EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934 (AMENDMENT NO.   )

Filed by the Registrant /X/

Filed by a Party other than the Registrant / /

Check the appropriate box:


/ /  Preliminary Proxy Statement                        / / Confidential, for Use of the Commission
                                                            Only (as permitted by Rule 14a-6(e)(2))
/X/  Definitive Proxy Statement
/ /  Definitive Additional Materials 
/ /  Soliciting Material Pursuant to Rule 14a-11(c) or Rule 14a-12

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
               (Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if other than the Registrant)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):

/ /  $125 per Exchange Act Rules 0-11(c)(1)(ii), 14a-6(i)(1), or 14a-6(i)(2) or
     Item 22(a)(2) of Schedule 14A.

/ /  $500 per each party to the controversy pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 

/ /  Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(4) and 0-11.

     (1)  Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:

     (2)  Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:

     (3)  Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed
          pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (Set forth the amount on which the
          filing fee is calculated and state how it was determined):

     (4)  Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:

     (5)  Total fee paid:
/X/  Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.

/ /  Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act Rule
0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which the offsetting fee was paid
previously. Identify the previous filing by registration statement number, 
or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.

     (1)  Amount Previously Paid:

     (2)  Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:

     (3)  Filing Party:

     (4)  Date Filed:
                 [Alabama National Bancorporation Letterhead]

                                May 16, 1996

To the Stockholders of Alabama National BanCorporation:

You are invited to attend the 1996 Annual Meeting of Stockholders of Alabama
National BanCorporation, which will be held at the principal office of the
Company, 1927 First Avenue North, Birmingham, Alabama, on Thursday, June 6,
1996 at 10:00 a.m., CDT.  Formal notice of the Annual Meeting, a Proxy
Statement, and a form of proxy accompany this letter.

Also enclosed is the Company's 1995 Annual Report to Stockholders.

At the Annual Meeting, stockholders will consider for approval amendments to
the Certificate of Incorporation of the Company to eliminate various
anti-takeover provisions, elect directors for the forthcoming year and consider
for approval the Company's Performance Share Plan and Deferred Compensation
Plan for Directors Who Are Not Employees of the Company.  The Performance Share
Plan provides for incentive compensation to key employees of the Company and
the Deferred Compensation Plan allows eligible directors of the Company to
voluntarily elect to defer certain compensation.  Please carefully consider the
enclosed Proxy Statement and execute and return your proxy so that the Company
may be assured of the presence of a quorum at the Annual Meeting.  A postage
prepaid envelope is enclosed for your convenience in replying.  The prompt
return of your proxy will be of great assistance in reducing the expense of
subsequent mailings.  If you attend the Annual Meeting, and so elect, you may
withdraw your proxy and vote in person.


                                        /s/ John H. Holcomb, III
                                        John H. Holcomb, III
                                        Chairman of the Board and
                                        Chief Executive Officer


                            1927 FIRST AVENUE NORTH
                           BIRMINGHAM, ALABAMA  35203

                            TO BE HELD JUNE 6, 1996


         NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Annual Meeting of Stockholders (the
"Annual Meeting") of Alabama National BanCorporation ("ANB") will be held at
10:00 a.m., local time, on Thursday, June 6, 1996, at National Bank of Commerce
of Birmingham, 1927 First Avenue North, Birmingham, Alabama 35203, for the
following purposes:

         1.      To consider and vote upon proposed amendments to the
                 Certificate of Incorporation of ANB that will eliminate the
                 classification of the Board of Directors so that all directors
                 will serve until the next annual meeting of the stockholders
                 and that will eliminate the requirement for a super majority
                 vote to remove a director and approve certain amendments to
                 ANB's Certificate of Incorporation and ByLaws; and

         2.      If the proposed Amendment to the Certificate of Incorporation
                 is approved by the stockholders, to elect 13 directors to
                 serve on the ANB Board of Directors until the next annual
                 meeting and their successors are duly elected and qualified;
                 if not so approved, then to elect two (2) directors of ANB to
                 serve for one (1) year terms, two (2) directors of ANB to
                 serve for two (2) year terms, and five (5) directors of ANB to
                 serve for three (3) year terms, or in each case until their
                 successors are duly elected and qualified; and

         3.      To consider and act upon a proposal to approve the adoption of
                 the Alabama National BanCorporation Performance Share Plan;

         4.      To consider and act upon a proposal to approve the adoption of
                 the Alabama National BanCorporation Deferred Compensation Plan
                 For Directors Who Are Not Employees Of The Company; and

         5.      To transact such other business as may properly come before
                 the Annual Meeting or any adjournment or postponement thereof.

         The Board of Directors has set April 25, 1996 as the record date for
the Annual Meeting.  Only stockholders of record of ANB's common stock at the
close of business on the record date will be entitled to notice of, and to vote
at, the Annual Meeting.

         The Annual Meeting may be adjourned from time to time without notice
other than announcement at the meeting or adjournments thereof, and any
business for which notice is hereby given may be transacted at any such

         Details concerning those matters to come before the Annual Meeting are
provided in the accompanying Proxy Statement.  A copy of ANB's Annual Report to
Stockholders for the year ended December 31, 1995 is enclosed.  We hope you
will find it informative.


                                        By order of the Board of Directors,

                                        /s/ Kimberly Moore
                                        Kimberly Moore
                                        May 16, 1996


                            1927 FIRST AVENUE NORTH
                           BIRMINGHAM, ALABAMA  35203

                                PROXY STATEMENT
                         ANNUAL MEETING OF STOCKHOLDERS
                            TO BE HELD JUNE 6, 1996


         This Proxy Statement is furnished in connection with the solicitation
of proxies by the Board of Directors of Alabama National BanCorporation, a
Delaware bank holding corporation ("ANB"), to be voted at the Annual Meeting of
Stockholders (the "Annual Meeting") to be held at 10:00 a.m., local time, on
Thursday, June 6, 1996, at National Bank of Commerce of Birmingham, 1927 First
Avenue North, Birmingham, Alabama 35203, or at any adjournment or postponement
thereof.  The proxy statement and proxy card are first being mailed to the
stockholders of ANB on or about May 16, 1996.

         ANB will bear the cost of the solicitation of proxies.  ANB will
request brokers or nominees to forward this Proxy Statement to their customers
and principals and will reimburse them for expenses so incurred.  If deemed
necessary, ANB may also use its officers and regular employees, without
additional compensation, to solicit proxies personally or by telephone.

         The Board of Directors has set April 25, 1996, as the record date for
the Annual Meeting.  Only stockholders of record at the close of business on
the record date will be entitled to notice of and to vote at the Annual
Meeting.  At the close of business on the record date, there were 6,200,418
shares of the common stock of ANB, par value $1.00 per share ("ANB Common
Stock"), outstanding with each stockholder entitled to one vote in person or by
proxy for each share of ANB Common Stock on all matters properly to come before
the Annual Meeting.


         At the Annual Meeting, the stockholders will first be asked to approve
a proposed amendment to ANB's Certificate of Incorporation that will eliminate
its classified Board of Directors so that all directors' terms will expire at
the annual meeting of stockholders next following their election and that will
eliminate the requirement for a two-thirds majority vote to remove a director
and to approve certain amendments to ANB's Certificate of Incorporation and
ByLaws.  If the proposed amendment is so approved, the stockholders will elect
thirteen  (13) directors to serve on ANB's Board of Directors until the next
annual meeting of the Stockholders and until their successors are elected and
qualified.  If the proposed amendment is not adopted, the stockholders will
elect two (2) directors to serve until the 1997 annual meeting, two (2)
directors to serve until the 1998 annual meeting, and five (5) directors to
serve until the 1999 annual meeting as required by the Certificate of
Incorporation of ANB as currently in effect.  The stockholders will also be
asked to consider and approve a proposed Performance Share Plan for ANB
employees and a Deferred Compensation Plan for directors who are not employees
of ANB.

         The Certificate of Incorporation of ANB currently requires the
affirmative vote of the holders of 67% of the outstanding shares of ANB Common
Stock to approve any amendment to the Certificate of Incorporation that will
eliminate the classification of the Board of Directors into three classes of
directors serving terms of three years; to approve any action that will remove
a director prior to the expiration of his term; and to approve any amendment to
the Certificate of Incorporation that will eliminate such "super-majority"
voting requirements.  ANB's ByLaws provide that a majority of the stockholders
entitled to vote and represented either in person or by proxy at a meeting of
the stockholders constitutes a quorum.  The approval of the ANB Stock
Performance Plan and the ANB Deferred Compensation Plan for Directors Who Are
Not Employees of the Company requires the affirmative vote of at least a
majority of the stockholders present in person or by proxy at a meeting at
which a quorum is present.  Directors


are elected by a plurality of the votes cast by the stockholders present in
person or by proxy at a meeting at which a quorum is present.

         A stockholder may abstain with respect to certain proposals submitted
for stockholder approval.  Abstentions will be counted for purposes of
determining the presence or absence of a quorum for the transaction of business
at the Annual Meeting.  Since the election of directors is determined by the
votes cast at the meeting, abstentions counted as "present" for purposes of the
presence or absence of a quorum will have no effect on the outcome of the
voting of the stockholders at the Annual Meeting with respect to the election
of directors.  In the case of the approval of the proposed amendment to the ANB
Certificate of Incorporation, the approval of the ANB Stock Performance Plan
and the approval of the ANB Deferred Compensation Plan for Directors Who Are
Not Employees of the Company, abstentions may be used to obtain the necessary
quorum but will be considered as "no" votes with respect to each such
respective matter since the approval of the proposed amendment to the ANB
Certificate of Incorporation requires the affirmative vote of a specified
super-majority of the outstanding shares and the approval of the ANB Stock
Performance Plan and the ANB Deferred Compensation Plan for Directors Who Are
Not Employees of the Company  each require the affirmative vote of the shares
present at the meeting.

         Please sign, date and return the Proxy in the enclosed envelope so the
Common Stock you own will be voted in accordance with your wishes.  If you
desire to revoke your Proxy, you may do so either by attending the Annual
Meeting in person or by delivering written notice of revocation so that it is
received by ANB or its transfer agent, AmSouth Bank, on or before June 5, 1996.
The address for AmSouth Bank is 700 AmSouth/Harbert Plaza, 1901 Sixth Avenue
North, Birmingham, Alabama  35203, Attention:  Corporate Trust Division.


         On December 29, 1995 (the "Effective Date"), ANB consummated its
merger (the "Merger") with National Commerce Corporation ("NCC") and Commerce
Bankshares, Inc. ("CBS"), which were two related bank and thrift holding
companies that had as their subsidiaries National Bank of Commerce of
Birmingham, a national banking association ("NBC") and Talladega Federal
Savings and Loan Association, a federal savings and loan association ("TFSLA").
As a result of the Merger, the former stockholders of NCC and CBS became
stockholders of ANB,  and NBC and TFSLA became wholly owned subsidiaries of
ANB.  TFSLA was simultaneously merged into ANB's wholly owned subsidiary,
Citizens Bank of Talladega, an Alabama bank, pursuant to a separate merger

         The Merger was effected in accordance with that certain Agreement and
Plan of Merger dated June 1, 1995, as amended September 18, 1995 (the "Merger
Agreement") which provided for, among other things, (i) the payment of
$10,711,000 in redemption of all of the issued and outstanding preferred stock
of NCC; (ii) the conversion of each of the 7,000 outstanding shares of NCC
common stock into the right to receive 348.14 shares of ANB Common Stock, for a
total of 2,436,964 shares of ANB  Common Stock; (iii) the conversion of each of
the 95,126 outstanding shares of CBS common stock (which included all
outstanding shares other than those held by NCC) into the right to receive
7.0435 shares of ANB Common Stock for a total of 670,017 shares of ANB Common
Stock; and (iv) the substitution of options to acquire 225,392 shares of ANB
Common Stock for options to acquire 32,000 shares of CBS Common Stock that were
previously outstanding.  In accordance with the terms of the Merger Agreement
and subject to the consummation of the Merger, ANB made a successful tender
offer for the purchase from its stockholders of 360,400 shares of ANB Common
Stock at a cash price equal to $13.79 per share (the "ANB Cash Election").
Upon consummation of the transactions contemplated by the Merger Agreement, the
former stockholders of NCC and CBS owned approximately 50.1% of the shares of
ANB Common Stock, thereby shifting control of ANB from the then ANB
stockholders to the former stockholders of NCC and CBS.  See "CERTAIN

         After the Merger was effected, a group of former stockholders of NCC
and CBS filed a Schedule 13G indicating that they should be considered a group
for purposes of acquiring, holding, voting and disposing of the shares of ANB
Common Stock issued to them in the Merger.  The members of the group include
James R. McWane, individually and in his capacity as trustee for the trusts
created for his adult children, C. Phillip McWane and Anna McWane; G. Ruffner
Page, Jr., individually and in his capacity as trustee for trusts created for
the benefit of Mr. McWane's adult children, Anna


McWane and J. R. McWane, Jr.; C. Phillip McWane, individually; Betty T. McMahon
and her husband, John J. McMahon, Jr.; John H. Holcomb, III; and Victor E.
Nichol, Jr.  According to the Schedule 13G filed with ANB, this group of former
stockholders of NCC and CBS beneficially owns 2,867,460 shares or 46.2% of the
outstanding shares of ANB Common Stock.  The persons who were officers and
directors of ANB prior to the Merger tendered a total of 271,302 shares of ANB
Common Stock pursuant to the ANB Cash Election.  The tender of such shares,
when combined with the shares of ANB Common Stock issued in the Merger,
resulted in a reduction of their collective beneficial ownership of
approximately 24.7% of the then outstanding ANB Common Stock to approximately
9.4% of the outstanding shares of ANB Common Stock after the Merger.  See

         ANB's Certificate of Incorporation was amended in the Merger to
increase the size of the Board of Directors to fifteen directors.  After the
Merger, the Board of Directors elected to increase the size of the Board from
seven to fifteen members in order to allow NCC to appoint eight of the fifteen
directors.  Each of such eight directors have been nominated for election by
the Stockholders  at the Annual Meeting, namely Messrs. Hackney, Holcomb,
Johns, McWane, Nabers, Nichol, Page, and Starnes.  See "ELECTION OF DIRECTORS -

                               PROPOSAL TO AMEND
                          CERTIFICATE OF INCORPORATION
                                     OF ANB


         The ANB Certificate of Incorporation contains a number of provisions
which may be deemed to be anti-takeover provisions.  Certain of these
provisions are designed to prevent a change of control of the Board of
Directors of ANB by less than a substantial majority of the stockholders and to
limit the ability of the stockholders to amend the Certificate of Incorporation
and ByLaws.  These provisions include a classified Board of Directors,
super-majority voting requirements for the removal of a director by the
stockholders, and a super-majority voting requirement for the amendment of
certain provisions of the Certificate of Incorporation and ByLaws by the

         As a result of the Merger, the former stockholders of NCC and CBS now
control ANB, and certain of those stockholders having the beneficial ownership
of more than 46% of the outstanding ANB Common Stock have filed a Schedule 13G
indicating they should be considered a group for purposes of acquiring,
holding, voting and disposing of ANB Common Stock. Further, the Merger
Agreement amended the ANB Certificate of Incorporation to allow for an increase
in the number of directors so that representatives of former stockholders of
NCC and CBS could control the Board of Directors of ANB after the Merger by
filling the vacancies created on the Board.  The proposed amendments to the
Certificate of Incorporation are intended to make the Board of Directors more
responsive to the stockholders by requiring all directors to be elected by the
stockholders at each annual meeting and by allowing a majority of the
stockholders to remove a director and amend the Certificate of Incorporation
and ByLaws in all respects.


         The following information will describe generally each of the
amendments to the ANB Certificate of Incorporation that the Board of Directors
has proposed to be adopted by the stockholders (the "Proposed Amendments").


         Elimination of Classified Board of Directors

         The ANB Certificate of Incorporation currently divides the ANB Board
into three classes of Directors serving staggered three-year terms.  As a
result, approximately one-third of the ANB Board of Directors is elected at
each annual meeting of stockholders.  The classification of directors, together
with the provisions described below that limit the ability of stockholders to
remove a director, has the effect of making it more difficult for the
stockholders to change the composition of the Board of Directors.  As a result
of such classification, at least two annual meetings of stockholders may be
required for the stockholders to change a majority of the directors, whether or
not a change in the ANB Board of Directors would be beneficial to ANB and its
stockholders and whether or not a majority of ANB's stockholders believe that
such change would be desirable.

         The Proposed Amendments will eliminate the classified Board of
Directors.  As a result of such amendment, the directors of ANB will be elected
in accordance with the General Corporation Law of Delaware (the "Delaware
Law").  The Proposed Amendments do not provide for cumulative voting.

         Under the Delaware Law, a corporation is required to have an annual
meeting of stockholders for the election of directors at a date or time or in a
manner provided in the ByLaws.  A majority of the shares of stock entitled to
vote, in person or by proxy, constitute a quorum for the annual meeting, and
directors are elected by a plurality of the votes of shares present in person
or represented by proxy at the meeting and entitled to vote on the directors.
A director is elected until his successor is elected and qualified or until his
earlier resignation or removal.

         If the Proposed Amendments are adopted each director elected at the
annual meeting will serve until the next annual meeting of the stockholders of
ANB.  The ByLaws of ANB currently provide that the annual meeting will be held
on the first Friday of June in each year or such other time and place as may be
designated by the Board of Directors and stated in the notice of the meeting.
The Delaware Law further provides that if the annual meeting is not held on the
date designated therefor, the Board of Directors will cause the meeting to be
held as soon as practicable, and if not held within 30 days after its
designated date, a stockholder or director may petition the Delaware Court of
Chancery to order the annual meeting to be held.

         Elimination of Super-Majority Vote to Remove a Director

         The ANB Certificate of Incorporation currently requires the
affirmative vote of 67% of the total voting power of all outstanding securities
in order to remove a director.  Further, the Delaware Law provides that a
director can only be removed for cause if the corporation has a classified
Board of Directors and does not specifically provide for removal without cause
in the Certificate of Incorporation.  The ANB Certificate of Incorporation does
not specifically provide for the removal of a director without cause.

         The Proposed Amendments will eliminate the classified Board of
Directors and will eliminate the requirement that a director may only be
removed with the affirmative vote of 67% of the voting power of ANB's voting

         If the Proposed Amendments are adopted, the removal of a director will
be made in accordance with the Delaware Law.  In the absence of a classified
Board of Directors and cumulative voting, the Delaware Law permits the holders
of a majority of shares then entitled to vote at an election of directors to
remove any director or the entire Board of Directors with or without cause.

         Elimination of Super-Majority Vote to Amend Certain Provisions of the
Certificate of Incorporation and ByLaws

         The ANB Certificate of Incorporation currently provides that the
affirmative vote of the holders of more than 67% of the outstanding voting
securities is required to amend provisions of its Certificate of Incorporation
relating to the classification of the Board of Directors, the vote required for
the removal of directors, and the vote required for amendment of the ANB ByLaws
by stockholders (described below) as well as provisions relating to the


of action by the stockholders by written consent.  The ANB Certificate of
Incorporation also provides that the ANB ByLaws may be amended by the ANB Board
of Directors or by the affirmative vote of the holders of 67% of the
outstanding voting stock of ANB.

         If the Proposed Amendments are adopted, all amendments to the ANB
Certificate of Incorporation will require approval of the stockholders in
accordance with the requirements of the Delaware Law.  Generally, the Delaware
Law requires the affirmative vote of the holders of a majority of the
outstanding shares entitled to vote thereon, and if there are classes of stock,
the affirmative vote of a majority of each class of stock entitled to vote
thereon, in order to approve an amendment to the Certificate of Incorporation.

         The Proposed Amendments also eliminate the super-majority vote for the
amendment of the ByLaws by the stockholders.  Under the Delaware Law, the
ByLaws may be amended only by the stockholders unless the Certificate of
Incorporation also confers on the Board of Directors the power to amend the
ByLaws.  The Proposed Amendments retain the authority of the Board of Directors
to amend the ByLaws, but provide that the ByLaws may also be amended by the
affirmative vote of the holders of a majority of the voting stock of ANB.


         At its meeting on April 25, 1996, the Board of Directors unanimously
approved the Proposed Amendments to the ANB Certificate of Incorporation and
directed that the Proposed Amendments be submitted to the stockholders for


                             ELECTION OF DIRECTORS

         If the Proposed Amendments to ANB's Certificate of Incorporation are
adopted, the Board of Directors of ANB has nominated thirteen persons for
election as directors to serve until the next annual meeting of stockholders
and their successors are elected and qualified.  The persons nominated will
fill vacancies created upon the expiration of the terms of ten directors and
upon the agreement of four directors to end their respective terms at the 1996
Annual Meeting if the proposed amendment is adopted.  The Board of Directors
has elected not to nominate persons to fill the vacancies created upon the
resignation of James A. Taylor as a director and upon the expiration of the
term of Carl A. Bailey who has voluntarily requested not to be nominated due to
personal reasons.

         In the event the proposed amendment is not adopted, ANB's Certificate
of Incorporation currently requires that the Board of Directors be divided into
three classes as nearly equal in size as possible serving staggered terms of
three years each.  As the terms of ten directors will expire at the 1996 Annual
Meeting (including Mr. Bailey), the Board of Directors has designated nine
nominees, and the class in which each will be elected, if the proposed
amendment is not adopted.

         The persons named in the enclosed Proxy Card have advised that, unless
a contrary direction is indicated on the enclosed Proxy Card, they intend to
vote the shares appointing them as proxies in favor of the nominees named
herein.  If any of the nominees should be unable to serve, and the Board of
Directors does not anticipate this will occur, the proxies will be voted for a
substitute selected by the Board of Directors, or the Board of Directors may
decide not to elect an additional person as a director.  Vacancies that occur
on ANB's Board of Directors may be filled by the remaining directors until the
next annual meeting of stockholders.  The Board of Directors has no current
intention to fill the two vacancies on the Board of Directors prior to the next
annual meeting.


         Below is a description of each of the persons who the Board of
Directors has nominated for election as directors of ANB at the 1996 Annual
Meeting to serve for terms to expire as indicated.  The stock ownership with
respect to each nominee for election as a director is set forth in the table
under "Principal Stockholders."

         JAMES R. ANDREWS, M.D., 53, has served as a director of ANB since
1989.  Dr. Andrews is an orthopedic surgeon specializing in sports-related
injuries.  Dr. Andrews serves on the Board of Directors of Omega

         T. MORRIS HACKNEY, 64, has served as director of ANB since the
Effective Date of the Merger.  Mr. Hackney is currently Chairman, President,
Chief Executive Officer and a director of Citation Corporation, where he has
served since 1975.

         JOHN H. HOLCOMB, III, 44, served as President, Chief Operating Officer
and a director of ANB since  the Effective Date of the Merger.  Effective April
30, 1996, Mr. Holcomb became Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer
of ANB upon the resignation of James A. Taylor.  Mr. Holcomb served as
President and Chief Executive Officer of NBC since July 1990, and as President
and Chief Executive Officer, and director of CBS since its incorporation in
April 1995.

         JOHN D. JOHNS, 44, has served as a director of ANB since the Effective
Date of the Merger.  Mr. Johns is currently the Executive Vice President and
Chief Financial Officer of Protective Life Corporation and has served in such
capacity since 1993.  From 1988 until 1993, Mr. Johns was Vice President and
General Counsel of Sonat, Inc.


         C. PHILLIP MCWANE, 38, has served as a director of ANB since the
Effective Date of the Merger.  Mr. McWane has served as the President of
McWane, Inc. since December of 1995 and Executive Vice President of McWane,
Inc. since 1991.

         DRAYTON NABERS, JR., 55, has served as a director of ANB since the
Effective Date of the Merger.  Mr. Nabers has served as Chairman, President and
Chief Executive Officer of Protective Life Corporation since 1994, as President
and Chief Executive Officer of Protective Life Corporation from 1993 to 1994,
and as President and Chief Operating Officer of Protective Life Corporation
from 1991 to 1993.  Mr. Nabers also serves as a director of Energen.

         VICTOR E. NICHOL, JR., 49, served as Executive Vice President and a
director of ANB since the Effective Date of the Merger.  Effective April 30,
1996, Mr. Nichol became President and Chief Operating Officer of ANB to fill
the vacancy created upon the promotion of Mr. Holcomb.  Mr. Nichol is currently
the Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of NBC and has served
in such position since 1994.  From 1992 to 1993, Mr. Nichol was President and
Chief Executive Officer of Secor Bank.  Prior to 1992, Mr. Nichol served as
Senior Executive Vice President and head of Corporate Banking at AmSouth Bank,

         G. RUFFNER PAGE, JR., 37, has served as a director of ANB since the
Effective Date of the Merger.  Mr. Page is currently a Vice President of
McWane, Inc. and has served in such position since 1994.  Mr. Page served as an
Executive Vice President and Senior Loan Officer at NBC from 1990 to 1993.  Mr.
Page serves as a director of Protective Investment Company.

         W. STANCIL STARNES, 47, has served as a director of ANB since the
Effective Date of the Merger.  Mr. Starnes is currently the senior partner in
the law firm of Starnes & Atchison.  Mr. Starnes earned a doctor of
jurisprudence from the Cumberland School of Law in 1972.

         WILLIAM V. MUSE, PH.D., 57, whose term otherwise expires in 1997, has
served on the Board of Directors of ANB since March 23, 1994.  Dr. Muse has
served as the President of Auburn University since 1992.  He served as the
President of the University of Akron from 1984 until 1992.

         FRANK W. WHITEHEAD, C.P.A., 63, whose term otherwise expires in 1997,
has served as Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer and a director
of ANB since December 1991.  Since April 7, 1994, Mr. Whitehead has also served
as Treasurer of ANB.  Prior to joining ANB, Mr. Whitehead was a partner in the
public accounting firm of Dudley, Hopton- Jones, Sims & Freeman, Certified
Public Accountants, for 28 years.

         JAMES MAILON KENT, JR., 55, whose term otherwise expires in 1998, has
served as a director of ANB since 1988 and served as Vice Chairman of the Board
of Directors until April 7, 1994.  Mr. Kent is the owner of Mailon Kent
Insurance Agency in Birmingham.

         RONALD W. ORSO, M.D., 49, whose term otherwise expires in 1998, has
served as a director of ANB since 1988.  Dr. Orso practices in the field of
obstetrics and gynecology in Birmingham, Alabama, and is the Chairman of the
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Baptist Medical Center.

         If the proposed amendments to ANB's Certificate of Incorporation are
approved by the stockholders, each of the above named persons has been
nominated for election as a director until the next annual meeting.  If the
proposed amendment to ANB's Certificate of Incorporation of ANB is not approved
by the stockholders, Dr. Andrews and Mr. Starnes have been nominated to serve
until the 1997 annual meeting; Messrs. Nabers and Hackney have been nominated
to serve until the 1998 annual meeting; and Messrs. Holcomb, Johns, McWane,
Nichol and Page have been nominated to serve until the 1999 annual meeting.  In
such event, Messrs. Muse, Whitehead, Kent and Orso will continue to serve on
the Board of Directors for their respective terms.




         The ByLaws of ANB provide for four standing committees of the Board of
Directors:  the Executive Committee; the Nominating Committee; the Audit
Committee and the Compensation Committee.  The Executive Committee has the
authority to exercise the full power of the Board of Directors, except that the
Executive Committee may not approve any merger, consolidation or sale of
substantially all of the assets of ANB, approve any amendment to ANB's
Certificate of Incorporation or ByLaws, appoint any members of any committee of
the Board of Directors or declare any dividend or distribution.

         The Nominating Committee meets annually to nominate persons for
election as directors of ANB at the Annual Meeting of the Stockholders.  The
nominating committee met once on December 29, 1995 to recommend nominees for
the eight vacancies created on the Board of Directors as a result of the Merger
and for the election of such nominees at the 1996 Annual Meeting of the
Stockholders. No formal procedures whereby individual stockholders can submit
recommendations of persons to be considered for nomination as a director of the
Company have been instituted.  However, the committee would consider any such
recommendations made to it in writing on a timely basis.

         The Audit Committee recommends to the Board of Directors the
appointment of independent auditors to audit the books, records and accounts of
ANB and each subsidiary bank (the "Banks"); discusses with the independent
auditors the plan and scope of their examination of the books and records of
ANB and the Banks and reviews the results thereof prior to publication; reviews
all recommendations made by the independent auditors regarding accounting
methods used and the system of internal controls utilized by ANB and advises
the Board of Directors with respect thereto.  The Audit Committee met once in

         The Compensation Committee is authorized to recommend to the Board of
Directors from time-to-time the compensation to be paid to all officers,
directors and committee members ("Executive Compensation") of ANB.  The
Executive Compensation may include, but is not limited to, salary, bonus, stock
options, stock appreciation rights, restricted stock awards, other annual
compensation and any mixture thereof as the Compensation Committee deems
appropriate in light of the performance of ANB.  The Compensation Committee met
three times in 1995.

         During 1995, Messrs. Taylor, Kent and Bailey served on the Executive
Committee; Messrs. Kent, Taylor and Whitehead served on the Nominating
Committee; Drs. Andrews. Muse and Orso served on the Audit Committee (with
Messrs.  Taylor and Whitehead serving as ex officio members); and Mr. Bailey
and Drs. Andrews and Orso served on the Compensation Committee (with Mr.
Whitehead serving as an ex officio member).  Other than Drs. Andrews and Muse,
none of the incumbent directors attended less than 75% of the aggregate of (1)
the total number of meetings of the Board of Directors and (2) the total number
of meetings held by all committees of the Board of Directors on which he
served.  None of the eight directors appointed as a result of the Merger have
been appointed to a committee with the exception of Mr. Johns who was appointed
to the Compensation Committee on February 22, 1996.


         Section 16(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 requires ANB's
officers and directors, and persons who beneficially own more than 10% of ANB's
Common Stock ("Section 16 Insiders"), to file reports of ownership and changes
in ownership with the Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC").  Section 16
Insiders are required by the SEC regulations to furnish ANB with copies of all
SEC forms required under Section 16(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934
("Section 16(a) Forms").  Based solely on a review of the Section 16(a) Forms
as furnished


to ANB, ANB believes that for the period from January 1, 1995 through December
31, 1995, all Section 16 Insiders filed their Section 16(a) Forms in a timely
manner, except that Dr. Andrews was one month late filing a Report on Form 4
with respect to his purchase of ANB Common Stock in July 1995 and Dr. Orso was
one month late in filing a Report on Form 4 with respect to his sale of ANB
Common Stock in July 1995.


         Summary of Compensation

         The following table sets forth a summary of the compensation paid or
accrued during each of the last three fiscal years with regard to (i) ANB's
Chief Executive Officer and (ii) each other executive officer who will serve
ANB after the Merger whose salary and bonus was more than $100,000 per year
(collectively the "Named Executive Officers").

                           SUMMARY COMPENSATION TABLE

                                        Annual Compensation                Long-Term Compensation
                                        -------------------                ----------------------

                                                                              Awards           Payouts 
                                                                              ------           -------
                                                            Other                   Under-                           
                                                           Annual    Restricted     Lying                    All      
          Name and                                          Comp-      Stock       Options/     LTIP        Other     
          Principal                Salary       Bonus      sation     Award(s)       SARs      Payouts   Compensation 
          Position        Year      ($)          ($)         ($)        ($)          (#)         ($)         ($)
          --------        ----      ---          ---         ---        ---          ---         ---         ---
     James A. Taylor,     1995    $287,500   $172,500     $79,615(2)    ---         34,167       ---     $126,929(3)
     Chairman and         1994     406,830     79,761      68,728(2)    ---         68,333       ---      112,838(3)
     CEO(1)               1993     386,400     40,500      61,704(2)    ---          ---         ---      100,224(3)
     John H. Holcomb,     1995     160,000    200,000                   ---          ---         ---     $  8,197(6) 
     III, President       1994     160,000    125,000                 $71,310(5)     ---         ---        8,941(6)
     and COO              1993     160,000    140,000                   ---         35,218       ---       10,863(6) 

     Victor E. Nichol,    1995     145,000    175,000                   ---          ---         ---     $  4,514(6)
     Jr.,                 1994     145,000     75,000                  71,310(5)    21,131       ---        ---        
     Executive Vice       1993       ---         ---                    ---          ---         ---        ---

     Frank W.             1995     128,750     19,296      55,106(4)    ---          6,833       ---        ---  
     Whitehead,           1994     123,947     18,000      34,883(4)    ---         27,333       ---        ---
     C.P.A.,              1993     123,747     10,000         ---       ---          ---         ---        ---
     Executive Vice                                                                                     
     President and                                                                                      

(1)      In November 1994, Mr. Taylor entered into an employment agreement with
         ANB pursuant to which he agreed to serve as Chairman of the Board and
         CEO of ANB and Chairman of each of the ANB Banks (the "Taylor
         Agreement").  The Taylor Agreement provides that Mr. Taylor will
         receive a base salary of $250,000 per year (which may be increased
         upon periodic review) and an annual bonus determined by the ANB Board
         upon the advice of its Compensation Committee of up to 60% of his base
         salary.  The ANB Board, upon the recommendation of its Compensation
         Committee, increased Mr. Taylor's base salary to $300,000 in March of
         1995.  The Taylor Agreement also provided for Mr. Taylor to receive an
         initial grant


         of an option to acquire 68,333 shares of ANB Common Stock and an
         annual option to purchase 34,167 additional shares of ANB Common Stock
         (one-third of which vests each year for the three years subsequent to
         the annual grant), an automobile, life and health insurance, civil and
         social clubs and participation in insurance, pension, incentive,
         retirement, and other benefit plans made available to ANB's executive
         officers.  The term of the Taylor Agreement is three (3) years
         renewing daily until either party fixes the remaining term at three
         (3) years by giving notice to the other.  ANB can terminate the Taylor
         Agreement upon his becoming disabled or for cause, and Mr. Taylor can
         terminate his employment after a change in control of ANB if his
         salary or benefits are reduced, his responsibilities, title or
         position are adversely changed, or a petition of bankruptcy of ANB is
         filed and not dismissed within 60 days ("Good Reason").  If Mr.
         Taylor's employment is terminated by ANB in breach of the Taylor
         Agreement or if Mr. Taylor terminates the Taylor Agreement for Good
         Reason, ANB must pay Mr. Taylor one-twelfth of the sum of his most
         recent base salary and bonus for each of 36 consecutive 30 day periods
         following the termination.  ANB must also continue Mr. Taylor's life
         and health insurance until he reaches age 65, and Mr. Taylor's
         outstanding options to purchase ANB Common Stock will vest and become
         immediately exercisable.  In the Taylor Agreement, ANB also granted
         Mr. Taylor, with respect to his shares of ANB Common Stock, piggyback
         registration rights and a demand registration right upon termination
         of his employment. Mr. Taylor and ANB have agreed to terminate the
         Taylor Agreement effective April 30, 1996. See "REMUNERATION OF
         MANAGEMENT - Stock Options Granted" and "CERTAIN RELATIONSHIPS AND

                 Mr. Whitehead entered into an employment agreement with ANB
         effective March 1, 1995, which provides for his employment as Chief
         Financial Officer, Executive Vice President and Treasurer until March
         1, 1998 (the "Whitehead Agreement").  Mr. Whitehead's salary is
         $128,750 with the right to receive a bonus of up to 15% of his base
         salary.  The Whitehead Agreement also provides Mr. Whitehead the right
         to participate in ANB's stock option plan and retirement plan.  If Mr.
         Whitehead is terminated other than for cause, he will be entitled to
         payment of the full three year term of the Whitehead Agreement
         regardless of the remaining term.  See "REMUNERATION OF MANAGEMENT -
         Stock Options Granted."

(2)      Includes payments by ANB for life insurance premiums on policies owned
         by Mr. Taylor in the amount of $35,921 in 1995, $35,679 in 1994, and
         $35,645 in 1993.  Also includes director and other fees of $34,500 in
         1995 and $16,100 in 1994.

(3)      Mr. Taylor is a party to agreements with each of Alabama Exchange Bank
         and First National Bank of Ashland and two agreements with Bank of
         Dadeville providing for the payment of deferred compensation to Mr.
         Taylor or his designated beneficiary or estate for a period of fifteen
         (15) years following the earliest of termination of his employment
         with the relevant bank, death or reaching a specified retirement age
         in the amounts of $30,000, $35,000, $35,000 and $25,000 per year,
         respectively.  These banks are accruing the present value of the
         benefits under the deferred compensation agreements over a twelve (12)
         year period ending in 1997.

(4)      Includes director and other fees in 1995 of $41,700 and in 1994 of

(5)      Restricted stock award under the CBS Plan valued at $50,310, plus a
         one-time bonus of $21,000 to cover tax obligations associated with the
         issuance of such restricted stock.  At March 1, 1995, the shares
         subject to such award had a market value of $91,455.  These shares are
         subject to restrictions on transfer until August 31, 1999.  These
         restrictions also provide that no dividends will be paid on such

(6)      Amounts contributed and accrued for benefit of individuals under NBC
         Pension Plan.  See "Defined Benefit Plan" within this caption.


         Stock Options Granted

         Pursuant to the ANB 1994 Stock Option Plan (the "ANB Stock Option
Plan"), ANB may issue incentive and non- qualified options to purchase ANB
Common Stock and grant restricted stock awards from the shares of ANB Common
Stock, up to the aggregate maximum of 410,000 shares.  The ANB Stock Option
Plan is administered by the Stock Option Committee, comprised of Mr. Bailey and
Drs. Andrews and Orso, and officers and employees of ANB and its subsidiaries
are eligible for participation in the plan.  The purchase price under any
incentive options under the ANB Stock Option Plan, which are intended to
qualify for favorable tax treatment under Section 422 of the Code, cannot be
less than the fair market value of the shares of ANB Common Stock on the date
of grant.  Options are exercisable upon such terms as may be determined by the
Stock Option Committee, but in any event, options intended to qualify as
incentive options are exercisable no later than ten years after the date of
grant.  ANB cannot grant nonqualified options to purchase ANB Common Stock with
an exercise price of less than eighty-five percent (85%) of the fair market
value of the ANB Common Stock on the date of the grant.  The directors of ANB
are entitled to a fixed number of options under the ANB Stock Option Plan to be
awarded annually.  Each director is entitled to an automatic grant of
non-qualified stock options to purchase 1,367 shares at the market price on the
date of grant with one-third of such options becoming exercisable on a
cumulative basis after the expiration of each of the three consecutive six
month periods after the date of grant.

         On November 18, 1995, Mr. Taylor was granted an incentive stock option
to purchase 11,091 shares of ANB Common Stock and a non-qualified stock option
to purchase 23,076 shares of ANB Common Stock pursuant to his employment
agreement.  On November 18, 1995, and pursuant to an understanding between Mr.
Whitehead and ANB, Mr. Whitehead was granted an incentive stock option to
purchase 6,833 shares of ANB Common Stock.  All of the non-qualified stock
options were exercisable immediately upon grant.  The incentive stock options
granted to Messrs. Taylor and Whitehead become exercisable on May 18, 1996.
Nonetheless, in connection with the Merger, all of the ANB directors, including
Messrs.  Taylor and Whitehead, agreed not to exercise any of their presently
exercisable options prior to May 1, 1996.  The ANB Board of Directors, upon
recommendation of the Compensation Committee, terminated the ANB Stock Option
Plan at its meeting on April 25, 1996.  See "COMPENSATION COMMITTEE REPORT ON

         On the Effective Date of the Merger, ANB assumed the CBS Long-Term
Incentive Compensation Plan (the "CBS Plan").  Prior to the Merger, officers
and key employees of CBS' wholly-owned subsidiary, NBC, had been awarded
options to purchase up to 32,000 shares of CBS Common Stock at a price of
$40.00 per share.  In accordance with the Merger Agreement, each option to
purchase CBS Common Stock was converted into an option to purchase ANB Common
Stock based on the ANB/CBS exchange ratio provided for in the Merger, or
options to purchase up to 225,395 shares of ANB Common Stock at a price of
$5.679 per share.  Such options become exercisable on and after August 31,
1998, and terminate after August 31, 2003 (the "Option Period").  The options
reflected in the table for Messrs. Holcomb and Nichol reflect the ANB stock
options that were substituted for options previously granted to them under the
CBS Plan.  The ANB Board of Directors, upon recommendation of the Compensation
Committee, terminated the CBS Plan at its meeting on April 25, 1996.  See

         The following table shows the grants of stock options to the Named
Executive Officers pursuant to the Alabama National BanCorporation 1994 Stock
Option Plan and the CBS Plan.


                                                INDIVIDUAL GRANTS IN LAST FISCAL YEAR  
                                                  % OF TOTAL
                                     NUMBER       GRANTED TO                                      GRANT DATE
                                     OPTIONS     EMPLOYEES IN     EXERCISE PRICE    EXPIRATION      PRESENT
               NAME                  GRANTED      FISCAL YEAR        PER SHARE         DATE        VALUE(4)
               ----                  -------      -----------        ---------         ----        --------
  James A. Taylor(1)  . . . . .      34,167           71               13.00        11/18/2005     $204,319

  John H. Holcomb, III(2) . . .      35,217           16               5.679         8/31/2003      115,160

  Victor E. Nichol, Jr.(3)  . .      21,131           10               5.679         8/31/2003       68,098

  Frank W. Whitehead, C.P.A.(1)       6,833           14               13.00        11/18/2005       40,861

(1)      Granted on November 18, 1995 under the ANB Stock Option Plan.
         Percentage of total options granted to employees relates to options
         granted to employees of ANB and its subsidiary banks under this plan.

(2)      Relates to options to acquire 5,000 shares of CBS Common Stock granted
         under the CBS Plan which were assumed by ANB upon completion of the
         Merger.  The number of options granted reflects the number of shares
         of ANB Common Stock into which the CBS stock options were converted by
         reason of the Merger.  Percentage of total options granted to
         employees relates to options granted to NBC employees under the CBS

(3)      Relates to options to acquire 3,000 shares of CBS Common Stock granted
         under the CBS Plan which were assumed by ANB upon completion of the
         Merger.  The number of options granted reflects the number of shares
         of ANB Common Stock into which the CBS stock options were converted by
         reason of the Merger.  Percentage of total options granted to
         employees relates to options granted to NBC employees under the CBS

(4)      Based on the Black-Scholes Option Pricing Model adopted for use in
         valuing executive stock options.  The actual value, if any, an
         executive may realize will depend upon the excess of the stock price
         over the exercise price on the date the option is exercised, so that
         there is no assurance that the value realized by an executive will be
         at or near the value estimated by the Black-Scholes Model.  The
         assumptions used in calculating the Black- Scholes value of the
         options were expected volatility of 35.0%, risk-free return of 5.76%
         and a dividend yield of 1.54%.

                        AND FISCAL YEAR END OPTION VALUES      

                                                                                      Value of      
                                                                     Number of Shares         Unexercised    
                                                                        Underlying           in-the-Money    
                                                                    Unexercised                 Options      
                           Number Shares                             Options at Fiscal    at Fiscal Year-End 
                            Acquired on              Value       Year-End Exercisable/       Exercisable/    
         Name                Exercise              Realized            Unexercisable         Unexercisable   
         ----                --------              --------            -------------         -------------
 James A. Taylor                -0-                   -0-                102,500/0            $256,249/0

 John H. Holcomb,               -0-                   -0-                 0/35,217            0/$275,432

 Victor E. Nichol               -0-                   -0-                 0/21,131            0/$165,266

 Frank W. Whitehead             -0-                   -0-                 34,166/0             $99,082/0


         Defined Benefit Plan

                                              PENSION PLAN TABLE
             AVERAGE ANNUAL                                        YEARS OF SERVICE
              REMUNERATION                                         ----------------
                                               15             20            25           30            35
                                               --             --            --           --            --
 125,500 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      $24,473        $32,630        $40,788      $48,945      $57,103

 150,000*  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      $29,250        $39,000        $48,750      $58,500      $68,250

*Annual compensation for purposes of the NBC Pension Plan is capped at

         As a result of the Merger, NBC became a wholly-owned subsidiary of
ANB.  NBC has maintained the NBC Pension Plan for the benefit of its employees
since January 1, 1982.  The NBC Pension Plan pays its participants a monthly
retirement income equal to 1.3% of any such participants "Average Monthly
Earnings" multiplied by the number of years of continuous service to NBC of
such participant.  Average Monthly Earnings equals the participants annual
compensation converted to a monthly amount and then averaged over the sixty
(60) months immediately preceding the participants "Normal Retirement Date"
which, if employed before January 1, 1989, is the participants sixty-fifth
(65th) birthday or, if employed after January 1, 1989, is the later of the
participant's sixty-fifth (65th) birthday or the first day of the month either
on or next birthday following the completion of five years of continuous
service.  Annual Compensation means the participant's total compensation during
a plan year that is reflected on such participants W-2 Form excluding (even if
includable in gross income) reimbursements or other expense allowances, fringe
benefits (cash nor noncash), moving expenses, deferred compensation, and
welfare benefits, but including salary reduction contributions (not includable
in gross income) to certain plans or arrangements that may be maintained by
NBC. However, regardless of a participants actual annual compensation, each
participants annual compensation for purposes of such plan is capped at
$150,000 per plan year beginning on or after January 1, 1994.

         The Summary Compensation Table reflects under the caption "All Other
Compensation" the amounts accrued for the benefit of Messrs. Holcomb and Nichol
under the NBC Pension Plan.  Messrs. Holcomb and Nichol are the only Named
Executive Officers who participate in the NBC Pension Plan, and their current
annual compensation and years of service attributable to each of them is as

                                                   Current Annual Compensation       Credited Years of Service
                                                   ---------------------------       -------------------------
                   John H. Holcomb, III                     $150,000 cap                      16

                   Victor E. Nichol, Jr.                    $150,000 cap                       3*

*Five year vesting requirement to participate in the NBC Pension Plan.  At the
end of 1996, Mr. Nichol will have 3 years credited toward his vesting

         Director Compensation

         Directors of ANB receive directors' fees of $6,000 per annum and
$1,000 for each Board of Directors meeting they attend and are reimbursed for
all reasonable out of pocket expenses incurred in the performance of their
duties as a director.  Prior to 1996, ANB directors were also entitled to an
annual grant of 1,367 stock options under the ANB Stock Option Plan.  See



         The Compensation Committee, which establishes the compensation of the
executive officers of ANB, is comprised of Drs. Andrews and Orso and Messrs.
Bailey and Johns (since February 22, 1996).  Mr. Whitehead, who is a named
executive officer of ANB, serves as an ex officio member of this committee.


         On October 27, 1994, the Compensation Committee, pursuant to the
advice of the managing underwriters for ANB's initial public offering,
recommended reducing Mr. Taylor's annual base salary from $448,000 to $250,000
(which may be increased upon periodic review) and put a cap on Mr. Taylor's
bonuses of up to 60% of his annual base salary.  Mr.  Whitehead may receive
bonuses in an amount up to 15% of his salary.  On March 28, 1995, the
Compensation Committee recommended to the Board of Directors that Mr. Taylor's
annual base salary be increased from $250,000 to $300,000.  The Compensation
Committee did not make any determination based upon independent or objective
performance based factors in increasing Mr. Taylor's salary.

         On December 12, 1995, the Compensation Committee adopted a bonus plan
which provides that each executive officer of ANB or its subsidiaries will be
paid 100% of their contractually provided bonus if ANB achieves 100% of its
projected earnings.  The bonus would decrease on a 10% sliding scale for each
4% deficit in the actual earnings for operations as compared to the projected
earnings from operations.  For example, if earnings were between 92% and 96% of
projections, then the executive officers would only be paid 80% of their
bonuses.  If the actual earnings of ANB are less than 80% of projections, then
no bonuses will be paid.  Mr. Whitehead is the only participant in this plan as
the Whitehead Agreement requires that Mr. Whitehead be paid a bonus based upon
a percentage of his salary.

         Messrs. Holcomb and Nichol were compensated by NBC in 1995.
Accordingly, the Compensation Committee of ANB did not establish their
compensation package in 1995.  However, on April 25, 1996, the Compensation
Committee recommended that the ANB Stock Option Plan and the CBS Plan be
terminated and that three compensation plans be adopted.  The Compensation
Committee recommended the adoption of two new compensation plans for officers
and key employees of ANB and its subsidiaries, the ANB Annual Incentive Plan
and the ANB Performance Share Plan, and one new compensation plan for ANB's
independent directors, the ANB Deferred Compensation Plan For Directors Who Are
Not Employees Of The Company.  The named executive officers of ANB will receive
three primary types of compensation in 1996: (i) salary; (ii) Annual Incentive
Plan bonuses, and (iii) long-term incentive Performance Share Plan awards.  A
significant portion of the total compensation to be paid to ANB's newly elected
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Holcomb, will be incentive


         On April 25, 1996, the Board of Directors adopted the ANB Annual
Incentive Plan ("AIP").  The AIP was established for the purpose of rewarding,
retaining, and providing incentive for outstanding performance for those
employees who contribute most to the operating progress of ANB.  The
Compensation Committee sets the total amount of bonuses for each year and
reviews the methodology used to determine individual bonuses.  Employees are
selected and individual bonuses are allotted to them by ANB's executive
officers with the approval of the Chief Executive Officer.  The Compensation
Committee specifically reviews and approves each annual bonus paid to the
executive officers, including the Chief Executive Officer.  Currently, there
are no employees in the AIP, but each of the executive officers of ANB (other
than Mr. Whitehead) will be included in the AIP for 1996.

         Each participating employee is assigned a target bonus percentage
expressed as a percentage of each  employee's salary.  Bonus payments, when
made, may range from 33% to 200% of the target. An individual's AIP bonus is
based upon ANB's performance and, in addition, may also be based upon
divisional and/or individual performance criteria specifically related to the
officer's responsibilities which are consistent with ANB's overall objectives.
The AIP bonus of the Chairman of the Board and the President is based solely on
ANB's performance


according to a range fixed for the year by the Compensation Committee.  For the
other named executive officers, 40% to 50% of their respective AIP bonuses is
based upon ANB's performance.

         The AIP provides that the Compensation Committee may credit annually
to an incentive reserve for each fiscal year a provision which may not be more
than 5% of ANB's pretax income for that year.  In any year, the Compensation
Committee may pay any part or all of the incentive reserve as awards.  Any part
of the incentive reserve which is not paid in any year may remain in the
incentive reserve and be carried forward to the next year.  The Compensation
Committee has authority to determine to what extent a nonrecurring gain or loss
may be included in the amount of pretax income in the administration of this

         The Compensation Committee believes that its administration AIP will
relate bonuses paid to the Chief Executive Officer to ANB's performance.


         On April 25, 1996, ANB also adopted, subject to the approval of the
ANB stockholders, the ANB Performance Share Plan and the ANB Deferred
Compensation Plan for Directors Who Are Not Employees of the Company.  A
description of these plans can be found below under the captions "PROPOSAL TO

                                        Carl F. Bailey, Chairman
                                        James R. Andrews, M.D.
                                        Ronald W. Orso, M.D.
                                        John D. Johns
                                        Frank W. Whitehead, C.P.A. (ex officio)


         Although none of the persons named in the "Summary Compensation Table"
received compensation based on the performance of ANB in 1995, the following
graph is included to assess the performance of management by comparing the
market value of ANB's Common Stock with other public companies and with
comparable public banking companies.  The graph sets forth the cumulative total
stockholder return (assuming reinvestment of dividends) to ANB's stockholders
during the period from ANB's initial public offering in November of 1994 and
ending on December 31, 1995, as well as an overall stock market index (NASDAQ
Stock Market, U.S. Companies) and a peer group index of 21 banks which are
comparable in asset size and market capitalization that have been selected by
ANB ("ANB Peer Group") for the five years ended December 31, 1995.
Additionally, since ANB used the NASDAQ Bank Stocks as its peer group index for
the 1995 Proxy Statement, Securities and Exchange Commission rules require that
the 1996 Proxy Statement include in its graph the NASDAQ Bank Stock index as
well as the ANB Peer Group so that a comparison may be made of the two peer



                                          11/22/94            12/31/94             12/31/95
Alabama National BanCorporation                100                  88                  139
Nasdaq US Co.                                  100                 102                  144
Nasdaq Bank Stocks                             100                 101                  150
Self Determined Peers                          100                 100                  147



The companies included in the peer group index have been changed from that used
in ANB's 1995 Proxy Statement which incorporated the NASDAQ Bank Stocks as its
peer group index.  The NASDAQ Bank Stocks peer group includes all bank stocks
which are traded on the NASDAQ at the time of the creation of such performance
graph.  Since the Merger, management of ANB has chosen to use the
self-determined ANB Peer Group which is comprised of bank holding companies
that are comparable to ANB in asset size and market capitalization and which
management believes to provide a more accurate and meaningful comparison for
ANB's stock performance than the NASDAQ Bank Stocks.  The ANB Peer Group
weights individual company returns for stock market capitalization.  The
companies included in the ANB Peer Group are:

Bank Granite Corporation of  N.C.                 Leader Financial Corporation
Carolina First Corporation                        NBSC Corporation
Century South Banks, Inc.                         North Fork BanCorporation of New York, Inc.
Commerce Bank of Virginia                         Peoples Holding Company
First City BanCorporation, Inc.                   Piedmont BanCorporation, Inc.
First United Bancshares, Inc.                     Premier Bankshares Corp.
Horizon BanCorporation, Inc.                      Sea Coast Banking Corporation of Florida
Jefferson BanCorporation, Inc.                    Security Capital BanCorporation
LSB Bancshares, Inc. of South Carolina            Simmons 1st National Corporation
LSB Bancshares of North Carolina                  Sterling BanCorporation
                                                  WesBanco, Inc.

COMPENSATION," ANB did not base any 1995 compensation upon independent or
objective performance based factors.  However, pursuant to the AIP adopted April
25, 1996, ANB's annual incentive compensation will be predominantly based upon
comparisons of ANB's return on average equity (rather than total return) to that
of a comparison group of companies.



        The following table sets forth the number and percentage of outstanding
shares of common stock beneficially owned as of February 29, 1996 by (i) each
person or entity known by ANB to own more than 5% of the outstanding ANB Common
Stock; (ii) Named Executive Officers of ANB; (iii) each director of ANB; and
(iv) all executive officers and directors of ANB as a group.

                   NAME OF BENEFICIAL OWNER                           SHARES(1)             PERCENTAGE (1)
                   ------------------------                           ---------             --------------

 James R. McWane(2)(3)(13) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .             1,528,715              24.0%
 23 Inverness Center Parkway
 Birmingham, Alabama 35243

 Betty T. McMahon(4)(13) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .               394,442               6.2%
 3231 Overhill Road
 Birmingham, Alabama 35223


 James A. Taylor(5)(6)(7)(8) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .               374,652               5.9%

 John H. Holcomb, III(5)(8)(13)  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .               319,901               5.0%
 Frank W. Whitehead, C.P.A.(5)(6)(8) . . . . . . . . . . . .                39,654                *

 Victor E. Nichol, Jr.(5)(13)  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                77,478               1.2%

 James R. Andrews, M.D.(6) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                67,534                *

 Carl F. Bailey(6) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                11,200                *
 T. Morris Hackney(9)  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                 2,817                *

 John D. Johns(10) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                37,217                *

 James Mailon Kent, Jr.(6) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                 8,200                *

 C. Philip McWane(2)(13) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .               242,685               3.8%
 William V. Muse, Ph.D.(6) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                13,200                *

 Drayton Nabers, Jr. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                37,217                *

 Ronald W. Orso, M.D.(6)(11) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .               121,158               1.9%

 G. Ruffner Page, Jr.(2)(12)(13) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .               301,422               4.7%

 W. Stancil Starnes  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .               37,217                 *

 All directors & executive officers as a group (16 persons)             1,462,461               22.9%

- -----------------------------


(1)    Unless otherwise indicated, the named person has the sole voting and
       dispositive power for the shares indicated.  Percentage of ownership is
       based on 6,378,084 shares of ANB Common Stock representing 6,200,418
       shares outstanding as of February 29, 1996, and 177,666 shares
       underlying options exercisable within 60 days from said date.  An
       asterisk means less than 1%.

(2)    Mr. James R. McWane is the father of C. Phillip McWane, Anna McWane and
       J.R. McWane, Jr.  Mr. McWane disclaims beneficial ownership of any
       shares beneficially owned by its children and each of his children
       disclaim beneficial ownership of any shares held in trust for their
       respective benefit.

(3)    Includes 417,768 shares held by the McWane Trust for the benefit of C.
       Phillip McWane and 174,070 held by the McWane Trust for the benefit of
       Anna McWane.  Mr. McWane is the trustee for each of these Trusts.

(4)    Does not include 2,817 shares owned by Mrs. McMahon's husband, of which
       Mrs. McMahon disclaims beneficial ownership.

(5)    James A. Taylor was the Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive
       Officer of ANB as well as a director until April 30, 1996.  Effective
       April 30, 1996, Mr. Holcomb became the Chairman of the Board and Chief
       Executive Officer of ANB as well as a director and Mr. Nichol became
       President and Chief Operating Officer of ANB as well as a director.  Mr.
       Whitehead is an Executive Vice President and the Chief Financial Officer
       of ANB as well as a director.

(6)    Includes stock options to purchase a total of 177,666 shares of ANB
       Common Stock which are individually held as follows: 102,500 shares by
       Mr. Taylor, 34,166 shares by Mr. Whitehead, and 8,200 shares by each of
       Messrs.  Andrews, Bailey, Kent, Muse and Orso.  All such options are
       presently exercisable.

(7)    Does not include 546 shares held by Mr. Taylor's wife as to which he
       disclaims beneficial ownership.

(8)    Includes 277,640 shares of ANB Common Stock of which he shares
       beneficial ownership with Messrs. Taylor and Whitehead by reason of the
       irrevocable proxies granted to him by Messrs. Taylor and Whitehead.  See

(9)    Does not include 37,217 shares owned of record by Mr. Hackney's wife, of
       which Mr. Hackney disclaims beneficial ownership.

(10)   Of these shares, 6,684 shares are owned of record by Mr. Johns and
       30,533 are beneficially owned by him through his Individual Retirement
       Account.  Does not include 1,000 shares owned by Mr. John's wife's
       Individual Retirement Account, 1,500 shares held for the benefit of Mr.
       John's wife in the James A. Dunlap Children's Trust, Nancy D. Johns
       Subtrust, or 2,000 shares held by Mr. John's wife as custodian for their
       minor child. Mr. Johns disclaims beneficial ownership of these shares.

(11)   Includes 500 shares in Dr. Orso's IRA Account, 1,000 shares held for the
       benefit of Dr. Orso's children under the Uniform Gift to Minors Act and
       97,783 shares held in a pension plan of which Dr. Orso serves as

(12)   Includes 187,995 shares held by the Anna McWane Trust and 88,775 shares
       held by the J.R. McWane, Jr. Trust.  Mr.  Page is the trustee for each
       of these trusts.  Mr. Page's address is 23 Inverness Center Parkway,
       Birmingham, Alabama 35243.

(13)   Each of these individuals have filed a joint Schedule 13G with the
       Securities and Exchange Commission to acknowledge that they are part of
       a group formed for the purpose of acquiring, holding, voting and
       disposing of more than 5% of the outstanding ANB Common Stock.  Along
       with Mrs. McMahon's husband, these


       individuals have the right to vote, in the aggregate, 2,867,460 shares
       or 46.2% of the outstanding shares of ANB Common Stock.


       In November of 1994, after completing ANB's initial public offering,
James A. Taylor and Frank W. Whitehead entered into employment agreements with
ANB.  See "REMUNERATION OF MANAGEMENT" for a description of the employment
agreements.  NCC and CBS agreed to continue each of their employment agreements
in effect after the Merger under the terms of an agreement dated September 18,
1995, among Messrs. Taylor and Whitehead, NCC and ANB (the "Taylor/Whitehead
Agreement").  Under the terms of the Taylor/Whitehead Agreement, Mr. Taylor
relinquished his right to be granted options to acquire 34,167 shares of ANB
Common Stock in each year during the term of his employment agreement after
1995 in consideration of ANB's payment of $860,692; agreed to tender such
number of his shares of ANB Common Stock to assure that 360,400 shares were
purchased pursuant to the ANB Cash Election (as defined under "CHANGE OF
CONTROL") in consideration of ANB's payment of $27,942; and agreed to grant an
irrevocable proxy to a nominee of NCC, John H.  Holcomb, III, with respect to
his shares not tendered in the ANB Cash Election in consideration of NCC's
payment of $111,362.  Mr. Whitehead agreed to similar terms under the
Taylor/Whitehead Agreement pursuant to which he relinquished his claim for the
grant of stock options to acquire 6,833 shares of ANB Common Stock in each year
during the term of his agreement after 1995  in consideration of ANB's payment
of $172,630; agreed to tender up to all of his shares of ANB Common Stock if
needed in the ANB Cash Election in consideration of ANB's payment of $5,580;
and agreed to grant an irrevocable proxy to John H. Holcomb, III, with respect
to his shares not tendered in the ANB Cash Election in consideration of NCC's
payment of $22,282.  On November 17, 1995, the Taylor/Whitehead Agreement was
amended to provide for the payments to Mr. Taylor to be made in two
installments of $430,346 each with the first installment being payable on
December 31, 1995, and the second being payable on March 31, 1996, together
with interest at the rate of 8% per annum from December 31, 1995.

       On April 24, 1996, James A. Taylor, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
of ANB, resigned from the Board of Directors of ANB effective April 30, 1996.
In connection with Mr. Taylor's resignation, Mr. Taylor and his wife, Martha W.
Taylor, who served as Secretary of ANB, agreed to terminate their respective
employment agreements in consideration of a lump sum payment of approximately
$900,000, substantially all of which was financed by a loan from an independent
bank.  As partial consideration for such payment, Mr. Taylor agreed to provide
consulting services to ANB through April 30, 1998.  In addition to the lump sum
payment, ANB agreed to continue certain benefits currently available to Mr.
Taylor under the Taylor Agreement.  Until Mr. Taylor reaches the age of 65, ANB
will pay the premiums on certain the life and disability insurance policies on
the life of Mr. Taylor.  (See Note 2 to the Summary Compensation Table); will
provide Mr. Taylor medical, life and disability insurance comparable to ANB's
current group policies, so long as the annual cost of such coverage does not
exceed the cost for such coverage in the twelve (12) months preceding March 31,
1996; and will continue Mr. Taylor's medical reimbursement plan maintained by
the First National Bank of Ashland (subject to an annual cap of $14,000 per
year).  ANB further agreed to cause certain of its subsidiary banks to pay Mr.
Taylor his deferred compensation (see Note 3 to the Summary Compensation Table)
and to continue its obligation to register the ANB Common Stock owned by Mr.
Taylor under certain circumstances.  The payments made under the settlement
agreements with Mr. and Mrs. Taylor are in lieu of all severance compensation
provided under their respective employment agreements.  ANB estimates that it
would have paid the Taylors approximately $1.7 Million over the next three
years had they not agreed to terminate their employment agreements.

       In connection with the Merger, the following directors tendered the
number of shares of ANB Common Stock set forth opposite their respective names
for purchase by ANB at a price of $13.79 per share in the ANB Cash Election:
Dr.  Andrews tendered 147,286 shares in consideration of the payment of
$2,031,074; Dr. Orso tendered 20,000 shares in consideration of the payment of
$275,800; and Mr. Kent tendered 36,767 shares in consideration of the payment
of $507,017.  Pursuant to their respective obligations under the
Taylor/Whitehead Agreement, Mr. Taylor tendered 65,904 shares in the ANB Cash
Election in consideration of the payment of $908,816 and Mr. Whitehead tendered
1,345 shares in the ANB Cash Election in consideration of the payment of


       James R. McWane, who owns beneficially more than 10% of the outstanding
ANB Common Stock, was President, director and the beneficial owner of 49.7% of
the outstanding shares of common stock of NCC prior to the Merger.  Mr. McWane
was also the beneficial owner of all of the outstanding NCC preferred stock
which was exchanged for $10,711,000 under the terms of the Merger.

       Under the terms of the Merger Agreement, ANB assumed the obligations of
CBS under its Long Term Incentive Compensation Plan.  As a result of such
assumption, options to purchase CBS Common Stock at $40.00 per share previously
granted by CBS to Messrs. Holcomb, Nichol and Page were converted into options
to acquire ANB Common Stock at $5.68 per share as follows: Holcomb - 35,217
shares; Nichol - 21,131 shares; and Page - 35,217 shares.  See "REMUNERATION OF

       NBC's main office is occupied under a lease with affiliated party,
Woodward Properties, of which Mr. McWane is a general partner.  NBC has leased
61,846 square feet at an annual rental rate of $15.00 per square foot through
the year 2013, subject to adjustment based on the Consumer Price Index.  ANB
believes this lease represents an arms-length rate and term for comparable
space in the Birmingham market.

       ANB and the Banks have and expect to continue to have banking and other
transactions in the ordinary course of business with directors and executive
officers of ANB and their affiliates, including members of their families or
corporations, partnerships or other organizations in which such directors or
executive officers have a controlling interest, on substantially the same terms
including interest rates and collateral, as those prevailing at the time for
comparable transactions with unrelated parties.  Such transactions are not
expected to involve more than the normal risk of collectibility nor present
other unfavorable features to ANB and the Banks.  Each of the Banks is subject
to limits on the aggregate amount it can lend to the Bank's and ANB's directors
and officers as a group.  This limit is currently equal to two times the
applicable entity's unimpaired capital and surplus.  Loans to individual
directors and officers must also comply with the bank's lending policies and
statutory lending limits, and directors with a personal interest in any loan
application are excluded from the consideration of such loan application.

                              PROPOSAL TO APPROVE
                             PERFORMANCE SHARE PLAN

       At the Annual Meeting, the stockholders of ANB will be asked to approve
the Alabama National BanCorporation Performance Share Plan ("Performance
Plan"), which has been adopted by the Board of Directors.  The following
constitutes a brief discussion of material features in the Performance Plan and
is qualified in its entirety by reference to the Performance Plan, a copy of
which is attached hereto as Exhibit "A."


       The purpose of the Performance Plan is to further the long-term growth
and profitability of ANB by offering long- term incentives in addition to
current compensation to those key executives who are largely responsible for
the growth of ANB.  Awards will be granted to those eligible to participate who
are deemed to be important to the long-term growth and success of ANB by the
Compensation Committee of the Board of Directors of ANB, or a committee of not
less than three (3) members of the Board of Directors appointed to administer
the Performance Plan (collectively "Performance Committee").  The Board of
Directors of ANB presently intends that the Performance Plan will be used as
part of the incentive compensation proposed to be paid to key employees of ANB.



       The Performance Plan will be administered by the Compensation Committee
until a separate Performance Committee is designated.  The Performance
Committee will have full authority, in its discretion, to administer and
interpret the Performance Plan and to adopt such rules and regulations
consistent with the terms of the Performance Plan as the Performance Committee
deems necessary or advisable in order to carry out the provisions of the
Performance Plan.  Generally, the Performance Committee's interpretation and
construction of the Performance Plan, the determination of any conditions
applicable to the Performance Share Awards (defined below), or the reasons for
any termination of Participants (defined below) shall be conclusive and binding
on all Participants.  The Performance Committee shall have the authority to
select the employees who are to participate in the Plan, to determine the award
to be made to each employee selected to participate in the Performance Plan,
and to determine the conditions subject to which awards will become payable
under the Performance Plan.


       Those eligible to participate in the Performance Plan (the
"Participants") shall be selected from time to time by the Performance
Committee from employees of ANB and its subsidiaries whose services are
considered valuable to ANB.  Independent directors are not eligible to
participate in the Performance Plan.  See "PROPOSAL TO APPROVE DEFERRED


       The ANB Board of Directors has reserved 400,000 shares of ANB Common
Stock for issuance as Performance Share Awards, subject to adjustment to
reflect an increase or decrease in the number of outstanding shares resulting
from a stock dividend on the shares, a subdivision or combination of shares, a
reclassification of shares, a merger or consolidation, or other like changes in
the shares. ANB Common Stock utilized in connection with the Performance Plan
may be derived from the authorized, but unissued shares of ANB Common Stock, or
from the treasury shares.


       The effective date of the adoption of the Performance Plan by ANB was
January 1, 1996, and the Performance Plan will terminate on December 31, 2005,
nine (9) years thereafter.  Nonetheless, the Board of Directors of ANB may
terminate the Plan at any time.  See "TERMINATION OF PERFORMANCE PLAN."


       The Performance Committee, from time to time, may select Participants to
receive incentive compensation awards under the Performance Share Plan
("Performance Share Awards").  Each Performance Share Award granted will
generally represent one share of ANB Common Stock, unless otherwise determined
by the Performance Committee, but in no event may the Performance Committee
determine that a Performance Share Award equals more than 1.25 shares of ANB
Common Stock.  No Participant may be granted, in the aggregate, Performance
Share Awards which represent more than 25% of the ANB Common Stock reserved for
the Performance Plan.  Each Performance Share Award is awarded as of January 1
of each such year awarded, regardless of the actual date of grant ("Date of

       At the time the Performance Committee grants Performance Share Awards,
the Performance Committee is required to fix an Award Period comprised of a
number of calendar years not to exceed five (5) years.  In its discretion, the
Performance Committee may subdivide the Award Period into one Interim Period
which is a period of calendar years chosen by the Performance Committee
commencing with any Date of Grant but which is less than the Award Period.


       No Performance Share Award will be paid unless the Participant meets the
conditions established by the Performance Committee.  The Performance Committee
may prescribe different conditions for different Participants.  These
conditions may be expressed in terms of the growth in net income per share
during the Award Period, or average return on average equity in comparison with
other banks and bank holding companies and/or on other reasonable bases.  The
Performance Committee may also determine what percentage of the Performance
Share Award will be paid and what conditions must be satisfied at the end of an
Interim Period.  If, at the close of any Award Period or Interim Period
applicable to a Performance Share Award, the Performance Committee determines
that the Participant has met the conditions for payment of the Performance
Share Award, then, unless otherwise directed by the Performance Committee, the
Performance Share Award will be paid to the Participant as promptly as
possible.  Generally, all payments of Performance Share Awards to Participants
will be made partly in shares of ANB Common Stock and partly in cash, with the
cash portion being approximately equal to the amount of Federal, state and
local taxes which the Participant's employer, whether ANB or a subsidiary of
ANB, is required to withhold on account of said payment.  The Performance
Committee, in its discretion, may provide for payment of cash and distribution
of shares of ANB Common Stock in such other proportions as the Performance
Committee deems appropriate, except that the Performance Committee must pay in
cash, not less than the amount equal to the withholding.

       The number of shares of ANB Common Stock to be distributed to
Participants will equal the Fair Market Value (herein defined) of the total
Performance Share Awards earned by the Participant, less the portion of the
Performance Share Award that is paid in cash, divided by the Fair Market Value
of the earned Performance Share Awards.  Fair Market Value is defined as the
average of the daily closing prices for a share of ANB  Common Stock for the
twenty (20) trading days ending on the fifth (5th) business day prior to the
date of payment of the Performance Share Awards, whether paid at the end of the
Award Period or at the end of an Interim Period.

       Each Performance Share Award must be made in writing and shall set forth
the terms and conditions set by the Performance Committee for payment of such
Performance Award, including, without limitation, length of the Award Period
and whether there will be an Interim Period with respect to the Performance
Share Award and, if so, the length of the Interim Period.


       If, prior to the close of an Award Period, a Participant terminates his
or her employment by reason of death or disability or by reason of retirement
on his or her normal retirement date (as determined under ANB's Pension Plan),
the Participant will be paid the Performance Share Award earned through the end
of the calendar year preceding such termination of employment.  The Performance
Share Award so earned will be calculated by first determining the Performance
Share Awards that would have been earned if the Award Period had ended at the
close of such calendar year, and then by multiplying the amount of such earned
Performance Share Awards by a fraction, the numerator of which is the number of
months during the Award Period that the Participant was an active employee and
the denominator of which is the total number of months in the Award Period.
If, prior to the close of an Award Period, a Participant's employment
terminates by reason of (i) his retirement prior his normal retirement date and
such retirement was at the request of the Participant and approved in writing
by ANB, (ii) the divestiture by ANB of one or more of its business segments or
a significant portion of the assets of a business segment, or (iii) a
significant reduction by ANB in its salaried workforce, a determination of
whether such a Participant shall receive payment of its outstanding Performance
Share Award, shall be within the exclusive discretion of the Performance

       If, prior to the close of an Award Period, a Participant's status as an
employee terminates and there is no payment due under the circumstances
described above, all of such Participant's outstanding Performance Share Awards
shall forthwith and automatically be canceled.


       In the event of a change in control of ANB which is defined to mean (i)
acquisition by any person (within the meaning of Section 13(d) of the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934) of beneficial ownership (within the meaning


of Rule 13d-3 under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934) of twenty percent
(20%) or more of the ANB Common Stock then outstanding; or (ii) the
consummation of (A) any consolidation or merger of ANB in which ANB is not the
continuing or surviving corporation or pursuant to which the share of ANB
Common Stock are converted into cash, securities or other property, other than
a merger of ANB in which the holders of ANB Common Stock immediately prior to
the merger, have the same proportionate ownership of common stock of the
surviving corporation immediately after the merger as they had in ANB common
stock immediately prior to the merger, or (B) any sale, lease, exchange or
other transfer (in one transaction or a series of related transactions) of all,
or substantially all, of the assets of ANB, then the Performance Plan
terminates automatically.


       The Board of Directors of ANB may amend the Performance Plan at any
time; provided, however, that no amendment will be made, without stockholder
approval, that will increase the total number of Performance Share Awards that
may be awarded or paid under the Performance Plan or change the definition of
Performance Shares under the Performance Plan.  Additionally, in order for the
Performance Plan to qualify for exemptions provided by Rule 16b-3 with respect
to employee benefit plans, the Performance Plan may not be amended without
stockholder approval if such amendment would materially increase the benefits
accruing to the Participants; materially increase the number of securities
which may be issued under the Performance Plan; or materially modify the
requirements as to eligibility for participation in the Performance Plan.


       The Board of Directors, at any time, may terminate the Performance Plan,
without stockholder approval, as deemed in the best interest of ANB.  In such
event, no Performance Share Award shall be made after the date of such
termination.  The Performance Plan will automatically terminate upon a change


       No Participant may assign any interest of such Participant in the
Performance Plan, and any such assignment of such interest, whether voluntarily
or by operation of law, shall render the Performance Share Award void, except
that cash or shares of ANB Common Stock payable under the Performance Plan may
be transferable by testamentary will or by the laws of descent and
distribution.  Also, all Participants are required to make an investment
representation that any ANB Common Stock received under the Performance Plan is
for investment and not with a view to distribution and that such shares shall
not be transferred or sold until registered under the Securities Act of 1933
and applicable state securities laws, unless an exemption therefrom is
available in the opinion of counsel for ANB.


       The following is a brief summary of the significant aspects of current
federal income tax treatment of the Performance Share Awards that may be
granted under the Performance Plan.  This summary does not cover the federal
tax effects if the described conditions are not met nor does this summary
discuss any tax effect, if any, of any state or local tax laws or any foreign
tax laws.

       An Eligible Person who is granted a Performance Share Award will
generally not recognize taxable income for federal income tax purposes in the
year of the grant because the Performance Shares Awards are normally subject to
restrictions (that is, they are not transferable or they are subject to a
substantial risk of forfeiture).  The recipient of Performance Share Awards
will recognize compensation income in the year that such restrictions lapse in
an amount equal to the difference between the price paid for such Performance
Share Awards and the fair market value of the Performance Share Awards on the
date the restriction lapse.  If the recipient of Performance Share Awards
subject to such restrictions makes an election under Section 83(b) of the
Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended,


within 30 days of grant, the recipient will recognize compensation income in an
amount equal to the difference between the price paid for such Performance
Share Awards and fair market value thereof on date of grant.  ANB generally
will be entitled to a deduction for the amount recognized as compensation
income by the recipient of the restricted shares.


                              PROPOSAL TO APPROVE
                           DEFERRED COMPENSATION PLAN

       At the Annual Meeting, the stockholders of ANB will be asked to approve
the Alabama National BanCorporation Deferred Compensation Plan for Directors
Who Are Not Employees Of the Company ("Deferred Compensation Plan"), which has
been adopted by the Board of Directors.  The following constitutes a brief
discussion of material features in the Deferred Compensation Plan and is
qualified in its entirety by reference to the Deferred Compensation Plan, a
copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit "B."

       At its meeting on April 25, 1996, the Board of Directors of ANB, upon
the recommendation of the Compensation Committee, adopted ANB Deferred
Compensation Plan.  Under the terms of the Deferred Compensation Plan,
non-employee directors may voluntarily elect to defer to a specified date
receipt of all or any portion of their directors' fees.  Directors' fees so
deferred are credited to the directors in cash or ANB Common Stock equivalents
or a combination thereof.  The cash portion earns interest at approximately
ANB's short-term borrowing rate.  The stock equivalent portion is credited with
dividends in the form of additional stock equivalents.  Deferred directors'
fees will be distributed in stock or cash as specified by the directors in
accordance of the Deferred Compensation Plan, unless distribution is
accelerated under certain provisions, including, upon a change in control of

       There are currently ten (10) non-employee directors eligible to
participate in the Deferred Compensation Plan but there are no current
participants.  The number of non-employee directors who actually participate in
the Deferred Compensation Plan may vary from year to year. Employees of the
company or its subsidiaries, whether or not directors, are not eligible to
participate in the Deferred Compensation Plan.

       The number of any stock equivalents acquired under the Deferred
Compensation Plan is based on the fair market value of the shares of ANB common
stock on the date fees would otherwise have been payable to the participating
director.  On April 30, 1996, the closing price of a share of ANB Common Stock
on the NASDAQ National Market System was $13 3/8.


       To approve ANB's Deferred Compensation Plan, the affirmative vote of the
holders of the majority of the shares present, in person or by proxy at the
Annual Meeting and entitled to vote, is required.


                            INDEPENDENT ACCOUNTANTS

       On April 25, 1996, the Board of Directors of ANB, upon the
recommendation of its Audit Committee, approved the engagement of Coopers &
Lybrand LLP as its independent auditors for the year ending December 31, 1996.
Coopers & Lybrand LLP had served as the independent auditors for ANB's
predecessor, NCC and its


subsidiaries, for each of the years ended December 31, 1994, 1993, 1992 and
1991, and was serving as the independent auditor of NCC in 1995, when their
engagement ended on the effective date of the Merger.

       ANB had engaged Ernst & Young LLP as its independent auditors for the
years ended December 31, 1995, 1994 and 1993.  Ernst & Young LLP expressed its
unqualified opinion as to the consolidated financial statements of ANB and its
subsidiaries for each of those years in its report dated February 29, 1996.

       Because the Merger resulted in a change of control, the consolidated
financial statements of the Registrant for the years prior to 1996 include only
the results of operations of NCC.  Accordingly, the report of Ernst & Young
LLP, dated February 29, 1996, with respect to ANB's consolidated financial
statements referenced the unqualified opinion of Coopers & Lybrand LLP, dated
January 27, 1995, with respect to the consolidated statement of condition of
ANB (formerly reported as NCC) for the year ended December 31, 1994, and the
related consolidated statements of income, changes in stockholders' equity and
cash flows for each of the two years ended December 31, 1994.

       There were no disagreements during 1995 or 1994 between ANB and Ernst &
Young LLP on any matter of accounting principles or practices, financial
statement disclosure or auditing scope or procedure, which disagreement, if not
resolved to the satisfaction of Ernst & Young LLP would have caused it to make
reference to the subject matter of the disagreement in its report.

       ANB retained Coopers & Lybrand LLP to audit the separate 1995 financial
statements of the ANB's wholly-owned subsidiary, NBC Securities, Inc., a
registered broker-dealer.

                                 OTHER MATTERS

       As of the date of this Proxy Statement, the Board of Directors of ANB
does not know of any business which will be presented for consideration at the
Annual Meeting other than that specified herein and in the Notice of Annual
Meeting of Stockholders, but if other matters are presented, it is the
intention of the persons designated as proxies to vote in accordance with their
judgment on such matters.


       If any Stockholder wishes to present a proposal for action at the 1997
Annual Meeting of the Stockholders, the Stockholder must comply with applicable
Securities and Exchange Commission Regulations, including adequate notice to
ANB.  Any proposal must be submitted in writing not later than January 16, 1997
by Certified Mail - Return Receipt Requested to Alabama National
BanCorporation, Attention: John H. Holcomb, III, 1927 First Avenue North,
Birmingham, Alabama 35203.



                                  EXHIBIT A


                             PERFORMANCE SHARE PLAN

1.     PURPOSE.  The purpose of the Alabama National BanCorporation Performance
Share Plan (the "Plan") is to further the long-term growth in profitability of
Alabama National BanCorporation (the "Company") by offering long-term
incentives in addition to current compensation to those key executives who will
be largely responsible for such growth.


       (a)      "Award" means the award of Performance Shares to a Participant
pursuant to the terms of the Plan.

       (b)      "Award Period" means the period of calendar years (but no more
than five years) fixed by the Committee with respect to all Awards with the
same Date of Grant, commencing with each Date of Grant, except that (i) the
Award Period for an Employee whose normal retirement date (as determined under
the Company's corporate policy covering retirement of salaried employees) is
less than the period otherwise fixed by the Committee from the applicable Date
of Grant shall be the period beginning with such Date of Grant and ending on
the December 31st immediately preceding such normal retirement date and (ii)
the Award Period for a recently hired Employee may be for such lesser period as
determined by the Committee.

       (c)      "Committee" means the committee of the Board of Directors of
the Company which shall administer the Plan in accordance with Section 3.

       (d)      "Common Stock" means the common stock, par value $1.00 per
share, of the Company.

       (e)      "Company" means Alabama National BanCorporation, a Delaware

       (f)      "Date of Grant" means as of January 1 of any year in which an
Award is made.

       (g)      "Employee" means any person (including any officer) employed by
the Company or any subsidiary of the Company on a full-time salaried basis.

       (h)      "Fair Market Value" of the Common Stock means the average of
the daily closing prices for a share of the Common Stock for the twenty (20)
trading days ending on the fifth business day prior to the date of payment of
Performance Shares for an Award Period or an Interim Period, as the case may
be, on the Composite Tape for New York Stock Exchange - Listed Stocks, or, if
the Common Stock is not listed on such Exchange, on the principal United States
securities exchange registered under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as
amended (the "Exchange Act"), on which the Common Stock is listed, or, if the
Common Stock is not listed


on any such Exchange, the average of the daily closing bid quotations with
respect to a share of the Common Stock for such twenty (20) trading days on the
National Association of Securities Dealers, Inc., Automated Quotations System
or any system then in use.

       (i)      "Interim Period" means a period of calendar years chosen by the
Committee commencing with any Date of Grant, which period is less than the
Award Period commencing on the Date of Grant.

       (j)      "Net Income Per Share" for the Company, or any other
corporation, means net income for the year divided by average common shares
outstanding during the year, computed in accordance with generally accepted
accounting principles as reported in the Company's Annual Report to
Stockholders or its equivalent.

       (k)      "Participant" means an Employee who is selected by the
Committee to receive an Award under the Plan.

       (l)      "Performance Share" means the equivalent of one share of Common

       (m)      "Return on Average Equity" for the Company, or any other
corporation, for a period is obtained by dividing (i) Net Income Per Share of
Common Stock for the year, by (ii) average Stockholders' Equity Per Share at
the beginning of the year and at the end of the year, computed in accordance
with generally accepted accounting principles as reported in the Company's
Annual Report to Stockholders or its equivalent.

       (n)      "Stockholders' Equity Per Share" for the Company, or any other
corporation, for a particular point in time is obtained by dividing (i)
stockholders' equity by (ii) outstanding common shares, computed in accordance
withgenerally accepted accounting principles as reported in the Company's
Annual Report to Stockholders or its equivalent.

3.     ADMINISTRATION OF THE PLAN.  The Plan shall be administered by a
Committee designated by the Board of Directors, which shall be composed of not
less than three members of the Board of Directors.  No member of the Committee
shall be eligible to participate in the Plan while serving as a member of the
Committee.  Initially, the Committee shall be the Compensation Committee.
Subject to the provisions of the Plan, the Committee shall have the authority
to select the Employees who are to participate in the Plan, to determine the
Award to be made to each Employee selected to participate in the Plan, and to
determine the conditions subject to which Awards will become payable under the

       The Committee shall have full power to administer and interpret the Plan
and to adopt such rules and regulations consistent with the terms of the Plan
as the Committee deems necessary or advisable in order to carry out the
provisions of the Plan. Except as otherwise provided in the Plan, the
Committee's interpretation and construction of the Plan and its determination
of any conditions applicable to Performance Share Awards or the reasons for any
terminations of Participants shall be conclusive and binding on all


       In connection with its determination as to the payment of Performance
Shares, the Committee has full discretion to adjust Net Income Per Share or
Stockholders' Equity Per Share to recognize special or nonrecurring situations
or circumstances for the Company, or any other corporation, for any year.

       The Plan shall be unfunded.  Benefits under the Plan shall be paid from
the general assets of the Company.

4.     PARTICIPATION.  Participants in the Plan shall be selected by the
Committee from those Employees who, in the estimation of the Committee, have a
substantial opportunity to influence the long-term profitability of the


       (a)      After appropriate approval of the Plan, and thereafter from
time to time, the Committee shall select Employees to receive Awards in any
year as of the Date of Grant.  Any Employee may be granted more than one Award
under the Plan, but no Employee may be granted, in the aggregate, more than 25%
of the Performance Shares which are the subject of this Plan.  Awards of
Performance Shares hereunder shall not be made unless any such Award is in
compliance with all applicable laws.

       (b)      No Participant shall be entitled to receive any dividends or
dividend equivalents on Performance Shares; with respect to any Performance
Shares, no Participant shall have any voting or any other rights of a Company
stockholder; and no Participant shall have any interest in or right to receive
any shares of Common Stock prior to the time when the Committee determines the
form of payment of Performance Shares pursuant to Section 6.

       (c)      Payment of the Award to any Participant shall be made in
accordance with Section 6 and shall be subject to such conditions for payment
as the Committee may prescribe at the time the Award is made.  The Committee
may prescribe different conditions for different Participants.  Such conditions
may be expressed in terms of the growth in Net Income Per Share during the
Award Period and/or average Return on Average Equity in comparison with other
banks and bank holding companies or on other reasonable bases.  The Committee
may prescribe conditions such that payment of an Award may be made with respect
to a number of shares of Common Stock that is greater than the number of
Performance Shares awarded.  However, the Committee may not provide for payment
of greater than 125% of the number of Performance Shares awarded.

       (d)      Each Award shall be made in writing and shall set forth the
terms and conditions set by the Committee for payment of such Award including,
without limitation, the length of the Award Period and whether there will be an
Interim Period with respect to the Award and if so, the length of the Interim


6.     PAYMENT OF PERFORMANCE SHARE AWARDS.  Each Participant granted an Award
shall be entitled to payment of the Award as of the close of the Award Period
applicable to such Award, but only if and after the Committee has determined
that the conditions for payment of the Award set by the Committee have been
satisfied.  At the time of grant of each Award, the Committee shall decide
whether there will be an Interim Period.  If the Committee determines that
there shall be an Interim Period for the Award to any Participant, each such
Participant granted an Award with an Interim Period shall be entitled to
partial payment on account thereof as of the close of the Interim Period, but
only if and after the Committee has determined that the conditions for partial
payment of the Award set by the Committee have been satisfied.  Performance
Shares paid to a Participant for an Interim Period may be retained by the
Participant and shall not be repaid to the Company, notwithstanding that based
on the conditions set for payment at the end of the Award Period such
Participant would not have been entitled to payment of some or any of his
Award.  Any Performance Shares paid to a Participant for the Interim Period
during an Award Period shall be deducted from the Performance Shares to which
such Participant is entitled at the end of the Award Period.

       Unless otherwise directed by the Committee, payment of Awards shall be
made as promptly as possible by the Company after the determination by the
Committee that payment has been earned.  Unless otherwise directed by the
Committee, all payments of Awards to Participants shall be made partly in
shares of Common Stock and partly in cash, with the cash portion being
approximately equal to the amount of federal, state and local taxes which the
Participant's employer is required to withhold on account of said payment.  The
Committee, in its discretion, may provide for payment of cash and distribution
of shares of Common Stock in such other proportions as the Committee deems
appropriate, except and provided that the Committee must pay in cash an amount
equal to the federal, state and local taxes which the Participant's employer is
required to withhold on account of said payment.  There shall be deducted from
the cash portion of all Awards all taxes to be withheld with respect to such

       For payment of each Award, the number of shares of Common Stock to be
distributed to Participants shall equal the Fair Market Value of the total
Performance Shares determined by the Committee to have been earned by the
Participant, less the portion of the Award that was paid in cash, divided by
the Fair Market Value of a Performance Share.  To the extent that shares of
Common Stock are available in the treasury of the Company on the date payment
is to be made, such shares may be issued in payment of Awards.

7.     DEATH OR DISABILITY.  If, prior to the close of an Award Period, a
Participant's employment terminates by reason of his death or by his total and
permanent disability (as determined under the Company's Pension Plan), payment
of his outstanding Award or Awards shall be made as promptly as possible after
death or the date of the determination of total and permanent disability, and
the number of Performance Shares to be paid shall be computed as follows:
First, determine (based on the conditions set by the Committee for payment of
Awards for the subject Award Period) the number of Performance Shares that
would have been paid if each subject Award Period had ended on the December
31st immediately preceding the date of


death or the date of determination of total and permanent disability.  Then,
multiply each above-determined number by a fraction, the numerator of which is
the number of months during the subject Award Period that the Participant was
an active Employee, and the denominator of which is the number of months in the
Award Period.  This product shall be reduced by any Performance Shares for
which payment has been made with respect to any Interim Period during each
Award Period.  In this instance, the Fair Market Value of the Common Stock
shall be based on the twenty (20) days immediately preceding the date of death
or the date of the determination of total and permanent disability.

8.     RETIREMENT PRIOR TO CLOSE OF AN AWARD PERIOD.  If, prior to the close of
an Award Period, a Participant's employment terminates by reason of his
retirement on or after his normal retirement date (as determined under the
Company's Pension Plan) or prior to his normal retirement date if such
retirement was at the request of his employer, payment of the Participant's
outstanding Award or Awards will be made as promptly as possible after such
retirement and such payment shall be computed in the same manner as in Section
7, using the effective date of retirement in place of the date of death or
determination of total and permanent disability.

9.     TERMINATION UNDER CERTAIN CIRCUMSTANCES.  If, prior to the close of an
Award Period, a Participant's employment terminates by reason of (i) his
retirement prior to his normal retirement date (as determined under the
Company's Pension Plan) and such retirement was at the request of the
Participant and approved in writing by his employer, (ii) the divestiture by
the Company of one or more of its business segments or a significant portion of
the assets of a business segment, or (iii) a significant reduction by the
Company in its salaried work force, the determination of whether such
Participant shall receive payment of his outstanding Award or Awards shall be
within the exclusive discretion of the Committee.  Payment, if any, of his
Award or Awards to such Participant shall be made as of the close of each such
Award Period by multiplying the amount of payment otherwise due under the Award
at that date had the Participant remained employed through such date by a
fraction, the numerator of which is the number of months during the subject
Award Period that the Participant was an active Employee and the denominator of
which is the number of months in the Award Period.

10.    VOLUNTARY TERMINATION OR DISCHARGE.  If, prior to the close of an Award
Period, a Participant's status as an Employee terminates and there is no
payment due under the terms of Sections 7, 8, 9, or 19, all of such
Participant's outstanding Performance Shares shall forthwith and automatically
be cancelled and all rights of the former holder of such cancelled Performance
Shares in respect to such cancelled Performance Shares shall forthwith

11.    LIMITATION ON AWARDS AND PAYMENTS.  The maximum number of Performance
Shares which may be awarded under the Plan shall not exceed an aggregate of
400,000 (except as adjusted in accordance with Section 17); provided, however,
that since January 1, 1996 for the term of the Plan, payments of Awards shall
involve no more than 400,000 shares of Common Stock (similarly adjusted in
accordance with Section 17).  If any Performance Shares awarded under the Plan
are not paid because of death, total and permanent disability, retirement,


voluntary termination, discharge or cancellation or because they lapse when
conditions to their payment are not met, they shall thereupon become available
again for award under the Plan.

12.    TERM OF PLAN.  This Plan shall be effective January 1, 1996 subject to
the approval of this Plan by stockholders of the Company at the Annual Meeting
of Stockholders to be held June 6, 1996 or any adjournment thereof.  The Board
of Directors of the Company may terminate the Plan at any time.  If not sooner
terminated, the Plan will expire on the date on which all of the Performance
Shares subject to award under the Plan have been paid, but no grant of Awards
may be made after December 31, 2005.  Termination or expiration shall not
adversely affect any right or obligation with respect to an Award theretofore

13.    CANCELLATION OF PERFORMANCE SHARES. With the written consent of a
Participant holding Performance Shares granted to him under the Plan, the
Committee may cancel such Performance Shares.  In the event of any such
cancellation, all rights of the former holder of such cancelled Performance
Shares in respect to such cancelled Performance Shares shall forthwith
terminate; and in no such event may such Participant be granted another Award
within twelve months thereafter.

14.    NO ASSIGNMENT OF INTEREST.  The interest of any Participant in the Plan
shall not be assignable, either by voluntary assignment or by operation of law,
and any assignment of such interest, whether voluntary or by operation of law,
shall render the Award void, except that cash or shares of Common Stock payable
under the Plan shall be transferable by testamentary will or by the laws of
descent and distribution.  All shares of Common Stock paid pursuant to this
Plan are to be taken subject to an investment representation by the Participant
or other recipient that any such shares are acquired for investment and not
with a view to distribution and that such shares shall not be transferred or
sold until registered in compliance with the Securities Act of 1933 or unless
an exemption therefrom is available in the opinion of the counsel for the

15.    EMPLOYMENT RIGHTS.  An Award made under the Plan shall not confer any
right on the Participant to continue in the employ of the Company or any
subsidiary or limit in any way the right of his employer to terminate his
employment at any time.

16.    EXPENSES.  The expenses of administering the Plan shall be borne by the

shall at any time issue any shares of Common Stock (i) in a stock split or
other increase of outstanding shares of Common Stock, by reclassification or
otherwise, whereby the par value of shares is reduced, or (ii) in payment of a
stock dividend, the number of Performance Shares which have been awarded but
not paid, the maximum number of Performance Shares which may be awarded under
the Plan, and the maximum number of shares of Common Stock which may be issued
in payment of the Awards (see Section 11) shall be increased proportionately;
and in like manner, in case of any combination of shares of Common Stock, by a
reverse stock split, reclassification or otherwise, the number of Performance
Shares which have been awarded but not paid, the


maximum number of Performance Shares which may be awarded under the Plan, and
the maximum number of shares of Common Stock which may be issued in payment of
the Awards shall be reduced proportionately.

18.    AMENDMENT AND TERMINATION OF THE PLAN.  The Board of Directors of the
Company may amend, suspend or terminate the Plan at any time; provided,
however, that no amendment may, without stockholder approval, increase the
total number of Performance Shares which may be awarded or paid under the Plan
or change the definition of Performance Share.

19.    PLAN TERMINATION.  The Board of Directors may terminate the Plan at any
time in their discretion and in such event no Awards shall be made after the
date of such Plan Termination.

       Plan Termination shall occur automatically and without requirement of
any action by the Board of Directors upon a "Change in Control".  "Change in
Control" means (i) acquisition by any person (within the meaning of Section
13(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (the "Exchange Act")) of
beneficial ownership (within the meaning of Rule 13d-3 under the Exchange Act)
of 20% or more of the Common Stock then outstanding; or (ii) the consummation
of (A) any consolidation or merger of the Company in which the Company is not
the continuing or surviving corporation or pursuant to which shares of the
Common Stock are converted into cash, securities or other property, other than
a merger of the Company in which the holders of Common Stock immediately prior
to the merger have the same proportionate ownership of common stock of the
surviving corporation immediately after the merger as they had in Common Stock
immediately prior to the merger, or (B) any sale, lease, exchange or other
transfer (in one transaction or a series of related transactions) of all, or
substantially all, of the assets of the Company, including, without limitation,
any sale, lease, exchange or other transfer (in one transaction or a series of
related transactions) of all or substantially all, of the assets of the

       Payment of all Awards outstanding at the date of Plan Termination shall
be made as promptly as possible after such date and payment of each such Award
shall be computed in the same manner as in Section 7 using the effective date
of Plan Termination in place of the date of death or the date of the
determination of total and permanent disability, except that the Common Stock
will be priced at Fair Market Value based on the twenty (20) trading days
immediately preceding the date of Plan Termination.

20.    CONSTRUCTION.  The use of the masculine gender herein shall be deemed to
refer to the feminine as well.  All headings are included for convenience of
reference and shall not be deemed a part of this Plan.


                                  EXHIBIT B

                           DEFERRED COMPENSATION PLAN


       Each member of the Board of Directors (the "Board) of Alabama National
BanCorporation (the "Company") who is not an employee of the Company or its
subsidiaries shall be eligible to participate in the Alabama National
BanCorporation Deferred Compensation Plan for Directors Who Are Not Employees
of the Company (the "Plan").  Any member of the Board who elects to participate
in the Plan ("Director") shall thereby defer the receipt of all or any portion
of the annual retainer, meeting and committee fees payable by the Company to
such Director for serving as a member of the Board or one or more of its
committees (the "Deferrable Compensation").


       A Director may elect to defer all or any portion of the Deferrable
Compensation by executing a form prescribed by the Company and delivering such
election form to the Company prior to the first day of the calendar year for
which the election is to be effective or at such other time and subject to such
other conditions as the Company shall determine, provided that any such
election shall be applicable only to Deferrable Compensation with respect to
which the Director, at the time of election, has no current right to receive.
In the calendar year that a Director first becomes eligible to participate in
the Plan, such Director may elect to defer all or any portion of the Deferrable
Compensation, provided that the election form is delivered to the Company
within thirty (30) days after the Director first becomes eligible to
participate in the Plan for such year.  An election made in this manner will be
applicable only to Deferrable Compensation earned after the effective date of
the election.  The amount of Deferrable Compensation deferred shall be paid or
distributed to the Director in accordance with the provisions of Section 5 or
Section 6 hereof.


       The Company shall establish a deferred compensation account (the
"Account") for the Director.  As of the date payments of Deferrable
Compensation otherwise would be made to the Director, the Company shall credit
to the Account, in cash or stock equivalents, or a combination thereof, as
hereinafter provided, that amount of the Deferrable Compensation which the
Director has elected to defer.



       (a)      As of the date payments of Deferrable Compensation otherwise
would be made to the Director, the amount due the Director shall be credited to
the Account either as a cash allotment or as a stock allotment, or a portion to
each, as the Director shall elect.

       (b)      If a cash allotment is elected in whole or in part, the Account
shall be credited with the dollar amount of the allotment.  Interest (at the
rate described below) on the Average Daily Balance (computed as described
below) shall be credited to the Account as of the last day of each calendar
month before and after the termination of the Director's service and after the
Director's death or disability until the total balance in the Account has been
paid out in accordance with the provisions of Section 5 or Section 6 hereof.
The interest rate for each calendar month shall be the 30-Day London Interbank
Offered Rate (LIBOR) plus 75 basis points for the last business day of the
immediately preceding calendar month as reported on the Bloomberg financial
news system.  The "Average Daily Balance" shall be the quotient obtained by
dividing the sum of the closing balance in the Account at the end of each
calendar day in a calendar month by the number of days in such calendar month.

       (c)      (i)    If a stock allotment is elected in whole or in part, the
       Account shall be credited with a stock equivalent that shall be equal to
       the number of full and fractional shares of the Company's Common Stock,
       par value $1.00 per share (the "Common Stock"), that could be purchased
       with the dollar amount of the allotment using the Average Closing Price
       (as defined below) of the Common Stock for the twenty (20) trading days
       ending on the day preceding the date the Account is so credited.  The
       "Average Closing Price" of the Common Stock means the average of the
       daily closing prices for a share of the Common Stock for the applicable
       twenty (20) trading days on the Composite Tape for the New York Stock
       Exchange D Listed Stocks, or, if the Common Stock is not listed on such
       Exchange, on the principal United States securities exchange registered
       under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the "Exchange
       Act"), on which the Common Stock is listed, or, if the Common Stock is
       not listed on any such Exchange, the average of the daily closing bid
       quotations with respect to a share of the Common Stock for such twenty
       (20) trading days on the National Association of Securities Dealers,
       Inc., Automated Quotations Systems or any system then in use, or, if no
       such quotations are available, the fair market value of a share of the
       Common Stock as determined by a majority of the Board.

                (ii)   The Account also shall be credited as of the payment
       date for each dividend on the Common Stock with additional stock
       equivalents computed as follows: The dividend paid, either in cash or
       property (other than Common Stock), upon a share of Common Stock to a
       shareholder of record shall be multiplied by the number of stock
       equivalents in the Account and the product thereof shall be divided by
       the Average Closing Price of the Common Stock for the twenty (20)
       trading days ending on the day preceding the dividend payment date.  In
       the case of dividends payable in property, the


       amount paid shall be based on the fair market value of the property at
       the time of distribution of the dividend, as determined by a majority of
       the Board.

                (iii)   In the event of any change in the Common Stock, upon
       which the stock equivalency hereunder is based, by reason of a merger,
       consolidation, reorganization, recapitalization, stock dividend, stock
       split, combination or exchange of shares, or any other change in
       corporate structure, the number of shares credited to the Account shall
       be adjusted in such manner as a majority of the Board shall determine to
       be fair under the circumstances.


       (a)      Except as otherwise provided in the Plan, at the Director's
election, the balance in the account shall be paid out to the Director
commencing on the date which the Director has specified on his or her election

Except as otherwise provided in the Plan, the balance in the Account shall be
paid either in a lump sum or, at the Director's election, in monthly,
quarterly, semiannual or annual installments, but such installments shall be
payable over a period of years not to exceed ten (10) years (the "Payout
Period").  In order to be effective, an election to change the method and/or
timing of distribution with respect to the Account must be in a form prescribed
by the Company and received by the Company at least six months prior to such
Director's retirement as Director of the Company and prior to the first day of
the calendar year in which payments (i) are to begin pursuant to such election
and (ii) would have begun absent such election.  The amount of each installment
shall be determined as of the first day of the period in which payment is to be
made by dividing the then balance in the Account by the then remaining number
of payment dates in the Payout Period.  The lump sum or first periodic
installment shall be paid by the Company as promptly as is convenient, but not
more than sixty (60) days following the date specified by the Director.

       (b)      Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 5(a), in the event
the Director ceases to hold office as a member of the Board, other than after a
Change in Control (as defined in Section 6(a) below) or due to such Director's
retirement from the Board, prior to distribution of the entire balance in the
Director's Account, the balance in the Account shall be payable in a lump sum.

       (c)      In the event of the death of a Director prior to distribution
of the entire balance in the Director's Account, the balance in the Account
shall be payable in a lump sum to

                (i)    the surviving beneficiary (or surviving beneficiaries in
       such proportions as) the Director may have designated by notice in
       writing to the Company unrevoked by a later notice in writing to the
       Company or, in the absence of an unrevoked notice,


                (ii)   the beneficiary (or beneficiaries in such proportions
       as) the Director may have designated by will or, if no beneficiary is

                (iii)  the legal representative of the Director's estate.

       In the event a Director becomes disabled, the payment commencement date
and/or payment schedule with respect to a balance in a Director's Account may
be accelerated by the Board (or its designee) in its sole discretion.

       (d)      The provisions of the Plan shall apply to and be binding upon
the beneficiaries, distributees and personal representatives and any other
successors in interest of the Director.

       (e)      Distribution of the cash in the Account shall be made in cash.
Distribution of stock equivalents in the Account shall be made in whole shares
of the Company's Common Stock; fractional shares shall be paid in cash in an
amount equal to the number of fractional shares multiplied by the Average
Closing Price of the Common stock for the twenty (20) trading days ending on
the day preceding the date of distribution.

       (f)      The Company shall deduct from all distributions hereunder any
taxes required to be withheld by the Federal or any State or local government.


       (a)      "Change in Control" means: (i) acquisition by any person
(within the meaning of Section 13(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934
(the "Exchange Act")) of beneficial ownership (within the meaning of Rule 13d-3
under the Exchange Act) of 20% or more of the Common Stock then outstanding; or
(ii) the consummation of (A) any consolidation or merger of the Company in
which the Company is not the continuing or surviving corporation or pursuant to
which shares of the Common Stock are converted into cash, securities or other
property, other than a merger of the Company in which the holders of Common
Stock immediately prior to the merger have the same proportionate ownership of
common stock of the surviving corporation immediately after the merger as they
had in Common Stock immediately prior to the merger, or (B) any sale, lease,
exchange or other transfer (in one transaction or a series of related
transactions) of all, or substantially all, of the assets of the Company,
including, without limitation, any sale, lease, exchange or other transfer (in
one transaction or a series of related transactions) of all or substantially
all, of the assets of the Company.

       (b)      Notwithstanding any other provisions of the Plan, if a Change
in Control occurs and at any time after or in connection with the occurrence of
such Change in Control either of the following events occurs:

                (i)    the Directors ceases to hold office as a member of the


                (ii)   the Plan is terminated; or

                (iii)  The Company's capital structure is change materially;

then the balance in the Account shall be payable in a lump sum to the Director
as soon as practicable after January 1 of the following calendar year unless
such Director completes a new election form prior to the end of the current
calendar year, determining the method and timing of election, provided, that,
no such election shall cause a distribution to occur earlier than the calendar
year following such election.  If payment is payable in a lump sum, such
payment shall be made by the Company as promptly as practicable, but not more
than thirty (30) days following the date on which the right to such payment

       (c)      Distribution shall be in accordance with Sections 5(b), 5(c)
and 5(e), above, except that distribution of stock equivalents in the Account
shall be made in cash in an amount equal to the number of stock equivalents to
be distributed multiplied by the greater of  (i) the Average Closing Price of
the Common Stock for the twenty (20) trading days ending on the day preceding
the date on which the right to such distribution arose; (ii) the Average
Closing Price of the Common Stock for the twenty (20) trading days ending on
the day preceding the date of the Change in Control; or (iii) the highest price
per share of Common Stock in the transaction or series of transactions
constituting the Change in Control.

       (d)      The Company shall promptly reimburse the Director for all legal
fees and expenses reasonably incurred in successfully seeking to obtain or
enforce any right or benefit provided under this Section 6.

       (e)      This Section 6 may not be amended or modified after the
occurrence of a Change in Control.


       (a)      Except as provided in 6(b) above, the election to defer
Deferrable Compensation, including, but not limited to, the allocation of the
amount deferred between the cash allotment or the stock allotment portion of
the Account, or a combination thereof, shall be irrevocable as to amounts
earned following the time when the election is made and shall remain
irrevocable until a new election form reflecting a change or revocation with
respect to amounts earned in a subsequent time period is delivered to the
Company not later than ten (10) days preceding the first day of the calendar
month to which such change or revocation is applicable.

       (b)      Neither the Director nor any other person shall have any
interest in any fund or in any specific asset of the Company by reason of
amounts credited to the Account of a Director hereunder, nor the right to
exercise any of the rights or privileges of a shareholder with respect to any
stock equivalents credited to the Account, nor the right to receive any
distribution under the Plan except as and to the extent expressly provided for
in the Plan. Distributions hereunder


shall be made from the general funds of the Company, and the rights of the
Director shall be those of an unsecured general creditor of the Company.

       (c)      The interest of the Director under the Plan shall not be
assignable by the Director or the Director's beneficiary or legal
representative, either by voluntary assignment or by operation of law, and any
assignment of such interest, whether voluntary or by operation of law, shall be
ineffective to transfer the Director's interest; provided, however, that (i)
the Director may designate a beneficiary to receive any benefit payable under
the Plan upon death, and (ii) the legal representative of the Director's estate
may assign the Director's interest under the Plan to the persons entitled to
any benefit payable under the Plan upon the Director's death.

       (d)      Except as provided in Section 6 hereof, the Company may amend,
modify, terminate or discontinue the Plan at any time; provided, however, that
no such action shall reduce the amounts credited to the Account of the Director
immediately prior to such action, nor change the time, method or manner of
distribution of such amount, including, without limitation, distribution in
accordance with Section 6 hereof.

       (e)      Nothing contained herein shall impose any obligation on the
Company to continue the tenure of the Director beyond the term for which such
Director may have been elected or shall prevent the removal of such Director.

       (f)      This Plan shall be interpreted by and all questions arising in
connection therewith shall be determined by a majority of the Board, whose
interpretation or determination, where made in good faith, shall be conclusive
and binding.

       (g)      If any amounts deferred pursuant to the Plan are found in a
"determination" (within the meaning of Section 1313(a) of the Internal Revenue
Code of 1986, as amended) to have been includible in gross income by a Director
prior to payment of such amounts from his Director's Account, such amounts
shall be immediately paid to such director, notwithstanding his elections
pursuant to Section 2 hereof.

                                                                       EXHIBIT C

                                REVOCABLE PROXY
                            1927 FIRST AVENUE NORTH
                           BIRMINGHAM, ALABAMA 35203
   The undersigned, being a Stockholder of ANB, hereby appoints G. Ruffner Page,
Jr. and William V. Muse, Ph.D., and each of them, as Proxies, each with the
power to appoint his substitute, and hereby authorizes them, or any of them, to
represent the undersigned at the Annual Meeting and thereat to act with respect
to all votes that the undersigned would be entitled to cast, if then personally
present, on the following matters in accordance with the following instructions:
1. To consider and vote upon proposed amendments to the Certificate of
   Incorporation of ANB that will eliminate the classification of the Board of
   Directors so that all directors will serve until the next annual meeting of
   the stockholders and that will eliminate the requirement for a super majority
   vote to remove a director and approve certain amendments to ANB's Certificate
   of Incorporation and Bylaws; and
             / / FOR             / / AGAINST             / / ABSTAIN
2. If the proposed Amendment to the Certificate of Incorporation is approved by
   the stockholders, to elect 13 directors to serve on the ANB Board of
   Directors until the next annual meeting and their successors are duly elected
   and qualified, if not so approved, then to elect two (2) directors of ANB to
   serve for one (1) year terms, two (2) directors of ANB to serve for two (2)
   year terms, and five (5) directors of ANB to serve for three (3) year terms,
   or in each case until their successors are duly elected and qualified; and
   James R. Andrews, M.D.; T. Morris Hackney; John H. Holcomb, III; John D.
   Johns; C. Phillip McWane; Drayton Nebers, Jr.; Victor E. Nichol, Jr.; G.
   Ruffner Page, Jr.; W. Stencil Starnes; William V. Muse, Ph.D.; Frank W.
   Whitehead, CPA; James Mailon Kent, Jr.; and Ronald W. Orso, M.D.
3. To consider and act upon a proposal to approve the adoption of the Alabama
National BanCorporation Stock Performance Plan ("Stock Performance Plan"); and
             / / FOR             / / AGAINST             / / ABSTAIN
4. To consider and act upon a proposal to approve the adoption of the Alabama
   National BanCorporation Deferred Compensation Plan For Directors Who Are Not
   Employees Of The Company ("Deferred Compensation Plan"); and
             / / FOR             / / AGAINST             / / ABSTAIN
5. To transact such other business as may properly come before the Annual
Meeting or any adjournment thereof.
   The undersigned acknowledges that the Annual Meeting may be postponed or
adjourned to a date subsequent to the date set forth above, and intends that
this Proxy shall be effective at the Annual Meeting after such postponement(s)
or adjournment(s). This Proxy is revocable, and the undersigned may revoke it at
any time by delivery of written notice of such revocation to ANB, or its agent,
AmSouth Bank, prior to the date of the Annual Meeting, or by attendance at the
Annual Meeting.
This Proxy when properly executed will be voted in the manner directed by the
undersigned. If no direction is made, this Proxy will be voted FOR the Amendment
to the Certificate of Incorporation, FOR all director nominees, FOR the Stock
Performance Plan and FOR the Deferred Compensation Plan.
                                                  PLEASE SIGN EXACTLY AS NAME
                                                  APPEARS BELOW
                                                  Dated:                 , 1996


                                                  NOTE: Please sign exactly as
                                                  name appears above. When
                                                  signing as attorney, executor,
                                                  administrator, trustee or
                                                  guardian, please give full
                                                  title as such. If a
                                                  corporation, please sign in
                                                  full corporation name by
                                                  president or other authorized
                                                  officer. If a partnership,
                                                  please sign in partnership
                                                  name by authorized person.
                               ENCLOSED ENVELOPE.