. . . <Table> <Caption> 2005 SPECIAL GRANT PERFORMANCE MATRIX ------------------------------------- POINTS BASED ON RANKING ----------------------- PERFORMANCE CATEGORIES RANKED #1 RANKED #2 RANKED #3 ---------------------- --------- --------- --------- INCREMENTAL RATE OF PENETRATION 10 Points 5 Points 0 Points REVENUE PER OPERATING POP 10 Points 5 Points 0 Points OPERATING INCOME PER OPERATING POP 10 Points 5 Points 0 Points CHURN FOR 2007 10 Points 5 Points 0 Points AWARD MATRIX ----------------------------------------------- TOTAL POINTS % AWARD ------ ------- 40 150% 35 125% 30 100% 25 75% 20 50% 15 OR LESS 0 ----------------------------------------------- ASSUMPTIONS: At least 3-4 national wireless carriers. Only results for 2007 will be used in determine awards. Performance in 2005 and 2006 will establish the momentum to be come #1 in 2007. If Cingular performance in 2007 is equal to the #1 (or #2) carrier, Cingular will receive credit for being #1 (or #2). The accumulative value of dividends, multiplied by the % award, will be paid at the end of the performance period. Results will be normalized for M&A activity.