intellectual property rights.

                                      SS. 6

As of the Transfer Date each of the companies hereby assigns to TDF and TDF
hereby accepts the assignment of, all intangible assets forming part of the
business as of the Transfer Date, including without limitation, all goodwill,
customer relations and all rights in the name of the respective Company as well
as all books, records, certificates deeds and other information relating to its

                                      SS. 7

7.1      As of the Transfer Date each of the companies hereby assigns to TDF and
         TDF hereby accepts the assignment of all contracts and, to the extent
         assignable, contract offers, memberships, approvals, licences and other
         legal relations forming part of the business as of the Transfer Date
         except contracts and any other legal positions owed to WA and/or its
         other subsidiaries. The aforementioned assignment of contracts shall
         include but not be limited to the contracts which are listed in Exhibit

7.2      As of the Transfer Date each Company hereby assigns to TDF and TDF
         hereby accepts the assignment of all obligations shown in the balance
         sheets taking into account all additions, disposals and discharges
         since December 31, 1999, except liabilities owed by each of the
         Companies to WA and/or its other subsidiaries under contracts and any
         other legal position. The assignment shall also include liabilities
         under contracts and other legal positions assigned in accordance with


         Subsection 1, tax liabilities and other liabilities arising from the
         operations of the respective Company.

7.3      To the extent that the assignment of contracts, legal positions,
         liabilities in accordance with this Section requires the consent of the
         relevant creditors and counterparties, respectively, the Company and
         TDF will use reasonable efforts to obtain such consent to wherever
         reasonably possible. If any creditor or counterparty withholds its
         consent, the parties will treat each other as if the relevant liability
         or contract had been transferred as of the Transfer Date not only with
         internal but also with external effect. In particular any liabilities
         and contracts shall be performed by TDF on behalf of the respective
         Company but for the account of TDF and TDF shall indemnify and hold the
         respective Company harmless against all damages, costs and expenses
         suffered or incurred in connection with any contract, legal position
         and liability which is assigned to TDF in accordance with this
         Agreement. If a Company is held liable by any third party for
         fulfilment of any liability or contract which is, or, if they existed
         as stated by the relevant third party, would be assigned by the Company
         to TDF in accordance with this Agreement and, if TDF does therefore not
         fulfil the liability or contract as demanded by the third party, then
         TDF shall be responsible for handling the further proceedings
         including, but not limited to, any litigation and shall advance to the
         Company all funds reasonably required to defend itself against any
         claims stated by the third party without prejudice to its obligation to
         indemnify and hold the Company harmless in accordance with the
         proceeding provisions.

                                      SS. 8

8.1      All rights and obligations under any employment agreement to which any
         of the Companies is party as employer as of the Transfer Date shall
         transfer to TDF as at that date in accordance with ss. 613a of the
         German Civil Code (BGB).

8.2      TDF shall indemnify and hold each Company harmless against all damages,
         costs and expenses suffered or incurred in connection with any
         liability towards actually


         or former employees of the Companies which are transferred to TDF in
         accordance with Subsection 1. The provisions in ss. 7.3 apply

                                      SS. 9

9.1      As consideration for the contribution of the Businesses of the
         Companies, TDF shall issue in total 2.546.239 non par value shares; of
         these shares TDF shall issue

         9.1.1    to Netnet 1,620,334 non par value shares representing a
                  capital of Euro 1,620,334 at a subscription amount of Euro
                  8,90 per share or a total contribution amount of Euro

         9.1.2    to NewTel 925,905 non par value shares representing a capital
                  of Euro 925,905 as a subscription amount of Euro 8.90 per
                  share, or a total contribution amount of Euro 8,240,554.50.

                  The issued shares are hereinafter together referred to as the
                  "New Shares".

9.2      Upon issuance the New Shares will be duly and validly authorised, fully
         paid and non assessable and free of pre-emptive or similar rights or

9.3      In its tax balance sheet TDF shall be obliged to continue to account
         for the assets transferred under this Agreement at their book value.

                                     SS. 10

The Companies and WA do not give any representations and warranties with respect
to their Businesses. Any obligations of the Companies vis-a-vis TDF under the
applicable laws remain unaffected by this exclusion.


                                     SS. 11

Each of the Companies undertakes to TDF and TDF undertakes to each of the
Companies to procure that (i) the Businesses of the Companies and TDF,
respectively, during the period from the date hereof to the registration with
the commercial register of the New Shares, are conducted in the ordinary course
except with the prior written approval of the other party, (ii) no steps are
taken by the Companies and TDF, as the case may be, which are or could be, using
a sound commercial judgment, detrimental to the transaction contemplated by this
Agreement and that (iii) no action is taken by the Companies and / or TDF which
would require their respective shareholders' or supervisory board's approval.

                                     SS. 12

Each party shall bear the cost of its own legal and other advisors incurred in
connection with the negotiation, execution and completion of this Agreement and
the transactions contemplated hereby as well as any personal taxes arising
therefrom. All notary's fees relating to the contribution in kind shall be borne
by TDF.

                                     SS. 13

Any notices provided or required under the terms of this Agreement shall be
given in writing and shall be effective immediately when provided by facsimile
transmission or personal delivery, or five days after being sent by
internationally recognised courier, and addressed as follows:


(a)               If to the Companies:

                  World Access, Inc.
                  c/o GAEDERTZ, Frankfurt office
                  Bockenheimer Landstra(beta)e 98 - 100,
                  60323 Frankfurt am Main,
                  Fax-No.: ++49 69 7941 100

                  with copy to:

                  World Access, Inc.,
                  Attn.: W. Tod Chmar, Executive Vice President
                  945 East Paces Ferry Road, Suite 2200,
                  Atlanta, GA 30326,
                  Fax-No.: ++1 404 233 2280

(b)               If to TDF:

                  TelDaFax AG,
                  Attn.: Dr. Henning F. Klose
                  35010 Marburg/Lahn
                  Fax-No.: ++49 6421 181 1210

                                     SS. 14
                                MUTUAL ASSISTANCE

The parties undertake to co-operate with and to provide each other with all
necessary information required for any regulatory filings, in particular, but
not limited to, all filings with the Securities Exchange Commission.


                                     SS. 15

15.1     This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with
         the laws of the Federal Republic of Germany. The courts in Frankfurt am
         Main shall have non-exclusive jurisdiction.

15.2.    The authentic text of this Agreement shall be the English text.
         However, if any German translations have been provided in brackets,
         such German terms shall prevail. Each of the Companies confirms that it
         is fully aware of the contents of all Exhibits including those which
         are in the German language. For purposes of the registration, a German
         translation of this Agreement will be prepared.

15.3     The parties to this Agreement shall keep this Agreement confidential
         and shall only make public announcements as to its contents upon mutual
         agreement. This does not apply to any disclosure required under the
         applicable laws, by governmental regulatory bodies, under banking
         covenants or stock exchange regulations (including the U.S. Securities
         Exchange Commission and Nasdaq National Market) to which a party to
         this Agreement is subject to. The content of such disclosure will be
         communicated to either party prior to the disclosure.

15.4     This Agreement, together with the agreements mentioned herein and the
         Side Letter between the Parties and others of even date, sets forth the
         entire agreement and understanding of the Parties with respect to the
         subject matter hereof. This Agreement will be executed in five


15.5     No amendment to this Agreement shall be of any effect unless it is in
         writing and signed for or on behalf of the parties hereto. This shall
         also apply to any amendment of the present section.

15.6     If any of the provisions of this Agreement shall be or become invalid,
         this shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions. The
         parties undertake to replace any invalid provisions by such provisions
         as shall come as close as possible to their commercial intentions in a
         legally valid manner. The same shall apply if this Agreement should
         contain an unintentional gap.

/s/ Dr. Achim Herfs
- -----------------------------------
TelDaFax Aktiengesellschaft

/s/ Thomas Sievert
- -----------------------------------
Netnet Telekommunikations GmbH

/s/ Thomas Sievert
- -----------------------------------
NewTel Communications GmbH