EXHIBIT (10) aa.

                              DATED 14 AUGUST 1995

                                  GENESCO INC.


                          PENTLAND INDUSTRIES LIMITED


                               A G R E E M E N T

                                - RELATING TO -




                            SHARE PURCHASE AGREEMENT

DATED:                                                           14 August 1995


(1)            GENESCO INC., a Tennessee corporation whose registered office is
               at Genesco Park, Nashville, Tennessee, 37202 - 0731, USA  ("the
               Vendor"); and

(2)            PENTLAND INDUSTRIES LIMITED a company registered in England
               (Company Registration Number 2307419) whose registered office is
               situated at The Pentland Centre, Lakeside, Squires Lane,
               Finchley, London, N3 2QL ("the Purchaser").


(A)            Mitre Sports International Limited ("the Company") is a company
               limited by shares incorporated under the Companies Act 1985
               registered in England under number 2688851 whose registered
               office is at Bay Hall Works, Birkby, Huddersfield, West
               Yorkshire, HD1 5AY.  At the date hereof it has an authorised
               share capital of L.7,500,000 divided into 6,000,000 "A" Ordinary
               Shares of L.1 each and 1,500,000 "B" Ordinary Shares of L.1
               each, all of which have been allotted and issued and are fully

(B)            The Vendor is the legal and equitable owner and the registered
               holder of all of the shares in the capital of the Company.
(C)            Particulars of the Company are set out in Schedule 1.

(D)            The Vendor has agreed to sell and the Purchaser has agreed to
               purchase all of the shares in the Company on and subject to the
               terms of this Agreement.


(E)            By an agreement of even date the Vendor has agreed to sell and
               Pentland Sports Group, Ltd has agreed to purchase, certain other
               assets owned by the Vendor and used in connection with the
               "Mitre" business carried on by the Vendor in the USA, Canada and


1.             INTERPRETATION

1.1            In this Agreement and its Recitals and Schedules:

               "THE ACCOUNTS" means the audited balance sheet of the Company
               made up as at the Balance Sheet Date and the audited profit and
               loss account of the Company for the financial year ended on the
               Balance Sheet Date, together with all notes, reports, statements
               and other documents annexed thereto in accordance with any legal

               "THE AGREED EXCHANGE RATE" means USD 1.597 to L.1.00;

               "THE BALANCE SHEET" means the audited balance sheet of the
               Company forming part of the Accounts;

               "THE BALANCE SHEET DATE" means 31st January 1995;

               "BUSINESS DAY" means any day except Saturdays and Sundays on
               which banks in the City of London are open for business;

               "CAA" means Capital Allowances Act 1990;

               "THE COMPANY" means Mitre Sports International Limited;

               "COMPANY'S AUDITORS" means Price Waterhouse of York House, York
               Street, Manchester, M2 4WS;


               "COMPLETION" means completion of the sale and purchase of the
               Shares pursuant to this Agreement;

               "COMPLETION ACCOUNTS"  shall bear the meaning set out in 
               Schedule 7;

               "COMPLETION BALANCE SHEET" means the audited balance sheet of
               the Company forming part of the Completion Accounts;

               "THE COMPLETION DATE" means the date of this Agreement;

               "THE DEED OF COVENANT" means a deed in the form set out in
               Schedule 6;

               "THE DISCLOSURE LETTER" means the letter of the same date as
               this Agreement from the Vendor to the Purchaser;

               "THE EMPLOYMENT STATUTES" means the Disabled Persons
               (Employment) Act 1944, the Trade Union and Labour Relations Acts
               1974 and 76, the Employment Protection Act 1975, the Employment
               Protection (Consolidation) Act 1978, the Employment Act 1980,
               the Contracts of Employment Act 1972, the Equal Pay Act 1970,
               the Sex Discrimination Act 1975, the Health and Safety at Work
               etc. Act 1974, the Race Relations Act 1976, the Trade Union Act
               1984, the Wages Act 1986, the Sex Discrimination Act 1986 and
               the Trade Union Reform and Employment Rights Act 1993;

               "FA" means Finance Act;

               "FRS" means a Financial Reporting Standard issued by The
               Accounting Standards Board Limited or an SSAP;

               "THE GENERAL WARRANTIES" means those Warranties set out in
               Schedule 4;

               "THE GENESCO CONTRACTS" means those contracts entered into by
               the Vendor in respect of its U.S., Canada and Mexico "Mitre"
               business and which it willnot


               be in a position properly to perform following Completion by
               virtue of the transactions contemplated in this Agreement and/or
               in the US Agreement, details of which are provided in Schedule

               "THE ICTA" means the Income and Corporation Taxes Act 1988;

               "INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY" means patents, trade marks, service
               marks, registered designs, utility models, applications and
               rights to apply for any of the foregoing, copyrights,
               unregistered design rights, inventions, trade secrets,
               confidential know-how and registrable business names and any
               similar rights, whether registrable or not, in any part of the

               "THE INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS" means that Intellectual
               Property owned or used by the Company and details of which are
               set out in Schedule 3 (not being a comprehensive list of the
               Intellectual Property owned or used by the Company);

               "THE INTER-COMPANY INDEBTEDNESS" means the amount which as at
               Completion is owed by the Company to the Vendor, inclusive of
               all balances (trading or otherwise), management charges and
               accrued interest to the date of Completion;

               "ITA" means the Inheritance Tax Act 1984;

               "NET TANGIBLE ASSETS" means the aggregate value of all fixed and
               current assets (excluding goodwill, the Intellectual Property
               and any other intangible assets) minus the aggregate value of
               all liabilities and provisions (including provisions in
               accordance with SSAP 18 in respect of contingent liabilities)
               and any reserves or capital created by the upward revaluation of
               assets subsequent to the Balance Sheet Date all as shown in the
               Completion Accounts prepared in accordance with the provisions
               of Schedule 7;


               "OPEN LETTERS OF CREDIT" means those letters of credit which
               have been opened by or to the order of the Vendor in respect of
               the purchase of stock for the Company or for the United States,
               Canadian and Mexican markets, which are outstanding as at
               Completion and which are listed in Schedule 9, subject to the
               following limits: for the Company - USD 1,000,000 and for the
               United States, Canadian and Mexican market - USD 1,750,000;

               "THE PROPERTIES" means the properties particulars of which are
               set out in Schedule 2;

               "THE PURCHASER'S ACCOUNTANTS" means Price Waterhouse, of
               Southwark Towers, 32 London Bridge Street, London SE1 9SY;

               "THE PURCHASER'S NOMINEE" means Linklaters & Paines of 59 - 67
               Gresham Street, London, EC2V 7YA;

               "THE PURCHASER'S SOLICITOR"  John McLaren of The Pentland
               Centre, Lakeside, Squires Lane, Finchley, London, N3 2QL;

               "RELIEF" shall have the meaning set out in the Tax Deed of 

               "THE RETENTION" means the amount of USD 750,000 to be retained
               out of the consideration pursuant to Clause 3 and to be dealt
               with in accordance with Clause 5;

               "THE SHARES" means each and all of the shares of the Company
               comprising the whole of its issued and allotted share capital;

               "THE STAKEHOLDERS' ACCOUNT" means the account referred to in 
               sub-clause 5.1;

               "SSAP" means a Statement of Standard Accounting Practice adopted
               by Accounting Standards Board Limited;


               "TAXATION" means all forms of taxation, (including duties,
               rates, levies, withholdings, deductions, charges and imposts)
               imposed in the United Kingdom or overseas, including but not
               limited to:

               (a)      corporation tax, income tax, advance corporation tax,
                        any liability arising under Sections 419 or 601 ICTA,
                        national insurance contributions, social security
                        contributions, value added tax and customs duties;

               (b)      all penalties, surcharges, fines and interest relating
                        to any of the above; and

               (c)      any payment by way of settlement or compromise of any
                        claim in respect of any of the above;

               "TAX DEED OF COVENANT" means the deed in the form set out in
               Schedule 8;

               "TCGA" means the Taxation of Chargeable Gains Act 1992;

               "TMA" means the Taxes Management Act 1970;

               "THE TAX WARRANTIES" means those Warranties set out in Schedule 

               "PENSION SCHEME" means the Mitre Sports International Limited 
               Pension Scheme;

               "US AGREEMENT" means an agreement in the agreed terms between
               the Vendor (1) and Pentland Sports Group, Ltd (2) relating to
               the sale and purchase of certain assets owned by the Vendor and
               used in connection with the "Mitre" business in the USA, Canada
               and Mexico;

               "VATA" means the Value Added Tax Act 1994;


               "VENDOR'S  ACCOUNT"  means  the account in the name of the
               Vendor with the following account details:

               Name of Account     :    Genesco Separate Asset Account
               Bank:               :    NationsBank of Tennessee
               ABA #               :    0640-0002-0
               Account #           :    011-287-8053

               "THE VENDORS ACCOUNTANTS" means Price Waterhouse, York House,
               York Street, M2 4WS, Manchester;

               "THE VENDOR'S SOLICITORS" means Messrs. Taylor Joynson Garrett,
               Carmelite, 50 Victoria Embankment, London, EC4Y 0DX;

               "THE WARRANTIES" means the warranties, representations and
               undertakings set out in Schedules 4 and 5.
1.2            Any reference in this Agreement to a document being "in the
               agreed terms" means that document in the terms agreed between
               the parties and for the purpose of identification signed by the
               Purchaser and the Vendor's Solicitors or such other terms as may
               be agreed in writing between the parties in substitution

1.3            In this Agreement, references to any statutory provision shall
               include such provision as from time to time amended, whether
               before on or (in the case of re-enactment or consolidation only)
               after the date hereof, and shall be deemed to include provisions
               of earlier legislation (as from time to time amended) which have
               been re-enacted (with or without modification) or replaced
               (directly or indirectly) by such provision and shall further
               include all statutory instruments or orders from time to time
               made pursuant thereto on or before the date hereof.

1.4            Words and phrases defined in the Companies Act 1985 (excluding
               its Schedules and as amended by the Companies Act 1989) shall
               have the same


               meanings in this Agreement unless they are otherwise defined in
               this Agreement or unless the context or subject-matter otherwise

1.5            In this Agreement and its Schedules:

               (a)      the masculine gender shall include the feminine and
                        neuter and the singular number shall include the plural
                        and vice versa;

               (b)      references to persons shall include individuals, bodies
                        corporate, unincorporated associations and

               (c)      the headings are inserted for convenience only and
                        shall not affect the construction of this Agreement;

               (d)      references to Recitals, Clauses and Schedules and
                        sub-divisions thereof, unless a contrary intention
                        appears, are to the Recitals and Clauses of and
                        Schedules to this Agreement and sub-divisions thereof

1.6            Each of the Schedules shall have effect as if expressly set out
               in the body of this Agreement.

2.1            On and subject to the terms of this Agreement, the Vendor shall
               sell and the Purchaser shall purchase the Shares on and with
               effect from the Completion Date, free from all charges, liens,
               equities, encumbrances, claims or restrictions whatsoever and
               together with all rights attaching or accruing thereto and all
               dividends and distributions declared, made or paid thereon or in
               respect thereof on or after Completion.

2.2            Neither the Purchaser nor the Vendor shall be obliged to
               complete the purchase or sale of any of the Shares unless the
               purchase and sale of all the Shares and the completion of the US
               Agreement occur simultaneously and if


               such sale and completion are not completed on the Completion
               Date then either the Purchaser or the Vendor shall be entitled
               to rescind this Agreement without liability of any kind.

3.             CONSIDERATION

               The purchase consideration payable by the Purchaser to the
               Vendor for the Shares (subject to adjustment in accordance with
               Schedule 7) ("the Purchase Consideration") shall be the
               aggregate of

               (a)      USD 10,150,000; and

               (b)      the amount of cash or cash equivalents appearing on the
                        Completion Balance Sheet, subject to a maximum of USD
                        1,200,000 (such cash and cash equivalents together
                        being "the Cash Equivalents Amount").  For such
                        purposes "the Cash Equivalents Amount" shall mean cash
                        in hand and deposits repayable on demand with any bank
                        or other financial institution.  Cash includes cash in
                        hand and deposits denominated in foreign currencies.

               The Purchase Consideration (subject to adjustment in accordance
               with Schedule 7) shall be paid on Completion:

               (a)      as to USD 10,600,000 by telegraphic transfer to the
                        Vendor's Account; and

               (b)      as to USD 750,000 ("the Retention") by telegraphic
                        transfer into the Stakeholders' Account, where it shall
                        be dealt with in accordance with clause 5 of this

4.             COMPLETION


4.1            Subject to the provisions of this Clause, Completion shall take
               place at the offices of the Vendor on the Completion Date or at
               such other place and/or on such other date as may be agreed
               between the parties.

4.2            On Completion the Vendor shall cause to be delivered to the

               (a)      duly completed and executed transfers of the Shares by
                        the registered holders thereof in favour of the
                        Purchaser (or as it may direct) together with the
                        relative share certificates;

               (b)      such other documents (including any power of attorney
                        under which any document required to be delivered under
                        this Clause has been executed and any waivers or
                        consents) as the Purchaser may require to enable the
                        Purchaser or its nominees to be registered as holders
                        of the Shares;

               (c)      the Common Seal, Certificate of Incorporation, the
                        Memorandum and Articles of Association and the up to
                        date statutory books of the Company;

               (d)      the Deed of Covenant duly executed by the covenantors 
                        named therein;

               (e)      the Tax Deed of Covenant duly executed by the
                        covenantors named therein;

               (f)      duly executed releases, in the agreed terms, releasing
                        the Company from any liability whatsoever (actual or
                        contingent) which may be owing by the Company to the
                        Vendor subject to repayment by the Company to the
                        Vendor of the Inter-company Indebtedness in accordance
                        with the terms of this Agreement;

               (g)      a certificate from the Vendor's Solicitors in agreed
                        terms as to the title of the Company to the Properties
                        ("the Certificate of Title").


               (h)      the title deeds to the Properties;

               (i)      unconditional receipts for rent and any additional
                        rents or service charges due in respect of those of the
                        Properties held or occupied on lease or under licence;

               (j)      statements from each of the banks at which the Company
                        maintains an account as to the amounts standing to the
                        credit or debit of such accounts at the close of
                        business on the second business day preceding the
                        Completion Date ("the Reconciliation Date"), a
                        statement that all current cheque books and paying in
                        books for such accounts are in the possession of the
                        Company, together with a bank reconciliation statement
                        showing the bank position of the Company at the close
                        of business on the Reconciliation Date adjusted to
                        reflect credits since the Reconciliation Date to the
                        Completion Date inclusive and a list of unpresented
                        cheques as at the Reconciliation Date and of cheques
                        drawn since the Reconciliation Date to the Completion
                        Date inclusive and of standing orders payable from the
                        Reconciliation Date to the Completion Date inclusive.
                        Such reconciliation statements shall show amounts due
                        under such facilities to be no greater than:

                        Barclays Bank plc duty deferment bond                         -L.400,000
                        Barclays Bank plc overdraft                                   -L.1,690,670
                        Barclays Bank plc letters of credit                           -USD 4,500,000
                                                                                      (including where applicable,
                                                                                      sterling letters of credit
                                                                                      converted at the Agreed Exchange

               (k)      irrevocable powers of attorney executed by the holders
                        of the Shares in favour of the Purchaser appointing the
                        Purchaser to be their lawful attorney for the purpose
                        of receiving notices of and attending and voting


                        at all meetings of the members of the Company in
                        respect of the Shares and held from the date of this
                        Agreement to the day on which the Purchaser (or its
                        nominee) is entered in the register of members of the
                        Company as the holder of the Shares and irrevocable
                        authorities authorising:-

                        i)      the Company to send any notices in respect of
                                the Vendor's holding of Shares to the
                                Purchaser;  and

                        ii)     the Purchaser to complete in such manner as it
                                thinks fit and to return proxy cards, consents
                                to short notice and any other document required
                                to be signed by the Vendor in its capacity as a

               (l)      a duly executed agreement terminating the licence
                        between Benjamin Crook & Sons Limited and the Vendor
                        dated 13th March 1981;

               (m)      a statement from the Vendor that it will indemnify the
                        Company against any liabilities (including any
                        Taxation) arising by virtue of any agreement entered
                        into between the Vendor and the directors of the
                        Company relating to loyalty bonuses including but not
                        limited to those referred to in the letters from the
                        Vendor to each of Roger Holmes, Robert Reah, Simon
                        Peel, Duncan Benbridge and Duncan Anderson
                        respectively, each dated 4 August 1995 (save for that
                        to Duncan Anderson which is dated 13 July, 1995);

               (n)      copies of the Genesco Contracts;

               (o)      James Gulmi's letter of resignation as a trustee of the
                        Pension Scheme, which letter the Vendor shall accept,
                        on behalf of the Company, as being duly delivered in
                        accordance with the terms of the Pension Scheme;


               (p)      evidence acceptable to the Purchaser that the person(s)
                        executing this agreement (and the documents
                        contemplated by this agreement) on behalf of the Vendor
                        are duly authorised to do so.

4.3            On Completion the Vendor shall cause a Board Meeting of the
               Company to be duly convened and held at which:

               (a)      the said transfers of the Shares shall be approved for
                        registration (subject only to the transfers being duly
                        stamped at the cost of the Purchaser);

               (b)      Peter McGuigan and Andrew Rubin shall be appointed as
                        directors and Richard Stevens shall be appointed as
                        secretary of the Company and J. S. Gulmi and W. S. Wire
                        II shall retire from all their offices and employments
                        with the Company and Robert Reah shall resign as
                        secretary of the Company, each delivering to the
                        Company a deed acknowledging that he has no claim
                        outstanding for compensation or otherwise and without
                        any payment under the Employment Protection
                        (Consolidation) Act 1978;

               (c)      the Deed of Covenant shall be approved and executed as 

               (d)      all existing instructions to bankers shall be revoked
                        and it shall be resolved to replace them with
                        alternative instructions in such form as the Purchaser
                        may require;

               (e)      the registered office of the Company shall be changed
                        to The Pentland Centre, Lakeside, Squires Lane,
                        Finchley, London N3 2QL;

               (f)      the Company's accounting reference date shall be
                        changed to 31st December; and


               (g)      the repayment of the Inter-company Indebtedness and the
                        payment of the sum of USD 3,900,000 on account thereof
                        shall be approved.

4.4            On Completion the Purchaser shall, immediately following
               compliance by the Vendor with the foregoing provisions:

               (a)      procure the transfer to the Vendor's Account of the sum
                        of USD 10,600,000 forming part of the Purchase
                        Consideration for the Shares;

               (b)      procure the transfer to the Stakeholder's Account of 
                        the Retention;

               (c)      deliver to the Vendor's Solicitors counterparts of the
                        Deed of Covenant and the Tax Deed of Covenant duly
                        executed by the Purchaser;

               (d)      procure in so far as it able the Vendor's release from
                        the existing guarantee to Barclays Bank plc dated 1 May

               (e)      subject to any necessary consents, assume the Vendor's
                        liability to Barclays Bank plc and to First American
                        National Bank in respect of the Open Letters of Credit;

               (f)      provide evidence acceptable to the Vendor that the
                        person(s) executing this agreement (and the documents
                        contemplated by this agreement) on behalf of the
                        Purchaser are duly authorised to do so.

4.5            The Vendor's Solicitors are hereby irrevocably authorised by the
               Vendor to receive all amounts expressed to be payable to it
               hereunder and the receipt by the Vendor's Solicitors of each
               such amount shall be an absolute discharge to the Purchaser to
               the extent of the amount in question and the Purchaser shall not
               be concerned to see to the application of any such amount.


4.6            Immediately following Completion the parties will procure that
               the Company will immediately repay to the Vendor the sum of USD
               3,900,000 on account of the Inter-company Indebtedness.

4.7            The parties shall use their respective best endeavours to
               procure at the earliest possible date the unconditional release
               of the Vendor from all its actual and contingent liabilities
               under and/or in respect of and/or by virtue of each and all of
               the following (other than the Open Letters of Credit):

               (a)      Guarantee issued by the Vendor to Barclays Bank plc
                        dated 1 May 1992; and

               (b)      each of the Genesco Contracts; and

               (c)      each of the Open Letters of Credit.

               Pending the obtaining of such unconditional release(s) and in
               any event in respect of the Open Letters of Credit, the
               Purchaser shall indemnify and keep indemnified (and shall
               reimburse the Vendor on its first demand) against all and any
               losses or other amounts which the Vendor may be obliged or
               called upon to pay under and/or in respect of and/or by virtue
               of the above guarantee, the Genesco Contracts and/or each of the
               Open Letters of Credit respectively.  In meeting their
               obligations under this clause 4.7 in respect of the Open Letters
               of Credit, the parties shall follow as nearly as possible the
               procedures set out in the document attached to this agreement as
               "Attachment A".  The liability of the Purchaser to indemnify in
               respect of any particular Open Letter of Credit shall be limited
               to the "Liability Amount" attributed to it in Schedule 9,
               subject to any subsequently agreed adjustment.

               Without prejudice to the foregoing, with regard to the Genesco
               Contract referred to as item 1 of Schedule 10, being the
               contract dated 15 December 1993 between (1) the Vendor (2) the
               Company and (3) Asahi Corporation, ("the Asahi Contract"), the
               Vendor hereby assigns to the Purchaser and the Purchaser hereby
               assumes from the Vendor all the Vendor's rights and obligations
               (other than those accrued prior to the Completion Date) under
               the Asahi Contract and the parties shall notify Asahi
               Corporation of such assignment immediately following Completion.

               Without prejudice to the foregoing, with regard to the Genesco
               Contract referred to as item 2 of Schedule 10 being the contract
               dated 31 May 1994 between (1) Francisco Marcos (2) the Company
               and (3) the Vendor, ("the Marcos Contract"), the Vendor hereby
               assigns to the Purchaser and the


               Purchaser hereby assumes from the Vendor all the Vendor's rights
               and obligations (other than those accrued prior to the
               Completion Date) under the Marcos Contract and the parties shall
               notify Francisco Marcos of such assignment immediately following

5.             RETENTION

5.1            The Retention shall be paid into a designated interest-bearing
               account with Lloyds Bank PLC in the joint names of the Vendors'
               Solicitor and the Purchaser's Nominee ("the Stakeholders'
               Account") immediately after Completion and the Retention
               (together with interest accrued thereon) shall be applied in
               accordance with the provisions of this Clause.

5.2            The Retention shall be held in the Stakeholders' Account until
               the Completion Accounts become binding in accordance with
               paragraph 3(D) of Schedule 7.

5.3            Within 14 days of the Completion Accounts becoming so binding,
               the parties shall procure that any amounts payable to the
               Purchaser in accordance with Schedule 7 (together with all
               interest accrued thereon) shall be paid to the Purchaser, and
               any balance of the Retention (together with all interest accrued
               thereon) shall forthwith be released to the Vendor's Solicitor.

5.4            The Vendor and the Purchaser shall promptly give to the Vendor's
               Solicitor and the Purchaser's Nominee respectively all such
               written instructions as shall be


               necessary to give effect to the provisions of this clause and on
               Completion shall issue to the Vendors' Solicitors and the
               Purchaser's Nominee a written undertaking accordingly.

6.             WARRANTIES

6.1            The Vendor hereby represents, warrants and undertakes to the
               Purchaser (for itself and as trustee for its successors in
               title) in the terms of the Warranties and agrees that if any of
               the Warranties is found to be untrue or incorrect, then, subject
               to the provisions of this Agreement the Purchaser shall be
               entitled to claim damages in an amount equal to the amount by
               which the value of the Shares is less than it would have been if
               such Warranty had been true and correct, together with all costs
               and expenses incurred or sustained by the Purchaser as a result
               of such breach.

6.2            The Warranties are given subject to the matters fully and fairly
               disclosed in the Disclosure Letter and in the documents annexed
               thereto but no other information of which the Purchaser may have
               knowledge (actual or constructive) shall reduce the amount
               recoverable in respect of any breach of Warranty.

6.3            Each of the Warranties set out in each paragraph and each
               sub-paragraph of Schedules 4 and 5 shall be separate and
               independent and save as expressly provided shall not be limited
               by reference to any other paragraph or sub-paragraph.

6.4            Where any statement set out in Schedules 4 or 5 is expressed to
               be given or made to the best of the Vendor's knowledge or to the
               best of the Vendor's knowledge and belief after having made all
               proper enquiry, or as qualified in some other manner having
               substantially the same effect, such statement (save where
               otherwise expressly stated) shall be deemed to be qualified by
               the additional statement that the Vendor has made such enquiries
               as are


               reasonable in the circumstances including, in all cases,
               enquiries of the Company.

6.5            (a)      The Purchaser has entered into this Agreement on the
                        basis of the Warranties and in reliance on them.

               (b)      Liability under any of the Warranties shall not be
                        confined to breaches discovered before Completion nor
                        in any way be modified or discharged by Completion.

6.6            Any payment made by the Vendor to the Purchaser in respect of
               claims under the Warranties or under the Tax Deed of Covenant
               shall be treated by the parties as a reduction in the
               consideration for the Shares.

6.7            The benefit of the Warranties shall be capable of being assigned
               in whole or in part.

6.8            In the event of a claim alleging sexual discrimination being
               brought by an individual on the basis of exclusion from
               membership of the Pension Scheme as a result of working fewer
               than 15 hours per week, the Vendor shall indemnify the Purchaser
               against all liabilities and costs arising as a result of any
               such claim but only to the extent that such liabilities and
               costs relate to periods of employment prior to Completion.

               The Purchaser shall promptly inform or shall use its best
               endeavours to procure that the Company promptly informs the
               Vendor of any matter which comes to its attention and which in
               its reasonable opinion may give rise to liability under this
               indemnity and shall conduct any claim according to any
               directions of the Vendor and in particular shall not admit
               liability or settle the liability without the prior consent of
               the Vendor.



7.1            (a)      The Vendor shall be under no liability whatsoever in
                        respect of any breach or non-fulfilment of any of the
                        General Warranties unless the Purchaser has served on
                        the Vendor a written notice on or before the date which
                        is twenty calendar months from the Completion Date
                        referring specifically (so far as is reasonably
                        possible) to the Warranty which the Purchaser alleges
                        has been breached or upon which the Purchaser relies
                        and giving reasonable details (so far as is reasonably
                        possible) of the claim including the Purchaser's best
                        estimate of the amount of the liability of the Vendor
                        in respect thereof and unless (if the relevant claim
                        has not been settled, withdrawn or agreed) proceedings
                        shall have been commenced and served upon the Vendor
                        (and not discontinued) on or before the date which is
                        twenty six calendar months from the Completion Date.

               (b)      The Vendor shall be under no liability whatsoever in
                        respect of any breach or non-fulfilment of any of the
                        Tax Warranties nor in respect of any claim under the
                        Tax Deed of Covenant unless the Purchaser has served on
                        the   Vendor a written notice on or before the seventh
                        anniversary of the Completion Date referring
                        specifically (so far as is reasonably possible) in the
                        case of the Tax Warranties to the Tax Warranty which
                        the Purchaser alleges has been breached or upon which
                        the Purchaser relies and giving reasonable details of
                        the claim including the Purchaser's best estimate of
                        the amount of the liability of the Vendor in respect
                        thereof and unless (if the relevant claim has not been
                        settled, withdrawn or agreed) proceedings shall have
                        been commenced and served upon the Vendor (and not
                        discontinued) on or before the date which is ninety
                        calendar months from the Completion Date.

7.2            The Purchaser acknowledges that save for the Warranties, the
               Purchaser has not relied in relation to the purchase of the
               Shares, and was not induced to purchase the Shares, on or by any
               warranties, representations, undertakings,


               indemnities or covenants of any description, howsoever or
               whatsoever and whether express or implied.  In addition, the
               Purchaser irrevocably and unconditionally waives any right which
               it may have or might have had to claim damages and/or to rescind
               this agreement for any misrepresentation not contained in this
               agreement (or any of the other documents referred to in this
               agreement) or for breach of any express or implied warranties
               not specifically set out in this agreement.

7.3            The Purchaser shall not be entitled to make any claim or claims
               (however many in number) under the Warranties or the Tax Deed of
               Covenant where the sum claimed is less than L.500 or its
               equivalent in other currencies (in the case of USD, converted at
               the Agreed Exchange Rate), and any such claim or claims shall be
               disregarded in computing the figure referred to in sub-clause

7.4            The Vendor shall not be liable in respect of any claim under the
               Warranties or under the Tax Deed of Covenant unless and to the
               extent that the aggregate cumulative liability of the Vendor in
               respect of all such claims exceeds L.50,000 or its equivalent in
               other currencies (in the case of USD, converted at the Agreed
               Exchange Rate) but in such event the Vendor shall be liable in
               respect of the whole amount (subject to sub-clause 7.3) and not
               merely the excess of such claims over such amount.

7.5            The Purchaser shall not be entitled to recover under the
               Warranties and the Tax Deed of Covenant in aggregate any sum in
               excess of the aggregate of:

               (a)      the Purchase Consideration (as adjusted in accordance
                        with the provisions of Schedule 7); and
               (b)      the consideration of US $3,846,560 paid by Pentland
                        Sports Group Limited ("PSG") to the Vendor under the US
                        Agreement in respect of the "Assets" (as defined in the
                        US Agreement) as adjusted in accordance with the
                        provisions of clause 1.3 of the US Agreement;


               LESS the aggregate amount of any claim(s) at any time recovered
               by PSG from the Vendor for breach of any warranty, indemnity or
               representation given to PSG by the Vendor under the terms of the
               US Agreement.

               For the purposes of this clause 7.5, the Agreed Exchange Rate
               shall be used where applicable.

7.6            The liability of the Vendor for breach of any Warranty or for a
               claim under the Tax Deed of Covenant shall be reduced by the
               value of any recoveries which have been, or subsequently are,
               actually received or obtained by the Purchaser or the Company:

               (a)      from any third party responsible for the act, matter or
                        circumstances giving rise to such breach or claim; or

               (b)      from any related insurance monies received in respect

               If any recovery is made after the Vendor has made payment to the
               Purchaser in respect of any such liability, the Purchaser shall
               refund or procure that there is refunded to the Vendor the
               lesser of:

               (i)      the sum of such payment by the Vendor; and

               (ii)      the sum of such recovery;

               in each case after deducting all reasonable costs, charges and
               expenses incurred by the Purchaser or the Company in obtaining
               such recovery.

7.7            If the Vendor pays at any time to the Purchaser or to the
               Company a sum pursuant to a claim in respect of the Warranties
               or under the Tax Deed of Covenant and the Purchaser or the
               Company subsequently becomes entitled to recover from some other
               person any sum in respect of any matter giving rise to such
               claim, the Purchaser shall, and shall procure that the Company


               if the Vendor so requires, at the entire cost of the Vendor, use
               its best endeavours to enforce such recovery, and shall
               immediately repay to the Vendor (without interest) so much of
               the sum paid by the Vendor to the Purchaser or the Company as
               does not exceed the sum recovered from such other person (less
               any costs, charges and expenses incurred by the Purchaser and/or
               the Company in recovering that sum from such other person, which
               have not previously been reimbursed by the Vendor.)

7.8            If the Vendor is liable to the Purchaser under the Warranties or
               pursuant to the Tax Deed of Covenant by reason of an obligation
               of the Company to pay advance corporation tax, or any sum
               recoverable from the Company as if it were advance corporation
               tax, any sum paid to the Purchaser in respect of such liability
               shall be refunded, less any Taxation suffered on such tax, when
               and to the extent that the Company becomes entitled to a
               reduction in liability to mainstream corporation tax by reason
               of such payment. Any payment due from the Purchaser under this
               sub-clause shall be made five Business Days after the date when
               the Company's Taxation liability which has been so reduced
               becomes due and payable.

7.9            The Vendor shall be entitled to require and the Purchaser shall
               procure the auditors of the Company to certify any sum due by
               the Purchaser under sub-clause 7.8.  Unless such certificate is
               challenged by the Vendor within 21 days of its receipt by the
               Vendor then it shall in the absence of manifest error be binding
               on the Vendor.  Following any such challenge by the Vendor and
               unless the matter in dispute can be agreed between the Purchaser
               and the Vendor within 21 days of such challenge then either
               party may at any time thereafter refer the matter in dispute to
               arbitration and the mechanism set out in paragraph 3(C) of
               Schedule 7 shall apply.

7.10           If the Vendor is liable both in respect of a breach of Warranty
               and under the Tax Deed of Covenant, the Purchaser shall be
               entitled to claim in respect of either or both. The Purchaser
               shall not however be entitled to recover from the Vendor under
               the Warranties or the Tax Deed of Covenant more than once in


               respect of the same damage suffered, and accordingly the Vendor
               shall not be liable in respect of any breach of the Warranties
               if and to the extent that the loss is or has been included in a
               claim under the Tax Deed of Covenant which has been satisfied,
               nor shall the Vendor be liable in respect of a claim under the
               Tax Deed of Covenant if and to the extent that the loss is or
               has been included in a claim for breach of the Warranties which
               has been satisfied.

7.11           The Vendors' liability in respect of any breach of any of the
               Warranties or under the Tax Deed of Covenant:

               (a)      shall be reduced by the extent that such liability
                        arises or is increased as a result of any legislation
                        not in force at today's date or of any change or
                        changes in legislation or the withdrawal after today's
                        date of any extra statutory concession previously made
                        by the Inland Revenue or any other fiscal authority
                        whether or not such change or changes or withdrawal
                        purport to be effective retrospectively in whole or in

               (b)      shall be reduced by the extent that such liability
                        arises or is increased as a result of any change in the
                        basis or method of calculation of, or of any increase
                        in the rates of Taxation in either case made or imposed
                        by legislation after Completion with retrospective
                        effect to any period ending before Completion;

               (c)      shall be reduced if and to the extent that such
                        liability is attributable to any act, omission,
                        transaction or arrangement of the Purchaser or the
                        Company after Completion; and

               (d)      shall be reduced if and to the extent that such loss
                        has been or is made good or is otherwise compensated
                        for without cost to the Purchaser or the Company.

7.12           If the relevant loss, damage, cost, expense or liability of the
               Company upon which a claim for breach of any of the Warranties
               or under the Tax Deed of


               Covenant is based, results in a reduction in the Taxation
               actually paid by the Company, then the relevant loss, damage,
               cost, expense or liability recoverable by the Purchaser from the
               Vendor in respect of such claim shall be decreased by the amount
               of such reduction or, as appropriate, the sum payable to the
               Purchaser by the Vendor for breach of the relevant Warranty or
               under the Tax Deed of Covenant shall be so decreased.

7.13           If under any of the provisions in this clause 7 a claim against
               the Vendor is expressed as being reduced by reason of some
               receipt or recovery under any insurance or from any other third
               party, or if the Purchaser is obliged to make any payment to the
               Vendor, the amount of such reduction or payment shall be
               decreased by a sum equal to the Taxation due and payable by the
               Purchaser and/or the Company in respect of such receipt or

7.14           The Vendor shall be entitled to require, and the Purchaser shall
               procure, that the auditors of the Company shall certify any
               decrease referred to in subclause 7.12 or any Taxation referred
               to in subclause 7.13.  Unless such certificate is challenged by
               the Vendor within 21 days of its receipt by the Vendor then it
               shall in the absence of manifest error be binding on the Vendor.
               Following any such challenge by the Vendor and unless the matter
               in dispute can be agreed between the Purchaser and the Vendor
               within 21 days of such challenge then either party may at any
               time thereafter refer the matter in dispute to arbitration and
               the mechanism set out in paragraph 3(C) of Schedule 7 shall

7.15           No claim against the Vendor relating to or arising out of any of
               the Warranties or under the Tax Deed of Covenant shall be made
               to the extent that the subject matter of such claim has been
               reflected in the preparation of the Accounts, or results in an
               adjustment in accordance with Schedule 7 of the consideration to
               be paid by the Purchaser to the Vendor for the Shares.

7.16           The Vendor shall be under no liability under the Warranties in
               respect of any matter fully and fairly disclosed in the
               Disclosure Letter.



8.1            For the purpose of assuring to the Purchaser the full benefit of
               the business and goodwill of the Company and in consideration of
               the agreement of the Purchaser to buy the Shares on the terms
               hereof the Vendor hereby agrees with the Purchaser and its
               successors in title  that it will not at any time hereafter
               divulge or communicate to any person (other than to officers,
               employees or professional advisers of the Vendor whose position
               makes it necessary for them to know the same or to the Purchaser
               or its officers, employees or professional advisers ("authorised
               persons") and save as may be required by the provisions of any
               applicable law or the regulations of any relevant stock
               exchange) any confidential information concerning the business,
               accounts, financial or contractual arrangements or other
               dealings, transactions or affairs of the Company which may be
               within or which may come to its knowledge and that it will use
               its best endeavours to prevent the publication or disclosure of
               any confidential information by any authorised person.  The
               Vendor will at the request of the Purchaser use its reasonable
               endeavours to enforce any contractual rights which the Vendor
               may have to require the return to it of any confidential
               information relating to the Company and previously supplied by
               the Vendor to any prospective purchaser of the Shares or the
               business of the Company.

8.2            Save as may be required by law or by the rules of any stock
               exchange no announcement or information concerning this sale and
               purchase or any ancillary matter shall be made or released
               before or after Completion to the public or to the press
               (national, provincial, local or trade) or the suppliers or
               customers of the Company by any of the parties hereto without
               the prior written consent of the Purchaser and the Vendor which
               will not be unreasonably withheld.  Where any announcement is
               required by law or the rules of any stock exchange the parties
               shall consult with each other prior to such announcement and use
               all reasonable endeavours to agree the terms of such


8.3            No announcement or information concerning this sale and purchase
               or any ancillary matter shall be made after Completion to any
               employees of the Company by the Vendor without the prior
               consent of the Purchaser (which consent shall not be
               unreasonably withheld or delayed) PROVIDED that nothing shall
               restrict the Vendor from making such disclosures to directors of
               the Company as may be reasonably necessary for the performance
               by such directors of their duties.


9.1            The Vendor shall perform such acts and execute such documents as
               may be reasonably required on or after Completion by the
               Purchaser for securing to or vesting in the Purchaser the legal
               and beneficial ownership of the Shares in accordance with the
               terms and conditions of this Agreement and assuring to the
               Purchaser the rights hereby granted.

9.2            The parties shall cause to be made available and shall procure
               that both the Vendor's Accountants and the Purchaser's
               Accountants shall make available to each of the parties all
               information in the possession or control of the Vendor, the
               Company, the Vendor's Accountants, the Purchaser or the
               Purchaser's Accountants which the parties may from time to time
               reasonably require (before or after Completion) relating to the
               business and affairs of the Company (but, in the case of the
               Vendor, in connection with this Agreement only) and each party
               shall permit the other party to have access on reasonable notice
               and at reasonable times to documents containing such information
               and to take copies thereof.

10.            INTEREST

               If any party fails to make any payment hereunder on the due date
               or within the applicable period for payment, such party shall
               pay interest on the amount for the time being outstanding at the
               rate of 3% per annum above the base lending rate of Barclays
               Bank plc for the time being in force on the basis of actual days


               elapsed from the due date for payment or from the date of expiry
               of such period (as the case may be) until payment in full (after
               as well as before judgement).


11.1           Each of the obligations, warranties, indemnities and
               undertakings accepted or given by the Vendor or the Purchaser
               pursuant to this Agreement (hereinafter called "the
               Obligations"), excluding any of the Obligations fully performed
               at Completion, shall continue in full force and effect
               notwithstanding Completion taking place.

11.2           The parties recognise that Roger Holmes ("RH") has reserved the
               right to contend that his employment with the Company is
               governed by an alleged undated agreement between himself and
               Grampian Holdings Plc ("Grampian") which he has signed but which
               RH has acknowledged has not been signed by Grampian.  The Vendor
               has never acknowledged to RH that it considers such contract to
               be in force.

               In the event that the Purchaser causes the Company to terminate
               RH's employment with the Company at any time on or before 30
               November 1995, then

               (a)      The Vendor and the Purchaser shall each use all
                        reasonable efforts to minimise the level of damages or
                        compensation which may be payable to RH as a result of
                        such termination and, in particular, the parties shall
                        cause the Company to challenge any contention by RH
                        that he is entitled to more than 12 months' notice of
                        termination under the terms of his employment and the
                        Vendor shall seek to give such evidential support as it
                        can in support of such contention; and

               (b)      The Vendor shall reimburse the Company for any amount
                        which the Company is obliged to pay to RH by way of
                        damages for wrongful


                        dismissal (but excluding compensation for unfair
                        dismissal or redundancy) to the extent that (if such be
                        the case) such damages are increased by virtue of RH
                        establishing that the notice period under the terms of
                        his employment with the Company exceeds 12 months, but
                        subject to a maximum reimbursement obligation on the
                        Vendor of L.50,000.  No settlement of any claim for
                        such damages in respect of which the Vendor will be
                        obliged to make a contribution will be made without the
                        prior approval of the Vendor, such approval not to be
                        unreasonably withheld.

12.            COSTS

               Each party to this Agreement shall pay its own costs, charges
               and expenses incurred in the preparation, completion and
               implementation of this Agreement (and the documents referred to

13.            NOTICES

13.1           Any notice or other communication to be given or made under this
               Agreement or the Tax Deed of Covenant must be in writing and
               shall either be delivered personally or sent by first class
               registered post or facsimile transmission.  The address for
               service of each of the parties shall be the following address or
               such other address as the party to be served may have previously
               notified to the other:

               To the Vendor:            Genesco Inc.,
                                         490 Genesco Park
                                         Tennessee 37202
                                         Tel:    001 - 615 - 3678325
                                         Fax:    001 - 615 - 3677421
                                         Attention:   James S Gulmi


               To the Purchaser:         Pentland Industries Ltd
                                         The Pentland Centre
                                         Squires Lane
                                         London, N3 2QL
                                         Tel:   0181 346 2600
                                         Fax:   0181 346 2700
                                         Attention:   Frank A Farrant
                                         With a copy for information to Clive 
                                         R Kelly, General Counsel at the same

               All notices shall be deemed to have been served as follows:

               (a)      if personally delivered, at the time of delivery;

               (b)      if posted by first class registered post, at the
                        expiration of 72 hours after the envelope containing
                        the same was delivered into the custody of the postal
                        authorities and shall be effective notwithstanding that
                        it may be misdelivered or returned undelivered;  and

               (c)      if communicated by facsimile transmission, at the time
                        of transmission provided that a copy of such facsimile
                        transmission is posted by first class registered post
                        on the same day.

               PROVIDED that where, in the case of delivery by hand or
               transmission by facsimile, such delivery or transmission occurs
               after 6 pm on a Business Day or on a day which is not a Business
               Day, service shall be deemed to occur at 9 am on the next
               following Business Day.

13.2           In proving such service it shall be sufficient to prove that
               such personal delivery was made, or that the envelope containing
               such notice was properly addressed and delivered into the
               custody of the postal authorities as a pre-paid first class


               registered letter, and that the facsimile transmission was made
               after obtaining in person or by telephone appropriate evidence
               of the capacity of the addressee to receive the same, as the
               case may be.

13.3           The Vendor hereby appoints the Vendor's Solicitor as its
               representative who may (without prejudice to the right of the
               Vendor to do so itself) authorise the making of any request,
               election, proposal or consent expressed to be made on behalf of
               the Vendor to the Purchaser.

14.            SEVERABILITY

               If any provision or provisions of this Agreement (or of any
               document referred to herein) is or at any time becomes illegal,
               invalid or unenforceable in any respect, the legality, validity
               and enforceability of the remaining provisions of this Agreement
               (or such document) shall not in any way be affected or impaired


15.1           This Agreement (together with the other documents referred to
               herein) constitutes the entire agreement between the parties in
               relation to the transactions referred to herein or therein and
               supersedes any previous agreement between the parties in
               relation to such transactions.

15.2           Each of the parties hereto confirms that, in agreeing to enter
               into this Agreement, it has not relied on any representation,
               warranty or undertaking except those contained in this Agreement
               and (by way of qualification to the Warranties) the Disclosure

15.3           No variation of any of the terms of this Agreement (or of any
               other documents referred to herein) shall be effective unless it
               is in writing and signed by or on behalf of each of the parties
               hereto or thereto.  The expression "variation" shall include any
               variation, supplement, deletion or replacement however effected.



16.1           Any right of rescission or termination conferred upon either
               party under this Agreement shall (unless otherwise expressed) be
               in addition to and without prejudice to all other rights and
               remedies available to it by reason of any breach of any
               provisions of this Agreement.

16.2           No delay or omission of either party in exercising any right,
               power or privilege hereunder shall operate to impair such right,
               power or privilege or be construed as a waiver thereof and no
               single or partial exercise or non-exercise of any right, power
               or privilege shall in any circumstances preclude any other or
               further exercise thereof or the exercise of any other right,
               power or privilege.

16.3           The Vendor agrees that it and its nominees hereby waive any
               rights which may have been conferred on them under the Articles
               of Association of the Company or otherwise or in any other way
               to have any of the Shares offered to them for purchase at any
               time on or before the transfer of the Shares pursuant to the
               provisions of this Agreement.


               This Agreement (together with all documents referred to herein
               and unless otherwise provided for therein) shall be governed by
               and construed and take effect in accordance with English law and
               each of the parties hereto submits to the non-exclusive
               jurisdiction of the High Court of England.


AS WITNESS the hands of the parties hereto or of their duly authorised
representatives the day and year first before written.

SIGNED by [Roger G. Sisson]      )
for and on behalf of             )
GENESCO INC.                     )      /s/ Roger G. Sisson

SIGNED by [John S. McLaren]      )
for and on behalf of             )
LIMITED                          )      /s/ John S. McLaren