Exhibit 10.3

                              RELOCATION AGREEMENT

Daleen Technologies' goal is to provide the financial assistance necessary to
make it possible for employees to relocate. This information summarizes the
assistance available to you. It is the Company's intention to cover reasonable
expenses so that relocation will not become a barrier to a professional
opportunity. The following benefits are provided to assist you in relocating
your family from Boca Raton to Tampa:

1.   Movement & packing/unpacking of your household goods which includes the
     transportation of personal automobiles (2 maximum) should you decide not to
     drive to your new location.

     Excluded from these benefits are jewelry, currency, important papers, furs,
     firearms and valuable collections (stamps, coins, etc.). Such items should
     NOT be transported by the moving company and will not be covered under this
     agreement. In addition, Daleen will NOT pay for insurance, storage, packing
     or shipment of airplanes, boats, plants, construction and other
     raw/unfinished materials, heavy machinery or any other special handling
     item unless express written approval is obtained first. Such approval must
     be attached as an addendum to this agreement at the time of its execution.

2.   The Company will reimburse all normal and reasonable closing costs
     associated with the sale of your current home up to a maximum amount equal
     to 7.5% of the original purchase price.

3.   The Company will reimburse all reasonable and customary closing costs
     associated with purchasing your new home in Tampa. The maximum
     reimbursement is equal to 4% of the purchase price of your new home.

4.   You will be reimbursed for reasonable expenses incurred for transporting
     your family to your new home. These include en-route expenses such as
     travel, meals and lodging.

5.   If you incur duplicate housing expenses, you will be reimbursed for
     mortgage interest, real estate taxes and insurance expenses for the lower
     cost residence for 90 days. In addition, should you move prior to selling
     your current home, the Company will reimburse you for reasonable recurring
     utility and maintenance fees necessary for maintaining the house in
     presentable condition. Examples of maintenance fees are lawn care and pool

6.   Loss Protection Assistance - Should you incur a shortfall below the
     original purchase price of your home, the Company will reimburse the
     difference between the final sales price of your current home and the
     original contract purchase price up to a maximum of 10% of the original
     contract purchase price. In order to qualify for this benefit, you must
     demonstrate an aggressive approach to selling your home within the first 90
     days and any recommend an alternate approach to marketing and/or pricing
     the home. Should you reject the Company's recommended plan of action, you
     will be subject to the loss of this benefit in its entirety.

7.   Bridge Loan - Should you need to close on your new home prior to selling
     your existing home, Daleen will reimburse you for expenses associated with
     the financing of a bridge loan for the down payment towards your new home.

8.   Some of the reimbursements and allowances in this agreement are tax
     deductible. Certain expenses, however, will be regarded as taxable income
     to you. To help offset this extra tax

     expense, certain payments regarded as taxable income for which you are not
     permitted to take a corresponding deduction on your personal tax return
     will be "grossed up". This allowance will be based on your Daleen Salary
     and paid for each year in which you have an extra tax liability related to
     the assistance you receive.

9.   The Company will provide you a moving an relocation allowance in the amount
     of one (1) weeks salary to compensate for a variety of expenses (i.e.
     security deposits, registration fees, window treatments, utility
     disconnection/hookup fees, etc.) associated with the relocation that are
     not individually reimbursed.

If you relocate and subsequently resign within one (1) year prior to receiving
all of your benefits, all remaining benefits according to this policy will
cease. In addition, if you resign within one (1) year of the effective date of
this agreement, you will remit to Daleen Technologies all prior reimbursements
associated with this relocation agreement in accordance with the terms and
conditions specified by the Company.

This relocation benefit is not an employment contract and does not infer
continued employment. The relocation process and applications for reimbursement
must be completed within one (1) year from the effective date of your transfer.

I accept the relocation benefits, terms and conditions as detailed above:

/s/ David B. Corey                                      July 11, 2001
- ----------------------------------------                -------------
David B. Corey                                               Date


/s/ Phillip Davis, VP of Human Resources                July 11, 2001
- ----------------------------------------                -------------
Authorized Company Representative                            Date
