AMENDED AND RESTATED

                          AGREEMENT AND PLAN OF MERGER

                         DATED AS OF NOVEMBER 14, 2000,


                             BRACKNELL CORPORATION,



                            ABLE TELCOM HOLDING CORP.


                                TABLE OF CONTENTS

ARTICLE I.           INTERPRETATION.............................................................................     6

ARTICLE II.          THE MERGER.................................................................................    16
         SECTION 2.01      The Merger...........................................................................    16
         SECTION 2.02      Conversion/Issuance of Shares........................................................    17
         SECTION 2.03      Surrender and Payment................................................................    18
         SECTION 2.04      Adjustments..........................................................................    20
         SECTION 2.05      Fractional Shares....................................................................    20
         SECTION 2.06      Dissenting Shares....................................................................    21

ARTICLE III.         THE SURVIVING CORPORATION..................................................................    22
         SECTION 3.01      Certificate of Incorporation.........................................................    22
         SECTION 3.02      Bylaws...............................................................................    22
         SECTION 3.03      Directors and Officers...............................................................    22

ARTICLE IV.          REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES OF ABLE.....................................................    22
         SECTION 4.01      Corporate Existence and Power........................................................    22
         SECTION 4.02      Corporate Authorization..............................................................    23
         SECTION 4.03      Governmental Authorization...........................................................    23
         SECTION 4.04      Non-Contravention....................................................................    23
         SECTION 4.05      Capitalization.......................................................................    24
         SECTION 4.06      Subsidiaries.........................................................................    25
         SECTION 4.07      SEC Filings..........................................................................    25
         SECTION 4.08      Financial Statements.................................................................    26
         SECTION 4.09      Proxy Statement/Prospectus; Registration Statement...................................    26
         SECTION 4.10      Absence of Certain Changes...........................................................    26
         SECTION 4.11      No Undisclosed Material Liabilities..................................................    28
         SECTION 4.12      Real Property........................................................................    29
         SECTION 4.13      Personal Property....................................................................    31
         SECTION 4.14      Accounts Receivable..................................................................    31
         SECTION 4.15      Contracts............................................................................    32
         SECTION 4.16      Litigation...........................................................................    32
         SECTION 4.17      Taxes ...............................................................................    32
         SECTION 4.18      Tax Free Merger......................................................................    33
         SECTION 4.19      ERISA ...............................................................................    34
         SECTION 4.20      Environmental Matters................................................................    36
         SECTION 4.21      Intellectual Property................................................................    37
         SECTION 4.22      Employees............................................................................    37
         SECTION 4.23      Intercompany Agreements..............................................................    38
         SECTION 4.24      Certain Payments.....................................................................    38
         SECTION 4.25      Customers and Suppliers..............................................................    38
         SECTION 4.26      Canadian Competition Act.............................................................    38


         SECTION 4.27      Rights Plan..........................................................................    38
         SECTION 4.28      Compliance With Other Applicable Laws................................................    39
         SECTION 4.29      Insurance............................................................................    39
         SECTION 4.30      Broker's Fees........................................................................    40
         SECTION 4.31      Vote Required........................................................................    40

ARTICLE V.           REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES OF BRACKNELL AND SUBCO......................................    40
         SECTION 5.01      Corporate Existence and Power........................................................    40
         SECTION 5.02      Corporate Authorization..............................................................    41
         SECTION 5.03      Governmental Authorization...........................................................    41
         SECTION 5.04      Non-Contravention....................................................................    41
         SECTION 5.05      Capitalization.......................................................................    42
         SECTION 5.06      Canadian Securities Law and Bracknell Financial Statements...........................    43
         SECTION 5.07      Proxy Statement/Prospectus; Registration Statement...................................    44
         SECTION 5.08      No Undisclosed Material Liabilities..................................................    44
         SECTION 5.09      Absence of Certain Changes...........................................................    45
         SECTION 5.10      Litigation...........................................................................    45
         SECTION 5.11      Taxes ...............................................................................    46
         SECTION 5.12      Tax Free Merger......................................................................    46
         SECTION 5.13      Compliance With Other Applicable Laws................................................    48
         SECTION 5.14      Brokers..............................................................................    48
         SECTION 5.15      Certain Payments.....................................................................    48
         SECTION 5.16      Interim Operations of Subco..........................................................    48
         SECTION 5.17      Authorization for Bracknell Common Stock.............................................    49

ARTICLE VI.          COVENANTS OF ABLE..........................................................................    49
         SECTION 6.01      Conduct of Able......................................................................    49
         SECTION 6.02      Stockholder Meeting..................................................................    50
         SECTION 6.03      Access to Information................................................................    50
         SECTION 6.04      Other Offers.........................................................................    51
         SECTION 6.05      Notice of Certain Events.............................................................    53
         SECTION 6.06      Affiliates...........................................................................    53
         SECTION 6.07      Litigation...........................................................................    54
         SECTION 6.08      Officers.............................................................................    54
         SECTION 6.09      Certain Rights to Acquire Shares.....................................................    54
         SECTION 6.10      Bracknell Option.....................................................................    54
         SECTION 6.11      Employee Stock Options...............................................................    54
         SECTION 6.12      Support Agreements from Series C Stockholders........................................    54
         SECTION 6.13      Sale of Businesses...................................................................    55
         SECTION 6.14      World Com Series E Debt..............................................................    55
         SECTION 6.15      Canadian Competition Act.............................................................    55
         SECTION 6.16      Opinion of Financial Advisor.........................................................    55
         SECTION 6.17      Bankruptcy and Insolvency Proceedings................................................    55

ARTICLE VII.         COVENANTS OF BRACKNELL AND SUBCO...........................................................    56


         SECTION 7.01      Conduct of Bracknell and Subco.......................................................    56
         SECTION 7.02      Access to Information................................................................    56
         SECTION 7.03      Obligations of Subco.................................................................    57
         SECTION 7.04      Stock Exchange Listing...............................................................    57
         SECTION 7.05      Notice of Certain Events.............................................................    57
         SECTION 7.06      Financing Relating to the Merger.....................................................    57
         SECTION 7.08      Opinion of Financial Advisor.........................................................    57

ARTICLE VIII.        COVENANTS OF BRACKNELL AND ABLE............................................................    58
         SECTION 8.01      Commercially Reasonable Best Efforts.................................................    58
         SECTION 8.02      Certain Filings......................................................................    58
         SECTION 8.03      Public Announcements.................................................................    59
         SECTION 8.04      Further Assurances...................................................................    59
         SECTION 8.05      Preparation of the Proxy Statement/Prospectus and Registration Statement.............    59

ARTICLE IX.          CONDITIONS TO THE MERGER...................................................................    60
         SECTION 9.01      Conditions to the Obligations of Each Party..........................................    60
         SECTION 9.02      Additional Conditions Precedent to the Obligations of Bracknell......................    60
         SECTION 9.03      Additional Conditions Precedent to the Obligations of Able...........................    63

ARTICLE X.           TERMINATION................................................................................    64
         SECTION 10.01         Termination by Bracknell or Able.................................................    64
         SECTION 10.02         Termination by Able..............................................................    66
         SECTION 10.03         Termination by Bracknell.........................................................    66
         SECTION 10.04         Effect of Termination............................................................    66

ARTICLE XI.          MISCELLANEOUS..............................................................................    67
         SECTION 11.01         Notices..........................................................................    67
         SECTION 11.02         Survival of Representations and Warranties.......................................    69
         SECTION 11.03         Amendments; No Waivers...........................................................    69
         SECTION 11.04         Fees and Expenses................................................................    70
         SECTION 11.05         Successors and Assigns...........................................................    70
         SECTION 11.06         Governing Law....................................................................    70
         SECTION 11.07         Counterparts; Effectiveness......................................................    70
         SECTION 11.08         Entire Agreement.................................................................    71
         SECTION 11.09         Exhibits and Schedules...........................................................    71
         SECTION 11.10         Headings.........................................................................    71
         SECTION 11.11         Severability of Provisions.......................................................    71


Exhibit A           Form of Warrant
Exhibit B           Form of Option
Exhibit C           Support Agreement from Series C Stockholders


Exhibit D           Commitment Agreement
Exhibit E           Support Agreements with Directors and Officers
Exhibit F           Amended and Restated Master Services Agreement
Exhibit G           Form of Opinion - Paul, Hastings, Janofsky & Walker LLP
Exhibit H           Form of Opinion - Torys
Exhibit I           Terms of Series E Shares


Schedule 2.02(e)           Stock Appreciation Rights
Schedule 2.02(g)           Bracknell Common Stock to be Issued to the Palladin Group.
Schedule 2.02(h)           Bracknell Common Stock to be Issued to the Series C Stockholders
Schedule 2.02(j)           Able Warrants to be Converted into Bracknell Warrants
Schedule 4.04              Non-Contravention
Schedule 4.05(a)(i)        Options Inside and Outside Able Stock Option Plan
Schedule 4.05(a)(ii)       Additional Options, Warrants and Other Rights
Schedule 4.05(a)(iii)      Stock or Rights to Acquire Stock to be Issued after
                            August 23, 2000
Schedule 4.05(a)(iv)       Phantom Stock and Stock Appreciation Rights
Schedule 4.05(b)           Redemption Rights
Schedule 4.05(c)           Stockholder Agreements
Schedule 4.06(i)           Subsidiaries
Schedule 4.06(ii)          Subsidiary Stock
Schedule 4.06(iii)         Ownership of Subsidiary Stock
Schedule 4.07(b)           SEC Filings
Schedule 4.10              Absence of Certain Changes
Schedule 4.10(m)           Severances
Schedule 4.11              Liabilities
Schedule 4.12(a)           Owned Real Property
Schedule 4.12(b)           Leased Real Property
Schedule 4.12(c)           Easements
Schedule 4.12(d)           Real Property subject to a Lease, Sublease, License or
                             other Agreement
Schedule 4.12(g)           Title Policies
Schedule 4.13(b)           Leased Personal Property
Schedule 4.14              Accounts Receivable
Schedule 4.15(i)           Material Contracts
Schedule 4.15(ii)          Material Breaches of Contracts
Schedule 4.16              Able Litigation
Schedule 4.17(i)           Filing of Tax Returns
Schedule 4.17(ii)          Tax Deficiencies
Schedule 4.17(iii)         Deferred Intercompany Transactions
Schedule 4.17(iv)          Tax Audits
Schedule 4.19(a)           Employee Plans
Schedule 4.19(h)           Severance Pay


Schedule 4.20              Environmental Matters
Schedule 4.21              Intellectual Property Claims
Schedule 4.22              Collective Bargaining/Labor Union Agreements
Schedule 4.23              Intercompany Agreements
Schedule 4.28              Compliance with Laws
Schedule 4.30              Bonds
Schedule 4.32              Broker's Fees
Schedule 5.04              Non-Contravention
Schedule 5.05(a)           Existing Options, Warrants or other Rights
Schedule 5.05(b)           Capital Stock and Ownership Interests
Schedule 5.08              Liabilities
Schedule 5.09              Absence of Certain Changes
Schedule 5.10              Bracknell Litigation
Schedule 5.11(i)           Tax Returns
Schedule 5.11(ii)          Tax Deficiencies
Schedule 5.13              Compliance with Laws
Schedule 5.14              Broker's Fees
Schedule 6.01(e)           Permitted Issuance of Securities
Schedule 6.09              Former Stockholders of GEC, SASCO and SES
Schedule 9.02(c)           Officers, Directors and other Signatories to Support Agreements



14, 2000, among Bracknell Corporation, an Ontario corporation ("Bracknell"),
Bracknell Acquisition Corporation, a Florida corporation and a wholly owned
subsidiary of Bracknell ("Subco"), and Able Telcom Holding Corp., a Florida
corporation ("Able").

         WHEREAS, Bracknell, Subco and Able entered into the Agreement and Plan
of Merger, dated August 23, 2000 (the "Original Merger Agreement"), which
provided for the merger of Subco with and into Able;

         WHEREAS, Bracknell, Subco and Able have agreed to amend and restate the
Original Merger Agreement, with effect as of and from the date of the Original
Merger Agreement;

         WHEREAS, the Boards of Directors of Bracknell, Subco and Able each have
determined that it is in the best interests of their respective stockholders for
Subco to merge with and into Able (the "Merger") upon the terms and subject to
the conditions of this Agreement; and

         WHEREAS, for U.S. federal income tax purposes, it is intended that the
Merger shall qualify as a reorganization within the meaning of Section 368(a) of
the Code (as defined below).

         NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereto, for good and valuable
consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged,
intending to be legally bound, hereby covenant and agree that the Original
Merger Agreement shall be and is hereby amended and restated as hereinafter set

                                    ARTICLE I


         For purposes of this Agreement, the capitalized terms used in this
Agreement shall have the meanings set forth below:

         "Able" shall have the meaning set forth in the preface above.

         "Able Authorized Capital Stock" shall have the meaning set forth in
Section 4.05(a).

         "Able Employees" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 4.22.


         "Able's Knowledge" means the actual knowledge, after making due
inquiry, of the following officers of Able and its Subsidiaries: Billy V. Ray,
James Brands, Michael Brenner, Edward Pollock, Robert Sommerfeld, Edwin Johnson,
Barry Hall, Philip Kiernan, Charles Maynard, Harold Alvord, Phillip Galpin and
Richard Boyle.

         "Able Material Adverse Change" shall have the meaning set forth in
Section 4.01.

         "Able Material Adverse Effect" shall have the meaning set forth in
Section 4.01.

         "Able Preferred Stock" shall have the meaning set forth in Section

         "Able SEC Filings" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 4.07(a).

         "Able Securities" means any equity, debt or other securities issued by
Able, or rights to acquire such securities.

         "Able Shares" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 2.02(b).

         "Able Significant Subsidiary" shall have the meaning set forth in
Section 4.01.

         "Able Stock Options" shall have the meaning set forth in Section

         "Able Stockholder Meeting" shall have the meaning set forth in Section

         "Able Subsidiary Securities" means any equity, debt or other securities
issued by a Subsidiary of Able, or rights to acquire such securities.

         "Able Warrants" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 2.02(j).

         "Able 10-K" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 4.07(a).

         "Accounts Receivable" means all accounts receivable, trade receivables,
notes receivable and other receivables, which in any case are payable as a
result of goods sold or services provided, or billed for, in connection with the

         "Acquisition Proposal" shall have the meaning set forth in Section

         "Action" means any action, suit, arbitration, inquiry, proceeding or
investigation by or before any Governmental Authority or arbitrator.

         "Affiliate" means, with respect to any Person, any other Person
controlling, controlled by, or under common control with such Person. For
purposes of this Agreement, the term "control" (including, with correlative
meanings, the terms "controlled by" and "under common control with" as used with
respect to any Person) means the possession, directly or indirectly, of the
power to direct or cause the direction of the management and policies of such
Person whether through ownership of voting securities, by contract or otherwise.


         "Agreement" means this Agreement together with the attached Appendices,
Schedules and Exhibits.

         "Authorized Bracknell Capital Stock" shall have the meaning set forth
in Section 5.05(a).

         "Benefit Arrangement" shall have the meaning set forth in Section

         "Bracknell" shall have the meaning set forth in the preface above.

         "Bracknell Common Stock" shall have the meaning set forth in Section

         "Bracknell Disclosure Documents" shall have the meaning set forth in
Section 5.06(a).

         "Bracknell Material Adverse Change" shall have the meaning set forth in
Section 5.01.

         "Bracknell Material Adverse Effect" shall have the meaning set forth in
Section 5.01.

         "Bracknell Option" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 6.10.

         "Bracknell's Knowledge" means the actual knowledge, after making due
inquiry, of any of the following officers of Bracknell: Paul D. Melnuk, John D.
Amodeo, John Naccarato, Frederick Green, Jon Taylor, David Smith and the
President of each of Bracknell's customer categories as of the date hereof.

         "Bracknell Stock Options" shall have the meaning set forth in Section

         "Bracknell Voting Debt" shall have the meaning set forth in Section

         "Bracknell Warrants" shall have the meaning set forth in Section

         "Business" means (a) with respect to Able or its Subsidiaries, all
business conducted by Able or any of its Subsidiaries prior to the Closing Date,
and (b) with respect to Bracknell and its Subsidiaries, all business conducted
by Bracknell or any of its Subsidiaries prior to the Closing Date.

         "Canadian GAAP" means Canadian generally accepted accounting principles
in effect at the time and applied on a basis consistent with past periods.

         "Closing" means the consummation of the Merger and the other
transactions contemplated hereby.

         "Closing Date" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 2.01(c).


         "Code" means the U.S. Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended from
time to time, and the rules and regulations promulgated thereunder.

         "Conversion Number" shall have the meaning set forth in Section

         "Dissenting Shares" shall have the meaning set forth in Section

         "Dolcenea" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 2.02(i).

         "Dollars" or "$" means lawful currency of the U.S., unless otherwise

         "Easement" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 4.12(c).

         "Easement Contract" shall have the meaning set forth in Section

         "Effective Time" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 2.01(c).

         "Employee Plans" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 4.19(a).

         "Environment" means all air (including indoor air), surface water
(including navigable waters, ocean waters, streams, ponds, drainage basins, and
wetlands), groundwater, drinking water supplies, land and soil (surface or
subsurface), any other environmental medium, all plant and animal life, biota
and all other natural resources.

         "Environmental Claim" means any and all Actions, Orders, claims, Liens,
notices, notices of violation, investigations, complaints, requests for
information, proceedings or other communications (written or oral), whether
criminal or civil, pursuant to or relating to any applicable Environmental Law
by any Person (including any Governmental Authority or citizen's group) based
upon, alleging, asserting, or claiming any actual or potential (i) violation of
or liability under any Environmental Law, (ii) violation of or liability under
any Environmental Permit, or (iii) liability for investigation costs, cleanup
costs, removal costs, remediation costs, response costs, natural resource
damages, property damage, personal injury, fines or penalties arising out of,
based on, resulting from, or relating to the presence, Release, or threatened
Release in or into the Environment, of any Hazardous Materials at any location,
including any off-Site location to which Hazardous Materials or materials
containing Hazardous Materials were sent for handling, recycling, storage,
treatment or disposal.

         "Environmental Cleanup Site" means any location which is listed or
proposed for listing on the National Priorities List, the Comprehensive
Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Information System, or on any
similar list maintained by any jurisdiction of sites requiring investigation or
cleanup, or which is the subject of any pending or threatened Action related to
or arising from any alleged violation of any Environmental Law.

         "Environmental Law" means any Law governing or relating to pollution,
protection of human health or the Environment, air emissions, water discharges,
hazardous or toxic substances, solid or hazardous waste, or occupational health
and safety, or any similar Law of foreign jurisdictions where Able or its
Subsidiaries do business, including without limitation


the U.S. Federal Water Pollution Control Act, the U.S. Clean Air Act, the U.S.
Solid Waste Disposal Act as amended by the Resource Conservation and Recovery
Act (RCRA), the Hazardous Materials Transportation Act (HMTA), the Federal
Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA), the U.S. Comprehensive
Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA), as amended by
the Superfund Amendment and Reauthorization Act (SARA), the U.S. Emergency
Planning and Community Right-To-Know Act (EPCRA), the U.S. Toxic Substances
Control Act (TSCA), the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA), and the U.S.
Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA), all as amended, and the rules and
regulations thereunder as interpreted by Governmental Authorities.

         "Environmental Permit" means any Permit relating to any Environmental
Law and includes any and all Orders, consents, or settlements issued by or
entered into with a Governmental Authority under any Environmental Law.

         "ERISA" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 4.19(a).

         "Exchange Act" means the U.S. Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as
amended, and the rules and regulations promulgated thereunder.

         "Exchange Agent" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 2.03(a).

         "Exchange Filing Requirements" shall have the meaning set forth in
Section 5.06(a).

         "Florida General Corporation Law" means the general corporation laws of
the State of Florida.

         "GAAP" means U.S. generally accepted accounting principles in effect at
the time and applied on a basis consistent with past periods.

         "GEC" means Georgia Electric Company.

         "Governmental Authority" means, with respect to any country, any
federal, state, provincial, or local government, any of its subdivisions,
agencies, authorities, commissions, boards, bureaus or other governmental
entity, and any federal, state, provincial or local court or tribunal and any

         "Hazardous Material" means petroleum, petroleum hydrocarbons or
petroleum products, petroleum by-products, radioactive materials, asbestos or
asbestos-containing materials, gasoline, diesel fuel, pesticides, radon, urea
formaldehyde, lead or lead-containing materials, polychlorinated biphenyls, and
any other chemicals, materials, substances or wastes in any amount or
concentration which are categorized, classified, defined as or included in the
definition of "hazardous substances," "hazardous materials," "hazardous wastes,"
"toxic substances," "toxic pollutants," "pollutants," "regulated substances,"
"solid wastes," or "contaminants" under any Environmental Law.


         "HSR Act" means the Hart-Scott-Rodino Antitrust Improvements Act of
1976, as amended, and the regulations promulgated thereunder.

         "Intellectual Property" means trademarks, service marks, patents,
patent applications, software, registered copyrights and applications therefor,
together with trade secrets, know-how and other similar property whether
registered or unregistered.

         "Intellectual Property Assets" shall have the meaning set forth in
Section 4.21.

         "Law" means, with respect to any country, any federal, state,
provincial, local or other statute, rule, regulation or ordinance, and any
requirement or obligation under common law.

         "Lease" means any lease or sublease of real or personal property.
"Leased Personal Property" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 4.13(b).

         "Leased Real Property" shall have the meaning set forth in Section

         "Liability" means any debt, obligation, duty or liability of any nature
(including any undisclosed, unfixed, unliquidated, unsecured, unmatured,
unaccrued, unasserted, contingent, conditional, inchoate, implied, vicarious,
joint, several or secondary liability), regardless of whether such debt,
obligation, duty or liability would be required to be disclosed on a balance
sheet prepared in accordance with GAAP or Canadian GAAP.

         "Lien" means any lien, mortgage, deed of trust, security interest,
charge, pledge, retention of title agreement, easement, encroachment, condition,
reservation, covenant or other encumbrance affecting title or the use, benefit
or value of the asset in question.

         "Material Contracts" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 4.15.

         "Material Lease" means (i) all Leases relating to the Leased Real
Property and (ii) a Lease relating to Leased Personal Property involving a term
of more than one (1) year or rental obligations exceeding $100,000 per annum.

         "Material Litigation" means any Action (involving Able or any of its
Subsidiaries) by any Person or by or before any Governmental Authority that
involves claims in excess of $1,000,000 or that could reasonably be expected to
result in an Able Material Adverse Change or an Able Material Adverse Effect.

         "Merger" shall have the meaning set forth in the preface above.

         "Merger Consideration" shall have the meaning set forth in Section

         "Option Recipients" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 7.08.


         "Order" means any order, judgment, injunction, decree, determination or
award of any Governmental Authority or arbitrator.

         "Original Merger Agreement" shall have the meaning set forth in the
preface above.

         "Other Applicable Law" means any Law applicable to the Business other
than an Environmental Law or a law relating to (a) Taxes or (b) ERISA.

         "Owned Real Property" shall have the meaning set forth in Section

         "Permit" means any permit, license, certificate (including a
certificate of occupancy), registration, authorization, consent, or approval
issued by a Governmental Authority.

         "Permitted Liens" means (a) Liens for Taxes that are not yet due and
payable or that are being contested in good faith by appropriate proceedings and
as to which adequate reserves have been established in accordance with GAAP or
Canadian GAAP, as the case may be, consistently applied, (b) workers',
repairmens' and similar Liens imposed by Law that have been incurred in the
ordinary course of business and consistent with past practice which in the
aggregate will not have an Able Material Adverse Effect or Bracknell Material
Adverse Effect, as the case may be, (c) Liens and other title defects,
easements, encroachments and encumbrances that do not, individually or in the
aggregate, materially impair the value or continued use of the property (as
currently used) to which they relate, (d) the rights of others to customer
deposits which in the aggregate will not have an Able Material Adverse Effect or
Bracknell Material Adverse Effect, as the case may be, (e) any of the Liens
described in the foregoing clauses (a) through (d) of this definition incurred
in the ordinary course of business and consistent with past practice, after the
date hereof which in the aggregate will not have an Able Material Adverse Effect
or Bracknell Material Adverse Effect, as the case may be, and (f) any Liens
relating to that certain Credit Agreement by and among Able, the Lenders (as
defined therein) from time to time parties thereto, and Bank of America N.A.
(successor to NationsBank N.A.), as amended from time to time, (g) Liens of
Governmental Authorities which are parties to rights of way or easement
agreements with Able or its Subsidiaries, except for any Liens which result from
a default under or breach by Able or its Subsidiaries of such agreements, and
(h) any Liens obtained by Able or its Subsidiaries that sureties may have
pursuant to surety bonds obtained by Able or its Subsidiaries, provided that
Able or its Subsidiaries are not in default under the contracts (or indemnity
agreements) that those bonds relate to.

         "Person" means an individual, a corporation, a partnership, an
association, a trust or any other entity or organization, including a government
or political subdivision or any agency or instrumentality thereof.

         "Platinum" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 2.02(i).

         "Proxy Statement/Prospectus" shall have the meaning set forth in
Section 4.09.

         "Real Property" shall have the meaning set out in Section 4.12(d).


         "Registration Statement" shall have the meaning set forth in Section

         "Release" means any spilling, leaking, pumping, pouring, emitting,
emptying, discharging, injecting, escaping, leaching, dumping or disposing of a
Hazardous Material into the Environment.

         "Replacement Options" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 7.08.

         "Returns" means all returns, reports, declarations or other filings
that must be filed with any Governmental Authority with respect to Taxes.

         "SASCO" means Southern Aluminum & Steel Corporation.

         "SEC" means the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.

         "Securities Act Affiliate" shall have the meaning set forth in Section

         "Securities Act Affiliate Agreement" shall have the meaning set forth
in Section 6.06.

         "Securities Act of 1933" means the U. S. Securities Act of 1933, as
amended, and the rules and regulations promulgated thereunder.

         "Series C Conversion Number" shall have the meaning set forth in
Section 2.02(h).

         "Series C Shares" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 2.02(h).

         "Series C Stockholders" means Halifax Fund, L.P., The Gleneagles Fund
Company, Palladin Overseas Fund Limited, Palladin Partner I, L.P., Lancer
Securities (Cayman) Limited, PGEP III, LLC, and Quatro Fund Limited.

         "Series E Conversion Number" shall have the meaning set forth in
Section 2.02(d).

         "Series E Shares" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 2.02(d).

         "SES" means Specialty Electronic Systems, Inc.

         "Sirit" means Sirit Technologies, Inc.

         "Sirit Settlement" means the agreement dated July 7, 2000 between Able,
Sirit and certain other parties entered into to settle certain outstanding
litigation between them.

         "Site" means any of the real properties currently or previously owned,
leased or operated by Able or its Subsidiaries for purposes of conducting their
Business, including the Owned Real Property and the Leased Real Property.


                  "Subco" shall have the meaning set forth in the preface

                  "Subco Common Stock" shall have the meaning set forth in
Section 2.01(a).

                  "Subsidiary" of a party means any corporation or other
organization, whether incorporated or unincorporated, of which such party or
any Subsidiary of such party is a general partner or of which such party or one
or more of its Subsidiaries or such party and one or more of its Subsidiaries,
directly or indirectly, owns or controls at least a majority of the securities
or other interests having by their terms ordinary voting power to elect a
majority of the Board of Directors or others performing similar functions with
respect to such corporation or other organization.

                  "Superior Proposal" shall have the meaning set forth in
Section 6.04(a).

                  "Surviving Corporation" shall have the meaning set forth in
Section 2.01(b).

                  "Tax" or "Taxes" means all federal, state, county, local and
foreign taxes (including, without limitation, income, profits, premium,
estimated, excise, sales, use, occupancy, gross receipts, franchise, ad
valorem, severance, capital levy, production, transfer, withholding,
employment, unemployment compensation, payroll related and property taxes and
import duties), whether or not measured in whole or in part by net income, and
including deficiencies, interest, additions to tax or interest, and penalties
with respect thereto.

                  "Title Policies" shall have the meaning set forth in Section

                  "TSE" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 2.05.

                  "U.S." means the United States of America.

                  "Violation" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 4.04.

                  "Voting Debt" shall have the meaning set forth in Section

                  "WorldCom" means WorldCom, Inc. or one of its Subsidiaries,
as the context requires.

                  "WorldCom Equity Interest" shall have the meaning set forth
in Section 2.02(e).

                  "WorldCom Series E Debt" shall have the meaning set forth in
Section 6.14.

                                   ARTICLE II

                                   THE MERGER

                  SECTION 2.01 The Merger.


                  (a)      Immediately prior to the Effective Time, Bracknell
         shall contribute the Merger Consideration to Subco in exchange for
         common stock of Subco (the "Subco Common Stock").

                  (b)      At the Effective Time, Subco shall be merged with and
         into Able in accordance with the Florida General Corporation Law,
         whereupon the separate existence of Subco shall cease, and Able shall
         be the surviving corporation (the "Surviving Corporation").

                  (c)      As soon as practicable after satisfaction or, to the
         extent permitted hereunder, waiver of all conditions to the Merger,
         Subco and Able will file a certificate of merger with the Secretary of
         State of the State of Florida and make all other filings or recordings
         required by the Florida General Corporation Law in connection with the
         Merger. The Closing will take place at the offices of Torys, 237 Park
         Avenue, New York, New York 10017-3142, unless another place is agreed
         to in writing by the parties hereto. The Merger shall become effective
         at such time as the certificate of merger is duly filed with the
         Secretary of State of the State of Florida or at such later time as is
         specified in the certificate of merger (the "Effective Time"). The
         date of the Closing is referred to herein as the "Closing Date".

                  (d)      From and after the Effective Time, the Surviving
         Corporation shall possess all the assets (except for the Merger
         Consideration which the Able stockholders and others are entitled to
         receive), rights, privileges, powers and franchises and be subject to
         all of the liabilities, restrictions, disabilities and duties of Able
         and Subco, all as provided under the Florida General Corporation Law.

                  SECTION 2.02 Conversion/Issuance of Shares. At the Effective

                  (a)      Each issued and outstanding share of Subco Common
         Stock, shall, by virtue of the Merger and without any action on the
         part of Bracknell, Subco or Able, be converted into one fully paid and
         non-assessable share of common stock of the Surviving Corporation.

                  (b)      Except as set forth in Section 2.06, each share of
         common stock, par value $.001 per share, of Able ("Able Shares"),
         issued and outstanding immediately prior to the Effective Time (other
         than (i) Able Shares held by Able and (ii) Able Shares held by
         Bracknell or Subco) shall, by virtue of the Merger and without any
         action on the part of Bracknell, Subco, Able or any holder thereof, be
         converted into the right to receive 0.6 (the "Conversion Number") of a
         fully paid and non-assessable common share of Bracknell (the
         "Bracknell Common Stock"). The Bracknell Common Stock to be issued
         pursuant to this Section 2.02(b), Section 2.02(d), Section 2.02(f),
         Section 2.02(g), Section 2.02(h) and Section 2.02(i), together with
         the warrants described in Section 2.02(e), is referred to herein as
         the "Merger Consideration."

                  (c)      Each Able Share held by Able, Bracknell or Subco
         shall be cancelled and extinguished without any consideration


                  (d)      Each of the Series E Convertible Preferred Shares,
         par value $0.10, of Able (the "Series E Shares") issued and
         outstanding immediately prior to the Effective Time (other than (i)
         Series E Shares held by Able and (ii) Series E Shares held by
         Bracknell or Subco) shall be converted into the right to receive the
         number of shares of Bracknell Common Stock determined by dividing the
         aggregate face value of all Series E Shares by $8.25 Canadian dollars
         and then dividing that quotient by the number of Series E Shares
         issued and outstanding immediately before the Effective Time (the
         "Series E Conversion Number"). For the purposes of this calculation,
         the exchange rate between U.S. dollars and Canadian dollars shall be
         the exchange rate published by the Bank of Canada at the close of
         business on the day before the Closing Date.

                  (e)      The stock appreciation rights described on Schedule
         2.02(e) (or, if such stock appreciation rights have been exchanged for
         options to acquire Able Shares, such options) (the "WorldCom Equity
         Interest") shall be converted into warrants to purchase 1,200,000
         shares of Bracknell Common Stock at an exercise price of $11.66 per
         share in cash. The terms of such warrants shall otherwise be as set
         forth in Exhibit A.

                  (f)      Bracknell shall issue to Sirit the number of shares
         of Bracknell Common Stock that Sirit is entitled to receive under the
         terms of the Sirit Settlement or as otherwise agreed by Bracknell and

                  (g)      In satisfaction of their entitlement to receive
         1,057,031 Able Shares pursuant to Amendment No. 1 to the Securities
         Exchange Agreement and Related Registration Rights Agreement of Able
         Telcom Holding Corp., by and among Able and the Persons listed on
         Schedule 2.02(g), dated July 7, 2000, Bracknell shall issue an
         aggregate of 634,218 shares of Bracknell Common Stock to the Persons
         and in the amounts set forth in Schedule 2.02(g).

                  (h)      Each of the Series C Convertible Preferred Shares,
         par value $0.10, of Able (the "Series C Shares") issued and
         outstanding immediately prior to the Effective Time (other than (i)
         Series C Shares held by Able and (ii) Series C Shares held by
         Bracknell or Subco) shall be converted into the right to receive the
         number of shares of Bracknell Common Stock determined by dividing
         $18,000,000 by $4.00, multiplying the result by 0.6, and then dividing
         that product by the number of Series C Shares issued and outstanding
         immediately before the Effective Time (the "Series C Conversion

                  (i)      Bracknell shall issue to Platinum Advisory Services,
         Inc. ("Platinum") and L. Dolcenea, Inc. ("Dolcenea") the aggregate
         number of shares of Bracknell Common Stock that they are entitled to
         receive pursuant to the letter agreement between Able, Platinum and
         Dolcenea, dated October 18, 2000.

                  (j)      The warrants to purchase Able Shares set forth in
         Schedule 2.02(j) (the "Able Warrants") shall become warrants to
         purchase shares of Bracknell Common Stock (the "Bracknell Warrants")
         subject to the following terms and conditions: (i) each Bracknell
         Warrant shall be exercisable to purchase the number of shares of
         Bracknell Common Stock equal to the number of Able Shares the
         corresponding Able Warrant was


         exercisable to purchase multiplied by 0.6; (ii) the exercise price of
         each Bracknell Warrant shall be the exercise price of the
         corresponding Able Warrant multiplied by 1.67; and(iii) as of the
         Effective Time, the unexpired term of each Bracknell Warrant shall be
         equal to the unexpired term of the corresponding Able Warrant.

                  SECTION 2.03 Surrender and Payment.

                  (a)      Prior to the Effective Time, Bracknell shall appoint
         an agent reasonably acceptable to Able (the "Exchange Agent") for the
         purpose of exchanging certificates representing Able Shares, Series C
         Shares, and Series E Shares. As of the Effective Time, Subco shall
         deposit with the Exchange Agent for the benefit of the holders of Able
         Shares, Series C Shares and Series E Shares, for exchange in
         accordance with this Section 2.03, through the Exchange Agent,
         certificates representing the shares of Bracknell Common Stock
         issuable pursuant to Section 2.02 in exchange for outstanding Able
         Shares, Series C Shares and Series E Shares. Promptly after the
         Effective Time, Subco will send, or will cause the Exchange Agent to
         send, to each holder of Able Shares, Series C Shares or Series E
         Shares at the Effective Time a letter of transmittal for use in such
         exchange (which shall specify that the delivery shall be effected, and
         risk of loss and title shall pass, only upon proper delivery of the
         certificates representing Able Shares, Series C Shares or Series E
         Shares to the Exchange Agent).

                  (b)      Each holder of Able Shares, Series C Shares or Series
         E Shares that have been converted into a right to receive Bracknell
         Common Stock, upon surrender to the Exchange Agent of a certificate or
         certificates representing such Able Shares, Series C Shares or Series
         E Shares, together with a properly completed letter of transmittal
         covering such Able Shares, Series C Shares or Series E Shares, will be
         entitled to receive in exchange therefor that number of whole shares
         of Bracknell Common Stock which such holder has the right to receive
         pursuant to Section 2.02, and the certificate or certificates for Able
         Shares, Series C Shares or Series E Shares so surrendered shall be
         cancelled. Until so surrendered, each such certificate shall, after
         the Effective Time, represent for all purposes, only the right to
         receive upon such surrender a certificate representing shares of
         Bracknell Common Stock and cash in lieu of any fractional shares of
         Bracknell Common Stock as contemplated by this Section 2.03 and
         Section 2.05.

                  (c)      If any shares of Bracknell Common Stock are to be
         issued to a Person other than the registered holder of Able Shares,
         Series C Shares or Series E Shares represented by the certificate or
         certificates surrendered in exchange therefor, it shall be a condition
         to such issuance that the certificate or certificates so surrendered
         shall be properly endorsed or otherwise be in proper form for transfer
         and that the Person requesting such issuance shall pay to the Exchange
         Agent any transfer Tax or other Taxes required as a result of such
         issuance to a Person other than the registered holder of such Able
         Shares, Series C Shares or Series E Shares or establish to the
         satisfaction of the Exchange Agent that such Tax has been paid or is
         not payable.

                  (d)      After the Effective Time, there shall be no further
         registration of transfers of Able Shares, Series C Shares or Series E
         Shares. If, after the Effective Time,


         certificates representing Able Shares, Series C Shares or Series E
         Shares are presented to the Surviving Corporation, they shall be
         cancelled and exchanged as provided for, and in accordance with the
         procedures set forth, in this Article II.

                  (e)      Any shares of Bracknell Common Stock made available
         to the Exchange Agent pursuant to Section 2.03(a) that remain
         unclaimed by the holders of Able Shares, Series C Shares or Series E
         Shares six months after the Effective Time shall be returned to
         Bracknell, upon demand, and any such holder who has not exchanged his
         Able Shares, Series C Shares or Series E Shares in accordance with
         this Section prior to that time shall thereafter look only to
         Bracknell to exchange such Able Shares, Series C Shares or Series E
         Shares. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Surviving Corporation and
         Bracknell shall not be liable to any holder of Able Shares, Series C
         Shares or Series E Shares for any amount paid, or any shares of
         Bracknell Common Stock delivered, to a public official pursuant to
         applicable abandoned property Laws. Any shares of Bracknell Common
         Stock or other amounts remaining unclaimed by holders of Able Shares,
         Series C Shares or Series E Shares two years after the Effective Time
         (or such earlier date immediately prior to such time as such amounts
         would otherwise escheat to or become property of any Governmental
         Authority) shall, to the extent permitted by applicable Law, become
         the property of Bracknell free and clear of any claims or interest of
         any Person previously entitled thereto.

                  (f)      No dividends or other distributions on shares of
         Bracknell Common Stock shall be paid to the holder of any
         unsurrendered certificates representing Able Shares, Series C Shares
         or Series E Shares until such certificates are surrendered as provided
         in this Section. Upon such surrender, there shall be paid, without
         interest, to the Person in whose name the certificates representing
         the shares of Bracknell Common Stock into which such Able Shares,
         Series C Shares or Series E Shares were converted are registered, all
         dividends and other distributions paid in respect of such Bracknell
         Common Stock on a date subsequent to, and in respect of a record date
         after, the Effective Time.

                  SECTION 2.04 Adjustments. If at any time during the period
between the date of this Agreement and the Effective Time, any change in the
outstanding shares of Bracknell Common Stock, Able Shares, Series C Shares or
Series E Shares shall occur, including by reason of any reclassification,
recapitalization, stock split or combination, exchange or readjustment of
shares, or any stock dividend thereon with a record date during such period,
the Conversion Number, the Series C Conversion Number and the Series E
Conversion Number shall be appropriately adjusted.

                  SECTION 2.05 Fractional Shares. No fractional shares of
Bracknell Common Stock shall be issued in the Merger. All fractional shares of
Bracknell Common Stock that a holder of Able Shares would otherwise be entitled
to receive as a result of the Merger shall be aggregated and if a fractional
share results from such aggregation, such holder shall be entitled to receive,
in lieu thereof, an amount in cash determined by multiplying the average of the
daily closing sale prices per share of Bracknell Common Stock on The Toronto
Stock Exchange (the "TSE") for the ten trading days next preceding the
Effective Time by the fraction of a share of


Bracknell Common Stock to which such holder would otherwise have been entitled.
Alternatively, the Surviving Corporation shall have the option of instructing
the Exchange Agent to aggregate all fractional shares of Bracknell Common
Stock, sell such shares in the public market and distribute to holders of Able
Shares a pro rata portion of the proceeds of such sale; provided that Bracknell
shall pay all transaction costs associated therewith. No such cash in lieu of
fractional shares of Bracknell Common Stock shall be paid to any holder of Able
Shares until certificates representing such Able Shares are surrendered and
exchanged in accordance with Section 2.03.

                  SECTION 2.06 Dissenting Shares.

                  (a)      Notwithstanding any other provisions of this
         Agreement to the contrary, Able Shares, Series C Shares or Series E
         Shares that are outstanding immediately prior to the Effective Time
         and which are held by Able stockholders who shall have not voted in
         favor of the Merger or consented thereto in writing and who shall be
         entitled to and shall have demanded properly in writing, appraisal for
         such shares in accordance with the Florida General Corporation Law
         (collectively, the "Dissenting Shares") shall not be converted into or
         represent the right to receive Bracknell Common Stock. Such
         stockholders instead shall be entitled to receive payment of the
         appraised value of such Able Shares, Series C Shares or Series E
         Shares held by them in accordance with the provisions of the Florida
         General Corporation Law, except that all Dissenting Shares held by
         such stockholders, who shall have failed to perfect or who effectively
         shall have withdrawn, forfeited, or lost their rights to appraisal of
         such Able Shares, Series C Shares or Series E Shares under the Florida
         General Corporation Law, shall thereupon be deemed to have been
         converted into and to have become exchangeable for, as of the
         Effective Time, the right to receive, without any interest thereon,
         Bracknell Common Stock in the manner provided in Section 2.03 above.

                  (b)      Able shall give Bracknell prompt notice of any
         demands for appraisal received by it, withdrawals of such demands, and
         any other instruments served pursuant to the Florida General
         Corporation Law and received by Able and relating thereto. Able shall
         direct all negotiations and proceedings with respect to demands for
         appraisal rights under the Florida General Corporation Law and shall
         keep Bracknell informed regarding the progress thereof.

                                  ARTICLE III

                           THE SURVIVING CORPORATION

                  SECTION 3.01 Certificate of Incorporation. Effective
immediately following the Merger, the certificate of incorporation of Subco, as
in effect immediately prior to the Effective Time, shall be the certificate of
incorporation of the Surviving Corporation until amended in accordance with
applicable Law; provided, however, that the certificate of incorporation of the
Surviving Corporation shall be amended to read: "The name of the corporation is
Able Telcom Holding Corp."


                  SECTION 3.02 Bylaws. Effective immediately following the
Merger, the bylaws of Subco in effect at the Effective Time shall be the bylaws
of the Surviving Corporation until amended in accordance with applicable Law.

                  SECTION 3.03 Directors and Officers. From and after the
Effective Time, until successors are duly elected or appointed and qualified in
accordance with applicable Law, (i) the directors of Subco at the Effective
Time shall be the directors of the Surviving Corporation, and (ii) the officers
of Subco at the Effective Time shall be the officers of the Surviving

                                   ARTICLE IV


                  Able represents and warrants to Bracknell and Subco that:

                  SECTION 4.01 Corporate Existence and Power. Able and each of
its Subsidiaries is a corporation or other entity duly organized, validly
existing and in good standing under the Laws of its jurisdiction of
incorporation or organization, has all requisite power and authority to own,
lease and operate its properties and to carry on its Business as now being
conducted, and is duly qualified and in good standing to do business in each
jurisdiction in which the Business it is conducting, or the operation,
ownership or leasing of its properties, makes such qualification necessary,
other than in such jurisdictions where the failure to so qualify would not have
an Able Material Adverse Effect. For purposes of this Agreement, an "Able
Material Adverse Change" or "Able Material Adverse Effect," means any change or
effect, either individually or in the aggregate, that is or may be reasonably
expected to be materially adverse to the Business, assets, liabilities,
properties, financial condition or results of operations of Able or an Able
Significant Subsidiary. For the purposes of this Agreement, an "Able
Significant Subsidiary" means a Subsidiary of Able which individually accounted
for 10% or more of the total revenues, net income, cash flows from operations
or assets of Able and its Subsidiaries on a consolidated basis in either of
Able's previous two fiscal years. Able has heretofore delivered to Bracknell
true and complete copies of Able's articles of incorporation and bylaws as
currently in effect.

                  SECTION 4.02 Corporate Authorization. Able has all requisite
corporate power and authority to enter into this Agreement and to consummate
the transactions contemplated hereby. The execution and delivery of this
Agreement and the consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby have,
except for any required approval by Able's stockholders in connection with the
Merger, been duly authorized by all necessary corporate action on the part of
Able. Able's Board of Directors has authorized Able to enter into this
Agreement, has determined that this Agreement is in the best interests of Able
and its stockholders and has recommended that Able's stockholders vote in favor
of the Merger and the other transactions contemplated hereby. This Agreement
has been duly executed and delivered by Able and constitutes a valid and
binding obligation of Able enforceable in accordance with its terms, subject to
bankruptcy, insolvency, reorganization, fraudulent conveyance, moratorium and


similar Laws now or hereafter in effect, affecting creditors' rights and
remedies and to general principles of equity.

                  SECTION 4.03 Governmental Authorization. No consent,
approval, Order or authorization of, or registration, declaration or filing
with, or Permit from, any Governmental Authority is required by or with respect
to Able or any of its Subsidiaries in connection with the execution, delivery
and performance of this Agreement by Able or the consummation of the Merger or
other transactions contemplated hereby, other than (i) compliance with the
applicable requirements of the HSR Act and the Exchange Act, and (ii) the
filing of a certificate of merger with the Secretary of State of the State of
Florida, except where the failure of any action to be taken by any Governmental
Authority or filing to be made would not have an Able Material Adverse Effect
or prevent consummation of the Merger or the other transactions contemplated

                  SECTION 4.04 Non-Contravention. The execution and delivery of
this Agreement by Able does not, and the consummation of the transactions
contemplated hereby by Able will not, conflict with, or result in any violation
of, or default (with or without notice or lapse of time, or both) under, or
give rise to a right of termination, cancellation or acceleration of any
obligation or the loss of a material benefit under, or the creation of a Lien
on assets or property or right of first refusal with respect to any asset or
property (any such conflict, violation, default, right of termination,
cancellation or acceleration, loss, creation or right of first refusal, a
"Violation"), pursuant to any provision of the articles of incorporation or
bylaws of Able or any of its Subsidiaries or, except as set forth on Schedule
4.04 hereto, or as to which requisite waivers or consents have been obtained
and assuming the consents, approvals, authorizations or Permits and filings or
notifications referred to in Section 4.03 are duly and timely obtained or made,
result in any Violation of any loan or credit agreement, note, mortgage,
indenture, Lease, Benefit Arrangement or other agreement, obligation,
instrument, Permit, concession, franchise, Order or Law applicable to Able or
any of its Subsidiaries or their respective properties or assets, except for
any Violations which would not have an Able Material Adverse Effect.

                  SECTION 4.05  Capitalization.

                  (a)      The entire authorized capital stock of Able consists
         of (i) 25,000,000 shares of common stock, par value $.001 per share,
         and (ii) 1,000,000 shares of preferred stock, par value $0.10 per
         share, issuable in series ("Able Preferred Stock") (collectively, the
         "Able Authorized Capital Stock"). Of the Able Authorized Capital
         Stock: 16,374,504 Able Shares, 5,000 Series C Shares and 1,000 Series
         E Shares are validly issued and outstanding. Each of the aforesaid
         shares has been validly issued, is fully paid and nonassessable, and
         has not been issued in violation of any preemptive rights. Able has
         also granted options to purchase 3,564,314 Able Shares (the "Able
         Stock Options") to the Persons (who are present or former officers,
         directors, employees or advisors), at the exercise prices and in the
         amounts listed on Schedule 4.05(a)(i), of which 2,435,000 were granted
         outside of Able's Stock Option Plan and 1,129,314 were granted under
         Able's Stock Option Plan. Able has also issued warrants and other
         options to purchase 1,929,505 Able Shares to other Persons, at the
         exercise prices and in amounts listed on Schedule 4.05(a)(ii). Except
         as set forth in Schedules 4.05(a)(i) and 4.05(a)(ii) hereto, no


         options, warrants or other rights to acquire, sell, or issue shares of
         capital stock of Able are outstanding, and except as disclosed in
         Schedule 4.05(a)(iii), between the date hereof and the Effective Time,
         no shares of capital stock of Able and no such options, warrants or
         rights will be issued. Except as set forth in Schedule 4.05(a)(iv),
         Able has not issued, granted or awarded any phantom stock, stock
         appreciation rights, or any similar instruments to any Person.

                  (b)      No bonds, debentures, notes or other indebtedness
         having the right to vote (or convertible into securities having the
         right to vote) on any matters on which stockholders may vote ("Voting
         Debt") that were issued by Able are outstanding. Except as set forth
         in this Section 4.05 and Schedule 4.05(b), there are outstanding (A)
         no shares of capital stock, Voting Debt or other voting securities of
         Able, (B) no securities of Able or any Subsidiary of Able convertible
         into or exchangeable for shares of capital stock, Voting Debt or other
         voting securities of Able or any Subsidiary of Able, and (C) no
         options, warrants, calls, rights (including preemptive rights),
         commitments or agreements pursuant to which Able or any Subsidiary of
         Able is obligated to issue, deliver, sell, purchase, redeem or
         acquire, or cause to be issued, delivered, sold, purchased, redeemed
         or acquired, additional shares of capital stock or any Voting Debt or
         other voting securities of Able or of any Subsidiary of Able or
         obligating Able or any Subsidiary of Able to grant, extend or enter
         into any such option, warrant, call, right, commitment or agreement.

                  (c)      Except as listed in Schedule 4.05(c), there are not
         as of the date hereof and there will not be at the Effective Time any
         stockholder agreements, voting trusts or other agreements or
         understandings to which Able is a party or by which it is bound
         relating to the voting of any shares of the capital stock of Able
         which will limit in any way the granting of proxies by or on behalf of
         or from, or the casting of votes by, Able stockholders with respect to
         the Merger. There are no restrictions on the ability of Able to vote
         the stock of any of its Subsidiaries.

                  SECTION 4.06 Subsidiaries. Schedule 4.06(i) sets forth the
name and jurisdiction of incorporation or organization of each Subsidiary of
Able. The authorized and issued and outstanding shares of capital stock of each
Subsidiary of Able are set forth on Schedule 4.06(ii). Except as set forth in
Schedule 4.06(iii), all of the outstanding capital stock of, or other ownership
interests in, each Subsidiary of Able is owned by Able, directly or indirectly,
free and clear of any Lien and free of any other limitation or restriction
(including any restriction on the right to vote, sell or otherwise dispose of
such capital stock or other ownership interests).

                  SECTION 4.07 SEC Filings.

                  (a)      Able has delivered to Bracknell (i) Able's annual
         report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended October 31, 1999
         (amended May 26, 2000) (the "Able 10-K"), (ii) its quarterly reports
         on Form 10-Q for its fiscal quarters ended January 31, 2000 and April
         30, 2000, as amended, (iii) its current reports on Form 8-K dated May
         30, 2000, June 7, 2000 and July 20, 2000, (iv) its proxy or
         information statements relating to


         meetings of, or actions taken without a meeting by, the stockholders
         of Able held since April 1998, and (v) all of its other reports,
         statements, schedules and registration statements filed with the SEC
         since its initial public offering, including without limitation, the
         Registration Statement on Form S-1 (Registration Number 333-65991), as
         amended, and all materials incorporated therein by reference (the
         filings referred to in clauses (i) through (v) above and delivered to
         Bracknell prior to the date hereof being hereinafter referred to as
         the "Able SEC Filings").

                  (b)      As of its filing date or with respect to any proxy
         statements, as of the date it was first mailed to Able stockholders,
         each such report or statement filed pursuant to the Exchange Act
         complied as to form in all material respects with the requirements of
         the Exchange Act, except as disclosed in Schedule 4.07(b), and did not
         contain any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state any
         material fact necessary in order to make the statements made therein,
         in the light of the circumstances under which they were made, not

                  (c)      Each such registration statement and any amendment
         thereto filed pursuant to the Securities Act of 1933, as of the date
         such statement or amendment became effective, complied as to form in
         all material respects with the Securities Act of 1933 and did not
         contain any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state any
         material fact required to be stated therein or necessary to make the
         statements therein not misleading.

                  SECTION 4.08 Financial Statements. The audited consolidated
financial statements and unaudited consolidated interim financial statements of
Able and its consolidated Subsidiaries included in the Able 10-K and the
quarterly reports on Form 10-Q referred to in Section 4.07 fairly present, in
conformity with GAAP (except as may be indicated in the notes thereto), the
consolidated financial position of Able and its consolidated Subsidiaries as of
the dates thereof and their consolidated results of operations and cash flows
for the periods then ended (subject, in the case of any unaudited interim
financial statements, to normal year-end adjustments, none of which,
individually or in the aggregate, would have an Able Material Adverse Effect).

                  SECTION 4.09 Proxy Statement/Prospectus; Registration
Statement. None of the information supplied by Able for inclusion in (a) the
proxy statement relating to the Able Stockholder Meeting (also constituting the
prospectus in respect of the Bracknell Common Stock to be exchanged for Able
Shares in the Merger) (the "Proxy Statement/Prospectus"), to be filed by Able
and Bracknell with the SEC, and any amendments or supplements thereto, or (b)
the Registration Statement on Form F-4 (the "Registration Statement") to be
filed by Bracknell with the SEC in connection with the Merger, and any
amendments or supplements thereto, will, at the respective times such documents
are filed, and, in the case of the Proxy Statement/Prospectus, at the time the
Proxy Statement/Prospectus or any amendment or supplement thereto is first
mailed to stockholders of Able, at the time of the Able Stockholder Meeting and
at the Effective Time, and, in the case of the Registration Statement, when it
becomes effective under the Securities Act of 1933, contain any untrue
statement of a material fact or omit to state any material fact necessary in
order to make the statements made therein, in the light of the circumstances


which they were made, not misleading. All documents that Able is responsible
for filing with the SEC in connection with the Merger will comply as to form in
all material respects with the applicable provisions of the Exchange Act, the
Securities Act of 1933 and state securities Laws.

                  SECTION 4.10 Absence of Certain Changes. Except as set forth
on Schedule 4.10 since April 30, 2000, Able and its Subsidiaries have conducted
their business in all material respects in the ordinary course consistent with
past practices and there has not been:

                  (a)      any event, occurrence or development or state of
         circumstances or facts, which affects or relates to Able or any of its
         Subsidiaries, which has had or would reasonably be expected to have an
         Able Material Adverse Effect;

                  (b)      any declaration, setting aside or payment of any
         dividend or other distribution with respect to any shares of capital
         stock of Able, or any repurchase, redemption or other acquisition by
         Able or any of its Subsidiaries of any outstanding shares of capital
         stock or other securities of, or other ownership interests in, Able or
         any of its Subsidiaries;

                  (c)      any amendment of any term of any outstanding security
         of Able or any of its Subsidiaries;

                  (d)      any incurrence, assumption or guarantee by Able or
         any of its Subsidiaries of any indebtedness for borrowed money other
         than in the ordinary course of business and in amounts and on terms
         consistent with past practices;

                  (e)      any creation or assumption by Able or any of its
         Subsidiaries of any Lien (other than a Permitted Lien) on any material

                  (f)      any making of any loan, advance or capital
         contributions to or investment in any Person other than loans,
         advances or capital contributions to or investments in wholly owned
         Subsidiaries made in the ordinary course of business consistent with
         past practices;

                  (g)      any material amendment or termination of any Material
         Contract or Material Lease relating to the Business or any material
         capital expenditure;

                  (h)      to Able's Knowledge, any claim or threatened claim
         against Able or one or more of its Subsidiaries in respect of a
         Material Contract where the liability of Able or one or more of its
         Subsidiaries exceeds, or could reasonably be expected to exceed,

                  (i)      any material destruction, damage or other loss to any
         of the assets of Able or any of its Subsidiaries that is not covered
         by insurance;

                  (j)      any material sale, lease or other disposition of any
         of the assets of Able or any of its Subsidiaries, other than assets
         sold, leased or otherwise disposed of in the


         ordinary course of business consistent with past practice which would
         not, in the aggregate, have an Able Material Adverse Effect;

                  (k)      any material purchase or lease of any assets by Able
         or any of its Subsidiaries, other than assets purchased or leased in
         the ordinary course of business consistent with past practice;

                  (l)      any change in any method of accounting or accounting
         practice by Able or any of its Subsidiaries, except for any such
         change required by reason of a concurrent change in GAAP or to conform
         a Subsidiary's accounting policies and practices to those of Able;

                  (m)      except for contractual obligations existing on the
         date hereof or disclosed on Schedule 4.10(m), any (i) grant of any
         severance or termination pay to any director, officer or employee of
         Able, (ii) entering into of any employment, deferred compensation or
         other similar agreement (or any amendment to any such existing
         agreement) with any director, officer or employee of Able or any of
         its Subsidiaries except in the ordinary course of business consistent
         with past practice with persons who are not executive officers, (iii)
         increase in benefits payable under any existing severance or
         termination pay policies or employment agreements, (iv) increase in
         compensation, bonus or other benefits payable to directors, officers
         or employees of Able or any of its Subsidiaries, other than in the
         ordinary course of business consistent with past practice, or (v)
         acceleration of the exercisability or vesting of any options, as the
         case may be;

                  (n)      any labor dispute, other than individual grievances,
         or any activity or proceeding by a labor union or representative
         thereof to organize any employees of Able or any of its Subsidiaries,
         which employees were not subject to a collective bargaining agreement
         at April 30, 2000 or any lockouts, strikes, slowdowns, work stoppages
         or threats thereof by or with respect to such employees;

                  (o)      any actual or, to Able's Knowledge, threatened
         dispute between Able or any of its Subsidiaries and any vendor or
         customer, other than disputes which would not have or reasonably be
         expected to have, individually or in the aggregate, an Able Material
         Adverse Effect;

                  (p)      any actual or, to Able's Knowledge, threatened
         suspension or cancellation of any Permit, other than those the
         suspension or cancellation of which would not have or reasonably be
         expected to have, individually or in the aggregate, an Able Material
         Adverse Effect;

                  (q)      any amendment to Able's articles of incorporation or

                  (r)      any change in any Law applicable to Able or any of
         its Subsidiaries, or in the interpretation or application thereof,
         which individually or in the aggregate has had or would reasonably be
         expected to have an Able Material Adverse Effect; or


                  (s)      any agreement or commitment by Able or any of its
         Subsidiaries to take any action described in this Section 4.10.

                  SECTION 4.11 No Undisclosed Material Liabilities. Except as
described in Schedule 4.11, there are no Liabilities of Able or any of its
Subsidiaries, and there is no existing condition, situation or set of
circumstances which, individually or in the aggregate, have or would reasonably
be expected to have an Able Material Adverse Effect, other than:

                  (a)      Liabilities disclosed or provided for in Able's
         consolidated balance sheet dated as of April 30, 2000 included in
         Able's quarterly report on Form 10-Q for the fiscal quarter ended
         April 30, 2000;

                  (b)      Liabilities incurred in the ordinary course of
         business consistent with past practices since April 30, 2000, which in
         the aggregate are not material to Able or an Able Significant
         Subsidiary; and

                  (c)      Liabilities under this Agreement.

                  SECTION 4.12 Real Property.

                  (a)      A complete and accurate list and description of all
         real property owned by Able or its Subsidiaries (other than
         Easements), in each case which is used or useful in the conduct of the
         Business, is set forth in Schedule 4.12(a) (the "Owned Real
         Property"). Able or one of its Subsidiaries has good, valid and
         marketable title in fee simple to each Owned Real Property free and
         clear of all Liens except Permitted Liens.

                  (b)      A complete and accurate list and description of all
         the real property leased to Able or its Subsidiaries (other than
         Easements), in each case which is used or useful in the conduct of the
         Business (the "Leased Real Property"), is set forth in Schedule
         4.12(b). Except as set forth on Schedule 4.12(b), all Material Leases
         are in writing and are valid, effective, binding and in full force and
         effect. There has been no material breach of, or default under, any
         Material Lease by Able or one of its Subsidiaries or, to Able's
         Knowledge, any other Person, which breach or default has not been
         cured or waived (and no event has occurred which, with due notice or
         lapse of time or both, may constitute a breach or default), and no
         party to any Material Lease has given Able or one of its Subsidiaries
         written notice or made a claim with respect to any breach or default
         under a Material Lease. A true and complete copy of each of the
         Material Leases, as amended to date, has been furnished to Bracknell.
         Able or one of its Subsidiaries is the lessee or sublessee under all
         Material Leases or has succeeded (or will succeed prior to the Closing
         Date) to the rights of the lessee under such Material Leases and owns
         the leasehold interest created pursuant to such Leases free and clear
         of all Liens except Permitted Liens. Able or one of its Subsidiaries
         validly occupies any improvements located on the Leased Real Property
         in accordance with the terms of the relevant Leases free and clear of
         all Liens except Permitted Liens. All consents required under the
         Material Leases in connection with the transactions contemplated by
         this Agreement have been, or as of the Closing Date will be, obtained
         and furnished in writing to Bracknell.


                  (c)      A complete and accurate list and description of all
         easements, the beneficial interest of which is owned by Able or one of
         its Subsidiaries, in each case which is used or useful in the conduct
         of the Business is listed in Schedule 4.12(c) (the "Easements").
         Schedule 4.12(c) also lists, with respect to each Easement, all
         contracts or other agreements (collectively, the "Easement Contracts")
         pursuant to which Able or one of its Subsidiaries (i) acquired rights
         to the Easement, and/or (ii) granted rights to others to use or access
         any wires, cables, or other conduit located within the respective
         Easement areas. Able or one of its Subsidiaries has good, valid, and
         marketable title in and to each Easement free and clear of all Liens
         except Permitted Liens. Each Easement is valid, effective and binding
         and in full force and effect. There has been no material breach of any
         Easement or Easement Contract by Able or its Subsidiaries or, to
         Able's Knowledge, any other Person, which breach has not been cured or
         waived. A true and complete copy of each Easement Contract, as amended
         to date, has been furnished to Bracknell. Able or one of its
         Subsidiaries validly occupies and uses the Easements and any
         improvements located on the Easements in accordance with the terms of
         the Easement Contracts. All consents required under the Easements and
         Easement Contracts in connection with the transactions contemplated by
         this Agreement have been, or as of the Closing Date will be, obtained
         and furnished in writing to Bracknell.

                  (d)      Schedules 4.12(a), 4.12(b) and 4.12(c) describe all
         real property owned or leased by Able or its Subsidiaries (the "Real
         Property"), and the nature of the interest of Able or its Subsidiaries
         in those properties. There is no real property (other than the Real
         Property) the use or possession of which is necessary for Able or its
         Subsidiaries to carry on the Business. Except as provided in Schedule
         4.12(d), none of the Real Property is subject to a Lease, sublease,
         license or other agreement granting any Person any right to the use,
         occupancy or enjoyment thereof (or any portion thereof), except where
         such Lease, sublease, license or other agreement would not materially
         detract from the value of the applicable property, materially impair
         the present and continued use, operation or maintenance of the
         property subject thereto, or materially impair the operations of Able
         or one of its Subsidiaries.

                  (e)      The buildings, driveways and all other structures and
         improvements upon the Real Property are all within the boundary lines
         of the applicable property or have the benefit of valid easements or
         other legal rights and there are no encroachments thereon that would
         materially affect the use thereof.

                  (f)      All buildings, structures, improvements and fixtures
         owned, leased or used by Able or its Subsidiaries in the conduct of
         the Business conform in all material respects to all applicable
         building, zoning, health, safety, environmental and other Laws,
         regulations, codes and rules adopted by national and local
         associations and boards and insurance underwriters, and all such
         buildings, structures, improvements and fixtures and the electrical,
         plumbing, HVAC and other systems thereat are in good operating
         condition and repair. There are no outstanding requirements or
         recommendations by any insurance company which has issued a policy
         covering any such property, or by any board of fire underwriters or
         other body exercising similar functions, requiring or recommending any
         material repairs or work to be done on any such property.



                  (g)      Schedule 4.12(g) lists all policies of title
         insurance insuring the interest of Able and its Subsidiaries in the
         Real Property (the "Title Policies"). All of the Title Policies are in
         full force and effect and neither Able nor any of its Subsidiaries have
         taken or will take any action that would adversely affect the coverage
         afforded the insured thereunder. Able will provide copies of each of
         the Title Policies and any related surveys to Bracknell promptly after
         the date hereof. Able will cooperate with Bracknell to obtain any new
         policies or amendments or endorsements to the Title Policies as may
         reasonably be required by Bracknell.

                  SECTION 4.13 Personal Property.

                  (a)      Subject to Permitted Liens, Able or its Subsidiaries
         have marketable and indefeasible title to all personal property owned
         by Able or its Subsidiaries and used in the conduct of the Business,
         other than (A) property that has been disposed of in the ordinary
         course of business, (B) property that has been disposed of in
         transactions disclosed to Bracknell in writing prior to the date
         hereof, and (C) Leased Personal Property.

                  (b)      Schedule 4.13(b) lists all of the Material Leases of
         leased personal property used in the Business conducted by Able and its
         Subsidiaries (the "Leased Personal Property"). All such Material Leases
         of Leased Personal Property are valid and binding and in full force and
         effect. There has been no material breach of any such Material Lease by
         Able or its Subsidiaries or, to Able's knowledge, any other Person,
         which breach has not been cured or waived.

                  SECTION 4.14 Accounts Receivable. Except as set forth on
Schedule 4.14, all Accounts Receivable of Able and its Subsidiaries reflected on
the balance sheet included in Able's Form 10-Q as of April 30, 2000 and all
Accounts Receivable of Able and its Subsidiaries generated after April 30, 2000
that are reflected in the accounting records of Able and its Subsidiaries as of
the Closing Date represent or will represent valid obligations arising from
sales actually made or services actually performed or billed for in the ordinary
course of business. All Accounts Receivable not paid prior to the Closing Date
are current and collectible in the ordinary course of business, except to the
extent reflected in the reserve for doubtful accounts in the financial
statements include in Able's SEC Filings. The reserve for doubtful accounts
reflected in the financial statements included in Able's SEC Filings has been
determined consistent with past practices and in accordance with GAAP. Able and
its Subsidiaries have good and valid title to the Accounts Receivable free and
clear of all Liens except Permitted Liens.

                  SECTION 4.15 Contracts. Except for (i) purchase orders,
invoices, confirmations and similar documents involving the purchase or sale of
goods or services for less than $250,000 over a period of 12 months or less,
(ii) Leases, (iii) Benefit Arrangements, and (iv) contracts relating to
intercompany obligations, Schedule 4.15(i) sets forth a list of all of the
following contracts ("Material Contracts") (A) to which Able or any of its
Subsidiaries is a party or (B) by which any of the assets of Able or any of its
Subsidiaries are bound: (1) contracts pertaining to the borrowing of money; (2)
contracts creating Liens; (3) contracts creating


guarantees; (4) contracts relating to material employment or consulting
services; (5) contracts relating to any single capital expenditure in excess of
$250,000 or aggregate capital expenditures in excess of $500,000; (6) contracts
for the purchase or sale of real property, any business or line of business or
for any merger or consolidation; (7) joint venture or partnership agreements;
(8) contracts that individually require by their respective terms after the date
hereof the payment or receipt of $250,000 or more; (9) any agreement involving
derivatives, hedging or futures under which the obligations of Able or one of
its Subsidiaries could reasonably be expected to exceed $250,000; (10) any
contract that limits the freedom of Able or its Subsidiaries to compete in any
line of business or to conduct business in any geographic location; or (11) any
contract for the purchase or sale of all or substantially all of the assets or
stock of any company or operating division. All Material Contracts are valid and
binding and in full force and effect. Except as disclosed in Schedule 4.15(ii),
there has been no material breach of any contract by Able or its Subsidiaries
or, to Able's Knowledge, any other Person, which breach has not been cured or
waived. Able will make available to Bracknell true and complete copies of the
Material Contracts.

                  SECTION 4.16 Litigation. Except as set forth on Schedule 4.16,
there is no Action by any Person or by or before any Governmental Authority that
is pending or, to Able's Knowledge, threatened by, against or affecting Able or
its Subsidiaries or any of their respective assets which would have or
reasonably be expected to have an Able Material Adverse Effect. Except as set
forth on Schedule 4.16, neither Able nor any of its Subsidiaries is subject to
any Order that would have an Able Material Adverse Effect.

                  SECTION 4.17 Taxes. Except as set forth on Schedule 4.17(i),
Able and its Subsidiaries have timely filed all Returns and reports required to
be filed by them on or before the date hereof, or requests for extensions to
file such Returns have been timely filed and granted and have not yet expired.
All such Returns are complete and accurate. Able and its Subsidiaries have paid,
or have set up an adequate reserve for the payment of, all Taxes due, whether or
not shown as due, on such Returns and have properly withheld and paid over to
the appropriate Governmental Authority all applicable withholding Taxes. The
interim balance sheet contained in Able's Form 10-Q for its fiscal quarter ended
April 30, 2000 contains an adequate reserve for all Taxes accrued by Able and
its Subsidiaries through April 30, 2000. Except as set forth on Schedule
4.17(ii), no deficiencies for any Taxes have been asserted, proposed or
otherwise settled or reserved against, Able has not received any notice of and
has no reason to believe that any deficiency for any Taxes will be proposed or
threatened, and no waivers of the time to assess any such Taxes are pending.
There are no material Liens for Taxes (other than Permitted Liens for current
Taxes not yet due and payable) on the assets of Able or any of its Subsidiaries.
No election under Section 341(f) of the Code has been or will be made to treat
Able or any of its Subsidiaries as a "consenting corporation" as defined in such
Section 341(f). Neither Able nor any of its Subsidiaries is a party to any
agreement, contract or arrangement that has resulted or could result in any
disallowance of a deduction for employee remuneration under Section 162(m) of
the Code or that would result, separately or in the aggregate, in any payment
(whether or not in connection with any termination of employment or otherwise)
of any "excess parachute payment" within the meaning of Section 280G of the
Code. Except as set forth on Schedule 4.17(iii), neither Able nor any of its
Subsidiaries has been a party to any deferred intercompany transaction pursuant
to which it realized but did not recognize a gain, and no excess loss account


exists with respect to the shares of stock of any member of the federal
consolidated income tax group of which Able is the common parent. Neither Able
nor any of its Subsidiaries is or has been a party to any Tax sharing agreement
or has or could have any liability for Taxes pursuant to Section 1.1502-6 of the
regulations promulgated pursuant to the Code for the Taxes of any Person other
than a corporation that is currently a member of the federal consolidated income
Tax group of which Able is the common parent. Able has no reason to believe that
any of its net operating loss carryforwards, foreign Tax credit carryforwards or
other similar Tax attributes would be reduced or disallowed by any taxing
authority if its Returns for the years in which such Tax attributes were created
were audited. Except as set forth on Schedule 4.17(iv), no audit of Able or any
of its Subsidiaries by any taxing authority is currently pending or threatened,
and no issues have been raised by any taxing authority in connection with any
Returns of Able or any of its Subsidiaries.

                  SECTION 4.18  Tax Free Merger.

                  (a)      Following the Merger, the Surviving Corporation will
         hold at least 90 percent of the fair market value of the net assets,
         and at least 70 percent of the fair market value of the gross assets,
         held by Able prior to the Merger. For purposes of this representation,
         amounts used by Able to pay reorganization expenses and all
         redemptions, distributions and payments, in cash or property, made by
         Able in connection with the Merger shall be included as assets of Able
         prior to the Merger.

                  (b)      Able has no plan or intention to issue additional
         shares of it stock that would result in Bracknell losing control of
         Able within the meaning of Section 368(c) of the Code. At the time of
         the Merger, Able will not have outstanding any warrants, options,
         convertible securities, or any other type of right pursuant to which
         any Person could acquire stock in Able that, if exercised or converted,
         would affect Bracknell's acquisition or retention of such control.

                  (c)      There is no intercorporate indebtedness existing
         between Bracknell and Able or between Subco and Able. Able is not an
         investment company as defined in Section 368(a)(2)(F)(iii) and (iv) of
         the Code. On the date of the Merger, the fair market value of the
         assets of Able will exceed the sum of its liabilities plus the
         liabilities, if any, to which its assets are subject. Able is not under
         the jurisdiction of a court in a Title 11 or similar case within the
         meaning of Section 368(a)(3)(A) of the Code.

                  (d)      Able agrees to treat the Merger as a reorganization
         within the meaning of Section 368(a) of the Code. This Agreement is
         intended to constitute a "plan of reorganization" within the meaning of
         Section 1.368-2(g) of the income Tax regulations promulgated under the
         Code. Able has not knowingly taken any action that would jeopardize the
         qualification of the Merger as a reorganization within the meaning of
         Section 368(a) of the Code. During the period from the date of this
         Agreement through the Effective Time, unless all parties hereto shall
         otherwise agree in writing, Able shall not knowingly take or fail to
         take any action which action or failure would jeopardize the
         qualification of the Merger as a reorganization within the meaning of
         Section 368(a) of the Code. Able shall cause one or more of its
         responsible officers to execute and deliver


         certificates to confirm the accuracy of certain relevant facts as may
         be reasonably requested by counsel in connection with the preparation
         and delivery of the Tax opinion described in Section 9.01(f).

                  SECTION 4.19  ERISA.

                  (a)      "Employee Plans" shall mean each "employee benefit
         plan", as defined in Section 3(3) of the Employee Retirement Income
         Security Act of 1974 ("ERISA"), which (i) is subject to any provision
         of ERISA and (ii) is maintained, administered or contributed to by Able
         or any affiliate (as defined below) and covers any employee or former
         employee of Able or any affiliate or under which Able or any affiliate
         has any liability. Schedule 4.19(a) lists all Employee Plans. True and
         complete copies of such plans (and, if applicable, related trust
         agreements) and all amendments thereto have been furnished to
         Bracknell. For purposes of this Section, "affiliate" of any Person
         means any other Person which, together with such Person, would be
         treated as a single employer under Section 414 of the Code.

                  (b)      No Employee Plan individually or collectively
         constitutes a "defined benefit plan" as defined in Section 3(35) of

                  (c)      No Employee Plan constitutes a "multi-employer plan",
         as defined in Section 3(37) of ERISA, and no Employee Plan is
         maintained in connection with any trust described in Section 501(c)(9)
         of the Code. No Employee Plan is subject to Title IV of ERISA. Neither
         Able nor any of its affiliates has incurred, nor has reason to expect
         to incur, any liability under Title IV of ERISA arising in connection
         with the termination of, or complete or partial withdrawal from, any
         plan previously covered by Title IV of ERISA.

                  (d)      Nothing done or omitted to be done and no transaction
         or holding of any asset under or in connection with any Employee Plan
         has or will make Able or any of its Subsidiaries or any officer or
         director of Able or any of its Subsidiaries subject to any liability
         under Title I of ERISA or liable for any Tax pursuant to Section 4975
         of the Code that would have, or reasonably be expected to have,
         individually or in the aggregate, an Able Material Adverse Effect.

                  (e)      Each Employee Plan which is intended to be qualified
         under Section 401(a) of the Code is so qualified and has been so
         qualified during the period from its adoption to date, and each trust
         forming a part thereof is exempt from Tax pursuant to Section 501(a) of
         the Code, and each Employee Plan has been maintained in material
         compliance with its terms and with the requirements prescribed by any
         and all statutes, Orders, final rules and final regulations, including
         but not limited to ERISA and the Code, which are applicable to such
         Employee Plan.

                  (f)      There is no contract, agreement, plan or arrangement
         covering any employee or former employee of Able or any affiliate that,
         individually or collectively,


         could give rise to the payment of any amount that would not be
         deductible pursuant to the terms of Section 280G of the Code.

                  (g)      "Benefit Arrangement" shall mean each employment,
         severance or other similar contract, arrangement or policy and each
         plan or arrangement (written or oral) providing for compensation,
         bonus, profit-sharing, or other forms of incentive or deferred
         compensation, vacation benefits, insurance coverage (including any
         self-insured arrangements), health or medical benefits, disability
         benefits, workers' compensation with the exception of the stock options
         disclosed in Schedule 4.05(a)(i) or Schedule 4.05(a)(ii), supplemental
         unemployment benefits, severance benefits and post-employment or
         retirement benefits (including compensation, health or medical
         insurance or other benefits) which (i) is not an Employee Plan, (ii) is
         entered into, maintained or contributed to, as the case may be, by Able
         or any of its affiliates, and (iii) covers any employee or former
         employee of Able or any of its affiliates. Copies or descriptions of
         the Benefit Arrangements have been furnished to Bracknell. Each Benefit
         Arrangement has been maintained in compliance with its terms and with
         the requirements prescribed by any and all Laws that are applicable to
         such Benefit Arrangement.

                  (h)      Except as disclosed in Schedule 4.19(h), the
         transactions contemplated hereby will not result in any liability for
         severance pay to any employee or accelerate the exercisability, vesting
         or payment of any options, warrants, stock appreciation rights, phantom
         stock awards or any similar instruments, as the case may be, nor will
         any employee be entitled to any payment solely by reason of such

                  (i)      All contributions required to be made to trusts in
         connection with any Employee Plan that would constitute a "defined
         contribution plan" (within the meaning of Section 3(34) of ERISA) have
         been made in a timely manner in compliance with applicable law and

                  (j)      Other than claims in the ordinary course for benefits
         with respect to the Employee Plans or Benefit Arrangements, there are
         no Actions, suits or claims (including claims for income Taxes,
         interest, penalties, fines or excise Taxes with respect thereto)
         pending with respect to any Employee Plan or Benefit Arrangement, or
         any circumstances which might give rise to any such Action, suit or
         claim (including claims for income Taxes, interest, penalties, fines or
         excise Taxes with respect thereto);

                  (k)      Except as disclosed in paragraphs (2) and (3) of
         Schedule 4.17(i), all reports, returns and similar documents with
         respect to the Employee Plans or Benefit Arrangements required to be
         filed with any governmental agency have been so filed by the due date
         for such filings;

                  (l)      Able has no obligation to provide health or other
         welfare benefits to former, retired or terminated employees, except as
         specifically required under Section 4980B of the Code or Section 601 of
         ERISA. Able has complied with the notice and continuation requirements
         of Section 4980B of the Code and Section 601 of ERISA and the
         regulations thereunder.


                  (m)      Except as disclosed in writing to Bracknell prior to
         the date hereof and subject to the provisions of Section 4.10(l), there
         has been no amendment to, written interpretation or announcement
         (whether or not written) by Able or any of its affiliates relating to,
         or change in employee participation or coverage under, any Employee
         Plan or Benefit Arrangement which in the aggregate would increase the
         per employee expense of maintaining such Employee Plan or Benefit
         Arrangement above the level of the expense incurred on a per employee
         basis in respect thereof for the six months ended on April 30, 2000
         except to the extent, with respect to all employees, as would not have,
         or reasonably be expected to have, individually or in the aggregate, an
         Able Material Adverse Effect.

                  SECTION 4.20 Environmental Matters. Except as set forth in
Schedule 4.20, and to the best of Able's Knowledge, (a) Able and its
Subsidiaries have obtained and maintain all Material Environmental Permits
necessary operate their Business; (b) Able and its Subsidiaries are and at all
times have been in material compliance with, and have not been and are not in
violation of or liable under, any Environmental Permit or any Environmental Law;
(c) there are no past, pending, or threatened Environmental Claims against Able
or its Subsidiaries in connection with the Business or any Site; (d) no Releases
of Hazardous Materials have occurred at, from, in, to, on or under any Site and
no Hazardous Materials are present in, on, about or migrating to or from any
Site that could give rise to an Environmental Claim against Able or its
Subsidiaries; (e) neither Able, its Subsidiaries, their predecessors have
generated, recycled, discharged or released any Hazardous Material, or
transported or arranged for the treatment, storage, handling, disposal or
transportation of any Hazardous Material to any off-Site location, which is
reasonably likely to result in an Environmental Claim against Able or its
Subsidiaries; (f) no Site or any property to which Able or any of its
Subsidiaries has, directly or indirectly, transported or arranged for the
transportation of any Hazardous Material, is a current or proposed Environmental
Cleanup Site; (g) there are no Liens arising under or pursuant to any
Environmental Law on any Site and there are no facts, circumstances or
conditions that could restrict or encumber, or result in the imposition of use
restrictions under any Environmental Law with respect to the ownership,
occupancy, development, use or transferability of any Site currently owned or
operated by Able or its Subsidiaries; (h) there are no underground storage
tanks, active or abandoned, polychlorinated biphenyl containing equipment, or
asbestos or asbestos-containing materials at any Site; and (i) Able and its
Subsidiaries have provided Bracknell with all audits, assessments, reports,
reviews and investigations relating to Able and each of its Subsidiaries,
whether prepared internally or by external consultants, relating to the
existence or management of any issues or circumstances relevant to the
Environment, including without limitation any such documentation relating to any

                  SECTION 4.21 Intellectual Property. Able and its Subsidiaries
own sufficient right, title and interest in and to, or have valid licenses of
sufficient scope and duration for, all patents, patent rights, copyrights,
trademarks, service marks, trade names, software, trade secrets, confidential
information and other Intellectual Property material to the operation of the
Business as currently conducted or proposed to be conducted (the "Intellectual
Property Assets"). The Intellectual Property Assets are free and clear of all
Liens which would materially impair the ability of Able or its Subsidiaries to
use the Intellectual Property Assets in the Business currently conducted or
proposed to be conducted. Able has granted no third party any rights in and to
the Intellectual Property Assets except for rights which would not have an Able
Material Adverse


Effect. Except as set forth on Schedule 4.21, none of the Intellectual Property
Assets owned or licensed by Able or its Subsidiaries infringes upon or conflicts
with, or to Able's Knowledge, is alleged to infringe upon or conflict with, the
Intellectual Property rights of any third party, which infringement or alleged
infringement could have an Able Material Adverse Effect.

                  SECTION 4.22 Employees. Schedule 4.22 sets forth each
collective bargaining or other labor union agreement applicable to any employees
of Able or any of its Subsidiaries ("Able Employees"). No material work stoppage
or material labor dispute against Able or any of its Subsidiaries in connection
with the Business is pending or, to Able's Knowledge, threatened and, to Able's
Knowledge, except as set forth on Schedule 4.22, there is no related
organizational activity by any Able Employees. Neither Able nor any of its
Subsidiaries has, except as set forth on Schedule 4.22, received any written
notice of any unfair labor practice in connection with the Business, and no such
complaints are pending before the National Labor Relations Board or other
similar Governmental Authority.

                  SECTION 4.23 Intercompany Agreements. Schedule 4.23 lists each
and every contract between Able and any of its stockholders or, to Able's
Knowledge, any Affiliate of Able and any of its stockholders which is currently
in effect.

                  SECTION 4.24 Certain Payments. Neither Able, nor any of its
Subsidiaries, directors, officers, agents, or employees, or any other Person
associated with or acting for or on behalf of Able or any of its Subsidiaries,
has directly or indirectly (i) made any contribution, gift, bribe, rebate,
payoff, influence payment, kickback, or other payment to any Person, private or
public, regardless of form, whether in money, property or services (A) to obtain
favorable treatment in securing business, (B) to pay for favorable treatment or
for business secured, or (C) to obtain special concessions or for special
concessions already obtained for or in respect of Able or any of its
Subsidiaries, or (ii) established or maintained any fund or asset that has not
been appropriately recorded in the books and records of Able or its
Subsidiaries, which in the case of either clause (i) or (ii) would be in
violation of Law.

                  SECTION 4.25 Customers and Suppliers. Since October 31, 1999,
there has been no termination (except by completion of performance) or
cancellation of, and no material modification or change in, any Material
Contract with (i) any customer or group of related customers which singly or, in
the aggregate, provided more than 2% of the consolidated gross revenues of Able
and its Subsidiaries for the fiscal year ended October 31, 1999, or (ii) any
suppliers to Able or its Subsidiaries which singly or in the aggregate
constituted more than 2% of the consolidated cost of services for such fiscal

                  SECTION 4.26 Canadian Competition Act. The aggregate value of
the assets in Canada of Able and its Subsidiaries, determined in accordance with
the Competition Act (Canada), does not exceed $35 million Canadian Dollars. The
aggregate gross annual revenues from sales in or from Canada generated by those
assets, determined in accordance with the Competition Act (Canada), does not
exceed $35 million in Canadian Dollars.

                  SECTION 4.27 Rights Plan. To Able's Knowledge, none of Able's
stockholders are acting jointly or in concert with each other or have any
agreement, arrangement, commitment


or understanding (whether formal or informal and whether or not in writing) with
any other Able stockholder or with any other Person acting jointly or in concert
with any other Able stockholder for the purpose of acquiring Bracknell Common
Stock pursuant to the Merger. For the purpose hereof, the phrase "jointly or in
concert" shall be interpreted consistent with Section 91 of the Securities Act

                  SECTION 4.28 Compliance With Other Applicable Laws. Able and
its Subsidiaries have in effect all Permits necessary for them to own, lease or
operate the properties and assets of Able and its Subsidiaries and to carry on
the Business as now conducted, and there has not occurred any default under any
Permit, except for the absence of Permits and for defaults under Permits that
have not had an Able Material Adverse Effect. Able and its Subsidiaries are in
compliance with all Other Applicable Law, except where failure to so comply
would not reasonably be expected to have an Able Material Adverse Effect. Except
as set forth in Schedule 4.28, no investigation or review by any Governmental
Authority with respect to Able or any of its Subsidiaries is pending or to
Able's Knowledge, threatened.

                  SECTION 4.29 Insurance. Able and each of its Subsidiaries
maintains insurance with responsible and reputable insurers in such amounts and
covering such risks and with such deductibles as are generally maintained by
like businesses, the failure of which to maintain would or would have reasonably
be expected to have an Able Material Adverse Effect. The coverage under each
such policy is in full force and effect and Able and each of its Subsidiaries is
in good standing under such policies, unless the lack of such coverage or good
standing would not have or would not reasonably be expected to have an Able
Material Adverse Effect. Neither Able nor any of its Subsidiaries has received
notice of, or has any knowledge of, any fact, condition or circumstance which
might reasonably form the basis of any claim against Able or any of its
Subsidiaries which is not fully covered by insurance (subject to deductibles)
maintained by any of them unless such fact, condition or circumstance could not
reasonably be expected to have an Able Material Adverse Effect.

                  SECTION 4.30 Bonds. Schedule 4.30 lists all surety bonds
(including, without limitation, performance bonds, bid bonds, payment bonds,
labor and materials bonds, lien bonds, warranty bonds, maintenance bonds and any
replacement bonds) with respect to which Able or any of its Subsidiaries has
liability or indemnification obligations for an amount greater than $250,000.

                  SECTION 4.31. Bankruptcy and Insolvency Proceedings. No
proceeding (including a private proceeding) has been commenced by or against
Able or a Subsidiary of Able (i) seeking to adjudicate it bankrupt or insolvent;
(ii) seeking liquidation, dissolution, winding-up, reorganization, arrangement,
protection, relief or composition of it or any of its property or debt or making
a proposal with respect to it under any Law relating to bankruptcy, insolvency,
reorganization, or compromise of debts or other similar Laws (including, without
limitation, any case under Chapter 7 or Chapter 11 of the United States
Bankruptcy Code or any similar proceeding under applicable state Law); or (iii)
seeking appointment of a receiver, trustee, agent or custodian or other similar
official for it or for any substantial part of its properties and assets.


                  SECTION 4.32 Broker's Fees. Except as disclosed on Schedule
4.32, there is no investment banker, broker, finder or other intermediary which
has been retained by or is authorized to act on behalf of Able, any of its
stockholders or any of its Subsidiaries who might be entitled to any fee or
commission in connection with the transactions contemplated by this Agreement.

                  SECTION 4.33 Vote Required. Except as contemplated by this
Agreement, the affirmative vote of the holders of a majority of the outstanding
Able Shares and Series E Shares, voting together as a single class, and the
affirmative vote of the holders of a majority of the outstanding Series C
Shares, voting as a separate class, at the Able Stockholder Meeting, are the
only votes of the holders of any classes or series of Able's capital stock
necessary to approve this Agreement and the transactions contemplated hereby.

                  SECTION 4.34 Opinion of Financial Advisor. Able has received
from a qualified financial advisor, a verbal opinion to the effect that, as of
the date hereof, the Conversion Number is fair to Able's Stockholders from a
financial point of view.

                                    ARTICLE V


                  Bracknell and Subco, jointly and severally, represent and
warrant to Able that:

                  SECTION 5.01 Corporate Existence and Power. Bracknell and each
of its Subsidiaries (including Subco) is a corporation duly organized, validly
existing and in good standing under the laws of its province or other
jurisdiction of incorporation or organization, has all requisite power and
authority to own, lease and operate its properties and to carry on its business
as now being conducted, and is duly qualified and in good standing to do
business in each jurisdiction in which the business it is conducting, or the
operation, ownership or leasing of its properties, makes such qualification
necessary, other than in such jurisdictions where the failure so to qualify
would not have a Bracknell Material Adverse Effect. For purposes of this
Agreement, a "Bracknell Material Adverse Change" or "Bracknell Material Adverse
Effect" means any change or effect, either individually or in the aggregate,
that is or may be reasonably expected to be materially adverse to the Business,
assets, liabilities, properties, financial condition or results of operations of
Bracknell and its Subsidiaries taken as a whole.

                  SECTION 5.02 Corporate Authorization. Bracknell and Subco have
all requisite corporate power and authority to enter into this Agreement and to
consummate the transactions contemplated hereby. The execution and delivery of
this Agreement and the consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby have
been duly authorized by all necessary corporate action on the part of Bracknell
and Subco, other than the approval of Bracknell's stockholders, if required by
regulatory authorities or under applicable Law. This Agreement has been duly
executed and delivered by Bracknell and Subco and constitutes a valid and
binding obligation of Bracknell and Subco enforceable in accordance with its
terms, subject to bankruptcy, insolvency, reorganization, fraudulent conveyance,
moratorium and similar Laws, now or hereafter in effect, affecting creditors'
rights and remedies and to general principles of equity.


                  SECTION 5.03 Governmental Authorization. No consent, approval,
order or authorization of, or registration, declaration or filing with, or
Permit from any Governmental Authority is required by or with respect to
Bracknell or any of its Subsidiaries in connection with the execution, delivery
and performance of this Agreement by Bracknell or the consummation of the Merger
or the other transactions contemplated hereby, other than (i) compliance with
the applicable requirements of the HSR Act, the Exchange Act and the Securities
Act of 1933, (ii) the filing of the certificate of merger with the Secretary of
State of the State of Florida, and (iii) the filing with, and approval by, the
TSE of the conditional listing application and satisfaction of the conditions
contained therein, except where the failure of any action to be taken by any
Governmental Authority or any filing to be made would not have a Bracknell
Material Adverse Effect or prevent consummation of the Merger or the other
transactions contemplated hereby.

                  SECTION 5.04 Non-Contravention. The execution and delivery of
this Agreement by Bracknell and Subco does not, and the consummation of the
transactions contemplated hereby by Bracknell and Subco will not result in any
Violation pursuant to any provision of the certificate or articles of
incorporation or bylaws of Bracknell or any of its Subsidiaries or, except as
set forth on Schedule 5.04, or as to which requisite waivers or consents have
been obtained and assuming the consents, approvals, authorizations or permits
and filings or notifications referred to in this Section 5.04 are duly and
timely obtained or made, result in any Violation of any loan or credit
agreement, note, mortgage, indenture, Lease, Benefit Arrangement or other
agreement, obligation, instrument, Permit, concession, franchise, Order, or Law,
applicable to Bracknell or any of its Subsidiaries or their respective
properties or assets, except for any Violations which would not have a Bracknell
Material Adverse Effect.

                  SECTION 5.05  Capitalization.

                  (a)      The entire authorized capital stock of Bracknell
         consists of an unlimited number of common shares and an unlimited
         number of preferred shares issuable in series (collectively the
         "Authorized Bracknell Capital Stock"). Of the Authorized Bracknell
         Capital Stock: 40,731,148 shares of Bracknell Common Stock and 0
         preferred shares are validly issued and outstanding (as of November 14,
         2000). Bracknell has granted options to purchase 4,185,594 shares of
         Bracknell Common Stock within the reserves of Bracknell's stock option
         plan at a weighted average exercise price of $5.36 in Canadian dollars
         per share and has granted options to purchase 610,000 shares of
         Bracknell Common Stock outside the reserves of Bracknell's stock option
         plan (subject to the approval of Bracknell's stockholders to increase
         the reserves under the plan) at a weighted average exercise price of
         $7.52 in Canadian dollars per share (collectively, the "Bracknell Stock
         Options"). Bracknell has also issued warrants to purchase 385,824
         shares of Bracknell Common Stock at an exercise price of $4.25 per
         share. Each of the aforesaid outstanding shares has been validly
         issued, is fully paid and nonassessable, and has not been issued in
         violation of any preemptive rights. Except as set forth on Schedule
         5.05(a), no options, warrants or other rights to acquire, sell or issue
         shares of capital stock of Bracknell are outstanding, and between the
         date hereof and the Effective Time, (i) no shares of capital stock of
         Bracknell and no such options, warrants or rights will be issued, and
         (ii) none of such options shall vest or become exercisable as a result
         of the Merger or


         change in ownership of Bracknell Common Stock or change in composition
         of the Bracknell Board of Directors. At the Effective Time, the holders
         of Able Shares and Series E Shares will receive good and valid title to
         the shares of Bracknell Common Stock (constituting the "Merger
         Consideration"), free and clear of all Liens and with no proxies or
         restrictions on the voting or other rights pertaining thereto.

                  (b)      No bonds, debentures, notes or other indebtedness
         having the right to vote (or convertible into securities having the
         right to vote) on any matters on which stockholders of Bracknell may
         vote ("Bracknell Voting Debt") were issued or outstanding. Except as
         set forth on Schedule 5.05(b), all outstanding shares of capital stock
         or other ownership interests of the Subsidiaries of Bracknell are owned
         by Bracknell or a direct or indirect wholly owned Subsidiary of
         Bracknell, free and clear of all Liens. Except as set forth in this
         Section 5.05, there are outstanding (i) no shares of capital stock,
         Bracknell Voting Debt or other voting securities of Bracknell, (ii) no
         securities of Bracknell or any Subsidiary of Bracknell convertible into
         or exchangeable for shares of capital stock, Bracknell Voting Debt or
         other voting securities of Bracknell or any Subsidiary of Bracknell, or
         (iii) no options, warrants, calls, rights (including preemptive
         rights), commitments or agreements to which Bracknell or any Subsidiary
         of Bracknell is a party or by which it is bound obligating Bracknell or
         any Subsidiary of Bracknell to issue, deliver, sell, purchase, redeem
         or acquire, or cause to be issued, delivered, sold, purchased, redeemed
         or acquired, additional shares of capital stock or any Bracknell Voting
         Debt or other voting securities of Bracknell or any Subsidiary of
         Bracknell or obligating Bracknell or any Subsidiary of Bracknell to
         grant, extend or enter into any such option, warrant, call, right,
         commitment or agreement. Except as set forth on Schedule 5.05(b), there
         are no restrictions on the ability of Bracknell to vote the stock of
         any of its Subsidiaries.

                  SECTION 5.06  Canadian Securities Law and Bracknell Financial

                  (a)      Bracknell is a reporting issuer under the Securities
         Act (Ontario), is not on the list of defaulting reporting issuers
         maintained under such Act, and will deliver to Able after the date
         hereof a true and complete copy of each quarterly, annual or other
         form, report, filing or document filed by Bracknell with the
         Governmental Authorities under the Securities Act (Ontario), or under
         the rules, policies, listing agreements or other requirements of the
         TSE or any other stock exchange on which any of Bracknell's securities
         are listed and posted for trading ("Exchange Filing Requirements"),
         since November 1, 1995, which are all the forms, reports, filings or
         documents (other than preliminary material) that Bracknell was required
         to file with the Governmental Authorities under the Securities Act
         (Ontario), or pursuant to Exchange Filing Requirements, since November
         1, 1995. Bracknell will deliver to Able after the date hereof, a true
         and complete copy of each quarterly, annual or other report or filing
         filed by Bracknell with the Governmental Authorities under the
         Securities Act (Ontario), or Exchange Filing Requirements, subsequent
         to the date of this Agreement and prior to the Closing Date. All of
         such forms, reports, filings or documents filed prior to the date of
         this Agreement are hereinafter referred to as the "Bracknell Disclosure
         Documents." Bracknell has not filed any confidential material change
         reports still maintained on a


         confidential basis. Bracknell is in compliance in all material respects
         with applicable securities Laws of Ontario and other applicable
         jurisdictions. Except with respect to the Merger, Bracknell is not
         required to file any form, report, filing or other documents with the

                  (b)      As of their respective filing dates, the Bracknell
         Disclosure Documents complied in all material respects with the
         requirements of the Securities Act (Ontario), other applicable Law, and
         Exchange Filing Requirements. As of their respective filing dates, none
         of the Bracknell Disclosure Documents contained any untrue statement of
         a material fact or omitted to state a material fact required to be
         stated therein or necessary to make the statements therein, in light of
         the circumstances under which they were made, not misleading.

                  (c)      As of their respective filing dates, the financial
         statements of Bracknell and its consolidated Subsidiaries included in
         the Bracknell Disclosure Documents complied as to form in all material
         respects with the Securities Act (Ontario) and the rules and
         regulations of the Governmental Authorities under the Securities Act
         (Ontario) with respect thereto, were prepared in accordance with
         Canadian GAAP (except as disclosed in the notes to such financial
         statements) and fairly present in accordance with applicable
         requirements of Canadian GAAP (subject, in the case of the unaudited
         financial statements, to normal year-end adjustments on a basis
         comparable with past periods, the effect of which will not,
         individually or in the aggregate, have a Bracknell Material Adverse
         Effect) the consolidated financial position of Bracknell and its
         consolidated Subsidiaries as of their respective dates and the
         consolidated results of operations and the consolidated cash flows of
         Bracknell and its consolidated Subsidiaries for the periods presented

                  SECTION 5.07 Proxy Statement/Prospectus; Registration
Statement. None of the information supplied by Bracknell for inclusion in (a)
the Proxy Statement/ Prospectus to be filed by Able and Bracknell with the SEC
and any amendments or supplements thereto or (b) the Registration Statement to
be filed by Bracknell with the SEC and any amendments or supplements thereto,
will, at the respective times when such documents are filed, and, in the case of
the Proxy Statement/Prospectus, at the time the Proxy Statement/Prospectus or
any amendment or supplement thereto is first mailed to stockholders of Able, at
the time of the Able Stockholder Meeting and at the Effective Time, and, in the
case of the Registration Statement, when it becomes effective under the
Securities Act of 1933, contain any untrue statement of a material fact or omit
to state any material fact necessary in order to make the statements made
therein, in the light of the circumstances under which they were made, not
misleading. All documents that Bracknell is responsible for filing with the SEC
in connection with the Merger will comply as to form in all material respects
with the applicable provisions of the Exchange Act, the Securities Act of 1933
and state securities Laws.

                  SECTION 5.08 No Undisclosed Material Liabilities. Except as
set forth in Schedule 5.08, there are no Liabilities of Bracknell or any of its
Subsidiaries and there is no existing condition, situation or set of
circumstances which, individually or in the aggregate, have or would reasonably
be expected to have a Bracknell Material Adverse Effect, other than:


                  (a)      Liabilities disclosed or provided for in Bracknell's
         unaudited consolidated balance sheet contained in Bracknell's Second
         Quarter Interim Report for the three months ended April 30, 2000;

                  (b)      Liabilities incurred in the ordinary course of
         business consistent with past practices since April 30, 2000, which in
         the aggregate are not material to Bracknell or its Subsidiaries taken
         as a whole; and

                  (c)      Liabilities under this Agreement.

                  SECTION 5.09 Absence of Certain Changes. Except as set forth
on Schedule 5.09 or as described in any of the Bracknell Disclosure Documents,
since, April 30, 2000, Bracknell and its Subsidiaries have conducted their
business in all material respects in the ordinary course consistent with past
practices and there has not been:

                  (a)      any event, occurrence or development or state of
         circumstances or facts, which affects or relates to Bracknell, its
         Subsidiaries or the industries in which any of them operate, which has
         had or would reasonably be expected to have a Bracknell Material
         Adverse Effect;

                  (b)      any material amendment or termination of any material
         contact or material Lease relating to the Business other than in the
         ordinary course of business and which would, in the aggregate, not have
         a Bracknell Material Adverse Effect;

                  (c)      any material destruction, damage or other loss to any
         of the assets of Bracknell or any of its Subsidiaries that is not
         covered by insurance and which would not, in the aggregate, have a
         Bracknell Material Adverse Effect;

                  (d)      any material sale, lease or other disposition of any
         of the assets of Bracknell or any of its Subsidiaries, other than
         assets sold, leased or otherwise disposed of in the ordinary course of
         business consistent with past practice and which would not, in the
         aggregate, have a Bracknell Material Adverse Effect;

                  (e)      any material purchase or lease of any assets by
         Bracknell or any of its Subsidiaries, other than assets purchased or
         leased in the ordinary course of business consistent with past practice
         which would not, in the aggregate, have a Bracknell Material Adverse

                  (f)      any material increase in the compensation payable to
         any of the employees of Bracknell or any of its Subsidiaries, except
         for increases in the ordinary course of business and consistent with
         past practice and which would, in the aggregate, not have a Bracknell
         Material Adverse Effect; or

                  (g)      any agreement or commitment by Bracknell or any of
         its Subsidiaries to take any action described in this Section 5.09.


                  SECTION 5.10 Litigation. Except as set forth on Schedule 5.10
there is no Action by any Person or by or before any Governmental Authority that
is pending or, to Bracknell's Knowledge, threatened by, against or affecting
Bracknell or its Subsidiaries or any of their respective assets that would have
a Bracknell Material Adverse Effect. Except as set forth on Schedule 5.10,
neither Bracknell nor any of its Subsidiaries is subject to any Order that would
have a Bracknell Material Adverse Effect.

                  SECTION 5.11 Taxes. Except as set forth on Schedule 5.11(i),
Bracknell and its Subsidiaries have timely filed all Returns required to be
filed by them on or before the date hereof, except where failure to timely file
would not have a Bracknell Material Adverse Effect. All such Returns are
complete and accurate except where the failure to be complete or accurate would
not have a Bracknell Material Adverse Effect. Bracknell and its Subsidiaries
have paid, or have set up an adequate reserve for the payment of, all Taxes
shown as due on such Returns, except where the failure to do so would not have a
Bracknell Material Adverse Effect. Bracknell's Second Quarter Interim Report for
the three months ended April 30, 2000 contains an adequate reserve for all Taxes
accrued by Bracknell and its Subsidiaries through April 30, 2000. Except as set
forth on Schedule 5.11(ii), no deficiencies for any Taxes have been asserted,
proposed or assessed against Bracknell or its Subsidiaries in writing that have
not been paid or otherwise settled or reserved against, except for deficiencies
the assertion, proposing or assessment of which would not have a Bracknell
Material Adverse Effect, and no waivers of the time to assess any such Taxes are
pending (other than for current Taxes not yet due and payable) on the assets of
Bracknell or any of its Subsidiaries.

                  SECTION 5.12  Tax Free Merger.

                  (a)      Following the Merger, and as a result thereof, the
         Surviving Corporation will hold at least 90 percent of the fair market
         value of the net assets and at least 70 percent of the fair market
         value of the gross assets held by Subco prior to the Merger (excluding
         the Merger Consideration).

                  (b)      Bracknell will acquire Able stock solely in exchange
         for Bracknell voting stock, and in the Merger, shares of Able stock
         representing control of Able, as defined in Section 368(c) of the Code,
         will be exchanged solely for voting stock of Bracknell.

                  (c)      Subco will have no liabilities assumed by the
         Surviving Corporation, and will not transfer to the Surviving
         Corporation in the Merger any assets subject to liabilities.

                  (d)      There is no intercorporate indebtedness existing
         between Bracknell and Able or between Subco and Able. Bracknell does
         not own, directly or indirectly, nor has it owned during the past five
         years, directly or indirectly, any stock of Able.

                  (e)      Neither Bracknell nor Subco is an investment company
         as defined in Section 368(a)(2)(F)(iii) and (iv) of the Code.

                  (f)      Prior to the Merger, Bracknell will be in control of
         Subco within the meaning of Section 368(c) of the Code.


         (g) Bracknell has no plan or intention as part of the plan of the
     Merger to cause the Surviving Corporation to issue after the Effective Time
     additional shares of stock that would result in Bracknell losing control of
     the Surviving Corporation within the meaning of Section 368(c) of the Code,
     or any warrants, options, convertible securities, or any other type of
     right pursuant to which any person could acquire stock in the Surviving
     Corporation that, if exercised or converted, would affect Bracknell's
     acquisition or retention of control of the Surviving Corporation, as
     defined in Section 368(c) of the Code.

         (h) Bracknell has no plan or intention to reacquire any of the
     Bracknell Common Stock issued in the Merger.

         (i) Bracknell has no plan or intention to liquidate the Surviving
     Corporation, to merge the Surviving Corporation with or into another
     corporation or to sell or otherwise dispose of the Surviving Corporation
     stock except for transfers of stock to a corporation controlled by

         (j) Bracknell will cause the Surviving Corporation to attach to a
     timely filed U.S. income Tax Return for the taxable year in which the
     Merger occurs the statement required by Section 1.367(a)-3(c)(6) of the
     Treasury regulations issued under Section 367(a) of the Code.

         (k) Following the Merger, the Surviving Corporation will continue
     Able's historic business or use a significant portion of its historic
     business assets in a business.

         (l) Bracknell agrees to treat the Merger as a reorganization within the
     meaning of Section 368(a) of the Code. This Agreement is intended to
     constitute a "plan of reorganization" within the meaning of Section
     1.368-2(g) of the income Tax regulations promulgated under the Code.
     Neither Bracknell nor Subco has knowingly taken any action that would
     jeopardize the qualification of the Merger as a reorganization within the
     meaning of Section 368(a) of the Code. During the period from the date of
     this Agreement through the Effective Time, unless all parties hereto shall
     otherwise agree in writing, neither Bracknell nor Subco shall knowingly
     take or fail to take any action which action or failure would jeopardize
     the qualification of the Merger as a reorganization within the meaning of
     Section 368(a) of the Code. Bracknell shall cause one or more of its
     responsible officers to execute and deliver certificates to confirm the
     accuracy of certain relevant facts as may be reasonably requested by
     counsel in connection with the preparation and delivery of the tax opinion
     described in Section 9.01(f).

         (m) Following the Effective Time, Bracknell shall use its commercially
     reasonable best efforts, and shall cause the Surviving Corporation to use
     its commercially reasonable best efforts, to conduct its business and the
     Surviving Corporation's business in a manner which would not jeopardize the
     characterization of the Merger as a reorganization within the meaning of
     Section 368(a) of the Code.


                  SECTION 5.13 Compliance With Other Applicable Laws. Bracknell
and its Subsidiaries have in effect all Permits necessary for them to own, lease
or operate the properties and assets of Bracknell and its Subsidiaries and to
carry on the Business as now conducted, and there has not occurred any default
under any Permit, except for the absence of Permits and for defaults under
Permits that have not had a Bracknell Material Adverse Effect. Bracknell and its
Subsidiaries are in compliance with all Other Applicable Law, except where
failure to so comply would not have a Bracknell Material Adverse Effect. Except
as set forth in Schedule 5.13, no investigation or review by any Governmental
Authority with respect to Bracknell or any of its Subsidiaries is pending, or to
Bracknell's Knowledge, threatened.

                  SECTION 5.14 Brokers. Except as disclosed in Schedule 5.14, no
Person is or will become entitled to receive any brokerage or finder's fee,
advisory fee or other similar payment for the transactions contemplated by this
Agreement by virtue of having been engaged by or acted on behalf of Bracknell or
any of its Subsidiaries.

                  SECTION 5.15 Certain Payments. Excluding any matters that have
been resolved, to Bracknell's Knowledge, neither Bracknell, nor any of its
Subsidiaries, directors, officers, agents, employees, or any other Person
associated with or acting for or on behalf of Bracknell or any of its
Subsidiaries, has directly or indirectly (i) made any contribution, gift, bribe,
rebate, payoff, influence payment, kickback, or other payment to any Person,
private or public, regardless of form, whether in money, property, or services
(A) to obtain favorable treatment in securing business, (B) to pay for favorable
treatment in securing business, or (C) to obtain special concessions or for
special concessions already obtained, for or in respect of Bracknell or any of
its Subsidiaries, or (ii) established or maintained any fund or asset that has
not been appropriately recorded in the books or records of Bracknell or its
Subsidiaries, which in the case of either clause (i) or (ii) would be in
violation of Law.

                  SECTION 5.16 Interim Operations of Subco. Subco was formed
solely for the purpose of engaging in the transactions contemplated hereby, has
engaged in no other business activities and has conducted its operations only as
contemplated hereby.

                  SECTION 5.17 Authorization for Bracknell Common Stock. Prior
to the Closing Date, Bracknell will have taken all necessary action to permit it
to issue the number of shares of Bracknell Common Stock to be issued pursuant to
the terms of this Agreement. Shares of Bracknell Common Stock issued pursuant to
the terms of this Agreement will, when issued, be validly issued, fully paid and
nonassessable and no person will have any preemptive right of subscription or
purchase in respect thereof. Such shares of Bracknell Common Stock will be
conditionally listed on the TSE.


                                   ARTICLE VI

                                COVENANTS OF ABLE

                  Able agrees that:

                  SECTION 6.01 Conduct of Able. Except as expressly contemplated
by this Agreement or as disclosed in writing by Able prior to the date of this
Agreement, from the date hereof until the Effective Time, Able and its
Subsidiaries shall conduct their business in the ordinary course consistent with
past practice and shall use commercially reasonable efforts to preserve intact
their business organizations and relationships with third parties and to keep
available the services of their present officers and employees. Except as
otherwise approved in writing by Bracknell or as expressly contemplated by this
Agreement, and without limiting the generality of the foregoing, from the date
hereof until the Effective Time:

                  (a) Able will not adopt or propose any change in its articles
         of incorporation or bylaws;

                  (b) Able will not, and will not permit any of its Subsidiaries
         to, merge or consolidate with any other Person (other than another
         wholly owned Subsidiary) or acquire a material amount of stock or
         assets of any other Person;

                  (c) Able will not, and will not permit any of its Subsidiaries
         to, sell, lease, license or otherwise dispose of any material assets or
         property except (i) pursuant to existing contracts or commitments, (ii)
         in the ordinary course consistent with past practice, or (iii)
         transfers between Able and/or its Subsidiaries;

                  (d) Able will not declare or pay any dividends or make any
         distributions on its issued and outstanding capital stock;

                  (e) except as set forth in Schedule 6.01(e), Able will not,
         and will not permit any of its Subsidiaries to, (i) issue, deliver or
         sell, or authorize or propose the issuance, delivery or sale of, any
         Able Securities or Able Subsidiary Securities, (ii) split, combine or
         reclassify any Able Securities or Able Subsidiary Securities or (iii)
         except as required or permitted by this Agreement, repurchase, redeem
         or otherwise acquire any Able Securities or, any Able Subsidiary

                  (f) except as otherwise expressly permitted hereby, Able will
         not make any commitment or enter into any contract or agreement
         material to Able and its Significant Subsidiaries except in the
         ordinary course of business consistent with past practice;

                  (g) Able will not, and will not permit any of its Subsidiaries
         to, incur, assume or guarantee any further indebtedness (i) in an
         amount equal to or less than $250,000 other than in the ordinary course
         of business consistent with past practice and unless Able notifies
         Bracknell promptly after any such obligation arises, or (ii) in an
         amount greater than $250,000 (in any one transaction or a series of
         related transactions);



                  (h) Able will not, and will not permit any of its Subsidiaries
         to, take or agree to or commit to take any action that would make any
         representation and warranty of Able hereunder inaccurate in any
         material respect at, or as of any time prior to, the Effective Time;

                  (i) Able will not, and will not permit any of its Subsidiaries
         to, agree or commit to do any of the foregoing.

                  SECTION 6.02 Stockholder Meeting. Able shall cause a meeting
of its stockholders to be duly called and held as soon as reasonably
practicable, but in no event later than December 31, 2000 (the "Able Stockholder
Meeting"), for the purpose of voting on the approval and adoption of this
Agreement, the Merger and the other transactions contemplated hereby, and any
other item of business required by or consented to in writing by Bracknell
acting reasonably. The directors of Able shall, unless otherwise required in
accordance with their fiduciary duties as advised by counsel, recommend approval
and adoption of this Agreement and the Merger by Able's stockholders. In
connection with such meeting, Able will, subject to the foregoing and Section
6.04, use its commercially reasonable best efforts to obtain the necessary
approvals by its stockholders of the matters referred to above in this Section
6.02 and such other matters as are required by the Florida General Corporation
Law, and will otherwise comply with all legal requirements applicable to such

                  SECTION 6.03 Access to Information. From the date hereof until
the Effective Time, Able will give Bracknell, its counsel, financial advisors,
environmental consultants, auditors and other authorized representatives access
to the offices, properties, books and records of Able and its Subsidiaries, will
furnish to Bracknell, its counsel, financial advisors, environmental
consultants, auditors and other authorized representatives such financial and
operating data and other information as such Persons may reasonably request and
will instruct Able's employees, counsel and financial advisors to cooperate with
Bracknell in its investigation of the business of Able and its Subsidiaries;
provided that no investigation pursuant to this Section shall affect any
representation or warranty given by Able to Bracknell hereunder; and further
provided that, such access is at normal business hours and does not materially
interfere with the conduct of Able's Business.

                  SECTION 6.04 Other Offers.

                  (a) Able will not, nor will it permit any of its Subsidiaries
         to, nor will it authorize or permit any officer, director or employee
         of, or any investment banker, attorney, accountant or other advisor or
         representative of, Able or any of its Subsidiaries to, directly or
         indirectly, (i) solicit, initiate or encourage the submission of any
         Acquisition Proposal (as defined below) or (ii) participate in any
         discussions or negotiations regarding, or furnish to any person any
         information in respect of, or take any other action to facilitate, any
         Acquisition Proposal or any inquiries or the making of any proposal
         that constitutes, or may reasonably be expected to lead to, any
         Acquisition Proposal; provided, however, that nothing contained in this
         Section 6.04(a) shall prohibit the Able Board of Directors from
         furnishing any information to, or entering into discussions or
         negotiations with, any person that makes an unsolicited bona fide



         Acquisition Proposal if, and only to the extent that (A) the Able
         Stockholder Meeting shall not have occurred, (B) the Able Board of
         Directors, after consultation with outside legal counsel, determines in
         good faith that the failure to take such action would be inconsistent
         with its fiduciary duties to Able's stockholders under applicable Law,
         as such duties would exist in the absence of any limitation in this
         Agreement, (C) the Able Board of Directors determines in good faith
         that such Acquisition Proposal is reasonably likely to lead to a
         transaction that, if accepted, is reasonably likely to be consummated
         taking into account all legal, financial, regulatory and other aspects
         of the proposal and the person making the proposal, and believes in
         good faith, after consultation with its financial advisor and after
         taking into account the strategic benefits to be derived from the
         Merger and the long-term prospects of Bracknell and its Subsidiaries,
         based on the information available to the Able Board of Directors at
         the time, that such Acquisition Proposal would, if consummated, result
         in a transaction more favorable to Able's stockholders than the Merger
         (any such more favorable Acquisition Proposal being referred to herein
         as a "Superior Proposal"), and (D) prior to taking such action, Able
         (x) provides reasonable notice to Bracknell to the effect that it is
         taking such action and (y) receives from the Person submitting such
         Acquisition Proposal an executed confidentiality/standstill agreement
         in reasonably customary form and in any event containing terms at least
         as stringent as those contained in the Term Sheet between Bracknell and
         WorldCom and Able. "Acquisition Proposal" means an inquiry, offer or
         proposal regarding any of the following (other than the transactions
         contemplated by this Agreement) involving Able or any of its
         Subsidiaries: (w) any merger, consolidation, share exchange,
         recapitalization, business combination or other similar transactions;
         (x) any sale, lease, exchange, mortgage, pledge, transfer or other
         disposition of all or substantially all the assets of Able and its
         Subsidiaries, taken as a whole, in a single transaction or series of
         related transactions; (y) any tender offer or exchange offer for 20% or
         more of the outstanding Able Shares or the filing of a registration
         statement under the Securities Act of 1933 in connection therewith; or
         (z) any public announcement of a proposal, plan or intention to do any
         of the foregoing or any agreement to engage in any of the foregoing.

                  (b) Able shall notify Bracknell of any Acquisition Proposal
         (including, the material terms and conditions thereof and the identity
         of the Person making it) as promptly as practicable (but in no case
         later than 24 hours) after its receipt thereof, and shall thereafter
         inform Bracknell on a prompt basis of the status of any discussions or
         negotiations with such third party, and any material changes to the
         terms and conditions of such Acquisition Proposal, and shall promptly
         give Bracknell a copy of any information delivered to such Person which
         has not previously been reviewed by Bracknell.

                  (c) Able has ceased and terminated, and has caused its
         Subsidiaries and Affiliates, and their respective officers, directors,
         employees, investment bankers, attorneys, accountants and other agents
         and representatives to cease and terminate, any existing activities,
         discussions or negotiations with any parties conducted heretofore in
         respect of any possible Acquisition Proposal. Able shall take all
         necessary steps to



         promptly inform the individuals or entities referred to in the first
         sentence of Section 6.04(a) of the obligations undertaken in this
         Section 6.04.

                  (d) The Able Board of Directors will not withdraw or modify,
         or propose to withdraw or modify, in a manner adverse to Bracknell, its
         approval or recommendation of the Merger unless the Able Board of
         Directors, after consultation with outside legal counsel, determines in
         good faith that the failure to take such action would be inconsistent
         with its fiduciary duties to Able's stockholders under applicable Law;
         provided, however, that the Able Board of Directors may not approve or
         recommend an Acquisition Proposal (and in connection therewith,
         withdraw or modify its approval or recommendation of the Merger) unless
         such an Acquisition Proposal is a Superior Proposal (and Able shall
         have first complied with its obligations set forth in Section 10.02 and
         the time referred to in the last sentence of Section 10.02 has expired)
         and unless it shall have first consulted with outside legal counsel,
         and have determined that the failure to take such action would be
         inconsistent with its fiduciary duties to Able's stockholders.

                  (e) Nothing contained in this Section 6.04 shall prohibit Able
         from taking and disclosing to its stockholders a position contemplated
         by Rule 14d-9 or Rule 14e-2(a) promulgated under the Exchange Act or
         from making any disclosure to Able's stockholders which, in the good
         faith reasonable judgment of the Able Board of Directors, after
         consultation with outside legal counsel, is required under applicable
         Law; provided, however, that except as otherwise permitted in this
         Section 6.04, Able does not withdraw or modify, or propose to withdraw
         or modify, its position in respect of the Merger or approve or
         recommend, or propose to approve or recommend, an Acquisition Proposal.

                  (f) Notwithstanding anything contained in this Agreement to
         the contrary, any action by the Able Board of Directors permitted by,
         and taken in accordance with, this Section 6.04 shall not constitute a
         breach of this Agreement by Able. Nothing in this Section 6.04 shall
         (i) permit Able to terminate this Agreement (except as provided in
         Article X hereof) or (ii) affect any other obligations of Able under
         this Agreement.

                  SECTION 6.05 Notice of Certain Events. Able shall promptly
notify Bracknell in writing of:

                        (i)   any notice or other communication from any Person
                  alleging that the consent of such Person (or another Person)
                  is or may be required in connection with the transactions
                  contemplated by this Agreement;

                        (ii)  any notice or other communication from any
                  Governmental Authority or regulatory agency or authority in
                  connection with the transactions contemplated by this
                  Agreement; and

                        (iii) any Actions, suits, claims, investigations or
                  proceedings commenced or, to Able's Knowledge threatened
                  against, relating to or involving



                  or otherwise affecting Able or any of its Subsidiaries which,
                  if pending on the date of this Agreement, would have been
                  required to have been disclosed pursuant to Section 4.16 or
                  Section 6.17 or which relate to the consummation of the
                  transactions contemplated by this Agreement.

                  SECTION 6.06 Affiliates. To ensure that the issuance of
Bracknell Common Stock in the Merger complies with the Securities Act of 1933,
prior to the Effective Time, Able shall cause to be delivered to Bracknell a
list identifying each Person who might at the time of the Able Stockholder
Meeting be deemed to be an "affiliate" of Able for purposes of Rule 145 under
the Securities Act of 1933 (each, a "Securities Act Affiliate"). Able shall use
its commercially reasonable best efforts to obtain from each Person who is
identified as a possible Securities Act Affiliate prior to the Effective Time an
agreement (a "Securities Act Affiliate Agreement") providing that such person
(i) has not made and will not make any disposition of Able Shares in the 30 day
period prior to the Effective Time and (ii) will not offer to sell, or otherwise
dispose of any Bracknell Common Stock issued to such person in the Merger in
violation of the Securities Act of 1933.

                  SECTION 6.07 Litigation. Able shall use its commercially
reasonable best efforts to resolve all Material Litigation as reasonably
directed by Bracknell.

                  SECTION 6.08 Officers. Able shall use its commercially
reasonable best efforts to cause the officers and employees of Able and its
Subsidiaries identified in writing by Bracknell after the date hereof to enter
into, as applicable, (i) severance agreements on economic terms which are
substantially similar to the severance entitlements those officers and employees
have under their existing employment contracts with Able or its Subsidiaries,
and (ii) retention agreements which are reasonably satisfactory to Bracknell.

                  SECTION 6.09 Certain Rights to Acquire Able Shares. Able shall
use its commercially reasonable best efforts to cause the holders of all
outstanding rights to acquire Able Shares set forth on Schedule 2.02(j), to
consent, if necessary, to the conversion of those rights in the manner set forth
in Section 2.02(j). Able shall use its commercially reasonable best efforts to
cause the former stockholders of GEC, SASCO and SES set forth in Schedule 6.09
to consent to accept Bracknell Common Stock in lieu of any rights they may have
had to receive Able Shares on terms and conditions reasonably satisfactory to

                  SECTION 6.10 Bracknell Option. Able shall take all necessary
action to cause an increase in the authorized number of Able Shares and the
reservation of a sufficient number of authorized and unissued Able Shares to
permit the issuance to Bracknell of that number of Able Shares that Bracknell is
entitled to acquire at any time upon the exercise of the option in the form of
Exhibit B which was granted to Bracknell as of the date hereof (the "Bracknell
Option"). Able shall not take any action which would prevent the exercise of the
Bracknell Option or the issuance of the number of Able Shares that Bracknell is
entitled to acquire upon the exercise of the Bracknell Option at any time.

                  SECTION 6.11 Employee Stock Options. Able shall use its
commercially reasonable best efforts to cause the directors and officers of Able
and its Subsidiaries listed on



Schedule 4.05(a)(i)(2) to consent to the conversion of the Able Stock Options as
provided for in Section 7.08.

                  SECTION 6.12 Support Agreements. Able shall use its
commercially reasonable best efforts to (i) cause the Series C Stockholders to
enter into support agreement in the form attached as Exhibit C and (ii) cause
Gideon Taylor and Frazier Gaines to enter into the support agreements in the
form attached as Exhibit E.

                  SECTION 6.13 Sale of Businesses. Able shall use its
commercially reasonable best efforts to cooperate with Bracknell to facilitate
transactions, if available, involving the sale, assignment, transfer or other
disposition of certain businesses conducted by Able or its Subsidiaries as
directed by Bracknell.

                  SECTION 6.14 WorldCom Series E Debt. Able shall use its
commercially reasonable best efforts to effect the conversion, on or prior to
the record date for the Able Stockholder Meeting, of $37,000,000 of indebtedness
owing from Able to WorldCom pursuant to an amended and restated Finance
Agreement between WorldCom and Able, dated as of April 1, 1999 (the "WorldCom
Series E Debt") into Series E Shares with an aggregate face value of
$37,000,000. The Series E Shares shall be issued only if the terms and
conditions of the Series E Shares are those which are set out in Exhibit I.

                  SECTION 6.15 Canadian Competition Act. Able shall notify
Bracknell promptly if (i) the aggregate value of the assets in Canada of Able
and its Subsidiaries, determined in accordance with the Competition Act
(Canada), exceeds $35 million Canadian dollars; or (ii) the aggregate gross
annual revenues from sales in or from Canada generated by those assets,
determined in accordance with the Competition Act (Canada), exceed $35 million
Canadian dollars.

                  SECTION 6.16 Opinion of Financial Advisor. Able shall obtain
from a qualified financial advisor, prior to the finalization of the Proxy
Statement/Prospectus, a written opinion of a type customary in transactions
similar to those contemplated hereby, regarding whether the Conversion Number is
fair to Able's stockholders from a financial point of view. Able shall provide a
copy of such opinion to Bracknell promptly after it becomes available.

                  SECTION 6.17 Bankruptcy and Insolvency Proceedings. Without
Bracknell's prior written consent, Able shall not, and shall not permit any of
its Subsidiaries to, institute any proceeding (i) seeking to adjudicate Able or
any of its Subsidiaries bankrupt or insolvent, or (ii) seeking liquidation,
dissolution, winding-up, reorganization, arrangement, protection, relief or
composition of its property or debt or making a proposal with respect to it
under any Law relating to bankruptcy, insolvency, reorganization or compromise
of debts or other similar Laws (including, without limitation, any case under
Chapter 7 or Chapter 11 of the United States Bankruptcy Code or any similar
proceeding under applicable state Law). Able shall promptly provide written
notice to Bracknell if any Person commences a proceeding against Able or any of
its Subsidiaries described under clause (i) or (ii) of this Section 6.20 or
seeks to appoint a receiver, trustee, agent, custodian or other similar official
for Able or any of its Subsidiaries or for any substantial part of their
properties and assets.



                                   ARTICLE VII

                        COVENANTS OF BRACKNELL AND SUBCO

                  Bracknell and Subco agree that:

                  SECTION 7.01 Conduct of Bracknell and Subco. Except as
expressly contemplated by this Agreement, from the date hereof until the
Effective Time, Bracknell and its Subsidiaries shall conduct their business in
the ordinary course consistent with past practice and shall use their
commercially reasonable best efforts to preserve intact their business
organizations and relationships with third parties and to keep available the
services of their present officers and employees. Except as otherwise approved
in writing by Able or as expressly contemplated by this Agreement, and without
limiting the generality of the foregoing, from the date hereof until the
Effective Time:

                  (a) Bracknell and Subco will not adopt or propose any change
         in their certificates of incorporation or bylaws;

                  (b) Bracknell will not, and will not permit any of its
         Subsidiaries to, take or agree or commit to take any action that would
         make any representation and warranty of Bracknell or Subco hereunder
         inaccurate in any material respect at, or as of any time prior to, the
         Effective Time; and

                  (c) Bracknell will not, and will not permit any of its
         Subsidiaries to, agree or commit to do any of the foregoing.

                  SECTION 7.02 Access to Information. From the date hereof until
the Effective Time, Bracknell will give Able, its counsel, financial advisors,
auditors and other authorized representatives access to the offices, properties,
books and records of Bracknell and its Subsidiaries, will furnish to Able, its
counsel, financial advisors, auditors and other authorized representatives such
financial and operating data and other information as such Persons may
reasonably request and will instruct Bracknell's employees, counsel and
financial advisors to cooperate with Able in its investigation of the business
of Bracknell and its Subsidiaries; provided that no investigation pursuant to
this Section shall affect any representation or warranty given by Bracknell to
Able hereunder; and provided further that, such access is at normal business
hours and does not materially interfere with the conduct of Bracknell's

                  SECTION 7.03 Obligations of Subco. Bracknell will take all
action necessary to cause Subco to perform its obligations under this Agreement
and to consummate the Merger on the terms and conditions set forth in this

                  SECTION 7.04 Stock Exchange Listing. Bracknell shall use its
commercially reasonable best efforts to cause the shares of Bracknell Common
Stock to be issued in the Merger and those to be issued upon the exercise of the
Replacement Options to be conditionally approved for listing on the TSE prior to
the Effective Time.



                  SECTION 7.05 Notice of Certain Events. Each of Bracknell and
Subco shall promptly notify Able in writing of:

                  (a) any notice or other communication from any Person alleging
         that the consent of such Person (or another Person) is or may be
         required in connection with the transactions contemplated by this

                  (b) any notice or other communication from any Governmental
         Authority or regulatory agency or authority in connection with the
         transactions contemplated by this Agreement; and

                  (c) any Actions, suits, claims, investigations or proceedings
         commenced or, to the best of its knowledge threatened against, relating
         to or involving or otherwise affecting it or any of its Subsidiaries
         which, if pending on the date of this Agreement, would have been
         required to have been disclosed pursuant to Section 5.10 or which
         relate to the consummation of the transactions contemplated by this

                  SECTION 7.06 Financing Relating to the Merger. Bracknell shall
use commercially reasonable best efforts to obtain the financing necessary to
complete the transactions contemplated by this Agreement on terms satisfactory
to it.

                  SECTION 7.07 Opinion of Financial Advisor. Bracknell shall use
commercially reasonable efforts to obtain from a qualified financial advisor, an
opinion of a type customary in transactions similar to those contemplated
hereby, regarding whether the Merger Consideration to be provided pursuant to
this Agreement is fair to Bracknell and its stockholders from a financial point
of view. Bracknell shall provide a copy of such opinion to Able promptly after
it becomes available.

                  SECTION 7.08 Replacement Options. Bracknell will use its
commercially reasonable best efforts to grant options to acquire Bracknell
Common Stock (the "Replacement Options"), in substitution or exchange for the
existing Able Stock Options, to the directors, officers and employees of Able
and its Subsidiaries listed on Schedule 4.05(a)(i)(1) and Schedule 4.05(a)(i)(2)
(the "Option Recipients") who hold Able Stock Options as of the date hereof. The
Replacement Options will be granted with the following terms and conditions: (i)
the Replacement Options shall be exercisable to purchase the number of shares of
Bracknell Common Stock that the corresponding Able Stock Options were
exercisable to purchase multiplied by 0.6; (ii) the exercise price of the
Replacement Options shall be the exercise price(s) of the corresponding Able
Stock Options multiplied by 1.67; and (iii) the unexpired term and vesting
schedule of the Replacement Options will be the same as that of the Able Stock
Options (as if the Merger had not taken place). The Replacement Options will be
granted subject to the approval of the Bracknell Board of Directors, the
approval of the Bracknell stockholders of an increase in the reserves under
Bracknell's existing stock option plan and the approval of the TSE. In the case
of the Able Stock Options issued pursuant to the Able stock option plan, the
Replacement Options will be issued pursuant to the terms and conditions of
Bracknell's existing stock option plan. In the case of the Able Stock Options
issued outside of the Able stock option



plan, Bracknell may elect to grant the Replacement Options inside of Bracknell's
existing stock option plan or outside of that plan.

                                  ARTICLE VIII


                  The parties hereto agree that:

                  SECTION 8.01 Commercially Reasonable Best Efforts. Subject to
the terms and conditions of this Agreement, each party will use its commercially
reasonable best efforts to take, or cause to be taken, all actions and to do, or
cause to be done, all things necessary, proper or advisable under applicable
Laws to consummate the transactions contemplated by this Agreement.

                  SECTION 8.02 Certain Filings. Bracknell and Able shall
cooperate with one another (a) in connection with the preparation of the
Registration Statement and Proxy Statement/Prospectus, and (b) in determining
whether any action by or in respect of, or filing with, any Governmental
Authority is required, or any actions, consents, approvals or waivers are
required to be obtained from parties to any Material Contracts, in connection
with the consummation of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement and (c)
in seeking any such actions, consents, approvals or waivers or making any such
filings, furnishing information required in connection therewith or with the
Registration Statement and Proxy Statement/Prospectus and seeking timely to
obtain any such actions, consents, approvals or waivers.

                  SECTION 8.03 Public Announcements. Bracknell and Able will
consult with each other before issuing any press release or making any public
statement with respect to this Agreement and the transactions contemplated
hereby and, except as may be required by applicable Law or any listing agreement
with any applicable securities exchange or interdealer quotation system, will
not issue any such press release or make any such public statement prior to such

                  SECTION 8.04 Further Assurances. At and after the Effective
Time, the officers and directors of the Surviving Corporation will be authorized
to execute and deliver, in the name and on behalf of Able or Subco, any deeds,
bills of sale, assignments or assurances and to take and do, in the name and on
behalf of Able or Subco, any other actions and things to vest, perfect or
confirm of record or otherwise in the Surviving Corporation any and all right,
title and interest in, to and under any of the rights, properties or assets of
Able acquired or to be acquired by the Surviving Corporation as a result of, or
in connection with, the Merger.

                  SECTION 8.05 Preparation of the Proxy Statement/Prospectus and
Registration Statement. Bracknell and Able shall promptly prepare and file with
the SEC a preliminary version of the Proxy Statement/Prospectus and will use
their commercially reasonable best



efforts to respond to the comments of the SEC in connection therewith and to
furnish all information required to prepare the definitive Proxy
Statement/Prospectus. After receiving comments from the SEC, Bracknell shall
promptly file with the SEC the Registration Statement containing the Proxy
Statement/Prospectus. Each of Bracknell and Able shall use its commercially
reasonable best efforts to have the Registration Statement declared effective
under the Securities Act of 1933 as promptly as practicable after such filing.
Bracknell shall also take any action (other than qualifying to do business in
any jurisdiction in which it is not now so qualified or filing a general consent
to service of process in any jurisdiction) required to be taken under any
applicable state securities Laws in connection with the issuance of Bracknell
Common Stock in the Merger and Able shall furnish all information concerning
Able and the holders of Able Shares as may be reasonably requested in connection
with any such action. Promptly after the effectiveness of the Registration
Statement, Able will cause the Proxy Statement/Prospectus to be mailed to its
stockholders, and if necessary, after the definitive Proxy Statement/Prospectus
shall have been mailed, promptly circulate amended, supplemented or supplemental
proxy materials and, if required in connection therewith, resolicit proxies.

                                   ARTICLE IX

                            CONDITIONS TO THE MERGER

                  SECTION 9.01 Conditions to the Obligations of Each Party. The
obligations of Bracknell, Able and Subco to consummate the Merger are subject to
the satisfaction on or before the Closing Date of each of the following

                  (a) this Agreement shall have been adopted by the requisite
         vote of the stockholders of Able in accordance with the Florida General
         Corporation Law;

                  (b) any applicable waiting period under the HSR Act relating
         to the Merger shall have expired;

                  (c) no provision of any applicable Law and no Order of a court
         of competent jurisdiction shall restrain or prohibit the consummation
         of the Merger;

                  (d) the Registration Statement shall have been declared
         effective and no stop order suspending the effectiveness of the
         Registration Statement shall be in effect and no proceedings for such
         purpose shall be pending before the SEC;

                  (e) the shares of Bracknell Common Stock to be issued in the
         Merger and those to be issued on the exercise of the Replacement
         Options shall have been conditionally approved for listing on the TSE;

                  (f) Bracknell and Able shall have received an opinion from
         Paul, Hastings Janofsky & Walker, LLP, counsel to Able, or other
         recognized tax counsel, based upon certain assumptions and factual
         representations of Able, Bracknell and Subco reasonably requested by
         such counsel, dated the Closing Date, to the effect that the Merger
         will be treated for U.S. federal income Tax purposes as a
         reorganization within the meaning of



         Section 368(a) of the Code, in form and substance reasonably
         satisfactory to Able and Bracknell; and

                  (g) this Agreement shall not have been terminated pursuant to
         Article X.

                  SECTION 9.02 Additional Conditions Precedent to the
Obligations of Bracknell. The obligations of Bracknell to consummate the Merger
and complete the transactions contemplated hereby shall be also subject to the
fulfillment, or waiver by Bracknell, on or before the Closing Date, of each of
the following additional conditions:

                  (a) Able shall have performed in all material respects all of
         its obligations hereunder required to be performed by it on or prior to
         the Closing Date, the representations and warranties of Able contained
         in this Agreement shall be true in all material respects at and as of
         the Closing Date as if made on and as of such date, and Bracknell shall
         have received a certificate signed by an executive officer of Able to
         the foregoing effect;

                  (b) WorldCom shall not be in breach of any term of the
         Commitment Agreement in the form attached as Exhibit D;

                  (c) Gideon Taylor and Frazier Gaines shall have entered into
         support agreements in the form attached as Exhibit E and shall not be
         in breach of those agreements;

                  (d) the Series C Stockholders shall have entered into support
         agreements with Able in the form attached as Exhibit C and shall not be
         in breach of those agreements;

                  (e) neither Able nor WorldCom Network Services, Inc. shall be
         in breach of any term of the Amended and Restated Master Services
         Agreement in the form attached as Exhibit F;

                  (f) Able shall not be in breach of the applicable terms of the
         Sirit Settlement;

                  (g) Bracknell shall have obtained financing necessary to
         complete the transactions contemplated by this Agreement on terms
         reasonably satisfactory to it;

                  (h) except as agreed in writing by Bracknell, all outstanding
         Material Litigation shall have been settled or otherwise resolved on
         terms reasonably satisfactory to Bracknell;

                  (i) the officers and employees of Able and its Subsidiaries
         identified by Bracknell pursuant to Section 6.08 shall have entered
         into, as applicable, (i) severance agreements on economic terms which
         are substantially similar to the severance entitlements those officers
         and employees have under their existing employment contracts with Able
         or its Subsidiaries, and (ii) retention agreements which are on terms
         reasonably satisfactory to Bracknell;



                  (j) all of the outstanding rights to acquire Able securities,
         excluding the Able Warrants and the Bracknell Option, if any, shall
         have been terminated or cancelled;

                  (k) the former stockholders of GEC, SASCO and SES set forth in
         Schedule 6.09 shall have agreed in writing to accept Bracknell Common
         Stock in lieu of any rights they may have had to receive Able Shares on
         terms reasonably satisfactory to Bracknell;

                  (l) holders of no more than 5% of the Able Shares outstanding
         immediately prior to the Closing Date shall have complied with all
         requirements for perfecting stockholders' rights of appraisal as set
         forth under the Florida General Corporation Law with respect to such

                  (m) notwithstanding any of the representations and warranties
         of Able contained herein (and the information set out in any of the
         corresponding schedules), as a result of Bracknell's due diligence
         review of (a) each of the documents and materials required to be made
         available pursuant to Article IV and Section 6.03, (b) any document or
         material referenced in any Schedule, and (c) any report prepared by
         Bracknell's environmental consultants, or any other events or
         circumstances which Bracknell becomes aware of, Bracknell shall not
         have learned prior to the Effective Time any information which, in the
         reasonable judgement of Bracknell, individually, or in the aggregate,
         constitutes or would reasonably be expected to constitute an Able
         Material Adverse Effect or an Able Material Adverse Change;

                  (n) notwithstanding any of the representations and warranties
         of Able contained herein (and the information set out in any of the
         corresponding schedules), there shall not be, and there shall not have
         occurred, any circumstance, event, condition, change or development or
         any set of circumstances, events, conditions, changes or developments,
         which, in the reasonable judgement of Bracknell, has or have or would
         reasonably be expected to have, individually or in the aggregate, an
         Able Material Adverse Effect or an Able Material Adverse Change;

                  (o) on or prior to the record date for the Able Stockholder
         Meeting, the WorldCom Series E Debt shall have been converted into
         Series E Shares with an aggregate face value of $37,000,000;

                  (p) Bracknell shall have obtained the requisite approval from
         its stockholders to enter into this Agreement if such approval is
         required by any regulatory authority or under applicable Law;

                  (q) Able shall have obtained from a qualified financial
         advisor, a written opinion of a type customary in transactions similar
         to those contemplated hereby, to the effect that the Conversion Number
         is fair to Able's stockholders from a financial point of view, and Able
         shall have provided a copy of such opinion to Bracknell;

                  (r) Bracknell shall have obtained from a qualified financial
         advisor, an opinion of a type customary in transactions similar to
         those contemplated hereby, to the



         effect that the Merger Consideration to be provided pursuant to this
         Agreement is fair to Bracknell and its stockholders from a financial
         point of view.

                  (s) Bracknell shall have received the necessary consents to
         enter into the transactions contemplated hereby and by the Commitment
         Agreement and the Amended and Restated Master Services Agreement
         pursuant to the Second Amended and Restated Credit Agreement, dated as
         of July 21, 2000 between Bracknell, Nationwide Electric, Inc. and The
         State Group Limited as borrowers, certain financial institutions as
         lenders and Royal Bank of Canada as administrative agent;

                  (t) no proceeding (including a private proceeding) shall have
         been commenced by or against Able or an Able Significant Subsidiary (i)
         seeking to adjudicate it bankrupt or insolvent; (ii) seeking
         liquidation, dissolution, winding-up, reorganization, arrangement,
         protection, relief or composition of it or any of its property or debt
         or making a proposal with respect to it under any Law relating to
         bankruptcy, insolvency, reorganization, or compromise of debts or other
         similar Laws (including, without limitation, any case under Chapter 7
         or Chapter 11 of the United States Bankruptcy Code or any similar
         proceeding under state Law); or (iii) seeking appointment of a
         receiver, trustee, agent or custodian or other similar official for it
         or for any substantial part of its properties and assets;

                  (u) Bracknell shall have received the opinion of Paul,
         Hastings, Janofsky & Walker, LLP, counsel to Able, dated the Closing
         Date, addressed to Bracknell, substantially in the form of Exhibit G,
         and an opinion relating to the Subsidiaries of Able substantially in
         the form of Exhibit G by counsel to Able reasonably satisfactory to

                  (v) Bracknell shall have received a copy of the resolutions of
         the Board of Directors of Able authorizing the Merger, the issuance of
         the Bracknell Option and the other transactions contemplated hereby,
         which copy shall be certified by an executive officer of Able.

                  SECTION 9.03 Additional Conditions Precedent to the
Obligations of Able. The obligations of Able to consummate the Merger and
complete the transactions contemplated hereby shall also be subject to the
fulfillment, or waiver by Able, on or before the Closing Date, of each of the
following additional conditions:

                  (a) Bracknell and Subco shall have performed in all material
         respects all of their respective obligations hereunder required to be
         performed by them at or prior to the Closing Date, the representations
         and warranties of Bracknell and Subco contained in this Agreement shall
         be true in all material respects at and as of the Closing Date as if
         made on and as of such date, and Able shall have received a certificate
         signed by an executive officer of each of Bracknell and Subco to the
         foregoing effect;

                  (b) Able shall have received the opinion of Torys, counsel to
         Bracknell, dated the Closing Date, addressed to Able, substantially in
         the form of Exhibit H; and



                  (c) Able shall have received copies of the resolutions of the
         Board of Directors of Bracknell and the Board of Directors of Subco
         authorizing the Merger, which copies shall be certified by an executive
         officer of Bracknell and Subco, respectively.

                                    ARTICLE X


                  SECTION 10.01 Termination by Bracknell or Able. This Agreement
may be terminated and the Merger may be abandoned at any time prior to the
Closing (notwithstanding any approval of this Agreement by the stockholders of

                  (a)     by mutual written consent of Bracknell and Able;

                  (b)     by either Bracknell or Able in writing, if any one or
         more of the conditions to its obligation to consummate the Merger has
         not been fulfilled by February 1, 2001 (provided that the right to
         terminate this Agreement under this clause shall not be available to
         any party whose failure to fulfill any of its obligations under this
         Agreement has been the cause of or resulted in the non-fulfillment of
         one or more of the conditions referred to above by such date);

                  (c)     by either Bracknell or Able, if there shall be any
         applicable Law that makes consummation of the Merger illegal or
         otherwise prohibited or if any Order of a court of competent
         jurisdiction shall restrain or prohibit the consummation of the Merger,
         and such Order shall become final and nonappealable;

                  (d)     by either Bracknell or Able in writing, if the
         stockholder approval referred to in Section 9.01(a) shall not have been
         obtained by February 1, 2001, by reason of the failure to obtain the
         requisite vote at the Able Stockholder Meeting or at any adjournment

                  (e)     (i)  by Bracknell in writing, if (x) there has been a
                               breach by Able of any representation or warranty
                               of Able contained in this Agreement which, in the
                               reasonable judgement of Bracknell, would have or
                               would be reasonably likely to have an Able
                               Material Adverse Effect, or (y) there has been
                               any material breach of any of the covenants or
                               agreements of Able set forth in this Agreement,
                               which breach is not curable or, if curable is not
                               cured within 30 days after written notice of such
                               breach is given by Bracknell to Able; provided
                               that Able shall not have the right to cure any
                               such Breach after February 1, 2001; or

                          (ii) by Able in writing, if (x) there has been a
                               breach by Bracknell of any representation or
                               warranty of Bracknell contained in this Agreement
                               which would have or would be reasonably likely to



                               have a Bracknell Material Adverse Effect, or (y)
                               there has been any material breach of any of the
                               covenants or agreements of Bracknell set forth in
                               this Agreement, which breach is not curable or,
                               if curable, is not cured within 30 days after
                               written notice of such breach is given by Able to
                               Bracknell; provided that Bracknell shall not have
                               the right to cure any such Breach after February
                               1, 2001; or

                  (f)    (i)   by Bracknell in writing, if there shall have been
                               after the date hereof (x) a change, event or
                               occurrence on or before the date of such
                               termination which, in the reasonable judgement of
                               Bracknell, would constitute an Able Material
                               Adverse Change, or (y) any change of Law on or
                               before the date of such termination shall have
                               occurred which, in the reasonable judgement of
                               Bracknell has or will have an Able Material
                               Adverse Effect, excluding however, any change,
                               condition, event or occurrence which affects the
                               industry of Able generally and also affects
                               Bracknell; or

                         (ii)  by Able in writing, if there shall have been
                               after the date hereof (x) a change, event or
                               occurrence on or before the date of such
                               termination which would constitute a Bracknell
                               Material Adverse Change, or (y) any change of Law
                               on or before the date of such termination shall
                               have occurred which, in the reasonable judgement
                               of Able has or will have a Bracknell Material
                               Adverse Effect, excluding however, any change,
                               condition, event or occurrence which affects the
                               industry of Bracknell generally and also affects

                  SECTION 10.02 Termination by Able. This Agreement may be
terminated and the Merger may be abandoned at any time prior to the Closing by
action of the Able Board of Directors in writing, if (i) Able is not in breach
of Section 6.04, (ii) the Merger shall not have been approved by the Able
stockholders, (iii) the Able Board of Directors authorizes Able, subject to
complying with the terms of this Agreement, to enter into a binding written
agreement concerning a transaction that constitutes a Superior Proposal and Able
promptly notifies Bracknell in writing that it intends to enter into such an
agreement, attaching the most current version of such agreement to such notice,
and (iv) during the three business day period after Able's notice, (A) Able
shall have negotiated with, and shall have caused its respective financial and
legal advisors to negotiate with, Bracknell to attempt to make such commercially
reasonable adjustments in the terms and conditions of this Agreement as would
enable Able to proceed with the transactions contemplated hereby, and (B) the
Able Board of Directors shall have concluded, after considering the results of
such negotiations, that any Superior Proposal giving rise to Able's notice
continues to be a Superior Proposal. Able may not effect such termination unless
contemporaneously therewith Able pays to Bracknell in immediately available
funds the fees required to be paid pursuant to Section 10.04. Able agrees (x)
that it will not enter into a binding agreement referred to in clause (iii)
above until at least the day following the third business day after it has
provided the notice to Bracknell required thereby, and (y) to notify Bracknell



promptly if its intention to enter into a written agreement referred to in its
notification shall change at any time after giving such notification.

                  SECTION 10.03 Termination by Bracknell. This Agreement may be
terminated and the Merger may be abandoned at any time prior to the Closing by
Bracknell in writing, if either (i) Able enters into a binding agreement for a
Superior Proposal, or (ii) the Able Board of Directors shall have withdrawn or
adversely modified its approval or recommendation of the Merger.

                  SECTION 10.04 Effect of Termination.

                  (a) If this Agreement is terminated pursuant to Sections
         10.01, 10.02, or 10.03, this Agreement shall become void and of no
         effect with no liability on the part of any party hereto, except that
         (i) the agreements contained in Section 11.04 and Section 10.04 shall
         survive the termination hereof, and (ii) the parties shall be liable
         for any willful breaches hereof.

                  (b) In the event that (i) a bona fide Acquisition Proposal
         shall have been made or any person shall have publicly announced an
         intention (whether or not conditional) to make a bona fide Acquisition
         Proposal in respect of Able or any of its Subsidiaries and thereafter
         this Agreement is terminated by either Bracknell or Able pursuant to
         Section 10.01(d) or by Bracknell pursuant to Section 10.01(e) as a
         result of a material breach by Able of any of the covenants set forth
         in Section 6.04 hereof, or (ii) this Agreement is terminated by Able
         pursuant to Section 10.02, or (iii) this Agreement is terminated by
         Bracknell pursuant to Section 10.03, then on the date of such
         termination Able shall pay Bracknell a termination fee of $3,000,000 as
         liquidated damages in immediately available funds and the Bracknell
         Option shall become exercisable according to its terms.

                  (c) In the event that this Agreement is terminated by
         Bracknell or Able pursuant to Section 10.01(d) or by Bracknell pursuant
         to Section 10.01(e) (other than as described in clause 10.04(b)(i) and
         other than as a result of a breach of Section 6.08 by Able), then Able
         shall pay Bracknell a termination fee of $3,000,000 as liquidated
         damages in immediately available funds on the date of such termination.

                  (d) Able acknowledges that the agreements contained in
         Sections 10.04(b) and (c) are an integral part of the transactions
         contemplated by this Agreement, and that, without these agreements,
         Bracknell and Subco would not have entered into this Agreement;
         accordingly, if Able fails to promptly pay the amount due pursuant to
         Section 10.04(b) or (c), and, in order to obtain such payment,
         Bracknell commences a suit which results in a judgment against Able for
         the fee set forth in Section 10.04(b) or (c), Able shall pay to
         Bracknell its costs and expenses (including attorneys' fees) in
         connection with such suit, together with interest from the date of
         termination of this Agreement on the amounts owed at the rate of 8.5%
         per annum.


                                   ARTICLE XI


                  SECTION 11.01 Notices. All notices, requests and other
communications to any party hereunder shall be in writing (including facsimile,
telex or similar writing) and shall be given, if to Bracknell or Subco, to:

                                 Paul D. Melnuk
                                 President and Chief Executive Officer
                                 Bracknell Corporation
                                 150 York Street, Suite 1506
                                 Toronto, Ontario M5H 3S5 CANADA
                                 Telephone:  (416) 956-0100
                                 Facsimile:  (416) 362-3290

                  and to:

                                 John R. Naccarato, Esq.
                                 Corporate Counsel and Secretary
                                 Bracknell Corporation
                                 150 York Street, Suite 1506
                                 Toronto, Ontario M5H 3S5 CANADA
                                 Telephone:  (416) 956-0104
                                 Facsimile:  (416) 362-3290

                  with a copy to:

                                 Philip J. Brown, Esq.
                                 Suite 3000 Maritime Life Tower
                                 P.O. Box 270
                                 Toronto-Dominion Centre
                                 Toronto, Ontario
                                 M5K 1N2
                                 Telephone:  (416) 865-8238
                                 Facsimile:  (416) 865-7380



                  if to Able, to:

                                 Michael Brenner, Esq.
                                 Executive Vice President and General Counsel
                                 Able Telcom Holding Corp.
                                 1643 N. Harrison Parkway
                                 Sunrise, FL 33323
                                 Telephone:  (954) 838-5070
                                 Facsimile:  (888) 387-7606

                  with a copy to:

                                 Wayne Shortridge, Esq.
                                 Paul, Hastings, Janofsky & Walker, LLP
                                 660 Peachtree Street, N.E.
                                 Suite 2400
                                 Atlanta, GA 30308
                                 Telephone:  (404) 815-2214
                                 Facsimile:  (404) 815-2358

or such other address or facsimile number as such party may hereafter specify
for the purpose by notice to the other parties hereto. Each such notice, request
or other communication shall be effective (i) if given by facsimile, when such
facsimile is transmitted to the facsimile number specified in this Section and
the appropriate confirmation is received or (ii) if given by any other means,
when delivered at the address specified in this Section.

                  SECTION 11.02 Survival of Representations and Warranties. The
representations and warranties and agreements contained herein and in any
certificate or other writing delivered pursuant hereto shall not survive the
Effective Time, except Section 6.04, Section 7.05, Section 7.08 and Article II.

                  SECTION 11.03  Amendments; No Waivers.

                  (a) Any provision of this Agreement may be amended or waived
         prior to the Closing if, and only if, such amendment or waiver is in
         writing and signed, in the case of an amendment, by Bracknell, Subco
         and Able or, in the case of a waiver, by the party against whom the
         waiver is to be effective; provided that (i) any waiver or amendment
         shall be effective against a party only if the Board of Directors of
         such party approves such waiver and (ii) after the adoption of this
         Agreement by the stockholders of Able, no such amendment or waiver
         shall, without the further approval of such stockholders and each
         party's Board of Directors, alter or change (x) the amount or kind of
         consideration to be received in exchange for any shares of capital
         stock of Able, (y) any term of the certificate of incorporation of the
         Surviving Corporation, or (z) any of the terms or conditions of this
         Agreement if such alteration or change would adversely affect the
         holders of any shares of capital stock of Able.



                  (b) No failure or delay by any party in exercising any right,
         power or privilege hereunder shall operate as a waiver thereof nor
         shall any single or partial exercise thereof preclude any other or
         further exercise thereof or the exercise of any other right, power or
         privilege. The rights and remedies herein provided shall be cumulative
         and not exclusive of any rights or remedies provided by law.

                  SECTION 11.04 Fees and Expenses.

                  (a) Except as otherwise provided in this Section, all costs
         and expenses incurred in connection with this Agreement shall be paid
         by the party incurring such cost or expense.

                  (b) Bracknell agrees promptly to reimburse Able in immediately
         available funds for all of Able's reasonable documented out-of-pocket
         expenses (up to a maximum of $250,000), but in no event later than
         three business days after the termination of this Agreement, in the
         event that Bracknell does not consummate the transactions contemplated
         by this Agreement other than as a result of a condition to Bracknell's
         obligation to consummate the Merger not being satisfied.

                  (c) Able and Bracknell shall each pay one-half of all costs
         and expenses related to compliance with the requirements of the HSR
         Act, printing, filing and mailing the Registration Statement and the
         Proxy Statement/Prospectus and all SEC and other regulatory filing

                  SECTION 11.05 Successors and Assigns. The provisions of this
Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto
and their respective successors and assigns, provided that no party may assign,
delegate or otherwise transfer any of its rights or obligations under this
Agreement without the consent of the other parties hereto.

                  SECTION 11.06 Governing Law. This Agreement shall be construed
in accordance with and governed by the Law of the State of Florida.

                  SECTION 11.07 Counterparts; Effectiveness. This Agreement may
be signed in any number of counterparts, each of which shall be an original,
with the same effect as if the signatures thereto and hereto were upon the same
instrument. This Agreement shall become effective when each party hereto shall
have received counterparts hereof signed by all of the other parties hereto.

                  SECTION 11.08 Entire Agreement. This Agreement and the Term
Sheet Agreement dated July 7, 2000 between Bracknell, Able and WorldCom
constitute the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the subject
matter hereof and supersede all prior agreements, understandings and
negotiations, both written and oral, between the parties with respect to the
subject matter of this Agreement. No representation, inducement, promise,
understanding, condition or warranty not set forth herein has been made or
relied upon by either party hereto. Neither this Agreement nor any provision
hereof is intended to confer upon any Person other than the parties hereto any
rights or remedies hereunder except for the provisions of Article I, which are
intended for the benefit of Able's stockholders.



                  SECTION 11.09 Exhibits and Schedules. The Exhibits and
Schedules are a part of this Agreement as if fully set forth herein. All
references herein to Sections, Exhibits and Schedules shall be deemed references
to such parts of this Agreement, unless the context shall otherwise require.

                  SECTION 11.10 Headings. The headings in this Agreement are for
reference only, and shall not affect the interpretation of this Agreement.

                  SECTION 11.11 Severability of Provisions. If any provision or
any portion of any provision of this Agreement shall be held invalid or
unenforceable, the remaining portion of such provisions and the remaining
provisions of this Agreement shall not be affected thereby. If the application
of any provision or any portion of any provision of this Agreement to any Person
or circumstance shall be held invalid or unenforceable, the application of such
provision or portion of such provision to Persons or circumstances other than
those as to which it is held invalid or unenforceable shall not be affected


                  IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this
Agreement to be duly executed by their respective authorized officers as of the
day and year first above written.

                                   BRACKNELL CORPORATION


                                   ABLE TELCOM HOLDING CORP.


                                   BRACKNELL ACQUISITION CORPORATION

