PER-SE TECHNOLOGIES, INC.
                            DEFERRED STOCK UNIT PLAN

                         Effective as of October 1, 2001

                            PER-SE TECHNOLOGIES, INC.
                            DEFERRED STOCK UNIT PLAN

         Per-Se Technologies, Inc. ("Per-Se") hereby establishes the Per-Se
Technologies, Inc. Deferred Stock Unit Plan (the "Plan") effective as of
October 1, 2001, subject to approval of the Plan by the stockholders of Per-Se
at the 2002 Annual Meeting of Stockholders. Per-Se intends for this Plan to
provide its Non-Employee Directors (as that term is defined in Article I) and a
select group of key employees of the Company (as that term is defined in Article
I) with an opportunity to defer income in consideration of the valuable services
provided by such persons to the Company and to further align the interests of
such persons with those of the Company's stockholders by encouraging ownership
of Per-Se's common stock. The Company intends that the Plan shall not be treated
as a "funded" plan for purposes of either the Code or the Employee Retirement
Income Security Act of 1974, as amended ("ERISA").

                                    ARTICLE I

         Defined terms used in this Plan shall have the meanings set forth

1.01     Account

         "Account" means the memorandum account maintained for each Participant
         to which shall be credited all Deferred Amounts elected by a
         Participant, all Enhancement Bonus made on behalf of a Participant, and
         all dividend credits with respect to Stock Units in the Account, and
         other adjustments thereto.

1.02     Affiliated Entity

         "Affiliated Entity" means any legal entity that is treated as a single
         employer with Per-Se pursuant to Code sections 414(b), 414(c), 414(m)
         or 414(o).

1.03     Board

         "Board" means the Board of Directors of Per-Se.

1.03     Cause

         "Cause" as a reason for an employee Participant's termination of
         employment shall have the meaning assigned such term in the employment
         agreement, if any, between such Participant and the Company or an
         affiliated company, provided, however that if there is no such
         employment agreement in which such term is defined, "Cause" shall mean
         any of the following acts by the Participant, as determined by the
         Committee: (i) the Participant materially breaches any of the terms or
         conditions set forth in an agreement between the Company and the
         Participant, (ii) the Participant commits an act materially

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         detrimental to the business or reputation of the Company; or (iii) the
         Participant commits or is convicted of any crime involving fraud,
         deceit or moral turpitude.

1.04     Change in Control

         "Change in Control" means and includes the occurrence of any one or
         more of the following events:

         (i) a consolidation or merger of Per-Se with or into any other
         corporation, or any other entity or person, other than a wholly-owned
         subsidiary of Per-Se, excluding any transaction in which the shares of
         Per-Se's common stock outstanding immediately prior to any such
         consolidation or merger represents immediately thereafter more than 50%
         of the combined voting power of the resulting entity after the

         (ii) any corporate reorganization, including an exchange offer, in
         which Per-Se shall not be the continuing or surviving entity resulting
         from such reorganization, excluding any transaction in which the shares
         of Per-Se's common stock outstanding immediately prior to any such
         reorganization represents immediately thereafter more than 50% of the
         combined voting power of the resulting entity after the transaction; or

         (iii) the sale of a substantial portion of Per-Se's assets, which shall
         be deemed to occur on the date that any one person, or more than one
         person acting as a group, acquires (or has acquired during the 12-month
         period ending on the date of the most recent acquisition by such person
         or persons) assets from Per-Se that (a) have a total fair market value
         equal to more than 50% of the total fair market value of all the assets
         of Per-Se immediately prior to such acquisition or acquisitions, or (b)
         represents a majority of the common stock of any (1) subsidiary of
         Per-Se, the revenues of which, in the most recent fiscal year,
         represent more than 75% of the consolidated gross revenues of Per-Se
         and its subsidiaries. Notwithstanding the foregoing, a transfer of
         assets or common stock in a subsidiary by Per-Se will not be treated as
         a sale of a substantial portion of Per-Se's assets if the assets are
         transferred to an entity, 50% or more of the total value or voting
         power of which is owned, directly or indirectly, by Per-Se.

1.05     Code

         "Code" means the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.

1.06     Committee

         "Committee" means the Compensation Committee of the Board.

1.07     Company

         "Company" means (i) Per-Se, and (ii) any Affiliated Entity that, with
         approval of the Board, has adopted the Plan.

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1.08     Compensation

         "Compensation" in the case of a Non-Employee Director means the
         director's committee, meeting and annual retainer fees otherwise
         payable to such director during his current term as a director.
         "Compensation" in the case of an employee Participant means incentive
         compensation payable under the Per-Se Technologies 2001 Incentive Plan
         or any successor annual incentive compensation plan or plans. The
         Committee may from time to time designate other forms of remuneration
         that are available for deferral into the Plan.

1.09     Deferred Amounts

         "Deferred Amounts" means the amount of a Participant's Compensation
         that he elects to defer and have allocated to his Account pursuant to
         Section 3.01.

1.10     Deferred Amount Stock Units

         "Deferred Amount Stock Units" means Stock Units credited to a
         Participant's Account that result from (i) the conversion to Stock
         Units of any Deferred Amounts in accordance with Section 4.01, or (ii)
         the conversion to additional Stock Units of dividend equivalents
         payable with respect to such Deferred Amount Stock Units pursuant to
         Section 4.02.

1.11     Disability

         "Disability" means the mental or physical incapacity or disability of a
         Participant that renders him unable to perform his duties to the
         Company, as reasonably determined by the Committee. The Committee may
         require such medical or other evidence as it deems necessary to judge
         the nature and permanency of the Participant's condition. A
         Participant's inability adequately to perform such services for a
         period of 60 consecutive days will be conclusive evidence of such
         mental or physical incapacity or disability, unless such inability
         adequately to perform such services is pursuant to a mental or physical
         incapacity or disability covered by the Family Medical Leave Act, in
         which case such 60-day period shall be extended to a one hundred and
         120-day period.

1.12     Election Agreement

         "Election Agreement" means an application for participation in the
         Plan, execution of which by a Participant is required under Article III
         for the Participant to elect Deferred Amounts.

1.13     Enhancement Bonus

         "Enhancement Bonus" means the allocations to an employee Participant's
         Account made pursuant to Sections 3.02 and 4.01.

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1.14     Enhancement Bonus Stock Units

         "Enhancement Bonus Stock Units" means Stock Units credited to an
         employee Participant's Account that result from (i) the conversion to
         Stock Units of any Enhancement Bonus in accordance with Section 4.01,
         or (ii) the conversion to additional Stock Units of dividend
         equivalents payable with respect to such Enhancement Bonus Stock Units
         pursuant to Section 4.02.

1.15     Fair Market Value

         "Fair Market Value", on any date, means the average closing price, for
         the five business days prior to the date for which the determination is
         being made, of a share of Stock on the Nasdaq Stock Market, or on the
         principal national securities exchange on which such shares are listed,
         or in the event such shares are not listed, the value established by
         the Committee in good faith.

1.16     Good Reason

         "Good Reason" for a Participant's termination of employment shall have
         the meaning assigned such term in the employment agreement, if any,
         between such Participant and the Company or an affiliated company,
         provided, however that if there is no such employment agreement in
         which such term is defined, "Good Reason" shall mean any of the
         following acts by the Company without the consent of the Participant:
         (i) a reduction of greater than 10% in the Participant's annual base
         salary; (ii) a change in the Participant's work location to a work
         location more than 50 miles from his existing work location, except for
         required travel on the Company's business to an extent consistent with
         the Participant's then current business travel obligations; (iii) an
         assignment to any duties inconsistent in any material adverse respect
         with the Participant's current position, duties or responsibilities,
         other than an insubstantial and inadvertent act that is remedied by the
         Company promptly after receipt of notice thereof given by the
         Participant; or (iv) the failure by the Company to continue any
         material benefit or compensation plan in which the Participant is
         participating unless the Participant is provided with comparable

1.17     Non-Employee Director

         "Non-Employee Director" means any member of the Board who is not a
         common law employee of the Company or any other affiliated entity of

1.18     Non-Employee Director Deferred Stock Credit Plan

         "Non-Employee Director Deferred Stock Credit Plan" means the
         Non-Employee Director Deferred Stock Credit Plan maintained by Per-Se,
         effective as of November 19, 1997, as amended.

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1.19     Participant

         "Participant" means any Non-Employee Director who has elected to
         participate in the Plan and any eligible employee selected to
         participate in the Plan pursuant to Section 2.01 and who has elected to
         participate in the Plan.

1.20     Plan

         "Plan" means this Per-Se Technologies, Inc. Deferred Stock Unit Plan,
         as amended from time to time.

1.21     Plan Year

         "Plan Year" means each annual period with respect to which Compensation
         may be earned. The Plan Year shall be the calendar year with respect to
         employee Participants, and shall be the approximate twelve-month
         periods between annual meetings of the stockholders of Per-Se with
         respect to Participants who are Non-Employee Directors.

1.22     Retirement

         "Retirement" of an employee Participant means his termination of
         employment with the Company or an Affiliated Entity after attaining any
         normal or early retirement age specified in any pension, profit sharing
         or other retirement program sponsored by the Company or such Affiliated
         Entity, or, in the event of the inapplicability thereof with respect to
         the person in question, as determined by the Committee in its
         reasonable judgment. "Retirement" of a Non-Employee Director means his
         retirement from the Board after having attained the mandatory
         retirement age for directors, as may be applicable from time to time,
         or, if there is no such mandatory retirement age, as determined by the
         Committee in its reasonable judgment.

1.23     Stock

         "Stock" means the $0.01 par value common stock of Per-Se.

1.24     Stock Units

         "Stock Units" means investment units, each of which is deemed to be
         equivalent to one share of Stock. Stock Units shall include the
         "Deferred Amount Stock Units" and the "Enhancement Bonus Stock Units."

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                                   ARTICLE II
                          ELIGIBILITY AND PARTICIPATION

2.01     Eligibility and Participation

         Non-Employee Directors are automatically eligible to participate in the
         Plan. The Committee shall from time to time in its sole discretion
         select those employees of the Company who are eligible to participate
         in the Plan from those employees who are among a select group of key

2.02     Election to Participate

         In order to participate in the Plan, Participants shall complete the
         election procedure specified by the Committee. The election procedure
         may include form(s) for the Participant to (a) designate his
         Beneficiary (pursuant to Article V), (b) designate Deferred Amounts by
         entering into an Election Agreement with the Company (pursuant to
         Article III), (c) select a payment option and date for the eventual
         distribution of his Account (pursuant to Article III), and (d) provide
         such other information as the Committee may reasonably require.

2.03     Failure of Eligibility

         The Committee shall have the authority to determine that an employee
         Participant is no longer eligible to participate in the Plan. No
         Enhancement Bonus shall be made, no Deferred Amounts shall be withheld
         from a Participant's Compensation, and no dividend amounts shall be
         credited to a Participant's Account after he ceases to be eligible to
         participate in the Plan. The determination of the Committee with
         respect to the termination of participation in the Plan shall be final
         and binding on all parties affected thereby. Any benefits accrued
         hereunder, however, at the time the Participant becomes ineligible to
         continue participation, shall be distributable in accordance with the
         provisions of the Plan.

                                   ARTICLE III
                             CONTRIBUTION DEFERRALS

3.01     Participant Deferrals

         (a)      Elections to Defer. A Participant may elect to defer
                  Compensation by filing the appropriate Election Agreement with
                  the Committee's designee. A Non-Employee Director may elect to
                  defer up to 100% of his Compensation, in 25% increments. An
                  employee Participant may elect to defer up to 50% of his
                  eligible Compensation, in 1% increments. Deferred Amounts
                  shall be deducted through payroll withholding from the
                  Participant's cash Compensation payable by the Company.
                  Deferred Amounts shall be credited to the Participant's
                  Account in accordance with Article IV.

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         (b)      Initial Enrollment. When a person first becomes eligible to
                  participate in the Plan, pursuant to Section 2.01, the
                  Committee's designee shall provide him with an election form,
                  which, when properly completed and timely returned to the
                  Committee's designee shall constitute an Election Agreement.
                  The Election Agreement shall be effective immediately upon
                  receipt by the Committee's designee; provided, however, that
                  (i) in the case of Non-Employee Directors, the Election
                  Agreements relating to any Compensation must be completed and
                  returned prior to first day of the Plan Year with respect to
                  which such Compensation will be earned (or in the case of a
                  Non-Employee Director's initial term of office, no later than
                  30 days after such initial term has begun), and (ii) in the
                  case of employee Participants, Election Agreements must be
                  completed and returned not less than 30 days in advance of the
                  end of the Plan Year for which such Compensation will be
                  earned. The Committee from time to time may impose any earlier
                  deadlines for the submission of Election Agreements as it
                  deems appropriate or advisable.

                  In the Election Agreement, the Participant shall indicate the
                  beginning date for distribution of his Account for such Plan
                  Year. The selected date may be either the date of the
                  Participant's termination of service or an anniversary of the
                  date of deferral, which shall be at least the second
                  anniversary in the case of Deferred Amount Stock Units and at
                  least the fifth anniversary in the case of Enhancement Bonus
                  Stock Units. The Election Agreement shall also indicate one of
                  the following methods of distribution: (i) one installment of
                  the full vested balance of Stock Units in the Account as of
                  the distribution date, or (ii) five or ten annual installments
                  beginning on the distribution date.

         (c)      Continuing Elections. A Participant may enter into a separate
                  Election Agreement for each Plan Year. An Election Agreement
                  filed with respect to one Plan Year shall remain effective for
                  all following Plan Years during the term of the Plan, unless
                  (i) a new Election Agreement with respect to a subsequent Plan
                  Year is timely filed with the Committee's designee, (ii) the
                  Committee's designee is notified in writing that the
                  Participant does not which participate in the Plan for a
                  subsequent Plan Year, or (iii) the Participant becomes
                  ineligible to participate in the Plan.

         (d)      Rollover Deferrals from the Non-Employee Director Deferred
                  Stock Credit Plan. If a Non-Employee Director elects to
                  participate in this Plan, the balance, if any, in such
                  Non-Employee Director's account under the Non-Employee
                  Director Deferred Stock Credit Plan will be automatically
                  rolled over to his Account under this Plan (the "Rollover
                  Account"). In that case, the hypothetical number of shares of
                  Stock credited to his account under the Non-Employee Director
                  Deferred Stock Credit Plan as of that date will be converted
                  to Stock Units on a one-for-one basis and credited to his
                  Rollover Account under this Plan. The

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                  Non-Employee Director's most recent election under the
                  Non-Employee Director Deferred Stock Credit Plan as to the
                  date for payment and method of payment (single distribution or
                  installments) shall continue to apply with respect to such
                  Rollover Account unless changed by the Non-Employee Director
                  in accordance with Section 3.01(e) below.

         (e)      Changing a Prior Election. A Participant may, by filing a new
                  Election Agreement with the Committee's designee, change his
                  election as to distribution date and/or method of distribution
                  for the Account with respect to a Plan Year. Such new Election
                  Agreement shall not be effective until one year after it is
                  properly filed with the Committee's designee. Participants are
                  limited to one changed Election Agreement for each separate
                  Plan Year and one changed Election Agreement for the
                  Participant's Rollover Account.

         (f)      Participant Becomes Ineligible. A Participant's Election
                  Agreement shall be canceled immediately when he becomes
                  ineligible to participate in the Plan.

3.02     Enhancement Bonus

         The Company shall grant to an employee Participant (but not to a
         participant who is a Non-Employee Director) an Enhancement Bonus equal
         to 25% of the Participant's Deferred Amount for a Plan Year. The
         Committee may from time to time in its sole discretion designate such
         other Enhancement Bonus contributions as the Committee deems
         appropriate. The Enhancement Bonus shall be converted to Stock Units
         and credited to the Participant's Account as specified in Article IV.

                                   ARTICLE IV
                                   STOCK UNITS

4.01     Conversion of Deferred Amounts and Enhancement Bonus to Stock Units

         All Deferred Amounts and Enhancement Bonus shall be converted to Stock
         Units and credited to Participants' Accounts on the later of (i) the
         date that the Deferred Amounts are deducted, through payroll
         withholding, from the Participant's cash Compensation payable by the
         Company, or (ii) the date of the annual meeting of stockholders of
         Per-Se at which the Plan is approved by the stockholders. The number of
         Stock Units to be credited shall be determined by dividing the Deferred
         Amount and Enhancement Bonus by the Fair Market Value of one share of
         Stock as of the date on which the amount is credited to the
         Participant's Account.

4.02     Conversion of Dividend Equivalents to Stock Units

         Participants' Accounts will be credited with additional Stock Units as
         of the payment date of any cash dividends declared on the Stock. The
         number of additional Stock Units

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         credited to an Account shall be determined by dividing (i) the product
         of the per-share dividend amount times the number of Stock Units
         credited to the Account as of the record date for such dividend, by
         (ii) the Fair Market Value of one share of Stock as of the dividend
         payment date. Non-cash dividends shall not be converted to Stock Units
         or credited to Accounts, except as provided in Section 8.08 hereof. For
         purposes of the Plan, the deferral date and the vesting date of Stock
         Units converted from dividend equivalents shall be deemed to the same
         as the applicable deferral date and vesting date of the underlying
         Stock Units with respect to which such dividend equivalents were

4.03     Voting

         Participants shall have no right to vote any Stock Units prior to the
         date on which such Stock Units are subject to distribution and shares
         of Stock are distributed therefor.

4.04     No Other Investment Alternatives

         Nothing contained in this Plan shall be construed to give any
         Participant any power or control to make investment decisions with
         respect to Deferred Amounts other than the conversion to Stock Units as
         provided in this Article IV. Nothing contained in the Plan shall be
         construed to require the Company or the Committee to fund any
         Participant's Account.

                                    ARTICLE V

5.01     Vesting

         (a)      A Participant shall be fully vested at all times in the
                  Deferred Amount Stock Units credited to his Account.

         (b)      Except as provided below in this Article V, an employee
                  Participant shall vest in the Enhancement Bonus Stock Units
                  credited to his Account as follows: 20% on each of the first
                  five anniversaries of the date on which such Enhancement Bonus
                  Stock Units were credited to his Account, except that Stock
                  Units converted from dividend equivalents shall vest at the
                  same time as the corresponding Enhancement Bonus Stock Units

         (c)      If an employee Participant is terminated without Cause or if
                  his employment is terminated due to his death, Disability,
                  Retirement or resignation for Good Reason, then any unvested
                  portion of his Account shall be immediately vested.

         (d)      If an employee Participant is terminated for Cause or resigns
                  without Good Reason, then no further vesting of unvested
                  portions of his Account shall occur

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                  and unvested portions of his Account shall be forfeited

         (e)      The effect of this Section 5.01 shall be limited to
                  determining the consequences of a termination of service and
                  nothing herein shall restrict or otherwise interfere with
                  Company's discretion with respect to termination of any
                  employee or director.

         (f)      Change in Control. If the Plan is terminated after a Change in
                  Control, all Participants shall thereupon become 100% vested
                  in their Accounts.

5.02     Distributions During Service

         (a)      Timing. The timing of the distribution shall be pursuant to
                  the terms of the Participant's applicable Election
                  Agreement(s). Except as otherwise provided in Section 5.03,
                  distributions shall begin at a date designated by the
                  Participant in the Election Agreement.

         (b)      Form of Distribution. The Participant's entire vested Account
                  shall be paid in whole shares of Stock, with any fractional
                  shares paid in cash, delivered in the number of installments
                  designated pursuant to the Election Agreement(s), except as
                  otherwise provided in Section 5.03.

5.03     Distributions After Service

         (a)      Death, Resignation without Good Reason or Termination for
                  Cause. Regardless of the distribution election in the
                  Participant's Election Agreement(s), the Participant's entire
                  vested Account shall be distributed as soon as
                  administratively feasible after the Participant's death,
                  resignation without Good Reason or termination for Cause. The
                  Account shall be paid in whole shares of Stock, with any
                  fractional shares paid in cash, delivered in one installment.

         (b)      Termination for Any Other Reason. In the case of the
                  Participant's termination as a director or employee for any
                  other reason (including, for example, Retirement, Disability,
                  termination without Cause, resignation for Good Reason, or
                  expiration of term in office as a director), the timing of the
                  distribution shall be pursuant to the terms of the
                  Participant's applicable Election Agreement(s). The Account
                  shall be paid in whole shares of Stock, with any fractional
                  shares paid in cash, delivered in the number of installments
                  designated in the applicable Election Agreement(s).

         (c)      Change in Control. Upon the termination of a Participant for
                  any reason after a Change in Control, the Participant's entire
                  vested Account shall be distributed within three months after
                  the Participant terminates service with the Company. The
                  Account shall be paid in whole shares of Stock, with any
                  fractional shares paid in cash, delivered in one installment.

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5.04     Distributions After Participant's Death

         (a)      Each Participant shall designate one or more persons, trusts
                  or other entities as his beneficiary (the "Beneficiary") to
                  receive any amounts distributable under the Plan at the time
                  of the Participant's death. In the absence of an effective
                  beneficiary designation as to part or all of a Participant's
                  interest in the Plan, such amount shall be distributed to the
                  Participant's surviving spouse, if any, otherwise to the
                  personal representative of the Participant's estate.

         (b)      A beneficiary designation may be changed by the Participant at
                  any time and without the consent of any previously designated
                  Beneficiary. If a Participant has designated his spouse as a
                  Beneficiary or as a contingent Beneficiary, and the
                  Participant and that spouse subsequently divorce, then such
                  beneficiary designation shall be void and of no effect with
                  respect to such spouse on the day such divorce is final.

         (c)      When a Participant dies, his remaining Account balance shall
                  be distributed to his Beneficiary as soon as administratively
                  possible after his death, regardless of the payment schedule
                  the Participant elected, and regardless of whether installment
                  payments had begun. Such distribution shall be paid in whole
                  shares of Stock, with any fractional shares paid in cash.

5.05     Financial Hardship

         The Committee may, in its sole discretion, accelerate the distribution
         to a Participant of an amount reasonably necessary to handle a severe
         financial hardship of a sudden and unexpected nature due to causes not
         within the control of the Participant. The determination of whether an
         unforeseeable hardship has occurred, as well as the application of the
         facts making such determination, shall be made by the Committee in its
         sole and absolute discretion and shall not be overturned unless such
         decision is arbitrary and capricious. All financial hardship
         distributions shall be made in cash in a lump sum, by the conversion of
         Stock Units to cash based on the Fair Market Value of the Stock on the
         business day immediately preceding the date of the distribution.

5.06     Withholding

         At the time of deferral or distribution, the Company shall withhold any
         taxes or other amounts that are required to be withheld pursuant to any
         applicable law. The Committee may direct the Company to withhold
         additional amounts from any payment under the Plan, either because the
         Participant so requested or to repay the Participant's debt or
         obligation to the Company.

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                                   ARTICLE VI

6.01     The Committee - Plan Administrator

         The Plan shall be administered by the Committee or, at the discretion
         of the Board from time to time, the Plan may be administered by the
         Board. During any time that the Board is acting as administrator of the
         Plan, it shall have all the powers of the Committee hereunder, and any
         reference herein to the Committee (other than in this Section 6.01)
         shall include the Board.

6.02     Committee Powers

         The Committee shall have all discretion and powers necessary to
         administer the Plan, including, but not by way of limitation, full
         discretion and power to interpret the Plan, to determine the
         eligibility, status and rights of all persons under the Plan and, in
         general, to decide any dispute. The Committee shall direct the Company
         concerning distributions in accordance with the provisions of the Plan.
         The Committee's designee shall maintain all Plan records.

6.03     Organization of Committee

         The Committee shall adopt such rules as it deems desirable for the
         conduct of its affairs and for the administration of the Plan. It may
         appoint designees and/or agents (who need not be members of the
         Committee) to whom it may delegate such powers as it deems appropriate,
         except that the Committee shall determine any dispute. The Committee
         may make its determinations with or without meetings. The Committee may
         authorize one or more of its members, designees or agents to sign
         instructions, notices and determinations on its behalf. The action of a
         majority of the Committee's members shall constitute the action of the

6.04     Agent for Process

         Per-Se's General Counsel and Corporate Secretary shall be the agent of
         the Plan for service of all process.

6.05     Determination of Committee Final

         The decisions made by the Committee shall be final and conclusive on
         all persons.

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                                   ARTICLE VII
                            AMENDMENT AND TERMINATION

7.01     Amendment

         The Board or the Committee may, at any time and from time to time,
         amend, modify or terminate the Plan without stockholder approval;
         provided, however, that the Board or Committee may condition any
         amendment or modification on the approval of stockholders of the
         Company if such approval is necessary or deemed advisable with respect
         to tax, securities or other applicable laws, policies or regulations.
         No amendment to the Plan shall adversely affect any benefit that has
         accrued on the effective date of such amendment, without the consent of
         the affected Participant(s).

         Each amendment of the Plan shall be in writing and shall be approved by
         the Committee and/or the Board. An officer of Per-Se to whom the
         Committee and/or the Board has delegated the authority to execute Plan
         amendments shall execute each such amendment.

7.02     Successors and Assigns; Termination of Plan

         The Plan is binding upon Per-Se and its successors and assigns. The
         Plan shall continue in effect from year to year unless and until
         terminated by the Board or the Committee. Any such termination shall
         operate only prospectively and shall not reduce any vested benefit that
         has accrued on the effective date of such termination.

7.03     Change in Control

         The Plan shall not be automatically terminated by a Change in Control,
         but the Plan shall be continued thereafter by such successor
         organization. All rights to amend, modify, suspend or terminate the
         Plan shall be transferred to the successor organization, effective as
         of the date of the Change in Control.

                                  ARTICLE VIII

8.01     Stock Subject to the Plan

         All benefits payable under the Plan shall be distributed in whole
         shares of Stock, with any fractional shares paid in cash. The shares of
         Stock to be distributed pursuant to the Plan shall be shares that have
         been previously issued and reacquired by the Company in public or
         private transactions. Subject to adjustment in accordance with the
         provisions of Section 8.08, the maximum number of shares of Stock that
         may be distributed pursuant to the Plan shall be 600,000 shares. In the
         event that any Stock Units granted under the Plan are forfeited by a
         Participant, the shares of Stock represented thereby shall not count
         against such maximum number of shares of Stock that may be distributed
         under the Plan.

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8.02     Funding of Benefits -- No Fiduciary Relationship

         Benefits shall be distributed by the Company out of its general assets
         and no separate fund shall be established to secure payment. Nothing
         contained in the Plan shall be deemed to create any fiduciary
         relationship between the Company and the Participants. Notwithstanding
         anything herein to the contrary, to the extent that any person acquires
         a right to receive benefits under the Plan, such right shall be no
         greater than the right of any unsecured general creditor of the
         Company. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Company may establish a
         grantor trust for the purpose of helping to defray the obligations
         under the Plan and to the extent that any payment is made from any such
         trust to a Participant or Beneficiary, such payment will be in
         satisfaction of the Company's obligations hereunder.

8.03     Right to Terminate Employment or Service as a Director

         The Company may terminate the employment or directorship of any
         Participant as freely and with the same effect as if the Plan were not
         in existence.

8.04     Inalienability of Benefits

         No Participant shall have the right to assign, transfer, hypothecate,
         encumber or anticipate his interest in any benefits under the Plan, nor
         shall the benefits under the Plan be subject to any legal process to
         levy upon or attach the benefits for payment for any claim against the
         Participant or his spouse or Beneficiary. If, notwithstanding the
         foregoing provision, any Participant's benefits are garnished or
         attached by the order of any court, the Company may bring an action for
         declaratory judgment in a court of competent jurisdiction to determine
         the proper recipient of the benefits to be distributed pursuant to the
         Plan. During the pendency of the action, any benefits that become
         distributable shall be paid into the court, as they become
         distributable, to be distributed by the court to the recipient it deems
         proper at the conclusion of the action.

8.05     Claims Procedure

         (a)      Notice of Claim. Any Participant or Beneficiary, or the duly
                  authorized representative of a Participant or Beneficiary, may
                  file with the Committee a claim for a Plan benefit. Such a
                  claim must be in writing on a form provided by the Committee
                  and must be delivered in person or by mail, postage prepaid,
                  to the Committee c/o Per-Se's General Counsel and Corporate
                  Secretary, as agent for the Committee. Within 90 days after
                  the receipt of such a claim, the Committee shall send to the
                  claimant, by mail, postage prepaid, a notice of the granting
                  or the denying, in whole or in part, of such claim, unless
                  special circumstances require an extension of time for
                  processing the claim. In no event may the extension exceed 90
                  days from the end of the initial period. If such an extension

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                  necessary, the claimant will be given a written notice to this
                  effect prior to the expiration of the initial 90 day period.
                  The Committee shall have full discretion to deny or grant a
                  claim in whole or in part in accordance with the terms of the
                  plan. If notice of the denial of a claim is not furnished in
                  accordance with this Section, the claim shall be denied and
                  the claimant shall be permitted to exercise his or her right
                  to review pursuant to Sections 8.05(c) and 8.05(d) of the
                  Plan, as applicable.

         (b)      Action on Claim. The Committee shall provide to every claimant
                  who is denied a claim for benefits a written notice setting
                  forth, in a manner calculated to be understood by the

                  (i)      The specific reason or reasons for the denial;

                  (ii)     A specific reference to the pertinent Plan provisions
                           on which the denial is based;

                  (iii)    A description of any additional material or
                           information necessary of the claimant to perfect the
                           claim and an explanation of why such material or
                           information is necessary; and

                  (iv)     An explanation of the Plan's claim review procedure.

         (c)      Review of Denial. Within 60 days after the receipt by a
                  claimant of written notification of the denial (in whole or in
                  part) of a claim, the claimant or the claimant's duly
                  authorized representative, upon written application to the
                  Committee, delivered in person or by certified mail, postage
                  prepaid, may review pertinent documents and may submit to the
                  Committee, in writing, issues and comments concerning the

         (d)      Decision on Review. Upon the Committee's receipt of a notice
                  of a request for review, the Committee shall make a prompt
                  decision on the review and shall communicate the decision on
                  review in writing to the claimant. The decision on review
                  shall be written in a manner calculated to be understood by
                  the claimant and shall include specific reasons for the
                  decision and specific references to the pertinent Plan
                  provisions on which the decision is based. The decision on
                  review shall be made not later than 60 days after the
                  Committee's receipt of a request for a review, unless special
                  circumstances require an extension of time for processing, in
                  which case a decision shall be rendered not later than 120
                  days after receipt of the request for review. If an extension
                  is necessary, the claimant shall be given written notice of
                  the extension by the Committee prior to the expiration of the
                  initial 60-day period. If notice of the decision on review is
                  not furnished in accordance with this Section, the claim shall
                  be denied on review.

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8.06     Disposition of Unclaimed Distributions

         Each Participant must file with the Company from time to time in
         writing his post office address and each change of post office address.
         Any communication, statement or notice addressed to a Participant at
         his last post office address on file with the Company, or if no address
         is filed with the Company, then at his last post office address as
         shown on the Company's records, will be binding on the Participant and
         his Beneficiary for all purposes of the Plan. The Company shall not be
         required to search for or locate a Participant or his Beneficiary.
         Whenever the Committee cannot, within a reasonable time after payments
         are to commence, locate any person to or for the benefit of whom such
         payments are to be made, after making a reasonable effort to locate
         such person, the Committee may direct that the payment and any
         remaining payments otherwise due to the Participant be cancelled on the
         records of the Plan, except that in the event the Participant later
         notifies the Committee of his whereabouts and requests the payments due
         to him under the Plan, the Company shall re-credit the Participant's
         account and provide for payment of the re-credited amount to the
         Participant as soon as administratively feasible.

8.07     Distributions Due Infants or Incompetents

         If any person entitled to a distribution under the Plan is an infant,
         or if the Committee determines that any such person is incompetent by
         reason of physical or mental disability, whether or not legally
         adjudicated an incompetent, the Committee shall have the power to cause
         the distributions becoming due to such person to be made to another for
         his benefit, without responsibility of the Committee to see to the
         application of such distributions. Distributions made pursuant to such
         power shall operate as a complete discharge of the Company and the

8.08     Equitable Adjustments

         In the event of an increase or reduction in the number of shares of
         Stock, or any change (including, but not limited to, a change in value)
         in the shares of Stock or exchange of shares of Stock for a different
         number or kind of shares or other securities of Per-Se, by reason of a
         stock dividend, stock split, combination or exchange of shares,
         reclassification, recapitalization, merger, consolidation,
         reorganization, or the distribution of property of Per-Se (including
         interests in subsidiaries) to stockholders of record pursuant to
         spin-offs, split-ups, the issuance of warrants or other rights or
         debentures, or extraordinary dividends, or otherwise, the Committee
         will adjust the number of Stock Units credited to a Participant's
         Account under the Plan in the same manner as a share of Stock is
         adjusted. In the event that the change of capitalization involves the
         issuance of cash, securities or property to the holders of Stock of
         record, an amount equivalent to the cash and the fair market value of
         the property and securities distributed with respect to a share of
         Stock will be credited to each Participant's Account for each Stock
         Unit held in the Account as of the record date for

                                    16 of 17

         such distribution. All such amounts shall be converted to additional
         Stock Units as of the date of such distribution. The Committee may make
         such other equitable adjustments to outstanding Accounts, whether or
         not in pay status, as it shall determines to be equitable.

8.09     Use and Form of Words

         When any words are used herein in the masculine gender, they shall be
         construed as though they were also used in the feminine gender in all
         cases where they would so apply, and vice versa. Whenever any words are
         used herein in the singular form, they shall be construed as though
         they were also used in the plural form in all cases where they would so
         apply, and vice versa.

8.10     Headings

         Headings of Articles and Sections are inserted solely for convenience
         and reference, and constitute no part of the Plan.

8.11     Governing Law

         The Plan and all Election Agreements shall be construed in accordance
         with the Code and, to the extent applicable, the laws of the State of
         Georgia excluding any conflicts-of-law provisions.

         The foregoing is hereby acknowledged as being the Per-Se Technologies,
Inc. Deferred Stock Unit Plan, as adopted by the Board of Directors of Per-Se on
December 6, 2001, to be effective as of October 1, 2001, subject to approval by
the stockholders of Per-Se at the 2002 Annual Meeting of Stockholders.

ATTEST:                                PER-SE TECHNOLOGIES, INC.

 /s/ PAUL J. QUINER                    /s/ PHILIP M. PEAD
- ---------------------------            -----------------------------------------
Paul J. Quiner                         Philip M. Pead
Corporate Secretary                    President and Chief Executive Officer

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