1 EXHIBIT 21.1 Page 1 of 3 FIRST FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT CORPORATION LIST OF SUBSIDIARIES State or Other Jurisdiction of Name of Subsidiary (1) (2) Incorporation - --------------------------- --------------- Appalachian Computer Services, Inc. Kentucky Data Preparation, Inc. Georgia FFHC, Inc. Georgia FFMC Canada Inc. Ontario Gamma Micro-Systemes LTEE Quebec Gamma Terminals Inc. Quebec Gamma Technik Inc. Quebec FFMC Mexico H.C., Inc. Georgia FFMC Mexico, S.A. de C.V. (2a) Mexico FIRST HEALTH Services Corporation Virginia First Mental Health, Inc. Tennessee Psych Review Associates of Tennessee, Inc. (2b) Tennessee Midwest Benefits Corporation Michigan VIPS, INC. Maryland FIRST HEALTH Strategies, Inc. Delaware ALTA Reinsurance Company Arizona FIRST HEALTH Realty, Inc. Utah FIRST HEALTH Strategies (TPA), Inc. Delaware FIRST HEALTH Strategies of Utah, Inc. Utah FIRST HEALTH Insurance Agency, Inc. Massachusetts FIRST HEALTH Review, Inc. Utah FIRST HEALTH Strategies of New Mexico, Inc. New Mexico FIRST HEALTH Strategies of Ohio, Inc. Ohio FIRST HEALTH Strategies of Pennsylvania, Inc. Pennsylvania FIRST HEALTH Strategies of Texas, Inc. Texas U.S. Administrators, Inc. California First Image Management Corporation Georgia GENEX Services of Canada, Ltd. Pennsylvania GENEX Services, Inc. Pennsylvania PRIMECOR, INC. Pennsylvania International Banking Technologies, Inc. Georgia MicroBilt Corporation Georgia COIN Banking Systems, Inc. Georgia Hospital Cost Consultants, Inc. California Master Hospital Systems, Inc. Texas MicroBilt Leasing, Inc. Georgia MicroBilt Products, Inc. Georgia Retail Interact, Inc. California TechPoint, Inc. Michigan 2 EXHIBIT 21.1 Page 2 of 3 FIRST FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT CORPORATION LIST OF SUBSIDIARIES State or Other Jurisdiction of Name of Subsidiary (1) (2) Incorporation - --------------------------- --------------- National Bancard Corporation Florida First Financial Bank Georgia NaBANCO Merchant Services Corporation Delaware Nationwide Credit, Inc. Georgia Master Ventures, Inc. Georgia The Master Collectors of Colorado, Inc. (2c) Colorado Master Collectors of Dallas, Inc. (2d) Texas The Master Collectors of Maryland, Inc. (2e) Maryland Texas Master Collectors, Inc. (2f) Texas OnLine Financial Communications Systems, Inc. Georgia Prime Consulting Group, Inc. Georgia TeleCheck International, Inc. Georgia Shared Global Systems, Inc. Texas TeleCheck Services, Inc. Delaware TeleCheck Payment Systems Limited (2g) New Zealand TeleCheck (Australia) Pty Limited (2g) Australia Tele-Check New Zealand Limited (2g) New Zealand TeleCheck Pittsburgh/West Virginia, Inc. Pennsylvania TeleCheck Recovery Services, Inc. Colorado TeleCheck Services of Puerto Rico, Inc. Georgia Western Union Financial Services, Inc. Delaware American Rapid Corporation Delaware Grupo Dinamico Empresarial, S.A. de C.V. (2h) Mexico Servicio Internacional de Envios, S.A. de C.V. (2i) Mexico Servicio Mexicano de Entregas, S.A. de C.V (2j) Mexico Servicio Mexicano de Apoyo, S.C. (2k) Mexico Western Union Communications, Inc. Delaware Western Union Financial Services (Canada), Inc. Ontario Western Union Financial Services Eastern Europe Limited Delaware Western Union National Payments Network, Inc. Delaware Goldome Payments, Inc. New York National Payments Network, Inc. New York National Payment Centers, Inc. New York 3 EXHIBIT 21.1 Page 3 of 3 FIRST FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT CORPORATION LIST OF SUBSIDIARIES Footnote Explanations (1) This list includes subsidiaries owned directly by FFMC and those owned indirectly through another subsidiary; each indentation denotes a tier of indirect ownership through wholly-owned subsidiaries. (2) The Registrant owns 100% of the voting securities of all listed subsidiary companies, with the following exceptions: (a) One share of FFMC Mexico, S.A. de C.V. is held by Nationwide Credit, Inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Registrant, to satisfy a Mexican requirement of at least two shareholders. (b) 50% of Psych Review Associates of Tennessee, Inc. is owned by Behavioral Health Management, Inc., which is not affiliated with FFMC. (c) 30% of The Master Collectors of Colorado, Inc. is owned by American Medical (Central), Inc., which is not affiliated with FFMC. (d) 33.4% of Master Collectors of Dallas, Inc. is owned by World Book Finance, Inc., which is not affiliated with FFMC. (e) 30% of The Master Collectors of Maryland, Inc. is owned by Providence Hospital, Inc., which is not affiliated with FFMC. (f) 30% of Texas Master Collectors, Inc. is owned by American Medical (Central), Inc., which is not affiliated with FFMC. (g) One Share of TeleCheck Payment Systems Limited, TeleCheck (Australia) Pty Limited and Tele-Check New Zealand Limited is held by TeleCheck Services, Inc. to satisfy a New Zealand requirement of at least two shareholders. (h) 2% (or one share) of Grupo Dinamico Empresarial, S.A. de C.V. is held by John C. Walters to satisfy a Mexican requirement of at least two shareholders. (i) 55% of Sericio Internacional de Envios, S.A. de C.V. is owned by Elektra, S.A. de C.V., which is not affiliated with FFMC. (j) 45% of Servicio Mexicano de Entregas, S.A. de C.V. is owned by Elektra, S.A. de C.V., which is not affiliated with FFMC. (k) 51% of Servicio Mexicano de Apoyo, S.C. is held by Grupo Dinamico Empresarial, S.A. de C.V. (2%) and Servicio Internacional de Envios, S.A. de C.V. (49%).