SEVERANCE AGREEMENT AND RELEASE

1.       This Severance Agreement and Release ("Agreement") is made between John
         F. Giblin ("Executive") and Crawford & Company ("Crawford").

2.       Executive's employment as Chief Financial Officer of Crawford ended
         effective May 2, 2006. Crawford acknowledges Executive's many valuable
         contributions to Crawford over his career.


3.       In return for the promises and covenants made by Executive in this
         Agreement, Crawford will provide Executive with the following:

         (a)      Crawford will pay to Executive the total amount of $378,196.10
                  (three hundred seventy-eight thousand one hundred ninety-six
                  dollars and ten cents). This total amount will be split into
                  bi-monthly equal monthly payments, paid to Executive over
                  the period of 12 months (the "Severance Period") following
                  the Effective Date, as defined below in paragraph 24 of this
                  Agreement. If Executive dies during the Severance Period,
                  any monthly payments remaining after his death will be made
                  to his estate. Crawford will issue a 1099 reflecting these
                  payments and Executive (and/or his estate, if applicable)
                  shall be liable for any and all taxes on the amount paid to
                  him (and/or his estate, if applicable) pursuant to this

         (b)      Crawford will also pay to Executive $31,516.34 (thirty-one
                  thousand five hundred sixteen dollars and thirty-four cents)
                  per month ("Supplemental Severance") for up to 6 months
                  following the Severance Period if Executive is not employed at
                  the end of the Severance Period, provided, however, that
                  Crawford's obligation to pay Executive the full amount of the
                  Supplemental Severance pursuant to this subparagraph 3(b) will
                  immediately cease upon Executive becoming employed at any
                  point during the 6 months following the Severance Period.
                  Executive shall immediately notify Crawford if he secures
                  employment at any point during the 6 months following the
                  Severance Period. Executive's obligations under this
                  Agreement, including, but not limited to, paragraphs 8, 9, 12,
                  13, and 14, shall continue while he receives payment pursuant
                  to this subparagraph 3(b).

         (c)      During the Severance Period, Crawford will permit Executive to
                  continue to hold and exercise stock options for 90 days in
                  accordance with the provisions of the applicable stock option

         (d)      Executive shall be entitled to continue insurance coverage to
                  the extent that Crawford is required by law (the Consolidated
                  Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985, as amended) to
                  provide such coverage ("COBRA coverage") for him and/or his
                  dependents. If Executive elects COBRA coverage, Crawford will
                  pay the premiums for such COBRA coverage for the lesser of 12
                  months or until Executive becomes eligible for other
                  comparable insurance coverage through a subsequent employer.
                  If it is not feasible (for legal or contractual reasons) for
                  Crawford to pay those premiums directly to the applicable
                  insurance provider(s), Crawford will pay to Executive a
                  monthly sum

                  (in addition to the payment described in subparagraph 3(a)),
                  for the lesser of 12 months or until Executive becomes
                  eligible for other comparable insurance coverage through a
                  subsequent employer, equal to the amount of Executive's
                  monthly COBRA coverage premium.

         (e)      During the Severance Period, Crawford will continue to pay the
                  premiums on the $50,000 basic and $100,000 supplemental life
                  insurance policies that Crawford provided for Executive during
                  his employment and that were in force at the end of his
                  employment, if the terms of the applicable benefit plan(s) and
                  policies and applicable laws permit the continuation of said
                  life insurance and permit Crawford to continue paying the
                  premiums during the Severance Period. If payment of such
                  premiums by Crawford would violate plan or policy terms or
                  applicable laws or would otherwise not be feasible for legal
                  or contractual reasons, Crawford will pay to Executive a
                  monthly sum during the Severance Period (in addition to the
                  payment described in subparagraph 3(a) and 3(b)) equal to the
                  amount of monthly premiums for said life insurance (if
                  applicable plans and policies permit continuation of said life
                  insurance after Executive's employment).

         (f)      Crawford will transfer Executive's company car to him free and
                  clear of all liens, loans and debt (whether through a lease or
                  otherwise). Executive will pay any transfer taxes, as well as
                  any taxes that are due after the Effective Date hereof.
                  Crawford will withhold any taxes attributable to the transfer
                  of Executive's company car from the payment described in
                  subparagraph 3(a). If Executive is unable or unwilling to
                  retain his company car by the methods described above,
                  Executive shall be required to return the company car to
                  Crawford no later than ten days after the Effective Date

         (g)      Crawford will pay for Executive to receive, for a period not
                  to exceed 6 months after the Effective Date of this Agreement,
                  the outplacement services customarily provided by the Mulling

         (h)      Except for existing contributions and vested rights, if any,
                  that Executive may have under Crawford's Deferred Compensation
                  Plan, Employee Stock Purchase Plan, Defined Benefit Plan,
                  Defined Contribution Plan (401k), and/or Supplemental
                  Executive Retirement Plan, Executive shall receive no
                  compensation or benefit from Crawford (including no additional
                  contribution or payment to the plans listed in this paragraph)
                  after the Effective Date of this Agreement, other than as
                  expressly provided for herein.

         (i)      Crawford agrees that, in lieu of any annual contribution of
                  Executive's base salary to Executive's Defined contribution
                  Plan (401k), Crawford will pay to Executive a lump sum in the
                  amount of $18,909.80 within 10 calendar days of the Effective
                  Date of this Agreement.

         (j)      Crawford agrees that it will pay those attorneys' fees and
                  expenses that Executive incurred in negotiating this Agreement
                  up to Three Thousand Dollars and no cents ($3,000.00).
                  Executive agrees and covenants that he will submit an
                  Affidavit attesting to the amount of such fees and expenses he
                  has incurred and he solely is responsible for any amount above
                  Three Thousand Dollars ($3,000.00). Crawford agrees that,
                  within 10 calendar days of receipt of Executive's Affidavit,
                  it will pay the amount attested to by Executive in the


4.       Executive hereby irrevocably and unconditionally releases, acquits, and
         forever discharges Crawford and each of Crawford's former and current
         owners, stockholders, predecessors, successors, assigns, agents,
         directors, officers, employees, representatives, attorneys, parent
         companies, divisions, subsidiaries, affiliates (and agents, directors,
         officers, employees, representatives, and attorneys of such parent
         companies, divisions, subsidiaries, and affiliates), and all persons
         acting by, through, under, or in concert with any of them (collectively
         "Releasees"), from any and all charges, complaints, claims,
         liabilities, obligations, promises, agreements, controversies, damages,
         actions, causes of

         action, suits, rights, demands, costs, losses, debts, and expenses
         (including attorneys' fees and costs) of any nature whatsoever, known
         or unknown, suspected or unsuspected, which Executive now has, owns, or
         holds; claims to have, own, or hold; at any time heretofore had, owned,
         or held; or at any time heretofore claimed to have, own, or hold,
         against each or any of the Releasees based on actions of the Releasees
         or Executive arising out of Executive's employment with Crawford
         ("Claim" or "Claims"). The Claims released herein include, but are not
         limited to, any claims for back pay, front pay, wages, compensatory
         damages, punitive damages, benefits, severance, vacation pay, sick pay,
         bonus, or any other form of compensation from the Releasees or any of
         them, that arise under any federal, state, foreign, and/or local laws
         including, but not limited to, (a) the Age Discrimination in Employment
         Act of 1967, as amended; (b) Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964,
         as amended; (c) 42 U.S.C. Section 1981; (d) the Americans with
         Disabilities Act; (e) the Equal Pay Act; (f) the Family and Medical
         Leave Act; (g) the Rehabilitation Act of 1973; (h) the Fair Labor
         Standards Act; (i) the Employee Retirement Income Security Act; (j)
         statutory or common law relating to defamation, intentional infliction
         of emotional distress, negligence of any kind, any other tort, or any
         legal restriction on Crawford's right to terminate employees; (k)
         statutory or common law relating to breach of an express or implied
         contract; (l) statutory or common law relating to a breach of any
         implied or express covenant of good faith and fair dealing; and/or (m)
         statutory or common law relating to retaliation of any kind. Nothing in
         this release of claims shall prevent Executive from bringing a claim or
         claims to enforce the terms of this Agreement. This release of claims
         does not constitute a waiver of Executive's right to employee benefits
         that are vested, under the terms of applicable benefit, retirement, or
         pension plans, as of the date this Agreement is signed. This release of
         claims does not apply to claims, if any, as to which releases are
         prohibited by applicable law or that arise after the Effective Date of
         this Agreement.

         5.       As a material inducement to enter into this Agreement, and
         without limiting the previous paragraph, Executive and his family agree
         to release Crawford, its employees, officers, directors, subsidiaries,
         affiliated corporations, successors, and assigns from any and all
         claims, liabilities, damages, actions, causes of action, suits,
         demands, costs, and expenses of any kind whatsoever, whether known or
         unknown, which Executive may have now, arising any time before the
         Effective Date of this Agreement, that in any way are based upon,
         related to, or derived from Executive or Executive's family being a
         shareholder of Crawford. Further, Executive agrees not to encourage,
         persuade, or advocate that any third party engage in any action, suit,
         demand, or claim against Crawford, its employees, officers, directors,
         subsidiaries, affiliated corporations, successors, or assigns that are
         based upon, relate to, or derived from that third party being a
         shareholder of Crawford.

6.       Executive represents that he has neither filed nor assigned to others
         the right to file any complaints, charges, or lawsuits against Crawford
         with any government agency or any court. Executive further warrants and
         represents that he has not made or caused to be made any assignment,
         purported assignment, transfer, or purported transfer of any right,
         claim, demand, or cause of action covered by this Agreement, and that
         he is the sole and absolute legal and equitable owner of all such
         rights, claims, demands, and causes of action. Executive further
         represents that he will not, at any time hereafter, file, assign to
         others the right to file, or otherwise initiate or pursue any claims
         against Crawford that

         arise from actions taken or events occurring up to and including the
         Effective Date of this Agreement. Executive shall indemnify, defend,
         and hold harmless Crawford from and against any claims based upon or
         arising in connection with any such assignment or transfer, or
         purported assignment or transfer, of any claims or other matters
         released herein.

         Executive further agrees that he will not accept, recover, or receive
         any back pay, damages, or any other form of relief pursued on his
         behalf by any federal, state, or local government agency, any class, or
         any other person or entity, arising from claims against Crawford that
         arose before the Effective Date of this Agreement.


7.       Except to the extent specifically permitted by paragraph 3(f), above,
         Executive will immediately return to Crawford all Crawford property
         that is within Executive's possession or control.

8.       Executive will, to the extent reasonably requested in writing,
         cooperate with and provide information to Crawford during the Severance
         Period in any pending or future litigation or investigation in which
         Crawford is a party or involved and regarding which Executive, by
         virtue of his association with Crawford, has relevant knowledge or
         information. Executive will, in any such litigation or investigation,
         without the necessity of a subpoena, provide, in any jurisdiction in
         which Crawford requests, truthful testimony relevant to said litigation
         or investigation, except that for any jurisdiction outside of Georgia,
         Executive, at his own discretion, shall decide if he wishes to give
         such testimony through telephonic or videographic means. Executive will
         also meet with Crawford personnel and/or counsel regarding such
         litigation or investigation to the extent reasonably requested in
         writing, provided that Executive may participate in such meetings by
         telephone if meeting in person would interfere or conflict with his
         employment, business or personal obligations. Executive understands
         that Crawford will reimburse him for reasonable expenses actually
         incurred when meeting his obligations under this paragraph, but will
         not pay him an hourly rate or other fee for the time he spends in
         meeting those obligations.

9.       Executive will remain available by telephone during the Severance
         Period, on a reasonable basis that will not unduly interfere or
         conflict with his employment, business or personal obligations, to
         provide information to Crawford regarding matters he worked on, persons
         he dealt with, and other knowledge he gained in his capacity as
         Crawford's Chief Financial Officer. Executive understands that he will
         not be paid an hourly rate or any other fee for the time he spends in
         meeting this obligation.

10.      During the term of his employment, Executive has been exposed to or has
         had access to the confidential attorney-client communications of
         Crawford. Executive acknowledges and agrees that the attorney-client
         privilege applicable to those communications belongs to Crawford, not
         Executive, and Executive has no authority to waive or compromise that
         privilege. Executive shall not directly or indirectly use or disclose
         any information or document conveyed to him in the course of his
         employment that is a confidential attorney-client communication or is
         attorney work product, except directly to Crawford's attorneys or other
         duly authorized employees or representatives or as required by a
         validly issued court order.

11.      During his employment with Crawford, Executive was intimately involved
         in developing strategy and planning for Crawford, and was provided or
         had access to Confidential Information, as defined in paragraph 12,
         below, belonging to Crawford. Executive acknowledges and agrees that
         such information has been developed or obtained by Crawford by the
         investment of significant time, effort, and expense, and that such
         information is a valuable, special, and unique asset of Crawford.
         Executive further understands and acknowledges that such information is
         proprietary to Crawford and that, if exploited by Executive in
         contravention of this Agreement, would seriously, adversely, and
         irreparably affect the business of Crawford.

         Executive agrees that during the Severance Period, he will not disclose
         or otherwise use any Confidential Information relating to Crawford's
         business operations. For purposes of this Agreement, Confidential
         Information includes financial, marketing, and other business and/or
         product plans or strategies; client, customer, and vendor lists; and
         all other confidential or proprietary information of Crawford that has
         not become generally available to the public by the act of one who has
         the right to disclose such information without violating Crawford's
         rights. Crawford specifically acknowledges that Confidential
         Information, as that term is used herein, shall not include any data or
         information that has been voluntarily disclosed to the public (except
         where such public disclosures has been made without authorization) or
         that has been independently developed and disclosed by others by lawful
         means, or that otherwise enters the public domain through lawful means.

12.      Executive agrees that during the Severance Period, he will not directly
         or indirectly solicit, through offers of employment or offers of
         independent contractor relationships, any employees with whom Executive
         had business contact during the last year of his employment with

13.      Executive agrees that during the Severance Period, he will not, on
         behalf of himself or another entity, for the purpose of selling those
         products or services offered by Crawford to their customers as of the
         Effective Date of this Agreement, directly or indirectly solicit or
         attempt to solicit business from any client or customer of Crawford
         whom he had material business contact during the last year of his
         employment with Crawford.

14.      Except as otherwise required by law, Executive shall not make any
         statement, written or oral, in any forum or media, public or private,
         or take any action, that disparages Crawford. Without limiting the
         foregoing, the statements prohibited by this paragraph include negative
         references to Crawford's products and services, corporate policy,
         officers, and/or directors.

15.      Executive agrees that he has maintained and will continue to maintain
         the confidentiality of, and will not disclose, reveal, publish,
         disseminate, or discuss this Agreement, directly or indirectly, to or
         with any other person or entity, except as specifically provided below.
         The information regarding this Agreement that will be kept confidential
         (except as specifically provided below) will include, but will not be
         limited to, the fact and amount of the payment provided for herein and
         any other information about this Agreement that Executive knows or
         possesses. The following disclosures are permitted in the following
         limited circumstances:

         (a)      Executive may make such disclosures as are reasonably
                  necessary for tax reporting purposes;

         (b)      Executive may disclose the terms and amount paid under this
                  Agreement as reasonably necessary to obtain legal, tax,
                  financial or estate planning or accounting advice or services;

         (c)      Executive is permitted to disclose the terms of this Agreement
                  to the extent required in any legal proceeding involving the
                  enforcement of this Agreement, but, as to any other legal
                  proceedings, he is not permitted to disclose the terms of this
                  Agreement except to the extent (i) specifically consented to
                  in writing by Crawford, (ii) compelled pursuant to a subpoena,
                  court order, or other legal process; and (iii) that this
                  Agreement or the terms thereof enter the public domain,
                  including through any filing with the Securities and Exchange
                  Commission or other governmental agency;

         (d)      Executive is permitted to disclose the terms of this Agreement
                  to his parents, siblings, adult children, former spouse, and
                  spouse, provided that anyone to whom a disclosure is made
                  pursuant to this subparagraph 16(d) has been advised of and
                  agrees to abide by the confidentiality requirements of this


16.      The prohibitions against disclosure of Confidential Information that
         are recited herein are in addition to, and not in lieu of, any rights
         or remedies available pursuant to the laws of any jurisdiction or
         common law or judicial precedent, to prevent the disclosure of trade
         secrets or proprietary information; the enforcement of such rights and
         remedies pursuant to this Agreement shall not be construed as a waiver
         of any other rights or available remedies in law or equity outside this

17.      This Agreement has been entered into in and shall be governed by and
         construed under the laws of the State of Georgia without reference to
         the choice of law principles thereof.

18.      This Agreement shall be binding on the parties hereto and their
         respective heirs, successors, and assigns.

19.      If any proceeding or action at law or in equity is necessary to enforce
         or interpret the terms of this Agreement, the prevailing party will be
         entitled to reasonable attorneys' fees, costs, in addition to any other
         relief to which such party may be entitled.

20.      If fulfillment of any provision of this Agreement, at the time such
         fulfillment shall be due, shall transcend the limit of validity
         prescribed by law, then the obligation to be fulfilled shall be reduced
         or modified to the limit of such validity; and if any clause or
         provision contained herein operates or would operate to invalidate this
         Agreement in whole or in part, such clause or provision alone shall be
         held ineffective as though not herein contained, and the remainder of
         this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect.

21.      The parties acknowledge and agree that they are not relying on any
         representations, oral or written, other than those expressly contained
         in this Agreement. This Agreement supersedes all prior agreements,
         proposals, negotiations, conversations, discussions, and course of
         dealing between the parties regarding the subject matter covered
         herein. This Agreement constitutes the entire Agreement between the
         parties regarding the severance

         of Executive's employment and all other issues addressed herein. No
         modification of this Agreement will be binding upon the parties unless
         set forth in a writing signed by Executive and an authorized
         representative of Crawford that specifically references this Agreement
         and the provision that the parties intend to modify.

22.      Executive hereby acknowledges and represents that: (a) Executive has
         been given the opportunity to consider the terms of this Agreement for
         at least 21 days before signing; (b) Executive is hereby advised in
         writing to consult with an attorney prior to signing this Agreement;
         and (c) Executive's signing of this Agreement is in exchange for
         valuable and good consideration to which Executive would not otherwise
         be entitled.

23.      This Agreement shall not become effective or enforceable until 12:01
         a.m. EDT time on the eighth (8th) day after it is signed by Executive.
         12:01 a.m. on the eighth (8th) day after Executive signs this Agreement
         shall be known as the "Effective Date." Executive may revoke this
         Agreement at any time before the Effective Date. In the event Executive
         chooses to revoke this Agreement, Executive shall give written notice
         of such revocation to William A. Clineburg, Jr., King & Spalding LLP,
         1180 Peachtree Street, Atlanta, Georgia 30309, fax number (404)
         572-5135, via hand delivery or facsimile, before the Effective Date. If
         Executive revokes this Agreement, he will not be entitled to any of the
         consideration described in this Agreement.

24.      Executive affirms that he has read and understands this Agreement and
         he signs this Agreement knowingly, voluntarily, and of his own free

                           [Signatures on next page]


/s/ John F. Giblin
- ------------------------------

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By: /s/ Thomas W. Crawford

Title: President & CEO

Date: 5/30/06