RESTATED CHARTER

         Under Section 48-304 of the General Corporation Act

         Pursuant to the provisions of Section 48-304 of the Tennessee

General Corporation Act, the undersigned Corporation adopts the follow-

ing Restated Charter:

                                    PART I.

1.       NAME.

                 The name of the Corporation shall be: FIRST TENNESSEE NATIONAL


2.       DURATION.

                 The duration of the Corporation is perpetual.

3.       ADDRESS.

                 The address of the principal office of the Corporation in the

State of Tennessee shall be: 165 Madison Avenue, Memphis, Tennessee


4.       PROFIT.

                 The Corporation is for profit.


                 The purpose or purposes for which the Corporation is organized

are, to the extent permitted by law:

                          (a) To subscribe for, purchase, lease or otherwise
                 acquire and to receive, own, hold, sell, exchange, lease,
                 mortgage, pledge, assign or otherwise dispose of, and
                 otherwise deal in and with "securities" (as such term is
                 herein defined) issued or created by, or other property
                 (real or personal) of any person, corporation, associa-
                 tion, firm, trust, organization or other entity whatso-
                 ever, including but not limited to this corporation and
                 any national banking association, state-chartered bank,
                 savings bank and trust company, wherever located or
                 organized and whether public, private or municipal, of
                 this state, or any district territory, subdivision,
                 municipality or department thereof, or any other state or
                 any district, territory, subdivision, municipality or
                 department thereof, or any country, nation or government,
                 or any district, territory, subdivision, municipality or
                 department thereof; to possess and exercise any and all
                 rights, powers and privileges of ownership of such securi-
                 ties or other property, including without limitation the
                 right to vote on such securities; and to issue or deliver
                 in payment or exchange, in whole or in part, for any such
                 securities or other property, its own stock, bonds, notes
                 or other obligations, or to make payment for any such
                 securities or other property by any other lawful means;
                 and to do any and all acts and things necessary or advisable
                 for the preservation, protection, improvement or enhance-
                 ment in value of any such securities or other property.
                 The term "securities" as used in this Article 5 shall
                 mean any and all shares, stocks, bonds, debentures, notes,
                 mortgages, acceptances, evidences of indebtedness or
                 obligations, certificates of interest or participation
                 in any property or venture, scrip, interim receipts,
                 voting trust certificates, instruments or interests
                 commonly known as securities, and any and all certificates
                 of interest or participation in, or of deposit of, any
                 of the foregoing, or receipts for, guaranties of, or
                 warrants or rights to subscribe for or purchase any of the

                          (b) To promote, finance and assist, financially or
                 otherwise, whether by loan, guaranty, subsidy or otherwise,
                 any person, corporation, partnership, association, firm,
                 trust, organization or other entity in which the Corpora-
                 tion shall have any interest; to guarantee the payment of
                 dividends on any stock or the payment of the obligations
                 issued or incurred by any such person, corporation,
                 partnership, association, firm, trust, organization or
                 other entity, to issue its own stock, bonds or other
                 obligations in payment or exchange for any securities or
                 other property acquired (pursuant to a merger, consolida-
                 tion or otherwise) by any such person, corporation,
                 partnership, association, firm, trust, organization or
                 other entity; and to do any and all other acts and things
                 for the enhancement, protection or preservation of any
                 securities which are in any manner, directly or indirectly,
                 owned, held or guaranteed by the Corporation.

                          (c) To render assistance, service, counsel and advice
                 to, and to act as representative in any capacity (whether
                 managing, operating, financial, purchasing, selling,
                 advertising or otherwise) of any person, corporation,
                 partnership, association, firm, trust, organization or
                 other entity, including without limitation those in which
                 the Corporation shall have any interest.

                          (d) To acquire by purchase, lease, exchange or
                 otherwise, to own, hold, use, manage, develop, improve
                 and to sell, lease, mortgage, exchange and otherwise deal
                 in, real estate and any interest or right therein and
                 personal property of every class and description, either
                 for its own account on for the account of others, to erect,
                 construct, rebuild, repair, manage and control, lease,
                 buy and sell, any and all kinds of and interest in real
                 estate and personal property; and to engage generally in
                 the business of operating and leasing real estate and
                 personal property of every character and description.

                          (e) To buy, sell, produce, manufacture and dispose
                 of all kinds of goods, documents, instruments, general
                 intangibles, chattel paper, accounts, contract rights,

                 wares, foods, potables, merchandise, manufactures,
                 commodities, furniture, machinery, tools, supplies and
                 products of any kind, character or description whatsoever,
                 and generally to engage in any mercantile, manufacturing
                 or commercial business of any kind or character whatsoever
                 throughout the world, and to do all things incidental to
                 any such business or businesses.

                          (f) To enter into any lawful arrangements for sharing
                 profits, union of interest, reciprocal concession or
                 cooperation, with any corporation, association, partner-
                 ship, syndicate, entity, person or governmental, municipal
                 or public authority, domestic or foreign in the carrying
                 on of any business which the Corporation is authorized to
                 carry on or any business or transaction deemed necessary,
                 convenient or incidental to carrying out any of the purposes
                 of the Corporation.

                          (g) To issue bonds, debentures, convertible deben-
                 tures, notes, commercial paper, or other obligations of
                 this Corporation, from time to time for any of the
                 objects or purposes of the Corporation and to secure
                 the same by mortgage, pledge, deed of trust or otherwise.

                          (h) To guarantee obligations of any other entity
                 and to secure such guaranties by mortgage, pledge or
                 otherwise by vote of a majority of the entire Board of

                          (i) To indemnify the officers and directors during
                 their term of office or thereafter for actions arising
                 during their term of office, either directly or through
                 the purchase of insurance, for expenditures as parties
                 to suits by or in the right of the Corporation or other
                 than by or in the right of the Corporation to the extent
                 permitted by the statutes of Tennessee.

                          (j) Without in any way limiting any of the objects
                 or purposes or powers, whether primary or secondary of
                 the Corporation, it is hereby expressly declared and
                 provided that the Corporation shall have power to do all
                 acts or things necessary, incidental or convenient to
                 do, or calculated, directly or indirectly, to promote
                 the interest of the Corporation, or enhance the value or
                 render profitable any of its property or rights; and in
                 carrying on its business or businesses, or for the
                 purpose of obtaining or furthering any of its objects,
                 to do any and all things and exercise any and all powers,
                 rights and privileges which a corporation for profit may
                 now or hereafter be permitted to do or to exercise under
                 the laws of the State of Tennessee; and to do any and
                 all of the acts and things herein set forth to the sane
                 extent as natural persons could do, and in any part of
                 the world, as principal, factor, agent, contractor,
                 trustee or otherwise, either alone or in syndicates, or
                 otherwise in conjunction with any person, entity, syndi-
                 cate, partnership, association or corporation, governmen-
                 tal or public bodies or authorities of any kind, domestic
                 or foreign; to establish and maintain offices and agencies
                 and to exercise all or any of its corporate powers and
                 rights throughout the world.

                          (k) To engage, in addition to the foregoing, in
                 any lawful act or activity for which corporations may be

                 organized under the Tennessee General Corporation Act.

                          (1) It is the intention that the objects, purposes
                 and powers specified in the fifth paragraph hereof shall,
                 except where otherwise specified in said paragraph, be no-
                 wise limited or restricted by reference to or inference from
                 the terms of any other clause or paragraph in this Charter,
                 but that the objects, purposes and powers specified in the
                 fifth paragraph and in each of the clauses or paragraphs of
                 this Charter shall be regarded as independent objects,
                 purposes and powers.

                 The foregoing clauses shall be construed both as purposes and

powers, and it is hereby expressly provided that the foregoing enumera-

tion of specific powers shall not be held to limit or restrict in any

manner the powers of this Corporation.


                 The maximum number of shares which the Corporation shall have

authority to issue is as follows:

         (a) Five Million (5,000,000) shares of common stock of a par

value of $5.00 each;

         (b) Five Hundred Thousand (500,000) shares of preferred stock,

having no par value.


                 The Corporation will not commence business until consideration

of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) has been received for the issuance

of shares.


                 No shareholder of the Corporation shall because of his 

ownership of stock have a preemptive or other right to purchase, subscribe for 

or take any part of any stock or any part of the notes, debentures, bonds

or other securities convertible into or carrying options or warrants

to purchase stock of the Corporation issued, optioned or sold by it

after its incorporation. Any part of the capital stock and any part

of the notes, debentures, bonds or other securities convertible into

or carrying options or warrants to purchase stock of the Corporation

authorized by this Restated Charter or by any amendment duly filed,

may at any time be issued, optioned for sale and sold or disposed of

by the Corporation pursuant to a resolution of its Board of Directors

to such persons and upon such terms as may to such Board seem proper

without first offering such stock or securities or any part thereof

to existing shareholders.


         The entire voting power of the Corporation shall be vested

in the common stock, provided, however, that the Board of Directors

is authorized by this Charter to issue, from time to time, serial

preferred stock of the Corporation in one or more series each of which

constitutes a separate class, and prior to issuance to fix and determine

the distinguishing characteristics and rights, privileges and immunities

of each such series. Such characteristics and rights, privileges and

immunities may include, but are not limited to, the voting rights of

such serial preferred stock and such voting rights of such serial

preferred stock may, if so determined by the Board of Directors prior

to the issuance of such serial preferred stock, give to the holders

of such serial preferred stock voting rights equal to those of the

holders of the common stock.


         The shares of any preferred class may be divided into and issued

in series. If the shares of any such class are to be issued in series,

then each series shall be so designated to distinguish the series

thereof from all the shares of all other series and classes. All

shares of the same series shall be identical. Any or all of the

series of any class may vary in the relative rights and preferences

as between the different series to the extent permitted by the statutes

of Tennessee. The Board of Directors shall have the authority to

divide any or all such classes into series and, within the limitation

of the statutes of the State of Tennessee and particularly Sections

48-502 and 48-503, fix and determine the relative rights and preferences

of the shares of any series so established.

         The Board of Directors is authorized to issue the preferred

stock, without par value, in one or more series, from time to time

with such voting powers, full or limited, but not to exceed one vote

per share or without voting powers, and with such designations,

preferences and relative participating, optional or other special

rights and qualifications, limitations and restrictions thereof, as

may be provided in a resolution or resolutions adopted by the Board of

Directors. The authority of the Board of Directors shall include,

but not be limited to, the determination or fixing of the following

with respect to shares of such class or any series thereof: (1)

the number of shares and designation; (2) the dividend rate and

whether dividends are to be cumulative; (3) whether shares are to be

redeemable and, if so, the terms and amount of any sinking fund for

the purchase or redemption of such shares; (4) whether shares shall

be convertible and, if so, the terms and provisions applying; (5)

what voting rights are to apply, if any, not to exceed one vote per

share; and (6) what restrictions are to apply, if any, on the issue

or re-issue of any additional preferred stock.


         (a) The Corporation shall have the right to purchase, take,

receive or otherwise acquire, hold, own, pledge, transfer or otherwise

dispose of its own shares; but purchases of its own shares, whether

direct or indirect, shall be made only to the extent of unreserved

and unrestricted earned or capital surplus available therefor.

         (b) Other provisions: Management. The Corporation shall be

managed by the Board of Directors, which shall exercise all powers

conferred under the laws of the State of Tennessee including without

limitation the power:

                 (1) To hold meetings, to have one or more offices,
         and to keep the books of the corporation, except as other-
         wise expressly provided by law, at such places, whether
         within or without the State of Tennessee, as may from
         time to time be designated by the Board.

                 (2) To make, alter and repeal bylaws of the cor-
         poration, subject to the reserved power of the share-
         holders to make, alter and repeal bylaws.

                 (3) To approve the issuance or sale of any of its
         authorized but unissued shares of any class, bonds or
         other securities and rights or options entitling the
         holders thereof to purchase from the corporation shares

         of any class or classes to approve the purchase or other
         acquisition of or the reissuance, sale or other disposi-
         tion of treasury shares; to fix the consideration to be
         received for such shares of any class, bonds or other
         securities, rights or options and to cause to be issued
         any such shares of any class, bonds or other securities,
         rights or options.

                 (4) To use or apply any funds of the corporation
         lawfully available therefor for the purchase or acquisi-
         tion of shares of the capital stock or bonds or other
         securities of the corporation, in the market or otherwise,
         at such price as may be fixed by the Board, and to such
         extent and in such manner and for such purposes and upon
         such terms as the Board may deem expedient and as may be
         permitted by law, and to sell, exchange, transfer, re-
         issue or cancel such shares of the capital stock of the
         corporation upon such terms and for such consideration
         as it may deem proper.

                 (5) To determine whether and to what extent and at
         what times and places and under what conditions and regu-
         lations the accounts and books of the corporation, or
         any of them, shall be open to the inspection of the share-
         holders, and no shareholder shall have any right to
         inspect any account, record, book or document of the
         corporation, except as conferred by the laws of the State
         of Tennessee or as authorized by the Board.

                 (6) To remove any director for cause as defined
         by the laws of the State of Tennessee by a vote of a
         majority of the entire Board of Directors.

                 (7) To fill any newly created directorships.
         resulting from an increase in the number of directors
         and any vacancies occurring in the Board for any reason,
         (including removal of directors without cause by the
         shareholders or for cause by the Board of Directors or the

                 (8) To designate an executive committee consisting
         of three or more directors and such other committees
         consisting of three or more directors and to delegate to
         such executive committee or other committees all such
         authority of the Board that it deems desirable within the
         limits prescribed by the statutes of the State of Tennessee.

                 (9) To designate the officer or officers of the
         corporation who shall vote the shares of capital stock
         held by the corporation in other corporations and to
         authorize the execution of any proxy that may be necessary
         in connection therewith.

                                    PART II.

1.       The date of filing of the original Charter by the Secretary

of State was September 23, 1968.

2.       The Restated Charter restates the text of the Charter, as

previously amended and restated, and further amends or changes the

Charter as specified below. The Restated Charter was duly authorized

at a meeting of the shareholders on October 26, 1971:


                 (a) Paragraph 1 hereby deleted in its entirety and
         Article 1 of Part I is substituted therefor;

                 (b) Paragraph 3 is hereby deleted in its entirety
         and Article 3 of Part I is substituted therefor;

                 (c) Paragraph 5 is hereby deleted in its entirety and
         Article 5 of Part I is substituted therefor;

                 (d) Paragraph 6 is hereby deleted in its entirety
         and Article 6 of Part I is substituted therefor;

                 (e) Paragraph 8 is hereby deleted in its entirety
         and there are added to the Charter the following Articles
         of Part 1:

                          Article 8, which restates but does not change
                 the provisions on preemptive rights;
                          Article 9;
                          Article 10;
                          Article 11.

DATED October 26, 1971.

                                           FIRST NATIONAL HOLDING CORPORATION

                                           By:  /s/ Lee Welch
                          ARTICLES OF AMENDMENT TO THE

                                   CHARTER OF


         Pursuant to the provisions of Section 48-303 of the
Tennessee General Corporation Act, the undersigned Corporation
adopts the following articles of amendment to its Charter:

1.       The name of the corporation is First Tennessee
         National Corporation.

2.       The amendment adopted is:
                 Article VI is hereby amended to read as


                    The maximum number of shares which
                    the Corporation shall have authority
                    to issue is as follows:

                    (a) Fifteen million (15,000,000) shares
                    of common stock of a par value of
                    $2.50 each;

                    (b) Five hundred thousand (500,000)
                    shares of preferred stock, having
                     no par value.

3.       The amendment was duly adopted at a meeting of
         the shareholders on April 17, 1973.

4.       The increase in authorized shares provides
         sufficient shares for issuance in connection
         with a two for one stock split approved by
         the shareholders on April 17, 1973.
         The authorized common shares with a par value
         of $5.00 a share are hereby changed to common
         shares with a par value of $2.50 a share. The
         aggregate amount of the stated capital of the
         Corporation which shall be represented by the
         common shares of the par value of $2.50 a share
         that shall be issued and outstanding upon the
         taking effect of the stock split, shall be the
         same as the aggregate amount of the stated
         capital of the Corporation which shall be
         represented by the common shares of the
         par value of $5.00 a share that shall be
         issued as outstanding immediately prior
         to the taking effect of the stock split.

5.       The amendment is to be effective April 27, 1973.


                                  BY:      /s/ Lee Welch
                                           Lee Welch, Secretary
                            ARTICLES OF AMENDMENT TO
                                 THE CHARTER OF

         Pursuant to the provisions of Section 48-303 of the Tennessee
General Corporation Act, the undersigned Corporation adopts the follow-
ing Articles of Amendment to its Charter:

1.       The name of the Corporation is First Tennessee National

2.       The Amendment is that Section 11(b) (8) be amended to read as
         follows and Section 11(b) (10) be adopted to read as follows:

         "(8) To designate an Executive Committee consisting of two
         or more directors and such other committees consisting of
         two or more persons, who may or may not be directors, and
         to delegate to such Executive Committee and other committees
         all such authority of the Board that it deems desirable within
         the limits prescribed by the statutes of the State of Tennessee."

         "(10) To take any action required or permitted of the Board
         without a meeting on written consent, setting forth the action
         so taken, signed by all directors entitled to vote thereon."

3.       The Amendment was duly adopted at a meeting of the shareholders
         on April 15, 1980.

4.       The Amendment shall be effective when filed by the Secretary of

Date: April 15, 1980                       First Tennessee National Corporation

                                           By:     /s/ Harry A. Johnson, III
                                                   Harry A. Johnson, III,
                                                   Assistant Secretary
                             ARTICLES OF AMENDMENT
                                 TO CHARTER OF

         Pursuant to the provisions of Section 48-1-303 of the Tennessee
General Corporation Act, the undersigned corporation adopts the
following Articles of Amendment to its Charter:

1.       The name of the corporation is First Tennessee National

2.       The amendment adopted is as follows:

         Delete Article 6 of the Charter in its entirety and
         substitute therefor the following:


                          The maximum number of shares which the Corporation
                          shall have authority to issue is as follows:

                                  (a)      Twenty-five million (25,000,000)
                                           shares of common stock of a par
                                           value of $2.50 each; and

                                  (b)      Five hundred thousand (500,000)
                                           shares of preferred stock having no
                                           par value.

3.       The amendment was duly adopted at a meeting of the shareholders
         on April 16, 1985.

4.       The amendment is to be effective when filed by the Secretary of

                                        FIRST TENNESSEE NATIONAL CORPORATION

                                             /s/ Lenore S. Halle
                                        By:  Lenore S. Halle, Secretary

Date: April 16, 1985
                             ARTICLES OF AMENDMENT
                                 TO CHARTER OF

         Pursuant to the provisions of Section 48-1-303 of the
Tennessee General Corporation Act, the undersigned corporation
adopts the following Articles of Amendment to its Charter:

1.       The name of the corporation is First Tennessee National

2.       The amendments adopted are as follows:

         (1)     Section (a) of Article 6 of the Company's Charter is
                 amended to read as follows:

                 "(a)     Fifty million (50,000,000) shares of common
                          stock of a par value of $2.50 each; and".

         (2)     Section (b) of Article 6 of the Company's Charter is
                 amended to read as follows:

                 "(b)     Five million (5,000,000) shares of preferred
                          stock, having no par value."

         (3)     Article 9 of the Company's Charter is amended to read
                 in its entirety as follows:

                 "9. COMMON STOCK.

                 The entire voting power of the Corporation shall be
                 vested in the common stock; provided, however, that
                 the Board of Directors is authorized by this Charter
                 to issue, from time to time, serial preferred stock of
                 the Corporation in one or more series each of which
                 constitutes a separate class, and prior to issuance to
                 fix and determine the distinguishing characteristics
                 and rights, privileges and immunities of each such
                 series. Such characteristics and rights, privileges
                 and immunities may include, but are not limited to,
                 the voting rights of such serial preferred stock, and
                 such voting rights of such serial preferred stock may,
                 if so determined by the Board of Directors prior to
                 the issuance of such serial preferred stock, give to
                 the holders of such serial preferred stock voting
                 rights equal to, greater than or less than those of
                 the holders of common stock."

         (4)     The second paragraph of Article 10 of the Company's
                 Charter is amended to read as follows:
                 "The Board of Directors is authorized to issue the
                 preferred stock, without par value, in one or more
                 series, from time to time, with such voting powers,
                 full or limited, or without voting powers, and with
                 such designations, preferences and relative partici-
                 pating, optional or other special rights and quali-
                 fications, limitations and restrictions thereof, as
                 may be provided in a resolution or resolutions adopted
                 by the Board of Directors. The authority of the Board
                 of Directors shall include, but not be limited to, the
                 determination or fixing of the following with respect
                 to shares of such class or any series thereof: (1)
                 the number of shares and designation; (2) the dividend
                 rate and whether dividends are to be cumulative; (3)
                 whether shares are to be redeemable and, if so, the
                 terms and amount of any sinking fund for the purchase
                 or redemption of such shares; (4) whether shares shall
                 be convertible and, if so, the terms and provisions
                 applying; (5) what voting rights are to apply, if any;
                 and (6) what restrictions are to apply, if any, on the
                 issue or re-issue of any additional preferred stock."

         (5)     A new Article 12 of the Company's Charter is hereby
                 adopted as follows:


                 (a) The number of directors of the Corporation which
                 shall constitute the entire Board of Directors shall
                 be fixed from time to time in the Bylaws of the Corpo-
                 ration. Any such determination shall continue in
                 effect unless and until changed, but no such changes
                 shall affect the term of any director then in office.
                 Upon the adoption of this Article 12, the directors
                 shall be divided into three classes (I, II and III),
                 as nearly equal in number as possible. The initial
                 term of office for members of Class I shall expire at
                 the annual meeting of stockholders in 1988; the
                 initial term of office for members of Class II shall
                 expire at the annual meeting of shareholders in 1989;
                 and the initial term of office for members of Class
                 III shall expire at the annual meeting of shareholders
                 in 1990. At each annual meeting of shareholders
                 following such initial classification and election,
                 directors elected to succeed those directors whose
                 terms expire shall be elected for a term of office to
                 expire at the third succeeding annual meeting of
                 shareholders after their election, and shall continue
                 to hold office until their respective successors are
                 duly elected and qualified. In the event of any
                 increase in the number of directors of the Corpora-
                 tion, the additional directors shall be so classified
                 that all classes of directors have as nearly equal
                 numbers of directors as may be possible. In the event
                 of any decrease in the number of directors of the
                 Corporation, all classes of directors shall be
                 decreased equally as nearly as may be possible.

                 (b) Newly created directorships resulting from any
                 increase in the authorized number of directors or any
                 vacancies on the Board of Directors resulting from
                 death, resignation, retirement, disqualification or
                 any other cause (except removal from office) shall be
                 filled only by the Board of Directors, provided that a
                 quorum is then in office and present, or only by a
                 majority of the directors then in office, if less than
                 a quorum is then in office, or by the sole remaining
                 director. Any vacancies on the Board of Directors
                 resulting from removal from office may be filled by
                 the affirmative vote of the holders of at least a
                 majority of the voting power of all outstanding voting
                 stock or, if the shareholders do not so fill such a
                 vacancy, by a majority of the directors then in office.
                 Directors elected to fill a newly created directorship
                 or other vacancy shall hold office for the remainder
                 of the full term of the class of directors in which
                 the new directorship was created or the vacancy
                 occurred and until such director's successor has been
                 duly elected and qualified. The directors of any
                 class of directors of the Corporation may be removed
                 by the shareholders only for cause by the affirmative
                 vote of the holders of at least a majority of the
                 voting power of all outstanding voting stock.

         (c)     The Bylaws or any Bylaw of the Corporation may be adopted,
         amended or repealed only by the affirmative vote of not less
         than a majority of the directors then in office at any regular or
         special meeting of directors or by the affirmative vote of the holders
         of at least eighty percent (80%) of the voting power of all
         outstanding voting stock at any annual meeting or any special meeting
         called for that purpose. Any provision of the Charter which is
         inconsistent with any provision of the Bylaws of the Corporation may
         be adopted only by the affirmative vote of the holders of at least
         eighty percent (80%) of the voting power of all outstanding voting
         stock at any annual meeting or any special meeting called for that

         (d)     Notwithstanding any other provisions of this         
         Charter or the Bylaws of the Corporation (and notwithstanding
         the fact that a lesser percentage or separate class vote may be
         specified by law, this Charter, the Bylaws of the Corporation or
         otherwise), the affirmative vote of the holders of at least eighty
         percent (80%) of the voting power of all outstanding voting stock
         shall be required to adopt any provisions inconsistent with, or to
         amend or repeal, this Article 12.

         (e)     Notwithstanding the foregoing, whenever the                 
         holders of any one or more classes or series of preferred stock
         issued by the Corporation shall have the right, voting separately by
         class or by series, to elect directors at an annual or special meeting
         of shareholders, the election, term of office, filling of vacancies
         and other features of such directorships shall be governed by the
         terms of this Charter applicable thereto, and such directors so
         elected shall not be divided into classes pursuant to this Article 12
         unless expressly provided by such terms."

3.  The amendments were duly adopted at a meeting of the shareholders on April 
    21, 1987.

4.  The amendments are to be effective when filed by the Secretary of State.

                                           FIRST TENNESSEE NATIONAL CORPORATION

                                           By:     /s/ Lenore S. Halle
                                                   Lenore S. Halle, Secretary

Date: April 21, 1987



                           ARTICLES OF AMENDMENT TO
                                  CHARTER OF

         Pursuant to the provisions of Section 48-20-106 of the
Tennessee Business Corporation Act, the undersigned corporation
adopts the following Articles of Amendment to its Charter:

1.       The name of the corporation is First Tennessee National

2.       The amendment adopted is as follows:

                 A new Article 13 of the Company's Charter is hereby
                 adopted as follows:

                 "13. DIRECTOR LIABILITY.

                 No director shall be personally liable to the
                 Corporation or its shareholders for monetary damages
                 for breach of fiduciary duty as a director, except for
                 liability (i) for any breach of the director's duty of
                 loyalty to the Corporation or its shareholders, (ii)
                 for acts or omissions not in good faith or which
                 involve intentional misconduct or a knowing violation
                 of law, or (iii) under Section 48-18-304, or any
                 successor provision thereto, of the Tennessee Business
                 Corporation Act."

3.       The amendment was duly adopted at a meeting of the
         shareholders on April 19, 1988.

4.       The amendment shall be effective when filed by the
         Secretary of State.

                                           First Tennessee National Corporation

                                           By: /s/ Lenore S. Halle, Secretary
                                                   Lenore S. Halle, Secretary

DATE: April 19, 1988



                                                                    EXHIBIT 3(i)

                            ARTICLES OF AMENDMENT TO
                                   CHARTER OF

         Pursuant to the provisions of Section 48-20-106 of the Tennessee
Business Corporation Act, the undersigned corporation adopts the following
Articles of Amendment to its Charter:

         1.      The name of the corporation is First Tennessee National

         2.      The amendment adopted is as follows:

                 Section (a) of Article 6 of the Company's Charter is amended
                 to read as follows:

                 "(a)     One Hundred Million (100,000,000) shares of common
                          stock of a par value of $2.50 each; and".

         3.      The amendment was duly adopted at a meeting of the
                 shareholders on April 19, 1994.

         4.      The amendment shall be effective when filed by the Secretary
                 of State.

                                        First Tennessee National Corporation

                                        By: Lenore S. Creson
                                            Lenore S. Creson, Secretary

DATE:  April 19, 1994.