Exhibit 10.2.6

                               PROMISSORY NOTE B

$5,539,275                                                       March 31, 2003

                                                             New York, New York


                  WHEREAS the Borrowers (hereinafter defined) are indebted to
Lender (hereinafter defined) with respect to a loan (the "ORIGINAL LOAN") in
the original principal amount of $224,036,325 which is secured by the lien and
security interest created, among other things, by those certain Mortgages/Deeds
of Trust/Deeds to Secure Debt, Assignments of Leases and Rents and Security
Agreements dated as of November 25, 2002 (as same may hereafter be amended,
modified or supplemented, the "SECURITY INSTRUMENT") executed by the Borrower
named therein, as grantor, in favor and for the benefit of Lender, as
beneficiary, as security for the Original Loan;

                  WHEREAS the Original Loan is evidenced by that certain
promissory note in the original principal sum of $224,036,325 from the
Borrowers to Lender dated as of November 25, 2002 (the "ORIGINAL NOTE");

                  WHEREAS the current outstanding principal balance due under
the Original Loan is $223,666,275;

                  WHEREAS the Borrowers and Lender have severed the Original
Note pursuant to the terms of that certain note severance agreement between the
Borrowers and Lender dated as of the date hereof (the "SEVERANCE AGREEMENT")
into two (2) separate and distinct obligations in substitution for the Original
Note, represented by this Note in the amount of $5,539,275 and that certain
Amended and Restated Promissory Note A in the amount of $218,127,000; and

                  WHEREAS the Borrowers and Lender intend these Recitals to be
a material part of this Note.

                  NOW THEREFORE, FOR VALUE RECEIVED, the undersigned, each
having an address c/o Lodgian, Inc., 3445 Peachtree Road, NE, Suite 700,
Atlanta, Georgia 30326 (each, a "BORROWER", and collectively, "BORROWERS"),
jointly and severally, hereby promise to pay to MERRILL LYNCH MORTGAGE LENDING,
INC. ("LENDER"), at its principal place of business at 4 World Financial
Center, New York, New York 10080, or at such other place as the holder of this
Note may from time to time designate in writing, the principal sum of FIVE
DOLLARS ($5,539,275.00), in lawful money of the United States of America and in
immediately available funds, on demand, and to pay interest on the unpaid
principal amount of this Note, at such office, in like money and funds, for the
period commencing on the date of this Note until this Note shall be paid in
full, at the rates per annum and on the dates provided in that certain Loan and
Security Agreement, dated as of November 25, 2002 among Borrowers and Lender

                  This Note may not be modified, amended, waived, extended,
changed, discharged or terminated orally or by any act or failure to act on the
part of Borrowers or Lender, but only by an agreement in writing signed by the
party against whom enforcement of any modification, amendment, waiver,
extension, change, discharge or termination is sought. Whenever used, the
singular number shall include the plural, the plural the singular, and the
words "LENDER" and "BORROWERS" shall include their respective successors,
assigns, heirs, executors and administrators.

                  Borrowers and all others who may become liable for the
payment of all or any part of the debt evidenced hereby (the "DEBT") do hereby
severally waive presentment and demand for payment, notice of dishonor,
protest, notice of protest, notice of nonpayment, notice of intent to
accelerate the maturity hereof and of acceleration. No release of any security
for the Debt or any person liable for payment of the Debt, no extension of time
for payment of this Note or any installment hereof, and no alteration,
amendment or waiver of any provision of this Note or the Mortgage (hereinafter
defined) made by agreement between Lender and any other person or party shall
release, modify, amend, waive, extend, change, discharge, terminate or affect
the liability of Borrowers, and any other person or party who may become liable
hereunder or under the Mortgage, for the payment of all or any part of the

                  This Note shall be governed and construed in accordance with
the laws of the State of New York applicable to agreements executed and to be
performed in New York.

                  This Note is "Promissory Note B" executed and delivered
pursuant to the Severance Agreement. The principal indebtedness evidenced
hereby is a portion of the principal indebtedness evidenced by the Original
Note in the original principal sum of $224,036,325 made by the Borrowers to

                  The liability of the Borrowers under this Note shall be
limited as set forth in Article XII of the Loan Agreement.

                       [NO ADDITIONAL TEXT ON THIS PAGE]

                  IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned Borrowers have executed
this Note as of the date first written above.


                                    ALBANY HOTEL, INC., a Florida corporation,

                                    APICO HILLS, INC., a Pennsylvania

                                    APICO INNS OF GREEN TREE, INC., a
                                    Pennsylvania corporation,

                                    BRUNSWICK MOTEL ENTERPRISES, INC., a
                                    Georgia corporation,

                                    DOTHAN HOSPITALITY 3053, INC., an Alabama

                                    DOTHAN HOSPITALITY 3071, INC., an Alabama

                                    GADSDEN HOSPITALITY, INC., an Alabama

                                    LODGIAN AMI, INC., a Maryland corporation,

                                    MINNEAPOLIS MOTEL ENTERPRISES, INC., a
                                    Minnesota corporation,

                                    NH MOTEL ENTERPRISES, INC., a Michigan

                                    SERVICO AUSTIN, INC., a Texas corporation,

                                    SERVICO CEDAR RAPIDS, INC., an Iowa

                                    SERVICO COLUMBIA, INC., a Maryland

                                    SERVICO GRAND ISLAND, INC., a New York

                                    SERVICO HOUSTON, INC., a Texas corporation,

                                    SERVICO JAMESTOWN, INC., a New York

                                    SERVICO LANSING, INC., a Michigan

                                    SERVICO MARKET CENTER, INC., a Texas

                                    SERVICO MARYLAND, INC., a Maryland

                                    SERVICO METAIRIE, INC., a Louisiana

                                    SERVICO NEW YORK, INC., a New York

                                    SERVICO NIAGARA FALLS, INC., a New York

                                    SERVICO NORTHWOODS, INC., a Florida

                                    SERVICO PENSACOLA 7200, INC., a Delaware

                                    SERVICO PENSACOLA 7330, INC., a Delaware

                                    SERVICO PENSACOLA, INC., a Delaware

                                    SERVICO ROLLING MEADOWS, INC., an Illinois

                                    SERVICO WINTER HAVEN, INC., a Florida

                                    SHEFFIELD MOTEL ENTERPRISES, INC., an
                                    Alabama corporation,

                                    IMPAC HOTELS I, L.L.C., a Georgia limited
                                    liability company, and

                                    LODGIAN MEMPHIS PROPERTY OWNER, LLC, a
                                    Delaware limited liability company

                                    By: /s/ Daniel E. Ellis
                                       Name: Daniel E. Ellis
                                       Title: Vice President and Secretary or
                                              authorized signatory of the above

                                    AMI OPERATING PARTNERS, L.P., a Delaware
                                    limited partnership

                                    By: AMIOP ACQUISITION GENERAL PARTNER SPE
                                        CORP., a Delaware corporation, its
                                        General Partner

                                        By: /s/ Daniel E. Ellis
                                           Name: Daniel E. Ellis
                                           Title: Vice President and Secretary

                                    DEDHAM LODGING ASSOCIATES I, LIMITED
                                    PARTNERSHIP, a Georgia limited partnership

                                    By: DEDHAM LODGING SPE, INC., a Delaware
                                        corporation, its General Partner

                                        By: /s/ Daniel E. Ellis
                                           Name: Daniel E. Ellis
                                           Title: Vice President and Secretary

                                    LITTLE ROCK LODGING ASSOCIATES I, LIMITED
                                    PARTNERSHIP, a Georgia limited partnership

                                    By: LODGIAN LITTLE ROCK SPE, INC., a
                                        Delaware corporation, its General

                                        By: /s/ Daniel E. Ellis
                                           Name: Daniel E. Ellis
                                           Title: Vice President and Secretary

                                    SERVICO CENTRE ASSOCIATES, LTD., a Florida
                                    limited partnership

                                    By: SERVICO PALM BEACH GENERAL PARTNER SPE,
                                        INC., a Delaware corporation, its
                                        General Partner

                                        By: /s/ Daniel E. Ellis
                                           Name: Daniel E. Ellis
                                           Title: Vice President and Secretary