COMPANIES ACT 1985


                             ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION

                (Adopted by special resolution passed on 5/1/05)


                                 NOVELIS UK LTD

               (formerly known as Alcan Packaging Bridgnorth Ltd)



ARTICLES 1 AND 2                                                             1


ARTICLES 3 AND 4                                                             2


ARTICLE 5                                                                    2


ARTICLE 6                                                                    3


ARTICLES 7 TO 11                                                             3


ARTICLES 12 AND 13                                                           4


ARTICLE 14                                                                   4


ARTICLE 15                                                                   4


ARTICLES 16 TO 19                                                            4

                               COMPANIES ACT 1985



                             ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION
                (Adopted by special resolution passed on 5/07/05)


                                 NOVELIS UK LTD

               (formerly known as Alcan Packaging Bridgnorth Ltd)


1.1      The Regulations contained in Table A in the First Schedule to the
         Companies Act 1923 shall not apply to the Company.

1.2      The Regulations contained or incorporated in Table A in the Schedule to
         The Companies (Tables A to F) Regulations 1985 as amended by The
         Companies (Tables A to F) Amendment Regulations 1985 and The Companies
         Act 1985 (Electronic Communications) Order 2000 (in the following
         Articles "Table A") shall apply to the Company, save insofar as they
         are varied or excluded by or are inconsistent with the following

1.3      In Regulation 1 of Table A, the words "and in Articles of Association
         adopting the same" shall be inserted after the word "regulations" in
         the last paragraph of that Regulation and the sentence "Any reference
         to any statutory provision shall be deemed to include a reference to
         each and every statutory amendment, modification, re-enactment and
         extension thereof for the time being in force" shall be inserted at the
         end of that Regulation.

1.4      Regulations 8 to 11 (inclusive) 40, 73 to 77 (inclusive), 80, 90, 94 to
         98 (inclusive) and 118 of Table A shall not apply to the Company

2        In these Articles, the expression "the Controlling Shareholder" means
         the registered holder for the time being of more than one half in
         nominal value of the issued ordinary share capital of the Company and
         includes (for the avoidance of doubt) any member holding all of the
         issued ordinary share capital of the Company and the expression "the
         Nominee" means any person holding shares in the Company as nominee or
         otherwise on trust, for the Controlling Shareholder.

                                  SHARE CAPITAL

3        The current share capital of the Company is L17,000,000
         divided into 17,000,000 Ordinary Shares of L1.00 each.

4.1      No share or beneficial interest in a share shall be issued or allotted
         to any person other than the Controlling Shareholder or some other
         person expressly approved by the Controlling Shareholder in writing,
         but subject to that all the unissued shares for the time being in the
         capital of the Company shall be at the disposal of the Directors who
         may allot, grant options over or otherwise dispose of them to such
         persons, at such times and on such terms and conditions as they think
         proper, subject to section 80 of the Act and provided that no share
         shall be issued at a discount.

4.2      The provisions of sections 89(1) and 90(1) to (6) of the Act shall not
         apply to the Company.

                               TRANSFER OF SHARES

5.1      The Directors may, in their absolute discretion and without giving any
         reason, refuse to register the transfer of any share in the capital of
         the Company, whether fully or partly paid save that the Directors shall
         be obliged to register any transfer of shares made to or by, or with
         the express written consent of the Controlling Shareholder, or made
         pursuant to Article 5.2. In its application to the Company Regulation
         24 of Table A shall be modified by the deletion of the first sentence.

5.2      The Controlling Shareholder may at any time by notice given to the
         Nominee at the registered address of the Nominee shown in the Register
         of Members of the Company require the Nominee to transfer all or any
         shares registered in his name to the Controlling Shareholder or any
         other person specified in the notice for no consideration. If the
         Nominee shall fail within 48 hours after service of the notice to
         transfer the shares in question, the Directors may authorise any
         person to execute on behalf of and as agent or attorney for the Nominee
         any necessary instrument of transfer and shall cause the name of the
         transferee to be entered in the Register as the holder of the shares in
         question. After the name of the transferee has been entered in the
         Register in purported exercise of these powers, the validity of the
         proceedings shall not be questioned by any person.

5.3      Notwithstanding anything contained in these Articles:

5.3.1    any pre-emption rights conferred on existing members by these Articles
         or otherwise shall not apply to, and

5.3.2    the directors shall not decline to register, nor suspend registration
         any transfer of shares where such transfer is:
  in favour of any bank or institution (or any nominee or
                  nominees of such a bank or institution) to whom such shares
                  are being transferred by way of security, or


  duly executed by any such bank or institution (or any such
                  nominee or nominees) to whom such shares shall (including any
                  further shares in the Company acquired by reason of its
                  holding of such shares) have been transferred as aforesaid,
                  pursuant to the power of sale under such security, or
  duly executed by a receiver appointed by a bank or institution
                  pursuant to any security document which creates any security
                  interest over such shares, or
  in favour of any person when delivered by a bank or
                  institution (or any nominees of such a bank or institution) to
                  whom such shares have been mortgaged,

         and a certificate by any official of such bank or institution (or any
         nominee or nominees thereof) or any such receiver that the shares are
         or are to be subject to such a security and that the transfer is
         executed in accordance with the provisions of this Article shall be
         conclusive evidence of such facts.

         Any lien on shares which the Company has shall not apply in respect of
         any shares which have been charged by way of security, to a bank or
         financial institution or a subsidiary (or any nominee or nominees
         thereof) of a bank or financial institution or which are transferred in
         accordance with the provisions of this Article.

                                GENERAL MEETINGS

6        No business shall be transacted at any general meeting unless a quorum
         of members is present at the time when the meeting proceeds to
         business. One member holding more than one half in nominal value of the
         issued ordinary share capital of the Company for the time being and
         present in person or by proxy or representative shall constitute a
         quorum and shall be deemed for this purpose to constitute a valid
         meeting but, save in such a case, two members present in person or by
         proxy or representative shall be a quorum.


7        In its application to the Company, Regulation 64 of Table A shall be
         modified by the deletion of the word "two" and the substitution of the
         word, "one".

8        The Controlling Shareholder shall have the right at any time and from
         time to time to appoint one or more persons to be a Director or
         Directors of the Company. Any such appointment shall be effected by
         notice in writing to the Company by the Controlling Shareholder and
         the Controlling Shareholder may in like manner at any time and from
         time to time remove from office any Director (whether or not appointed
         by him or it pursuant to this Article).

9        In its application to the Company, Regulation 65 of Table A shall be
         modified by the deletion of the words "approved by resolution of the
         Directors and".

10.1     In its application to the Company, Regulation 78 of Table A shall be
         modified by the deletion of the words "... and may also determine the
         rotation in which any additional Directors are to retire".


10.2     In its application to the Company, Regulation 79 of Table A shall be
         modified by the deletion of the second and third sentences.

10.3     In its application to the Company, Regulation 84 of Table A shall be
         modified by the deletion of the third and final sentences.

11       In its application to the Company, Regulation 81 of Table A shall be
         modified by the deletion of paragraph (e) and the substitution of the
         following paragraph:

         "(e)     he is removed from office under the provisions of Article 8 of
                  the Company's Articles of Association."

                            PROCEEDINGS OF DIRECTORS

12       The continuing Directors or a sole continuing Director may act
         notwithstanding any vacancies in their number. A sole Director shall
         have authority to exercise all powers and discretions vested in the
         Directors and, in its application to the Company, Regulation 89 of
         Table A shall be modified accordingly.

13       A Director may vote at a meeting of the Directors, and form part of a
         quorum present at that meeting, in relation to any matter in which he
         has, directly or indirectly, an interest or duty which conflicts or
         which may conflict with the interests of the Company, provided that he
         has previously disclosed the nature of such duty or interest to the
         Directors. The provisions of Regulation 86 of Table A shall be taken to
         apply equally to any disclosure to be made, under the provisions of
         this Article.

                             EXECUTION OF DOCUMENTS

14       In its application to the Company, Regulation 101 of Table A shall be
         modified by the addition of the following sentence:

         "Any instrument expressed to be executed by the Company and signed by
         two Directors or one Director and the Secretary by the authority of the
         Directors or of a committee authorised by the Directors shall (to
         extent permitted by the Act) have effect as if executed by affixing the


15       Subject to section 310 of the Act:

15.1     every Director or other officer of the Company shall be entitled to be
         indemnified out of the assets of the Company against all losses or
         liabilities which he may sustain or incur in or about the execution of
         the duties of his office or otherwise in relation to his office,
         including any liability incurred by him in defending any proceedings,
         whether civil or criminal, in which judgment is given in his favour or
         in which he is acquitted or in connection with any application under
         section 144 or 727 of the Act in which relief is granted to him by the
         court, and no Director or other officer shall be liable for any loss,
         damage or misfortune which may happen to or be incurred by the Company
         in the execution of the duties of his office or otherwise in relation
         to his office;


15.2     the Company may purchase and maintain insurance for any such Director
         or other officer against any liability which by virtue of any rule of
         law would otherwise attach to him in respect of any negligence,
         default, breach of duty or breach of trust of which he may be guilty in
         relation to the Company.

                           ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATIONS

16       Any Director who participates in the proceedings of a meeting by means
         of an electronic communication by which all the other Directors
         present at such meeting (whether in person or by alternate or by means
         of electronic communication) may hear at all times such Director and
         such Director may hear at all times all other Directors present at
         such meeting (whether in person or by alternate or by means of
         electronic communication) shall be deemed to be present at such meeting
         and shall be counted when reckoning a quorum.

17       In their application to the Company, Regulations 60 and 61 of Table A
         shall be modified by the addition of the following sentence:

         "The appointment of a proxy may be contained in an electronic
         communication sent to such address (including any number) as may be
         notified by or on behalf of the Company for that purpose and may be in
         such form as the Directors may approve including requirements as to
         the use of such discrete identifier or provision of such other
         information by a member so as to verify the identity of such member and
         as to the authenticity of any electronic signature thereon."

18       In its application to the Company, Regulation 62 of Table A shall be
         modified by the addition of the following sentences:

         "In the event that more than one appointment of a proxy relating to the
         same share is so delivered or received for the purposes of the same
         meeting, the appointment last delivered or received (whether in writing
         or contained in an electronic communication) shall prevail in
         conferring authority on the person named therein to attend the meeting
         and vote.

         An appointment of proxy contained in an electronic communication found
         by the Company to contain a computer virus shall not be accepted by the
         Company and shall be invalid."

19       In its application to the Company, Regulation 115 of Table A shall be
         modified by the addition of the following after the words "after the
         time it was sent" at the end of the third sentence:

         "notwithstanding that the Company is aware of the failure in delivery
         of such electronic communication. Without prejudice to such deemed
         delivery, if the Company is aware of the failure in delivery of an
         electronic communication and has sought to give notice by such means at
         least three times, it shall send the notice in writing by post within
         48 hours of the original attempt".
