1 EXHIBIT 10.8 01386-001 1997 Government Contract AWARD/CONTRACT 1. This Contract is a Rated Order Under DPAS (15 CFR 350) Rating: DOC9 Page 1 of 7 Pages 2. Contract (Proc. Inst. Ident.) No. SP0100-97-D-0326 3. Effective Date: 15 April 1997 4. Requisition/Purchase Request/Project No. Various 5. Issued By Code SPO100 Defense Personnel Support Center ATTN: DPSC-FRFA-1 2800 S. 20th Street Philadelphia, PA 19145 6. Administered By (if other than Item 5) Code S1103A DCMC Atlanta 805 Walker Street Marietta, GA 30060-2789 7. Name and Address of Contractor (No., street, city, county, State and Zip Code) McRae Industries, Inc. P. O. Box 726 Highway 109 North Mt. Gilead, NC 27306 8. Delivery: FOB Origin _____ Other (See below: X Destination 9. Discount for Prompt Payment: N/A 10. Submit Invoices (4 copies unless otherwise specified) to the Address Shown in Item 12 2 Code 3A059 Facility Code 11. Ship to/Mark For Code SEE SCHEDULE 12. Payment Will Be Made By Code SC102A/SC0100 DFAS-CO/Southeast Division and DFAS-CO-SEM INDIVIDUAL DELIVERY ORDERS WILL REFLECT APPLICABLE PAYMENT OFFICE 13. Authority for Using Other Than Full and Open Competition: X 10 USC 2304(c)(3) ___ ___ 41 USC 253(c)( ) 14. Accounting and Appropriation Data TG: 97X4930.5CTO 01 26.0 S33150 15A. Item No. 15B. Supplies/Services: For Information Relative to This Contract, Contact Mary Beth Naimoli, DPSC-FRFA-1, 215-737-3067 Facsimile: 215-737-7429 15C. Quantity See Page 2 for Information 15D. Unit 15E. Unit Price 15F. Amount 15G Total Amount of Contract $14,748,049.04 Est. Base Term MA * Includes PWR Dollars 16. Table of Contents Part 1 - The Schedule A. Solicitation/Contract Form B. Supplies or Services and Prices/Cost C. Description/Specs./Work Statement 2 3 D. Packaging and Marking E. Inspection and Acceptance F. Deliveries or Performance G. Contract Administration Data H. Special Contract Requirements Part II - Contract Clauses I. Contract Clauses Part III - List of Documents, Exhibits and Other Attach. J. List of Attachments Part IV - Representations and Instructions K. Representations, Certifications and Other Statements of Offerors L. Instrs., Conds., and Notices to Offerors M. Evaluation Factors for Award CONTRACTING OFFICER WILL COMPLETE ITEM 17 OR 18 AS APPLICABLE 17. ____ CONTRACTOR'S NEGOTIATED AGREEMENT (Contractor is required to sign this document and return _____ copies to issuing office.) Contractor agrees to furnish and deliver all items or perform all the services set forth or stated herein. The rights and obligations of the parties to this contract shall be subject to and governed by the following documents; (a) this award/contract, (b) the solicitation, if any, and (c) such provisions, representations, certifications, and specifications, as are attached or incorporated by reference herein. (Attachments are listed herein.) 18. X AWARD (Contractor is not required to sign this document.) Your _____ offer on Solicitation Number SP0100-96-R-0001, Amendments 0001 through 0004 and letters dated 2/7, 3/19, and 3/31/97 and contractor's response thereto including the additions or changes made by you which additions or changes are set forth in full above, is hereby accepted as to the items listed above and on any continuation sheets. This award consummates the contract which consists of the following documents: (a) the Government's solicitation and your offer, and (b) this award/contract. No further contractual document is necessary. 19A Name and Title of Signer (Type or print) 3 4 19B. Name of Contractor By: ---------------------------------------- (Signature of person authorized to sign) 19C. Date Signed 20A. Name of Contracting Officer Teresa Scheetz 20B. United States of America By: /s/ TERESA SCHEETZ ---------------------------------------- (Signature of Contracting Officer) 20C. Date Signed 4-15-97 BASE TERM 20% ================================================================================ 0001 BOOT, HOT WEATHER, BLACK - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUANTITY TOTAL UNIT TOTAL $ VALUE PRICE - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MINIMUM 45,381 $53.9548* $2,448,522.7788 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MAXIMUM 68,072 $53.9548* $3,672,811.1456 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * MFG U/P: $50.6585 + DISTR U/P: $3.2963 = TOTAL U/P - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0002 BOOT, DESERT, TAN - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUANTITY TOTAL UNIT TOTAL $ VALUE PRICE - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MINIMUM 11,973 $54.2416* $649,434.6768 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MAXIMUM 17,960 $54.2416* $974,179.136 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * MFG U/P: $50.9453 + DISTR U/P: $3.2963 = TOTAL U/P - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0003 BOOT, COMBAT, MILDEW & WATER RESISTANT - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUANTITY TOTAL UNIT TOTAL $ VALUE PRICE - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MINIMUM 83,290 $64.0805* $5,337,264.845 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 5 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MAXIMUM 124,935 $64.0805* $8,005,897.2675 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * MFG U/P: $60.7842 + DISTR U/P: $3.2963 = TOTAL U/P - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0004 PWR BOOT, DESERT TAN - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUANTITY U/P TOTAL $ VALUE - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MECHANICSBURG 30,568 $51.0753 $1,561,269.7704 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TRACY 9,174 $51.5153 $ 472,601.3622 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RICHMOND 1,200 $51.0753 $ 61,290.36 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL PWR QTY/$VAL: 40,942 $2,095,161.4926 ================================================================================ As indicated above, each offeror provided a Manufacturing Unit Price and a Distribution Unit Price which equated to the Total Unit Price. This was necessary due to the Vendor Enhanced Storage and Transportation concept being utilized hereunder. Delivery Order 0001, when issued, will represent the Vendor Enhanced Storage Quantity that is to be manufactured and placed in storage in accordance with the solicitation terms. Delivery Order 0001 will be billed and paid at the manufacturing unit price only. As the contract nears completion, a delivery order(s) will be issued and the contractor will be instructed where to ship this two month inventory. At that time, contractor will bill and be paid at the distribution unit price. Each delivery order will cite the applicable unit price at which the contractor will invoice. The effective period of this contract is from the effective date of award through 364 days thereafter. In accordance with Clause 52.217-9P12, Option for Indefinite Delivery, Indefinite Quantity Contract Term Extension, the Government may extend the term of this contract for four additional one year periods. See Clause 52.217-9P12 for full text. The following minimum/maximum quantities apply during the option terms: MINIMUM MAXIMUM ------- ------- BOOT, HOT WEATHER, BLACK 185,314 340,358 BOOT, DESERT, TAN 59,866 89,798 BOOT, COMBAT 374,856 624,672 In accordance with Clause 52.216-9P23, Placement of Delivery Orders Against Multiple Indefinite Delivery/Indefinite Quantity Contract, prior to invocation of option, an evaluation will be performed to determine which contractors get what percentage of the requirements (35/25/20/20%) during the option ordering term. The option term prices are hereby 5 6 incorporated by reference as contained in contractor's best and final offer dated March 31, 1997. As stated on the solicitation, while each of the three boots cited contains established minimum/maximum quantity per item, the Government reserves the right to change the minimum/maximum quantity per item demands dictate; however, in no event will the change exceed the combined maximum quantity of 1,054,828 pr. In accordance with Clause 52.219-9, Small Business and Small Disadvantaged Business Subcontracting Plan dated 9 April 1997 is hereby incorporated by reference and made a part of this contract. Variation in Quantity: 0% Increase/0% Decrease. The following table outlines the effective baseline leather cost and baseline unit cost of leather applicable to the Economic Price Adjustment - Labor and Materials, Clause 52.216-4: ================================================================================ BOOT, HOT WEATHER, BLACK: - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BASELINE USAGE BASELINE UNIT COMPONENT LEATHER COST FACTOR COST OF LEATHER - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UPPER, HEAVY $2.62 3.5 $9.17 WT - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INSOLE $3.90 .62 $2.418 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOT, DESERT TAN: - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BASELINE USAGE BASELINE UNIT COMPONENT LEATHER COST FACTOR COST OF LEATHER - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UPPER, LIGHT $2.40 .62 $1.488 WT - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UPPER, HEAVY $2.48 2.8 $6.944 WT - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INSOLE $3.90 .62 $2.418 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOT, COMBAT: - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UPPER, HEAVY $3.10 4.9 $15.19 WT - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GUSSET $2.05 1.7 $3.485 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COLLAR $2.25 .35 $.7877 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INSOLE $3.90 .62 $2.418 ================================================================================ 6 7 Adjustments under the EPA Clause of this contract will be made as specified therein using the above amounts as the initial baseline. PAYMENT TO BE MADE TO: THE FIDELITY BANK P. O. BOX 68 MT. GILEAD, NC 27306 NAME AND LOCATION OF PLANTS: MCRAE INDS INC INSPECT, MARK AND TRIM 50% TO 100% HWY 109 NORTH LEATHER & FABRIC MT GILEAD NC 27306 CUT LEATHER & FABRIC 50% TO 100% CEMENT, MARK, SKIVE 50% TO 100% & INSPECT CUT PARTS PREFIT, FIT & STITCH 50% TO 100% LEATHER & FABRIC LAST, VULCANIZE & 100% RUBBER MILLING FOB POINT FOR GFP (FOOTWEAR LASTS) AMERICAN WEST INSPECT, MARK AND TRIM 0% TO 50% TRADING LEATHER & FABRIC 100 HILLCREST ST CUT LEATHER & FABRIC 0% TO 50% DRESDEN TN 38225 CEMENT, MARK SKIVE 0% TO 50% & INSPECT CUT PARTS PREFIT, FIT & STITCH 0% TO 50% LEATHER & FABRIC AMERICAN WEST INSPECT, MARK AND TRIM 0% TO 50% TRADING LEATHER & FABRIC 601 E RAILROAD ST CUT LEATHER & FABRIC 0% TO 50% WAVERLY TN 37185 CEMENT, MARK SKIVE 0% TO 50% & INSPECT CUT PARTS PREFIT, FIT & STITCH 0% TO 50% LEATHER & FABRIC 7 8 MCRAE INDS FINISHING 100% RAE CRAFT APPAREL FINAL INSPECTION 100% HWY 24/27 PACKING 100% MT GILEAD NC 27306 SHIPPING 100% INSPECTION AND SHIPPING POINT: MCRAE INDS INC, RAE CRAFT APPAREL HWY 24/27 MT GILEAD NC 27306 IN ACCORDANCE WITH CLAUSE 52.246-9P44, THE FOLLOWING HAVE BEEN APPROVED AS QUALIFIED LABORATORIES: LABORATORY COMPONENT COMPONENT SOURCE VOLUNTEER LEATHER CO UPPER LEATHER VOLUNTEER LEATHER CO 2008 KEFAUVER DR AND STE 652, POB 731 MILAN TN 38358 GUSSET LEATHER NASHVILLE TN 37202 ADMINISTRATION FOR ABOVE: DCMC BIRMINGHAM BURGER PHILLIPS CTR 1910 3RD AVE N, RM 201 BIRMINGHAM AL 35302-3502 S.B. FOOT TANNING CO. UPPER LEATHER S.B. FOOT TANNING CO BENCH STREET BENCH STREET RED WING MN 55066 RED WING MN 55066 ADMINISTRATION FOR ABOVE: DCMC TWIN CITIES 3001 METRO DR BLOOMINGTON MN 55425-1573 WELLCO/RO-SEARCH OUTSOLE RUBBER MC RAE INDS, INC 150 WESTWOOD CIRCLE POB 726, HWY 109 N. WAYNESVILLE NC 28786 MT GILEAD NC 27306 ADMINISTRATION FOR ABOVE: DCMC ATLANTA MC RAE INDS INC END ITEM MC RAE INDS, INC POB 726, HWY 109 N. POB 726, HWY 109 N. MT. GILEAD NC 27306 MT GILEAD NC 27306 ADMINISTRATION FOR ABOVE: DCMC ATLANTA 8 9 ALL OTHER COMPONENTS SHALL REQUIRE SUPPLIER CERTIFICATION OF CONFORMANCE ONLY. ANY CHANGES TO THE SUPPLIERS OF THE ABOVE COMPONENTS UNDER THIS CONTRACT MUST BE APPROVED, IN WRITING, BY THE CONTRACTING OFFICER. [X] 52.242-9P13 RESPONSIBILITY FOR ADMINISTRATION AND INSPECTION (JAN 1992) DPSC (a) CORRESPONDENCE: All pertinent correspondence relative to this contract/order shall be directed to the administering office set forth on Page 1 of this contract/order. Contractor requests for deviations from, or waiver of, specification requirements shall be submitted to the assigned Quality Assurance Representative (QAR). [ ] (b) PROPERTY ADMINISTRATION (1) Where Government Furnished Material (GFM) is being provided under the Clothing and Textile Bailment System (DPSC Clause 52.245-9P03), the responsibility for Property Administration is assigned to the administering office designated on Page 1 of this contract/order. The responsibility for maintenance of the Government's official property records is retained by the Defense Personnel Support Center (DPSC), ATTN: DPSC-FOOM. (2) Where Government Loaned Property (GLP) is being provided (DPSC Clause 52.245-9P02), the responsibility for property administration is retained by the Defense Personnel Support Center, ATTN: DPSC-_______. (3) Where Government Furnished Property (GFP), other than that cited in paragraphs (1) and (2) above, is being provided, the responsibility for property administration is assigned to the administering office designated on Page 1 of this contract/order. [ ] (c) INSPECTION: Inspection shall be accomplished by the administering office at the contractor's place of performance unless otherwise indicated below: INSPECTION OFFICE (If other than administering office): AMERICAN WEST TRADING CO, DRESDEN TN DCMC BIRMINGHAM AMERICAN WEST TRADING CO, WAVERLY TN DCMC BIRMINGHAM INSPECTION POINT (If other than place of performance): If a Government QAR has not been assigned by the time inspection service is needed, notify the cognizant inspection office. [ ] (d) INSPECTION INSTRUCTIONS: The supplies shall be inspected for compliance with packaging, packing, marking and quantity requirements only. At the discretion of the QAR, the contractor's test records (protocol) shall also be reviewed to determine compliance with requirements. 9 10 [X] (e) ADVANCE NOTIFICATION: Pursuant to FAR Clause 52.246-2, Inspection of Supplies Fixed-Price, the Government hereby requests advance notification that supplies are ready for Government inspection. The contractor shall telephonically notify the Government QAR at the office indicated in para (c) above seven working days prior to the date supplies are ready for inspection. [ ] (f) SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS ON CoCs: The term "Contract Administration Office" as it is used in FAR Clause 52.246.15, Certificate of Conformance (CoC), shall be interpreted as the Food and Drug Administration office cited in para (c) above. This interpretation applies only to FAR Clause 52.246-15 and shall not apply to any administrative function performed by the office designated on Page 1, of this contract/order. [ ] 252.247-7024 NOTIFICATION OF TRANSPORTATION OF SUPPLIES BY SEA (DEC 1991) DFARS (a) The Contractor has indicated by the response to the solicitation provision, Representation of Extent of Transportation of Supplies by Sea, that it did not anticipate transporting by sea any supplies. If, however, after the award of this contract, the Contractor learns that supplies, as defined in the Transportation of Supplies by Sea clause of this contract, will be transported by sea, the Contractor -- (1) Shall notify the Contracting Officer of that fact; and (2) Hereby agrees to comply with all the terms and conditions of the Transportation of Supplies by Sea clause of this contract. (b) The Contractor shall include this clause, including this paragraph (b), revised as necessary to reflect the relationship of the contracting parties, in all subcontracts hereunder. [X] 52.242.9814 MANUFACTURING DIRECTIVE NUMBER (JAN 1992) DPSC (a) Manufacturing Directive Number (MDN) MDL Identifies this award for Government-Furnished Property (GFP) Transactions and shall be cited on all requests for GFP. Appropriate cross-reference between this number and contract numbers shall be maintained to identify GFP shipments. (b) When the contractor receives or returns GFP, the MDN will appear in Card Columns 54-56 (Distribution) of the shipping document (DD Form 1348-1, DOD Single Line Item Release/Receipt Document) or be reflected on the Bill of Lading Worksheet Document which accompanies shipments of shoe lasts. [ ] 52.242-9P15 PAYMENT (JAN 1992) DPSC For each items shipped, the contractor shall annotate the shipping documents and invoices with the number of holders in the shipment and the total net weight of the thread contained on the holders. Where manufacturing processes beyond the contractor's control result in the total net weight of the thread exceeding __________________ ounces (if more 10 11 than one item, see * below) times the number of holders contained in the shipment, the following formula for payment shall apply: Total Net Weight X Unit Price Per Holder *____________ Ounces per Unit 11