EXHIBIT 10.10 (C)


                  THIS AGREEMENT, initially made as of the 16th of October, 1995
and subsequently amended and restated on the 29th day of April, 1999, by and
between ANTEC Corporation and Robert Stanzione ("Executive"), is amended and
restated as of the 6th day of August, 2001 (the "Effective Date"), by and
between Arris Group, Inc., a Delaware corporation ("Company"), and Executive.

                  WHEREAS, Company and Executive desire to modify their current
contractual relationship to substitute Company for its subsidiary, ANTEC
Corporation, and to make certain other changes;

                  WHEREAS, Company recognizes Executive's knowledge and
experience in its industry and business and Executive's desire to assure
Executive's continued employment; and

                  WHEREAS, Executive is desirous of serving Company on the terms
herein provided, including those restricting Executive's ability to compete in
the future;

                  NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing and of the
respective covenants and agreements of the parties herein contained, the parties
hereto agree as follows:

1.       EMPLOYMENT AND TERM. Company will employ Executive and Executive will
         work for Company in the Atlanta area as follows: Executive will serve
         as President and Chief Executive Officer until Executive reaches the
         age of 62 or this Agreement is terminated as provided in Section 5 (the
         "Termination Date"). As President and Chief Executive Officer,
         Executive will perform on a full-time basis the normal executive
         services of a chief executive officer consistent with Executive's
         education, training and business experience.

2.       COMPENSATION. Company will pay Executive for the performance of
         Executive's duties as President and Chief Executive Officer (a) a
         salary ("Base Compensation"), at the rate of $600,000 a year as of July
         1, 2001, adjusted minimally thereafter for annual inflation and any
         significant increase in the complexity of Company, and (b) a bonus
         ("Bonus") for each year and partial year in an amount determined by
         Company using such criteria as it deems fair and equitable in
         accordance with past practices, allowing up to 200% of planned Bonus
         for performance above target goals. The amount of the planned Bonus
         shall be 100% of total Base Compensation for the year or partial year
         for which the Bonus is being paid. Executive's Base Compensation shall
         be payable semi-monthly, and the Bonus shall be payable as soon after
         the end of each calendar year as it can be determined, but in any event
         within ninety (90) days thereafter.


         (a)      Executive will be entitled to participate in and receive
         benefits under any retirement plan, health plan, disability plan and
         life insurance plan or other similar executive benefit plan or
         arrangement (collectively "Benefit Plans") generally made available by
         Company from time to time to its senior executives. Company will not
         substantially reduce the aggregate amount it is currently incurring to
         provide Benefit Plans to Executive. Executive will be entitled to such

         other benefits, including vacation, fringe benefits and expense
         reimbursement as generally made available by Company from time to time
         to its senior executives.

         (b)      Executive will be provided a supplemental pension equal to (i)
         the amount of pension he would have had under Company's defined benefit
         retirement plan and related excess benefit plan if period of
         Executive's service under those plans were tripled for all purposes
         including without limitation for purposes of eligibility for a pension,
         less (ii) the amount of pension to which Executive is entitled under
         Company's defined benefit retirement plan and related excess benefit
         plan. This additional benefit will be paid in accordance with the
         provisions of the excess benefit plan as they read on the Effective

4.       STOCK OPTIONS. Executive will be periodically granted options to
         purchase shares of Company as determined by the Board or its
         Compensation Committee in its good faith judgment to be appropriate.
         These options will be granted at the same time options are granted
         generally to other senior executives of Company. The exercise price of
         these options will be the market price of the shares at time of grant.


         (a)      This Agreement may be terminated by Company by written notice
         to Executive only by adoption by the Board of Directors of a resolution
         approved by directors constituting a majority of all of the directors
         then holding office. The termination will not be effective until two
         years after written notice of termination is given Executive unless
         termination is for "Good Cause." "Good Cause" shall mean (i)
         Executive's conviction of any embezzlement or any felony involving
         fraud or breach of trust relating to the performance of Executive's
         duties for Company, (ii) Executive continues in material breach of this
         Agreement for more than thirty (30) days after being notified in
         writing by Company of such breach, or intentionally repeats such breach
         after such thirty day period, provided Company has given such notice to
         Executive within thirty (30) days of first becoming aware of the facts
         constituting such breach, (iii) Executive's death, or (iv) permanent
         disability which materially impairs Executive's performance of
         Executive's duties and qualifies Executive for full benefits under
         Company's long term disability insurance policy.

         (b)      Executive may terminate this Agreement by giving Company
         written notice of termination. The termination will not be effective
         until two years after written notice is given Company unless
         termination is for "Good Reason." "Good Reason" shall exist if (i)
         Company continues in material breach of this Agreement for more than
         thirty (30) days after being notified in writing by Executive of such
         breach, or intentionally repeats such breach after such thirty day
         period, provided Executive has given such notice to Company within
         thirty (30) days of first becoming aware of the facts constituting such
         breach, (ii) Company gives Executive a notice of termination without
         "Good Cause" as specified above, provided Executive terminates this
         Agreement within 30 days of receiving such notice, or (iii) a "Change
         of Control" occurs, and Executive's employment hereunder is terminated
         by Company other than for "Good Cause" or by Executive because there
         has been a material diminution in Executive's position after a Change
         of Control that exists at any time after 6 months after the Change of
         Control. No longer being the chief executive officer of a significant
         public company at any time after 6 months after the Change of Control
         shall be considered a material diminution of Executive's position. A
         "Change of Control" shall mean any person, as such term is used in
         section 13(d) of and 14(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934,
         amended (the "Exchange Act"), is or


         becomes the "beneficial owner" (as defined in Rule 13(d)-3 under the
         Exchange Act) of securities of Company representing more than 25% (65%
         in the case of Nortel Networks Corporation and its affiliates) of the
         combined voting power of Company's then outstanding voting securities
         or the occurrence of a transaction that has substantially the same
         effect. Examples of such a transaction are a merger with another person
         (unless the stockholders of that person are substantially the same as
         the stockholders of the Company prior to the merger), a sale of
         substantially all the assets of the Company and its subsidiaries,
         considered as a whole, directly or by merger, to another person (unless
         the stockholders of that person are substantially the same as the
         stockholders of the Company at the time of such sale or merger), or a
         merger or purchase of assets in which although the Company is the
         surviving corporation, there is a change in the majority of the Board
         of Directors of the Company as the result of the transaction.

         (c)      If Executive terminates this Agreement and simultaneously
         therewith his employment by Company for Good Reason, all of Executive's
         stock options outstanding and unexercised at the Termination Date shall
         become immediately and fully exercisable as of the Termination Date,
         and Company for a period of three years from such termination (the
         period during which Executive is entitled to severance benefits is the
         "Severance Period") shall continue to provide to Executive (a) his Base
         Compensation, at the rate most recently determined, (b) a bonus for
         each fiscal year (and a pro rata amount for each partial year) in an
         amount equal his Typical Annual Bonus at the Termination Date, and (c)
         the Benefit Plans as provided by Section 3 (subject in the case of
         long-term disability to the availability of such coverage under
         Company's insurance policy). Executive's Typical Annual Bonus at the
         Termination Date shall be the annual average of the three highest full
         year Bonuses received by Executive for the five full years (or such
         lesser number of years) after 2001 preceding the Termination Date. To
         the extent that the full years falling within this period are less than
         three, then Executive's Typical Annual Bonus shall be computed by
         averaging such full year Bonuses, if any, falling within this period
         with 100% of Executive's Base Compensation at the Termination Date
         times the number of years necessary to bring the number of years being
         considered to three. (Examples: if the Termination Date should occur
         prior to December 31, 2002, his Typical Annual Bonus would be 100% of
         his then Base Compensation; if the Termination Date should occur during
         the year 2003, his Typical Annual Bonus would be the average of the
         Bonus he received for 2002 and twice 100% of his then Base

         (d)      During the Severance Period, Executive will serve Company as a
         consultant on matters within Executive's expertise or knowledge as may
         be reasonably requested by Company. All such consultation will be
         arranged by Company so as to not interfere with the other activities of
         Executive. Executive will be reimbursed by Company for any expenses
         incurred by Executive at the direction of Company. As a consultant,
         Executive's options to purchase stock of Company will continue in
         accordance with their terms while he is a consultant to Company. At the
         end of this period, all such options, to the extent they have not
         previously expired pursuant to their specified expiration dates, shall
         expire notwithstanding any other provision to the contrary, except,
         subject to the specified expiration dates, Executive's executor or
         administrator shall have the period provided by the options to exercise
         them after the death of Executive while he is a consultant to Company.

         (e)      The parties agree that the payments and benefits provided for
         in subsection (c) of this Section shall be deemed to constitute
         liquidated damages for Company's breach or constructive breach of this
         Agreement and payment for the non-competition provisions of this
         Agreement, and Company agrees that (i) Executive shall not be required
         to mitigate his


         damages by seeking other employment or otherwise, and (ii) Company's
         payments and other obligations under this Agreement shall not be
         reduced in any way by reason of any compensation received by Executive
         from sources other than Company after the Termination Date. The
         obligations of this Agreement to be performed by the parties following
         the termination of this Agreement will survive the termination of this

6.       NON-COMPETITION COVENANT. Executive agrees that throughout his
         employment hereunder and during the Severance Period he will not
         directly or indirectly, alone or as a member of partnership,
         association or joint venture or as an employee, officer, director or
         stockholder of any corporation or in any other capacity:

                  (a) engage in any activity which is competitive with the
                  business of Company (which for purposes of this Section 6
                  shall include any subsidiary) in the United States or in any
                  foreign county in which Company is carrying on such business,
                  provided that the foregoing provision shall not be deemed to
                  prohibit Executive from purchasing for investment any
                  securities or interest in any publicly-owned organization
                  which is competitive with the business of Company so long as
                  his investment in any such organization does not exceed one
                  percent of its total equity; or

                  (b) solicit in connection with any activity which is
                  competitive with Company, any customers or suppliers which he
                  solicited on behalf of Company or on behalf of the business of
                  Company; or

                  (c) solicit or in any manner attempt to influence or induce
                  any employee of Company to leave the employment of Company or
                  use or disclose to any person any information obtained while
                  employed by the Company concerning the names and addresses of
                  Company employees.

7.       TAXES. Company will timely pay to Executive the amount of any excise
         taxes imposed on Executive under Section 4999 of the Internal Revenue
         Code as currently written by reason of payments or benefits under the
         provisions of this Agreement, including this provision, and the amount
         of any federal and state income taxes imposed on Executive by reason of
         payments to Executive under this Section.

8.       NOTICE. Any Notices given hereunder shall be in writing and shall be
         given by personal delivery or by certified or registered mail, return
         receipt requested, addressed to:

               If to Company:                         If to Executive:

               Arris Group, Inc.                      Current address in
               11450 Technology Circle                the records of the
               Duluth, Georgia 30097                  Company

         or such other address as shall be furnished in writing by one party to
         the other.

9.       SEVERABILITY. The invalidity or unenforceability of any particular
         provision of this Agreement shall not affect the other provisions
         hereof, and this Agreement shall be construed in all respects as if the
         invalid or unenforceable provision has been omitted.


10.      ASSIGNMENT. Company's obligations hereunder shall be binding legal
         obligations of any successor to all or substantially all the business
         of the Company and its subsidiaries, considered as a whole, by
         purchase, merger, consolidation or otherwise. Company and/or its
         subsidiaries may not sell or otherwise dispose of all or substantially
         all of the assets of the Company and its subsidiaries, considered as a
         whole, or merge or consolidate with any other entity without making
         adequate provision for its obligations hereunder. Except in accordance
         with foregoing, neither party may assign this Agreement, provided that
         upon Executive's death, this Agreement shall be binding upon and inure
         to the benefit of Executive's heirs, legatees and the legal
         representative of each.

11.      APPLICABLE LAW. This Agreement shall be construed and interpreted
         pursuant to the laws of Georgia.

12.      AMENDMENT. This Agreement may be amended only by a written document
         signed by both parties.

13.      PRIOR AGREEMENTS. This Agreement supersedes any agreements relating to
         the option granted Executive on February 10, 1998 that are not set
         forth in that option.

14.      LEGAL FEES. The prevailing party in any litigation concerning this
         Agreement shall be reimbursed by the party found to be in breach of
         this Agreement for all reasonable costs, including attorney fees,
         incurred by the prevailing party in enforcing this Agreement.

15.      STOCK UNITS. The 24,077 stock units granted to Executive on January 31,
         2000, shall convert to common stock of the Company on June 30, 2004, or
         such earlier date Executive is not employed by Company. 4,815 of these
         units and distributions on these units will be forfeited if prior to
         June 30, 2004, Executive gives Company notice of termination of this
         Agreement without Good Reason.

16.      SUPPLEMENTAL RETIREMENT BENEFITS. Subject to and conditioned upon
         Company not having terminated this Agreement pursuant to Section
         3(a)(i) or (ii), Executive will be provided the supplemental retirement
         benefits set forth in the attached Supplemental Pension Plan.

                  IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Employment
Agreement as of the day and year first above written.


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