To the Shareholders and Directors of Sonoco Products Company:

We have reviewed the accompanying condensed consolidated balance sheet of Sonoco
Products Company as of June 27, 2004, and the related condensed consolidated
statements of income for the three-month and six-month periods ended June 27,
2004, and June 29, 2003 and the condensed consolidated statements of cash flows
for the six-month periods ended June 27, 2004 and June 29, 2003. These interim
financial statements are the responsibility of the Company's management.

We conducted our review in accordance with the standards of the Public Company
Accounting Oversight Board (United States). A review of interim financial
information consists principally of applying analytical procedures and making
inquiries of persons responsible for financial and accounting matters. It is
substantially less in scope than an audit conducted in accordance with the
standards of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board, the objective of
which is the expression of an opinion regarding the financial statements taken
as a whole. Accordingly, we do not express such an opinion.

Based on our review, we are not aware of any material modifications that should
be made to the accompanying condensed consolidated interim financial statements
for them to be in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in
the United States of America.

We previously audited in accordance with the standards of the Public Company
Accounting Oversight Board (United States), the consolidated balance sheet as of
December 31, 2003, and the related consolidated statements of income, changes in
shareholders' equity and cash flows for the year then ended (not present
herein), and in our report dated January 28, 2004, except for Note 17 as to
which the date is September 30, 2004, we expressed an unqualified opinion on
those consolidated financial statements. In our opinion, the information set
forth in the accompanying condensed consolidated balance sheet as of December
31, 2003, is fairly stated in all material respects in relation to the
consolidated balance sheet from which it has been derived.

                                                   /s/PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP

                                                   PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP

Charlotte, North Carolina
July 28, 2004, except for
Note 13 as to which the date
is September 30, 2004

(Dollars and shares in thousands)

                                                                                  JUNE 27,
                                                                                    2004      DECEMBER 31,
                                                                                (UNAUDITED)      2003*
                                                                                -----------   ------------
     Cash and cash equivalents                                                  $    65,249   $     84,854
     Trade accounts receivable, net of allowances                                   387,407        320,676
     Other receivables                                                               39,974         33,066
         Finished and in process                                                    112,253        109,080
         Materials and supplies                                                     172,487        143,116
Prepaid expenses and other                                                           79,421         64,473
                                                                                -----------   ------------
                                                                                    856,791        755,265
PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT, NET                                                  942,536        923,569
GOODWILL                                                                            538,055        383,954
OTHER ASSETS                                                                        492,963        457,845
                                                                                -----------   ------------
     Total Assets                                                               $ 2,830,345   $  2,520,633
                                                                                ===========   ============

     Payable to suppliers                                                       $   257,148   $    239,300
     Accrued expenses and other                                                     219,915        211,342
     Notes payable and current portion of long-term debt                            206,358        201,367
     Taxes on income                                                                  8,255         27,585
                                                                                -----------   ------------
                                                                                    691,676        679,594
LONG-TERM DEBT                                                                      733,892        473,220
PENSION AND OTHER POSTRETIREMENT BENEFITS                                           147,830        137,494
DEFERRED INCOME TAXES AND OTHER                                                     212,556        216,165
     Common stock, no par value
         Authorized 300,000 shares
         97,986 and 97,217 shares outstanding, of which 97,695 and 96,969
              were issued at June 27, 2004 and December 31, 2003, respectively        7,175          7,175
     Capital in excess of stated value                                              353,726        337,136
     Accumulated other comprehensive loss                                          (152,319)      (136,091)
     Retained earnings                                                              835,809        805,940
                                                                                -----------   ------------
         Total Shareholders' Equity                                               1,044,391      1,014,160
                                                                                -----------   ------------
     Total Liabilities and Shareholders' Equity                                 $ 2,830,345   $  2,520,633
                                                                                ===========   ============

* The year-end condensed consolidated balance sheet data was derived from
audited financial statements but does not include all disclosures required by
generally accepted accounting principals.

      See accompanying Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements


(Dollars and shares in thousands except per share data)

                                                           THREE MONTHS ENDED         SIX MONTHS ENDED
                                                         ----------------------   -------------------------
                                                          JUNE 27,    JUNE 29,      JUNE 27,      JUNE 29,
                                                           2004         2003          2004         2003
                                                         ---------   ----------   -----------   -----------
Net sales                                                $ 763,902   $  684,567   $ 1,459,318   $ 1,341,047
Cost of sales                                              620,753      560,805     1,194,587     1,093,370
Selling, general and administrative expenses                76,969       68,299       147,464       138,684
Restructuring charges (see Note 5)                           5,768        7,828         7,096         8,965
                                                         ---------   ----------   -----------   -----------
Income before interest and taxes                            60,412       47,635       110,171       100,028
Interest expense                                            11,518       13,979        21,441        26,709
Interest income                                             (1,196)        (509)       (2,371)         (956)
                                                         ---------   ----------   -----------   -----------
Income before income taxes                                  50,090       34,165        91,101        74,275
Provision for income taxes                                  17,795       14,476        23,220        28,916
                                                         ---------   ----------   -----------   -----------
Income before equity in earnings of affiliates/minority
     interest in subsidiaries                               32,295       19,689        67,881        45,359
Equity in earnings (loss) of affiliates/minority
     interest in subsidiaries                                2,660        1,681         3,914         3,324
                                                         ---------   ----------   -----------   -----------
Income from continuing operations                           34,955       21,370        71,795        48,683
Income from discontinued operations, net of income tax          --        1,463            --         3,148
                                                         ---------   ----------   -----------   -----------
Net income                                               $  34,955   $   22,833   $    71,795   $    51,831
                                                         =========   ==========   ===========   ===========

Average common shares outstanding:
     Basic                                                  97,890       96,696        97,754        96,684
     Diluted                                                98,691       96,956        98,441        96,957
                                                         ---------   ----------   -----------   -----------
Per common share
         From continuing operations                      $    0.36   $     0.22   $      0.73   $      0.51
         From discontinued operations                    $       -   $     0.02   $         -   $      0.03
                                                         ---------   ----------   -----------   -----------
         Net income                                      $    0.36   $     0.24   $      0.73   $      0.54
         From continuing operations                      $    0.35   $     0.22   $      0.73   $      0.50
         From discontinued operations                    $       -   $     0.02   $         -   $      0.03
                                                         ---------   ----------   -----------   -----------
         Net income                                      $    0.35   $     0.24   $      0.73   $      0.53
Cash dividends - common                                  $    0.22   $     0.21   $      0.43   $      0.42
                                                         =========   ==========   ===========   ===========

      See accompanying Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements


(Dollars in thousands)

                                                                   SIX MONTHS ENDED
                                                                 JUNE 27,     JUNE 29,
                                                                   2004        2003
                                                                ----------   ---------
Net income                                                      $   71,795   $  51,831
Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash provided
     by operating activities:
         Restructuring reserve (noncash)                             1,698         729
         Depreciation, depletion and amortization                   73,280      79,149
         Equity in earnings of affiliates/minority interest
              in subsidiaries                                       (3,914)     (3,324)
         Cash dividends from affiliated companies                    1,650       1,325
         Loss (gain) on disposition of assets                        2,179        (502)
         Deferred taxes                                              1,256       5,587
         Change in assets and liabilities, net of effects from
              acquisitions, dispositions and foreign currency
                  Receivables                                      (48,662)    (43,846)
                  Inventories                                      (29,218)    (29,002)
                  Prepaid expenses                                 (14,425)    (12,476)
                  Payables and taxes                                   864       8,783
                  Other assets and liabilities                      (1,977)     26,196
                                                                ----------   ---------
Net cash provided by operating activities                           54,526      84,450
Purchase of property, plant and equipment                          (53,540)    (52,787)
Cost of acquisitions, exclusive of cash acquired                  (259,981)     (1,275)
Proceeds from the sale of assets                                     3,315       1,372
                                                                ----------   ---------
Net cash used in investing activities                             (310,206)    (52,690)
Proceeds from issuance of debt                                     169,141      20,938
Principal repayment of debt                                        (12,935)    (10,199)
Net increase in commercial paper borrowings                        108,000      (1,500)
Net increase in bank overdrafts                                        157      10,469
Cash dividends - common                                            (41,926)    (40,514)
Common shares issued                                                14,855       1,070
                                                                ----------   ---------
Net cash provided by (used in) financing activities                237,292     (19,736)
EFFECTS OF EXCHANGE RATE CHANGES ON CASH                            (1,217)        552
                                                                ----------   ---------
NET (DECREASE) INCREASE IN CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS               (19,605)     12,576
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period                    84,854      31,405
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period                      $   65,249   $  43,981
                                                                ==========   =========

      See accompanying Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements


                             SONOCO PRODUCTS COMPANY
             (Dollars and shares in thousands except per share data)


           In the opinion of the management of Sonoco Products Company (the
           "Company"), the accompanying unaudited condensed consolidated
           financial statements contain all adjustments (consisting of only
           normal recurring adjustments) necessary to present fairly the
           consolidated financial position, results of operations and cash flows
           for the interim periods reported herein. Operating results for the
           three and six months ended June 27, 2004 are not necessarily
           indicative of the results that may be expected for the year ending
           December 31, 2004. These condensed consolidated financial statements
           should be read in conjunction with the consolidated financial
           statements and the notes thereto included in the Company's annual
           report for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2003.

           With respect to the unaudited condensed consolidated financial
           information of the Company for the three and six month periods ended
           June 27, 2004 and June 29, 2003 included in this Form 10-Q,
           PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP reported that they have applied limited
           procedures in accordance with professional standards for a review of
           such information. However, their separate report dated July 28, 2004
           appearing herein, states that they did not audit and they do not
           express an opinion on that unaudited financial information.
           Accordingly, the degree of reliance on their report on such
           information should be restricted in light of the limited nature of
           the review procedures applied. PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP is not
           subject to the liability provisions of Section 11 of the Securities
           Act of 1933 for their report on the unaudited financial information
           because that report is not a "report" or a "part" of the registration
           statement prepared or certified by PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP within
           the meaning of Sections 7 and 11 of the Act.

           During the fourth quarter of 2003, the Company completed the sale of
           its High Density Film business to Hilex Poly Co., LLC, Los Angeles,
           California. Operating results of this business have been presented
           for the three and six months ended June 29, 2003 as "Income from
           discontinued operations, net of income taxes" in the Company's
           Condensed Consolidated Statements of Income. Items included in the
           Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements that relate to
           the Consolidated Statement of Income for the three and six months
           ended June 29, 2003 have been restated to reflect the
           reclassification of the Company's High Density Film business as
           discontinued operations.


           Acquisition of CorrFlex Graphics, LLC

           On May 28, 2004, the Company completed its purchase of CorrFlex
           Graphics, LLC ("CorrFlex") for an all-cash purchase price of
           approximately $250,000. CorrFlex, a privately held company, is one of
           the nation's largest point-of-purchase display companies. The
           acquired business, which is known as Sonoco CorrFlex, LLC, is
           reflected in the Packaging Services segment beginning in June of

           The unaudited proforma combined historical results, as if CorrFlex
           had been acquired at the beginning of fiscal 2003 and 2004 are
           estimated to be:

                       Three Months Ended       Six Months Ended
                      ---------------------  ----------------------
                       JUNE 27,   JUNE 29,    JUNE 27,    JUNE 29,
                        2004       2003        2004        2003
                      ---------  ----------  ----------  ----------
Net sales             $ 792,651  $  721,250  $1,531,190  $1,423,598
Net income            $  36,614  $   22,963  $   75,942  $   54,446
                      =========  ==========  ==========  ==========
Diluted earnings per
      common share    $    0.37  $     0.24  $     0.77  $     0.56
                      =========  ==========  ==========  ==========


                             SONOCO PRODUCTS COMPANY
             (Dollars and shares in thousands except per share data)

           The proforma results include amortization of intangibles and interest
           expense on debt assumed to finance the purchase. The proforma results
           are not necessarily indicative of what actually would have occurred
           if the acquisition had been completed as of the beginning of each
           period presented, nor are they necessarily indicative of future
           consolidated results.

           European Joint Venture

           On April 19, 2004, the Company announced that it had signed a
           definitive agreement with Ahlstrom Corporation, Helsinki, Finland
           ("Ahlstrom") to combine each of the companies' respective European
           paper-based tube/core and coreboard operations into a joint venture
           that will operate under the name Sonoco-Alcore S.a.r.l. The Company,
           which will contribute to the joint venture ownership positions in 25
           tube and core plants and six paper mills, will hold a 64.5% interest
           in the joint venture. Ahlstrom, a leader in high-performance
           fiber-based materials serving niche markets worldwide, will
           contribute 15 tube and core plants and one paper mill to the joint
           venture and will hold a 35.5% interest in it. The Company is
           currently awaiting regulatory approval by the European Union and
           expects to finalize this joint venture by the end of 2004.


           The financial statements and accompanying notes for prior periods
           have been restated to report the revenues and expenses of the
           components of the Company that were disposed of separately as
           discontinued operations. Income from discontinued operations, net of
           income taxes for the three and six months ended June 29, 2003
           represents the results of operations of the Company's High Density
           Film business unit, which was sold in December 2003.

           The following table sets forth the operating results for the High
           Density Film business unit, which was previously reported in the
           Company's Consumer Packaging segment:

                                             THREE MONTHS ENDED  SIX MONTHS ENDED
                                                JUNE 29, 2003      JUNE 29, 2003
                                             ------------------  ----------------
Net sales                                      $       47,859     $       92,566
                                               ==============     ==============

Income before income taxes                     $        2,286     $        4,918
Provision for income taxes                                823              1,770
                                               --------------     --------------
Income from discontinued operations, net of
    income taxes                               $        1,463     $        3,148
                                               ==============     ==============
Income from discontinued operations, net of
    income taxes - per diluted share           $         0.02     $         0.03
                                               ==============     ==============

           No interest expense or income was allocated to this business unit.

           The Company has no continuing involvement in the management or
           operations of the divested business.


                             SONOCO PRODUCTS COMPANY
             (Dollars and shares in thousands except per share data)


           The following table sets forth the computation of basic and diluted
           earnings per share:

                                        Three Months Ended   Six Months Ended
                                        ------------------  ------------------
                                        JUNE 27,  JUNE 29,  JUNE 27,  JUNE 29,
                                          2004      2003      2004      2003
                                        --------  --------  --------  --------
   Income from continuing operations    $ 34,955  $ 21,370  $ 71,795  $ 48,683
   Income from discontinued
     operations, net of income taxes          --     1,463        --     3,148
                                        --------  --------  --------  --------
   Net income                           $ 34,955  $ 22,833  $ 71,795  $ 51,831
                                        ========  ========  ========  ========

   Average common shares outstanding      97,890    96,696    97,754    96,684
   Dilutive effect of:
      Employee stock options                 515       201       440       163
      Contingent employee share awards       286        59       247       110
                                        --------  --------  --------  --------
   Dilutive shares outstanding            98,691    96,956    98,441    96,957
                                        ========  ========  ========  ========

Basic earnings per common share:
   Income from continuing operations    $   0.36  $   0.22  $   0.73  $   0.51
   Income from discontinued
     operations, net of income taxes          --      0.02        --      0.03
                                        --------  --------  --------  --------
   Net income                           $   0.36  $   0.24  $   0.73  $   0.54
                                        ========  ========  ========  ========

Diluted earnings per common share:
   Income from continuing operations    $   0.35  $   0.22  $   0.73  $   0.50
   Income from discontinued
     operations, net of income taxes          --      0.02        --      0.03
                                        --------  --------  --------  --------
   Net income                           $   0.35  $   0.24  $   0.73  $   0.53
                                        ========  ========  ========  ========

           Stock options to purchase approximately 4,487 and 8,120 shares at
           June 27, 2004 and June 29, 2003, respectively, were not dilutive and,
           therefore, are not included in the computations of diluted income per
           common share amounts. No adjustments were made to reported net income
           in the computations of earnings per share.


           In August 2003, the Company announced general plans to reduce its
           overall cost structure by $54,000 pretax by realigning and
           centralizing a number of staff functions and eliminating excess plant
           capacity. Pursuant to these plans, the Company has initiated or
           completed 12 plant closings and has terminated approximately 850
           employees. As of June 27, 2004, the Company had incurred cumulative
           charges, net of adjustments, of approximately $60,978 pretax
           associated with these activities. Of this amount, $40,149 was related
           to the Engineered Carriers and Paper segment, $10,688 was related to
           the Consumer Packaging segment, $333 was attributed to the Packaging
           Services segment, $2,736 was related to All Other Sonoco, and $7,072
           was associated with Corporate. These restructuring charges, net of
           adjustments, consisted of severance and termination benefits of
           $45,431, asset impairment charges of $9,994 and other exit costs of
           $5,553. The Company expects to recognize an additional cost of
           approximately $4,000 pretax in the future associated with these
           activities, which is comprised of approximately $2,100 in severance
           and termination benefits, $300 in asset impairment charges and $1,600
           in other exit costs. Of this amount, approximately $3,100 is related
           to the Engineered Carriers and Paper segment and


                             SONOCO PRODUCTS COMPANY
             (Dollars and shares in thousands except per share data)

           approximately $900 is related to the Consumer Packaging segment. The
           Company also expects to announce throughout the remainder of 2004 the
           closing of approximately five additional plants in furtherance of
           these plans. The costs associated with these future plant closings
           have not yet been determined. In conjunction with the Company's
           review of its restructuring accrual in the second quarter of 2004, it
           was determined that one of the plants that had originally been
           identified to be closed pursuant to these plans would not be closed
           due to changes in certain factors. In response to this determination,
           the Company reduced its restructuring accrual for the Consumer
           Packaging segment, which resulted in negative charges, net of
           adjustments, in both the three and six months ended June 27, 2004.

           During the three months ended June 27, 2004, the Company recognized
           restructuring charges, net of adjustments, of $5,768 ($3,720 after
           tax), which are reflected as "Restructuring charges" on the Company's
           Condensed Consolidated Statements of Income. Of these charges, $5,624
           was attributed to the Engineered Carriers and Paper segment, ($446)
           was related to the Consumer Packaging segment and $590 was associated
           with All Other Sonoco. These restructuring charges, net of
           adjustments, consisted of severance and termination benefits of
           $3,649, asset impairment charges of $1,475 and other exit costs of

           During the three months ended June 29, 2003, the Company recognized
           restructuring charges, net of adjustments, of $7,828 ($7,894 after
           tax) related to previously announced restructuring plans, $7,522 of
           which was attributed to the Engineered Carriers and Paper segment and
           $306 of which was associated with All Other Sonoco. These
           restructuring charges, net of adjustments, consisted of severance and
           termination benefits of $7,041, asset impairment charges of $729 and
           other exit costs of $58.

           During the six months ended June 27, 2004, the Company recognized
           restructuring charges, net of adjustments, of $7,096 ($4,577 after
           tax). Of these charges, $6,501 was attributed to the Engineered
           Carriers and Paper segment, ($345) was related to the Consumer
           Packaging segment and $940 was associated with All Other Sonoco.
           These restructuring charges, net of adjustments, consisted of
           severance and termination benefits of $4,224, asset impairment
           charges of $1,698 and other exit costs of $1,174.

           During the six months ended June 29, 2003, the Company recognized
           restructuring charges, net of adjustments, of $8,965 ($8,622 after
           tax) related to previously announced restructuring plans. Of these
           charges, $8,159 was attributed to the Engineered Carriers and Paper
           segment, $500 was related to the Consumer Packaging segment and $306
           was associated with All Other Sonoco. These restructuring charges,
           net of adjustments, consisted of severance and termination benefits
           of $7,678, asset impairment charges of $729 and other exit costs of
           $558. Additionally, the Company's High Density Film business, which
           was divested in December 2003, incurred restructuring charges of
           approximately $200 ($128 after tax) in the six months ended June 29,

           The following table sets forth the activity in the restructuring
           accrual included in "Accrued expenses and other" on the Company's
           Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets. Restructuring charges are
           included in "Restructuring charges" on the Company's Condensed
           Consolidated Statements of Income. In accordance with the agreement
           of sale for the High Density Film business, the liability of that
           business associated with the restructuring has been retained by the
           Company and is, therefore, included in the table below:


                             SONOCO PRODUCTS COMPANY
             (Dollars and shares in thousands except per share data)

                          AND                     OTHER
                      TERMINATION      ASSET      EXIT
                       BENEFITS     IMPAIRMENT    COSTS      TOTAL
                      -----------   ----------   -------   ---------
Beginning liability
   December 31, 2003  $    14,708   $       --   $ 6,386   $  21,094
New charges                 4,783        1,732     1,869       8,384
Cash payments             (11,500)          --    (3,325)    (14,825)
Asset impairment               --       (1,698)       --      (1,698)
Adjustments                  (559)         (34)     (695)     (1,288)
                      -----------   ----------   -------   ---------
Ending liability
   June 27, 2004      $     7,432   $       --   $ 4,235   $  11,667
                      ===========   ==========   =======   =========

           During the six months ended June 27, 2004, the Company recognized
           writeoffs of impaired equipment and facilities in the Engineered
           Carriers and Paper segment in the amount of $945 and $240,
           respectively. Also during the six months ended June 27, 2004, the
           Company recognized writeoffs of impaired equipment and facilities in
           All Other Sonoco in the amount of $113 and $400, respectively. Other
           exit costs are primarily associated with lease termination and other
           miscellaneous plant closing costs.

           The Company expects to pay the remaining restructuring costs, with
           the exception of ongoing pension subsidies and certain building lease
           termination expenses, by the end of the second quarter of 2005, using
           cash generated from operations.


           The following table reconciles net income to comprehensive income:

                                 Three Months Ended     Six Months Ended
                                 -------------------   -------------------
                                 JUNE 27,   JUNE 29,   JUNE 27,   JUNE 29,
                                  2004        2003       2004       2003
                                 --------   --------   --------   --------
Net income                       $ 34,955   $ 22,833   $ 71,795   $ 51,831
Other comprehensive income:
   Foreign currency translation
     adjustments                  (13,948)    37,487    (18,172)    51,584
   Other adjustments, net of
     income tax                     1,069       (228)     1,944        966
                                 --------   --------   --------   --------
Comprehensive income             $ 22,076   $ 60,092   $ 55,567   $104,381
                                 ========   ========   ========   ========

           The following table summarizes the components of accumulated other
           comprehensive income and the changes in accumulated other
           comprehensive income, net of tax as applicable, for the six months
           ended June 27, 2004:

                        FOREIGN      MINIMUM               ACCUMULATED
                       CURRENCY      PENSION                   OTHER
                      TRANSLATION   LIABILITY              COMPREHENSIVE
                       ADJUSTMENT   ADJUSTMENT     OTHER       LOSS
                      -----------   ----------   --------  -------------
Balance at
   December 31, 2003  $   (83,906)  $  (53,826)  $  1,641  $    (136,091)
Year-to-date change       (18,172)          --      1,944        (16,228)
                      -----------   ----------   --------  -------------
Balance at
   June 27, 2004      $  (102,078)  $  (53,826)  $  3,585  $    (152,319)
                      ===========   ==========   ========  =============


                             SONOCO PRODUCTS COMPANY
             (Dollars and shares in thousands except per share data)

           The cumulative tax benefit of the Minimum Pension Liability
           Adjustments was $25,312 at June 27, 2004 and December 31, 2003.
           Additionally, the deferred tax liability associated with Other items
           was $2,067 and $940 at June 27, 2004 and December 31, 2003,



           A summary of the changes in goodwill for the six months ended June
           27, 2004 is as follows:

                                CARRIERS     CONSUMER   PACKAGING
                               AND PAPER    PACKAGING    SERVICES  ALL OTHER
                                SEGMENT      SEGMENT     SEGMENT     SONOCO     TOTAL
                               ----------   ---------   ---------  ---------  ---------
Balance as of January 1, 2004  $  151,469   $ 165,376   $   1,263  $  65,846  $ 383,954
2004 Acquisitions                     813       2,284     155,417         --    158,514
Foreign currency translation       (1,558)     (2,855)         42        (42)    (4,413)
                               ----------   ---------   ---------  ---------  ---------
Balance as of June 27, 2004    $  150,724   $ 164,805   $ 156,722  $  65,804  $ 538,055
                               ==========   =========   =========  =========  =========

           Other Intangible Assets

           A summary of other intangible assets as of June 27, 2004 and December
           31, 2003 is as follows:

                        June 27, 2004         December 31, 2003
                   ----------------------   ----------------------
                     GROSS                   GROSS
                   --------  ------------   --------  ------------
Patents            $  3,268  $     (2,691)  $  3,268  $     (2,564)
Customer lists       68,223        (5,969)    38,223        (4,630)
Land use rights       5,873        (2,035)     5,873        (1,963)
Supply agreements     5,261        (4,356)     5,261        (3,715)
Other                 6,404        (3,208)     6,404        (2,756)
                   --------  ------------   --------  ------------
      Total        $ 89,029  $    (18,259)  $ 59,029  $    (15,628)
                   ========  ============   ========  ============

           Aggregate amortization expense on intangible assets was $1,499 and
           $1,058 for the three months ended June 27, 2004 and June 29, 2003,
           respectively and $2,631 and $2,029 for the six months ended June 27,
           2004 and June 29, 2003, respectively. Amortization expense on the
           other intangible assets identified in the table above is expected to
           approximate $5,400 in 2004, $5,700 in 2005, $5,500 in 2006, $5,100 in
           2007 and $5,000 in 2008. Other intangible assets are included in
           "Other Assets" on the Company's Condensed Consolidated Balance

           Intangible assets acquired in conjunction with the Company's purchase
           of CorrFlex (see Note 2) consisted of customer lists. The Company has
           allocated $30,000 of the purchase price to these intangible assets,
           which have a weighted average amortization period of 15 years. The
           estimated fair values of these assets are based on the Company's
           current purchase price allocation, which has been prepared on a
           preliminary basis, and are subject to change upon its finalization.


                             SONOCO PRODUCTS COMPANY
             (Dollars and shares in thousands except per share data)


           In June 2004, the Company made a private placement of $150 million
           5.625% notes due in 2016. Under the terms of the sale of the notes,
           the Company is required to take appropriate steps to offer to
           exchange other notes with the same terms that have been registered
           with the SEC for the private placement notes or, in some
           circumstances, register the private placement notes with the SEC. If
           the Company does not take the necessary actions in connection with
           the exchange offer, or registration of the private placement notes if
           required, by specified deadlines, it will become obligated to pay
           additional interest to the holders of the private placement notes up
           to a maximum of 1% per annum.

           During the second quarter of 2004, the Company entered into a $150
           million swap against the newly issued $150 million notes. During the
           first quarter of 2004, the Company entered into a $100 million swap
           against a portion of the $250 million 6.5% notes maturing in 2013.
           Consistent with the treatment of all of the Company's interest rate
           swaps, these contracts qualified as fair value hedges under Statement
           of Financial Accounting Standards No. 133, 'Accounting for Derivative
           Instruments and Hedging Activities' (FAS 133) and swapped fixed
           interest for floating.

           In July 2004, the Company terminated its $450 million backstop credit
           line and entered into a new $350 million backstop credit line for
           commercial paper issuance. The new credit agreement matures in July


           On April 21, 2004, the Board of Directors declared a regular
           quarterly dividend of $0.22 per share. This dividend was paid June
           10, 2004 to all shareholders of record as of May 21, 2004.

           On July 21, 2004, the Board of Directors declared a regular quarterly
           dividend of $0.22 per share, payable September 10, 2004 to all
           shareholders of record as of August 20, 2004.


           As permitted by Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 123,
           'Accounting for Stock-Based Compensation' (FAS 123), the Company has
           elected to account for its stock-based compensation using the
           intrinsic value method prescribed in Accounting Principles Board
           (APB) Opinion No. 25, 'Accounting for Stock Issued to Employees,' and
           its related interpretations. Accordingly, compensation cost for stock
           options is measured as the excess, if any, of the quoted market price
           of the Company's stock at the date of the grant over the amount an
           employee must pay to acquire the stock. Compensation cost for
           performance stock options is recorded based on the quoted market
           price of the Company's stock at the end of the period.

           The following table illustrates the effect on net income and earnings
           per share if the Company had applied the fair value recognition
           provisions of FAS 123 to stock-based employee compensation.


                             SONOCO PRODUCTS COMPANY
             (Dollars and shares in thousands except per share data)

                                               Three Months Ended    Six Months Ended
                                              -------------------   -------------------
                                              JUNE 27,   JUNE 29,   JUNE 27,   JUNE 29,
                                                2004       2003       2004       2003
                                              --------   --------   --------   --------
Net income, as reported                       $ 34,955   $ 22,833   $ 71,795   $ 51,831
Add: Stock-based employee compensation cost,
   net of related tax effects, included in
   net income, as reported                         459        280        858        504
Deduct: Total stock-based employee
   compensation expense determined under
   fair value based method for all awards,
   net of related tax effects                   (1,591)    (1,425)    (2,834)    (2,850)
                                              --------   --------   --------   --------
Proforma net income                           $ 33,823   $ 21,688   $ 69,819   $ 49,485
                                              ========   ========   ========   ========

Earnings per share:
   Basic - as reported                        $   0.36   $   0.24   $   0.73   $   0.54
   Basic - proforma                           $   0.35   $   0.22   $   0.71   $   0.51
   Diluted - as reported                      $   0.35   $   0.24   $   0.73   $   0.53
   Diluted - proforma                         $   0.34   $   0.22   $   0.71   $   0.51


           The Company provides non-contributory defined benefit pension plans
           for substantially all of its United States and certain of its Mexico
           employees, as well as postretirement healthcare and life insurance
           benefits to the majority of its retirees and their eligible
           dependents in the United States and Canada. Effective January 1,
           2004, the Company established a defined contribution plan for all new
           U.S. employees. The defined benefit plans discussed above remain in
           place for all U.S. employees whose employment with the Company began
           prior to January 1, 2004. The Company also sponsors contributory
           pension plans covering the majority of its employees in the United
           Kingdom and Canada.

           The components of net periodic benefit cost include the following:

                                     Three Months Ended    Six Months Ended
                                    -------------------   -------------------
                                    JUNE 27,   JUNE 29,   JUNE 27,   JUNE 29,
                                      2004       2003       2004       2003
                                    --------   --------   --------   --------
Service cost                        $  5,929   $  5,052   $ 11,854   $ 10,104
Interest cost                         14,314     12,942     28,581     25,884
Expected return on plan assets       (16,534)   (13,823)   (33,024)   (27,646)
Amortization of net transition
   (asset) obligation                    144        144        294        288
Amortization of prior service cost       365        416        728        832
Amortization of net actuarial
   (gain) loss                         5,262      5,556     10,504     11,112
                                    --------   --------   --------   --------
   Net periodic benefit cost        $  9,480   $ 10,287   $ 18,937   $ 20,574
                                    ========   ========   ========   ========
Service cost                        $  1,281   $  1,090   $  2,562   $  2,180
Interest cost                          2,932      2,877      5,864      5,754
Expected return on plan assets          (880)      (913)    (1,760)    (1,826)
Amortization of prior service cost    (1,529)    (1,645)    (3,058)    (3,290)
Amortization of net actuarial loss     2,448      2,257      4,896      4,514
                                    --------   --------   --------   --------
   Net periodic benefit cost        $  4,252   $  3,666   $  8,504   $  7,332
                                    ========   ========   ========   ========


                             SONOCO PRODUCTS COMPANY
             (Dollars and shares in thousands except per share data)

           During the six months ended June 27, 2004, the Company made voluntary
           contributions of approximately $15,000 to its defined benefit and
           retiree health and life insurance plans. The Company anticipates that
           it will make additional voluntary contributions of approximately
           $5,000 to these plans in 2004.

           On December 8, 2003, President Bush signed into law the Medicare
           Prescription Drug, Improvement and Modernization Act of 2003 (the
           "Act"). The Act expands Medicare, primarily by adding a prescription
           drug benefit for Medicare-eligibles starting in 2006. The Act
           provides employers currently sponsoring prescription drug programs
           for Medicare-eligibles with a range of options for coordinating with
           the new government-sponsored program to potentially reduce program
           cost. These options include supplementing the government program on a
           secondary payor basis or accepting a direct subsidy from the
           government to support a portion of the cost of the employer's

           Paragraph 40 of Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 106,
           'Employers' Accounting for Postretirement Benefits Other Than
           Pensions' (FAS 106), requires that presently enacted changes in law
           impacting employer-sponsored retiree health care programs which take
           effect in future periods be considered in current-period measurements
           for benefits expected to be provided in those future periods.
           Therefore, under FAS 106 guidance, measures of plan liabilities and
           annual expense on or after the date of enactment should reflect the
           effects of the Act.

           Pursuant to guidance under FASB Staff Position 106-1 (FSP 106-1),
           however, the Company has chosen to defer recognition of the potential
           effects of the Act in these disclosures. Therefore, the retiree
           health obligations and costs reported in these financial statements
           or accompanying notes do not yet reflect any potential impact of the
           Act. On May 19, 2004, the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB)
           issued FASB Staff Position 106-2, 'Accounting and Disclosure
           Requirements Related to the Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement
           and Modernization Act of 2003' (FSP 106-2), which requires measures
           of the accumulated postretirement benefit obligation and net periodic
           postretirement benefit costs to reflect the effects of the Act. FSP
           106-2 supersedes FSP 106-1 and is effective for interim or annual
           reporting periods beginning after June 15, 2004. Due to the fact that
           certain authoritative guidance related to the determination of
           actuarial equivalency is not yet available, the Company is currently
           unable to determine the impact of its implementation of FSP 106-2 and
           the Act on its Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements.


           In January 2003, the FASB issued Interpretation No. 46,
           'Consolidation of Variable Interest Entities - an interpretation of
           ARB 51' (FIN 46). FIN 46 addresses when a company should include in
           its financial statements the assets, liabilities and activities of a
           variable interest entity. It defines variable interest entities as
           those entities with a business purpose that either do not have equity
           investors with voting rights in proportion to such investors' equity,
           or have investors that do not provide financial resources in
           proportion to such investors' equity for the entity to support its
           activities and have equity investors that lack a controlling
           financial interest. FIN 46 also requires disclosures about variable
           interest entities that a company is not required to consolidate, but
           in which it has a significant variable interest. FIN 46 consolidation
           requirements apply immediately to variable interest entities created
           or obtained after January 31, 2003, but this had no impact on the
           Company's 2003 financial statements. A modification to FIN 46 (FIN
           46R) was released on December 17, 2003. FIN 46R delayed the effective
           date for variable interest entities created before February 1, 2003,
           with the exception of special-purpose entities, until the first
           fiscal year or interim period after December 15, 2003. As of January
           1, 2004, the Company adopted FIN 46R. In conjunction with this
           adoption, the Company performed an evaluation of variable interest
           entities in


                             SONOCO PRODUCTS COMPANY
             (Dollars and shares in thousands except per share data)

           which it has an ownership, contractual or other monetary interest.
           The adoption of FIN 46R did not have a material effect on the
           Company's Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements.

           In March 2004, the Emerging Issues Task Force ("EITF") reached a
           consensus in EITF Issue 03-01, 'The Meaning of Other-Than-Temporary
           Impairment and its Application to Certain Investments'. EITF 03-01
           provides guidance on other-than-temporary impairment models for
           marketable debt and equity securities accounted for under Statement
           of Financial Accounting Standards No. 115, 'Accounting for Certain
           Investments in Debt and Equity Securities,' (FAS 115) and Statement
           of Financial Accounting Standards No. 124, 'Accounting for Certain
           Investments Held by Not-for-Profit Organizations,' (FAS 124) and
           non-marketable equity securities accounted for under the cost method.
           The EITF developed a basic three-step model to evaluate whether an
           investment is other-than-temporarily impaired. The provisions of EITF
           03-01 will be effective for the Company's third quarter of 2004 and
           will be applied prospectively to all current and future investments.
           Quantitative and qualitative disclosures for investments accounted
           for under FAS 115 are effective for the Company's fiscal year ending
           2004. The implementation of this EITF consensus is not expected to
           have a material effect on the Company's Condensed Consolidated
           Financial Statements.

           On May 19, 2004, the FASB issued FASB Staff Position 106-2,
           'Accounting and Disclosure Requirements Related to the Medicare
           Prescription Drug, Improvement and Modernization Act of 2003' (FSP
           106-2), which requires measures of the accumulated postretirement
           benefit obligation and net periodic postretirement benefit costs to
           reflect the effects of the Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement
           and Modernization Act of 2003 (the "Act"). FSP 106-2 supersedes FSP
           106-1 and is effective for interim or annual reporting periods
           beginning after June 15, 2004. Due to the fact that certain
           authoritative guidance related to the determination of actuarial
           equivalency is not yet available, the Company is currently unable to
           determine the impact of its implementation of FSP 106-2 and the Act
           on its Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements. See Note 11 for
           further discussion of the Act.


           The Company has determined that it will change its reportable
           segments on a prospective basis beginning with the third quarter of
           2004. Accordingly, the Company has changed its disclosure of segment
           information for the three and six months ended June 27, 2004 and June
           29, 2003 to conform to the new segment reporting. The changes to the
           financial statements for the three and six months ended June 27, 2004
           and June 29, 2003 relate solely to the presentation of segment
           specific disclosures and had no impact on the condensed consolidated
           balance sheets, statements of income or statements of cash flows.
           Other financial statement footnotes affected by this change in
           segment reporting include Note 2 - Acquisitions/Joint Ventures, Note
           5 - Restructuring Programs and Note 7 - Goodwill and Intangible

           Previously, the Company reported its results in two segments,
           Industrial Packaging and Consumer Packaging. As presented below, the
           Company will now report results in three segments, Engineered
           Carriers and Paper, Consumer Packaging and Packaging Services. Sonoco
           will report certain smaller operations as All Other Sonoco.

           The Engineered Carriers and Paper segment includes the following
           products: high-performance paper and composite engineered carriers;
           paperboard; and, fiber-based construction tubes and forms. The
           Consumer Packaging segment includes the following products: round and
           shaped rigid packaging, both composite and plastic; printed flexible
           packaging; and, metal and plastic ends and closures The


                             SONOCO PRODUCTS COMPANY
             (Dollars and shares in thousands except per share data)

           Packaging Services segment provides the following services: packaging
           fulfillment; product handling; brand management; and, supply chain
           management. The Packaging Services segment also includes the
           production of folding cartons. All Other Sonoco represents the
           activities and businesses of the Company's consolidated subsidiaries
           that do not meet the aggregation criteria outlined in Statement of
           Financial Accounting Standards No. 131, 'Disclosures about Segments
           of an Enterprise and Related Information' (FAS 131) and therefore
           cannot be combined with other operating segments into a reportable
           segment. All Other Sonoco includes the following products: wooden,
           metal and composite reels for wire and cable packaging; molded
           plastics; custom designed protective packaging; adhesives; machinery
           manufacturing; and specialty packaging.

           The following table sets forth net sales and operating profit for the
           Company's reportable segments. Operating profit at the segmental
           level is defined as "Income before interest and income taxes" on the
           Company's Condensed Consolidated Statements of Income adjusted for
           restructuring charges, which are not allocated to the financial

                    FINANCIAL SEGMENT INFORMATION (Unaudited)

                                Three Months Ended      Six Months Ended
                               -------------------   -----------------------
                               JUNE 27,   JUNE 29,    JUNE 27,     JUNE 29,
                                 2004       2003        2004        2003
                               --------   --------   ----------   ----------
Net Sales:
  Engineered Carriers
     and Paper                 $342,392   $318,021   $  655,880   $  611,870
  Consumer Packaging            272,744    254,216      529,149      506,584
  Packaging Services             70,303     44,965      123,376       90,296
  All Other Sonoco               78,463     67,365      150,913      132,297
                               --------   --------   ----------   ----------
  Consolidated                 $763,902   $684,567   $1,459,318   $1,341,047
                               ========   ========   ==========   ==========

Income before income taxes:
  Engineered Carriers and
     Paper - Operating Profit  $ 34,952   $ 26,815   $   55,699   $   51,941
  Consumer Packaging -
     Operating Profit            17,743     20,939       35,596       42,285
  Packaging Services -
     Operating Profit             4,932      1,596       10,418        3,797
  All Other Sonoco -
     Operating Profit             8,553      6,113       15,554       10,970
  Restructuring charges          (5,768)    (7,828)      (7,096)      (8,965)
  Interest, net                 (10,322)   (13,470)     (19,070)     (25,753)
                               --------   --------   ----------   ----------
  Consolidated                 $ 50,090   $ 34,165   $   91,101   $   74,275
                               ========   ========   ==========   ==========

           2003 information has been restated to exclude the impact of the
           Company's High Density Film business, which has been reclassified as
           discontinued operations on the Condensed Consolidated Statements of

           Total identifiable assets, which represent those assets used by each
           reportable segment in its operations, for the Packaging Services
           segment, were materially impacted by the Company's acquisition of
           CorrFlex. At June 27, 2004, total identifiable assets for the
           Packaging Services segment were approximately $327,461, compared to
           $49,191 at December 31, 2003.


                             SONOCO PRODUCTS COMPANY
             (Dollars and shares in thousands except per share data)


           The Company is a party to various legal proceedings incidental to its
           business and is subject to a variety of environmental and pollution
           control laws and regulations in all jurisdictions in which it
           operates. As is the case with other companies in similar industries,
           the Company faces exposure from actual or potential claims and legal
           proceedings. The Company cannot currently determine the final outcome
           of the proceedings described below or the ultimate amount of
           potential losses. Pursuant to Statement of Financial Accounting
           Standards No. 5, 'Accounting for Contingencies' (FAS 5), management
           records accruals for estimated losses at the time that information
           becomes available indicating that losses are probable and that the
           amounts are reasonably estimable. Accrued amounts are not discounted.
           Although the level of future expenditures for legal and environmental
           matters is impossible to determine with any degree of probability, it
           is management's opinion that such costs, when finally determined,
           will not have an adverse material effect on the consolidated
           financial position of the Company.

           Sonoco-U.S. Paper Lawsuit

           On April 30, 2004, the Company announced that the U.S. District Court
           for the Southern District of Ohio had entered a judgment against its
           subsidiary, Sonoco-U.S. Paper, and the Company in the amount of
           $3,750 in a case involving alleged trade secrets of the plaintiff.
           Although not covered by the judgment, the plaintiff has also made
           claims for certain litigation expenses. The Company accrued
           approximately $5,500 related to this legal proceeding for the first
           quarter of 2004.

           Environmental Matters

           The Company has been named as a potentially responsible party at
           several environmentally contaminated sites not owned by the Company.
           These regulatory actions and a small number of private party lawsuits
           represent the Company's largest potential environmental liabilities.
           As of June 27, 2004 and December 31, 2003, the Company had accrued
           $4,286 and $3,967, respectively, related to environmental
           contingencies. Due to the complexity of determining clean-up costs
           associated with the sites, a reliable estimate of the ultimate cost
           to the Company cannot be determined. Furthermore, all of the sites
           are also the responsibility of other parties. The Company's
           liability, if any, is shared with such other parties, but the
           Company's share has not been finally determined in most cases. In
           some cases, the Company has cost-sharing agreements with other
           potentially responsible parties with respect to a particular site.
           Such agreements relate to the sharing of legal defense costs or
           clean-up costs, or both. The Company has assumed, for purposes of
           estimating amounts to be accrued, that the other parties to such
           cost-sharing agreements will perform as agreed. It appears that final
           resolution of some of the sites is years away. Accordingly, a
           reliable estimate of the ultimate cost to the Company with respect to
           such sites cannot be determined.
