

                            NOVELIS DEUTSCHLAND GMBH


         ARTICLE 1

         (1)      The corporate name of the Company shall be:

                            NOVELIS DEUTSCHLAND GMBH.

         (2)      The Company shall have its domicile in Gottingen.

         ARTICLE  2

         (1)      The object of the Company is the production, processing and
                  sale as well as the trade with aluminum and other metals;
                  semi-finished metal products and finished metal products,
                  including foils, as well as plastic products, all of this by
                  utilizing the brand name "Novelis" (registered, among other
                  places, in the register of symbols of the German Patent Office
                  under number 772 134).

         (2)      The Company may operate all businesses that are suited to
                  serve its business purpose. In order to attain its business
                  purpose, the Company may join or acquire other companies of
                  the same or a similar nature. The Company may establish branch

         ARTICLE 3

         The share capital of the Company shall amount to E111,500,000.00
         (one hundred eleven million five hundred thousand Euros). It shall be
         divided into the following business shares:

                                    1.  E11,150,000.00
                                    2.  E100,350,000.00.


         ARTICLE 4

         Any disposition of any business share or any part of any business
         share, in particular the assignment, pledging, granting of usufruct,
         shall be permissible only with the Company's approval. Article 17 of
         the GmbH Act shall remain unaffected thereby.

         ARTICLE 5

         The business year shall be the calendar year.

         ARTICLE 6

         The announcements/publications of the Company shall be made in the
         Federal Gazette for the Federal Republic of Germany.


         ARTICLE 7

         (1)      The rights of the Company are derived from the pertinent Law
                  and the provisions set forth in these bylaws.

         (2)      The partners shall be entitled to the annual net profit, plus
                  any profit carried forward and minus any loss carried forward.
                  By simple majority, it may be resolved to allocate certain
                  amounts to profit reserves or to carry them forward as profit.

         (3)      The partners shall arrange the business division among the
                  managing directors and shall issue the business regulations
                  for the business management if this is deemed necessary or

         (4)      The partners shall have the following rights in addition to
                  the authority granted them under Article 46 Nos. 1-4 and 6-8
                  of the GmbH Act:

                  a)       Appointing and dismissing the members of the
                           supervisory board of the company under Articles 6 ff.
                           of the Co-determination Act,

                  b)       Granting discharge to the managing directors and to
                           the supervisory board,

                  c)       Issuing managerial instructions in all major and
                           fundamental technical matters,

                  d)       Establishing guidelines for general business policy.

         ARTICLE 8

         (1)      The decisions to be made by the partners shall be by
                  resolution with a simple majority of the votes cast, unless
                  the Law provides otherwise.

         (2)      Each DM 1,000.00 (one thousand) shall grant one vote.

         (3)      In addition to meetings, resolutions of the partners may be
                  taken in writing, by teletype, by telegraph or by telephone to
                  the extent that no partner shall object to such resolution
                  taking. Minutes shall be prepared about each resolution; in
                  each case, one copy of such minutes shall be forwarded to all
                  partners without delay. Resolutions on amending the bylaws
                  (partnership agreement) shall require certification by a

         (4)      The partners may be represented by proxy in the execution of
                  their voting rights.

         ARTICLE 9

         (1)      Partners' meetings shall be convened by the partners, their
                  proxies, by the managing directors or, if the wellbeing of the
                  company requires such, by the supervisory board.

         (2)      A partners' meeting shall occur once a year in which the
                  partners determine the annual accounts, decide on the
                  utilization of the result and elect the auditor for the
                  current business year (ordinary partners' meeting). The
                  ordinary partners' meeting shall be held within six months
                  after the expiration of each business year.


         ARTICLE 10

         (1)      The Company shall have two or more managing directors.

         (2)      The managing directors shall be appointed and dismissed by the
                  supervisory board. The supervisory board may appoint one
                  managing director as chairman of the business management.

         (3)      The Company shall be represented by each managing director

         (4)      The supervisory board may release in general or in individual
                  cases one or several managing directors from the restrictions
                  of Article 181 BGB [civil code].

         ARTICLE 11

         The managing directors shall manage the business of the Company in
         accordance with the laws, these bylaws and the guidelines given them by
         the partners.


         ARTICLE 12

         (1)      The supervisory board shall consist of twelve members; it
                  shall be composed of six members each of the partners and of
                  the employees.

         (2)      The election of the members of the supervisory board shall be
                  for the period until the end of the partners' meeting that
                  decides on the discharge for the third year after the
                  commencement of the term of office. To this extent, the
                  business year in which the term of office begins shall not be
                  counted. A reelection of members of the supervisory board
                  shall be permissible.

         (3)      The term of office of replacement members as well as of
                  members of the supervisory board who are elected in lieu of
                  members who are leaving prematurely shall end no later than
                  with the term of office of the member who has left.

         ARTICLE 13

         (1)      Subsequent to the ordinary partners' meeting as set forth in
                  Article 12 Para. 2, a meeting of the supervisory board shall
                  take place without any special invitation in which a chairman
                  and his deputy shall be elected for the period of its term of
                  office. If the chairman or his deputy depart prior to the
                  expiration of their term of office, a substitutive election
                  for the remainder of the term of office of the departed member
                  shall be held without delay.

         (2)      Immediately following the election of the chairman of the
                  supervisory board and his deputy the supervisory board shall
                  establish the committee provided for in Article 27, Para. 3 of
                  the Co-determination Act.

         (3)      The chairman of the supervisory board shall issue statements
                  of intent of the supervisory board and its committees.

         (4)      The supervisory board may appoint a secretary who does not
                  need to be a member of the supervisory board. The secretary
                  shall prepare the meetings of the supervisory board and shall
                  keep the minutes of the meetings in a safe place.

         ARTICLE 14

         Meetings of the supervisory board shall be convened by the chairman or,
         in the event he is prevented, by his deputy. The summoning shall occur
         in writing, by telex or by telegraph under observation of a period of
         fourteen days, indicating the agenda (items of deliberation), and shall
         be sent to the addresses last provided to the Company.

         ARTICLE 15

         (1)      The supervisory board shall have a quorum if at least half of
                  its members of which it has to be constituted participate in
                  the taking of any resolution. Absent members of the
                  supervisory board may participate in the resolution taking by
                  having their written votes submitted by another member of the
                  supervisory board. The submission of the written vote shall be
                  deemed as participation in the taking of the resolution.

         (2)      Any resolutions of the supervisory board shall require a
                  simple majority of the votes cast unless the legal provisions
                  provide otherwise. If a voting ends in a tie, each member of
                  the supervisory board shall have the right to demand a new
                  voting. If the new voting on the same subject matter ends in a
                  tie as well, the vote of the chairman shall count doubly. The
                  type of vote shall be determined by the chairman.

         (3)      Minutes shall be prepared on each meeting of the supervisory
                  board which shall be signed by the chairman of the meeting and
                  the secretary.

         (4)      The members of the supervisory board shall maintain secrecy on
                  any confidential data and secrets of the Company, in
                  particular on operational or business secrets that they become
                  aware of through their activity on the supervisory board.

         ARTICLE 16

         In addition to being reimbursed for their out-of-pocket expenses, the
         members of the supervisory board shall receive a fixed remuneration
         whose amount shall be determined by the partners. In any event, the
         chairman shall receive the one-and-a-half-fold amount, his deputy the
         one-and-a-quarter-fold amount.


           Certification in accordance with Article 54 of the GmbH Act

                                          Number 45/2005 of my Register of Deeds

I hereby certify that the amended provisions of the partners' agreement are in
conformity with the resolution taken in the notarized partners' meeting of April
12, 2005, number 44/2005 of my register of deeds, and that the unchanged
provisions agree with the complete tenor of the partners' agreement last
submitted to the register files.

Frankfurt am Main, April 12, 2005

            [round seal]                     [signature]

                                             Prof. Dr. Alexander Riesenkampff