
                                   CHAPTER 1

1-1      The Shareholders of Triple-S Management Corporation (hereinafter
         referred to the "Corporation") adopt these corporate bylaws which will
         regulate the Corporation's proceedings and will rule the
         administration of its business.

1-2      The Bylaws approved herein shall be submitted to the shareholders, who
         may adopt, amend or repeal them.


         The Board of Directors is made up of nineteen members.

                         CHAPTER 3. - CAPITAL IN STOCKS

3-1      The Corporation may issue up to twelve thousand five hundred (12,500)
         shares of common stock with a par value of FORTY DOLLARS ($40).

3-2      The Corporation will use a circular seal measuring 1- 7/8 in diameter
         with the name Triple-S Management Corporation around its

                           CHAPTER 4. - ON THE STOCKS

         The Incorporators declare and agree, and so establish in these Bylaws,
         that the following provisions are established with the purpose of
         creating, defining, limiting and managing the shareholder's rights and


         A.       No person may own more than 21 voting shares, nor 5% or more
                  of the Corporation's voting shares issued and in circulation.

         B.       The sale of shares shall be limited exclusively to physicians
                  and dentists. However, organizations such as hospitals,
                  laboratories, and the College of Dental Surgeons of Puerto
                  Rico, who had originally acquired shares of Triple-S, Inc.,
                  may continue as stockholders of Triple-S Management
                  Corporation. In addition, the members of the Board of
                  Directors who represent the community may own shares as long
                  as they remain on the Board.

         C.       The members of the Board of Directors who represent the
                  community, as long as they remain on the Board, will receive
                  a share, free of charge, in order to qualify as a Director of
                  the Corporation. Said community representatives shall return
                  the qualifying share to the Corporation when they terminate
                  their duties as Directors of the Corporation.

4-2      The Corporation will have the right of first refusal in the event of a
         sale, donation or other transfer or cession of the shares of the
         Corporation. Any shareholder who wishes to sell, donate, or in any
         other way transfer or cede his shares, must first offer the same in
         writing to the Corporation. The Corporation shall then purchase said
         shares from the shareholder for the same price he/she paid for them.
         However, in the event that the shares were donated or inherited
         through a will, or in any other way, to a person who is 1) a
         descendant of the shareholder and 2) a physician or a dentist, then
         said person shall have the right to hold up to a maximum 21 shares.


         The Secretary of the Corporation shall keep, or ensure the keeping of,
         a complete and exact register, in alphabetical order, of all the
         shareholders, including their address and, the number of votes each
         Shareholder holds, in the offices of the Corporation. Said register
         shall be readily available and may be photocopied during working
         hours, and shall be available for inspection by any Shareholder,
         particularly, ten (10) days before a Shareholders' Assembly, and when
         any other voting shareholder assembly is being held.

         The Corporation's register will be the only acceptable evidence to
         determine the shareholders who have the right to inspect the
         Corporation's Shareholders Register, Corporate books, and to vote in
         person or by proxy during any meeting or voting shareholders'

                            CHAPTER 5. - ASSEMBLIES

5-1      The Ordinary Annual Assembly of the shareholders of Triple-S
         Management Corporation will be held at the Corporation's main office
         or in any other place in Puerto Rico which is determined by the Board
         of Directors from time to time, in the place designated in the Notice,
         at 9:00 AM, on the last Sunday in April of each year. The Assembly
         will be held to fill any vacancies in the Board of Directors, receive
         and consider reports from officials regarding the business, and
         resolve any other matters that are properly submitted for
         consideration. However, neither the Articles of Incorporation nor the
         By-laws may be amended unless the voting Shareholders have been
         previously notified that among the matters that are being considered
         are amendments to the Articles of Incorporation and By-laws.


         The Chairman of the Board of Directors, a majority of the Board of
         Directors, or Shareholders who hold 25% of the registered voting
         shares can call special shareholders' meetings to be held at the place
         and time established by the notice, and for the purposes expressed
         therein. The meetings (special shareholders' assemblies) should be
         notified no less than twenty (20) days or more than sixty (60) days
         beforehand. The special meetings must be notified in the same manner
         as ordinary assemblies.


         The notices for every annual meeting of the Shareholders shall be
         given to each Shareholder entitled to vote, by delivering the same
         personally, or by mailing such notice to him, at his address as it
         appears on the records of the Corporation during a period of no less
         than twenty (20) and no more than sixty (60) days prior to the
         meeting. Along with this notice, all voting Shareholders will receive
         copies of the Corporation's and its subsidiary's consolidated
         financial statements. The notice shall designate the place and the
         date the meeting will be held, and will announce the matter or matters
         to be considered during the Assembly.


         If the directors and officers of the Corporation should refrain from
         calling and celebrating, at its designated time, an Ordinary Annual
         Assembly, five shareholders may call for and celebrate said Assembly
         as required by these By-laws. In case a necessary official did not
         attend said Assembly, one of the voting shareholders present may be
         elected to substitute, provisionally, said official. Decisions made at
         the Assembly will be valid, as if made at an Ordinary Annual Assembly,
         and will be registered in the corporate books of the Corporation.

5-5      QUORUM

         Notice to attend ordinary and special meetings will be received by all
         shareholders whose names appear in the Corporate register, twenty (20)
         days prior to the meeting date. At the annual ordinary of
         extraordinary meetings, the presence of a majority of the voting
         shares outstanding, in person or by proxy, shall be necessary to
         constitute a quorum; and it is provided that if at the appointed time
         there is no quorum, the assembly will wait a half hour, after which
         one third (1/3) of the voting shares outstanding will constitute
         quorum in that meeting. If quorum is not reached, a new Assembly shall
         be scheduled thirty (30) days hence, where one third (1/3) of the
         voting shares outstanding will constitute quorum in that meeting. If
         quorum is not reached pursuant to the regulation, as many new
         Assemblies as necessary may be scheduled, with the same third (1/3)

                           CHAPTER 6. - VOTING RIGHTS

6-1      Each shareholder shall, at every Assembly, be entitled to one (1) vote
         per share of capital stock registered in his name in the books of the
         Corporation. The vote may be in person or, if absent, by proxy or by
         certified mail. No vote sent by mail or by proxy will be valid unless
         issued with the shareholder's signature or his authorized
         representative's signature (through a power of attorney), and it is
         received before the Assembly begins. No proxy will be valid after its
         expiration date.


         Accumulated votes as discussed in the Puerto Rico General Corporations
         Law or any other law, regulation or provision are expressly

6-3      Any agent designated by a registered shareholder must be a
         participating shareholder, a physician or a dentist.

                              CHAPTER 7.-ELECTIONS


         A.       The election of members to the Board of Directors will take
                  place by ballot during the duly notified shareholders Annual
                  Ordinary Assembly. The members elected each year will be
                  those necessary to complete the nineteen (19) Directors.

                  The directors will be elected by a majority of votes of the
                  shares issued and outstanding with rights to vote for
                  directors and who are represented in person or by proxy in
                  the Assembly.

         B.       The Board of Directors is divided into three groups, plus the
                  President of the Corporation. The first is made up of five
                  (5) directors, the second group is composed of six (6)
                  directors, and the third group is made up of seven (7)
                  directors. The terms of the groups will be placed at
                  intervals, therefore, the term of the first group of
                  directors will end in the Shareholder's Annual Assembly in
                  the year 2005; the term of the second group of directors will
                  end in the Shareholder's Annual Assembly in the year 2006 and
                  the term of the third group of directors will end in the
                  Shareholder's Annual Assembly in the year 2007.

         C.       The term each group member, subsequently elected at the
                  Shareholder's Annual Assemblies, will occupy at his elected
                  hold office will be three (3) years. Every director will
                  continue with his duties until his successor is duly elected
                  and in possession of his office. No Director, except the
                  Corporation's President, while fulfilling his duties, may be
                  elected for more than three (3) terms or serve for

         more than nine (9) years. The President of the Corporation, who is
         also a member of the Board of Directors, is excluded from the before
         mentioned groups.

In order to achieve uniformity in the composition of the number of directors
for each group, as stated herein, in April 2001 a director will be elected for
one year's term only, from April 2001 to April 2002. With the sole purpose of
following the group intervals, the requirement of three (3) terms or nine (9)
years may be obviated in order for a person to serve this single one-year term.
In the case of the first members of the Board of Directors, the time
computation will take into account the period in which the director fulfilled
his duties in Triple-S, Inc. until the fusion with Triple-S Health.


         In order to be a Director in the Corporation, every person must at
         least meet the following requirements:

         A.       Never have declared fraudulent bankruptcy, voluntary or
                  involuntary, nor granted a fraudulent general cession in
                  benefit of creditors.

         B.       Should never have been convicted of a moral deprivation

         C.       Should not be a director or officer of a bank, a savings and
                  loans association, an institution engaged in the business of
                  receiving deposits and lending money in Puerto Rico or any
                  entity or corporation in which any of the institutions
                  referred to herein have a direct or indirect substantial
                  economic interest or the relationship of owner, subsidiary or
                  affiliate or any entity or corporation which owns, directly
                  or indirectly, substantial economic interest in any of the
                  said institutions, except that the person can fulfill his
                  duties as director or officer of a financial holding company
                  or a depository institution with whom an insurance company
                  affiliated to the Corporation has a relationship, directly or
                  indirectly, as owner, subsidiary or affiliate.

         D.       In the case of directors who are physicians or dentists, they
                  should be active participants in Triple-S, Inc., and have
                  been so for at least two (2) years prior to their nomination
                  as directors in the Corporation.

                             CHAPTER 8. - DIRECTORS


         The Board of Directors will be composed of nineteen (19) members
         elected by the Assembly, or by the Board of Directors in case of
         vacancies, and will exercise the Corporation's powers and the
         management of its business in accordance with the General Corporations
         Law, the Articles of Incorporation and the By-laws of the Corporation,

         well as the guidelines issued by the shareholders of the Corporation.
         The power of the Directors to manage the Corporation's affairs may
         only be exercised when they act as a Board, duly constituted, as a
         committee of the Board or by express delegation from the Board. In
         order to function as a Director, it is required that you are a
         shareholder of the Corporation. The decisions taken by a majority of
         the Directors present after quorum is constituted in the meeting of
         the Board duly constituted will be received as actions of the Board of
         Directors and will be complied with in the same manner as if they were
         taken by all of the directors of the Board. Of the nineteen (19)
         members of the Board of Directors, ten (10) must be representatives of
         the community and/or subscriptors and not medical doctors or dentists.
         The Board must celebrate at least one annual ordinary meeting before
         the Annual Shareholders' Assembly and any ordinary and extraordinary
         meetings the Board determines to be necessary. The Board will meet the
         last Wednesday of the month, unless special circumstances force the
         President to change the day, and the Secretary will notify the
         Directors in writing the date of said meetings. The Chairman of the
         Board of Directors may convene extraordinary meetings of the Board to
         be held at the place, date and time established in the notice to the
         meeting and for the purposes expressed therein. In addition, the
         Chairman will have the obligation to convene the Board of Directors
         when requested by five (5) members of the Board of Directors, ten (10)
         days after such request is made. Quorum will constitute a majority of
         the total number of directors.


         The vacancies of the Board due to resignation, death, disability which
         impedes the execution of their functions, or destitution of any
         director before the expiration of their term, will be filled by the
         vote of the majority of the Directors present in a Board meeting,
         convened for these purposes, after the quorum is constituted. The
         person elected to fill the vacancy will serve the rest of the term of
         the person who is being substituted and may be reelected for two (2)
         additional successive terms.


         Except for a provision stating the contrary in the Articles of
         Incorporation or the General Corporations Law, any action or agreement
         required or permitted to be taken in any meeting of the Board of
         Directors or any of its committees, may be executed without the need
         of a meeting if all of the members of the Board of Directors or the
         Committee, as the case may be, approve of it in writing and said
         written approval or approvals are submitted and incorporated in the
         minutes of the meetings of the Board of Directors or the Committee.

8-4      OFFICIALS

         The officials will be a Chairman, a Vice Chairman, a Treasurer, a Sub
         Treasurer, and Secretary and a Sub Secretary. The Board of Directors
         will elect these officials, which

         will meet the requirements, will have the powers and duties and will
         serve during the terms established herein.


         The Chairman of the Board of Directors will preside over the
         shareholders' assemblies, the meeting of the Board of Directors and
         will assume all of the duties and faculties conferred by the Board of
         Directors. Among his/her functions are the following:

         A.       Represent the Corporation in the name of the Board of
                  Directors in those official acts which he/she will have to
                  attend and will maintain the relationships with the
                  shareholders of the Corporation and the governmental
                  authorities as part of his/her duties.

         B.       Preside over the Executive Committee of the Board of

         C.       Name the Chairman of the Committees of the Board of
                  Directors, except the Chairman of the Finance Committee,
                  which will be presided by the Treasurer of the Board of
                  Directors because of the nature of his duties.

         D.       Name the members to the Committees of the Board of Directors.

         E.       Will be a member of all the committees of the Board of

         F.       Will be a member of the Board of Directors of the subsidiary
                  corporations to this Corporation.

         G.       Recommend to the Board of Directors for their consideration,
                  the creation of committees which are not expressly recognized
                  by the By-laws and Regulations, according to the needs of the

         H.       Inform to the Board of Directors about his/her official
                  affairs in virtue of his/her duties.

         I.       Assume all other duties and faculties that from time to time
                  are conferred by the Board of Directors.

         J.       The Chairman may convene any extraordinary meetings of the
                  Board of Directors that he/she may deem necessary.


         In the absence of the Chairman, or if the Chairman is unable to act as
         such, the Vice Chairman will assume the duties and faculties of the


         The Secretary will take an oath to loyally carry out the duties of his
         office and will make sure that the minute books of the Corporation are
         duly maintained and will note or cause to be noted the actions of the
         Board of Directors and the Shareholders Assemblies and the voting
         therein. He/she will issue the necessary certificates and will be
         responsible for the corporate seal. He/she will be responsible for
         making sure that the registry of all of the shareholders and the
         Articles of Incorporation, the By-Laws and the certified Regulations
         are safely kept at the principal offices of the Corporation. In
         addition, he/she will certify the official acts of the Board of


         The Assistant Secretary will assume, in the absence or if the
         Secretary is unable to perform his/her duties, all of the duties and
         faculties conferred upon the Secretary.


         The Treasurer will make sure that the securities and the money of the
         Corporation is duly received and guarded, and that the disbursements
         are only made according to duly approved and certified resolutions of
         the Board of Directors. He/she will make sure that the investment
         policies of the Corporation observe the security, liquidity and yield
         criteria, in that order. He/she will preside over the Finance
         Committee of the Board. In addition, the Treasurer will make sure that
         the accounting books and registers are located in the principal
         offices of the Corporation. The Corporation's accounting will follow
         general accepted accounting principles.


         The Assistant Treasurer will assume, in the absence or if the
         Treasurer is unable to perform his/her duties, all of the duties and
         faculties conferred upon the Treasurer.


         The Chairman of the Board of Directors will name a President and the
         members of the following permanent committees:

         A.       Executive Committee

                  The following members of the Board of Directors will be
                  members of this Committee:

                  1.       Chairman of the Board of Directors

                  2.       Vice Chairman

                  3.       Secretary

                  4.       Treasurer

                  In addition, the Chairman of the Board of Directors will name
                  three (3) members of the Board of Directors to this
                  Committee. All of its members will have the right to a voice
                  and a vote. The decisions of the Committee will be by a
                  majority of the members present at each meeting.

                  This Committee will meet not less that once every three
                  months and/or by a petition from the Chairman, on the day and
                  time determined by the Chairman.

                  The duties of the Committee will be:

                  1.       Review, evaluate and pass judgment over every plan,
                           project or proposal which proposes any changes or
                           affects the policies and rules established for the
                           Corporation and that are in force and effect at a
                           determined time.

                  2.       Review and approve the budget for the Corporation's
                           operational expenses, including any proposed changed
                           to the already approved and effective budget.

                  3.       Review and approve the salaries, compensation plans,
                           including bonuses and other incentives, of the
                           officials and principal employees of the

                  4.       Review and approve, subject to the ratification of
                           the Board of Directors, any significant contract,
                           loan or other financial transaction or other
                           transaction of importance to the Corporation.

                  5.       Those functions and powers that are not established
                           herein will be exercised by the Board of Directors
                           as a whole, provided, however, that the Board of
                           Directors may, through a resolution duly adopted,
                           delegate said power to the Executive Committee in
                           order to take action over a determined issue in a
                           determined moment of time.

                  6.       Not withstanding item (5) above, the faculties of
                           destitution or election of officials, amending the
                           Certificate of Incorporation, approving mergers or
                           consolidations, make recommendations to the
                           shareholders regarding the sale, lease or exchange
                           of all or a substantial part of the property or
                           assets of the Corporation, approve resolutions that
                           recommend the liquidation or the revocation of the
                           same, amending the by-laws or authorize the

                           issuance of capital stock, or create additional
                           subsidiaries, cannot be delegated ever to the
                           Executive Committee.

                  7.       All of the decisions taken by the Executive
                           Committee will be presented to the Board of
                           Directors as a whole in order to be ratified,
                           modified or rejected, in the next Board meeting.

         B.       Finance Committee

                  The Treasurer of the Board of Directors will head this
                  Committee. The Chairman of the Board of Directors will name
                  at least four (4) members of the Board of Directors to this
                  Committee, who will meet no less than once every two months.
                  The decisions taken by this Committee will be by a majority
                  of the members present at each meeting.

                  The duties of this Committee will be:

                  1.       Inspect all of the financial activities of the

                  2.       Guide the Board of Directors in all that is related
                           to the finances of the Corporation.

                  3.       Study all recommended changes to the economic
                           structure of the Corporation.

                  4.       Evaluate financial procedures of the Corporation.

         C.       Audit Committee

         The president of the Board of Directors will name the President of
         this Committee, who will not be the treasurer or the assistant
         treasurer of the corporation and at least six (6) additional members
         of the Board of Directors, and who will meet no less than once every
         three months, and as many times as necessary. The decisions of this
         Committee will be by a majority of the members present at each

         The duties of this Committee will be:

         1.       Review and make sure that the corporation and its
                  subsidiaries have an adequate internal controls structure to
                  safeguard the assets, generate reliable financial information
                  y assure compliance with applicable laws and regulations.

         2.       Review the activities performed by the Internal Auditing
                  Office of the Corporation.

         3.       Select, for the final determination of the Board of
                  Directors, the external auditing firm of the Corporation.

         4.       Review the results of the audits performed by the regulatory

         5.       Review consolidated financial reports of the Corporation to
                  be issued or filed with regulatory agencies.

         6.       Review and judge the annual report prepared by the external

         D.       Resolutions and Regulations Committee

                  The Chairman of the Board of Directors will name the
                  President of this Committee and at least four (4) additional
                  members of the Board of Directors, who will meet at least
                  once a year, and as many times as necessary. The decisions of
                  this Committee will be by a majority of the members present
                  at each meeting.

                  The duties of this Committee will be:

                  1.       Review the Articles and By-laws of the Corporation
                           and propose and prepare those resolutions to amend
                           the Articles and By-laws or any other resolution
                           related with other institutional issue.

                  2.       Evaluate and judge all resolutions that are
                           presented by the shareholders at the shareholders

                  3.       Follow the status of all resolutions approved by the
                           shareholders at the Shareholders Assemblies.

         E.       Nominations Committee

                  The Chairman of the Board of Directors will name the
                  President of this Committee and at least four (4) additional
                  members of the Board of Directors, who will meet at least
                  once a year, and as many times as necessary. The decisions of
                  this Committee will be by a majority of the members present
                  at each meeting.

                  The duties of this Committee will be:

                  1.       Recommend to the Board of Directors any ideal
                           candidate that can fill any vacancy in the Board of

                  2.       Establish and periodically review the qualities that
                           any candidate to be named to the Board of Directors
                           should have.

                  3.       Recommend to the Board of Directors ideal candidates
                           to occupy the positions of President of the
                           Corporation and the Director of the Internal Audit
                           Office, when said positions are vacant.

         F.       General for all Committees

                  1.       All committees will keep records of their meetings.
                           A copy of these will be sent to all of the members
                           of the Board of Directors through the secretary of
                           the Board of Directors.

                  2.       The President of each committee may organize
                           extraordinary meetings, according to the each
                           particular circumstance. The President of each
                           Committee will notify in writing with no less than
                           five (5) days before the ordinary meetings.

                  3.       The President of the Board of Directors may, from
                           time to time, solicit the advice of any of the
                           committees of the Board, as needed.

                  4.       The President of the Corporation will be a member of
                           every Committee, except the auditing committee.

         G.       The Board of Directors or its Chairman may create any other
                  Committee which they deem necessary for the proper operation
                  of the Corporation's business.


         The Corporation will not make any disbursement of $25 or more without
         evidencing such disbursement with a voucher correctly describing the
         reason for the payment and backed by an endorsed check or receipt
         signed by the person receiving the payment, or in the name of the same
         person if the payment is for services or as a refund. The voucher must
         describe the services performed and detail the expenses by


         None of the members of the Board of Directors will accept, nor will
         benefit from any fee, broker's fee or commission, donation or other
         emolument in relation to any investment, loan, deposit, purchase,
         sale, exchange, service or other similar transaction of the
         Corporation; nor will it have any financial interest in said
         transactions in any capacity, except in representation and for the
         benefit of the Corporation and under the previous authority of the
         Board of Directors.

         However, travel and representation expenses or expenses incurred as a
         result of the attendance to the Board of Directors or Committee
         meetings may be paid to the Directors; as well as for those
         professional services performed as a medical doctor or dentist to the
         insurers of Triple-S, Inc., or any other health subsidiary in its
         capacity as a participating provider of the health insurance plan or

         No ex-director may be part of the Administration of the Corporation or
         its Subsidiaries nor perform any type of professional services in its
         capacity as a private citizen or as part of any business, until after
         three (3) years after the end of his/her term as a member of the Board
         of Directors.


         The following will be considered just cause for the removal of

         1.       Act with gross negligence in the performance of his/her

         2.       Receive or give a bribe.

         3.       Convicted of a felony or grave misdemeanor which involves
                  depravation by a competent court.

         4.       Act immorally or improperly.

         5.       Have personal interests incompatible with the interests of
                  the Corporation.

         6.       Embezzle or fraudulently or negligently use or dispose of
                  funds of the Corporation.

         7.       Improperly use his/her position for personal benefit.

         8.       To be absent without any justification for three (3)
                  consecutive ordinary meetings of the Board properly notified
                  or be absent from six (6) ordinary meetings during the period
                  of one year with or without justification.

         9.       Provide confidential or sensitive information of the
                  Corporation without the proper authorization or when it
                  damages the interests of the business.

         10.      Lose the Board's confidence when a minimum of three fourths
                  of the total number of directors which comprise the Board
                  concur in voting for the removal of a director.

         11.      Violate in a consistent manner the Articles of Incorporation
                  or the By-Laws and Regulations of the Corporation, as well as
                  the General Corporations Law of Puerto Rico and/or the
                  agreements approved in the Shareholders Assembly or by the
                  Board of Directors.

                            CHAPTER 9. - AMENDMENTS


         Amendments may be made to the By-Laws when the following requirements
         are complied with and when the proposed amendments have been
         previously submitted to the Board of Directors and have been included
         in the proxy statement for the Assembly.

         A.       Through a resolution approved by the majority of those shares
                  of the Corporation issued and in circulation with the right
                  to vote which are present at a meeting validly constituted,
                  provided, however, that Articles 4-1, item "A:, 6-2 and 7-1,
                  item "B" only may only be amended by the affirmative vote of
                  three fourths (3/4) of the shares of the Corporation issued
                  and in circulation with the right to vote which are present
                  at a meeting validly constituted.

         B.       The approved amendments will be certified by the Chairman and
                  the Secretary, in triplicate, with the seal of the

         C.       The amendments to the By-laws approved by the shareholders at
                  a meeting or by referendum will be distributed to the

                          CHAPTER 10. - ADMINISTRATION


         The Board of Directors will name a President to the Corporation who
         will be in charge of the general administration, superintendence, and
         management of the business of the Corporation, subject to the orders
         and regulations of the Board of Directors, who will fix his salary.
         The President of the Corporation will assume all other duties and
         responsibilities that are imposed upon him/her at the Shareholders
         Assemblies or by the Board of Directors.


         The Board will have the faculty to name any other officers that they
         deem convenient and necessary.

10-3     BONDS

         the President of the Corporation, as well as any officer or employee
         that collects, receives, manages or is responsible for or guard funds
         or securities of the Corporation, will have to give a fidelity bond in
         the amount set forth by the Board of Directors.


         The President of the Corporation will prepare each calendar year the
         budget for the administrative expenses of the Corporation, which will
         be submitted to the Board of Directors on or before November 15 for
         their consideration. The Board of Directors will approve the budget on
         or before December 31, and it will become effective the 1st of January
         of the next calendar year. In the event that the budget is not
         approved by the stated date, the corporate operations will continue
         based on the budget for the previous year until the Board approves a
         new budget for the administrative expenses of the Corporation. The
         budget will be available for inspection by the Shareholders at the
         principal offices of the Corporation, after January 15 of the
         corresponding year.

By-Laws effective on April 14, 1998
Revised:  December 7, 1998, April 25, 1999, April 30, 2000, April 29, 2001,
April 28, 2002.