Exhibit 99.1                                        NEWS RELEASE

Springs Industries, Inc.                            Contact:  Robert E. Slough 
P.O. Box 70                                         Director of Public Relations
Fort Mill, SC 29716                                 Office: 803/547-3738
                                                    Home: 803/366-6646

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                               June 6, 1996

         GRIFFIN, GA.--Springs Industries announced today plans to spend $14.5
million at its Dundee Mills facilities for new towel weaving, fabricating and
printing technology, and said towel printing and lace and embroidery operations
will be consolidated in Griffin.

         The announcement was made by Crandall C. Bowles,  president of 
Springs' Bath Fashions Group.

         "The investment we will make in 1996 is the largest single-year
capital project in the history of towel operations in Griffin and will
significantly improve our ability to serve our customers," Bowles said.  "It
signals a strong Springs commitment to towels, to our towel division associates
and to the Griffin community."

         Springs said the Dadeville, Alabama, plant will be sold because its
fabrics do not fit the company's traditional product lines.  If it cannot be
sold during the next two months, the plant will close and its associates given
severance pay based on length of service.  Dadeville Plant employs about 125
people and manufactures fabrics which are sold to converters.

         Bowles said the project in Griffin will include new looms at two towel
weaving plants and new screen print machines, fabrication equipment and an
automated packing and materials handling system at Lowell Bleachery.

         As printing and specialty fabrication are consolidated in Griffin, the
company will phase out operations at two small plants--a sewing plant in
Manchester, Georgia, and a towel printing plant in Newnan, Georgia.  The two
plants employ 95 people who will be offered employment in Griffin as their jobs
are phased out.   Griffin is within commuting distance of the two facilities.

         At present, towels woven, finished and sewn in Griffin are being sent
to Manchester for embroidering or Newnan for printing and then shipped back to
the company's distribution center in Griffin.  Moving these operations to
Griffin will bring about greater efficiencies and allow the Bath Group to be
more responsive to customers, Bowles said.

         Springs said plans call for specialty sewing to move to Griffin over
the next 60 days and towel printing to move to Griffin in the fourth quarter.
